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The Deep Woods Circus

The Deep Woods Circus


Welcome to our circus of deformity, and our latest attraction is...YOU! HEHE!! ((SLOTS OPEN))

1,583 readers have visited The Deep Woods Circus since LoveHateKindOfGirl created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Ah, you’re here, you’re here!
We will be presenting to you tonight the sad fate that some of this world carry with them.
Children whom God has abandoned, struggling to avoid being cast away in the gutters.
Children who can’t even carry the trembling limbs they were born with.
These children cry out, accidentally, without reason, words distorted by their malformed tongues
As the dark clouds of misery grace their little heads.
They smile as they dream of their mother’s embrace, long gone…
Oh, the deformity!
Drop by and see the show tonight…
Drop by and see the show…

Deep in the woods, far beyond all the trees
Follow the road, don’t be afraid of it
Come join the fun, come join the revelry
Come join the fun, here at the circus

The characters here all look so very strange
Wide, beaming smiles, all staring down at you
But it is all good-natured fun and games
Here at the show at Dark Woods Circus

One with two heads on the same body
A diva deformed without will to sing
Lastly, a monster that feasts upon the frozen limbs and parts of his own kind

Anyone at all wouldn’t dare to love me in this wretched form that I carry now
Please tell me why you look at me with those eyes? It’s so painful, that haunting stare
It hurts to be, yes it hurts to be so, but hurting is better than nothing at all
It’s what she said, so we continue this circus for eternity

But it’s so much fun! It’s so much fun! This circus is so much fun
I let a sigh for my clouded eyes, I feel they are rotting but it’s no surprise
I want to die, I just want to die, Won’t anyone free me from this prison of life?
But there’s no escape from this awful fate, for all of us this life is the only way.

They turn and twist their deformed selves to try and be normal
But still they cannot even walk down the city streets as anyone else would
Everyone knows the feeling, illuminated by the streetlights, but not them.
This child must cower and cry alone.
I suppose the shadows are cast long on these little ones.
Trying to fit into the normality of all of you.
Whether it's your first visit, returning, or if you're alone...
Ah, you're here, you're here!
Drop by and see the show tonight...
Drop by and see the show... at the Dark Woods Circus...'s fun.

Welcome to the Deep Woods Circus, were are next attraction always comes from the audience.

We pride ourselves in our creations so please take time to appreciate what we have provided.

And don't miss the Chairman's daughter, who he also has turned into an freak.

Just this just sound like fun!! Hehe.

"You know, I've always wondered what life would like outside this cage. To be away for the piercing eyes and the harsh laughs. Away from the pain and the beatings if we don't do what we're told. C-could you help me? Help me leave this place, please?" The girl pleaded, reaching out to you with hands where there are claws instead of finger nails. You back away and walk away, watching the girl in the cage slump down as if she was just stabbed in the heart. But something tells you this wasn't the first time it this wasn't the first time it has happened to her.

People have come and gone through The Deep Woods Circus but one person always stays behind, usually by force, and then the are turned into the next addition to the show, a new act, a new freak. Some have had enough and try to escape, but first they would have get out of the padlocked cage, but if they did get out, how could they live the normal lives the strive to have once more.

The chairman's daughter has seen the pain the ones like her have gone through, and has tried everything she could to help them. Which has caused her to suffer the consequences. She is so exhausted that all she can do now is ask the people that walk by her cage for help. Those how do try and help her get caught, and turned into yet another attraction. but a few haven't, because at first the just walked away in disgust like everyone else. They've created and underground system and having sneaking out the chairman's "creations" little by little. And they are you, you risk getting caught every time you step into that circus but you do it anyways. The only question is, "Can you save them all, and Helps the pleading girl take down her farther?"

The "Freaks"~

The Chairmen's Daughter-a half human, half wolf creature-she has no name- the underground calls her White, because of the color of her fur-She is to dance to exotic music-Closed

The Deformed Diva-her body was torn apart, and put back together in a misshapened way-She must sing for everyone who passes her cage-Open

The one with two heads, and one body-A pair twins whose body's were sown together-They are to go out into crowds and lure people to the circus-Open

The man who eats the cold limbs of his own kind-he was turned cold blooded and blue-He is only fed the cold limbs of failed experiments and must eat those in front of the audience-Open

The Underground~

Male 1-Leader of the Underground-A born leader-Taken

Male 2-The strategics-plans the next infiltration into the circus-Open

Female 1-The lock picker-Can get into almost anything with a lock-Taken

Female 2-The protection-She escorts the deformed into the underground and makes they get there without any problems-Open

Character Sheet:

