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Sire Thomas Zarek

Sire of the Sagittaron Province and Member of the House of Parliament of the Aschen Confederation.

0 · 2,166 views · located in Caprica City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife



Character’s full name: Thomas Zarek
Reason or meaning of name:
- Greek form of the Aramaic name תָּאוֹמָא (Ta'oma') which meant "twin".
- Zarek - from Polish żarek, diminutive of żar ‘embers’, also ‘flame of passion’.

Character’s nickname: Sire Zarek

Reason for nickname: Honorary Title of Office.

Birth date: Rain's Hand, 4th, 57th Yahren, 8th age of doubt.

Physical appearance
Age: 197.
How old does he/she appear: 64.
Weight: 176lbs
Height: 5'11"
Body build: Average.
Shape of face: Square.
Eye color: Hazel.
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Fair.
Distinguishing marks: None.
Predominant features: Eyes and hair.
Hair color: Brown.
Type of hair: wavy.
Hairstyle: Short.
Voice: Baritone
Overall attractiveness: Mildly attractive.
Physical disabilities: N/A.
Usual fashion of dress: Formal, Business like.
Favorite outfit: Parliamentary robes and Chain of Office.
Jewelry or accessories: Chain of office.

Good personality traits: Tenacious, stubborn, passionate.
Bad personality traits: Violent, manipulative, deceitful, conniving.
Mood character is most often in: Neutral.
Sense of humor: yes.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Facilitating change through violence.
Character’s greatest fear: Death.
Why: He's a coward.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil: Another prison term.
Character is most at ease when: He gets his way.
Most ill at ease when: He loses control.
Enraged when: You go against his morals.
Depressed or sad when: N/a
Priorities: Work, his cause.
Life philosophy: "I want to deliver unto them the liberty we've promised." - Self
If granted one wish, it would be: To be President.
Character’s soft spot: Politics.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? No.
Greatest strength: Oratory skills, political prowess.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: He cannot hide his tracks.
Biggest regret: Getting caught.
Minor regret: None.
Character’s darkest secret: Zarek is a convicted terrorist.
Does anyone else know? A Majority of the Aschen Government

Drives and motivations: Self gain.
Immediate goals: Secure his place in power.
Long term goals: To change the Articles of Confederation.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Change through violence.
How other characters will be affected: N/A

Hometown: Qualai, Sagittaria
Type of childhood: Orphan
Pets: None
First memory: N/a
Why: N/A
Childhood hero: Rocket Boy.
Dream job: Politics.
Education: Sagittaron Political Academy of the Sciences.
Religion: Liberal Kobollian
Finances: Below Average.

Current location: Sagittaron, Sagittaria Prefecture, Langara.
Currently living with: No one.
Pets: None.
Religion: Atheist.
Occupation: Sire of Sagittaria, and Parliament Member.
Finances:Extremely High.

Mother: Unknown
Relationship with her: Deceased.
Father: Unknown
Relationship with him: Deceased.
Siblings: Unknown.
Relationship with them: N/a
Spouse: None.
Relationship with him/her: N/a
Children: n/a
Relationship with them: n/a.
Other important family members: None

Color: Orange.
Least favorite color: Blue.
Music: Classical.
Food: Te'esh noodles
Literature: Baltar, Hagan.
Form of entertainment: Television, reading..
Expressions: Formal.
Mode of transportation: On foot/Motorcade.
Most prized possession: Pendant of office.

Hobbies: Politics.
Plays a musical instrument? N/a.
Plays a sport? No.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Plotting
Spending habits: Lavish.
Smokes: Yes.
Drinks: Yes, Ambrosia.
Other drugs: New Caprica Loco Weed.
What does he/she do too much of? Plotting
What does he/she do too little of? Eat healthy.
Extremely skilled at: Oratory skills, Politics, social skills, shooting.
Extremely unskilled at: Mechanical work.
Nervous tics: None
Usual body posture: Attentive standing.
Mannerisms: Polite.
Peculiarities: N/A

Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly
Prefers working or relaxing? Working.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? Indifferent.

