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Otto Staub

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saviarre



So begins...

Otto Staub's Story


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Otto Staub figured that since the hand on the knee had gone alright, he should be a little more bold. He slid his hand up a couple inches, nodding. ā€œWhen I was a kid, I threw my brother out of the tree we were climbing.ā€ He rolled his eyes, his voice annoyed. ā€œOf course the official story was that he fell and broke his neck. Complete accident. Total shame.ā€ He chuckled and shrugged, looking at her to gauge her reaction to this. ā€œTruth of the matter is, the little shit was older than me and I knew then, even at six years old, that he would inherit the family and I just couldnā€™t stand for that. Mafia funerals are always somber occasions, but mafia funerals for children are damn near unbearable.ā€ The story was as much a warning as anything. It proved that nothing would stand in his way if he saw something he wanted. Nothing.

ā€œWhat time are you off work then?ā€ he asked. ā€œI can get a room here.ā€


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Otto Staub would smirk at the look she gave him, looking into her eyes and wetting his lips slightly. ā€œWell, veiled threats and monetary acquisition aside, shall we head upstairs? Or would you rather continue discussing your role in eliminating my fiancĆ©e and her boy toy?ā€


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Otto Staub considered her question as he rose from his stool, grinning and winking at the guards that followed closely behind. ā€œI canā€™t decide,ā€ he admitted, moving toward the stairs and grinning wolfishly at her. ā€œHow about once each way and we go from there?ā€ The guards would follow them up the stairs, positioning themselves outside the room, trying really really hard not to listen to any noises that came from the room.


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub pushed his way into the bar, immediately followed by four guards who didn't even try to be discreet. It was obvious they were Otto's muscle. Otto didn't even seem to notice them, though. Rather, he ran his eyes over the room, before stepping to the counter and taking a seat, his eyes moving over Kisa for a moment before shifting over to Absinthe. "Hey, Doll, ya' on the clock?"


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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0.00 INK

Otto Staub pushed his way into the bar, immediately followed by four guards who didn't even try to be discreet. It was obvious they were Otto's muscle. Otto didn't even seem to notice them, though. Rather, he ran his eyes over the room, before stepping to the counter and taking a seat, his eyes moving over the bar, trying to find something interesting.

"Well, boys, rather uneventful in here today," he muttered.


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Otto Staub looked over to Absinthe, admiring her curves for a few moments, a smirk on his lips. Heā€™d heard about what had happened the other day. Heā€™d had a guy in, monitoring, watching. He understood why she was acting as if she were wary of him right now. Let her sweat a bit, he thought to himself, watching her silently, arms folded, brow quirked. As she spoke with the other patron, Otto turned to his nearest guard. ā€œSo, tell me again what happened the other evening?ā€

The guard shifted uncomfortably on his feet. ā€œUh, sheā€¦ It wasnā€™t pretty.ā€

Otto nodded sagely. ā€œAnd, she lived?ā€

The guard nodded. ā€œJa, she had something stowed away in her car that negated the effects.ā€

Turning to eye Absinthe again, he smirked. ā€œHey, Doll, when you get a minute, Iā€™d like to speak with you.ā€


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub clenched his teeth at her words, the dismissal. His guards stiffened behind him. Oh, so it was going to be like that? Sheā€™d failed him and now she was going to make him wait? Well. Alright. Perhaps heā€™d have to find another broad to do what he wanted. Sure, Absinthe was good in the sack. Noā€¦ she was greatā€¦ but was it worth the aggravation? Eying the man she was talking to, Otto pulled a Cuban from his pocket, sliding it from the metal tube. ā€œWell, gents,ā€ he said, turning to his guards and lighting the cigar. ā€œLooks like I might change my mind about things. Seems like the woman is a bit more resilient than I once thought. New plan. Ilse is not to be harmed. Do you understand. Under any circumstances. She is, however, to beā€¦ encouragedā€¦ to come speak with me. After all, weā€™ve got a wedding to plan.ā€


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub inwardly smirked to himself, but his facial expression remained the same as he turned around, his cigar clenched between his fingers. ā€œHit you? My dear, I wouldnā€™t dream of harming a hair on your head.ā€ Okay, so that might be a bit of a lie. He would not, however, admit to such thoughts. ā€œAlthough, I suspect that you assume I will lecture you for the unfortunate situation the other evening?ā€ Chuckling, he shook his head. ā€œIt worked beautifully. Utterly beautifully, Doll. So beautifully, in fact, that I have complete faith in you.ā€ Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew another packet, handing it to Absinthe. ā€œCare to try again?ā€

As Kaara entered, Otto couldn't help but glance in her direction before turning his attention back to Absinthe. "If you're too discouraged to want to try again, I understand. I'm sure I could figure something else out."


