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Loki Laufeyjarson

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a character in “The College of the Gods”, as played by Zensai


Name: Loki Laufeyjarson
What are you God or Goddess of?: Fire, Chaos, Mischief ((Some consider him to be the god of lying, magic, thievery, and deceit as well))
Where are you from (Like region of Myth and your home): Norse (Viking) Asgard
Gender: Male
Age(18-24): looks twenty one
Powers: Fire, transformation, illusions, magic. (With his staff a blast of energy)
Past (Either Comic Version or Myth version or a blend of both): He is a small frost giant, who tricked his way into being a god and blood brother of Odin, who treated him more like a son than a blood brother, since his own parents were dead he did not mind to terribly. Soon he forgot that he was born a frost Giant though the other gods looked at him with distrust. He and Thor went on many adventuresā€¦ but Loki was always over shadowed by Thor and soon grew to despise him. He soon remembered who he really was after a battle with the frost giants where he did not get turned to ice like some of the others. He became distant from the gods and from Thor and Odin, he never was evil per seā€¦ but chaotic, though he did trick Hod into killing his own twin Baldur by throwing a mistletoe at him and did make all the gods angry at the last feast. So much so that he was tied up by his sonsā€™ entrails while a snake dripped poison on his head, causing him to writhe in pain. He was only supposed to be released when Ragnarok begins. He knows that it has not begun yet because his son Fenrir is still chained up. He is curious as to why he is on earth, though he fears it maybe more punishment for him.
Weapons:Image(Yes it is from the Avengers I liked the weapon. It can be a staff or a short scepter as pictured)
Description/ Picture:Image
(Link to another picture of him) ... engers.jpg
Personality: Arrogant, cocky, wants to be in the spotlight, bit of a diva
Fears: Being bound again and having venom dripped on him once more
Likes: Mischief, chaos, winning, being out of Thors shadow.
Dislikes: Being looked down upon, not being ruler, losing, Thor, mortals to an extent, thunderstorms and lighting (Not for what they are but because of what they usually harbor.)
Symbol: Onyx, his rune

So begins...

Loki Laufeyjarson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya Harp Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Nyx Character Portrait: Adrasteia Nicolaou Character Portrait: Dionysus
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#, as written by Zensai
Modern Earth, the age of science has replaced the age of Gods and Magic. They all have disproven everything about them. People have gone to the so called home of the Greek Gods and foundā€¦ nothingā€¦ No grand palaces or anything else. The Gods places of worship have all but crumbled away. Some have been stolen from and some broken into and vandalized.

The mortals have forgotten about them and explained away everything about them.

But they have not thought of one simple possibilityā€¦Maybe the Gods have movedā€¦ or have their own dimension. The Gods have never met the other gods of a different culture, aside from the Roman and Greek, but that is because they are one and the sameā€¦Each realm feels like one would expect from each culture.

Asgard is surrounded by an impregnable wall and is one of the Nine worlds, inhabited by the Aesir, the race of Warrior Gods. It is located at the highest point of their universe and has the Rainbow Bridge connecting their world to Earth. They also have Valhalla the place were slain warriors wait for the final battle, Ragnarok. The realm of their Elves Alfheim and Svartalfheim is also there as well as Vanaheim the home of Vanir, it is a glorious if a bit cold. Also there is the realm of frost giants they are constantly battling. As well as Helheim, their underworld which Hel, Lokisā€™ daughter resides and is protected by Garm, Hel's enormous dog-guard, lives in the cave Gnipahellir. He is an eight-foot-tall black hound with glowing eyes. It is important not to underestimate Garm. While he may act like a big dog - vicious and dangerous or friendly depending on who you are - it's an act. There is as much intelligence in Garm as in any other of Helheim's guards. He is a Jotun who is always in dog-form, but he is no dumb beast. Garm seems to be on a general patrol around the borders of Helheim, meaning that he could be anywhere at any point.

Mount Olympus is the abode of the chief god Zeus. Also, the foremost gods of the Greek pantheon have their palaces at the summit. It is here that the gods assemble to consume nectar and ambrosia, the substances which reinforces their immortality. The top of the Olympus, which is covered in snow and hidden in the clouds, reaches all the way into the aether. It is the highest mountain of Greece and lies on the border of Macedonia and Thessaly, yet though mortals have been to the top they have never seen the realm. And why would they? The Gods have hidden it from their mortal eyes. Also of course is the Domain of Hades, which is surrounded nine times by the River Styx, where Hades resides.

Each God in each realm have seen the flow of time on Earth and seen it change, but never seeing the other realms of the other gods.

Until now.

Ten Gods, including a few Goddesses, have been cast out of their realm by someone, though they do not know who. Some of the Gods and Goddesses are the righteous; some are the outcasts among the godsā€¦ They each have their weapons on them and have been assigned lodges at a college. They do not know how they have come to Earth or who these others are, though a few they recognize from their own realm. For the first time in history The Asgardians will meet the Olympians, and many other types of Gods.

Thrown into this mix are four mortals, two men and two women, who are going to the school as well. They know not who these ones are or the powers they possess, but they soon willā€¦

The Gods have a common goal, though some are more reluctant about it than others, get back to their own realm, but to do that they need helpā€¦ from the mortals. But will the mortals help? Or will they try to kill the gods, for on Earth there may be a weapon that can kill them. Though only Mortals may wield it.


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Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson
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#, as written by Zensai
Loki Laufeyjarson, god of fire, chaos, mischief, and to some, lying, thievery, magic and deceitā€¦ was in his usual spot at the very edge of Asgard and the world of Giants, a fitting place for him, tied up in his sonā€™s entrails as a snake dripped venom on his head making him cringe in pain, only a few times has he not been hereā€¦ He wished it would stop! Even a brief reprise would be welcomedā€¦ but no this was his punishment. His punishment for tricking Hod into killing his twin brother Baldur, the god of light and truth, with a mistletoe at the festival to calm Baldurs nerves, to prove that all the beings on the Earth had promised not to hurt him. All except the Mistletoe, ā€œIt is not my fault Frigga forgot to ask the mistletoeā€¦ she should have known that even if it is small that it would be insulted that she did not askā€¦ā€ he thought to himself as the venom dripped on him making him hiss in pain. He almost called out to his Blood brotherā€¦ and who he once long ago thought of as a father, for help. He bit his tongue before he did. He didnā€™t want nor need his help! After all this has been his fate since he became a God. Who would have thought? A frost giantsā€™ son becoming a god? It was almost laughableā€¦ but here he was, Loki son of the giantess Laufey managed to trick the Gods into becoming one. It was one of his crowning moments.

