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Sire Thomas Zarek

Sire of the Sagittaron Province and Member of the House of Parliament of the Aschen Confederation.

0 · 2,168 views · located in Caprica City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife



Character’s full name: Thomas Zarek
Reason or meaning of name:
- Greek form of the Aramaic name תָּאוֹמָא (Ta'oma') which meant "twin".
- Zarek - from Polish żarek, diminutive of żar ‘embers’, also ‘flame of passion’.

Character’s nickname: Sire Zarek

Reason for nickname: Honorary Title of Office.

Birth date: Rain's Hand, 4th, 57th Yahren, 8th age of doubt.

Physical appearance
Age: 197.
How old does he/she appear: 64.
Weight: 176lbs
Height: 5'11"
Body build: Average.
Shape of face: Square.
Eye color: Hazel.
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Fair.
Distinguishing marks: None.
Predominant features: Eyes and hair.
Hair color: Brown.
Type of hair: wavy.
Hairstyle: Short.
Voice: Baritone
Overall attractiveness: Mildly attractive.
Physical disabilities: N/A.
Usual fashion of dress: Formal, Business like.
Favorite outfit: Parliamentary robes and Chain of Office.
Jewelry or accessories: Chain of office.

Good personality traits: Tenacious, stubborn, passionate.
Bad personality traits: Violent, manipulative, deceitful, conniving.
Mood character is most often in: Neutral.
Sense of humor: yes.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Facilitating change through violence.
Character’s greatest fear: Death.
Why: He's a coward.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil: Another prison term.
Character is most at ease when: He gets his way.
Most ill at ease when: He loses control.
Enraged when: You go against his morals.
Depressed or sad when: N/a
Priorities: Work, his cause.
Life philosophy: "I want to deliver unto them the liberty we've promised." - Self
If granted one wish, it would be: To be President.
Character’s soft spot: Politics.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? No.
Greatest strength: Oratory skills, political prowess.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: He cannot hide his tracks.
Biggest regret: Getting caught.
Minor regret: None.
Character’s darkest secret: Zarek is a convicted terrorist.
Does anyone else know? A Majority of the Aschen Government

Drives and motivations: Self gain.
Immediate goals: Secure his place in power.
Long term goals: To change the Articles of Confederation.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Change through violence.
How other characters will be affected: N/A

Hometown: Qualai, Sagittaria
Type of childhood: Orphan
Pets: None
First memory: N/a
Why: N/A
Childhood hero: Rocket Boy.
Dream job: Politics.
Education: Sagittaron Political Academy of the Sciences.
Religion: Liberal Kobollian
Finances: Below Average.

Current location: Sagittaron, Sagittaria Prefecture, Langara.
Currently living with: No one.
Pets: None.
Religion: Atheist.
Occupation: Sire of Sagittaria, and Parliament Member.
Finances:Extremely High.

Mother: Unknown
Relationship with her: Deceased.
Father: Unknown
Relationship with him: Deceased.
Siblings: Unknown.
Relationship with them: N/a
Spouse: None.
Relationship with him/her: N/a
Children: n/a
Relationship with them: n/a.
Other important family members: None

Color: Orange.
Least favorite color: Blue.
Music: Classical.
Food: Te'esh noodles
Literature: Baltar, Hagan.
Form of entertainment: Television, reading..
Expressions: Formal.
Mode of transportation: On foot/Motorcade.
Most prized possession: Pendant of office.

Hobbies: Politics.
Plays a musical instrument? N/a.
Plays a sport? No.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Plotting
Spending habits: Lavish.
Smokes: Yes.
Drinks: Yes, Ambrosia.
Other drugs: New Caprica Loco Weed.
What does he/she do too much of? Plotting
What does he/she do too little of? Eat healthy.
Extremely skilled at: Oratory skills, Politics, social skills, shooting.
Extremely unskilled at: Mechanical work.
Nervous tics: None
Usual body posture: Attentive standing.
Mannerisms: Polite.
Peculiarities: N/A

Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly
Prefers working or relaxing? Working.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? Indifferent.

How he/she feels about himself/herself: n/a
One word the character would use to describe self: Indifferent
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Speech skills.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Tenacity
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Hair.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? n/a
How does the character think others perceive him/her: n/a
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Nothing.

