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That's what friends are for.



a part of That's what friends are for., by RawkFist.


RawkFist holds sovereignty over London, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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London is a part of That's what friends are for..

8 Characters Here

Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell [26] "I don't like to feel I don't."
Lilia Montgomery [24] "You know my name, not my story."
Cosmo Manhattan [23] "Tomorrow is a myth."
Jordan Fitz [19] "I have a past, so what? Doesn't everybody?".
Kathryn Lockwood [19] "I just sort of follow my bliss, so to speak, and then I see where that takes me".
Jamie White [16] "I guess I could tag along.. Probably".
Pandora Janousek [14] I'll race you!
Takeshi 'Teddy' Ade [1] "The party starts when Teddy arrives!".

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Lilia walked into any random room that was empty; she decided that since it was the last one at the far end of the corridor, no one would want it, hence why she gently dropped her bag onto the bed causing it to bounce. Opening her bag which only consisted of a few things really, she suddenly became aware of the fact that her new roommate had already entered the room.
Her eyes fell upon the dark haired male as she turned her body slightly so she could see him more clearly. Before she could speak, he had already started the conversation. "My name's Cosmo, by the way. But you can call me Cos." She nodded which triggered a load of her blonde hair to fall onto her face, sighing gently; she tugged her hair towards one side and blew on the few strands which were left.

Just so you know, I thought you'd be a good roommate. You seem like a more laid back person, and kind of quiet. I like quiet." Tilting her head, she looked up at him as she was slightly on the smaller side. Quiet, I see, well, I suppose I cannot really disagree She thought to herself, the corners of her lips perking up into a tiny smile. It seemed that he rebutted himself a lot, or so she assumed. "Not that you have to be quiet... I just mean that you don't seem too intrusive, is all. With that being said, if there's anything you want to know, just ask. And by all means, let me know if I start to annoy you." He started laughing at himself before adding more to the conversation, "I'm assuming you heard Jordan's announcement?"

She rolled her eyes playfully, “House parties, I thought I ran away from those.” But she had to admit, it would be a good start for everyone to get to know each other better, as she settled down on her bed, taking out a few hard back novels, some being big books on Astronomy while others being long classic novels. Oh, I almost forgot, Lilia, though some call my Lils, I don’t have a preference really, it’s a pleasure to meet you Cosmo. She had always called people by their full name, a small thing of hers; after all, she found that full names were more likely to be better than nicknames. She then blinked in realization at his name, “A cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system...” She said aloud by her utter annoyance, she really had to stop saying her thoughts aloud. Transfering the novels from her lap to the bedside table, she spoke again, her voice slightly louder this time than usual. “I am quiet, though some might just think of me as discreet in some ways, or cautious, I’m not exactly a social butterfly I suppose...” She shrugged.


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Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan
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"House parties, I thought I ran away from those." Cos sits, watching as his new roommate speaks softly. Grabbing her bag, she starts taking out a few things, and Cos' notices a few books on Astronomy. He smiles a little to himself. Well that's kind of interesting, he thinks as she continues. "Oh, I almost forgot, Lilia, though some call me Lils. I don't have a preference, really. It's a pleasure to meet you, Cosmo." Cosmo starts to say that it is a pleasure for him, as well, when she adds quickly, "A cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system..." Her voice trails off slightly, then stops. Gathering the books together and setting them on the table, she speaks again, in a slightly louder voice. "I am quiet, though some might just think of me as discreet in some ways, or cautious, I'm not exactly a social butterfly I suppose." She shrugs.

There is silence for a minute or so, as the two continue unpacking their things and going about their own personal business. Eventually, Cos stands up and walks over to the window, looking out. The streets are almost empty, all of the people having gone home to be with family or friends or perhaps just alone. For a minute, Cosmo thinks about all of these people, and how they each have their own little world and how vastly different that world must be from his. Then he thinks about Lilia, and how she, also, has her own little world that is vastly different than his. And so does everyone else in this house, he continues thinking.

