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The Naruto Adventure!

The Naruto Adventure!


Become a genin or jonin ninja! Roleplay is based on the Naruto book series/tv show/anime/movie/etc

1,098 readers have visited The Naruto Adventure! since Jadebud98 created it.

Roleplay based on Naruto book series/tv show/anime/movie/etc
Become a genin or jonin ninja! In the Leaf Village set in the world of Naruto! You begin your journey at the last day of the Ninja Academy where your old teacher is putting you into groups of three to join a jonin on missions throughout the world. After we get enough players like if there is on jonin there must be three genin and if there are two jonin there must be six genin and so forth. After a few missions and getting to know your team the chunin exams will arrive and the jonin will decide if their team is ready for the exams. Don't worry jonin if you let your genin go into the exam and they become chunin your adventure wont be done yet and who knows they might not even become chunin. If you want to be a rank other than these go into the OOC and ask me or PM me and wait for my approval. I will also add in evil stuff like twists or characters

Character Skeleton:
Character name:
Age: (12 for genin or 18+ for jonin)
Appearance: Picture or description (if picture anime only)
kekkei genki:
element affinity: (Two at the most)
jutsu: (Genin:What you know (not awesome powers) and what you will learn Jonin: same thing except what you know can be pretty awesome :p)
Biography or history: Does not have to be too long.
Clan: Don't need one.
(Your character skeleton does NOT have to be like the one I made for Nagihiko that was one long cookie for me to write :p make it a bit longer then Miki's though...)



Non-Playable-Characters as of now
Paku Mouri-hokage

Extra info:
This is completely non-canon!

No OOC fights.
Make one character if we need more I will say.
Check OOC daily.
If there is a problem PM me.
No reservations will be excepted.
If you have read and agreed to all of the rules write believe it! on the bottom of your description.
I can make new rules at any time if they are reasonable.
No Godmodding.
Check the OOC daily for updates.
Only the best applications will be accepted no reservations or first come first serve.
There will be different penalties for breaking the rules developing on the case.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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It was a normal day in Konaha for almost everyone, however for some academy students it was one of the best days of their lives because they were going to begin their journey's as an official ninja in a genin team! Once everyone was seated their teacher began saying which students would be in which teams.

"Okay the students who are in Team One are; Mao Sasaki, Nagihiko Nara, and Shige Shushaku, all of you come on up here, take your forehead protectors and go to room 214. The students who are in Team Two are; Tenshou Tikki, Yuki Kuro, and June Makarov, all of you come on up here, take your forehead protectors and go to room 201. (then she said other NPC teams that you won't need to know about until the Chunin exams.)"

Nagihiko Nara.

Nagihiko didn't care who he was teamed up with as long as they weren't complete idiots. Anyways he walked up to the stand took a black forehead protector and tied it around his neck. He then made his way to room 214. 'Mao Sasaki and Shige Shushaku...from my observations they both seem to be adequate partners...I wonder what they think of me...What if they dislike me...perhaps I'm over thinking this...' Nagihiko thought to himself being completely quiet as they entered the room.

June Makarov.

June was feeling great and she was determined to be a great ninja. She jogged up to get her blue forehead protector and tied it over her forehead I mean it was a forehead protector. After that she came into room 201 and looked at her team-mates. She remembered them from class. "So what's up?" June asked.

(OOC: The sensei's will come in once all of the genins have posted.)

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#, as written by Rarikou
Shusaku grabbed his protector with a giant grin on his face. Finally... after long last, my trek begins. For me and my teammates, we simply will not lose He thought to himself. School had been long hard, bothersome at times, but there was no more of that. He said goodbye to some of his friends as he he walked out, and headed for his classroom.

My partner's will be Mao Sasaki, and Nagihiko Nara... they seem like pretty decent people. He continued to think. He had seen them around multiple times, but nevr actually spoke to them. In his mind, he was already forming profiles, though he didn't have much to go on right now

He tightened his glove, as it was feeling loose. He walked along the halls, now with a sense of true purpose. 'I wonder what they're truly like." He thought. He stopped at the designated door. There was only one way to find out, and he entered the room. "You're... Nagihiko, correct? I'm Shusaku Shige, but my friends call me Saku, Nice ta meet ya!." He said, offring his hand

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#, as written by Pudge
"YOSH!" Tenshou shouted, raising both arms in the air and laughting as he heard the teacher's words.

