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The Multiverse

Ridgecrest City

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

A large city that has fallen into ruins with the shadow of Draco's Legion ruling the area with an iron fist. To prevent an invasion, the portal to Ruula has been destroyed...leaving the defenders with no escape.

Scorpion01 holds sovereignty over Ridgecrest City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

13,712 readers have been here.


A large city founded in the Collenham Mountains by Trainers who established that Pokemon do exist in small areas on Terra. The city now serves as a base for transportation between Ruula and Terra.

The city has mostly stone pathways and bridges, being situated around a giant lake, and the roads circle it entirely, providing several good views. Around the city, one can find a Public Market, several small business, and several manors and farms, all aimed at retaining the older feel.

There is no Pokemon Center however, and the traditional Poke Mart is also absent, however, both services that would be provided can be found at alternative places in the city. The Proving Hall provides the biggest tourist draws these days however.
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Ridgecrest City

A large city that has fallen into ruins with the shadow of Draco's Legion ruling the area with an iron fist. To prevent an invasion, the portal to Ruula has been destroyed...leaving the defenders with no escape.


Ridgecrest City is a part of Collenham Mountains.

6 Places in Ridgecrest City:

32 Characters Here

Ozzy Hendrix [207] Bad Blood
Verse and the Sand Five [180] Sandslash Verse, and his four Sandshrew buddies.
Adam Delacroix [114] Edgy white middle class teenager with a gun
Cu Mara [110] Hound of the sea
Luna Whistle [73] A Lapras
Blake Darkner [64] Criminal Mastermind
Jennifer Harsdorff [60] A young woman who loves adventure, parties, and making friends. While she's no stranger to combat, she prefers to wage war through her trusted Pokemon partners.
Legion of Shadows [48] The Chosen of the Lord of Shadow. The unyielding edge of the darkness.

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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Jessica Stark seemed to consider it. On one hand, yay Pokemon. On the other? Titania was much more interesting than the prospect of a gym badge. "Are y'sure? It doesn't seem right... t'leave you like this." she explained, a slightly guilty look crossing her face. She shrugged. "Don't want ya' to undo all 'ah that progress... So if'n ya' don't mind, I'd rather come with you~" she finished, a subtly affectionate tone slipping into her voice. she still didn't know how to feel, exactly, but she knew she liked Titania. That much was clear, and like anyone she liked she was willing to pull some weight for her.


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Titania Brightsmith sighed. "I don't wanna leave you here, either, but you know, duty calls. And when duty tells you to jump, you say how high. I just got one question for got more Moomoo Milk? There's some heavy construction work ahead, and my Pokemon and I could use the energy."


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Jessica Stark seemed elated at Titania's request. A large smile crossed her face and she whipped out a second bottle. "Yes ma'm!~ It's my drink-of-choice. Comes from my own miltank." she explained, seemingly proud of this fact. "I'll be happy to come n' help, y'know..." she offered, a slight tone of affection slipping into her voice. Regardless of how she actually felt about how their friendship was developing she was comfortable enough to go with how she felt naturally.


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Titania Brightsmith nodded. "All right. I dunno how you're gonna get through the badge check gates unless you wanna apply to be a League agent. They'll probably let you through, but they will watch you like a Mandibuzz. Step out of line and your ass is grass. It's risky, but it's the only way I can think of to get you through without doing something blatantly illegal. You up for the challenge?"


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Jessica Stark seemed to consider this. A challenge? Well... she had never been huge on the battling scene. That sounded hard. Being a league agent sounded all official and complicated and stuff. She had to question how qualified for it she was. I mean, even she knew her limits, at least to some degree. "...Y'really think I can?" she asked, very much unsure.


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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"It's that or you stay here and worry about me all day," Titania shot back. "If you're coming with me, I'm going for the permanent solution, plus I could use someone to watch my back. I can't exactly say that you're with me and have that work. Maybe back when I was Elite. You want to give it a shot?"


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Jessica Stark resigned herself to the notion and nodded her head yes silently. Well, if that was the way it was then that was the way it would be. She'd just have to see where this took her. "...Well alright then. Do—...Do y'need any help getting' there?" she asked sensitively, not sure whether she was being /too/ supportive or not. She didn't want to wind up being /rude/ or something!


