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The Multiverse


Unova is divided by two rivers that lead into an ocean to the south of it. These rivers cannot be surfed on, with the exception of the river directly below Village Bridge. It divides Unova into central and eastern peninsulas and a western landmass. These three landmasses are connected by five bridges, the Skyarrow Bridge, the Driftveil Drawbridge, the Tubeline Bridge, Marvelous Bridge, and the Village Bridge. The eastern part of Unova is further divided by mountains that makes a southeast part and northeast part. The southeastern part is important to Trainers who want to compete in the Pokémon league since two Gyms are located there, but the northeastern part is not since there are no Gyms there and it mostly has tourism, as evidenced by the amount of people speaking foreign languages. Further away from this bundle of towns is where the Pokémon League is located. Interestingly, the northeastern part is the only place in the region to find Pokémon species foreign to Unova outside of Swarms. The central peninsula of Unova consists of the two largest cities in the Pokémon world, Castelia City and Nimbasa City, as well as Opelucid City further north, all of which contain Gyms. Every bridge in Unova connects to the central part of the region from either the east or west. The western side contains medium sized towns and more varied landscapes but it also has three Gyms there, making it another destination to visit for any Pokémon Trainer.

Unova is a mixture of urban and rural land. The region features fifteen settlements which reflect the diversity of the region.

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Unova Wilderness

The Wilderness of the Unova Region is large and varied. (Inquire within for a better description)


Unova Wilderness is a part of Unova.

1 Places in Unova Wilderness:

33 Characters Here

"Lord-Regent" Radegast the Trainer [444] "Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man."
Maxin Shepherd [158] "To the borders we have yet to cross!" {DECEASED}
James Pentil [70] A Sinnoh trainer that's been over a few regions
Diamond Royal [65] "Don't make fun of my name"
Melaine Diancie [46] An antagonistic Diancie that seeks to control Ruula as its Crown-Princess following her own corruption by powers unknown. With her jewels as dark as her heart is, her ambition knows no bounds.
Roxie the Virbank City Gym Leader [40] "AAAAAAH! You dim-witted...dense...dumb...daft...dippy...dorky...doltish DOOFUS!"
Janice Lacroix [39] A fit and athletic daughter of Dr. Nendal Lacroix. She enjoys the pampered and privileged lifestyle, but manages to still be a Trainer nonetheless, supporting her father.
Ivy The Meganium [38] The meganium is a kind and wise pokemon who was once part of a cruel trainer's team. She knows theses moves: Outrage, Aceint Power, Solar Beam, Giga Impact
Tinora flamer [27] Pokemon trainer with her 6 pokemon Charizard/Dragonite /a Raichu named Lightning/Houndour /a pokemon egg and a Totadile
Glamour [22] Glamour is a high ranking Z-Force Commander and Florges who's well known for her bizarre color scheme and design that makes her catch eyes. She works with and alongside a strongman named Rekt.

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Character Portrait: Kaleb Fain-Pokemon Breeder/Trainer
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#, as written by zernin
"All Fury, Core World, use Giga Cannon! Piplup use Ice beam!"He yelled, and the Pokemon charged up their ranged abilities, as did the Steelix, who was charging up his massive Giga Cannon. The three Blasts from his Pokemon merged into one massive blast, heading towards the Steelix's Giga Blast.

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Character Portrait: Kaleb Fain-Pokemon Breeder/Trainer
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#, as written by zernin
The two attacks Crashed, and Kaleb's Pokemons' attack beat the Giga Blast back, eventually hitting the massive 60 Foot tall Pokemon, which fell back wards, fainting. "Return!"He called to his pokemon, grabbing a Master ball, he threw it. The ball rocked back and forth, stopping, the light on the master ball stopped flashing as well, and stayed white, it then returned to Normal. "Yes!"He yelled, rushing up to the Pokemon, gripping it in his hand tightly, a huge grin covering his face. He was so happy, he couldn't even begin to explain in. "Yes, yes, yes."He whispered to himself, repeatedly. That huge smile was still on his face, as he went through the data, and began walking towards Nimbasa City, excitement on his face.

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Character Portrait: Rai Uoro-Pokemon Trainer
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#, as written by zernin
He smiled to himself as he walked through the forest, he was happy, he had just gotten his Pokemon and was quite excited. His new Pokemon was a Charmander, he had named it Kero. He flinched as he turned around, to see a Pokemon, he grinned slightly, as he pulled out his Pokedex, which told him it was a Deino, a Pokemon that lacked sight. He looked to the Pokedex and noticed that the colors were different, his eyes went wide, and he looked to it, quickly pulling out his Pokeball. "Go Kero!"He yelled, watching as his Charmander appeared, ready to fight, a large smile on its face.

