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Otto Staub

0 · 952 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saviarre



So begins...

Otto Staub's Story


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Otto Staub A car pulled up outside Gambits. Otto Staub turned and looked out the window at the bar and the attached hotel. "Here?" He turned and asked the elder Staub to his left. "She came here?" He stared at the bar with an obvious look of distaste.

"Yes, Otto. The last report we have from her indicated that she was here." Kaiser Staub extinguished his cigar and moved to exit the unmarked black sedan.

Otto continued to stare at the building, his eyes narrowed. "She couldn't have stayed at the Ritz or something better?"

Kaiser sighed at his son, gesturing for the three bodyguards to stay close and be on the ready. "Otto, look around. Do you see anything better?"

With a scowl, Otto exited the vehicle. "I bet they don't even have any good whiskey... or even room service."

Kaiser frowned at his son. "We're not here on vacation, Otto," he chided, pushing open the door. "We're here to find Ilse. I'm sure you can suffer for a few days until we locate her."

Stepping inside the bar, Otto glanced around. Well, at least there was no shortage of women around. That might make this whole endeavor a little bit more appealing.


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Otto Staub stood near the counter as one of his men took care of the arrangements. 'God,' he thought, 'this better not take more than a couple days. Some of these chicks are downright... horrifying. Leave it to Ilse to end up here.'

With a shrug, he ordered a whiskey and turned to rest his elbows against the counter as he looked across the room. He didn't understand why they were even here. Ilse had gotten herself into her own trouble. If she needed to be bailed out, she was weak in Otto's eyes. Weak and unnecessary. A sapling that should be chopped from the forest.


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Otto Staub scowled at his father. Fiancee. He hated that word. It sounded so pompous, so arrogant... which, in essence was exactly what Otto was... but he wanted some sweet girl who would do everything he asked with a smile... a stupid girl who worshiped the ground he walked on. Instead, he found himself engaged to Ilse.

Tossing the drink back, Otto tilted his head to crack his neck. Surely he could find a stupid girl around here... something to pass his time. Stifling a yawn behind his hand, he frowned. It would have to wait.


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Exiting his room at the hotel, Otto adjusted the knot in his tie as he walked down the hall. Standing at the top of the stairs, he waited for his father. He watched the goings on in the bar below him, scowling. These people disgusted him. They had no culture, no taste.. and, from what he could see, no manners. Although, there were some interesting broads down there... probably easy too. Otto had a different set of standards for women. Stupid and easy. That's what he liked.

He turned his head as his father, Kaiser Staub, moved up behind him. "I still don't believe Ilse would be here. Even against her will. We're wasting our time."

Kaiser looked at his son sadly. "We have to try, Otto. We owe it to her." With that, both men descended the stairs.


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Moving away from Kaiser, Otto approached the counter, three of his body guards following him. He sighed as he slid onto a bar stool, frowning down at the counter. "Sticky," he murmured. "Of course. This place is such a dive." He sighed and pulled a Cuban from the inner pocket of his jacket. Lighting it, Otto turned to Henry.

"Whiskey. Top shelf. The best you've got, and it had better not be watered down or I'll..." He stopped himself, remembering that his father was nearby. "Just, get it... Oh... and I'm looking for a girl. Pretty little thing, about this tall," He held his hand up to his shoulder. "Brown hair, greyish green eyes, I think... Ilse Gauner.. Ilse Klein...?"


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Raising an eyebrow, Otto smiled with half of his mouth. His reaction to her name had been interesting. Very interesting. It got Ottoā€™s attention, and once Ottoā€™s attention had been grabbed, he didnā€™t back down. In this case, however, he decided to play it cool. ā€œSo, youā€™ve met Ilse.ā€ She shook his head. ā€œI was hoping the information was incorrect.ā€
He leaned back and puffed on the Cuban for a few moments, studying the bartender. ā€œShe sleep with you?ā€

Suddenly, something the bartender had said registered with him. He leaned forward, eyes narrowed. ā€œWaitā€¦ you asked ā€˜How did you know her?ā€™ Past tense. I take it sheā€™s not around any longer? She moved on?ā€ That would be good. He could report that to his father and they could be on their way to some other dumb city chasing after that stupid broad. But at least they wouldnā€™t have to stick around here.


