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Helthas Sedra

A theatrical, violently mysophobic amnesiac with a fondness for fine clothing and a talent for magic.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Dan-Nal-Khali


Height: 200cm
Weight: 9 st 4 oz
Race: Human (modified)
Skin colour: White (often greyed)
Hair colour: Blood Red
Hair style: Plaited, knee-length
Clothing: Dresses formally and often like a performer, rarely seen without a top hat and fitted coat with card motif.


Theatrical, a performer by both nature and profession.
Suffers from misophobia, the severity of which varies depending on his emotional and physical wellbeing.
Well spoken, almost never using bad language.
Suffers from recurring amnesia, only being able to store memories in his deck of cards.
Can be classed as a coward, as he will run from conflict, only fighting if his own life would be in jeopardy otherwise.
The combination of his phobia, memory loss and unwillingness to be hurt make it difficult to connect with people beyond what is necessary in his profession as a travelling entertainer.


A deck of playing cards is on his person at all times. The deck stores his memories, each card having a specific set of memories linked to it. Sedra is unable to tell which card holds which of his memories.
The deck can be used for attack purposes; by destroying a card the potential energy stored within can be released in a different from. The aces correspond to Sedra's sense of time, location, self, and self preservation. The royal cards each manifest as a replica of a member of Sedra's 'family'.
In destroying a card the memories within are lost, and to replace a card that has been used a whole new deck must be created. Only one deck can be used at a time, so if a deck is depleted it must be destroyed in its entirety in order to create a new deck.
Helthas Vrass, the Jack of Clubs, frequently speaks to Sedra within his mind. The Jack is mocking, aggressive, and has a deep hatred for Sedra. Sedra also possesses a walking stick that can be converted into an umbrella.

So begins...

Helthas Sedra's Story


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Helthas Sedra resisted the urge to look up at the numbers himself, knowing that it would ruin her measurements. "Two hundred exactly..." he murmured, as if he had known that before but was only now becoming aware of it. "Why exactly two hundred, though, my love?" He shook his head and cleared the strange tone away. "Yes... that is very tall."


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Helthas Sedra tucked her into his arms even as his thoughts lingered on why it was that he was exactly two hundred centimetres tall. "You're right, of course; you fit very well given the height difference, but I don't think that it would work so well if you were smaller." He hummed to himself. "I must seem awfully large to Cerenah."


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Helthas Sedra chuckled to himself. "That is a very good thing, then. But you're right, I suppose; I can't think that Cerenah will grow to be taller than myself." He placed a hand on the top of Ginny's head in some strange display of unspoken humour. "No, I'm sure of it."


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Helthas Sedra removed his hand with another chuckle, but still managed to look displeased at the mention of The Other Man. "I'm afraid said being is a nonentity in my mind," he said coldly. "As thankfully, I have entirely forgotten his existence." Something in his tone suggested he remembered enough to still be insulted by it.


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Helthas Sedra tried very, very hard not to correct her grammar. "I'm glad; the man was a pig... though I don't remember why. I'm certain that he was most vulgar, though." He shook his head. "Why am I trying to remember this man again, my darling... surely he's not worth it."


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Helthas Sedra flushed at her implication as well as her insinuation, but more because a sizeable part of him very much wanted to 'make the most' of a night with Ginny- which was totally unacceptable! At the very least her mother would castrate him: a thought that made him feel rather unwell.

However, once the seeds of suggestion had been planted he couldn't seem to remove them which caused him to flush a strange shade of scarlet. "I- well- my love... what exactly do you have in mind?"


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Helthas Sedra spluttered. "I- I- that sounds fantastic, my love... an early night and a bath free of interruptions would be pleasant for the both of us." ...wait... "I mean- we-" He coughed, then buried his face in his gloved hands to hide his intense mortification. This was no way for a gentleman to behave!


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Helthas Sedra drifted after her as though hypnotised, though he still looked seriously embarrassed by the whole situation. "What do you have in mind for dinner?" He hoped she didn't expect to eat all that much of it... and in that instant Sedra was distracted.


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And just like that she'd swapped his thought process back into dangerous waters, how off. With a sigh (and a flush that painted his pale face) he followed her, trying not to splutter overly as she agreed with her statements.


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Helthas Sedra wandered into the room, actually looking for Ginny this time. Upon finding her, he took a seat at her table with a smile. He wasn't quite sure how he'd gotten from A to C, B was a mystery, but he'd arrived and was very pleased about it.