Name[if you have one]-



Freak or Human-

Appearance- [put picture here]

Appearance- [anything not in the picture]




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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Character Portrait: Ben Weiss
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#, as written by Ben989
Early one morning with time to kill
I borrowed Jeb's rifle and sat on the hill
I saw a lone rider crossing the plain
I drew a bead on him to practice my aim
My brother's rifle went off in my hand
A shot rang out across the land
The horse he kept running, the rider was dead
I hung my head, I hung my head

He pushed the broom along, clearing a path in the hay and various debris in the pen, as the song soared wildly and off-key into the air. It had been a good day so far, at least by Ben's standards. He had moved through the grounds, clearing the cages, making sure everyone had enough food and water, and hadn't heard from the Chairman yet, so all in all, the day was going well. The clearing where they had made camp was well shaded and well provisioned. He continued to smile as he relished the beauty, sun streaming through the trees and the sound of water running through a small creek just south of camp. The humidity was just tolerable enough for him to wear jeans and a t-shirt. Ben's ever-trusty tool belt hung around his waist; along with his military issue KA-BAR survival knife which never left he side, as many in the Circus already knew. He sighed, setting the broom outside the cage and locking the door.

"Just another day in the life..." He snagged the broom and grinned, heading down to the creek.

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Character Portrait: White
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White sat in her cage, humming a soft tune as she readied herself for tonight's show. She stroked her tail, she grew to accept it everyday, the way she was what she was, it was just normal, it happened with everyone here, they grew to accept their new appearance or change. White froze, hearing the heavy footsteps of her farther sent shivers down her spine as he grew closer, stopping just in front of her. "My darling little pup, why do look so frightened, i just came by to check on you." he said sarcastically, grabbing her by her hair and lifting her up until they were face to face. "I don't want any trouble from you today, you do as your told and leave the audience to watch, you do not converse with them." He growled, "You have nothing to fear, well.... at least... for now, but just you wait, i will get you." White said with every once of courage she could muster. The chairman threw her against the back of the steal cage. "Watch your tongue sweat heart, you'd have to get out of that cage to even touch me." He said menacingly before walking away. White rubbed her back, "I will get out, when you are at your weakest, i will be free." She muttered to herself before continuing to get ready.

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Character Portrait: Ben Weiss
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#, as written by Ben989
Ben continued to whistle his song as the soft chugging and gurgling of the creek washed over him. He slung the broom over his shoulders as the running water came into sight.

"Mr. Weiss?" The voice came from behind him. Ben sighed, setting the broom against an oak, and turned around.


"What can I do for ya, Mr. Chairman?" The Chairman looked his Groundskeeper up and down before responding.

"Have the attractions caused you any difficulty this morning?"

Ben shrugged. "No more than usual."

"Good." A long moment passed between them. Ben knew the game well, the Chairman would savor the uncomfortable silence for a moment, hoping he could break his Groundskeeper a little. It never worked. Ben watched his employer carefully.

"What can I do for you, Mr Chairman?"

"Have you taken care of my daughter this morning?" Ben hesitated.

"No." The Chairman smiled sweetly, knowing he had won. "Then I would suggest you see to it." Ben nodded and the Chairman walked away, his purposeful strides barely holding up his arrogance. He looked at the man in disgust and thought, One day, asshole. One day, I'm gonna get you and then White's gonna kill you. He picked up his broom angrily and walked back toward camp, heading to White's cage.

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Character Portrait: White
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White hummed quietly to herself as she heard footsteps approaching her cage, Her ears twitched back and forth, trying to locate were the sound was coming from and who was coming. She sighed lightly, it was just Ben. She walked over to the front of the cage and looked down the path he was coming. She liked talking to people how didn't act like she was just a toy, a piece of property. All the freaks were treated that way. Thats why they all anticipated the day they would be able to escape. "Good morning Ben." She said quietly as he approached the cage. She looked down at her hands, Staring at the claws that replaced the finger nails.

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#, as written by Ben989
"Hey." His irritation was clearly visible. He sighed and leaned against the cage, removing the padlock keys from his belt, and unlocking the door. He stepped inside and began to clear out her cage.

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White looked up and narrowed her eye, "You ran into my farther before you came here, didn't you? Your irritated and you from the direction he left in." She said, drifting her eyes from Ben over to the open cage door. Her lips parted slightly as she fought the urge to just run, run far away. but the vision of all she would leave behind kept her at bay, kept her forever obedient to her farther's demands. She had to stay, she just had too. She looked back at been and sifted her weight from one foot to the other, her tail flicking up around as memories ran through her mind.