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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"Nah, I'm pretty tough. Thanks to your TLC, I can get there no problem," Titania remarked as she made no bones about changing out of her work clothes and into some more business-like attire right in front of Jessica. "All right, you got a coat? It's really blowing out there. I ain't gonna put Bomber through having to fly through that."


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Jessica Stark smiled slightly at her success, before considering the cold with a hesitant expression. "Well—I best not catch a cold. Would be mighty unfortunate right 'bout now..." she said thoughtfully. After a moment or two she produced a red women's trench coat, slipping it on and buttoning up. It was much more modest than what she usually wore, but it still exposed most of her thighs and everything below. It was the best she had, and quite frankly it was enough for her. "This aughta do it!~" she replied cheerily.


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith Character Portrait: Jessica Stark
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Titania Brightsmith nodded. "If we walk quickly, I suppose we can make it. Part of being a Trainer is physical fitness, you know. And with that disclaimer, let us be off!" Nicholas the Prinplup was sitting on the porch, practicing his belly slides onto the yard below as the two disembarked. "Be good, Nick. I've got some fish sticks in the freezer, just eat 'em right out of the box." And they trekked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder moved along at a sluggish pace, her body sore and her eyes tired. She wasn't out here for her health. The cold winter air blew at her blonde hair and the hem of her skirt. She was listening to her PokeLog, a recorded message from a long time ago she'd saved. The sound of a male voice could be heard emitting from the speaker. As she walked along she finally came to a stop, realizing she was now on the far outskirts of the city. She didn't care. She didn't want any prying eyes to see what she was doing, prying human eyes anyway—What exactly was she doing?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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The street was mostly desolate, and wind whipped slightly as a figure obscured by shadows trekked up it alone. His features were hard to distinguish, as there was baggy clothing obscuring it along with the lack of light. His movement halted as a sound broke the silence, and a shadowy figured darted at him. Amni tensed up, but was unable to find out what happened next as commercials came on and interrupted his viewing.

He was standing in somebody's yard, staring in through their window and watching their television. Well, he was, because not that his viewing pleasure was cut off by the treacherous advertisements, his interest was lost and he had taken up leaving the city.

It wasn't long until he reached the outskirts himself, using his hands to walk on rather than the usual floating, just so he could see how many different patterns he would be able to leave in the snow. His enjoyment out of this, however, was also interrupted as he bumped into a human he hadn't seen before. He adjusted his body to look up at her, and his ears as well as eyes tuned in to the PokeLog and what it was playing.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't see you, I was too busy looking at my snow tracks..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder was bumped into by something semi-solid, and the rather short girl stopped in her tracks. She was just under five feet, and /appeared/ to be rather young. The voice on the device seemed to be asking her how she was doing, and where she was. Valorie stared at Amni in a mildly frightened manner, only to calm down as she realized this was no human leaving... confusion. He might not have been a human but he had /talked/. She only knew one pokemon that had talked before. Okay two. "U-Um..." she responded, shivering slightly in the cold. She slowly closed her pokelog, cutting off the older male voice as it finished telling her he missed her. Now who could that be? She was honestly speechless, looking at the pokemon as if expecting an explanation. He might notice that the irises of her eyes were highly unusual, being both the color and texture of the northern lights. They also glowed in the dark slightly, and bestowed a pleasant feeling to any that gazed into them. The feeling was supernatural, almost... psychic in nature. She would also feel rather odd to anyone trying to read her aura or presence. Hmm...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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He appeared to bounce, pushing off of the ground with his arms and coming to a fixed position in the air. He was at eye level with her now, and looked her over as she attempted to stammer out a response. She was shivering, and Amni wondered if it were due to the cold, or if he had frightened her to that extent.

Regardless, he offered a smile and held out a rather large hand to her. "Sorry about that, again. I'm Amni, self named for amniotic fluid which is... sort of self-explanatory." He used his free hand to gesture at the rest of his body, as if to further point out the reasoning behind the name. He found himself transfixed in her eyes as he waited for the handshake that may or may not be coming, and felt a pleasant warmth shoot through him.