Then, suddenly, perhaps to simply stop himself from thinking, he speaks, keeping his eyes focused out the window, "The origins of my name are anything but orderly, or harmonious. To be honest, the way by which I received my name is lined with entropy." He pauses, shooting Lilia a quick look. She continues tending to her belongings, but she's listening. Turning to look out of the window again, Cos continues. "I didn't know my mother. My birth mother, that is. She died giving birth to me. But, they say that with her last breath, she uttered the word 'Cosmo,' and so... that's what they named me." He shakes his head slightly. "Everyone's pretty much in agreement that she said it randomly, as the medical records indicate she was on several drugs when she went into labor - the fact that I was born healthy came as a bit of a surprise. Still," he pauses. "I like to believe that she said it because that's what she saw... an orderly and harmonious system; a cosmos. I like to believe she saw something beautiful before she died."

As he finishes, Cosmo turns from the window and walks back to his bed. He grabs his bag off the floor and plucks a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from inside and slides them in his pocket. "I'm going to go have a smoke," he says, starting towards the door. He stops short, placing his hands on the door frame, and adds, "I'm not sure about you, but I've always found it easier to be comfortable when I know something about someone and they know nothing about me. So... hopefully that'll help."

Flashing a smile, Cosmo leaves the room and heads down the hallway. He searches for the back door and finds it rather quickly. Opening it, he heads outside. Once out, he retrieves the pack of cigarettes and lighter from his pocket and plucks a cigarette from the pack. Tossing it between his lips he lights it and inhales deeply, as he takes a seat on the grass. Lying down on his back, he tucks his arms under his head and releases a cloud of smoke upwards into the sky.


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Lilia sat there in silence while she unpacked, she didn’t exactly mind the quiet nor complained however she knew that she had the tendency to feel slightly awkward after a while and so was about to strike up a conversation when Cosmo began to start speaking, standing near the window as he looked out of it.

"The origins of my name are anything but orderly, or harmonious. To be honest, the way by which I received my name is lined with entropy." He pauses before carrying on, and even though she isn’t looking at him, she still listens without making a noise since she was still unpacking. A fairly small notebook comes out with tiny extricate details at the front cover obviously made by her. "I didn't know my mother. My birth mother, that is. She died giving birth to me. But, they say that with her last breath, she uttered the word 'Cosmo,' and so... that's what they named me." She looked upwards to take a quick glimpse at him before slowly looking back down again at the content of her bag; the only things remaining were just clothing and such. By assuming he specified about the woman being his ‘birth mother’ she thought that perhaps he may have a foster or adoptive mother. "Everyone's pretty much in agreement that she said it randomly, as the medical records indicate she was on several drugs when she went into labour - the fact that I was born healthy came as a bit of a surprise. Still," He paused again, though this time she felt it was quite a big one, as if he was thinking before speaking. "I like to believe that she said it because that's what she saw... an orderly and harmonious system; a cosmos. I like to believe she saw something beautiful before she died."

She thought simply to herself about what he had just told her before speaking, “If you believe so, then that is all that matters, science doesn’t prove nor show everything and it does certainly not read your mothers mind at the time...” As she trailed off, she wondered if she had said the right thing or if it was best to just keep her mouth closed.

Finally finishing with her unpacking, she pushed the suitcase gently down onto the ground and noticed that Cosmo had taken out some cigarettes, "I'm going to go have a smoke," Nodding, she stood up herself, walking over to the window that Cosmo was standing beforehand. "I'm not sure about you, but I've always found it easier to be comfortable when I know something about someone and they know nothing about me. So... hopefully that'll help." Lilia looked behind her at him and gave a small smile, ”Well, I’m sure I can tell you a bit more of myself once you have finished.” She told him, after all, she didn’t have anything to hide...that much anyway.

As he flashed her a smile, she watched him walk away, then she returned her gaze back outside, sighing gently as she saw the empty streets and tall buildings, something quite alien to her.


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Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Jamie had successfully unpacked whatever crap she'd managed to unpack before she was so harshly kicked from her home, and still there were free drawers and odd spaces to be filled. She figured she'd just build up her inventory over the space of her stay at Kathryn's home. She still didn't know how long she was going to be living at the house. She had nowhere to go, so she would have to arrange something at some point, but not now. She shoved that thought further back in her mind, and decided to focus on more current events.

