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Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan

Cyberpunk Supercop, a hyper-augmented vigilante devoted to the pursuit of justice.

0 · 323 views · located in Hotel Zafiro Lobby

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Joseph_Bennett



I am vengeance. Wait, somebody else said that. I am... uh... I am vigilantism. Fugg, that's bad. Wait, what do you mean I can't erase it? It's still recording? Turn it o-
Born and raised in the dark, dystopian underbelly of a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, Jack Donovan had experienced the harsh reality of crime and corruption from an early age. His parents were victims of a violent gang war, leaving him orphaned and filled with anger and a thirst for justice. Determined to bring down the crime syndicates that plagued his city, Jack became the embodiment of the law, known as the "Violence Suppressor."
As a young man, Jack joined the ranks of the heavily augmented and technologically advanced law enforcement agency known as R.I.O.T. (Rapid Intervention and Offensive Tactics), a subsidiary of the Universal Law Enforcement Accord, or ULEA. With their cutting-edge cybernetic enhancements and relentless pursuit of justice, R.I.O.T. agents were feared by criminals and hailed as heroes by the innocent.
During his time in R.I.O.T., Jack underwent extensive cybernetic enhancements to enhance his strength, speed, and combat abilities. His body was augmented with hardened synthetic muscles, enhanced reflexes, neural implants, and an advanced ocular interface that allowed him to analyze situations instantaneously. This combination of human determination and technological prowess made him a force to be reckoned with.
Jack quickly gained a reputation as the supercop who would stop at nothing to uphold the law. He relentlessly pursued crime bosses, took down drug cartels, and dismantled gang networks. No criminal could escape his wrath, as he continuously pushed the boundaries of legality to ensure justice was served.
Despite his ruthless pursuit of justice, Jack maintained a strict moral code. He viciously put down any opposition to the law, but did it in a manner deemed honorable by his own terms, although deemed brutal by his superiors. His no-holds-barred approach often put him at odds with his superiors, who were more concerned with maintaining the stability of the city rather than eradicating crime entirely.
When the weakened elements within R.I.O.T. grew too powerful to ignore, Jack found himself on the run. Branded a renegade vigilante, he began fighting crime on his own terms, seeking to dismantle the twisted systems that allowed corruption to flourish within the Multiverse.
(Character idea made by AI and written and edited by myself.)

- Graphene-reinforced combat suit: A lightweight yet durable suit made from advanced materials that provides enhanced protection against physical and ballistic threats, all while looking just like a leather jacket with the word "R.I.O.T." sprawled across the back in a blocky text. Weird how they can do that.

- Cybernetic enhancements: A range of augmentations including neural implants that improve reaction time and analysis, cybernetic muscles enhancing strength and speed, and advanced ocular implants providing augmented vision and threat analysis.

- Multi-function wrist gauntlet: A high-tech gadget that features tools such as grappling hooks, lockpick kits, and scanning devices to aid in investigations and navigating the urban landscape.

- Neural-link cloaking device: A cutting-edge device that allows Jack to momentarily cloak his presence, making him nearly invisible to surveillance systems and enemies alike.

- Plasma Disruptor: A lethal-only weapon that emits an intense energy bolt capable of immobilizing targets, effectively disintegrating whole portions of matter.

- Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) grenades: These grenades emit a focused electromagnetic pulse that temporarily disables electronic systems, rendering cybernetically enhanced criminals powerless and disabling security systems.

- VMO Pulse Pistol - A burst-fire pistol chambered in caseless rounds, firing three rounds in one pull of the trigger.

- Cybernetic fists: These advanced, reinforced gloves enhance Jack's punches, allowing him to incapacitate enemies efficiently, all while being built into his hands, looking like a simple fist wrap.

- Neural hacking module: A portable device capable of accessing and manipulating computer systems and cyborg implants, allowing Jack to gain access to restricted areas, gather evidence, or disrupt enemy communication networks.

- CipherVision "NeuralSync" Shades - A set of augmented sunglasses that allow him to see thermal signatures, identify people using the Multiversal Identification System, and play music directly into his brain.

- LightBlade knife, edged with a thermal heating coil allowing to penetrate lighter carbon weaves.

So begins...

Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan's Story


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Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan
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0.25 INK

Jack Donovan steps into the Starwind Plaza. He glances left and right, then crosses his arms. He's pretty sure this place is up to some shady business, and while it doesn't sit right with him, he doesn't have any jurisdiction over what goes on behind closed doors. He's sure there's some kind of setup here, though. Asteroid colonies? Go figure, of course it's going to have some kind of criminal activity.
Whatever, that wasn't what he was here for.
He takes off his visor, a set of yellow-tinted sunglasses, and wipes it on his jacket, moving aside his chest-length beard. He sighs, then continues to stand there as he places the glasses back on his face, being sure to shift his jacket as to conceal a VMO G43 Pulse Pistol, a small caseless round handgun he managed to get past security, almost on accident. He doesn't want to get brutalized by cyborgs today, though, so he decides to keep quiet about it.
Where in the 'Verse is this guy? Will he show up?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.25 INK

Haruka's scarlet eyes wandered the surroundings, the asteroid walls and wondering on how much effort it must have taken to even make habitation possible within an otherwise lifeless piece of space rock. But she didn't have time for sightseeing, she was looking for somebody in particular, well, two people in particular but the second was a new priority, the first has waited for years already, what's a few more minutes? I sure hope he's okay.

She took a moment to recall the description of Jack that Mueller gave her as she wandered the plaza, but after just a little scanning she'd find... well, it was about as much a description as she'd need. He stood out in a way that is hard to describe, but everyone else was content to engage in all their various activities that this rock provided, but everything about this man seemed far disconnected from that. He carried himself in a way that almost seemed more... serious, military perhaps? Would make sense considering who he was to meet with.

She nervously scuttled over and leaned to the side, thinking in the back of her head how deep she's gotten herself.

"Um, hello, excuse me, are you by any chance Mr. Jack Donovan?" she asked, her voice nearly a whisper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.25 INK

Donovan looks over, then turns completely. "Yeah, who's asking?" He quickly sizes up this decisively non-human individual. He does a quick scan with his visor, quickly cementing the facial features and details into his memory. That's odd, one of these was in here a while ago. Possible relation, Commander? The glasses intone into his head. Disregard. Identify. Look for criminal record, he thinks, and the glasses take a minute to do so. He glances left and right, then lowers his voice. "Miss, why are you over here? Somebody send you to stab me or something?" His face sets itself into something more grim, considering the possibility, but he's confident he can draw in a split second. "You have twenty-five seconds," he says lightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.25 INK

Well, that answers that. Mueller did warn Haruka he would be like this. In her mind, though, she had nothing to fear from a man who seemed to be either military or some form of law enforcement. She left young and never looked back, she had her name officially changed and discarded her father's name entirely. Almost immediately she composed herself and politely bowed. People like this prefer a very direct approach.

"What? No, not at all, sir, Specialist Mueller sent me, said you may be able to help? I'm sorry to- I overheard something as I was arriving and... there may have been a murder," she looked over at the very extravagant Hotel Zafiro, still yet cleaned of the cut ribbon. It was clicking together now, all that jumbled mess that made up that moment. Almost entranced she then pointed with even more certainty now. Her voice got a bit lower, a grim realization that what all this entails, especially if her brother really is in there. "In there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.25 INK

"You could have said that at the beginning," Jack grumbles, before catching himself. "Sorry, I've been at a low point since I got... er... retired. Don't worry about that." He glances over at the hotel. "Knew some shit was going on in there," he mumbles. He glances back at Haruka, then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, seemingly in exhaustion, then pulls a notepad out of his waistband, partially revealing a grip of a pistol for a second before the jacket closes again, and then reaches into the chest pocket for a pen.

"So, uh, first things first, I gotta write down some stuff about what you know, who you are, et cetera, right? Yeah, so, um," He pauses for a moment before smacking himself in the forehead with the palm of his hand. "Yeah, yeah, almost forgot. I'm a cop with RIOT, Rapid Intervention, Offensive Tactics. Unit MK-12 and shi- stuff. I'm willing to help you, miss, but you gotta help me first. Now, er, what's your name?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.75 INK

So he is a cop, er, or at least... was, she thought. It gave her some comfort, though, seeing a gun caused her ears to flick up briefly on impulse. She could feel that she had little to fear from this man, other than how he might react to her brother should they meet up. Damn, well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

"Oh, I'm Haruka Mayumi, I was coming here to visit my brother, um, haven't seen him in a long time," she started off, steady and collected. She had no reason to lie, just change the phrasing of certain details. "When going through the checkpoint I crossed paths with a woman, um, Carmen Dellevon I believe was her name. Blue hood, dark hair, had a real upper class quality to her... she handed me-"

In a moment she fished through her bag and pulled out the fanciful suite key and showed it to Jack.

