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Tamika Blackburn

Born a Cambion, with no knowledge of her true origins, Tamika does her best to blend into normality while resisting the demonic impulses lurking within her genetic code.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by RolePlayGateway, as played by Adantas


Name: Tamika Blackburn
Nicknames: Tami
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Female

Appearance: Cambion are always angelically beautiful, a trait picked up from their accursed 'parents'. Tamika is no exception to this rule; her sharp, aqualine features give her youthful face a mature edge, and the prominent point of her chin and high cheekbones make her look years older than what she is. Although this does not look unnatural, it would be safe to say that she draws curious glances often. It does not help that her eyes are a startling vibrant shade of blue, so bright that she often covers them with glasses, or that her hair seems to shimmer between a pale auburn and snowy white. Lithe, young and pretty, it is easy to believe that she is the sire of an incubus.

Because Tamika is a Cambion, there are other differences to her that threaten to tell her apart, some obvious, some less so. If anyone were to look hard enough, they would realise that Tamika doesn't breath; there is no rise and fall of her chest, no breathlessness if she runs to catch a bus. If humans could hear such sounds, they would notice the absent of a racing heartbeat; of any heartbeat at all. Cambion are like walking corpses; and as they grow older the differences become ever more clear. Her eyes are becoming an ever more glowing shade of blue, and her hair grows ever more vibrant in its shades of red every year that passes. Such changes are only the beginning...


- Tamika has been blessed (or cursed) since birth with the ability to see through the facade that mythical creatures are able to assume when in the mortal realms. Not only this, but she can see those souls of the dead which are yet to leave this realm; this allows her to converse, and interfere, with them.
- Tamika has elemental control over Fire; not only can she manipulate and create heat or naked flames, but she can summon them via the flow of her own blood. Her powers rival many of the more powerful demons she encounters.
- Telepathy and Telekinesis; gifts (among others) that she endowed onto her 'half-sister', Morika. Her Telekinetic abilities do not rival her Elemental gifts, but she is able to lift, move and destroy objects far larger and heavier than herself. Vehicles and people are all vulnerable, though houses are a little too big.
- Tamika, though not fully a demon, does possess some of the fortitude that their race commands. While she is not particularly faster or stronger than the average human, she does wound less easily, and is able to cope with her wounds more readily.
- Given that, by all technicality Tamika is already dead, she can't technically die, not by conventional methods, anyway. In order to destroy Tamika, her head or soul must be removed from her body, or her entire body destroyed. A wound to her lungs, for instance, does little fatal damage due to the fact she does not utilize her respiratory system.
- Tamika can also move between the mortal realm and the realm of Hell at will; not that she would actually want to do that.

Ability Flaws:
- Being able to see the realm that lingers just beyond ours means there is one problem. They can see her too. While she looks human, other unnatural beings can simply tell, much like a sixth sense, that Tamika is not quite human. In the same fashion, the spirits of the dead know she see's them, and they know she might be able to help...
- Given that half her genetic code is spawned from a demon, Tamika is constantly aware of the fact that Hell is pulling her towards it, slowly working its will over her very being as she ages. Were she to ever enter hell, or give in to it... well, who knows what may become of her.


- Tamika has begun learning to defend herself against her enemies; her current tuition covers the use of daggers and short blades, in combat techniques typical of Japan and China.
- Tamika is an accomplished member of her Diving School, and of her schools gymnastics department.

- Given that Tamika is a slight of a girl, her lacks the physical muscle to defeat most opponents face to face. She has no more strength than the average human female (albeit, a physically fit and trained one).

To Tamika, being 'normal' is crucial to her, in a sense it is her lifeline to goodness and sanity which would otherwise be ripped away by her demon blood. But it is mostly because of her demon blood that she isn't in fact more messed up, the horrors she has witnessed have been bearable because of the dark part of her. It is that part of her where she locks away these traumatic experiences and often the desires and feelings that would otherwise convert her back to her demonic origins. She's most of the time bubbly, a little sarcastic but most importantly is unrealistically hopefully. That is her good side. When the her slightly darker side comes out to play, Tamika's words are often harsh and that sarcasm is laced with cruelty. She has a skill with words and a cunning that is able to convince the lesser minds of anything. This causes some major mood swings in her as well as a deep paranoia that any thing she does could snap the one thing inside her that is keeping her 'good'.