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Grinning, Otto lifted the glass in a mock toast to Henry. ā€œWell, isnā€™t that a shame. Sheā€™s gone. You donā€™t happen to know where she went, do you?ā€

Otto knew that this man knew somethingā€¦ if it were just a conversation, he wouldnā€™t have reacted the way he had when Otto had said her name the first time. Right about now, he wished he had Ilseā€™s technique of getting people to open up. She had a knack for it. In fact, she often begged to go in and speak with the ones about to be interrogated before they were able to torture answers from themā€¦ more often than not, the victim spoke before the guys even had to touch them. Otto often wondered what was said, but couldnā€™t really be bothered to ask. She was a pretty face with a good rackā€¦ thatā€™d be enough for most guys.

ā€œSee, friend, I think you know somethingā€¦ And I need to know it too.ā€ He sipped the whiskey and puffed on the cigar again, looking to one of his bodyguards and tilting his head in Henryā€™s direction. The man opened his wallet and pulled out a hundred. ā€œIā€™d be willing to pay for information.ā€


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Hearing the car crash into the side of the building, the three body guards turned as one, guns drawn, crowding in front of Otto, who had risen from his stool and drawn his own.


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Realizing the threat to Otto wasnā€™t actually a threat to him, the body guards relaxed slightly. One turned around and noticed Henry attempting to slip away. ā€œOi!ā€ He called, lifting his gun to point it lazily at Henry. ā€œHe hasnā€™t dismissed you yet.ā€

Otto, hearing the body guard, turned and eyed Henry, raising his eyebrow again. ā€œSneaking away? Thatā€™s not the behavior of someone who doesnā€™t know anything.ā€ He sighed. ā€œLookā€¦ I just need to know where she went so we can get her before someone very bad does.ā€


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Otto tilted his head. Judging by the manā€™s reaction, he was also used to having guns in his face. Something was off about Mr. Bartender. Something intriguing. ā€œNo. Sheā€™s my fiancee,ā€ he muttered, almost angrily. In truth, Otto didnā€™t really care about Ilse. Actually, he despised her. But he wouldnā€™t kill her. At least, not until after the wedding.

ā€œSheā€™s in trouble. Weā€™re here to help herā€¦ to take her home.ā€ He sighed and rose from the counter, pulling a business card from his pocket. ā€œIf you see her, have her call me here? Orā€¦ if you remember where she may have gone, call me.ā€


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The door pushed open suddenly, and a very annoyed Otto Staub entered the bar flanked by his bodyguards. ā€œThe search is pointless,ā€ he was growling out loud, presumably to his bodyguards. ā€œPointless! The bitch is goneā€¦ Why are we even here? The Old Man has lost his fucking mind. Since when has the entire Family gone out to search for some stupid broad idiotic enough to get herself in the situation in the first place? Heā€™s lost his fucking mind, I tell you.ā€

Striding angrily over to the counter, he sat at a bar stool, pulling a Cuban from his inner jacket pocket. ā€œGoddamnit Ilse!ā€ he muttered as he lit the cigar. Leaning back, he looked at the nearest bodyguard. ā€œHeā€™s lost his fucking mind,ā€ he reiterated angrily, using the cigar to stab at the air to emphasize his point. ā€œWhat made her so fucking special. I guaranteeā€¦ Guaranteeā€¦ that if it were me that were missing, everything would carry on as normal. Damn that bitch!ā€ He stabbed his finger at the bodyguard again. ā€œI swearā€¦ when I get my hands on her, sheā€™s going to pay for this. Schlampe!ā€ ((*Sigh* fail))


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Hearing his last name spoken, Otto originally didnā€™t seek out the speaker. Actually, he looked for his father. Kaiser. Not seeing him, Otto continued to search for the speaker. There. The bartender. Tilting his head, Otto grinned, lifting his cigar to his lips and puffing cockily on it. ā€œBartender! Did you decide to remember some information about Darling Ilse?ā€

Having noticed that his bodyguards all had their hands on their weapons, Otto shook his head slightly, a small sign for them to back down. ā€œWellā€¦ Iā€™m listening. What do you have for me? Where is she?ā€


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Noticing Graystone moving to sit next to him, Otto appraised the man briefly. Now here was a man with taste, with style, and obviously with money. Like himself. Perhaps, if this man, who had obviously been in this dive of a bar before, was comfortable here, there might be hope for this hell-hole in which Ilse had disappeared. He nodded to the man before glancing at one of his body guards, letting them know with a silent signal to leave Graystone alone.

