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The Multiverse

Government Center

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

You have entered a towering white building with Greek, Turkish, and Moorish architectural influences. It has white columns as well as domes, spires, and Moorish archways with thin pillars. Inside, the floors are a peach-colored marble, the ceilings reaching, and the lights soft and low, allowing the multitude of windows to filter natural light into the space. To venture past the lobby, one must pass through a metal detector and x-ray scanner, and receive a visitor's pass from the security booth. There is a marked military presence, as the TAF has assigned a small unit to provide additional security in the wake of an elevated security threat. A row of golden-doored elevators leads upstairs.

Ylanne holds sovereignty over Government Center, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

5,752 readers have been here.


You have entered a towering white building with Greek, Turkish, and Moorish architectural influences. It has white columns as well as domes, spires, and Moorish archways with thin pillars. Inside, the floors are a peach-colored marble, the ceilings reaching, and the lights soft and low, allowing the multitude of windows to filter natural light into the space. To venture past the lobby, one must pass through a metal detector and x-ray scanner, and receive a visitor's pass from the security booth. There is a marked military presence, as the TAF has assigned a small unit to provide additional security in the wake of an elevated security threat. A row of golden-doored elevators leads upstairs.
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Government Center

You have entered a towering white building with Greek, Turkish, and Moorish architectural influences. It has white columns as well as domes, spires, and Moorish archways with thin pillars. Inside, the floors are a peach-colored marble, the ceilings reaching, and the lights soft and low, allowing the multitude of windows to filter natural light into the space. To venture past the lobby, one must pass through a metal detector and x-ray scanner, and receive a visitor's pass from the security booth. There is a marked military presence, as the TAF has assigned a small unit to provide additional security in the wake of an elevated security threat. A row of golden-doored elevators leads upstairs.


Government Center is a part of Main Street.

7 Places in Government Center:

12 Characters Here

Sisavang Khamtai [32] Terran Minister of Justice
Gaderina Sarkissian [22] Minister of Magical Affairs, MP, Terran National Government. Formerly Local Area Chief Operating Officer for Koszalka Huang LLC.
Netawatwees Olson [21] Attorney General of the Terran National Government, serving in the Khayyam administration.
Farabundo Guzman [14] Terran Minister of Defence
Jonathan Ashkenazi [7] Terran Minister of Foreign Affairs
Usama Javed [5] Senior Correspondent at the Terran Independent
The Aschen Marines [4] Squad of 10 Marines in the Aschen Confederation Marine corps.
The White Lotus [3] Previews
Ian Lanson [2] A masochistic empath with no control over his powers.

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DarkProwl FV-Alpha


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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere silently waited for Drulovic to approach, while the soldiers within the Raptor chimed into her earpiece. "Two cars following at a comfortable distance, it might be a trap, Admiral." They said, but Inviere was wise and knew how to keep them out of earshot. "Fan out from the Raptor, I'll have my discussion with the Director in private." She said, before she pushed herself off the side of the wall, then she began to approach the Aschen ship parked in the side alley, it was a tight squeeze by the skilled pilots of the Aschen Military managed the squeeze. And so, Gina waited, eyes on Drulovic.

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
The other two cars parked separately, first one and then the other, on opposite sides of the street, the headlights fading into darkness on both escorts. Drulović walked slowly across the street, first checking for oncoming cars, and seeing none, moving toward the side alley, her gold saint's medallion occasionally glinting in the light from the bar's windows. She folded one of her hands over the folder with the music, and rubbed the icon with the other, seeming to watch one of the apartment high-rises beside the bar as she approached at a slow, steady pace, her shoes occasionally creating small splashes in puddles leftover from rain.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere looked up to Drulovic, her face obscured and hidden by the opaque plazen-glass visor that kept her identity hidden, she was a random person in an Aschen combat suit, and Gina intended on keeping it that way. Silently she motioned for Drulovic to get into the Raptor, and if she did so, Gina would have the cabin door close shut with an audible thunk, before she turned to the Director.

"You were followed." Gina said, her voice distorted through the suit's vox caster.

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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#, as written by Ylanne
Drulović looked around for a place to sit inside the cabin, setting her folder on her lap. "I noticed," she said dryly, folding her hands on top of the black folder. "Mr. Cranford refuses to let me out of someone's sight. It's actually quite unfortunate. Whatever happened to taking quiet evening walks alone?" Drulović shrugged, her shoulders slumping a little. Her dark gaze rested on the visor hiding Gina's eyes, her eyes narrowing a little.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere 's visor hissed for several moments before it retracted, revealing the woman's face, blue eyes looking to Drulovic.