"This key and she... she... must have had a lapse, or something, but muttered something like, bastard got what was coming to him or something like that, there was this tone, this feeling of absolute satisfaction," she continued, a little unsure how to phrase this without the freaky psychic aspect of the whole exchange. Even recalling this in an abridged version placed a lump in her stomach. As she tried to recall all of it, she couldn't forget the callous feelings she got from that woman and she felt naseous. Recalling that flash of images, there was this sickening realization: she made sure it was done. Haruka placed her hand over her mouth, her composure melting. She didn't care what kind of person this supposed victim was, does anyone deserve that? Distracted some from that thought, her ears twitched and looked back towards where she came from. Something huge just arrived.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.25 INK

"Well. Shit. I guess that's enough to work off. One sec. Empath? Yeah, you look the type."

He turns away as Haruka puts her hand over her mouth. He had the suspicion she was the type, with the whole psionics sorta deal. You could usually tell by the way they carried themselves. Unsure, but confident. Fluid sort of thing. He can tell she's uncomfortable with the idea of death, so he writes that down before putting his hand up to his glasses, pressing a small button on the side of the visor.

"This is RIOT MK-12 Victor-Sierra to ULEA TOC, Perseus-Orion division. Requesting return from administrator leave, on the basis of psi-based intel regarding murder, first degree. Perp off-planet by now. The on-scene response will be immediate, role of investigation, no forceful response is necessary as of yet, there is potential for violence, however. Sending recording now."

He holds up the notepad to his face, then his visor flashes for a moment as it takes a photograph.

There's a second of silence before the glasses give a radio wave in response. ULEA TOC to MK-12 Victor-Sierra, you have permissible go-ahead. Keep violence substandard. Nonlethal force is admissible, you will be under live review once interaction begins. The full response team will be there in 6. Stay frosty. TOC out.

Jack gives a quick fist pump, then exclaims, "YE- Oh, shit, sorry. Uh, sorry. I'm, er, glad to help. You got, like, any experience in live response? Don't answer that, actually. Uh, do you have any positive identification for anybody possibly involved? I think I saw somebody who looks like you a while back, any relation? That could help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.25 INK

The unique crack of an Aschen disruptor echoed through the plaza, a well dressed man emerged discreetly stuffing something into his suit jacket as he walked away, his eyes obscured by dark glasses. He briefly looked towards Haruka and the Cyborg police officer, made a face, and began to walk in the opposite direction, casually as if nothing had happened.

Inside the alleyway the unidentifiable remains of an individual with half their head blown away could be seen slumped against the wall, the acrid smell of ozone permeating the immediate area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

Haruka was taken aback, her attention drawn back to Mr. Donovan. How easily he had seen through her, was she that obvious? She wondered if he had a similar innate talent as her brother, able to read minute details in a person to determine how they may feel or think. Then again, maybe her auntie is right and she has the absolute worst poker face.

"Y-yeah, I am, sorry," she said, feeling some shame for withholding when he's been nothing but open to her testimony. It was then that she waited for him to file his report. She would be surprised again, seeing him give a rather victorious fist pump. Suppose he got some good news? It actually helped some with her unease. He asked a question, which he retracted before she could answer. The next thing he'd mention, well, it was expected, somebody that looks like her. She sighed, may as well be honest. He'll find out sooner or later anyways. "Yeah, suppose that'd be my brother Jouji, I mean, he's the reason why I even came here to begin with. With the murder, though, I honestly don't think he's- he has his problems, sure, bu-"

Suddenly her sensitive ears heard a pop, which made her jump, bringing her attention to an alleyway, watching quietly as a man in a suit and sunglasses walked out, looked at them unkindly, then just sauntered away. There was a clear confused and disturbed look on her face, and for a moment she wondered if that was real. She turned back to Jack.

"What the f- did that sound like a..?" she stammered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

Jack looks at the suit-and-tie guy, and is briefly confused before he runs a scan. "Yeah, he didn't come in here earlier. He probably just teleported or something, I dunno. Sounded like... That sounded like a disruptor. Get security as fast as you can." He steps over to the agent, pulling his badge from his belt. "Excuse me, sir, can we speak for a moment? I'm with the ULEA, part of law enforcement local to this galaxy. Did you just discharge a weapon?" He glances down the alley the agent just came out of, spying... holy shit. That was a corpse. That was a fucking corpse, with its head blown off. He quickly draws his pistol, leveling it at the agent. "Sir, I'm going to have to detain you on suspicion of murder, if you would please surrender your weapon." He begins to scan the agent, the visor he's wearing beginning to run several identification programs. Caution. Suspect is armed. Possible relation to Aschen Intelligence, could be equipped with teleporter pack and body armor. Apprehend with extreme caution.
FUCK. That was fucking bad. The situation was rapidly changing, so he decided to change with it, and against advised action, he uses his aiming system to fire three times into the agent, discharging a total of nine rounds at a hypersonic speed. Three of them hit the agent in the chest, and another three to each arm, all the while as Donovan rapidly closes the distance between them.
FUCK. I hope that graphene holds up against disruptors.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