"Uh? Is your team THAT powerful?" NPC_Genin asked, even despite of already knowing the answer of his own question.The genin was envious of Tenshou's powerful team.

"I dont care about that, NPC_Genin-kun. They are my team now and we all share the same dream. Thats all that matters."
After saying that, Tenshou stood up and took his Kohona's forehead protector, put it in one of his pockets and left the classroom.

Tenshou then entered room 201 and decided to tie his forehead protector before introducing himself.
"Hello there! I am Tikki Tenshou, the GENIN!". The word 'genin' was said with extra pride and a confident smile. He was sure that the other genin there already knew his name and rank, but Tenshou wanted to say it anyway. He wanted to say his new title out loud...

Genin! This word had so much meaning to him. Genin! The path that would lead him to his dreams.

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#, as written by Pudge
[double post at my first post] :(

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Nagihiko Nara.

Nagihiko shook Shusaku's hand. "Hello Shusaku," Nagihiko said with the same calm expressionless face. Nagihiko took his hand back "You're correct that I am Nagihiko and it's nice to meet you as well," Nagihiko stated and went to reading his book.

June Makarov.

"Yo, Tenshou, could you keep it down you're giving me a headache." June said with her cool and passive stature. "By the way it doesn't matter if or if not you're a genin, what really matters is if you're a good genin." June said smirking her competitve nature showing.

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Mao grinned and quickly walked up to the table. She stopped and looked at the head bands, as if they were different somehow. After a second she picked one and went out of the classroom and started for room 214. She looked over her new headband, trying to decide how to wear it... forehead makes the most sense.. but EVERYONE does that, she wanted to stand out!

She was in the middle of getting her hair caught trying to use it as a hair accessory when she reached 214 and wandered in the open door. She didn't pay her new teammates much mind as she fiddled around. "Owch!" Mao said as she tugged the fabric knot out. It had taken a few strands of her magenta hair with it. The angry anime symbol appeared on her forehead as she looked down at the headband unhappily not seeming to realize she wasn't alone anymore.

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#, as written by Rarikou
Shusaku sighed. He apparently wasn't the friendly type... ah well, as long as they worked together nicely, it didn't matter to him .He hoped this was just a bad first impression.

Their supposedly third member suddenly strolled in. "Hey, I'm..." He stopped as she walked right past them, oblivious of their presence. She was messing with her hair.

Shusaku looked at Nagihiko, then the girl he suddenly realized must be Mao. He stared at her then... "HEY OVER HERE!" He shouted. He didn't like doing that, but, apparently, it was necessarily. "You're not alone, you know. I'm Shusaku Shige, your new teammate."

He hoped to GOD that he wasn't picked for the 'worst case scenario squad.'
He quickly shook that thought clear, 'These are my new teammates. Now, we begin to win. That's all there is to it."

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#, as written by Pudge
How curious! Instead of provoking Tenshou, her behavior caused him to grin even wider; He liked that competitive nature. Standing in a confident stance, Tenshou said:
"Good? Hah! Desire for more, June-chan! Shoot for the stars and become exceptional!" raising one hand and pointing up towards the sky as he said that. And he continued
"Dream high because your dreams are your only limit". He stated with the same confidence and energy of before, but now he seemed to be a little more introspective. Probably he was remembering something.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He was thinking of his father...

His father was man who ruined his own life because he could not dream high enough. He was once a fenomenal ninja with much potential, who, instead of following his dreams, simply sat back in a weapons workshop and rotted there for the rest of his life...
When his wife left him he did not runned after her. When he lost his old house he simply accepted that with a quiet smile. All he ever did was lie to himself: 'Its all right.'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tenshou often thinks about his father but these thoughs dont make sad or depressed. Instead, they work as fuel for the fire in his soul, renewing his faith in his greatest belief.