"House party tonight! Prepare yourselves!" screamed Jordan from out in the hallway, his voice muffled through the thick wood of the door. Jamie shook her head, forcing herself to stand up. She walked over to the door and locked it from the inside, soon followed by a small, frustrated sigh. Then a thought crossed her mind; what about Panda? But she soon passed that thought off. If Panda wanted to get inside, she could knock. There was no way she was attending that party, not that night of all nights. She was tired, and in need of some decent rest, to regain her health.

Jamie dropped backwards, landing on the soft covers of her new bed. What a beautiful feeling. She was so comfortable at that moment, that it took her merely seconds to fall fast asleep, gripping onto her own arms like they were stopping her from falling off a cliff.


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Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Lyfe found himself staring blankly at the ceiling as he usually did when he couldn't think about anything else to do. His eyes drifted to the window, seeing the graying skies and the floating clouds that seemed to swim by slowly. He could feel the air caress the exposed skin, where his wife-beater rode up at his waist. His disheveled hair was covering his empty eyes, so he push it up and ran it through his long fingers. He looked like he had just finished shagging. Lyfe sat up and pushing himself off of the bed. He was bored and he was use to it, but that did not mean that he liked it. He actually preferred being around people. He didn't like to talk to them, but he was fond of the way they interacted with one another.

Lyfe exited his bedroom, pulling down his shirt and scratching his muscled arms. He moved through the hallway and into the living room, where Jordan and Kat still sat. He yawned and stared at them with droopy, yet vacant eyes. "I'm bored," he said plainly. "So, a party, huh? I'll get the booze, if someone goes with me. Someone else will need to get the snacks and other stuff." He raised his eyebrow, which was the closest thing to an expression as he was going to get. When he said 'other stuff' he meant drugs and whatnot.


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Lilia stared at the streets before stretching and turning away, she would most certainly need to get out of this place for some fresh air or at least a walk around. Perhaps she could even somehow avoid the party, but she knew it was for her to get to know everyone so of course wouldn’t miss it. Even if it meant having to bear with alcohol and loud music. Grabbing her professional camera, she hung it around her neck; she might as well take some photos.

Stepping out of the room, she took a quick glance back to check everything was where it should be, a small habit of hers. Without any more time to waste, she strolled down the stairs to the main living room, humming gently to herself. It was then that she realized that Kathryn and Jordan were still downstairs, probably organizing the party. She wondered how quickly they could prepare it and thought that she should offer so help. Walking inside the room, she smiled gently towards them and from the corner of her eyes saw the Lyfe was stood there too.

“I’m going out for a quick walk, but while I’m out, do you want me to buy anything for the party?”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Jordan figured he'd got his message across, since everyone must've heard him shouting about the house party to come. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder, before hearing "Should be fun" from Cosmo, who then proceeded past him and towards the room that Lilia had chosen. "It will be fun. I will make it fun," he replied, pointing a finger at Cosmo and he entered his room. Lyfe then exited in silence, which was quite strange to Jordan. Never before had he made friends with anyone who was so silent and emotionless, which was why Lyfe wasn't particularly his favourite out of the group.

Kathryn stepped out into the hallway and stood next to Jordan, "Looks like it's just us for a bit," she mumbled, "Might aswell start organising the event". She grabbed the scruff of his shirt and dragged him into the living room, causing him to he reply with a small groan. He loved parties, but not Kathryn's whole 'let's plan!' thing. He didn't see why she couldn't just get some alcohol and dance around a bit. Knowing her, she was most likely going to get out the Twister and force everyone to play until they passed out. Fun.

They both took a seat next to eachother on the sofa, and began to discuss where they were going to get the supplies from. "Don't you have some sort of secret liquor cabinet that your dad always used to use when your parents would visit?" asked Jordan out of pure curiosity, to which she nodded. It was then that Lyfe's voice broke through their thoughts; "I'm bored," he said, "So, a party, huh? I'll get the booze, if someone goes with me. Someone else will need to get the snacks and other stuff".

Kathryn smiled, "Thanks, but we have the majority of the drinks sorted, although you're always free to get more if you would like. We have plenty of snacks here. Oh, and drugs," she said. Jordan stood up and took out his wallet, taking out quite a few notes. He passed him the £200. "Get as much as you can for this amount. Again, you're always free to get extra, but it'll cost you your own money".

