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The Kings Daughter

The Kings Daughter


This is about Princess Alena. She is in search for her sister who has disappeared.

1,938 readers have visited The Kings Daughter since AmeChasseurDeLen created it.


This is about Princess Alena. She is in search for her sister who has disappeared. She will come across some people that will help her on her adventure. Will she find love?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Arinia Wilhelmn
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Alena woke up to her maid Sarie opening the curtains. She sat up stretching rubbing her eyes. "Good morning m'lady," the maid smiled as she helped her out of bed. "Shall I start your bath?" Alena nodded and walked to her window. The sun was just rise over the mountains of Sereniah. The village out side the palace gates was coming to life. She loved to sit and enjoy the morning. Today though it seemed off. Arinia had gone missing with nothing but a molten rock from Gardrek Volcano.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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#, as written by Tardis
OOC: I hope it's ok that I start. I've had ideas floating in my head and I wanted to type them as soon as I saw my character was accepted.

Tristan Hoult awoke to the sound of his mother calling out for him. She was ill, bedridden, and wasn't expected to live long. He quickly arose to his feet, "Yes, mother?" Rubbing his eyes, he yawned. He couldn't get much sleep in that house. "Tristan, could you get some food from the market?" "Of course." Sighing, he changed into his work attire, kissed his little sister Meridia on the forehead, and walked out the door.

The market was a couple blocks down, filled with merchants selling extravagant items, delicious foods, and livestock. As Tristan strode towards the market, fixing his sleeve, a knight passed, and was urgently running toward the palace. Taken aback, Tristan turned and watched the knight run. It wasn't everyday you saw a knight running around in the village, let alone with a horror-struck look on his face. When he finally arrived at the market he immediately went for the Baker's stand. The Baker was a large man with a bellowing voice and a quick temper. Sighing, Tristan snuck around the corner of the stand and took a loaf without the Baker noticing. He went to back up and bumped into a knight who was standing there, watching his every move. "Heh..." Tristan nervously coughed. Sudddenly he broke out into a run. He dashed his way through the market, weaving in and out of the people as the knight ran after him, "Stop right there!" Tristan cussed and ran faster, sliding under a few stands and running back out into the town. It was going well until he ran into an alley, and found himself completely surrounded with guards and knights. The knight who had previously confronted him and started the whole mess walked toward him, smirking. "We got ya. Tristan Hoult you've been on the run for a while haven't you? We've heard rumors of your stealing but never thought they were true." Tristan looked around at all the stern faces staring intently at him, then back at the knight. "You don't understand... I'm a peasant, very, very poor with mouths to feed. My mother is dying and my sister is starving... Can't you spare me a break?" The knight rolled his eyes, "I've heard this story many times for numerous people, lass. It's not getting you anywhere. Come with me. You're going to the palace for your judgement. They will decide your punishment."


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#, as written by Pika
Justin was woken up by water being poured on him by a old man. "Okay you could've pushed me or slap me not make me wet!" He yelled as the water dripped from his hair to his face "I let you stay the night here time to go before the guards come." The man said leaving the room Justin threw on his shirt and jumped out of bed and put on his hoodie that was covering his face."Thank you for this amazing stay good sir but I must be off now~" he said before leaving and going to the village as he saw a poor boy in trouble he grabbed a apple from a stand and started getting yelled at as he walked he pulled down his hoodie even poor walking up to the guard. "Hey why don't you cut the guy a break and pick on someone your own size." he said before taking another bite of his apple "And stop being a sour puss".


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn
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Word of the events in the village got back to the castle. King Wilhelmn paced in his throne room angered by more than the disappearance of one of his daughters. "Alena!" he called as everyone including his advisor, Ivan, cringed. Thomas, a young helper in the palace, ran to the bed chamber of the Princess. He nervously knocked, being young even he was known to being mesmerized by the beauty of Alena. "Come in," she called her voice soft and unusually empty. Thomas entered,"the king is calling for you, your Highness." As Sarie pulled a walking cloak over Alena's shoulder the boy still caught a glimpse of her black curls before they became hidden by the hood. "Tell father I have already taken to the village to think through my thoughts and hurt over Princess Arinia's disappearance." Without another word Alena left the room and escaped through the gates into the village. She felt unnecessarily guilty and even more so by avoiding her father. what am I to do, she thought.