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#, as written by Ben989
He grunted in response, moving out of the cage toward the trailer with a thousand gallon water tank and generator on it. He attached a hose to one of three faucets and ran it back into her water-trough, trying hard to get control of his anger. The movement between White's cage and the filling station seemed to help a little, but he was still fuming as he switched on the gennie, sending gurgling water through the hose and into her trough. He returned to her cage, but not before snagging a tenderloin from the curing rack next to the filling station. His thoughts drifted to the conversation he'd had with White's father, and the revulsion returned. Ben sighed as he entered her cage and handed her the tenderloin.

"I swear to God if we don't get you and the others out of here soon, I'm gonna kill him." He withdrew his knife and sliced apart the twine holding her hay bales together, maneuvering the straw and alfalfa into a nice bed for her in one of the corners.

"I have never met a man with that much arrogance in his body before, and I was in Special Forces! It was our job to be good, but it's like every time your Dad and I talk, he's tryin' to pick a fight with me." He snarled out the words, his revulsion and anger growing.

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Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu steadily balanced herself as she walked down on of the sides of an abandoned railroad track, her hands stretch out ward to keep her from wobbling. She closed her eyes and slightly lifted her chin, taking in the sweet smell of the field the track went through as a slight breeze ruffled through the trees. Feeling her foot slip as she took another blind step, she let out a little squeak as she fell off to the side and landed on her back in the grass with a 'hmph'. She laid there a moment, her emerald eyes lazily gazing at a moving cloud. What a beautiful day, she thought to herself and let out a sigh. Her car had just broken down on the road and after walking four miles trying to find a gas station, she found herself interested in the railroad tracks and became sidetracked. She sat up in the grass and pulled out a piece of paper that she had stuffed into her pocket. After she unwrinkled it, she read over it once again. "Deep Woods Circus, see it tonight....blah blahhh...." She mumbled to herself, her eyes moving down the paper. Hmm, should be somewhere around here..., she thought to herself, turning her head about but failed to see anything beyond the trees. "Deep Woods huh. Probably won't be able to see the lights till' it gets dark." She said as she stood up and stretched her arms over her head, letting out a large yawn. She looked up at the sky again, the sun wasn;t very long from setting, so it wouldn't be much longer until night time. She hoped she hadn't missed it already. The flyer she had found on the road did look pretty old but she guessed that was because of the sun and humidity. She crunched the paper back up and shoved it into her small shoulder bag and rolled up her long sleeves. After picking up her duffel bag and swinging the strap over her shoulder she began to walk down the train tracks again, this time down the middle so not to fall. "If it wasn;t so hot it might actually be a really nice day." She said aloud, hoping it might get cooler outside after the sun set.

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Character Portrait: White
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Amanda sighed heavily, "I know, to him, everyone is just another item you can buy off the shelves and take home to with as you please." She said, looking down at the tenderloin in her hands, she placed it to the side, she feel like eating this morning. "But you must remember that i have to stay, until my farther is at his weakest and most vulnerable, and that is when this shall end. But, i hope it happens soon as well, the urge to leave this cage, and this place, is getting stronger and..." she cut herself off, she didn't want to lower his spirits and what she was saying probably was doing just that. "I'm going to ask people again today, ask them to help. It a small thing, but is all i can do right now." She said quietly, walking over and sitting next to her water trough, using cupped hands to get a drink of water.

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#, as written by Ben989
"Why don't you at least try to fight him?" The words were out of his lips before could stop them. He looked away from her, moving out of the cage to turn off the water as the trough began to overflow. The roar of the generator died as he flicked off the switch and disconnected the hose, letting it drain before he coiled again, and hung it on the hose rack. He returned to the cage, picking up his broom, and swept out the out old filth and hay. The big man sighed and set the broom down after a moment of cleaning.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He sighed and sat on one of the few hay bales still intact in the cage.

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Amanda sighed, "It quite alright Ben, i wish it was that simple but it just isn't." she said, running a hand through her hair and scratching behind one of her ears. "I've tried before but... that never ended well." she stood up and walked over to the side of the cage, leaning against the cold steel bars. "If only we could some how MAKE him weak then this would, would just be..." Amanda's ears twitch and moved around, searching for a sound. She looked over at Ben, "I think one of the watchmen are coming." She as quietly as possible. Her tail went stiff as she searched for where the sound of footsteps were coming. They were headed their way...

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#, as written by Ben989
He rose from the bales calmly, collecting his broom and maneuvered out of the cage. The padlock was replaced in a blur of speed. Ben waited, listening carefully, trying to make out any noise. His hand rested softly against the handle of his KA-BAR, waiting in anticipation.