Tanto(x2): Tamika carries two short-blade Tanto's. They have a heat-resistant grip, and a black steel metallic blade, with the entire weapon measure at 12". These daggers are mystically enchanted to hold a special propensity for slaying demons and other undead; wounds are accompanied by flashes of fire and cause serious infection, dealing more damage to undead or demonic enemies. Not to say that they aren't effective at killing people, though.

Wakizashi: Tamika also uses a 19" Wakizashi, also of black steel and with a heat-resistant grip, which she carries on her back using a shoulder-strap made of soft blackened leather. As with her Tanto, Tamika's Wakizashi is also enchanted in the same way, and can deliver the same damage to undead or demonic foes.

(Note: Enchantment effects: Demons, Zombies, Vampires, Possessed and other creatures of similar ilk. Both weapons are less effective against opposing creatures: Angels being an example.)

Pouches and Vials: Tamika carries pouches on her belt in which she carries two items: vials of her own extracted blood, and small explosives that generate flames.

Armour: Having a disdain for heavy armour, Tamika only wears a pair of blackened steel arm braces.


Biography: Currently living in a bustling city with her Father, Rubin Blackburn and her sister of the same age, Morika. They actually seem to live a normal life, but that is because of her Father being a dream Incubus rather than a blood Incubus like his kin. He has strived hard to make a normal life for his two daughters but it has been especially hard because not only must he help them cope with their demon blood, but he lost the one woman he loved and despite his demonicness wanted to raise a family with her. He is very protective of both Tamika and Morika, despite probably guarding Tamika a little more than necessary. The fact that they are not normal is widely ignored and they act as if nothing is different.

So begins...

Tamika Blackburn's Story


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#, as written by Vyral
Tamika barely noticed the blonde women in the corner, save to do her usual glance around at the occupants. Instead, she dug a hang into her jeans - careful not to snag her nails on the torn up material - and retrieved her mobile. She punched in a number, and waited impatiently for it to answer.

"Rika. I need you to-"
"Yes. I know what he did. So will y-"
"Yes, I'll stay here."

The final sentence was resigned, and when she snapped the phone shut she tossed it on the table. She glanced around the bar again, a spark of anxiety lingering in her eyes. If Danael showed up now, shit was going to hit the fan, so to speak.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
When her phone rang again, Tamika hesitated before answering it. When she finally gave in, she wished she hadn't. She could tell by Rika's voice that it wasn't going to be good news.

"What do you mean he died?"
"This my my fault."

She hung up halfway through her sisters angry retort, and tossed the phone onto the table. It rang twice while she sat there, simply staring at its neon screen.

She had a serious problem now. If he had been killed, then that meant they knew where she was. Tamika promptly finished her glass of vodka and hung her head in her hands.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
It took her roughly fifteen seconds to build up the courage she needed, which was a long time given her pennant for impulsiveness. A few tears were still lingering in the corners of her eyes when she stopped in front of the petite blonde woman. For a long moment, she stood there in complete silence, looking like an idiot.

"I need-" She paused and changed her tone. "Could I borrow your laptop, please?"

A USb Stick was clutched tightly in one hand. So tightly in fact, that her entire hand seemed to have turned a frightening shade of white. She waited silently for the women to answer, her face surprisingly stoic.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral

Tamika repeated the word. There was a hollow way in which she said it that frightened even herself. She hadn't really expected the woman to agree.. but, well, she had hoped. Almost instantaneously, fury gave way to sorrow. The look on her face was only describable as 'psychopathic, murderous rage' - and yet it lasted barely a second.

She screwed her eyes shut for a moment, and then stuck her hand in her back pocket as she opened them. She slammed a small, black leather purse on the table with such force that a few people nearby looked over anxiously.