His others thoughā€¦ well they were always overshadowed by Thor Odinson, Odinsā€™ true sonā€¦ the thought of Thor brought rage to his face. Every time Loki did some good or grand, there he would be stealing his thunder, his glory, by doing something to one up him! He was the one who made Loki remember what he really wasā€¦ not an Aesir like the rest, but a frost giant, one will always be over shadowed by themā€¦ when Loki remembered this he grew cold and distant from the rest of the Gods, seething in his anger. When the event that led to his imprisonment happened, it was the only thing that kept him sane.

Was his rage against Thor justified? Probably not all of it was, but it was the one thing that he used to keep him sane, and yes, even if he was the god of chaos he was and is quite sane.

The venom dripped on him snapping him back into reality. He tried once more to conjure fire so he could break free of his bindings. Yet as expected he could not. ā€œCurse them!ā€ he screamed out. ā€œCurse them all! When Ragnarok comes and I am freed from here I will exact my revenge on them!ā€ he roared out, knowing no one would hear him. He didnā€™t even try to break free, feeling to weak. ā€œHow many years has it been since I was last fed? Not since I insulted everyone at that feast I believe. No Mead has touched my tongue no fruit has passed my lips.ā€ he thought as he counted the seconds as his skin started to heal, yet as usual just as it did heal another drop of venom fell on his head making him close his eyes. ā€œEven having my mouth sewn shut for months was not this horrible.ā€ he muttered with a sigh.

He felt it rather than saw it.

A shift in the power where he was, the ground shook and a flash of light blinded him, for a moment he thought Thor was coming, but no this was different.

When he opened his eyes he tried to sit up, not expecting to be able to do so he was surprised when he accomplished the feat. ā€œWhat in Asgard?ā€ he muttered as he looked around him. He blinked, ā€œI am not in Asgard am I?ā€ he muttered seeing tall buildings made out of glass in the distance. He frowned, ā€œRagnarok has not begun yet, so why have I been freed from my prison?ā€ he asked himself as he started walking. He kicked something and frowned as he picked it up a grin appeared on his face. It was a short scepter like instrument, that was gold and had two blades jutting out of the end, one longer than the other, and nestled in between the blades was a blue crystal. ā€œMy weaponā€¦ oh it has been ages since I last laid eyes on you.ā€ He commented almost cooing as he held it, making it grow into his staff and then he made it shrink as he made it seem to disappear. He turned around as he thought he heard something and gasped in surprise at what he saw reflected back at him.

In an abandoned building window was a pale man with slicked back black hair and green blue eyes. He wore a long green jacket with gold dĆ©cor and a black outfit underneath. He walked closer to it and touched the glass. ā€œIs that me? Do I really look soā€¦ mortal?ā€ he muttered. It had been ages since he had last looked at himself. He frowned as he moved away from it. He saw something glitter beneath his feet and picked it up reading the Norse runes on the thin gold scroll. It read, Loki Laufeyjarson, your presence is required at the building in the center of town. Do not try not to go Trickster God or the consequences will be worse than you could ever imagine. Loki sneered at the note and crumpled it as he tried to summon his flame. To his great surprise he could as he watched his flame burn the scroll and he crushed the flame out as he started walking to the city.

When he reached the building he sneered as he read the words, ā€œI am sent to a place of learning? What mockery is this?ā€ he thought to himself as he found another scroll for him and picked it up as he read the directions on it and again burned the scroll and put it out as the smell of smoke lingered, though considering the room he was in is a stone circular room alit of candles he knew it would be masked.

He walked out of the room and down a hidden path and reached the wall. He took out his scepter and made it grow into a staff as he held it straight out and concentrated as he sent some of his power through it as he made the rune of his name appear on the wall that glowed briefly before vanished as he walked straight through the wall and into what was a familiar sight, or to him it was.

The room was made out of stone and was round, the floor was sawdust and as he looked up he sighed at the seats. ā€œAn arenaā€¦ how quaintā€¦ā€ he muttered to himself as he rested his staff on the ground. He saw a chair made out of Onyx and walked over to it as he sat in it resting his elbow on the arm of the chair and his head in his palm. His legs were spread a bit arrogantly and his mischievous smile was on his face, though that quickly vanished as he noticed that there were nine more chairs, most were elaborate and each seemed to be made out of a different type of stone. ā€œIs this a trial? If so the judges are lateā€¦ā€ he commented. ā€œI would pray to Odin that Thor does not come, but since Odin and I are not on good terms I will opt out of that.ā€ He muttered as held onto his staff.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson
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#, as written by kexia
Aphrodite had been sitting at the edge of a waterfall on Olympus, gazing down through the misty clouds to the mortal realm below. Her son, Aeneas was off fighting another battle, as usual, and she often watched over him, guarding his safety. Another victory. She smiled and stood, turning to head back up the mountain toward her home. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind whipped at her, and she reached out just in time to wrap her small hands around a few of the vines that hung from the floating mount.

"Zeus!" she cried out. But the wind tore at her, sending her swinging back and forth until her hands slipped and she began to fall. The goddess watched as the mortal realm drew nearer, her eyes widening in terror. But the realm shimmered and seemed to change before her eyes. Aeneas was no longer there, walking through the streets in his victory march. It was some cold place, with strange buildings.