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Character Portrait: Justin Time
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#, as written by Pika
Justin was stared down at the guard and he got back in his face."What did you say?" The guard said Justin shrugged and got a bag and started stuffing each and every kind of food in the bag."You see this guy looks like he's telling the truth so there for he deserves to be free~" he tossed the bag to the boy. "Take that to your family!" Justin said before he was interrupted by being pushed down and handcuffed by the guard. "Aww you got me!" He said laughing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult Character Portrait: Justin Time
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Alena walked through the village enjoyong the sights of everything. She loved the atmosphere of the busy village, and she returned smiles everywhere.She came upon her fathers guards and cleared her throat. "Let these villagers go with their possesions." She stood her hamds on her hips a look of wonder and slight disappointment in this type of event occuring in her fathers village.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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#, as written by Tardis
Flustered with anger, Tristan refused to be taken to the palace. "Do you really even understand what it's like to live the life I have? Sire, have you ever been a peasant such as I? Where your own mother is laying on her deathbed. Where your father lays 6 feet under the ground beside his favorite willow tree, the one where he proposed to your mother? Where even your youngest sister is starving... I haven't the money to buy loaves of bread. I haven't the money to even buy milk. The last thing I need is to be thrown in prison. Who will feed my family? Have a heart. You're a noble knight, you'd understand."

The knight sarcastically pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, and then smirked. "Son, I advise you to obey my orders..." He withdrew his sword, "Or there's going to be an issue."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult Character Portrait: Justin Time
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Alena slowly grumbled and pushed her way to the boy who had spoken and looked him in the eye with kindness. "Do not worry young man. You are free,"she turned to the guards. "You will not take either of these young men to the palace. I will personally buy this young mans bread and milk and deliever it myself." She lowered her hood and looked at the head guard. "I command this on behalf of the palace." She stood calm and yet still forceful. Insode though, she trembled knowing she'd have to deal with her father later.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult Character Portrait: Justin Time
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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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#, as written by Tardis
Tristan turned to Alena in awe, he hadn't ever been face-to-face with a princess. A peasant such as he rarely ever communicated with the royals. He bowed his head to her. "Thank you, my lady. I am forever in your debt." He smiled and looked up at her, "Thank you so much. I'm truly honored. If there was anything you want me to do just let me know."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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Alena leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I'll tell you in privacy." She lead the young mam away from the guards and paid for the loaf of bread plus an extra loaf. She then bought two bottles of milk and carried them. "Which way is home?" She smiled kindly her brown eyes shimmering in the sunlight with gold and green flecks a younger version of the deceased Queen. Her long curls cascaded to her waist. "Forgive Sir Wyern. He takes his duties seriously." She let the worry in her eyes momentarily then snapped back to cheery. "My father will not be pleased that i let you go but he is a forgiving father. A forgiving king. He is kind amd will understand."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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0.00 INK

Alena leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I'll tell you in privacy." She lead the young mam away from the guards and paid for the loaf of bread plus an extra loaf. She then bought two bottles of milk and carried them. "Which way is home?" She smiled kindly her brown eyes shimmering in the sunlight with gold and green flecks a younger version of the deceased Queen. Her long curls cascaded to her waist. "Forgive Sir Wyern. He takes his duties seriously." She let the worry in her eyes momentarily then snapped back to cheery. "My father will not be pleased that i let you go but he is a forgiving father. A forgiving king. He is kind amd will understand."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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Alena leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I'll tell you in privacy." She lead the young mam away from the guards and paid for the loaf of bread plus an extra loaf. She then bought two bottles of milk and carried them. "Which way is home?" She smiled kindly her brown eyes shimmering in the sunlight with gold and green flecks a younger version of the deceased Queen. Her long curls cascaded to her waist. "Forgive Sir Wyern. He takes his duties seriously." She let the worry in her eyes momentarily then snapped back to cheery. "My father will not be pleased that i let you go but he is a forgiving father. A forgiving king. He is kind amd will understand."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tardis
"Hopefully he will understand." Tristan flashed a smile, and swept his hair out of his face. "Uh, right this way." He led the princess to a small wooden shack, the place he called home. "Come right on in. Sorry it's so small... And a little dirty." He kicked a shoe away from the door. His little sister, who was only 4 years old, wandered up to the princess with widened blue eyes and cascading blonde hair. "Oh, this is Meridia... Say hi, Meridia. This is princess Alena." Meridia clung to Tristan's leg and waved timidly.