"I heard it took some string pulling for a Gemonese consulate to even be informed of Admiral Shaw's detention, Terra boasts it's ideals of freedom and sovereignty, but then it turns around and violates the most basic rights of it's detainees, I'm glad you agree with me. A military tribunal reviewed Kendra's case, they have decided that she will be punished, we're going to strip her of her rank and assign her to a Battlestar peeling potatoes... the problem is.. Khamtai has her locked up, and we would like her back. Since Terra was so quick to lock her away like a rat in a cage, did she get decent medical care? Meals? Or did they just lock her up and throw away the key?"

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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#, as written by Ylanne
"I arranged for Mr. Plishkin to see to Ms. Shaw's health a few days ago, Ms. Inviere," replied Drulović, inclining her head. "She has eaten what I have been eating," which admittedly wasn't the best, as Drulović had been eating leftovers that Jelisaveta had cooked for the last few days, having Ahmad take some each day for Kendra as well. After all, everyone deserved homecooked meals. "Ms. Shaw is fine, Ms. Inviere, be assured of that." Drulović settled firmly into her seat, leaning back to look up at Gina with a thoughtful expression.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere nodded. "Good, I am glad someone is tending to her needs." She said as she shifted in her seat. "Now let's get to details, what do I need to do to ensure that Admiral Shaw is safely in Gemonese custody? I will not let the Terran Government try and execute miss Shaw."

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
"Pledge your support for our continued sovereignty, Ms. Inviere," responded Drulović without shifting in expression or tone, as she rubbed her hands against one another idly. "It does not need to be public, but your pledge to support our sovereignty is all I need to hear. I can have Ms. Shaw here in twenty minutes with that pledge, Ms. Inviere." Drulović blinked slowly at the taller woman, in her simple black suit and scarf looking very starkly different from the Admiral in the combat skin.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere looked to the metal floor of the Raptor. "You have my word, that I will work towards Terra's continued sovereignty so long as that sovereignty does not put me in conflict with the values I have sworn to uphold." She said, nodding. "The Gemonese Government will support Terra's Sovereignty, as soon as Shaw's feet are on Langaran soil, Siress Porter will sign the reunification treaty."

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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#, as written by Ylanne
Drulović nodded, apparently satisfied. She reached for her cell phone, twisting a little to get at the irksome little object, the folder shifting on her lap and spilling more of the music across the Raptor's floor just as Drulović grasped the phone. "And Mr. Fazari asks why I hate technology," she muttered, stooping for the music while attempting to find the correct button to call a number.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere nodded, too satisfied at the outcome of the situation. "I trust that we will be able to depart freely and without attack, it would be a shame if Mr. Khamtai got an itchy trigger finger. I also wonder if your agents will be ambushed by the NPA." She said, shifting in her seat before opening the cabin door. "I am glad Terra has some reasonable individuals, this planet would have been glassed if it weren't for people like you."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
"Don't speak of me, Ms. Inviere," said Drulović, rising with her music and the phone in hand. "Ms. Shaw knows why I will have allowed her to leave." She brought the phone to her ear, speaking quietly in Serbian before turning back to Gina and slipping the phone into her pocket. "Ms. Shaw will be here in twenty minutes. I will wait to ensure her arrival." Drulović stepped from the Raptor into the alley, for a moment in the dim light looking almost lost. She glanced toward the cars parked on Main Street with narrowed eyes.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere stepped out behind Drulovic. "Those two cars... they're agents... I trust they won't be interceding?" She asked, as the familiar clacking of a fuel rod gun was heard, one of the concealed agents preparing for attack. "What will they do when they see Kendra step out of that car and into this Raptor?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
"That depends on what orders they have from Mr. Moulavi," responded Drulović, tiredness creeping into her voice. It was close to ten at night. "I would hope they would know not to interfere with my operations. But in these days, it's hard to be sure of anything, hm?" Drulović rubbed her fingers against the image of St. Sava, watching the NPA tails. Were they there for her protection, or were they surveilling her? It was impossible to tell.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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0.00 INK

Gina Inviere nodded. "You understand if they attack me... I will have to defend myself." She said, turning to the pilot, whom was already spooling the Raptor's FTL Drive to make a quick escape. It was already nineteen minutes.

"She should be getting here soon." Inviere said.