Rai grinned to himself, as he yelled out a move, hoping he would be able to catch the pure black Colored Pokemon. "Charmander, use scratch!"He yelled out watching as Charmander rushed toward Deino, slashing at it with his claws, and a grin appeared on his face as the Deino was hit, but the Deino was fighting back. "Uh oh!"He said, as a pulse of black colored energy began rushing towards his Charmander. "Charmander, use fire blast!"He said, yelling out to his Pokemon, a look of worry evident on his pale complexioned face along with a single bead of sweat that ran into his left eye. He winced as the sweat hit his eye, stinging the teen's purple eyes.

He held his breath and crossed his fingers in a childish way, hoping this attack would work, but he wasn't sure it would, and he really wanted it to, but he guessed he would just have to wait and see how this battle went. The two attacks collieded, and Charmander's attack was barely able to make it through, and when it hit Deino it was less then spectacular, due to the Pokemon's resistance to fire. His eyes now held a look of will, it said he would not give up, and he truly hoped he wouldn't, he hoped for this to be a good day, a good day that included catching his First Pokemon, and by first Pokemon, he meant the First Pokemon he caught. He breathed in a breath of fresh air, enjoying the fragrent scent of the air around him, a smile crossing his face, as he enjoyed the fresh air.

"Kero, use Dragon Claw!"He yelled out, watching as Charmander dashed forward, slicing at his opponent, and dealing heavy damage to the Dragon Pokemon, and a smirk crossed his face knowing that one more hit like that would knock out the Deino. "Kero, get ready to dodge!"He yelled and Charmander nodded, as Deino used Dragon Rush!"Kero, dodge it now!"He yelled, watching as his Pokemon got scraped by the Dragon Attack, a small amount of blood falling on the floor. "Kero, are you okay?!"He yelled worried for the Charmander, he loved that Pokemon. Kero nodded in Reply, and he seemed almost Excited. "Alright, Kero, use Dragon Claw, again!"He yelled to his Pokemon, as Deino used Dragon Rush again, and the two attacks collided.

Boom!A a small shock wave cracked the hard earth below them, and Rai covered his eyes as dust flew up. He coughed slightly, and waited for a few seconds before removing his arm from his face, just to ensure he didn't get blinded by the dust. He looked to the clearing in front of him, and grinned as he saw that the Deino had fainted!"Good job, Kero!"He said, grinning to his Pokemon, who seemed to grin back, as he chirped happily. "Alright, Kero, return!"He said watching as Kero disappeared into a Pokeball, a Pokeball he quickly picked up. The pre-teen reached to his waist, and grabbed a master ball, throwing it out near the Deino. "Come on."He said, anticipation in his voice. A flash appeared, as the Poke-ball stopped rocking back and forth!"Yes!"He yelled as he quickly dashed over to the Pokeball, and grabbed it, placing it on his utility belt.

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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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Titania Brightsmith tromped through the grass, looking bewildered. "Steelix tracks? This thing was fucking least 60 feet long! I'm supposed to be the expert, and I didn't know this size was even physiologically POSSIBLE! Deep Blue, go. Use the tracks to extrapolate the approximate size of this Steelix."

The Metagross sat for a second and reported a figure of 65 feet, give or take five.

"Holy shit..."

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Character Portrait: Ryoko and Kimi
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Another Steelix Crashed through the wilderness, yet it was very careful about staying on the well known path through the area. Ryoko and Kimi rode on top of it, this one only around 55 feet. The two trainers sat in silence on the massive snakes head.

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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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Titania Brightsmith yelped in surprise and got behind the Metagross, ready for a battle even as she saved pictures of the tracks with measurements to her digital camera. "All right, Deep Blue, it's go time." To which it responded with a robotic hubba-hubba sound.

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Character Portrait: Ryoko and Kimi
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The Steelix rumbled down the path towards Titania. Larger and larger the pokemon became in perspective. For a moment, it seemed that the massive Iron snake showed no signs of slowing and looked as though it was going to bore right down and over the other trainer. However when the Steelix neared Titania it came to a complete halt when a voice came from the top of it's head.

"Whoa stop! there's someone down there!"

A large plume of dust and chunks of rock and earth flew everywhere when the massive creature stopped.

"Hey! are you ok!? we didn't squish you did we?" came the same voice followed by two heads looking down from atop the steelix

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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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"Kimi? Ryoko? Long time, girls. Check this out." Titania motioned for the two to dismount. "That Steelix looks almost as big as the one that left these tracks. Deep Blue here says that this specimen has at least 5 feet on yours, maybe even as much as 15. But now that I know that this thing wasn't an isolated incident, I gotta ask where the hell these things are coming from!"