How he/she feels about himself/herself: n/a
One word the character would use to describe self: Indifferent
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Speech skills.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Tenacity
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Hair.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? n/a
How does the character think others perceive him/her: n/a
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Nothing.

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Dislikes people, perceives them tools.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes.
Person character most hates: N/A.
Best friend(s): None
Love interest(s): None
Person character goes to for advice: President Adar.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: No one.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: No one.
Person character openly admires: N/A
Person character secretly admires: Himself


Convicted for destroying a Government building with a bomb, ran for Parliament, under Sagittarian law, felons have their rights restored after serving their time.

So begins...

Sire Thomas Zarek's Story


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded. "Well, Caprica's time is different than Wing City's time, so I have to sometimes take into account." He said as he began to walk, starting down the sidewalk of Government plaza, the city's air was clean, and cars continued to buzz back and fourth. "I also didn't want any pressing media interceding on our meeting." He added, leading Drulovic through the city streets.

"A little birdy told me you're having problems with a Minister Malijin, care to enlighten me? Keep in mind this discussion is off the record, so don't be afraid to tell me anything. I'm here to help." Zarek said.


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded. "I'm a politician." He said, turning to face Drulovic. "I'm a Sire, but the fundamental differences between our Parliament and yours, is we lack the bureaucratic shortcomings the TNG has. I've read some of Mr. Malijin's dossiers and I must say that his influence is growing, and is detrimental to the interests of Aschen national security.. to be quite honest I'd like to meet this minister." He said, sliding his hands into the pockets of his robe. "Have you heard anything new about Hataf?" Zarek asked, tilting his head for a moment.


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded. "I heard it in the news, it wasn't reported in depth, but the LDA also made a report, what happened?" Zarek asked as they continued to walk through the city, as a few droplets of mist peppered the two while they walked, and the two happened on a bridge that spanned over one of the many rivers that emptied into the bay the city sat upon.

"It's one of many cities on the planet, you've never been to Langara at night have you?" He said, staring out at the skyline, which was glimmering with blues, greens, and purple lights from the flickering screens of advertisements.

"It's deceptively beautiful." He said.


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded. "Do you know who was behind the attacks?" He said, crossing the bridge as the temperature slowly dropped as a cool breeze blew through the river and between the skyscrapers. "I've heard there was a string of devastating attacks against Hataf." Zarek admitted, before he turned to stare off towards a particular sign in the distance.

"LDA Says that the Inquisition is setting it's sights on Hataf again." He said, turning back to face Drulovic.

"What should we do about the Inquisition?"


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Sire Thomas Zarek sighed. "You know, Arianne, we have no control over what the Inquisition chooses to do, if they set their sights on something then there is no doubt the Inquisition will engage without our word." He said, leaning on the metal railing. "I mention them as a word of warning, with Hataf acquiring Aschen technology, the Inquisition will be more aggressive in stopping them, unless you can convince the Ordo Inquisitio not to intercede."


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Sire Thomas Zarek is present.


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Sire Thomas Zarek shook his head and then he looked out to the skyline, taking in the sights before him and heaving a sigh. "Well you can journey to Kobol... if the Inquisition doesn't take your life for setting foot on the planet you might be able to contact them." He said, looking out to the city.

"Or you wait for the Inquisition to come to you, what are you worried about with the Inquisition though, they have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, rumor has it they're immortal."


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Sire Thomas Zarek stood there, frozen in place staring wide eyed at the scene unfolding before him.


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Sire Thomas Zarek jingled the hook and then let it hang in the light, dripping with fresh blood onto the pavement. "Foolish mortal, I find it amusing that you would address such niceties, however, you have no place to tell my brothers what to do, as our orders come from the Oracle of the gods themselves. We will destroy this group, and it will fall as countless have before them, heed my warning, if you interfere, we have no quarry with ending all those whom oppose our divine will." He said, as the head of a random TIB agent rolled towards Drulovic's feet. "Do not let me catch your agents in our temples again." He said, referencing a large temple complex in the mountains of greece.

"They too will meet a similar fate."


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded. "If... if you value your life.. I would not challenge him." He stuttered, trying to get the words out and keep a humble appearance before the man. "We're dealing with the messengers of the gods themselves, their instrument.. how do you intend to challenge them?" Zarek asked.