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Dislikes people, perceives them tools.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes.
Person character most hates: N/A.
Best friend(s): None
Love interest(s): None
Person character goes to for advice: President Adar.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: No one.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: No one.
Person character openly admires: N/A
Person character secretly admires: Himself


Convicted for destroying a Government building with a bomb, ran for Parliament, under Sagittarian law, felons have their rights restored after serving their time.

So begins...

Sire Thomas Zarek's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Rhea Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek
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#, as written by Nemo
"I concur with the Terran representative," Dominic nodded, still standing, "while I do sympathize with my kin regarding the slew of abominable attacks made on our planet my Terran rogues, we MUST consider the economic backlash that will certainly result if we cut all ties from Terra. While terrorism has claimed many Aschen-born Terran citizens, many more live happy, functional lives on Terra. Like it or not, Terra IS a galactic trading hub, one of the most prominent in the Milky Way. The planet is host to many natural resources and commodities not to be found anywhere else in our galaxy." He straightened his cuff links. "For all the millions Tech Con has lost to Terran advances, we are STILL making a profit on that planet."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Rhea Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek
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Nagala continued to say nothing, having no say in the events that were transpiring, simply being a military escort.

The Delegation grumbled for awhile, and began to cast their votes. Nagala silently whispered in Rhea's ear.

"Many are tired of the problems that this has caused, that Terra has caused, if this Immigration reform does not pass, there will be more demands on the Terran Government, and more demands placed on our own government.

There was a long pause, as the 600 Member Quorum delegations cast their votes.

After several long moments, the Announcer checked and tallied the votes.

"The Quorum has voted on the immigration law." A large screen then displayed the results.

"Three-Hundred and Seventy Three votes for, Two Hundred Twenty Seven against." The Speaker said.

"The Law carries to Parliamentary Consideration." He said, a second screen flickering on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Rhea Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek
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#, as written by Tiko
"Perhaps, but ignoring the situation doesn't resolve it. It simply sweeps it under the rug to come back another day," she told Nagala as the votes were called. "Perhaps it is best for everyone if this law passes. The Terrans will be happy to be rid of the Aschen presence, and the Aschen will be content behind their lines. But Terra has known nothing but oppressive rule from the Aschen. If the Aschen close off their borders now, those are the stories the Terrans will be telling their children, and their children's children for generations to come until the day comes when they shed the confines of their single planet. One can not simply wash their hands of the past and hope it will not come back around again. This law needs to be stopped from being passed for the sake of the future."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Rhea Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek
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There was another silence, and the second screen lit up with the results.

"Parliament has rejected the law, Four in favor, eight against. The Law shall be returned to the Quorum for modification and consideration." The Speaker said.

"However, the Quorum session is now adjourned."

Quietly, people began to shuffle from their seats, while Nagala turned back to Rhea. "The Quorum will probably try to propose this law until it passes, modifying it to pass." She said, gesturing for them to leave.

"For now though, the Law has been rejected by Parliament. This is how our government functions, the Laws start in the Quorum, move up into Parliament, and then are signed by our President, or rejected."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Rhea Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek
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#, as written by Tiko
Rhea nodded briefly to Nagala. "It is the Quorum then that needs to be swayed," Rhea remarked. "I will remain on Langara and continue to advocate this matter."

The setting changes from Caprica City to Verinotte Square

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Helene Chaska Character Portrait: Mose Withrow
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The ground began to tremble and the air began to thicken with the distinct smell of something being off. This continued for several long moments before the skies above Verinotte Square began to bend and warp, a flash of white light skimming across the skies followed by a deafening crack, and then a rush of air before the looming form of a distinctly colored Reverence I PAC. Unlike the foreboding violet colored military vessels, this one was a white, trimmed with blue, and it bore the seal of the President of the Aschen Confederation.

The nameplate read 'Aschen One' And it seemed to bristle with the latest in Aschen military technology.

The ship remained in the skies for several long moments, it's engines reverberating in a low deafening rumble, causing windows and alike to rattle. After these moments passed, a brilliant column of violet light seared down into the square itself, besides the statue.

This column of light remained. Perhaps something will come of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Helene Chaska Character Portrait: Chiropterans
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#, as written by Script
Murphy's law seemed well at work here. It manifested in all manner of ways, from the inconvenient to the catastrophic. Maria and the vampire-hulk's impact with the table in the room turned the furniture into an impromptu catapult with a grizzly payload. The head of a dead child was launched into the air, spinning across the room straight towards where Biohazard was standing.