Jordan noticed that Lilia had also entered the room, so he sat back down. "I’m going out for a quick walk, but while I’m out, do you want me to buy anything for the party?” she asked. Kathryn and Jordan both shook their heads simultaneously. "Nope, everything is pretty much sorted. Apart from the music, but Kat's got that sorted".



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Lyfe grabbed the money without a word and stuffed it into his pocket. He then turned his head to face Lilia, "I was on my way out anyway. I'll come with you." He went bad to his room, grabbed his ratty hoodie and pulled it over his head. He was out of the room in less than a minute. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Lyfe returned to the living room. He glanced at Kat then ran his hand through his messy hair. "Any specific requests? Or do you want the standard house party shit, like spliff and whatnot? I'll asked the others," he then walked towards the stairs and lifted his hand, framing his mouth with his hands.

"I'm going on a pharmaceutical run," Lyfe called throughout the house. "If you want anything special, you can either tell me now or come with me! If I can't afford it then you're screwed." That was the loudest that he's ever been, it was a one time thing. He turned back to his friends. "What time are you planning on having this party anyway?" He asked blandly as he waited for everyone else's order.


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Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Pandora Janousek
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#, as written by Rinuh
"Yo, Lyfe." Panda calls as she digs in her bag. "I've got you covered on the weed." She pulls out a small baggie. "It's good quality, I promise you." She laughs. "But you should pick me up a bottle of UV Blue and we'll call it even all right?" She smiles up at him. She knew this was a good idea. Agreeing to stay here was going to be the best decision she has ever made.


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Cosmo could hear Lyfe yelling through the house as he came back in from smoking a cigarette. "I'm going on a pharmaceutical run, if you want anything special, you can either tell me now or come with me! If I can't afford it, then you're screwed."

And then he heard Pandora reply, "Yo, Lyfe, I've got you covered on the weed."

Cosmo entered the living room and took a seat on the couch. "I've got some weed, as well, friends. It's with my stuff, but I'll go grab it here in a minute or so. Though," he pauses for a second, off in thought. "It probably wouldn't hurt to get some more. I have so money, if you want to pick it up, Lyfe. Or I can; I do know at least one guy around here. Doesn't matter either way to me."


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Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Pandora Janousek
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Lyfe glanced at Pandora then at Cosmo. He shrugged and muttered under his breath about how he wished he had bought his own money. He sighed-which he seemed to be doing a lot of lately-as he rubbed his face. "Okay, UV Blue on the list, Cosmo, I was going to get more than spliff anyway. I know a guy. If you want to join, then join, I'll need more places to hide the stuff anyway, so I'll take all the pockets that I can get." He held his hand out to Cosmo for the money. "I'll be buying the drinks first, then I'll meet up with my dealer. I'll warn you that it's a pretty distant walk. If you're still interested in coming, then let's go. I want to get this over with so I could get drunk." His tone was it's usual monotone bluntness, but his need for a drink was slowly increasing, so it had a bit of an edge to it. He placed one hand into his pocket and waited for the money. "There is a bottle of gray goose with my name on it."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Jamie awoke from her slumber, slowly lifting her head up as she heard Lyfe yelling about drugs. The party was getting more and more appealing to her now, even more so because she had a secret stash hidden away in her father's house. It was a risky job, but she needed the content of that stash, if it was going to be any sort of fun for her. Hesitantly, she got up, fixed her hair, unlocked the door and ran downstairs.

She entered the living room. "I have some stuff," she said, "but I'll need an extra pair of hands for.. y'know, protection". She figured everyone else had their own stuff to sort, but Jordan she could take. She knew he didn't even enjoy planning parties, so he would be the most likely to accompany her. "Jordan, you're up". She gestured for him to follow her as she exited the building.

Jamie began to walk in the direction of her father's house, her hands hidden within her pockets and her head tilted towards the floor.


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Lilia looked at the group, as Kathryn and Jordan shook their heads, she took a step back. "Nope, everything is pretty much sorted. Apart from the music, but Kat's got that sorted".