Tenshou has a strong belief and this is the main source of his inner strenght. He wants to show to himself, to his father and to all disillusioned people in the world that he is right: 'It's worth to dream high'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tenshou than looked back to June, crossed his arms and waited for her answer. He still had that confident smile

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Mao stopping glaring at her head band and jumped when she heard someone yell. She looked over at them and felt a little embarrassed. If they had been here the whole time, they must have seen her little blunder! "Oh, hello!" She quickly straightened herself out and pretended like it had never happened. She confidently walked back over to them and stretched out a hand. "..and I'm Mao Sasaki!" ^_^ She grinned. "You must be my new teammates! a pleasure to meet you!" In her head she hoped she would be bale to keep up with them, she had barely kept up with class. On more than one occasion she had completely failed at something everyone else was having no trouble with, only to have the teacher shake his head. But she wouldn't let them know that! Or at least think about it since they had probably been there... she would be confident!

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Nagihiko Nara.

Nagihiko looked up from his book because of the other team-mate that entered. She was Mao Sasaki, he knew that she had problems in the academy through his observations. He knew that she wasn't that good at being a ninja but he also saw spirit in her that would make her into a great ninja...'I'm sounding like a jonin!' Nagihiko thought to himself feeling a bit embarrassed his pale skin blushed a little. He dispelled the thought and went back to reading. 'Or in a different scenario I sound like someone who is great friends with this girl even though I've never talked to her! Should I introduce myself? Or should I wait for her to do so and keep reading?' Nagihiko thought really hating his thought process which usually wasn't this timid and shy...'probably because it's the first day and he's nervous, or it's because he's scared of whether or not he'd be in par with his sensei's expectations or maybe it was because their was a cute girl in his squad, Oh how I hate my brain!' Nagihiko thought blushing even more. He dispelled everything and went back into his book and regained his calm normal demeanor. He was finally back to his normal self

June Makarov.

June began grinning. "Tenshou, are you seriously giving me an inspiration speech?" June asked rhetorically. "How long have you been rehearsing that as well, hoping to get on my good side for some love are you now~?" June asked putting her hand on his cheek playing around flirtatiously. June then spun around and sat on a desk. "Hey Tenshou, how about once we get stronger we have a sparring match to improve even more?' June asked still keeping her cool demeanor up which was just natural to her.

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#, as written by Rarikou
Shusaku accepted Mao's hand, and shook it lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, trying to figure out what on earth was going to happen now, "Well, I guess we make team number one now." He said, "So, have any of you guys learned witch Jonin will become our Sensei?" He asked, trying to get a conversation rolling. He had someone who was completely emotionless, and someone who seemed clueless... and suddenly, the top of the world look a lot further away, but he still knew he could do it.

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She shook his hand enthusiastically and bowed. "Indeed! Number one because we ARE number one!!" Once the formalities were over, she went back to glaring at her head band, resentful of it and blaming it for painfully pulling some of her hair out. "So, have any of you guys learned witch Jonin will become our Sensei?" Shusaku had asked. She looked back up at him. "Uhh, nope. Not yet. I hope it's one of the cool ones and not one of the lame ones!" She said, though all the Jonin were very evenly matched.

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#, as written by Pudge
Tenshou was taken by surprise when June made that question as she put her hand on his cheek and started playing flirtatious. She then spun around and sat on a desk and, before he could say or do anything, she already came with a challenge:
"Hey Tenshou, how about once we get stronger we have a sparring match to improve even more?"

"Yes of course. Yahoo! Competiton!" He shouted with both arms raised. Apparently he already forgot all the oddity of the moment before. Tenshou usually accepted challenges without any hesitation. If the Hokage himself called for a match, he would accept it without even asking why.

After this brief moment of celebration, Tenshou threw himself into a chair, held his hand behind his head, leaned back and put his feet up on a table. If he was to wait for Kuro and the sensei, than he would better do it comfortably.

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#, as written by Rarikou
"I don't know about that." He said, laughing. He liked this girl, she wasn't so distant as he had initially thought. "Ah well, that makes sense." He started at her fixing her hair again 'Okay, friendly, with a one track mind. Meh, beats Mr. Barely say a word' He thought to himself.

With a sigh, he went over various techniques. "So, what kind of abilities like to use?" He asked everyone.

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"I use deadly arrows!" Mao said proudly. Arrows weren't really a typical ninja weapon, but she had been better at those than anything so she went with it, and figured it would be something her enemies wouldn't except. She finally tied the headband in her hair the way she wanted and put her hands on her hips proudly. There! Now she thought she looked even cuter than usual!!