As she fell through the clouds, she felt another, softer gust of wind upon her face. The touch of soft, smooth feathers slid beneath her, and a beautiful smile came to her lips as she slid her arms around the goose that had caught her. She leaned her head against the silky feathers and cooed at the bird. "Take me home, my love," she called out to it. But the bird didn't listen. In slow, lazy circles, it continued her descent toward the earth, until suddenly, it flew through a gigantic window into some strange circular building. The creature landed at the top of a staircase that led down to the floor of the arena, but Aphrodite refused to move. "No! Take me home!" she screamed at the goose.

The bird gave a great shake of its body, sending her sprawling to the floor next to it. Letting out a huff, she jumped up and turned to berate the creature, only to watch as it flew back out the way it had come. The woman let out a strangled scream and spun to look around at her surroundings. Her eyes fell on a man down on the bottom floor, seated in one of nine Onyx chairs. Throwing the long waves of her hair back over her shoulder, Aphrodite slowly began to descend toward this man, though her face was still twisted in fury. When she reached the bottom floor, she eyed the man a moment, unsure. How strangely he was dressed. She let out a soft snort and began to make her way toward him, hips swaying with each step she took.

"Who are you then?" she called out as she neared him. "Why have you brought me here?!" she demanded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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Once again, Thor has to remind the giants why they don't live in Asgard.

"Must you challenge me so haphazardly?"

"We are many, and you are but one."

"My strength alone negates your argument."

He had them there, as that's how it's always been. Thor could've killed themā€”all of themā€”on a whim, really, but he never committed genocide. Regardless, the giants still charged him once in a while as a test of their ability.

"Taste my hammer!" With that and one swing of his mighty Mjƶllnir, the god of thunder had already blown back a battalion of frost giants, sending them toppling over one another. Then came a white light, engulfing the battlefield before anything could really break out.

"What is this?!"

And as the light was gone, so was Thor, leaving hundreds of giants dumbfounded and arguing. Many believed they could take Asgard for themselves now, but a sense of logic prevailed.

"If the powerful Thor was taken by the light, then we stand no chance should it come back," one proposed. This came to be the general consensus, and the Jƶtunn retreated to their realm.

Elysia Rymr

Down on Earth, Thor could feel himself being pulled somewhere. He noticed his eyes were closed when he didn't get the feeling anymore, though that was because of the light. Since it'd faded, he decided to open them to a blue sky above.

Midgard? Why am I here? What is the meaning of this? He was in a public place, too, surrounded by people that looked worried. Thor sat up, rather numb. It was extremely rare for him to be numb. He couldn't even speak, his jaw wouldn't listen to his commands. Mjƶllnir seemed to be missing, too. For once, Thor felt rather powerless. A young lady approached Thor, helping him up.

"Are you alright?" He still couldn't speak; unable to vocally answer, Thor simply nodded and mustered up the fight to walk off, trying to get rid of his numbness. He didn't really understand where he was going, or why he felt so weak even without his weapon, but something told him he'd find the answers to his growing number of questions there.

As Thor walked closer to what he believed to be the source of his issues, he was worried more about Mjƶllnir... at least until he found an eyeglass store containing mirrors large enough to see yourself from the outside. He found a girl staring at him in the mirror, and not recognizing her he wondered why. She looked fairly fetching. Five and a half feet, long blonde hair with a red tint. and a long white dress that hung right off her shoulders. The dress was joined by fur sandals and... painted nails? Thor started to wonder why he paid so much attention to the figure in front of him.

"Hello?" he asked, seeing the reflection's mouth move as he spoke in a soft, light tone. It was the girl's voiceā€”no, his. The feeling was finally returning to his skin. "My face... my voice... my attire..." he didn't overreact. Not yet. For now, he simply hurried toward the supposed source faster, clouds gathering above Thor's head as he guessed what the cause was.


Thor could tell who he was approaching, and wanted to beat the answers and a cure out of them as he reached a college's rear entrance. The storm following him had reached a full swing, too, lightning flashing about. In the thunderous blasts, Thor began carrying a large battle-hammer betwixt his hands with an axe-blade in the back. It actually didn't take him long to make a realization this time: Mjƶllnir had changed its state, just as he did, and it answered his vindictive call.

"An educational facility?" Why would the conspirator be in a place of learning? On second thought, it didn't matter. The door was locked anyways, and Thor was in no mood. "Nothing will stop me from maiming the villain behind these walls and attaining my answers." (Not necessarily in that order.) With his second mighty swing of the day, Thor broke through the walls to the interior of a colosseum, shouting in his new voice. (Strangely, it sounded much more frightening than normal.)

"LOKI!" In the dissipating smoke from the crash, unaware of the chairs (and the fact that the facility somehow inconspicuously held an arena) as his eyes were fixed on Odin's brother, the lady Thor demanded, "EXPLAIN YOUR TRICKERY THIS INSTANT!"


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Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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#, as written by Zensai
Loki looked up at the sudden noise as he saw a bird fly off through a window, he paid no heed to the woman on the ground at the moment, noticing that the window seemed to haveā€¦ vanished. ā€œoddā€¦ then again I can do such a thing with easeā€¦ may haps a wizard is here?ā€ he thought to himself as he finally paid heed to the woman who walked over to him as he rested his head on the back of his hand, the way he sat was arrogant. Not one of a ā€˜properā€™ ruler. ā€œWho am I? I should ask you the same question, no Aesirā€¦ or Jƶtunn.ā€ He remarked as his eyes glanced at her, studying herā€¦ not from lust, but from curiosity, ā€œwhat can I gain if I play my cards right?ā€ he thought to himself slyly, his mind always plotting something. ā€œYou are also no judge, for I have heard no judge scream like a strangled cat before.ā€ He chided her as he planted his scepter firmly on the ground in front of him.