Really don't want to have to hurt anyone, he thought, removing his hand from the handle. He glanced around quickly and walked over to the filling station, pretending to look preoccupied by filling a five-gallon bucket.

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White ears twitched wildly back and forth until the located the noise, it was coming from behind her. She turned around slowly, watching the hooded figure grow closer. She sat down, crossing her legs and placing her tail in her lap, acting as if she were prepping herself as the figure drew near her cage. The watchmen stopped next to her, turning to face her a grinning at her with a crooked smile, "chairman says we better not see or hear any trouble from you princess, you your going to be put in the special quarters." The man said, Amanda rolled her eyes, she what the special quarter was, it was were dis obedient freaks were taken and beat senselessly. Amanda had been their many times, it was the same for all of them, because even if you didn't do anything wrong, the watchman would say you did and you dragged away into that room. And the watchman stood in the shadows and watched, snickering to themselves like school girl as they watched a whip crack across a freaks back. After the watchman walked away, she picked up the tenderloin and bit a chunk out of it, her sharp teeth tear the thing to shred before she devoured it. She was grew hungry when angered, to her, tearing a piece of meat to shreds before devouring it was like any other person taking their anger out on a pillow or kicking a wall. She walked over to her water trough and washed to blood from her mouth before sitting back down in the middle of her cage.

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#, as written by Ben989
Ben rose an eyebrow as the watchmen walked past him, continuing to fill the bucket. He turned off the water and walked over to her cage again, unlocking the door and stepping inside. The keys rattled as he clipped them to his belt. He regarded her for moment.

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Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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After walking quite a while down the empty train track Natsu let out a sigh and stepped off into the grass and began to make her way across the meadow. Once she reached the middle of it she stopped and let out a load groan and let her duffel bag drop onto the ground with a 'thmp'. "Grr, why does my damn car have to break down when I'm in the middle of nowhere!" she growled and sat herself down onto the duffel bag, nearly flattening it. She wiped some sweat from her forehead and let out a sigh, trying to calm herself. "If I didn't know any better I'd say that damn thing wanted me to die here." she groaned, then looked up to the sky. The sun had almost moved behind the trees but the humidity caused the air to become ridiculously thick.

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White looked over her shoulder at Ben, "Just another threat from farther, thats all." She said, watching the light above her cage flicker on, "Night is approaching soon, and just like always, the twins will attract some many people here, and just like always, one will be made to stay behind, and turned into a monster like us all, it always happens. no matter how many freaks we sneak out of here, my farther make up for it by turning the same number of people into freaks to take their place." White sighed heavily and closed her eyes, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. "I just don't now what more we could possibly do." She said, drawing circles in the dirt.

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#, as written by Ben989
Ben reached in his back pocket and pulled out a pack of American Spirits. He tapped the cigarette pack against his hand, removed one, placing them into his pocket again, while pulling out a lighter. The lighter sizzled as he struck the spark ring, lighting the flame, and stuck the cigarette into his mouth. The end glowed as he connected it to the flame for a moment. Once the cancer-stick was lit, he inhaled deeply and put the lighter back into his pocket. Nicotine rushed through his veins as he held the smooth smoke in his lungs. He watched her draw circles in the dirt, exhaling slowly.

"Y'know, we could just kill him." He took another drag on the cigarette, the tabacoo glowing brightly. Ben felt the cool of night approaching as the shadows steadily grew, beginning to form together. He turned back to her.

"But things are never that simple, are they?" He exhaled, sending smoke billowing through the top of the cage.

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Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu let out a yawn as she began to make her way into the woods, hoping she'd see lights or something. Yet, she knew there was also a chance that the flyer she found was probably old and the circus had already left. As the night got darker, her eyes, although were slowly adjusting, were having problems seeing. The night wasn't as hard to see in, just that small amount of time where the light was drifting into dark always made it dim and gloomy. "Hey, wait a minute what's that?" Natsu mumbled to herself as she stepped over a fallen tree branch. She could swear she saw faint lights in the distance. Perhaps it was a forest log house, or a bed-n-breakfast? At the thought of this Natsu's stomach rumbled. "mm..Shut up stomach..You just ate lunch!" She said as she made her way towards the dim lights ahead.

((OOC: If the twins are supposed to lead people to the circus, who is going to play them since there aren't any body right now?))

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Character Portrait: Kai
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#, as written by Ginkox
"....." Kai's Face is Blank, Staring at The People who Watches Him...

Hands were on his Plate. 3 Minutes Later, a Blue Unknown Thingy were coming out of His Mouth...

"Hammmnn.... Food.." Kai Stared blankly at nowhere.