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#, as written by Pudge
Suddenly nothing happened. Then Tenshou fell asleep .zZzZ

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Ichiro stood atop the Hokage's mansion and glared out at nothing. I could've sworn someone was following me..Damn it all..Oh well, I suppose I've given my new students enough time to get acquainted. In a second, he had vanished in a cloud of smoke. In the room, another cloud of smoke appeared, and Ichiro poked his head out of the puff, staring at the sleeping genin with an annoyed look. "Enjoying your cat nap?" His tone was a bit irritable, and it stayed that way as he spoke to the other genin, without removing his gaze from the sleeping child. "My name's Ichiro Noboru. I'm going to be your sensei. Do you know why he's sleeping?" He kicked the chair out from underneath the genin and pulled a small folder out of his back pocket. "Ah. Tikki Tenshou.. If I catch you sleeping again, I'll make sure you stay that way. Got it?"

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#, as written by Pudge

Tenshou woke up completely dizzied on the floor, but he quickly managed to get up with a leap. Once on foot, he stared dumbly at Ichiro, completely clueless of who was that man and what was he doing there.

"Ah. Tikki Tenshou.. If I catch you sleeping again, I'll make sure you stay that way. Got it?" Ichiro said.

"Hey, you! what the hell-" Tenshou shouted, pointing at the man. He was angry at first, but soon his neurons woke up and started working again. After a few neuronal synapsis he finally realized what was happening there. We can say Tenshou 'nearly fell off his chair' when that happened. And suddenly all that anger was converted into excitement.

"Yahoo, The sensei! Lets start with the ninja training, sensei!?"

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Ichiro closed the folder and looked at Tenshou. He was pretty enthusiastic, that was for sure. The jonin couldn't help the smirk that crossed over his face. "Calm down Tenshou. In case you didn't hear me earlier, my name is Ichiro Noboru. Now, before we start any training, I want to know a little about you.." He paused for a few seconds and looked around the room. There were two genin, instead of three. "Hm..It appears our last member hasn't showed yet..Do either of you know where he is?" Ichiro took his time to look over his two students. Both seemed capable enough. But he had his doubts. There were always many flaws with the genin. He had an endless amount of them when he was their age. But those would evaporate with a decent amount of training. Ugh..That means I'm going to have to actually work for once.. Damn it. Me and my big mouth.. When the Hokage had asked for volunteers for leading the genin teams, Ichiro was one of the first to speak up. "Oh well.. Don't let it get you down." He mumbled to himself, gazing around the room.

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June Makarov.

"I have no clue where the next genin is...I'm not even sure if they showed up." June said bored, she was waiting for some real action but she was going to be patient and wasn't going to rush into it.

Miki Hadana.

Miki walked through the hall on her way to the three children waiting on her. She didn't consider them genin yet because they weren't officially until they got the jonins approval and so far no child has gotten Miki's approval, if they wanted to be official ninja of Konaha they would have to behave like ninja of Konaha. Miki slid the door open and walked in, closing the door after her. She eyed the students. One was reading a book, and two were standing probably talking to each-other. "Hello, I am Miki Hadana. Please excuse my tardiness, I was taking care of a few people loitering outside of the ramen stand." Miki said completely serious. "Follow me." She said, motioning them to follow. Once they got outside she took them to a fighting dojo. "So, let's learn a bit about each-other. We can do this by saying one word to describe each-other starting with you" she said pointing to Mao.

Nagihiko Nara.

Nagihiko was ignoring every-one while he was reading he was getting to one of the good parts where a murder occurred when a woman with blue hair walked in. Eventually they made it to a dojo where instead of training they were going to learn about each-other which was quite odd. Mao was the first to go so he directed his attention to her.

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#, as written by Pudge
"All I know is that he is not here" Tenshou said as he looked around, searching for the other genin.
"Should we wait for him?" he asked, scratching his head. Tenshou was excited and he wanted to start the training already, but he couldnt simply rush into it since he did not knew yet how late was the genin. Tenshou lost completely the notion of time during his sleep.