In the meantime, Maria herself would find her misfortune coming in the form of the table's silverware. A silver steak knife spun in the air for a few moments, before plunging downwards - point first - straight into the woman's hand.

A number of the mutated vampires suffered somewhat more dramatically, as their bodies began to reject the transformations they had undergone, their genetic make-up seemingly by chance being incompatible with the alterations they had undergone. They would find themselves either shrinking back down to their ordinary selves, or keeling over altogether.

As it seemed the fight was dying down, or at least that the hulking vampire beasts were losing focus for the moment, Rune took the opportunity to run away.

Of course, outside there seemed to be little in the way of respite. There were great winged bat things attacking the town even as the mutated vampires lost their drive to fight. How wonderful. Rune decided, based on the academic merits of his various options, to go the other way. He ran off out of the square and disappeared into the hollow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Helene Chaska Character Portrait: Achaeos
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#, as written by Teo
Achaeos' flames consumed the chair, and when they cleared, Dorotea too was gone. But he had not sensed her spirit leaving her body - no, she had merely vanished. Something else had removed her, it seemed. He did not have time to ponder on this, for at that moment a vehicle ploughed through the wall, and he was forced to dive aside in a rush, skimming the ground as he rapidly darted away from the car's path.

The engine was aflame, however, and it would not be long before it did much further damage in exploding, and so Achaeos acted to prevent it. The fire was snuffed, drawn away from the car through the air and into his lantern before it could cause the vehicle to detonate. The driver was apparently long gone, much as Dorotea had disappeared.

He joined the fight, then, against the oversized vampires. His flames had apparently had no effect, and so he struck instead with lightning, lashing at their bodies and electrocuting them as they fell away. Before long, the conflict was over. The kitsune brushed himself down and strode out of the house, frowning at the scene outside as the Chirons flapped away. He hesitantly approached the large beam of light, halting some distance away and staring up at the ship overhead. What more was to come, he wondered?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Helene Chaska
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The Forces Vankoryth sprung into action as chaos undertook Verinotte Square. While many were prepared, fully armored in soft black leathers, a good number were armed with whatever they could find. Some had the afterthoughts of protection, none seeming to care all too much about their own demonic selves in the face of whatever the hell this was. They worked in tandem with other citizens who had taken up responsibility in the dire time. Doorways were secured, families and unarmed vulnerable's ushered behind walls and to safety. Everywhere mutant humungous vampires dropped like flies. The conflict seemed like it was over before it started, to some.

What of those Chirons flapping away? "Thank the Crawling Chaos," Some muttered at the end of the confusion. Helmets were disbanded, armor was shed. Forces Vankoryth task members sifted out from the shadows to collect bodies. Many were hauled off to the Tower Alba for testing and identification purposes.

As the Forces worked to clean up the rest of the mess, none other than Zosimos Bistreo came bustling out from the Piata. He had come directly from the Stones of Isis, four lightly armed soldiers en swarm. Folding his arms, the angle-faced man frowned deeply upon the spectacle. Was that a corpse hanging from the fountain? His tongue clicked against his fangs. And what was that rancid sme-

That rancid smell.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Helene Chaska
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The Reverence remained high over the square as the flying creatures swarmed the city. The Commander of the Reverence 'Aschen One' was watching the chaos unfold in the safety of the ship's CIC.

"These things are everywhere..." He commented, turning to one of his weapons officers.

"What should we do? Shall we engage?" The weapon officer asked, and on cue, the ship's AI Flickered into view. "I have point-defense targeting solutions on all of the creatures, the ship is ready to fire, on command."

The Commander tapped his chin, then he nodded. "Commence engagement, all batteries weapons free, mind the collateral."

The AI nodded, and a three-dimensional tactical display, complete with firing solutions flickered up before the Commander, and he spread his hands on the railing while he watched.


On the ground, it seemed if the massive Aschen ship was coming to life. What seemed a lifeless floating hulk began to rattle, and clank, doors sliding back and quad-barrelled disruptor batteries emerged from the armored hull. Flying creatures impacted the ship's shields, and likely fell like bugs.

There were rapid pops, and the ship began to open fire in all directions, lancing the flying creatures with brilliant green bolts of light, which vaporized them on impact, no flesh, dead or undead could withstand millions of degrees concentrated into a tiny bolt of energy.