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Helthas Sedra was suitably distracted by the recall task, as he always was; his results were never significantly improved but he still made an effort to try whenever Ginny requested it of him. "I apologise, my love; my mind was elsewhere for a moment." He reached out to take the scarf from her. "I made this scarf."


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Helthas Sedra lifted the scarf and held it scant inches away from his face, breathing in slowly. "I don't remember, but I feel like I should sometimes. I know that I made this, it's mine, and I made it for you, though I don't know why. Probably because you are beautiful." He was at least partially speaking to himself.


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Helthas Sedra flicked the door open with a practised hand to avoid excessive contamination from the handle as he swept into the (hideously unclean) bar with a flourish. His pristine and rather eccentrically patterned coat swirled around his legs for a moment as a draft blew in, coming close to upsetting his top hat even as he nudged the door closed once again with his foot.

"Oh, well I wonder if that's new..." he mused upon seeing the futuristic new interface and robotic bar staff, his memory not quite up to telling him whether he had seen such things before or not.


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Helthas Sedra paused half way through his ritualistic foot wiping on the door mat as his ears caught something his brain had yet to follow through on. He frowned for a moment as he tried to work out why he was frowning, but by the time he had caught up with himself he was already stalking purposefully across the room.

However, before he could reach his destination he stopped again, puzzled once again by his body being several steps in front of his brain. Sedra sighed; it was clearly turning out to be one of those days, though he had already concluded that he was not going to let that stop him.

Thinking at last, he placed a gloved finger against his lips, eyes suddenly keen and watchful. His expression suggested that he would observe if his presence was allowed to go unnoticed.


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Helthas Sedra cringed visibly for a moment as something unfavourable found its way into his ears. Oh, if only he could wash the inside of his mind of such things...

"Oh, the very lowest form of whit," he murmured, unconsciously smoothing non-existent folds from his clothing as if that would in some way clean the words from his memory. Why, why could he never forget the pointless things in life?!

It took him several seconds to realise that he had become distracted again, and by the time he tuned back in his hand was already placed delicately upon Nevan's shoulder.

"Excuse me, but might I have a word?" he asked.


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"It brings a whole new meaning to the word poverty when a man finds himself unable to afford manners, which just so happen to be free," Sedra murmured, his eyes on the departing male, before his attention turned once again to his daughter.

"Really, my love, there are some positively beastly men in these parts. I would scarcely believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes." Gently, he took Cerehan's hands between his own, examining them for damage.

His fingers, even under the soft faux kid-skin, were chilled. "Was the display of whit that I witnessed upon my arrival the height of his communicative ability, or did I missed being graced with some pearl of wisdom as a result of my rather late arrival?"


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Helthas Sedra sighed as he lifted his daughter's hands to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to the end of each finger. "They are perfectly clean now, my darling, there's no need to worry." If her hands were unclean, then he most certainly would not have brought them anywhere near his face, that much was certain.

"Now, tell me, Cere-love..." Sedra frowned a little, the faintest trace of embarrassment seeping into his smile. "What exactly am I doing here?"


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Helthas Sedra didn't remember leaving the house, let alone why he had come so far out, but it mattered very little if he had managed to find his daughter along the way. Clearly he was where he was meant to be, and if he was supposed be anywhere else then surely the person would... they would...

"If I am in the wrong place, and somebody is looking for me, they will-" he prompted, hoping that Cerenah would finish his sentence and make sense of what he was trying to work out. "I'm afraid it is one of those days, my love."


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Helthas Sedra didn't quite feel that he'd gotten the answer he was looking for, despite being somewhat calmed by Cerenah's reassurance. There was clearly something he was forgetting...

"We can have a drink, love, but make sure that they use these-" Sedra flicked his wrists, a glass appearing in each of his hands. "-glasses, because they are clean and the glasses here are most certainly not."

He smiled, passing both glasses to his daughter. "Vrass is- I'm sure that I was supposed to remember something about Vrass, actually, oh, and your mother is at work. She left this morning."

He tapped a finger against his lips. "Vrass... Vrass was- oh!" A hand dived into his coat, coming out with a mobile telephone pinched between his first and second fingers. "Vrass."


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"Oh, I don't know, whatever you suggest so long as it has never come into contact with an animal; I will not have fur in my beverages..." Sedra had clearly become a little distracted, but he rapidly captured his thoughts before they managed to get away from him entirely.

"Vrass came home this morning," he said after a moment, his voice slow and thoughtful. "He had been to... to town. To get me- this- thing." Sedra gave the phone a little shake. "I am not quite sure what to do with it, my dear."