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Ichiro looked at both genin. Should they start without the third? Or perhaps they were to wait? No, they wouldn't wait. They were wasting valuable time, something ichiro hated doing. "For now, we'll start without the third genin. If he does show up, I'll be sure to give him a proper scolding for making us wait. If he doesn't then I'll report the Hokage tonight and see what will be done.." Ichiro slid open the only window in the room and jumped onto the windowsil. "Now, before we start any real training, I'm going to study your skill level. Hidden throughout the village are five scrolls with the Noboru symbol.." He held up a picture of a his clan's symbol, which was stitched onto the back of his shirt:

"Whoever finds the most will learn a special jutsu. But it's not that simple. In order to find them, you must find me first.."Ichiro pulled out five small scrolls and stuffed them in his pockets. "If you find me then I'll give you one. You have until sunset. Good luck." He smirked a bit and jumped out the window, teleporting in mid air to the ramen shop near the front gate. After a series of hand signs, a tower of water splurged up from a stream nearby and created four identical Ichiros. Each was handed a scroll, and the clones ran off to specific areas in the village that were close to water so they wouldn't disperse. The remaining Ichiro, the real one, walked into the ramen stand and took a seat. "Now, let the games begin."

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#, as written by Pudge
"YAHOO! Let the games begin." Tenshou yelled and promptly jumped out the window, landing on a roof nearby, from where he saw the four clones spreading. Probably each one had a scroll, tenshou though, and then he chased the nearest Ichiro at full speed.

After a while, the clone reached his destiny: A riverbank near the village's walls. Tenshou arrived a few seconds later. Standing about 20 feet from Ichiro, the genin stopped, took a quick breath and crossed his arms. Tenshou looked serious, unswerving, challenging... His gaze steadily fixed at Ichiro.

And there he stood, silent, for several seconds...Immutable.

But all suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and the severity in his expressions vanished at once. His cold gaze dispersed and Tenshou uncrossed his arms with a confident smirk. (Its very curious how Tenshou looks serious and agressive while thinking deeply...) Then, pointing at Ichiro, he said:

"Hah! I just found a way to get the scroll from you, sensei! Just wait a little bit longer, I'll be back soon" With that Tenshou spun around and, with a leap, he reached the same branch from where he came. Then, with another leap, he disappeared into the woods...

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#, as written by GamerX
"Bye Kuro, you take care now," said a floral shop owner as Kuro walked out the door.

"I will miss Ukitano. I'll check back tomorrow to make sure those aphids don't make a return in your rose bushes." Kuro looked around for a moment then up to the sun to check the approximate time. "Crap I'm late!" the new Genin exclaimed seeing that he was now very late for his first day in a genin team. Sure he was helping a neighbor get rid of a few aphids, but that was no excuse to be late. After taking another look around he decided to speed to where the meeting spot was at.

Upon arrival he noticed that there was only one other genin present, however a window was open. In addition it seemed that the genin there knew something more than Kuro did. On a hunch Kuro stated what he thought had happened, "Let me guess: training has already begun and I am late for it?" Kuro didn't really need an answer since he knew he was late already. "I will await the Sensei to come back and speak with me if he wishes. For now I will hold out on this day of training unless Sensei tells me otherwise." Kuro figured he would get some type of punishment, but he did not know exactly what would happen until he meets the one who would be in charge on him. While waiting for the return of the Sensei, Kuro went over to the wall and began to meditate silently. While doing so he thought about what the Sensei would be like and what his punishment might be for being late.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Miki Hadana
Character Portrait: Nagihiko Nara.
Character Portrait: Yuki Kuro
Character Portrait: Tikki Tenshou
Character Portrait: Mao Sasaki
Character Portrait: June Makarov
Character Portrait: Ammon Kekewey
Character Portrait: Sandra Nara


Character Portrait: Sandra Nara
Sandra Nara

"This will be such a drag, but it must be done."

Character Portrait: Ammon Kekewey
Ammon Kekewey

Life without death is chaos; death without life is destruction. Therefore when I succeed with the death of the Five villages I will give life to a new one.

Character Portrait: June Makarov
June Makarov

Gotta be cool!

Character Portrait: Mao Sasaki
Mao Sasaki

Average in every way, execpt for her determination to prove herself.

Character Portrait: Tikki Tenshou
Tikki Tenshou

"I know you have learned how to MAKE a Bunshin, but have you learned how to USE a Bunshin?"

Character Portrait: Yuki Kuro
Yuki Kuro

An Ice Release Kekkei Genkai user.