"I'll pay you. Two hundred, cash."


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vyral
Tamika drummed her fingers on the top of the purse. What person who looked like.. well, her, would reject that amount of money? Shit, that was her entire bank account there, and the woman had flatly ignored it as though it were nothing. How goddamned precious was a laptop, anyway? She slammed her hand on the table again, frustrated.

"Alright, look. I need to use your laptop. So what do you want? Name it."

It was am ambitious move - there was a hell of a lot that was beyond her reach. Hopefully the woman would ask for something realistic, though. A new car, more money. Something in the girls incredulous look told her this wouldn't be the case, however.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral

The smartass smile that cracked open her face was a startling comparison to expression she had held before. She stepped back a little and folded her arms across her chest, eyes glinting gently.

"I'll leave you alone, if that's all you want. So, I granted your wish like a fucking genie, so I get to use your laptop, right?"

She couldn't help the acidic bite in her voice, but at least she'd forced herself to calm down. Tendrils of smoke still en-circulated the oblivious patrons of the bar, but they were fading, thankfully. She took a deep breath, and decided that her smartass comment wasn't going to cut it.

"Someone I know died, and I need their emails."


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vyral
This woman was really starting to irk her; was it really that hard to just be charitable? To give someone a fucking break. She could feel her anger boiling up again, and the tendrils had begun circling her legs, tugging at her with invisible maws.

"My house just got burned down, and I'm banned from the library, which I might add is forty fucking minutes away!"

She wished that wasn't all entirely true. She wondered if anything she said would get through to this woman, though; she seemed incapable of actually giving a shit about anyone save herself.

"Look. I'll get the emails, and then I'm gone - forever. Keep the money, I'll even give you more if that's what it takes."

She dropped her arms, exasperated. If she had to find a laptop elsewhere she really was screwed; Rika had told her she had roughly thirty-five minutes to retrieve the emails before the sever deleted itself.



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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Tamika pushed her purse across the table without a second thought and stopped down to the laptop. After sticking the USB into the side, she waited a few long moments for the program to load. She shot a quick glance at the woman, but she couldn't read anything from her face.

A screen opened, and she started taping away furiously - thankfully, years of using MSN meant she wouldn't fumble over the keys. She hoped that the woman wouldn't mind that e-mails weren't all that she was downloading onto the stick. She stood up, while the bar slowly slid across the screen. 24%.

"It's going to take about two minutes to finish the download... Thanks. Really."

She sounded as sincere as possible, despite the fact that she wanted little more than to cremate the woman were she sat. She lapsed into an anxious silence, eyes still fixed on the woman.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Tamika ignored the purse. She wasn't the only girl with principles. She had promised the woman money, and she wasn't going to take it back. The bar slid along to 37% - it was going slower than she had hoped.

"Because last time I went to hell a few friends came back with me, and they've decided to start burning things and murdering my family, all the pleasant stuff my people like to do, so now I'm emptying our accounts and copying all the useful information."

It all came out in a continuous spiel before she could stop herself. Her eyes widened a little and she set her gaze stiffly on the woman. She hoped the woman thought she was taking the piss - if not, things could become a hell of a lot more complicated.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
"Tough shit."

She flipped the purse back over towards Lisa, and set her jaw stubbornly. If the woman tried to give her the purse again she was going to stuff the thing down her throat and make sure it stayed there for the rest of her life. It was only half a joke.

"They can't track us electronically; hence the reason why we are relying on it," for someone so obsessed with computers, the woman didn't seem so bright. "While you're siting their looking useless, could you take my I.D from that purse? And don't look at the name."

She had a suspicious feeling that she might not want to run into this woman again.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Tamika took the card and slid it into her back pocket absently. The bar was still trundling slowly across the screen, currently reading at 59%. She hoped the woman wouldn't get impatient with her.

"If you say so," she murmured. "What was the deduction that you rejected, then? I take it 'crazy chick who thinks she's from hell' wasn't it?"