One by one the creatures met their end to the overwhelming firepower presented by the singular Aschen ship. The Commander watched, as targets were neutralized one by one.

"Turbodisruptor batteries on the ground targets, precision fire." The AI chimed it's response, and massive turbo-disruptors swiveled on their turrets, to bear aim at one of the massive creatures on the ground.

A Deafening crack, and a flash of green light, the creature burst in a flurry of ash, the ground around it liquefied into molten rock.

One by one the ship engaged the creatures, and they each met their death. It seemed for one massive ship, it was able to engage a myriad of targets.

As they left, the AI Quickly advised the commander of such, and the Commander offered a slight nod. "Very well, cease fire." He said, and as the flying creatures left, the ship would of course, cease fire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Timo Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Teo
Achaeos turned towards Zosimos as the great sky-ship began to annihilate the attacking winged beasts. The kitsune pegged him for some kind of authority figure, and made his way over. He gave the dhampir and her jelly-like form a curious look, but was far too polite to comment on the oddity of her visage... and the fact that she was carrying a skin around with her. This was a haven for the bizarre and supernatural, after all.

"Greetings." Achaeos bowed politely to Zosimos, smiling to him. "Are you in charge, here? Or at the least, someone of authority who might give me an idea of what I have stumbled into? Do you know of the origins of the sky-ship overhead? I... am to hope that it is on our side, considering the destructive power it has at its disposal."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Timo Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Helene Chaska Character Portrait: Tuned Vampires Character Portrait: Jarrod Kane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
If only the hulking vampires were so easy to kill.

For every one that fell, be it to a random blast from the ship, a bite from the venomous flying beasts or any of the million other things happening in the area...they learned. When the ship's laser caught one beast it met it's death as one would expext...when the ship's weapons hit a second had no effect. The Tuned Vampire stumbled from the impact...but otherwise was unharmed. It cast a glare up at the ship before roaring it's frustration- it could not fly. The rest of the monsters similarly took no damage from the super-duper lasers. It was almost funny.

While the town defenses did manage to drop a few of the monsters the cost would be grave- each beast was easily twice the size of a normal vampire and had more strength to go with the increase in mass. As soon as the guards would have discovered a way to rid themselves of one beast the next would now be immune to was frustrating, and possibly frightening.

The toxins the flying critters bore were just as useless after the first creature fell to a bite...the rest simply swatted at the fliers in anger- no one LIKES getting chewed on. The remaining creatures scatter, without a directive they simply want to escape this closed in city. Some sprint for the forests while others take refuge in dark alleys and abandoned buildings. They are sure to be a pest in the future.

Unknown to Timo...she has made a grave mistake. Feeding on one of the beasts would only draw in the nanites in the beast's system. She would now be a host for a colony of the miniature machines. Soon they would adapt to her...unique physiology. Then they would begin reproducing. Eventually they would be wormed so deep in her that they would be all but impossible to remove..they would help her of course, granting her the same benefits they granted the Vampires of the Hollow- immunity to fire and the sun's rays, as well as small bonuses to general health....but should Descorp activate her nanites....then she too would face the change these helpless citizens faced.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Timo Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Helene Chaska Character Portrait: Tuned Vampires Character Portrait: Jarrod Kane
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[[ I'm calling some godmodding here- I'm very particular to my characters and I prefer if things are discussed with me beforehand if you're going to pull some bullshit like that. I don't like things going down without my consent so I humbly withdraw from the rp and retroactively remove all of Timo's involvement in it. Thank you.]]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Rayan Doyle Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Maurana
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Zosimos settled his feet as bats erupted from the everywhere. Overhead the aschen ship still loomed, and the battle progressed. He licked his lips, secretly loving the chaos through the scowl on his face. Turmoil and death, just like old times. The Forces Vankoryth soldiers took presence as they did. Though the bats increased in number, something else would increase. Darkness ebbed at the edge of light, choking, smothering it in a fog of bleak and black.

Knitted close to him, soldiers kept bat creatures at bay while others maneuvered to take down what they could. A cry of agony signaled one fallen soldier there, rancid crunch the death of another here. Music to Zosimos's ears, but this he could not show. Could not, or chose not to? An ear piercing howl echoed through the growing of night. Seemed not to be going well for the wolf, but so did the beasts play. Large forces were at work here, larger than just the bats or the bitch or the bastard. The darkness ebbed.