Character Portrait: Nagihiko Nara.
Nagihiko Nara.

A quiet genius.

Character Portrait: Miki Hadana
Miki Hadana

Justice will remain in Konaha.


Character Portrait: June Makarov
June Makarov

Gotta be cool!

Character Portrait: Ammon Kekewey
Ammon Kekewey

Life without death is chaos; death without life is destruction. Therefore when I succeed with the death of the Five villages I will give life to a new one.

Character Portrait: Nagihiko Nara.
Nagihiko Nara.

A quiet genius.

Character Portrait: Sandra Nara
Sandra Nara

"This will be such a drag, but it must be done."

Character Portrait: Tikki Tenshou
Tikki Tenshou

"I know you have learned how to MAKE a Bunshin, but have you learned how to USE a Bunshin?"

Character Portrait: Mao Sasaki
Mao Sasaki

Average in every way, execpt for her determination to prove herself.

Character Portrait: Yuki Kuro
Yuki Kuro

An Ice Release Kekkei Genkai user.

Character Portrait: Miki Hadana
Miki Hadana

Justice will remain in Konaha.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Yuki Kuro
Yuki Kuro

An Ice Release Kekkei Genkai user.

Character Portrait: Nagihiko Nara.
Nagihiko Nara.

A quiet genius.

Character Portrait: Sandra Nara
Sandra Nara

"This will be such a drag, but it must be done."

Character Portrait: Miki Hadana
Miki Hadana

Justice will remain in Konaha.

Character Portrait: Mao Sasaki
Mao Sasaki

Average in every way, execpt for her determination to prove herself.

Character Portrait: June Makarov
June Makarov

Gotta be cool!

Character Portrait: Ammon Kekewey
Ammon Kekewey

Life without death is chaos; death without life is destruction. Therefore when I succeed with the death of the Five villages I will give life to a new one.

Character Portrait: Tikki Tenshou
Tikki Tenshou

"I know you have learned how to MAKE a Bunshin, but have you learned how to USE a Bunshin?"

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Most recent OOC posts in The Naruto Adventure!

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

If other people will still be posting I'll continue.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Hey people, wanna hear something?
I know an ancient, powerful ritual to bring RPs back to activity. Its very simple: If you are still interested in this roleplay, then stand up, hold your hand over your heart, close your eyes and shout, three times: 'This roleplay still lives inside me!'. After that you should post the following phrase at the ooc: 'Its still alive!'

If 4 people do that, the roleplay will be revived for sure.

"If life has taught me anything, its that as long as there is people still interested in a roleplay, it wont ever die!"
*Moment of reflection*

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Is my computer not loading the posts or has this place seemed to die? Please let my computer just not be loading the posts here.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

it's okay, it means I don't have to keep up with another character.

At least GamerX is back! Now I can continue my other RP that he's in! Yayz!

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

@GamerX: Okay, I'm pretty sure some people are still here so okay your back in and I understand now.
@BeckkiSoli: Yeah it kind of does...sorry :(

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

okay, does this mean Inari Myobu, the genin I made to replace GamerX's genin won't be accept? I just couldn't make Sandra into a genin because of her jutsus, and I couldn't just not let her have them. If Inari's rejected, that's fine by me.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Also I received a concern message about Ammon having five Kekkei Genkai absorbed and being immortal. The way I see it to become immortal he needs to absorb someone with the Uchiha Clan Kekkei Genkai (Sharingan) and since Ammon did not absorb it yet he has not obtained immortality. In addition if he absorbs any more with first gaining the Sharingan his condition will end his life instantly. For now he makes due with what he has.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

I am terribly sorry I did not inform everyone of this before, but as Rarikou had said I had to leave for a couples weeks. I sadly fell asleep halfway in typing a message of absence. When I awoke I had to rush to get ready for Lake Powell, which I never wanted to go to in the first place..... Again I am terribly sorry for vanishing off the face of the planet and if I am still out then so be it. If I am still wanted/needed and this didn't die I will be more than willing and wanting to continue with everyone here.
With deep apologies,

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

yeah, he told me he had to leave for a few weeks.

Should I make a villian, then?

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

@Beckki: Could you make Sandra into a genin or make a new character as a genin because I have a feeling that GamerX won't be showing up.