He heard the storm as he lookedā€¦ well uncomfortable, he was not overly fond of what storm broughtā€¦ He slowly stood up ignoring the woman as he braced himself for his brother to come. He covered his face as he saw the wall of the arena crumble, the dust swarming over him as he coughed a bit. He heard his name being called by a femaleā€™s voice, as the female came closer to him though he had to say he did not recognize her. ā€œWell it appears I am at a disadvantage. For you see, you know who I amā€¦ but I do not know who you are, worm.ā€ He remarked coldly with an arrogant tilt of his head. ā€œTrickery ooo I am known for that, but of which are you speaking of?ā€ he asked her as he held his hands out from his side only briefly as he took a few steps forward, again noticing that the wall mended itself. He took one last step closer, unafraid as he planted his staff firmly on the ground as he stared this woman down, his eyes icy cold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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#, as written by kexia
Aphrodite blinked, shocked at the gall of this man. To ask who she was before he offered her his own name! And how rude and arrogant he sat there, like he was sitting upon a throne overlooking a peasant in his kingdom. Her cheeks burned red with rage. "Who are Aesir and Joten? I known not of these people!" She put her hands on her hips, watching him study her. She lifted her chin haughtily.

But when the man said that she had screamed like a strangled cat, she took a step forward. "You dare speak to me that way? I will have you know-" She was cut off by the sound and sight of a woman wielding some giant hammer crashing through the wall.

Annoyed by the interruption, Aphrodite stomped forward and stood next to the man, watching the strange interaction between the two. Something was very out of place here. This entire situation was justā€¦ off. And she wanted to know why, exactly. Why had she been brought to this horrible place, and simply left behind? She looked up toward the ceiling, silently growling at Zeus, for surely it was his fault.


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Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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Elysia Rymr

That bastard had the effrontery to claim he did not perform a heinous act only he could have been capable of, and the audacity to call the God of Thunder a worm?!

"Do not dare to play games with me, God of Fools!" Thor's voice thundered, the end of Mjƶllnir's handle against the ground released sparks along the dirt and disappearing rubble, and his eyes blazed in a fury Loki should have been all too familiar with. "Do you not witness the pathetic joke you have played on me, or have you become senile during your imprisonment?! You have but moments to declare to me your reasoning behind my state, and the escape from your prison, or so help me I shall bind you once again!

"The earth below our feet will tremble and quake in a magnitude of which it has never experienced before, as the snake's venom will be boundlessly more potent sinking through your impudent lips! All amongst the nine realms will fear for you, capable of but imagining the snake's fangs resting against your insolent skin!"

Thor understood that this was uncharacteristic of him; to be so descriptive of a punishment to come; to be so readily eager to dish out the punishment... yet he didn't care. He didn't care that there was possibly some power that had released Loki willingly, or that someone else was behind all of this. He didn't care that there was a potential culprit no more than two feet away from him now, quietly snarling at the sky. A sense of tunnel vision had taken over Thor, leaving him concentrating only on the beast that was now annoyingly taller than him. This was undeniably Loki's work, and he was going to pay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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#, as written by Zensai
Loki glared at her, his eyes a fire of hatred at being called a God of Fools, ā€œKnow your place as I know mine.ā€ He threatened them as he saw the sparks coming from the hammer. ā€œnoā€¦it cannot beā€¦ is that Mjƶllnir? What is that doing in the hands ofā€¦ā€ he saw the look in the womansā€™ eyes, one exactly like Thorsā€™, he had been on the end of that glare many of times before, it could not be Thor though could it?

His face twisted into a sneer at the mention of his imprisonment, and the threat placed on him. He remembered the pain and darkness all too well. ā€œyou know not what you are threatening, when Ragnarok comes it will be me who shall claim what is rightfully mine.ā€ He remarked he knew now it was Thor, who else but his dear brother would say such things without thinking of the other options? ā€œAs for your state, dear Odinson, I know naught of what you speak. If you remember I was tied up in my sonsā€™ entrails unable to cast even the simplest of spells, while you frolicked in the nine realms.ā€ He spoke with a shake of his head.

It would not be uncommon for him to lie about his tricks and deceit, after all that was his nature. It would also not be too surprising if he had managed somehow to slip out of his bindings. ā€œHow is the Old fool Odin?ā€ he asked him, mocking Odin to his sons face. He felt the fire rise in him, one of anger and hatredā€¦ he despised Thor with all his being.

Loki glanced again at the unknown woman who was staring at the sky, ā€œand Odinson, have you not thought that may haps I had nothing to do with it? That another did?ā€ he asked in an attempt to deflect the suspicions off of him as he looked around the Arena, informationā€¦ he needed more information. ā€œYou there, wench. Where do you hail from and who are you?ā€ he snippily asked her. He wasā€¦annoyed, that much was for certain, but he was also thinking. Of what? No one but he knew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Adrasteia Nicolaou Character Portrait: Dionysus Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr Character Portrait: Anthony Colombo
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#, as written by kexia

Anthony raised an eyebrow, his quick eyes taking in the two matching tattoos. He idly wondered what the number meant exactly, but he didn't care enough to ask at the moment. His eyes followed where she pointed and he raised an eyebrow. "A therapy pet? What is he, exac-" His words were interrupted by the arrival of another man. He turned to eye the newcomer, his gaze noticing the cats standing around him. He had to hold back the urge to kick one and send it screeching down the hall.

Anthony looked back up at the other guy's face, quickly folding up the sheet of paper he'd been drawing on and sliding it into his back pocket. He waited for Andrasteia's answer, a soft chuckle escaping his lips at her words. "Found the parties early, have you?" he asked, figuring the guy was already so trashed that he had no idea where he was. "You, my friend, are at the finest place of learning in the good ole' US. Don't worry, sometimes I try to forget too."

He ran a hand through his hair, readjusting the pencil behind his ear. "I'm Anthony, and this is And-Adrasteia, I believe." He glanced back to the woman, smiling sheepishly, unsure if he had said her name right or not.



Aphrodite finally finished the string of curses she had been sending to Zeus and brought her eyes back to the odd pair in front of her. She had never been so confused in her life. They were speaking some sort of gibberish; talking about Ragnarok and Odin.. She blinked and shook her head. This goddess did not like being out of the loop.

But when the arrogant man turned to her and called her a wenchā€¦ She lost it. "You DARE speak to me so? I am Aphrodite, dog! I am a goddess of Mount Olympus, and I will not suffer your insolence!" She stepped up and reached out to touch the staff that he held so lovingly in his hand, watching as it began to turn into a simple walking stick. A smug look crossed her face as she watched him observe her powers. Just as it seemed the staff had been completely changed, a giant, white rose bloomed out of the top.