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Ryoko and Kimi jumped down off of the massive steel snake. The moment they landed the Steelix was returned to Kimi's pokeball.

"Titania? Hey!" Ryoko said happily with a wave as she saw who it was.

"Very nice to see you again" Kimi said bowing with a smile.

Kimi seemed very interested in Titania's comment "How interesting, as you know my Steelix is as big as it is because of the cross over energy we experienced when we jumped into this dimension, perhaps because of the influx of beings from different areas crossing through and landing int his dimension is having an adverse effect on the pokemon of this region." Kimi said patting the Metagross as she passed it on her way to Titania.

"Currently we know of nomalies

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Character Portrait: Ryoko and Kimi
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"Currently we know of anomalies within at least forty different species including a pack of very large Scyther" Ryoko said shuddering for a moment. "Rumors of a Wailord that was five times the size of a normal one have been circulating around a few professors"

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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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Five times the Wailord? This was just too much. Yeah, water-bound beings were less limited in their maximum size than their landlubber counterparts, but still. "So there's been an outbreak of gigantism among a wide variety of Pokémon? I mean, I've seen an eleven-foot Dragonite with my own eyes, but I had no idea it had gotten this bad. I'll have to prepare a statement for the Kanto Region about this as the reigning champion there. I'm gonna need as much data as you can scrape together on this, I'll see if that Okido guy is still alive somehow. If anyone would know what's going on, it's him."

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Character Portrait: Ryoko and Kimi
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null"I have some notes on it back in Sootopolis City, next time you are in Hoen go ahead and stop by the gym and they should be able to give it to you" Kimi said smiling towards Titania.

Ryoko narrowed her eyes for a moment before stepping towards the other two women "We've been tracking the progress of these occurences and determined that the dimensions in this multiverse are becoming easier and easier to cross between, it is our theory that trans dimensional bridges are being formed, at the point of access from any one dimension there could be a strong concentration of flux energy, that might be the cause of the pokemon growing so huge" she said "We have also determined that these larger pokemon are much stronger than their normal counterparts" she said

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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#, as written by Rulke
Arriving little far out of the typical area in the car, she would walk hand in hand with the other girl, her lips quivering slightly as she searched for something. Finally her eyes would train over an almost hidden gate, breaking the grip she ran on over, cleared much of the overgrown ivy to reveal an intercom, pressing the call button she would speak with a sense of hidden grandeur, "Ms Darren with partner, please let us in."

A loud squeak with resound as the gate slowly swung open, the inside was a beautiful Garden full of much wild Pokemon just moving about the Garden as if nothing bothered them, she would blush and say, "My Father... I forget to say... he collects many things... they aren't hurt... I promise... but seeing them all everyday... is probably why I prefer reading... I see them all everyday...."

Leading Ilene in she would point out various sights including some Pokemon just ignoring their presence, a truly splendid sight. The mansion had not even come into view, but the whole place was gorgeous beyond measure, vibrant flora and many different types of habitats.

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Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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Ilene stepped in in a slightly cautious manner, primarily avoiding hitting her head on something. As she stepped inside she surveyed all the pokemon hanging out and just sort of raised her eyebrows slightly at the explanation. "So they all just stay here and hang out..?" she asked, ever so slightly skeptical. Well, it would certainly be impressive in it's own way. Regardless, she turned to the other female. "Don't worry--I'm not going to get on your case for anything like this." she clarified, trying to ease the other's fears. She then waited a moment before continuing. "...So you live here?" she asked, once again ever so slightly skeptical. This was rather exotic!

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Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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#, as written by Rulke
Nodding she smiled relieved, "Now and again... I mostly hang about the city, reading and trying to forget this. I am happy you are not like of those Anti-Trainer groups, who tell my father Pokemon should be free... he's been threatened so much, he refused to let me stay here often, because of the risk it has." sighing she would squeeze Ilene hand, "Do you like me less now with the facades gone, Ilene?"

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Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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Ilene smiled at Elsie as she went on, observing what she had to say with several small nods. She waited a moment after the other finished before returning the squeeze and turning to cup Elsie's hand within hers. She met the other female's gaze with an inviting smile. "Of course not..." she replied. "My entire job revolves around the catching of pokemon. I hate those types!" she clarified passionately. "I think your place is lovely, and I feel like the pokemon don't mind it either." she finished, though she was not certified to say anything about that last part in truth.

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Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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#, as written by Rulke
Blushing she would lead up the path, so happy but yet so scared, finally a large mansion would begin to appear a rather Victorian design with almost renaissance style to it, the whole place seemed big enough to fit in one of the smaller villages, let alone only Elsie and her family.