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub leaned back in the chair, studying Absinthe. ā€œYou look tense, Doll. You should allow me to relax you. It would be ratherā€¦ relaxing.ā€ He grinned and leaned forward. ā€œAllow me to buy you a drink or three.ā€ Snapping his fingers and holding his out to one of the guards, it was instantly supplied with a pair of twenties. ā€œIā€™d like to join you in a drink to celebrate your minor success. Iā€™ll be honest, I didnā€™t think you could do it and get away with it. My sources say you were very convincing and took interruptions to the plan in stride. I admire a woman with that kind of composure.ā€ He leaned even closer, smirking. ā€œVery much.ā€


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub chuckled, puffing on the cigar for a moment. ā€œJealous, Doll? Think Iā€™ll actually do it? How could I go from asking you to do what I asked you to do to suddenly wanting to marry her again?ā€ He shook his head, smirking. ā€œEspecially with you in front of me to look at, to distract me. Oh no. I just wanted to get your attention, although now that Iā€™ve admitted that, next time I try, I might have to come up with something a bit more sensational. Tell me, Dollā€¦ you actually think Iā€™d want a future with her when I might have the chance at a future with you? Babies, and what not?ā€ He puffed on the cigar again, tapping the ashes into an ashtray. ā€œCalm yourself, Beauty. Would you rather I come down hard on you for a failure that was beyond your control? My mistake was keeping her awake. That,ā€ he gestured with his chin toward the package. ā€œThat could make a pissing elephant pass out. Careful with it. Thereā€™s enough there for six.ā€

Feeling eyes on him, he turned his face to Kaara, regarding her with a lingering eye and a smile before turning back to Absinthe. ā€œI only have plans for two or three of the doses. The other three? My gift to you. Play around, Doll.ā€


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub smiled up at Absinthe. ā€œNo need to be jealous, Doll. Iā€™ve made up my mind. Weā€™ve discussed it. Someoneā€™s gotta take over the Family, and I like your style. I like your class. I like yourā€¦ā€ His eyes moved down her body and he smirked. ā€œā€¦personality.ā€ Hearing her comment about mindless murder, he chuckled. ā€œWho said anything about murder? Oh, no, murder is too easy. And just the wordā€¦ sounds messy. Mur. Der. Messy. I just want to help a few people who have had difficulty relaxing. Too much on their mind. I want to offer them sleep.ā€ He stabbed out his cigar and smiled at her. ā€œDid you ever see that Disney film? Sleeping Beauty? I always had issues with that because having the broad wake up just because some douchebag kissed herā€¦ well, it seemed wrong. She was sleeping. One shouldnā€™t disturb those who sleep. They need their rest.ā€ He leaned back. ā€œSo, we will offer those who much deserve rest the chance to sleep.ā€ Taking a note from his pocket, he handed it to her. ā€œYou recognize two of the names, Iā€™m sure. The third? Might be a problem, but I have complete faith in you, love. Complete faith.ā€

Hearing Kazen, Otto turned. Remembering the firefight heā€™d had over Ilse with him, Otto smirked. ā€œI can think of a few others who look a bit sleepy.ā€


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Otto Staub leaned forward and looked into Absintheā€™s eyes. ā€œListen, Doll, youā€™ve nothing to be jealous of. When I scope out other girls like that one, all Iā€™m seeing is a potential target to try out some of these powders on, capish?ā€ He chuckled. ā€œBesides, I figured you would have been disappointed that the other evening didnā€™t end the way youā€™d hoped and that you might want quick, easy, and instant gratification. Maybe make a weaker heart explode.ā€ He shrugged. ā€œIf it makes you feel better, I wonā€™t scope out potential targets for you.ā€ At least, not in front of you, he thought. Reaching a hand out, he trailed a finger lightly across her arm. ā€œBesides, I wouldnā€™t want to upset you, Beauty. Weā€™ve got plans, right? Big plans.ā€


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub smirked, eyes moving over the woman and nodding. ā€œIā€™d love one, Doll.ā€ Heā€™d heard the other woman enter, but he had the sense not to turn and look at Kaara. Things were going well. He wasnā€™t about to spoil it. ā€œTell me, Abigail,ā€ he started, leaning forward. ā€œHow many children did you say you wanted? I was thinking we should probably get started on that as soon as Ilse is dead. Did you hear sheā€™s pregnant?ā€ He scoffed, rolling his eyes. ā€œApparently that long haired kid ruined what was once mine. Now, its not that I want her, because I donā€™t. Weā€™ve established this. The stupid whore was horrible in bedā€¦ unlike you. An absolute dreamā€¦ Itā€™s the principle of the thing. Itā€™s like finding out someone broke your toy after you gave it away. I want to break his face.ā€


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub was no fool. Of course he didnā€™t trust the fairy. Seeing the glass, watching the powder drop in, Otto sat for a moment. Trust. He looked at Absinthe and then back down to the glass. Powder was a funny thing. It could be anything really. A stimulant to get oneā€™s heart racing, a depressant to slow a person down, a poison to outright kill a personā€¦ or it could be something as innocuous as powdered sugar or baking soda. Trust. Funny thing, trust. Especially in Ottoā€™s field.