Aphrodite stepped back and crossed her arms, satisfied with her work. Her gaze popped over to the strange woman and her giant hammer, but the woman hadn't seemed to turn her own anger on Aphrodite, so she looked back to the man. "Hmph, no, I suppose you wouldn't have had anything with bringing me here. You clearly are an idiot." Her anger had abated somewhat and switched her weight to her other foot, reaching up to flick her long hair back over her shoulder before putting her hands on her hips and waiting for the man's response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr Character Portrait: Amor Ourania
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Elysia Rymr

"Know your place as I know mine," he demanded. Of course, after a glimpse of the beastly hammer and a look at Thor's eyes, Loki was able to recognize even such a drastically different appearance. Nevertheless, Loki refused to call Thor by name, and still pleaded innocence. Realistically, he could never have gone to such insane measures for a practical joā€”ah, screw it, he'd definitely do it for the shits and giggles, and with any chance to speak he'd have manipulated someone into helping him escape from his hell with that snake... or at least take the snake away.

"How is the old fool, Odin?" he asked mockingly. Odin had the wisdom of the ancients to his name, so challenging him was a death wish to your mental health should he have given a damn. Thor himself couldn't have formed any harder of a scowl than he'd had already, so his anger over this was drowned out easily. It was only when Loki attended to the lady nearby that Thor's face had returned to a more stoic appearance as he tried to recompose himself. Loki quickly snapped out a question that, at least in these days to the humans, sounded sexist. With both of the gods almost reduced to the same status as a Midgardian, there must have been some risk to this.

Thor was almost pleasantly surprised, though, when the "wench" transformed Loki's magical scepter into nothing more than a cane. While the trickster could just turn it back without a problem, this was something Thor nearly... giggled, over. He managed to stifle it before it began once he realized that Mount Olympus is a location he'd never heard of.

"Miss... Aphrodite," he started, rather annoyed by his own voice, "we do not know of the land you mention, though it is clear you are no natural resident of Midgard. We hail from the realm of Asgard, home of the gods and honorable warriors slain through warfare as they prepare for their final battle in Ragnarƶk." The woman seemed confused by many of his words, but this didn't deter him from trying to reach an understanding, and hopefully a solution to their situation.


While a few of the gods had already reached their destination and taken to quarreling, one had taken time to enjoy himself and entertain, playing a trumpet and a sax around the city. Frequently, though, as soon as he'd finished his song, ladies (and some men) chased him out to other locations. Finally, when he thought he'd caught a break after four incidents to play again in safety (fifth time's the charm, right?)... (Right?)

"There he is!"

"Oh dear." And so, our hero is running from his adoring fans once more. "I am not interested in getting mauled today!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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#, as written by Zensai
Loki listened to the woman ramble about being a Goddess of Love, preposterous he knew that was Freya, butā€¦ perhaps. Ah the gears in his head were turning. When his staff was turned however the fire in his eyes brighten as he slammed the walking stick down changing it back into his weapon, the rose shattering as the blades came back out. ā€œI am no Dog, and like you I will not suffer insults or insolence, I am Loki Laufeyjarson the God of Magic, Fire, Chaos and cunning I would not cross me. I live in Asgard, though the Aesirs would rather I not be there. As for bringing you here, as you said I would have nothing to do with it, I wouldnā€™t waste my time.ā€ He hissed out, she possessed magic yes but so did he.

He knew not to waste it, well for now, on one upping this wench. He needed to think. ā€œcluesā€¦ I need clues.ā€ he thought to himself as he closed his eyes thinking, ā€œwhomever sent us here must have had a reason to do so, they would not want us here just for a whimā€¦ but a reason, unless that reason is entertainmentā€¦ but what reason? No that is not what is needed right now, I shall think about that after I found out the first step. Thinkā€¦ it is a puzzle and we need the first piece.ā€ he thought, ā€œObserve your surroundingsā€¦ there may be something here.ā€ he thought to himself as he opened his eyes.

He listed to Thor give an explanation about Ragnarƶk, a battle he intended to win. He spotted something in the corner of his eyes and walked over to it, ignoring the two for now. He reached the wall that had caught his eye as he placed a pale hand on it, he whispered something softly as he saw the rune for his name blaze up as the brick vanished. He pulled out a box that was engraved with the image of a snake, one he recognized to be his son Jormungand.

He shook his head at that as he opened it, pulling out key on a metal chain unknown to himā€¦ it was not from Asgrard nor was it from Earth. Odd. He looked back to the two as he made the box vanish, again the arena seemed to repair itself. ā€œI suggest you find yours.ā€ He remarked as he held the other item from the box, a letter written in Norse Runes, ā€œLoki Laufeyjarson, you are to be sharing the dorm building with Anthony, Dionysus, and Amor. Behave yourself, you will also be taking classes with everyone so do not try anything foolish.ā€ the note read. Loki only scoffed at that as he set the note ablaze in green fire, only ashes remained when he put it out. He was not going to leave the arena yet though, something told him he should wait, besides there may be more clues around here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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#, as written by kexia
Aphrodite watched her little work of magic become undone by the arrogant man, who then went off on a rant about just who he was and where he came from. She didn't understand a word of it, other than the fact that he thought he was the God of Magic, Fire, Chaos, and Cunning. She let out a snort. He was just so proud of himself.

The little woman ignored thisā€¦ Loki Lofjerson, or whatever his name was, and turned now to the woman who stood nearby. She seemed to explain things much better- and more politely- than the man. "Midgard? What is Midgard?" she asked, the word rolling awkwardly off her tongue. Her eyes slid down the woman and back up, evaluating whether or not she would be a threat. She seemed friendly enough. Then, a thought came to her mind, as she remembered the other one- Loki- calling himā€¦ ah, Oderson or something of the sort. "How is it you know one another? And... you areā€¦ a man?" Aphrodite asked, her Grecian accent tilting her words as she spoke. "You make a truly lovely woman."