The identity scans of the LDA, or rather IIA Agent turned up dead ends, misleading data, and false identities that were linked to no one in particular from hundreds of distinct galactic civilizations. The scans however did finally link him to the Aschen Empire's Ministry of Defense but offered no further details as to his identity. He stopped, and turned again. Being no typical IIA Agent, he was part of the highly elite 'Section One' a branch that dealt with counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and espionage.

He didn't have much time to react, turning only when he was being 'detained' because obviously agents of the Empire would recognize some sort of over-arching law enforcement organization. The moment the pistol was leveled on the man he raised his hands. But that wouldn't seem to do much good as the man opened fire. Each round struck a curtain of light that flared vividly with each projectile impact.

The man's cold emotionless face didn't react but he gracefully sidestepped Donovan's charge, and with one fluid motion he withdrew his disruptor pistol, yet he did not fire. EVE was gathering intelligence on the man's words, accessing databases all across the Empire for this ULEA.

"Advise, further research on this ULEA must be conducted by Command for threat-assessment and abatement activities. Recommendation: Neutralize subject, apprehend them alive, and submit them for questioning, and Aurora Chair interrogation."

"Do you make it a habit to shoot people with their hands up?" He asked in an almost monotone voice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

A Blue Heaven uniformed official muttered something into his radio as he came upon the corpse. He looked around but didn't spot a perp. No matter. This was a bold one. A minute or so later, the lights of Starwind Plaza flickered, then began to blare red and then blue, red and then blue, red and then blue. A voice calmly blared through the sound system for all to hear above the din.

Attention Everyone
Blue Heaven is now experiencing an Emergency Lockdown.

All scheduled shuttles have been cancelled until further notice.
All visitors and residents are to clear the docking areas.
There are no outgoing visitors or residents permitted at this time.
All incoming visitors and residents in the airlock queue may proceed.
All docked vessels are to remain in position.

Please remain calm and go about your business.
We thank you for your patience.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

Advisory, Commander. He's playing the long game, possibly attempting to get you arrested yourself. Approach with caution and incapacitate. What? Fuck, no. I'm just going to talk to him. The lights were flashing, and immediately his visor begins to filter it out, highlighting the signatures of people around him.
"I'm damn sorry, sir, but I'm more used to reaction to these kinds of things. After-crime response. I hope you can understand," he cracks from behind his pistol. He's running his own database scan. Intelligence force. The disruptor definitely meant that it was Aschen of some sort. This guy was good, too. He's not getting away. He could, but he isn't. Why? "I'm thinking, y'know. You shot that fella over there, I bet. Didn't look like much of a fight, huh? Execution? Assassination? Or just plain business?" He's circling the guy, matching his aim. Intelligence... He's looking for info. He's like a drone, you know what they do to people in the Aschen sector. Not even any ULEA enforcement there. Wait... "Tell me, pal, what are you here for?"
That's it. He's trying to figure out what the fuck I am. He holds up his badge, a white star in a black circle on a field of smaller stars. And I know how they figure things out there. Severe mental trauma, in the form of some person digging through your brain.

Most people would shoot back as soon as possible... What does that tell me? He wants me alive, maybe. He's an intelligence guy, from what I saw earlier. He's well-trained, sort of brainwashed. He's trying to gather info. Just killed a guy, didn't look like a fight, so he's either pretty damn sneaky or else very fucking good. He has a shield of some sort. Blocks ballistics, probably energy. Then how does he shoot? Never mind. I know that he's got some form of getting away, but he's not. Probably because he wants to get some more data.
Fuck, it was unprofessional to shoot at this guy. He knows I'm a threat, now. He throws a moving hand gesture to Haruka, pointing her towards the hotel, silently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

There were a few screams and shouts as people of Starwind Plaza close enough to the action jumped to get as far away from it as they could. A few rushed into the hotel lobby, while others ran for the club. Many, oddly enough, didn’t seem to care at all and went about their business.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

Haruka's brain had pretty well checked out at this point, and now she had tinnitus as Jack opened fire on, what she perceived now as some kind of high-profile killer, a likely apt description than she may think. Despite this, the guy remained stone-faced, and that to her was more horrifying than the exchange itself. People like that were bad news. Could do any number of horrible acts and not feel a damn thing. Yeah, she knew the type more than she'd have liked to.