It put a dopey smile on his face, because it felt good, and he knew he'd be able to replicate and bestow the feeling back by tenfold.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder was... further confused. She for one did not understand the reference and... probably never would. Because she was too young. She would always be too young. Wow, that was tragic. But in all seriousness, her vocabulary just... wasn't at that level. At first Valorie was a bit uncomfortable. Wild pokemon were unpredictable after all. You never knew whether they didn't care for you, wanted your hand, or wanted your flesh. That last option was pretty terrifying to her for obvious reasons, but this one seemed almost charming! She held out her hand and took his, quite unsure how to grip it. Hers was small, and slightly bony. She herself was pretty skinny, but was that really a surprise? Probably not. When her eyes blinked, the pleasant feeling vanished ever so briefly. Was she even aware of the feeling she was giving off? "I'm... Valorie." she responded, slightly quiet in tone. "Valorie Ryder" she continued. Now that the silence was broken, she was starting to get a bit more talkative. "You're... a reun-ih-clus." she said out loud, as her mind caught up to the rest of the conversation.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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He shook her hand happily, catching her question a few moments after. Amni tilted his head inside of the gel casing and raised his hand to scratch at the top of it. "You know, I've always pronounced it differently than that. Like ray-oh-newcuh-lus. Almost like nucleus, but not quite. Anyway, it's nice to meet you Valorie. You're a... hoo-uh-man, right?"

His usual smile surfaced then, and his arm outstretched so he could pat her, lightly, on the head. He looked at the hand then as he brought it back, unsure if the orange color would be as noticeable at night rather than during the day. But his attention quickly returned to the young girl and he posed yet another question;

"So. It's dark and cold out, and you look all frail and susceptible to the harshness of both. Why are you out here? Alone?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder frowned as she was corrected. Man, English was stupid confusing or something. She didn't quite catch the joke about her own race. Rather, she slowly nodded her head yes. "Yeah..." she said softly, before making a face as she was pat on the head, slightly flustered. If she noticed his orange oolor she didn't say anything. Perhaps she simply didn't. She was an expert on dragons, not... y'know... other stuff. "I just... needed to get away for a little bit." she said, half-honestly. It was true, but she hadn't exactly told him the whole truth either. "There's... a lot of things bothering me and I just—I needed time to think." she stated. She honestly seemed slightly gloomy, all things considered.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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He frowned in turn then, crossing his arms as he looked at her.

"Usually people who need time to think are disturbed by a lot of things. I could help, you know."

He seemed to start growing then, nearing twice in size now, over passing the girl by more than a foot. His actual body, however, remained the same size and it was only the amount of the gel that encased him that increased. He offered one last smile, one that seemed sadder, but understanding.

"That is, only if you want me to help."


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Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder furrowed her brows as she immediately became aware of the expanding pokemon. Suddenly he was bigger than her and she was... not sure what to make of this. Well, he was right she guessed. Normally she would've been more skeptical, but c'mon... he was a pokemon! Pokemon didn't judge people! Right..? That was what she believed anyway. It helped that most pokemon didn't talk. "U-Um... alright..." she said hesitantly, not quite sure what in the world this pokemon had in mind or why he had grown so much larger. Surely he wasn't going to physically hurt someone, right?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Amni moved his arm to pat her head once more. "Just, don't be alarmed, okay? This is perfectly safe. And fun fact, I think this gel might be composed of a perfluorocarbon or something similar, because not only am I able to breathe it, but you will be too. Stay calm."

He wrapped her arms around her then, as if it were a hug, and it was for a split second, before then pulling her into the gel with him. They were much closer now, and he was once again at eye level with her. A dopey smile appeared on his face again, and the moment she had become enveloped in the gel with him, a strong bond kicked in.

She was about to experience something quite splendid, or so he assumed, because so far nobody had shown an immunity to the bond.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder just sort of... gave Amni a strange look. I'm... I'm sorry, what did you just say to me cute pokemon thingy? Did—Did you just imply you were going to...