Turning his attention back to Henry, Otto stared at him, taking another puff of his cigar. ā€œYou think she might be dead, but youā€™re afraid Iā€™ll hurt her if she were alive? Obviously, Iā€™m not the threat here. If she didnā€™t run away, if sheā€™s being held by someone, Iā€™d say that was the threat, wouldnā€™t you? Sheā€™s going to be my fucking wife, for Christā€™s sake! Why would I hurt her? Iā€™m looking for her, to take her back home. The whole fucking family came looking for her. I assure you, she wonā€™t be harmed.ā€ Internally, he grumbled at this. It was the truthā€¦ Kaiser wouldnā€™t allow anyone to harm his precious widdle Ilseā€¦ And that pissed Otto off more than anything.


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Otto stared at the man, the cigar poised in mid-air as he had been lifting it to his lips when Henry said the last bit. His heart began to race in his chest. This bartenderā€¦ a bartender, for gods sakeā€¦ knew top secret informationā€¦ Otto stared at Henry, the disbelief plain on his face. She told him about Viktor? About her mission?

Of course she had. The dumb bitch had probably spilled the beans to anyone who would listen to her. Otto knew she wasnā€™t to be trusted, but noā€¦ Kaiser had a soft spot for herā€¦ Disgusting. Otto had no patience for those who spilled family secretsā€¦ aside from himself, that was.

Clearing his throat, Otto finally pulled on his cigar. ā€œViktor, huh? What exactly did she tell you? Ebola? Vial?ā€ He had to cover this upā€¦ to clean up another mess left behind by that idiotic whore. Turning to his bodyguards, Otto forced a laugh. ā€œSounds like Ilseā€™s not been taking her medication, boys.ā€ He hoped it was convincing. Pass her off as an addled womanā€¦ Yes. Insane. Clearly a made up story. ā€œYou didnā€™t honestly believe her, did you?ā€


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Otto studied Henry. Something was still fishy about this entire situation. It almost felt like he was protecting her, and for him to have known about the Ebolaā€¦ That was more than casual conversation. What had happened? Ilse knew not to talk. Kaiser would not like this. Kaiser would not like this at all. She was either in danger orā€¦ really intimate with this bartender. Looking at him, Otto just couldnā€™t see the latter as an option. After all, she didnā€™t even seem to want Otto, and he was far more appealing. He had the looks, the money, the powerā€¦ No, he couldnā€™t see her going after a guy like the bartender if she turned down Ottoā€¦

ā€œSoā€¦ you donā€™t know where she went?ā€ He frowned, puffing on the cigar contemplatively. ā€œIā€™m really worried about her now.ā€ The last was true, a softer note entering his voice. He was worried about herā€¦ Kinda.


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Otto had been thinking about all of Henryā€™s answers. Sheā€™d sung about the Ebolaā€¦ he said she was scared she was going to dieā€¦ Sheā€™d sent a letter to Kaiser letting him know where she wasā€¦ what had happened. Her bodyguards were all dead, according to her. An ambush at the warehouse. Sheā€™d managed to steal a vialā€¦ She skipped a lot of the details of the lake, just that she got free and was here. Something must have been spooking her for her to have sent the letter instead of coming home herselfā€¦ and she hid the vial.

With a heavy sigh, Otto nodded. ā€œYeah.. thanksā€¦ā€ This was not going to be fun to tell Kaiser. Not at all.


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Seeing Henry get up and walk away, Otto nodded to the bodyguards that it was alright to let him go. He hadnā€™t believed a word of his false relief at the explanation of Ilse being insane. With his eyes, he signaled for one of the bodyguards to keep an eye on Henryā€¦ follow him for a whileā€¦ see if anything came up.

Sighing, he lifted his hand to his head, massaging away a sudden headache. ā€œWhat did that dumb whore get into now?ā€ he muttered.


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Sophia stood from the chair, having made up her mind, only to see Danica's farewell to Izumi. Yes... she couldn't continue like this. Not at all. Reaching behind herself, she approached Izumi as she slid the necklace from around her neck. Without a word, she handed it to him without even being able to look into his eyes, and turned and walked up the stairs to her room.


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Standing from the bar stool, Otto beckoned to all but one of the bodyguards to follow him upstairs. "C'mon... We've got to tell Kaiser what we know." Loading into the elevator, the men disappeared as the doors closed. All that was left was the muffled sound of Otto screaming in his frustration. "Fuck!"


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Otto moved down the stairs. Reporting the information he had learned to Kaiser had not been fun. Not at all. It was almost as if he were being blamed for the fucking bitch's disappearance. In a foul mood, he made his way over to the counter and sat on a stool next to the classy man from before - Graystone. "Fucking women. Seriously.... stupid fucking women."