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Character Portrait: Justin Time
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Pika
Justin was taking and put in cells he sighed of boredom. "Were gonna have to know your name sooner or later!" the guard yelled at him. "What kind of person do you think I am?" he question the guard pulled off his hoodie and revealed Justin, his bang fell over his face and his eyes were bright hazel brown. "Woohoo~" he said looking away."Have fun you'll be in here for awhile!" the guard yelled walking off. "this is what I get for helping people.."he said sighing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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0.00 INK

Alena smiled at the small girl, "Hey there. You're pretty." She knelt and opened her arms out toward the girl. "Come child, I dont bite." She looked up at Tristan and winked. Thinking a bit, she asked, "May i meet your mother?.." She hoped she hadnt offended the boy. As she sat in the boys home awaiting his response, King Wilhelmn paced outraged. "My daughter did WHAT?!" He glared at Sir Wyern making the guard flinch. Sir Wyern knelt head bowed, "she freed a theif. We did manage to bring in another man." The king sighed his voice softer, "and what of my daughter? You let her wander off when one has already disappeared. Much less wonder off with a thief!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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Alena smiled at the small girl, "Hey there. You're pretty." She knelt and opened her arms out toward the girl. "Come child, I dont bite." She looked up at Tristan and winked. Thinking a bit, she asked, "May i meet your mother?.." She hoped she hadnt offended the boy. As she sat in the boys home awaiting his response, King Wilhelmn paced outraged. "My daughter did WHAT?!" He glared at Sir Wyern making the guard flinch. Sir Wyern knelt head bowed, "she freed a theif. We did manage to bring in another man." The king sighed his voice softer, "and what of my daughter? You let her wander off when one has already disappeared. Much less wonder off with a thief!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tardis
Meridia clumsily walked over into Alena's arms while she sucked on her thumb. Tristan smiled while he brushed Meridia's hair out of her little eyes. "She's so adorable. She's usually very shy, I'm actually quite surprised that she's even hugging you. And you'd like to meet my mother? Um, sure. You can meet her. I'm sure she'll be very pleased to see you. It's not everyday we have someone such as you in our humble abode. In fact, I think it's always been a dream for her to meet a Royal. My mother as well lived in poverty while she was growing up." Tristan paused to look down at the floor. "She isn't going to live long, your highness. Her appearance may be shocking, so I warn you. Meridia is constantly with her mother, crying and asking what's wrong with Mama. About earlier, I didn't mean to steal but I-" His voice cracked. "You're a very understanding woman, a beautiful one at that, and I thank you."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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A soft blush crossed Alena's face and she stood smiling. "I assure you, your deeds are forgiven." She rested a hand on his cheek the gave Meridia a piece of the bread. "I would love to meet your mother. I will return everyday to be company. If your mother accepts my gesture." Alena smiled humbly her true generous personality shining in her eyes and smile. As she stood, the king continued his pacing and crossed his arms. "You've lost my other daughter. Search the village for her if you wish to keep your position.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tardis
Tristan smiled handsomely and admired her beauty. "Right this way." Tristan led Alena to a small extension to the house, a separate room where a pale, blonde woman lay sleeping on an old and decrepit bed with white sheets. "Mother?" There wasn't a response. Tristan's heart skipped a beat, panic struck him. He quickly strode over to the side of the bed. "Mother?" He took her hand, and to his relief his mother opened her pale blue eyes. "Tristan? What is it? Where's the bread? I'm starved." "Mother, I had to steal the bread. I know you're not proud of me for this, I couldn't afford it... I almost got arrested... However, it's all well now, but I have a surprise for you. Mother..." Tristan stepped aside, "Meet Princess Alena."