Amni moved in to wrap her arms around her and Valorie blushed, flustered as her mind tried to wrap around what he had just said. And then she started to sink into his body and promptly wigged out, emitting a brief shriek as she squirmed within Amni's grasp before being submerged in him, where she promptly shut her mouth because.... well... insticts said don't breathe in liquids. She squirmed around within the gel for a moment as if trying to free herself from an attacker before opening her mouth and swallowing a mouth-full of gel. Whoops. It wouldn't do her lungs much good if it was in her belly. But immediately afterwards she finally took a deep 'breathe' of the stuff. Oh god. Oh god that felt so /weird/! She opened her mouth to try and speak and promptly swallowed a second mouthful and just sort of grimaced because she honestly couldn't help it. She for one had a gag reflex. Sorry, Amni. How disrespectful of her!

Luckily, she didn't need to talk. The bond established successfully. Valorie slowly, cautiously opened her eyes to look at Amni in a very confused, extremely anxious manner. Could you blame her, with pokemon like gulpin, eelektross, and cofagrigus who actually /killed/ you if they got you inside them? She didn't understand. She was confused. Breathable liquid was not even a thing she even knew was possible. A dozen foreign feelings were crossing over her, some less pleasant than others. What was going /on/?!

Well, so much for that whole staying calm plan!


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Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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"See, somebody would compare this to amniotic fluid, which is the protective fluid in the amniotic sac of a pregnant female. The same sac the fetus grows in. But it's a popular misconception in my case, because my protective fluid is breathable, and when it comes to your species' children, they actually get their oxygen along with their food via the cord in their stomach."

Oh, he was on a ramble now. He never really got to explain it that often, because this was really something he hardly ever did. It was intimate, a bond that would combine them on an actual, physical level.

"The way you feel right now will fade as soon as your body becomes adjusted to breathing the gel. Just tr to stay calm, again. Anxiety is a common response to this. Once you feel you've become used to it, you can attempt to talk, it'll be a bit difficult at first, but even then you should be able to pull off at least basic speech."


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Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder just sort of made this face at Amni that suggested she might be just a liiittle freaked out by the notion that she was inside something similar to bodily fluids. Oh and she just swallowed some too. Great... just great. Her appetite was /so/ far gone right then, not that she needed an appetite right about now. She'd already eaten earlier.

With her hands clenched into fists held near her chest in an anxious manner she just sort of... watched Amni. She didn't want to open her mouth, but she found she was breathing it through her nose instead. A shudder ran through her, though she honestly found it warmer within than it was outside. She might've been tempted to ask why this pokemon knew more about her own reproductive systems than she did, but there were... bigger concerns. After some time she tried to talk, but totally failed at it and once again found herself ingesting liquid she'd rather not. She reached down and held her stomach, which was no longer happy with her... at /all/. However, the only way this could get more uncomfortable was if she threw up, so she decidedly sucked it up (pun intended) and started the slow process of calming herself down. As weird as it was, she /was/ getting used to breathing the stuff, though losing her independence and getting such basic nutrients as oxygen from Amni was very... humbling. Breathing through her mouth was still very difficult however, and when she next spoke she only managed to choke out a single-word question. "Why?" she asked.


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Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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"Because you needed me. So you got me, quite literally. I wish I could go on about it, but I'm afraid how I phrase it might just upset you. And that would be counter productive, so I'll cut the fancy words and simplify it for you. I'm a part of you and you're a part of me now, always will be. What you're breathing? It's both of us."


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Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Amni
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Valorie Ryder stared blankly at Amni through the slits that had become her eyes. She didn't much understand this. Please tell me you didn't just assimilate me, mister pokemon? He could probably feel her confusion. She took a deep breath, puffing her chest out a bit as she tested the limits of her endurance. The subconscious part of her brain protested this, telling her she didn't want any part of him inside her. The conscious part knew this was a moot effort however and that she at least wasn't being murdered. At least, she didn't think she was. Valorie wasn't sure what she was feeling, but... she had the oddest sensation she could detect Amni's emotions. After a long moment she spoke again, this time with slightly more control. "But... W—Why am I in here..?" she asked, trying to understand the practical purpose of this. Why did he want her inside him? Was she a part of him or was he a part of her? Which was it? How did this relate to him helping her? So many questions her 14 year old brain had difficulty processing.