”Okay, sounds like it’s going to be fun.” She gave them a smile. As she was about to go, Lyfe had spoken, "I was on my way out anyway. I'll come with you." Nodding slightly, she walked out of the room so she now stood besides the steps, leaning against the frame, she waited for him. She wondered if she was a weirdo for not exactly...taking any drugs before. It’s not that she was a goody-two shoes, she was just didn’t really have a purpose for taking anything nor truly cared. Sure, alcohol was something more up her alley, but even then it wasn’t crazy enough for her to get drunk. Well, almost, she had been drunk once, and it was something she’d never want to go through again. “I’m such a slutty crazy drunk.” She thought to herself, her cheeks going a slight tinge of pink from the memory.

Almost going back to a daze, she didn’t realize Lyfe was now downstairs until he had shouted towards the others.
"I'm going on a pharmaceutical run,"
If you want anything special, you can either tell me now or come with me! If I can't afford it then you're screwed."

She blinked, how much drugs could they possibly be wanting? Shrugging, as to say to herself to not care, she sighed gently and returned her gaze back to Kathryn. "What time are you planning on having this party anyway?"
Lilia could hear the others order, Pandora being first "Yo, Lyfe, I've got you covered on the weed." Then Cosmo replied, "I've got some weed, as well, friends. It's with my stuff, but I'll go grab it here in a minute or so. Though," "It probably wouldn't hurt to get some more.”

Right, she would totally be the odd one out. A small part of her wanting to roll her eyes, of course, it was something so predictable, it was one of the reasons you ran away wasn’t it? She quietly waited for Lyfe to finish up so they could go, but she had to admit, the party did seem much more better than she first had intended it would be.


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Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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"Okay, UV Blue on the list, Cosmo, I was going to get more than spliff anyway. I know a guy. If you want to join, then join, I'll need more places to hide the stuff anyway, so I'll take all the pockets that I can get." He held his hand out to Cosmo for the money. "I'll be buying the drinks first, then I'll meet up with my dealer. I'll warn you that it's a pretty distant walk. If you're still interested in coming, then let's go. I want to get this over with so I could get drunk."

"Sure, I don't mind a walk. And I've got pockets." Cosmo replies to Lyfe, as he hands him a few bills. "I'll be right back."

Cosmo exits the room quickly, heading to his bedroom. Grabbing his bag, he fishes around and grabs packet of papers and a small bag of marijuana. Plucking one of the papers out, he tosses the packet back on the bed, as he spreads some green over the paper. Twisting it between his fingers, he licks it and seals it shut. He tucks it behind his ear before walking back to the living room.

He tosses the bag of weed on the couch. "It's some good shit, I promise. Mix it in with what Pandora has if you want. Or whatever. Just doing my part." He flashes a playful smile towards no one in particular; being slightly fond of parties, especially when he's in the mood to have a good time - a mood that he current found himself in - Cosmo was simply excited.

Turning to Lyfe, he says. "Ready whenever you are, man."


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Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan
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"Fine," Lyfe said finally, making his way to the exit. He kept his hands in his pockets, feeling the money against his fingertips as he passed Lilia. He gave her a look that practically said 'I'm ready to go.' He turned the corner with the knowledge that Cosmo and Lilia were trailing behind him. His lips were in a thin line while his feet moved nonchalantly against the pavement.

His mind was, however, in a frenzy. Oh, how he craved for a bottle of Gin to wash away his burning thoughts. Perhaps, his therapist was right...maybe he needed to take the time to let people in. He felt different when he was around others, well others that didn't grate at his nerves. Being around people made him feel less...him and more--he couldn't even think of the words. He didn't understand why he liked being around people, but he did, and he never showed it. He kept his head down as he walked, not saying a word, not a looking back, but hearing the footfalls of the people behind him and that sound was enough to make him feel a bit of something that he wasn't use to feeling: relief.


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Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan
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"Fine," Lyfe said before walking, rather determined looking, out of the room. With a quick wave, Cosmo followed the young man, with Lilia following behind. As they made they way down the stairs and started on the sidewalk, Lyfe stayed a few steps ahead of the other two. He struck Cosmo as a bit eccentric, but in an odd way. Not that this bothered him in the least, nor did he think of it judgmentally, simply as an observation.

As they continued to walk, Cos reached behind his ear, retrieving the joint he stashed there before they left. He placed it between his lips and lit it, inhaling rather deeply. He takes a couple quick hits, before holding it between his fingers and asking, "Would either you of fine people like a hit?"