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
"Oh, I doubt it would come to that." Drulović brushed some of her hair behind her ear. As she had said, a white SUV with government plates appeared at the other end of the street, twenty-one minutes after having made the phone call. Drulović stepped toward the street, and at once the SUV slowed, approaching the mouth of the alley where Drulović and Gina were standing. It came to a stop, and Ahmad Fazari opened and slammed the driver side door, walking around to the windowless back doors. He opened the back doors, revealing Kendra Shaw, and offered his hand to help her down. Ahmad had been well trained, and had done this so quickly and efficiently that not only where they now out of sight of the NPA agents watching, but that it had all occurred in less than thirty seconds.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere quickly helped Kendra into the back of the Raptor, where she would be safe and protected from the prying eyes of the NPA Agents, Inviere shook Fazari's hand and then she turned to Drulovic. "Thank you.. I can take Kendra back to Gemenon, this never happened..." She said, looking around. "Gemonese shock troops extracted Kendra and Bifrosted out after a power outage, how's that for a cover story?"

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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#, as written by Ylanne
Ahmad gave Gina a firm shake, coming to stand beside and just behind his Director. "To cover what, Ms. Inviere?" Drulović smiled innocently for a moment before assuming a somber expression. "Remember what you said to me, Ms. Inviere. Mr. Cranford needs more allies. In any case," she said with a sigh, "Ms. Walsh keeps reminding me that I'm usually off-key and miss too many rehearsals." She tapped her fingers against the black folder.

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Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw
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0.00 INK

Kendra Shaw peered out of the Raptor and then looked to Drulovic. "Thank you." She said, grasping the Lieutenant pins from the small box and affixing them to her collar, before turning back to Gina.

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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere nodded. "Your world needs allies more than it needs enemies, this is a step in the right direction, I must depart now." She said, as she climbed back into the Raptor, and with a roar of the engines, the ship began to lift off and then it accelerated off into the sky.

Ranida, would learn that after several moments from Inviere's return to the Rapid Conversion, the Gemonese fleet began to FTL out of the system, one by one, Coalition assets would also see the same result, and the day was saved again.

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Character Portrait: Laura Roslin
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Just beyond the orbit of Luna, not days after the Gemonese fleet came and left, a single flickering was detected beyond the outer perimeter of Terra's Defenses, the flickering subsided for a moment before it revealed a single Aschen ship, it's white exterior was trimmed with blue, and it bore the emblem of the Aschen Confederation. After a few more moments, a single Mercury Class Battlestar flickered into view, and ignited it's engines to pull up alongside the much smaller vessel.

"This is Langara One... can anyone read me?" The Male voice on the radio clattered and clacked.

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Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
There was a pause before a voice came through the radio with a bit of static in the background. "Affirmative, this is Wing City Spaceport, Lieutenant Asher speaking. I have you on our trajectory on approach. Maintain your present course and speed. What can I do for you?"

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Character Portrait: Laura Roslin
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The single Battlestar pulled off, locking itself in Geosync over the city, then the smaller vessel made it's approach, descending through the Atmosphere. "Request priority passage, We'll be landing in the Tech Con spaceport as it's closer to Government Center." The radio link then terminated, and high in the bright vibrant clear skies of Wing City, a single fireball was seen descending downwards towards the Spaceport which was across Main Street and just down Hagan Avenue.

"If it's possible I would like the Prime Minister, and his cabinet to be present at the Spaceport by the time we land, we have a high priority package that is preparing for dustdown."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic
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#, as written by Ylanne
"Permission granted, you may shift course to Tech Con spaceport," replied Asher via the radio. "I will notify my superiors of your request." The connection terminated and Asher opened a direct line to Fort Veritas to notify Ranida's chief of staff.

It took, all in all, about twenty minutes for Ranida to locate Cranford, who had been enjoying a leisurely Japanese-style lunch in an upscale restaurant in downtown Wing City away from Government Center and the myriad reporters who, like vultures, nested in its hallways. Parliament itself was in recess for the week, and the Ministers were tending to various tasks, glad to be free of politics, if only for a week.

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Character Portrait: Laura Roslin
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The ship came to a stop and then it's engines hissed for a long moment, the sound of pressure changing and fluids moving through conduits heard, before several Tech Con workers moved to push a ramp up to the ship, the cabin door opening up and it was then there was an ominous silence. A single man in an AHSC uniform silently emerged, it was Admiral Peter Corman, whom was acting Chairman of the AHSC.

Aged eyes surveyed the surroundings for a moment, before he stepped down the stairs, then a middle aged woman emerged from the bowels of the craft, and then finally, after bated breath, an older withering woman was seen emerging from the ship, being helped down by Admiral Corman.

She surveyed her surroundings for a moment, before she took a few more steps down, a whole swathe of LDA Agents following, clad in their typical garb. It was like a suprise out of nowhere, and Roslin had an announcement.