From a side street, Rayan Doyle popped out with a scowl set on pouted lips. Something tingled, it was immediately apparent what. Not even done mourning the death of, and already.... Sorting the leathers on the biker's feminine shoulders, Rayan disappeared back into the Gae Ceann clubhouse mumbling something about not dealing with this shit today. The ground was rumbling, growing was the distant drumming, and like the apocalypse itself the square before their eyes was alight with flames of fire and ice! Slipping into a shadow in the heat of the moment, escaping to a shaded balcony for view, Zosimos grinned. It was like a three ring circus!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Rayan Doyle Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Maurana
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Maurana slipped across the roof until she was directly behind the wolf. After all, she hadn't survived these past centuries by being noisy.

"You folk really take your blood shed seriously around here, don't you?" Maurana asked as she jumped above the wolfs head. Again, she taunted him with her foot as she stepped upon his crown during her leap. This time she crossed the street, landing on the opposite roof top.

As she crossed, she saw the fire below growing and spreading down the street. Suddenly she realized, This isn't a game.. The icy wind that whipped across her face took all fun out of what she was starting with the wolf.

The woman stood at full height, looking toward the sky. The activity of the bats didn't seem to be as thick as when they started.

Apparently, she wasn't the best judge of character, as Victor's abilities were very well hidden in their introductions. This, however, was an obvious power. Surely a source so great would be capable of merely reviving the soul that she had consumed? After all, she had buried the woman. Some morals still danced about within her personality; she wasn't a total hypocrite in regard to the life she lived before immortality.

Her survival instinct insisted upon running from the scene, but, she couldn't trust her opponent to do the same. As the authority had before stated his request for submission, she had done so. This beast chose to pursue her of his own accord, so she felt certain her presense was not the one that the otherly being was truly after. She had no plans of evacuating the town. She would, however, keep the trouble that she had caused away from the place of her sister's residence. Risika had no intentions of helping her now, as it was. If she caught wind of this mess, she would lose the contact all together.

Maurana looked to the wolf, "Are you a fan of fire, beast?" She questioned from across the street.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Rayan Doyle Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Maurana
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0.00 INK

President Kane silently stood in the CIC with his diplomatic entourage. They watched as the Aschen military personnel were working the tactical situation. With a flickering holographic tactical heads-up display they tried to plan their next moves.

The Commander stroked his chin, then turned to his executive officer. "We could drop the prefab FOB on the square and use it to restore order. But I don't want to attract the attention of the Invictus." He said, while thumbing his chin at the flickering holographic HUD.

"Deploy FOB And secure the square." The Commander said, turning to Kane.

"Mr President best remain on board until we've secured the area."


To those on the ground the Reverence continued to loom high above the city, of course with it's sheer size, being a whopping 3.5 miles in length, it likely cast a darkened shadow over the town, further darkening what had already been dark. That only lasted so long as brilliant spotlights began to illuminate the square, and then there was a pause.

Hisssss Crack! The noise rang through the Hollow and the square, followed by a deafening thoom!

The ship seemed to detach a large platform on it's undercarriage, this large circular platform began to slide down it's own gravity well, and the platform itself was filled to the brim with Aschen soldiers, whom had positioned themselves behind prefabricated redoubts and walls.

The Platform continued to slide down the gravity well, before it landed in a wide open space in the square with a deafening crash.

If that wasn't sufficient to garner everyone's attention, perhaps the firing up of the Aschen Myrmidon HBT centered on the platform would. Gnashing engines and trundling treads echoed as the vehicle moved from the platform.

Perhaps this would cause a pause in the fight, while Aschen troops moved to get their bearings. A Sergeant assessed the situation, trying to see who was the aggressor and the bad guy in this situation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Rayan Doyle Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Maurana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
A series of bikers who'd followed Doyle out, stayed for a couple of seconds later and then took the effeminate bikers lead and went back inside their clubhouse, putting a sign up that said 'Closed' in bright green. Today was going to be a load of bullshit, as was every other day.

Jack wasn't happy. This bitch was toying with him, the death of one of the members had already riled him up some, the werewolf scampered about the roof looking for a quick way across, his yellow eyes burning. Jack didn't care and neither did the wolf, the massive amounts of slobber increased as it backed up against the other side of the building and charged forward, leaping high into the air with it's claws outstretched.