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Sire Thomas Zarek frowned. "Another inquisition crusade..." He said before he checked his phone.

"And a war with the council, it seems the Fleet of Sacred Consecration just kicked the Council out of the Terran system, and is demanding Terra purge the council or be held culpable.."


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Sire Thomas Zarek laughed. "I don't know how your politicians handle the situation." He said as he looked out to the skyline. "See the lovely thing about the Aschen parliament is we can handle ourselves in a crisis, as you can tell we can handle ourselves swiftly when the need arises." He said, looking out to the city.

"We luckily don't need to rely on intelligence directors to bail us out of problems."


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded. "The Aschen military is about to have a decidedly larger presence on Terra." Zarek explained as he shifted his weight on one leg, watching a boat moving through the river under them.

"The Fleet of sacred consecration is moving to Terra to recover the council technology and prevent the situation from harming the planet's environment."


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Sire Thomas Zarek inclined his head. "Do you remember the Terrorism clause of the ACSRA? About how a world harboring an enemy of the Aschen is equally culpable as the enemy?" He asked, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"I will speak with Miss Chaska about the situation, but that technology, as well as existing council assets need to be neutralized or we will find ourselves in a state of war... the law is clear." Zarek said with a sigh.

"And we both know that your navy is in no position to take on ours, so Compliance would be a good idea."


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded calmly. "I'm just giving you fair warning." He said, checking his phone. "Terra needs to do it's part, and it seems... Cranford's faith in Terra's Military may be strong, but misplaced--"

He took a breath then passed the phone to Drulovic.

"The Council surrendered to Admiral Hartwick in Council Space." He said, showing the news broadcast on the small flickering screen.

"So the Council on Terra, being Aschen assets now will be subject to our scrutiny and enforcement, as we've annexed their resources." He explained.

"So you can just forget my original statement, I wasn't expecting them to Surrender to us so quickly..." He commented.


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Sire Thomas Zarek looked to Drulovic, letting his eyes meet hers. "So we have no legal right to access the assets in our own embassy, or our own corporate soil? I seem to recall that under the Terms of the treaty the TLF signed with the Occupation, that Corporate Territory, and Embassy property is sovereign Aschen Soil. The Council assets belong to us, and so we will take measures to recall them from Terra. If you doubt me.. I'll be happy to provide the original treaty that Eos Paradigm signed herself."


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Sire Thomas Zarek darkened. "Though I may have a pro-terran stance, the rest of parliament wouldn't take kindly to any revisions to the treaty." He explained, looking off to the city.

"I will leave that for Admiral Nagala to address, as I don't really oversee the day to day operations of the Aschen military on Terra." He said, shrugging.


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded. "I should arrange for you to return to Terra, it's getting late. Perhaps I will make for a state visit sometime in the future. You may leave the way you came, via Bifrost." He said, gesturing out to the base that Drulovic arrived in.

"It's the quickest way to return to Terra, having your molecules rearranged."


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Sire Thomas Zarek nodded, before a black SUV pulled up. He quietly climbed in and then nodded, the SUV driving off and leaving Drulovic alone in Caprica city. Perhaps it was a show of trust? Leaving Arianne in the middle of the Aschen City, of course, some distance away was an LDA spotter, staring down at her from atop a skyscraper, through a pair of high-focus binoculars.

The setting changes from Langara to Government Center

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Sire Thomas Zarek approached the door of Rubano's office, using several LDA moles within the TNG's security at the government building to permit his entrance, with a visitor's pass and everything. Zarek was a contrast to the dark theme in the office before him. Wearing a charcoal colored suit with his chain of office, an Egyptian style collar adorned with golds, red beads, fabrics and ornamentation, which was clasped to a golden pendant of a centaur, wielding a bow and arrow.

Silently Zarek waited for a response after he knocked, several firm and heavy knocks on the door betrayed Zarek's presence. Held in the crook of Zarek's arm was a thick folder bearing almost all the intelligence the LDA had pulled on the Drulovic case, linking it tentatively, to Rubano Malijin, and Sisavang Khamtai.