This goes to everyone, if you want to make a genin character go ahead GamerX is now officially not part of the game. Really sorry about this but he's slowing the game down a lot.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

You should post after the genin meet their sensei but you can't interact with the genin yet, you may creepily watch them but no interaction. Your choice whether or not you know him I guess.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Okay, I just made a character myself, a chuunin named Sandra Nara (love the Nara clan!), so when should I post? And shall my character know about GamerX's villain? I don't care if she does, I just want to make sure I know to or not to mention it in my posts.

Can't wait for me to start RPing with y'all! All the Naruto RPs I'm on currently seem to be dead, so this shall be fun!

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Okay you guys I just accepted a character made by GamerX who is going to serve as one of our major villains. None of the genin know about him but the jonin can if they want.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Your team formation is great and I totally agree with it.
I already realized that putting GamerX and Rarikou at the same team would be troublesome. I just didnt wanted to separate the two friends.

And I dont think there will be the Kekkei Genkai problem, since Kuro is described as a respectful person.
Tenshou only hates two types of kekkei genkai user: The 'you cant defeat me' type and the 'you cant be a good ninja without a good kekkei genkai' type.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Okay well the first post is on it's way.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

actually putting me and gamer on the same team is ASKING for self-destruction. Ice and Lava? I couldn't think of a worse combination than that, so these match-ups suit me fine.

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Well these are the teams that I was going to go with:
Team 1- Hanada Miki.
Shusaku Shige
Sasaki Mao
Nara Nagihiko

Team 2- Noboro Ichiro
Makarov June
Tikki Tenshou
Yuki Kuro

For the reasons lets start with team one; Nagihiko uses tactics and battle strategy in order to win not just brutal force so in order for everything to play right the team needs to have team players which Mao and Shige are especially Shige seeing as his clans motto has to do with teamwork. Also, Mao is like an underdog as stated by fluffy so she is going to need some one who is a very cooperative to help. Lastly the groups development as a ninja is also key in the teams, so with Miki as the leader she is bound to make Mao a stronger ninja, and make Nagihiko open up more (Shige also provides help there).

Now we move on to team 2; the team has a good balance in battle. June and Tenshou are good in tai-jutsu and nin-jutsu. Kuro is great in ninjutsu. It also provides good plot development with Tenshou seemed to have a slight problem with kekkei genki people or I just perceived that, and Kuro has a kekkei genki so hopefully that'll create some fun and make both of them develop as ninja. June likes to take things into her own hands and cut to the chase before thinking but with Ichiro he is more laid back so he could stop her before that happens making her develop.

So, I think that's what I'm going to go with but GamerX or Rarikou tell me if you want to be in the same team and I'll think about it.

Any objections provide your case and I'll think about it. (Everyone)

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Here is my suggestion on teams:

1- GamerX and Rarikou are old friends, best buddies type, so I think it would be a nice if we could put them in the same team.
2- Jadebud98 controls 2 genin and a jonin. For symmetry sake, lets place each genin in a different team.
3- We have 4 male and 2 female genin. We can make the teams on a 2-1 ratio, much like the cannon naruto teams.

So, lets start with Kuro and Shusaku at team 1. The 3rd genin should be female and Jadebud98's character: June.
Team 2 would get: Nagihiko, Tenshou and Mao.

Now lets balance the abilities:

Considering only the already learned abilities, we can say that:
Team 1 is incredibly well provided with offensive abilites and it has good defenses, but it lacks greatly in support(disables,buffs,debuff, etc...)
Team 2 is balanced in almost every aspect: melee/ranged, physical/'magical', tank/damage/support. Their only weakness is the few elemental power (having only wind for now)

Due to that, I would place Miki at Team 1, as she got two disables: Water imprisonment and Paralysis sword
And Ichiro at team 2, for more elemental power (with wind and water).

TEAM 1 - Hanada Miki
Yuki Kuro
Shinge Shusaku
Marakov June

TEAM 2 - Noboro Ichiro
Nara Nagihiro
Tikki Tenshou
Sasaki Mao

Did you guys liked it?

Re: [OOC] The Naruto Adventure!

Rarikou I very much enjoyed it :)
Okay everyone the roleplay will begin once I have developed all of the teams and get on to a computer (right now I'm usin nook internet.)