Stopping she would turn around her hands squirming unnerved as she leant in and slowly started to kiss Ilene, you feel the nervousness in this action, like she needed courage to even enter the house, her action was well done, just it was clear she was absolutely petrified. Was she not mentioning something about her father...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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Ilene gawked ever so slightly at the fancy design of the mansion. She stared in awe, and was honestly taken by surprise when Elsie closed the distance and started kissing her. She was taken aback briefly, but soon returned the kiss in full, pressing back against Elsie and holding her for a moment so that they could enjoy the moment. Then, finally, she scooped the other female into her arms in a bridal carry and started to walk again, offering only a few grunts as she tried to pretend she was big and strong. "Mmm...~ Let's do this." she said with confidence.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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#, as written by Rulke
Blushing even more, she looked like a pink tomato her small eyes, closed relaxed as Ilene opened the door, and she forgot what she feared, until they were in and she said in joyous, "Daddy, I'm home." then she realized in horror what she had done, and fell out of Ilene grip, cowering, her eyes wide now in horror, as Mr Clement Darren approached scowling, "Elsie I thought we had gotten rid of these issues, but here you come with a female holding you like she loves you? Has your Mother death not helped at all..." in truth her Mother was not dead, she just ran off with another woman, and Clement refused to admit it, instead declaring her dead.

"Daddy... please... I... I... I..."

"Stick to your horror little girl..."

With that the young shy girl who had been high on life, began to sulk and then weep, while her father a tall figure dressed in well done suit and tie, would scowl, turning to the Ilene.

"You got anything to say, look what you did to her?"

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Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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Ilene's smile slowly turned to a frown as she watched this go on. So this was Elsie's... father. Huh. She tightened her grip around Elsie slightly and just sort of met the man's gaze with a slightly hostile expression on her face. "What'd I do." she asked rhetorically, implying she hadn't done anything. "Who're you??" she proceeded to demand, her tone once again implying an entirely different statement. She was challenging him to explain to her what right he had to be talking to Elsie like that.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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#, as written by Rulke
Cowering she was used to this, why had she expected better, he had never been the same since Mum left, and yes she had left, he obsessed himself about collecting Pokemon and ignored her most of the time, giving her imported shit to keep her happy. But in truth there was so much Ilene did not know, she wanted to speak, but instead thought better, just appearing in despair.

He would smirk, "I am Clement Darren world-famous Pokemon Collector and one of the richest people in this area. The entire place you see took labor and hard work. As to what you did, you corrupted her, and tarnished memory of her Mother, bless her soul, you have no right to do this to my daughter!"

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Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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Ilene was aggravated, and it showed on her face. "Do what?!" she asked, slightly outraged at the accusation. It took her a moment to remember her manners. "What exactly are you getting at??" she asked, the strain in her arms no longer the main thing on her mind.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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#, as written by Rulke
The young girl would stare up anger in her eyes, but too submissive to say anything, clearly she had lots of untapped hatred right now, question is what would she do with it?

Clement would frown obviously annoyed, "My daughter shall not be with a girl, it's irresponsible and teenage kick, she will get over it and once she does we can continue once more."

At this point Elsie finally had enough, "Daddy do us all a favor and accept Mum left you for another woman, and accept I like girls, I am 17, not a little kid anymore, she makes me feel good, fantastic even. I could just marry her to spite you, but you know what I won't because I actually want it to work, those Anti-Trainers groups might be wrong about how you treat Pokemon, but..."

Standing up she pulled Ilene into a deep kiss, right in front of him, a clear defiance in her eyes, kissing her long and hard, before parting and breathing.

"Don't make me choose between you Daddy, because you will lose and despite everything you are not a terrible father."

He would stare, unable to speak.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Evans Character Portrait: Elsie Darren
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"I--Mmph...." Ilene exclaimed as Elsie proceeded to shut her up with lip on lip action. She blushed quite noticeably in a rather embarassed manner, whilst simultaneously trying to pretend she wasn't by looking Elsie's father in the eye. She promptly folded her arms.

"There are a lot of orphan on Ruula. Maybe we can adopt one of them--Or maybe we could make some wishes in the right places and have a child on our own. I hear weirder things have happened. We've both got the hips for it." she remarked casually, wrapping an arm around Elsie's shoulder in a supportive way. The pressure was on, and Ilene was dealing with it the only way she knew how--Being blunt and disregarding the opinions of others.

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Character Portrait: FlameTail (Ponyta)
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#, as written by Kanrie
FlameTail (Ponyta) bounded over the tall grass, playful and happy with the bright sunlit day. She loved the way the sun felt on her back as she jumped over lumps of grass. The little flaming mane flashed sharply in the wind as she ran. This ponyta was having the time of her life.