She flicked her hair over her shoulder and, in true Aphrodite fashion, stepped up to the other, slightly taller woman, and leaned close to peer at her. "Whoever made this form was very kind to you." She slowly made a small circle around theā€¦ man-woman, her arm brushing up againstā€¦ -her as she walked. She reached up to play with the strawberry blonde hair, then continued back around to stand in front of her once more. "I wonder what you look like as a man," she thought aloud, her lips tugging into a grin.

Aphrodite finally turned to see what Loki was up to. Apparently he had found something of interest and assumed that they all had some such box like he had held in his hand. She let out a huff and spun away, though a flash of light on the wall a few feet away from him caught her eye. She hurried over to see her own name engraved in the wall, and she reached up to brush her fingers over it. The brick disappeared as Loki's had, and she pulled out a box with a dove inlaid with silver on the lid. She opened the box to pull out her own key and note. "Behave yourself, Aphrodite. Go to class, learn, and spend time with the others. Your dormitory building will be shared with Elysia, Nyx, Adrasteia, and Freya."

"Nyx! And Adrasteia!? Noā€¦ not my dear Adrestia." Aphrodite gasped. Those were the only names she'd thought she had recognized on the list. "Zeus! You think this amusing?!" she called out to the sky. "As if I don't have better things to do than go to classes!" She let out a dramatic sigh, tucking the box away and turning back to the other woman, swinging key around her hand. "Well, if we are stuck hereā€¦ Would you like to be my roommate? I'm not sure whether you are Elysia, Adrasteia, or Freyaā€¦ But I can help you withā€¦" And she waved her hand around, indicating all of the awkward woman standing in front of her. "ā€¦Being a woman."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Adrasteia Nicolaou Character Portrait: Dionysus Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr Character Portrait: Amor Ourania
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Elysia Rymr

Oh no, Loki's bragging about himself again. Unlike Loki, Thor had no intention of revealing his actual identity when it was highly unlikely none would recognize him. Just as well, he wouldn't have wanted anyone to recognize him as his cheeks started to turn red. Aphrodite had complimented and begun examining him from head to toe, getting dangerously close in the meantime, and while he had wanted to say, "Please refrain from making contact with me," he couldn't get the words out of his mouth as the woman teased his hair. It was almost unbearable, had Aphrodite not been quite a beauty herself.

Thor was able to take a breath when Aphrodite was interested in Loki's actions again, this time with them involving the latter finding a small box. Of course, while Aphrodite received her own, Thor was given no special box; rather, it was a note strung against Mjƶllnir's shaft that had managed to get there while he was occupied.

Hello, Thorā€”or should I say, "Elysia", as that will be your name during your stay here as a semi-human. As much as it may displease you, you shall also take up residence in the women's dormitories, instead of the men's with your father's brother. I am expecting you to behave yourself in their company, as you will find a familiar face; she, however, will not recognize you, just as with Loki. For the sake of your dignity and the respect you have from othersā€”knowing Loki already has none whatsoeverā€”I recommend that you learn how to be a woman so you can keep it that way.

There was a signature near the bottom of the paper, yet it was too scribbled to read.

Why, he asked himself, do I feel as though I should have Freya's head for this foolishness?

He was snapped out of a near-trance for the second time today by Aphrodite, watching her awkwardly gesture to his anti-feminine posture and the oddity of a woman holding a battlehammer almost as tall as her.

Dejected, defeated and disheartened knowing it would be some time before finding a cure to this madness, Thor sighed out, "I... I suppose I have no alternative."


Having lost his wings, the handsome young man had to rely on his stamina, and it was wearing thin until he found solace in a building with only a few vehicles around it. He thought it must have had few people to match. Once the coast was clear, he slipped inside through a door that was left propped open, finding himself facing a small group of people and various pocket-sized animals in no time flat. One of the group was noticeably familiar, but that was because he was stone-cold drunk. It wasn't uncommon to see people like Dionysus on this planet.

Out of breath for the most part, he simply asked in an almost relieved tone, "The hell's goin' on here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Dewi Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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"No, that is not enough, mortal!" roared the mighty dragon Dewi as he swung a fearsome claw at a cart full of cows, scattering the beasts and causing a frightened chorus of "moo"s. "Thou attempted to pillage my home, and expect four cows to be equal compensation for thine trickery?!" The god roared with fury and smoke billowed through his nostrils as his anger grew. Rarely was he this angry, but the mortal had made an attempt at the Dragon God's quarry after all he did to protect the countryside and towns of Wales. "Thine attempt hast angered me, and thine pitiful compensation furthers thine peril. Return what thou hast stolen from me!!" he roared at the terrified human. Quickly, the pale creature withdrew a diamond the size of his head from a sack at his back, not willing to try his luck any further. "Good. Thou shalt bring more food and then return to thine home." He snorted out smoke at the human, forcing the mortal to stumble backwards from the gale. He bowed solemly and sprinted out of the mountainside cave.

Finally, peace and quiet. The dragon carefully retrieved the gemstone from the cave floor and weighed it in his claws for a moment. The cows were cowering in the corner, silent and shaking. "I shalt return for thou..." promised the dragon as he retreated back into the recesses of the cave. He was a mighty beast, fiery red and massive, the size of two normal houses or an exceedingly large pub. Spiraling horns twisted out from the back of his head and the end of his sizeable snout, and he had plenty of gleaming teeth at his service. His claws were four fingered with a thumb and sharp talons at the end of each phalange, but his rear claws had no thumb. Smoke drifted idly from his nostrils now that his mood had lightened, and his muscular tail swished back and forth as he traversed the twisting maze of his home. Though he was much more magnificent than them, he did appreciate the humans. They were pitiful, so he swore to protect them for he was impressed with their cunning and creativity. They were unlike any other creature in Wales, and that was to be admired. They idolized Dewi, and he defended them in return for their praise. He sighed with pleasure and shifted his massive folded wings a bit.