His mother's eyes widened in shock. "My heavens! Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming- Oh! I must look like such a wreck!" She sat up, brushed aside her golden hair and revealed her beautifully aged face. You could tell she was ill just by looking into her tired and weary eyes. She smiled tiredly, fumbling with her fingers. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this, your highness."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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Alena smiled and knelt beside her, "its quite alright. You are just as beautiful as Meridia." Alena hand a larger piece of the bread to the older woman. "I'd like to come everyday to keep company. I'll help around the house." She took the womans hand her eyes shimmering. "I can't stay long today. I'm afraid, but with your permission I'd like Tristan to escort me home." She stood and reached into her cloak pulling aruby necklace of her mother's out and set it in the womans hand. "This belonged to my mother. If you need me at any momeny hold this and ask my name i shall know and come."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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#, as written by Tardis
Tristan's mother held the delicate necklace in her hands, an exasperated look on her face, "Your highness... Thank you... It's so beautiful. I'll keep good care of it. I'll cherish it. I'm so blessed." She paused and admired the necklace, then looked up at Tristan with a smile. "Go, son. Escort her back to her palace. I'm sure she has much more important duties at hand." She laughed, the moment was filled with pure joy she hadn't felt in years. "Oh thank you so much. Thank you so much for everything, this is just marvelous. I can't believe this is even happening... I can't believe it all. Oh I'm going to die a happy woman for sure."

Struck by her words, Tristan drew closer to his mother, "Mother don't say that. I'm not going to let you die, not if I can help it." "We all know it's going to happen dear..." "Well I will do my best to keep you alive and well. I've always tried, I try so hard." He kissed his mother on her hand that still adorned her wedding ring, then stepped back next to Alena. Once again he looked into her eyes and felt like he was dreaming. "Princess Alena... I'd be honored to escort you back to your palace. I'm sure people are waiting for you."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult Character Portrait: Arinia Wilhelmn
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"I look forward to seeing you again," she smiled and took Tristan's elbow. As they started walking, shr waited until they were out of ear shot. "My sister Princess Arinia, she has gone missing. I need your help to search for her." She looked down at the ground as they walked then up at her escort. Alena glanced back toward the house and suddenly felt bad for asking the boys assistance. "No.. nevermind.. forgive me just.. if you hear something please call for me.." She turned back toward the palace silently, deep in thought.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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#, as written by Tardis
"Princess Arinia has gone missing? That's terrible! I can help, you know. It would be a pleasure of mine. Princess, after all you've done for me I am surely forever in your debt. Like I said, if you need anything just ask. It would be an honor to help you look for your sister." He trailed after her, unsure of whether or not she truly wanted her help.
He stumbled a little, letting his mind wander as he reflected over all of what had happened that day. The day wasn't even half way over and just look at where he was now... Practically friends with a beautiful princess that he had a crush on. This wouldn't have happened if he would've never stolen from the Baker, although he did what he had to do. Perhaps it was fate? Maybe so... The more he thought about it, the more he began to realize that he was a bit thankful for stealing. He would've never met Princess Alena if it hadn't been for committing a crime.
"Do you have any idea where she would've gone? Any idea at all? Does your father know? Give me the details. We'll find her, I promise. I'm sure she's perfectly fine wherever she is. Don't you worry." Tristan smiled warmly in attempt to comfort Princess Alena. He just didn't want to seem desperate.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
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0.00 INK

"All that was left was a molten rock..," Alena looked toward Tristan. She gazed at him his dark hair....She blushed looking ahead. "I think shes at the volcano," she didnt have proof but she hoped she knew. They came to the castle gates and she turned to the boy. "Thank you for escorting me. I shall see you tomorrow." She smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn
Character Portrait: Arinia Wilhelmn
Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult


Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
Tristan Hoult

A peasant boy who's always dreamt of being a knight.

Character Portrait: Arinia Wilhelmn
Arinia Wilhelmn

Alena's lost sister

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn
Alena Wilhelmn

"Help me find Arinia?"


Character Portrait: Arinia Wilhelmn
Arinia Wilhelmn

Alena's lost sister

Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
Tristan Hoult

A peasant boy who's always dreamt of being a knight.

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn
Alena Wilhelmn

"Help me find Arinia?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Arinia Wilhelmn
Arinia Wilhelmn

Alena's lost sister

Character Portrait: Tristan Hoult
Tristan Hoult

A peasant boy who's always dreamt of being a knight.

Character Portrait: Alena Wilhelmn
Alena Wilhelmn

"Help me find Arinia?"

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