Despite her ringing ears she heard the blaring alarms and lights. Shit! A lockdown!? Now there were two murders, they were trapped in here with a known killer, there may even be more of them around and... yeah, actually it can't really get much worse than that. Everything is screwed.

"M-Mr. Donovan?" she managed to utter, far more concerned more for his well-being than the stoic killer. To his direction, though with hesitation, she looked to the hotel. She looked back at Jack and the agent before, reluctantly, making a mad, inhumanly fast dash towards the hotel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi
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0.00 INK

Navy has the entire station surrounded... accessing databases... Recommendation adjusted, utilize political power to ascertain purpose.

The stone faced man looked back to the alleyway, and then back towards Donovan as he moved to slide his disruptor pistol back into it's holster.

"Accessing... encryption present... attempting to penetrate." EVE chirped in his ear.

Finally the strange man opened his mouth to speak. "You just attacked an agent of the empire executing his duties, something like that delegitimatizes your organization in the eyes of the Empire." The man cracked a half cocked smirk. "Under normal circumstances, I'd have killed you, and your friend." He quietly cracked his knuckles. "But I'm looking for someone, and any information would be welcome. It wouldn't make sense to fight, the Navy has this place surrounded, and any moment it'll be crawling with Imperial soldiers."

He pulled his sleeve back to reveal a watch like device worn on his wrist, and it displayed an image of Carmen Dellevon.

"This woman is an enemy of the Empire, and I am looking for her."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Haruka Mayumi Character Portrait: Imelda Constanzi
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0.00 INK

Access was granted to the Aschen fleet to a number of surface level intel- mainly who was coming, who was going, and when. The why was recorded on happenstance- meaning, it wasn't always present.

They would find record of Carmen coming, but not of her going.
The ULEA would find similar access levels granted, if they so searched for it.

The reason for the lockdown was not a result of Carmen's activities in Blue Heaven, but of a corpse being found in Starwind Plaza. The scene of murder was quickly quarantined by Blue Heaven agents. They began to sift through what was left of the crowd, asking questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan
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0.00 INK

"How nice. I hope you find her."
These people actually fucking THINK. Heaven in a hand grenade, Donovan. You just fucked the entire chance of the ULEA getting any pull with the Aschen.
"You know, disregarding the previous actions as far as both parties, I may be able to help you." He slightly lowers his pistol, his hands still outreached in the 'weaver stance' so beloved by any organization with armed members.
Tread lightly.
He lowers his weapon fully, holstering it uneasily, maintaining eye contact with the agent. "I'm going to be honest, sir, it could be the amount of, er, things I've seen this week regarding brutal murders, but I'm not particularly disposed to the scenario."
This guy is basically a cop. As soon as I say anything useful he's going to try and pull some shit, though. I know it.
Commander, I believe that individual is a member of the Dellevon family. According to previous observations, she was last seen exiting this location, around thirty minutes ago. She's probably off-planet by now.
How to navigate this...
"I'd like to apologize on behalf of the Law Enforcement Accord, for my response to what I perceived to be a murder. Clandestine operations are not to be interfered with by the Accord, and doing so was against protocol."
This guy is trying to do something. He's stalling, maybe. He quickly watches a recap of individuals he's seen through his visor. Yep. That one.
"I saw a woman by that description exiting this area. I followed her out of the hotel, according to this recording. Figure you'll want that. You got, like, a medium of data exchange? or something? Whatever. She left towards the main promenade."
He glances over at some Blue Heaven security sifting through the crowd.
"Yeah, uh, from one cop to another, I'd advise you get out of here, if you don't want to get asked questions about that corpse. Real sorry for the 180 turn there, but I can stall them, if it helps. Apprehending criminals is rough, explaining shit is rougher."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Imelda Constanzi
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0.00 INK

Meanwhile, the doors of Hotel Zafiro slowly closed. The Blue Heaven agents worked their way closer and closer to the source of the crime, though they still had no idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: E.V.E. Character Portrait: Jack "Violence Suppressor" Donovan Character Portrait: Imelda Constanzi
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0.00 INK

Y'know what? Actually, fuck this guy.
"I'll be seeing you, actually. I have some business to attend to."
Without another word, Donovan sprints up the steps and into Hotel Zafiro, turning as he's at the last steps, throwing a mock salute at the LDA agent before stepping into the doors.