The guards around Otto moved forward, shaking their heads and reaching for the glass, but Otto stopped them. ā€œNo, gents. My lady wants to play a gameā€¦ Trust, Doll? Yes.ā€ It was what she wanted to hear, he was sure of it. But he knew how dangerous this game was. He looked back up at her and nodded. ā€œI do.ā€


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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This was stupid. He knew it was stupid. He was being foolish. Still, he stared up at Absinthe and reached for the drink, ignoring the uncomfortable shuffling of his guards. He didnā€™t look anywhere other than right into her eyes. Holding the glass up in a toast, he smiled at her. ā€œTo you and your beauty. If it is the last thing I see, I die a happy man.ā€ With that, he tilted his head back and swallowed the drink. Beside him, the guards were speechless, their hands on the butt of their guns, waiting to see what his reaction to the drink would be.


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub smirked, leaning forward toward Absinthe. ā€œI have always enjoyed absinthe,ā€ he responded. ā€œYou could easily have slipped me any of the powders Iā€™ve given you so far. I trusted you enough to believe you wouldnā€™t. That should mean something to you, Doll. That should mean a lot.ā€ Beside him, his guards relaxed, chuckling slightly at their reaction to the situation, looking between each other sheepishly. Would they truly have cared if Otto were poisoned or drugged? Not really. He was, after all, quite the bastard. ā€œI understand that when you drugged Ilse the last time, you managed to nearly coax her upstairs. Brilliantly done. I never expected that. This time, if you manage, call me before you do anything. Iā€™ll let you kill her. Any way you choose. But I want to watch. I want to send pictures to her bloody lover.ā€

Brushing his fingertips down her arm, he smirked. "Now, can I get a bit more absinthe, love? Twas delicious and beautiful."


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Character Portrait: Otto Staub
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Otto Staub chuckled. ā€œTouche, Doll. Touche. You know, I think weā€™re going to be quite the pair. New York wonā€™t stand a chance with us. Boys,ā€ he said a bit louder, looking at the men around him. ā€œMiss Sinthe here is to be treated as your new Mistress. She is an extension of myself and should be protected as such. Understood?ā€ The guards nodded, faces stoic. ā€œGood. Spread the word to the others. Miss Sinthe is to be treated with kid gloves and given anything she wants.ā€ He wrapped an arm around her back, his hand against her side, pulling her just a bit closer. ā€œI believe I might need more. Iā€™m not sure I could ever have too much.ā€


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Otto Staub leaned in, brushing his nose across Absintheā€™s neck, inhaling deeply. ā€œAh, Doll, you smell even more intoxicating.ā€ Pulling his head away, he looked at her. ā€œWell, perhaps I should take you upstairs to rest.ā€ Shifting underneath Absinthe, he stood, holding her up. ā€œShall we, love?ā€ Despite his actions, his mind was consumed with thoughts of Ilse. He couldnā€™t wait to hear her beg for her life. He couldnā€™t wait to hear her screams. Smiling down at Absinthe, he knew that this woman would give Ilse the type of death she deserved.


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Otto Staub grinned and made his way to the stairs. ā€œYes, a rest sounds lovely. And you should do whatever makes you most comfortable, my dear. Anything that makes you comfortable and relaxed.ā€ Climbing the stairs quickly, he proceeded to his room, the guards following behind inwardly groaning at what they were sure they were about to overhear. If Otto had taken any notice of Kazen, he didnā€™t seem obvious about it. In his head, however, the bastard was on his list of those who needed to die. He was, after all, the one who had convinced the stupid bitch to call off the engagement.


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Otto Staub sauntered into the bar, proceeded and followed by a total of six body guards. He paused just inside the door, a bored expression on his face, and glanced around the room. "Never gets any better in here, boys," he muttered to the guards as he glanced around. "But there's whiskey here. Women..." His eyes landed on a few of the women in the room and he chuckled. "If that's what you can call them." His eyes landed on Snowdove and his lips curled into a wolfish grin. "Well, here's a new one," he muttered to himself before making his way over toward her table. Tipping his hat, he smiled at the woman at the table. "What's a gorgeous bird like you doin' in a place like this?"