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Spade/Eliot Von Deur

"I'm surprised you've lasted this long."

0 · 176 views · located in The Abyss

a character in “The Abyss of Madness”, as played by ใ‘ใ„-ใกใ‚ƒใ‚“



Name: Spade/Eliot Von Deur
Age: Unknown
Gender: Appears to be a male
Race: Doll
Personality: Eliot, when he was a human, used to be very shy. He couldn't make any friends (but one) because of it, and couldn't look anyone in the eyes or speak to them without stuttering. When he fell into the Abyss, his personality became what Kyo created it to be, a default setting of him being kind and caring until he was either asked to do something, or had a change of mind where he would still slaughter and 'betray' with a smile on his face.
Bio: Eliot was a foreigner from England. His mother and father got divorced one day, his father deciding to keep the mansion he stayed in, while his mother moved away. He had to go to his own new school and had to make new friends, which was very difficult for him because of his personality around new people. In fact, he didn't make any friends but one girl who was leaving for college the next year. Because of this, he grew very attached to this young woman and almost never left his side in school, sometimes even outside. But he went into a large depressed after realizing she grew very ill and could no longer stay with him in school. Eliot remained friendless again, and never talked or met anymore people. One day, his class, too, was dragged into the Abyss by Kyo. But he didn't care. He felt his life was worthless anyways which is how he made a contract with Kyo. This is when he willingly became a doll and changed almost completely. Eliot disappeared, and was renamed as Spade. His personality changed as well, and was set to a strange default, almost like Kyo. From there on, he'd always have a mind of his own, and toy around with the humans, lying just as Kyo did, and killing just as Ace did.
Other: Eliot has no ties to anyone in the Abyss. Because he is a doll, he's not sure what he thinks of other people, but he works with Ace and Kyo most of the times if he gains something out of it. But he's always willing to break his deal with them if he wants.

So begins...

Spade/Eliot Von Deur's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Hikari Norimoto Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani Character Portrait: Ace/Vadeline Konam
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Vadeline raced on foot, no longer feeling the pain she'd feel when running as a human. She was already used to it, and could probably run for ever, maybe resulting in her bleeding or even breaking a bone, but it was possible as she was no longer a human and could feel very little pain now, "Where are you...." She asked silently, looking out for Hikari. At the moment, she wanted to find the woman first, before the humans, or both if possible. In her eyes, Hikari was like a rival, also trying to find the humans like she and Kyo was. Although Vadeline was supposed to go after the humans like what Kyo told her to, she followed Hikari's trail first, smelling out the track like an animal would, "Neh neh, Kitty, where do you think they went?" She asked in her usual high pitched voice, "I want to find them soon... I can't let her have them first..."

Kyo, unlike Vadeline, was moving in the shadows of the Abyss, not literally, but almost. There were the brighter sides of the Abyss, only looking like the moon's dim light, and then dark which was just completely darkness. Of course, seeing how he almost lived his whole entire life down there, he adapted to the shadows and learned to see in the darkness rather than in the light like any regular human being, 'Ah... They ran far...' He thought to himself, an emotionless expression across his face, 'Very far... Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let them loose?' He tapped his finger onto his chin and thought before letting out a bit of an insane laugh as it echoed throughout the Abyss, "Well, that's alright. This class is more fun than the others~"

Ine heard a malicious chuckle burst behind her, not knowing if it was very far from where she stood, or close, but she kept her mouth shut, and quiet. Her breath decreased to nothing but a fraction of the small currents of air in the dense Abyss. She was shaking rapidly and she heard more voices behind here. These she recognized, being Yousuke's, and Nanako's, and someone else's.... Holding her hand over her mouth, she peered at them from behind the wall, and saw someone different from the two, and immediately thought that this wasn't going to end up very well. She ducked behind again, wanting to do something, but it wasn't as if she could, so for the mean time, she just kept quiet and watched over them, the same voice saying in her head, 'Stay silent...'