It was never a game. Jack was a credible threat, just like the rest of her paranormal friends. You'd be a damn fool to not give him his due, it's why they put him a cage and threw money at him on weekends. The wolf was going to land on Maurana, it wasn't about the killing anymore, if she wanted to play games, he'd play her bloody game.

If he did, he'd put his claw to her neck and dare her to move with her eyes. If she dodged, he'd swing his claws left to right and bring the fury to wherever she went. The crashes and bangs around him didn't matter, this was a game between two beasts. The rest were fair play to the Aschen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Rayan Doyle Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Maurana
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Maurana, once again, assumed wrong in that the wolf would take cover with the rest of his pack. She could empathize with a struck nerve; but first, she would do well to insure her own life, even if that did mean taking anothers'.

As she watched him find his exit from the opposite side of the street to her own roof, she wasted no time in shifting. The length of the claws she had seen on him was enough to reach through her chest and pull her heart out with a single stab. She needed the protection of her coat if she was to survive actual combat with the creature.

No time was wasted, before she could let out a cry, he had her pinned to the shingles. Her legs were strong enough to support his weight, their length enough to keep his body off of hers. What a stench! She swore to herself.

Maurana couldn't heave a breath, as he dug into her throat. His force drew her muzzle open, baring thick ivory fangs. As a supernatural creature, she had a poison that flowed through her body and was deadly to most upon contact. In the shape of the panther, she delivered this poison with her front claws, which were at the moment positioned against his own chest, and stomach.

She drew back her hind legs, which were supporting most of his weight, and put as much strength behind the kick as she could muster considering her position. They both seemed to slipping down the incline of the roof, which she was reminded of the flames waiting for them both. She had to get the beast off.

Her kick did enough to slid out the bottom half from beneath him, but his grip held true. Reaching around with her left front paw, she delivered a blow to the side of his face. His hide was as thick, if not thicker, than her own. She would need speed to cut through it. "I wasn't even that hungry!" She screamed, though it came out merely a roar, as she clawed at his arms to release his hold around her throat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Rayan Doyle Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Maurana
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#, as written by Gasmask
Jack slammed one of his clawed hands into the roof and drove his hind legs into the cracks between various shingles. It wasn't about what she did anymore, it was the frequent challenges and taunts she had delivered to him during their chase. There was a clear and blatant challenge of dominance between beasts somewhere in those actions.

Jack's head snapped back as the paw hit his cheek, delivering a thick bleeding gouge across his face, the poison was already stiffing his veins, blocking up various parts of his muscles and making them scream in protest. Jack's face turned to stare at Maurana, one of his eyes had been caught in the blow, his left iris was now a pitch white.

Things just got that little more personal. With his single eye, everything was red. A hateful hunt begun that night for Jack, as he raised a hand to return the favor, the blow went errant due to the lost depth perception, it could go anywhere from there, if it at all hit her and the werewolf lost his foothold, his left leg desperately trying to find a hold.

A shingle was torn free and fell into the flames, the wolf stared hatefully at Maurana's eyes, or at least tried as he fell from the roof.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Sire Thomas Zarek Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon Character Portrait: Rayan Doyle Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Maurana
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The cat braced herself as she watched him draw back to deliver what would seem to be a very harmful blow, if it wasn't meant to knock her head off altogether. It never came, though. As the impact busted a hole through the roof to the right of her head, she opened her eyes wide.

The beast rose from atop her, giving her opportunity to regain her footing. As she did, she noticed blood dripping from her own claws. She had drawn blood, which meant...

Curse the Gods! She spat. If killing a human citizen was so dire to these people, how would they react to her killing a respected leader within the community!?

Taking back her two legged form, she snapped her head to attention as she heard the roof give way beneath their feet. Quickly, she jumped outside of the circle of disarray they had made during their tumble, just in time to see the wolf tilt head first over the side.

Rolling her eyes, and letting out an annoyed grumble, it was obvious what she had to do in order to keep her head. Roughly, she reached out and grabbed the beast by it's mane. Positive that she had a secure hold, she launched them both to the flattened part at the peak of the building. Maurana positioned herself over him, as she slammed him unto his back. "If treated properly with a blessed serum, my poison is curable. With that said, if you wish to save your hide, you ignorant bloke, you should call to your pack for aide. I suppose a being like you will live out longer than most, but," She paused to take in the full view of the unintentional injuries she had delivered, "Well, you see the effects."

She never let go of his mane the whole time, ready to leap at the first sight of sudden movement from whichever limb he chose.