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Amanda sighed, "Yes, it never is that simple, he's made himself to strong, and top it all of her has watchmen guarding him everywhere he goes." she said, standing up a leaning against the side of the cage across from Ben. Music flooded in around her as the sounds of crowded footsteps filled her ears. "We'll have to talk later Ben. people are coming." she she said, closing her eyes and trying to find the rhythm of the music.

[writer block}

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#, as written by Ben989
He nodded slowly and moved away from her, puffing away at his cigarette. The process of getting out of the cage and returning the padlock was easy. He finished the cancer-stick and flicked away the filter, exhaling his last gulp of nicotine relaxation.

"Night, White." He whispered it softly as a deep throbbing bass came over the speakers. A sigh escaped him, and he began to walk away, one more thought occurred to him.

Which one? He turned back to her, "Are ya gonna beg tonight?"

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Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu, after trying to find her way through the dark forest, finally came to the circus entrance. Her eyes widened in surprise at its size. It was bigger than she had expected, and there were so many lights and colors. She made her way into the tent, surprised even more to see how many people were already making there way about. So interesting, she thought to herself as she slowly made her way further into the massive tent, gazing around at all the people.

((OOC: Sorry for the short post I need to go to bed!))

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#, as written by Ben989
"Nevermind." He moved away from her cage, heading toward the tent to help set up. He smoked another cigarette as he went, savoring the smoke and wishing there was more he could do for her. More for them. Everyone in Deep Woods. This job wasn't about the money, it never had been. It was about love and family and belonging, not keeping people locked away where no one could see them, except for the price of an admission ticket. Their lives couldn't be considered living and they weren't surviving. He sighed. Something had to change. Something was going to change. And come hell or high water, Ben was going to be apart of it.

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White sighed heavily as the next group left, no one looked kind to her, they looked cold and mean. But then again, who didn't when looking through bars. She could dance anymore, it had already been a couple hours and she was done for. she sat down and petted her tail as groups came and went. Someone caught her eye, a girl with short brown hair. White slowly crawled up to the front of the cage and reached through the bars, catching the girls shirt before she could walk away, "Miss? could you stay a little longer? Because, you know, I've always wondered what life would like outside this cage. To be away for the piercing eyes and the harsh laughs. Away from the pain and the beatings if we don't do what we're told. we all have. C-could you help us? Help us leave this place, please?" White pleaded, the words ran through here like clock-work,but, everytime she said those words it was like the first time she begged for help. There was no acting for her.

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Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu stopped with a hmph as she walked by one of the cages and looked over to see the girl, who looked a lot like a wolf, that was in the cage had taken hold of her shirt. Her eyes widened a little as the girl began to talk. As she spoke, Natsu's surprised eyes grew a little sad. She looked around for a moment, then turned to face the girl, who, despite her wolf-like features, was actually very pretty. "You can talk?" She said, then smiled faintly. "That's incredible!" She made sure she kept her voice low in case anyone that worked at the circus was nearby. With a kind smile still on her face, she leaned in a little. "Well, I haven't seen very much myself. The city is incredible at night, but loud and noisy during the day. Out here, it's absolutely beautiful." After saying this, a worried expression crossed her face. "Do you really mean to say they beat you?" Natsu quickly confirmed her question after getting a better look at the girls legs, it was obvious. But, this girl can talk, and she even looks human. What has she done to deserve this? Natsu could feel a spark of anger start to creep over her. "How can I help you? I can pick the lock. But..there are way too many people here. They'd see." She said, a serious expression on her face.

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Character Portrait: White
21 sightings White played by LoveHateKindOfGirl
"As i have told you before, i can not go, i have to wait for the time when my farther is most vulnerable, so that i can take him down."
Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
22 sightings Natsu Kaminari played by HereMeNow
"Everyone's a monster on the inside. What gives them the right to place labels?"
Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
12 sightings Tzar Kohla played by TechScience
"Every choice has a consequence, and every consequence can be calculated"
Character Portrait: No-name
0 sightings No-name played by Strawberrykiss46

The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ben Weiss
Character Portrait: Kai
Character Portrait: liz demana


Character Portrait: liz demana
liz demana

im not evil

Character Portrait: Kai

". . . . ."

Character Portrait: Ben Weiss
Ben Weiss

"Do or do not. There is no try."


Character Portrait: liz demana
liz demana

im not evil

Character Portrait: Ben Weiss
Ben Weiss

"Do or do not. There is no try."

Character Portrait: Kai

". . . . ."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ben Weiss
Ben Weiss

"Do or do not. There is no try."

Character Portrait: liz demana
liz demana

im not evil

Character Portrait: Kai

". . . . ."

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