A little further from the group of humans and the one demon stood another person, a young boy looking around his young teen years. He wore clothing you may have been able to see in England far back into the past, and his hair was the messiest black anyone could, and would have seen. He then called out, "Hikari~ I see you've caught the humans, yes?" He asked, a small smile on his face though he was really smirking on the inside. Spade never really knew Hikari very well, but then again, he never knew anyone very well, but he always enjoyed watching everyone's moves since they were always unpredictable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Hikari Norimoto Character Portrait: Spade/Eliot Von Deur
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Someone said her name. Her first name. "I see you've caught the humans, yes?" Her eyes widened and she whirled to face it, drawing her pistol and cocking it, a steely look on her face.
"They're mine." She kicked them behind her, not allowing them to move away. "You have ten seconds to start explaining who you are." She took a step forward. It was a man that looked to be around the age of Nanako, or younger. He had shockingly blue eyes that gleamed beneath his black hair which was rather messy, but that wasn't uncommon in the Abyss. Without a name on him she couldn't tell if he was anyone important, or if he was just a wandering being.
Something about him seemed disarming, yet at the same time, he screamed danger. It was different from when she'd seen Kyo or Ace. Kyo was dark and cunning, a fox. Ace was wickedly insane, and insanely wicked. This man looked to be kind, his voice seemed gentle and inquiring. Yet he seemed to also be threatening. He was most likely insane as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Hikari Norimoto Character Portrait: Spade/Eliot Von Deur
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The siblings listened intently, exchanging glances every once in awhile. Yousuke was still weary of being around this demon of a girl and Nanako just felt out of place. The elder could practically feel the stress in her grip, knowing she could probably sense his as well. When they reached the top of the stairs, the two looked around at their surroundings. Yousuke was the first to realize that Hikari had pulled out some bandages from the drawer. He raised an eyebrow when she suddenly spoke. He wasn't prepared to answer, so it took him a minute or two before constructing is answer.

"Because she is dear to me." He murmured quietly, flinching as the wounds were dressed. "Don't worry, I understand what you mean." His brow was furrowed because if the stings of the wounds. He just realized how much they stang now. He also realized that he had already released Nanako's hand, letting her wander around a bit. "Hikari~! I see you've caught the humans, yes?"

His eyes danced around as he searched for his sister. She was a in front of them, staring at the strange newcomer. Thankfully, Hikari managed to get them behind her in time. He glared at the boy, keeping his curious sister away from what insanity may lie within him. He couldn't risk her getting hurt. "Yousuke..?" He heard her mumble, "What's wrong..?"

Ignoring her pleas to know what was going on, he hid her behind him, blocking her sight of the boy. Hopefully blocking his sight on her. "Norimoto, what should we do...?" He asked,his voice above a whisper yet still audible for Hikari to hear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Hikari Norimoto Character Portrait: Spade/Eliot Von Deur
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"Oh don't worry." Spade laughed a bit, silently, acting a bit gentleman like by covering his mouth with his white glove, "I'm not here to take your prey. I was originally supposed to, following you-know-who's orders, but I decided it's time I changed a few things." He smiled, still having that same dark tone in his voice, but not being so kind or too dark. His intentions, just like Kyo, were almost always unknown. Spade then bowed formally, and saying, "My name is Spade, formally known as Eliot Von Duer. Pleasure to meet you, Hikari Norimoto, and if I may ask, who may you two be? I don't recall a new class being brought here in quite a while." He said, also giving a formal bow to both of the humans. For some reason, he gave off a vibe that was natural, like any other human, and yet he seemed very malicious in many more ways than just one.

(Kyo and Vadeline are still searching and Ine is still hiding and spectating!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Hikari Norimoto Character Portrait: Spade/Eliot Von Deur
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Hikari looked warily at the newcomer and took a small step back to reply to Yousuke, "This changes nothing, understood? Do not trust him, and do not let her near him." She tilted her head slightly, staring back at the strange boy as she spoke for the humans, "The pleasure is mine, Spade, and this is Yousuke and Nanako, they are of a class that a mutual acquaintance of ours has set after. This will come off as rude, but I think it's about time we start moving again." She motioned for the two to get up quickly, still not ready to trust the...being, in front of them. As she picked up the unused bandages and put them into the girl's hands, she asked, "Eliot, is it? Should I trust you to help us get out of here, or at least act as a neutral party?" Hopefully he wouldn't prove to be another enemy. She already was having to deal with avoiding Kyo and Ace while finding a certain urchin that lurked about in the Abyss.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Hikari Norimoto Character Portrait: Spade/Eliot Von Deur
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Yousuke simply nodded, still keeping his sister behind him. By the looks of the guy, he certainly was here for them. Way before them. "Nanako. What ever he says, or asks, Do not, I repeat, do not go alone with him." He whispered, "In fact, don't even leave my side." Nanako frowned, stepping out from behind him when Hikari handed her the bandages. "But.. he looks harmless.." She muttered to herself, returning to Yousuke's wounds to dress. She simply dressed a few in the small time they were given, helping Yousuke to stand steadily. He quietly said his thanks before he returned his gaze to Norimoto. All they had to do was watch and await for further commands.