She wasn't really that interested in the answer, but she needed to stall the woman until she had finished her download. If not, then that shit was still sitting readily available before the fan.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral

Tamika didn't have a clue what the woman was talking about, but at least she was talking. She nodded her head a few times, as though she had understood. Even so, the blank expression on her face betrayed her. Suddenly, she froze and pointed a finger behind Wisp.

"Have you killed anyone lately... because..."

She trailed off, doing her best impression of mock-horror. Since she couldn't burn the bitch in her seat, she might as mess with her a little before she left. The bar read 89%.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
"No reason."

She dropped her arm nonchalantly as the bar ticked over too 100%. She bent down and pulled the memory stick out the laptop and stuck it into her pocket. She looked at the woman for a few long moments, and her amused smile became a deep frown.

"Look... if you try to trace me or something, not that I think you could-" She doubted the woman could do much beside be an bitch, "-but I'm just saying: If you do, then I'll kill you. Or something."

She bit her lip. In hindsight, adding 'or something' on the end probably was the least threatening thing she could have done, particularly since she didn't appear to be anything more than a pretty seventeen year old girl.

"Thanks for your help.." She realised that she didn't know the woman's name - but then, nor did she want to.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
"Don't make me prove it, alright?"

Her anger had subsided again, and now she sounded tired. Exhausted, even. Something in the girls face warned Tamika that she was unlikely to be left alone after this little encounter, but she didn't have the energy to carry on arguing with the girl.

"If you do decide to google-" admittedly, her technical knowledge was minimal "-me or something, look for my old house on 57th. Maybe that will discourage you. Thanks again."

With a sigh, she turned and headed off into the bar, leaving only her purse and a scorch mark where she had been resting her hand. Without any more fuss, Tamika vanished from sight.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Master's Dojo


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Tamika entered the Dojo nervously, taking the time to peek around the corner before she entered. She half hoped she'd find the place empty, but, unsurprisingly she saw a number of people in the room. As she entered, she gave a barely-there cough and cast her azure eyes over the crowd. She had no idea who she should speak too.



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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Tamika turned her to look at her opponent with barely concealed anxiety plastered across her youthful face. A few beads of sweat already stood out against her pale skin. Her first day, and she was pitted against a skeleton. She gave the creature an uneasy smile, and wondered how the hell she was going to get out of this one.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Nervous, she gave a little laugh. "Hey." She couldn't remember, or didn't know his name. Tamika watched him remove his robe, and studied his skeletal form carefully while she followed suit. She removed her jacket to leave her wearing only a tank-top and a pair of faded jeans and sturdy boots. On her hip she wore a studded belt with two curved daggers - save that, she was naked. She gave another nervous laugh, unsure of how to proceed.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Tamika took a deep breath and made a conscious effort to bury her nervous affliction. With practiced elegance, she drew one of the daggers from her belt and twisted it around her palm. It was for show, but she wanted him to think twice about approaching her. Time was the key here; she needed to get close without coming into contact with that sword.

"Ready when you are..." Her voice was steady, focused.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
Patience was the key here; she had to wait until he got closer. She couldn't out-muscle the creature, but her size should favor her maneuverability. Slowly she reached down and drew her second dagger with her left hand in a reverse grip. She circled with the creature, keeping her eyes on its weapons. Patience.


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Character Portrait: Tamika Blackburn
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#, as written by Vyral
She hadn't expected the creature to be able to move so fast; a dangerous miscalculation on her behalf. She began moving as its shoulder hit the ground, side-stepping too the left as quickly as possible. The tip of the creatures sword snagged her leg, drawing a thin line across her thigh. She could feel droplets of blood dripping down her calf, but otherwise it was a scratch; her cat had done the same damage before. She made sure she was back far enough to avoid his reach - she was wary of his sword now. Aware of his speed. She waited a few seconds for her the stinging in her leg to subside, and then darted forwards. Her dagger made a short, close arc that would connect with her opponents right bicep if he did not avoid it.