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Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan
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"Fine," Lyfe said finally, making his way to the exit. Lilia took this as a sign that they were all ready to go, but just in case she hadn’t of realized; he gave her a look that basically said ‘I’m ready.’

She dug her fingers into her pockets, savouring the warmth before heading outside. London was cold, though her town was cold too, just not this freezing. It was more because of the wind that was simply icy and so caused her body to release the warmth quickly. Even though Lyfe stayed ahead of both Cosmo and herself, she kept the distance between them, just in case he didn’t like it. Though she was good normally at reading people, they were still those few who she failed to make any connections with. Perhaps Lyfe just liked keeping his distant or liked not giving his emotions away, it all made sense; she was practically a stranger in some sorts.

From the corner of her eye she could see Cosmo; he himself seemed pretty friendly, though from the earlier conversation seemed to be pretty open. She wondered if she should just tell him about herself, after all, didn’t he say it was easier? Well, if he had any questions, Lilia knew she’d answer them; after all, it wasn’t like she had anything to hide. Not a lot at least.
She could see him move, reaching behind his ear. Before long he smoked the joint, seeming to relish it. He spoke soon afterwards, "Would either you of fine people like a hit?" Shaking her head kindly at the offer, she gave him a small smile before returned her gaze back at the in front, or in this case, the back of Lyfe’s head.


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Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan
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Lyfe gave Cosmo an empty look from over his shoulder before shaking his head and continuing his stride. He wanted to wait until he was drunk to take a hit. For some strange reason, when Lyfe smoked before drinking he had a tendency to go through a process that he didn't really want to go through.

Lyfe's High Process

Stage 1. Hunger: Although, this is common for most spliff users, Lyfe is different. He will not stop eating until he either throws up or gets a stomach ache. He will eat anyone out of house and home without regrets.

Stage 2. Excessive Talking: Lyfe won't shut up. His stoic silent persona melts away and he will talk about the most random subjects from the history of spoons to why his face feels funny. It's strange sight...

Stage 3: Strange Smiling: Yes, Lyfe does smile, but only when under the influence. His grin is so wide that it's a wonder how it fits his face. It's actually pretty adorable.

Stage 4: Idiotic Laughing: Lyfe will laugh at things that aren't even funny. For example, he will look at the moon and chuckle because it reminds him of Lays chips.

Stage 5: Bluntness and Vulgar Behavior: Lyfe is already a rather blunt man, but when he is high, there is no limit to how far be will go. He will also become very vulgar with his language and on occasion will feel the urge to touch things like hair, skin, etc.

Stage 6: Unpredictable: Lyfe acts before asking questions. He does what he feels like doing at the moment; be it streaking or stealing the neighbors dog.

It's true that Lyfe actually develops a fun-loving personality when smoking, but he hates the aftermath. He hates that just because he was being social for one night people think that he is going to be like that forever. It gives others false hope. He only drinks while smoking because it makes him sleepy and that prevents stage 2 and so on from happening.

It didn't take long for the group to finally arrive at King's, a liquor store. He walked it, hearing the ding of the bell on the door.

"Sup, Snow," the cashier smiled as Lyfe walked past him. Lyfe just nodded in acknowledgment before making his way to the back of the store to get his drink. He skimmed the array of choices. He rubbed his chin in thought, UV Blue...UV Blue...


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan
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Both Lilia and Lyfe shook their heads when Cosmo offered them his joint. He shrugged, taking another hit himself. He let the smoke flow smoothly out of his lips as they walked, in silence. Their footsteps the only noise, save for the noises of the city, itself. Cos snuffed the joint - which was about half way done - and placed it in his pocket as they walked in the liquor store.

"Sup, Snow," he could hear the cashier call as they entered. Lyfe simply nodded and kept walking. Cosmo went down an aisle by himself, perusing the selection of alcoholic beverages. He hummed to himself lightly as he walked slowly down the aisle, looking for what he wanted.

"Aha!" he exclaimed, grabbing a bottle of Jameson. "It's not a party without whiskey."

Holding the bottle by the neck, he walked jovially over to Lilia. "He's quite the conversationalist," he said, tilting his head in Lyfe's direction. "Fancy anything in particular?" He shifted his attention to the assortment of beverages as he asked the question playfully.