Soon, he was in his treasure chamber. A single ray of dying sunlight reflected down into the chamber, causing the piles of hoarded treasure to glisten and glimmer. His heart pounded at the sight of the beauty of it all. Glittery projections were cast on the walls from the ammassed gold, jewels, and gems piled against the walls and in hillocks in the center of the cavernous space. He returned the diamond to it's special place upon a pedestal under the ray of sun, and instantly the room was filled with pink light. He sighed in awe and satisfaction. This was his favorite room, by far, but now he had to return to his dinner.

An hour later, the dragon was fed and content, cow bones littered the floor and the human had been dispatched back to his family. The moon shone into the mouth of the cave serenely, and the intense blue eyes of the dragon glistened in the light. Dewi decided that the night was too beautiful to shun right off. He shoved himself to his feet and climbed out onto the precipice, bathing in the moon's rays. He relished the moment, and spread his mighty wings to either side. "Tonight, mistress moon, we shalt see who is the faster," he challenged, and with a mighty pump of his bat-like wings, he shot off of the ledge and into the brisk night air. He beat his wings faster and faster, headed straight up for the white disk in the sky. Every night as beautiful as this constituted a race between celestial body and god of the Earth. He flapped harder, and shot up at a breathtaking speed.

Something off happened then. As the disk greeted him, she became brighter than ever, light flooding over him. Blinding him. His flight faltered, and he lost some altitude in alarm. "What is this trickery!?" he roared. "Cease this at once!" The light ignored his orders and grew brighter until he could no longer see. He bellowed in fury, and fire was cast from his mouth, huge gales of flame flying all about him. He felt no heat, but anything in range would have been toasted to a crisp. Nothing happened. The fire was drowned out in the light, and a moment later he was forced to shut his intense eyes.

Just as soon, it was all over. He opened one eye cautiously, and was surprised to see a blue sky with fluffy clouds drifting lazily across it. A tree stood over him, and he lay on his back... but something felt off. "Tree, why art thou above me?" he asked in confusion, and his heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. Gone was the deep, echoing rumble of the dragon... replaced by the tenor of a young human man. His eyes snapped open and he flew to his feet. Just as swiftly, he toppled over. What had happened to his feet?! He held one to his face...


Before his face was the pink hand of a human. He looked down. Biped, clothing, a red shirt unlike he had ever seen, and blue rough breeches of a design unseen to him before. at the end of his scrawny legs were pink feet with tiny toes, five of them, clawless and too pitiful to belong to Dewi, the Welsh Dragon God. He stood more carefully and roared with fury, attempting to cast fire upon anything near him... It sounded more like a frustrated yell, and nothing but air issued. This only served to increase his anger, and he yelled a declaration to the countryside: "Whosoever hast cast this trickery shalt have hell to pay from Dewi!" His piteous voice echoed down the hill he stood on, and it was then he noticed other humans down at the bottom of the hillock staring at him with confusion. "Thine mortals!" he yelled down at them, anger creasing his human face, "Whom hast cast this?! I demand to know under pain of death!" The crowd only continued nervously on their way. "Mortals!! Answer mpph!"

A scrap of paper hit the feral god in the face, simply adding insult to injury. Upon it were draconic runes and a map instructing him to go to the place specified. "College? What is this vile place?" He roared up at the sky again, only getting more looks from the mortals below him. He huffed in fury, and then caught sight of the village. It was the most beautiful, stunning sight he had ever seen. Every house glistened from the sunlight, huge houses, reaching into his sky. They glittered like his hoarde back at the cave, lavish, luxurious, and bright. All anger forgotten, he checked the map. Sure enough, the "college" was through the treasure village. "Whomsoever thou art, wizard, thou art powerful indeed..."

He trod through the sea of people, only tearing his glittering, greedy eyes away from the gemstone buildings to look at the map or the mortals around him. Whenever he looked at a human, they seemed to panic and run from him. He didn't know why, but continued on. Walking was a challenge, not only did he have half the legs he used to, he no longer had a tail or wings to counterbalance his motion... His wings were gone... He forced his face not to show any sadness or vulnerability and plodded on. Eventually, he came to a corner of a reflective building, and saw what must have been himself. He wore a red doublet fashioned oddly, and the rough blue breeches. He already knew this, what surprised him was his face. He looked so pale and squashed, no snout, replaced with a tiny nose and a mouth set underneath in a scowl. He had hair... that was new. It was red and messy, like most of the humans in Scotland and Ireland. What was most striking was his eyes, though. He had the same eyes, bright, gleaming blue and slitted. He now understood what afrighted the mortals so. He must seem quite the sight to them. He looked about and saw a female with dark things on her face that obscured her eyes. With a swift motion, he reached out and snatched them from her face to place on his own and walked on clumsily.

Minutes later, he arrived at the "college." "Wizard, thou art cruel... what is this vile place?" He trod along the lawn to the final destination on the map, an odd, round building covered in more flat gemstone. He entered the place to see more humans in the round room. Fury bubbled within him once more. "Art thou the wizards responsible for this trickery? I demand my former body to be returned to me!" He roared at the only male in the room, a mortal man with black, midlength hair and a spear of some sort, and was once again dismayed at the sound that issued, puny and weak. He sighed, and fought to keep from lashing out. "I am Dewi, Dragon God of the Welsh Isles and I demand answers to thine divination." He began to stalk closer to the man, and made an attempt to push a strawberry blonde wench out of the way. He placed a finger on her arm and extended it, expecting her to be pushed violently out of the way. Instead, he was thrown off of his path. He stumbled, all fury replaced with confusion as he stared at his 'hand'. He sighed and the rage rose again. "Thou wench shalt stay from my path," he rumbled, continuing his stalk to the male human.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Dewi Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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#, as written by Zensai
Loki only listened to the others as he turned to a new noise, he held his staff at the ready, he maybe more of a brains of brawn type of person, but he could fight. He did not care much for this Aphrodite or Thor, though with Thor it was his own reasons, when a new man burst in he only sighed, ā€œā€¦another I assume and again not for Asgard.ā€ He muttered at the stumbling fool as he made his staff disappear, finding him to be no threat. He watched as he was pushed aside by Thor and smirked, ā€œYou seek answers to your questions? And what makes you think I have them?ā€ he asked as he rubbed his temple, there are no answers here and I am famishedā€¦ I have not feasted in centuries.ā€ He explained as he brushed past Thor and the new man as he headed towards the door, ā€œPerhaps if we explore we shall find what we seek.ā€ He then walked out the door heading for the cafeteria.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Dewi
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At the mention of food, Dewi's stomach informed him that it was a good idea. He winced at the rumbling, feeling like the weak mortal he was. He had just eaten seven cows, how was he hungry?! Another pitiful growl issued forth before he looked longingly at the door the black-haired human had gone through. He wanted nothing more than to be back to his previous form. Whoever had done this would pay. Dewi swore it. Ignoring the box from the wall, it's shiny silver calling to him to stroke it, hoard it, hide it, he stumbled towards where the man was headed. "I shalt dine," he said in explanation to the woman beside him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Dewi Character Portrait: Dionysus Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr Character Portrait: Amor Ourania
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Elysia Rymr

Thor almost laughed when Dewi had attempted to make himself look intimidating. It was pathetic, trying to strike fear in the strongest of the gods, especially when he stumbled trying to adjust to his new body. Aphrodite showed mercy, however, helping the poor man up once he fell. Twice.

He couldn't help himself when Loki noted his hunger, joining as the latter left to make sure he stayed in sight. "You must be dying of starvation, missing the wonderful nourishment of the snake's venom." His tone changed soon after. "We should not be looking for food, but the cause of this dilemma." Even as humans themselves, Thor didn't believe the humans' food would fill them up well, and returning to his former glory was at the top of his priorities.

"Surely despite your imprisonment your snarky sarcasm hasn't deteriorated. When do you intend to start throwing jokes and insults or witty retorts, or devise a way out of this situation? Or is your mind really so fixated on the prospect of eating?"

Amor Ourania

"Amor", huh? That was a name he could get behind. Seeing that Dionysus recognized him relieved Eros' heart some. He wasn't going to be alone stuck on Earth, even if the only man who knows him is at minimum partially inebriated 24/7. At least he wasn't slurring as badly as he could be.

"Dio, how are you hungry? I could've sworn you ate a horse a few hours ago." That was literal, by the way.

So... this was a college. Well, if you can't get the hell off the planet, join 'em, right? Maybe he'll find a band to play with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Dionysus Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr Character Portrait: Anthony Colombo
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#, as written by kexia

Aphrodite sighed. Typical men. Hungry. Always hungry. She herself ate very little. Bites here and there, unless a lover was feeding her or she feeding him. Perhaps a feast every once in a while. Special occasions. But the man at her side still needed her assistance, and he apparently had his mind set on getting food.

"Rightā€¦ So, food, I suppose," she grumbled. Then she tilted her head up to look at him, glaring slightly. "But don't think that just because you're a dragon you can go ordering me around!"

With that, she began to lead him toward the door so that they might follow Loki.



Anthony tilted his head back to glower at the man who had called him Andy. "It's Anthony. Not Andy. Not Tony. Just, Anthony." He let out a sigh and, instead of moving toward the office, he headed for the cafeteria. If they wanted food, then fine. "And no, I don't have the room assignments. I know my room, but I don't know where you all are staying."

He strode down the hall, still flipping the pencil through his fingers as he walked. Finally, Anthony spotted the cafeteria up ahead. "Alright, folks. Who's hungry?" he asked. He stepped up and pushed one of the double doors open and held it there so everyone could file in. "Go and get it." And then go be weird by yourselves, he thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Dewi Character Portrait: Elysia Rymr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zensai
Loki could feel Thorsā€™ glare as if it was palpable object, he clenched his teeth at the remark as he hissed out to him, ā€œI do not miss the venom of the serpent, it seems you provide just as pleasant company Odinson.ā€ He closed his eyes as if trying to get the memory out of his head, though he knew it would be futile. At the mention of trying to find the cause of thisā€¦ā€™dilemmaā€™ a smirk lit his pale face. ā€œOh I am thinking about thatā€¦ā€ he thought, though honestly he did not really care. And why should he? He had his power here, he could walk and eat. There was no venom to be dripped on him, why if it wasnā€™t for the nuisance of these otherā€¦people, Thor especially, then he may have been able to have someā€¦fun, well fun for him.

He chuckled a bit at Thorsā€™ last remark. ā€œ Deteriorated? Oh no it has not, I assure you of that, Odinson. As for devising a way out of this situationā€¦ why? Why would I? After all I have the pleasure of seeing you in a dress. Though this time it actually fits on you.ā€ He snapped back. ā€œAh if only Sif was here to see this. By the way how is her hair?ā€ he asked him, ā€œStill gold? She did look much better with her dark as night hair.ā€ He added, he was of course referring to the time he shaved Thorsā€™ lovers head, he was bored then and wanted to play a prank.

Of course he had paid dearly and had to give Odin, Thor, and Sif a gift so he wasnā€™t choked to death by Thorsā€™ meaty handsā€¦ and then he had his mouth sown shut for a few months, which was better than the alternative of having his head lobbed off, and thankfully with him being the trickster god he had managed a way around that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Dewi
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Dewi glared down at the wench at his side. The only reason he didn't berate her for her insolence was because... well... he needed her. Besides, it had been awhile since he had been offered so beautiful a companion. As they left the room images of the Jewelled City and the silver box sang in his tiny, unhorned head, begging him to hoard them, to take them away to be used only by him. He practically drooled at the thought of having all those shiny objects all to himself, all to him, all Dewi's. The shiny pubs would be a problem to move as a human, but the box would be no problem. It sang in his mind, *begging* him to take it and hide it. He had misjudged the box, how beautiful it was, in his initial fury. It was often this way, but the townspeople would always bring him gifts as recompense.

Of course! He had people right here! He shook his head in a failed attempt to rid himself of thoughts of shinies and glitters to face Loki. "Thou mortal!" he called ahead, "Thou shalt return and fetch yon box of silver for me," he ordered, stopping abruptly to wait for the male to do his bidding.