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the new mutants

the new mutants


A group of mutants escape a research facility in effort of finding the last known sanctuary of their kind.

4,176 readers have visited the new mutants since sappho created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

mcu & new mutants




the new mutants


The X-Men took the world by storm. A new species, the world called it, homo superior. The next step in evolution. There were many names for the group of mutants who lived in their house atop a hill in upstate New York; some more favourable than others. They were heroes to many; pioneers of a new world unhampered by human nature. To the rest of the world they were a threat; a time bomb; a mirror reflecting back the flaws in humanity. Something had to be done. New laws swiftly came into effect. Sanctions. National mutant registers. Compulsory genetic testing. America went so far as to outlaw the use of mutant abilities altogether; a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. War was waged, in all its brutal and bloody valour.

Years have passed. Mutants are almost entirely extinct and those who live have gone deep into hiding as their race has been ultimately targeted in the last decade. But humans were never done with the mutant race — nor will they ever be. Transgien, a biotechnology corporation bent on figuring out what exactly makes mutants tick. Sanctioned under the U.S. government the facility has spent years using surrogates to create mutants and proceeded to pick and pull them apart until they can't take it any longer. Using DNA from some of the most prominent mutants from the past the company was ultimately successful in their creation, but much like their predecessors the mutants were incredibly hard to control.

Order X. Some of the mutants had heard the whispers from the nurses, the doctors and orderlies. As much as they didn't want to believe it, they knew it was true. The government was shutting them down — all mutants are to be terminated. Thankfully, some of the nurses were able to aid a small group of mutants and help them escape with promises of a hidden sanctuary with others like them. But how will a group of young mutants, still learning to control their powers fare in a world that hates them?


Arthur Azuri Munroe was born with the DNA of Ororo Munroe otherwise known as Storm.

Henry Pedro Wright | taken by sappho


Evangeline Jovie Marie was born with the DNA of Anna Marie otherwise known as Rogue.

Tia Jonsson | taken by sappho


Beckett Leroy Howlett was born with the DNA of James Howlett otherwise known as Wolverine.

Matthew Bell | taken by sappho


Isabel Torres was born with the DNA of Victor Creed otherwise known as Sabertooth.

Tashi Rodriguez | reserved by NotWhatYouThink


Jean LeBeau was born with the DNA of Remy LeBeau otherwise known as Gambit.

Matthew Bell | reserved by CutUp


Sophia, Katelyn, and Gabriela Cuckoo were born with the DNA of Celeste, Esme, Irma, Phoebe, and Sophie Cuckoo otherwise known as the Stepford Cuckoos.

Elle Fanning | reserved by Sepokku


Kasimir Ichiki was born with the DNA of Hisako Ichiki otherwise known as Armor.

Froy Guiterrez | reserved by Sepokku


Spencer Malcolm was born with the DNA of Jean Grey otherwise known as Phoenix.

Lynn Gunn | reserved by Wolf's Bane109


Isaac Lewis was born with the DNA of Jonathan Silvercloud otherwise known as Forge.

Devon Bostick | reserved by CutUp

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↣ Hi I'm sappho formerly known as geminiblues, you may call me saph or gem. It has been a very long time since I've been on here, and frankly I missed writing and the wonderful people on this site. So I am back with an updated profile, name, and person in general as I have grown over the past two years (ish). I hope you enjoy the concept and if you have any questions regarding the plot or characters please let me know in the OOC board!

↣ The rules are simple, mainly ones that everyone knows, no GodMod, be kind to everyone in the OOC, and any rules that apply to Roleplay Gateway. There are obviously going to be mature themes in here so please keep that in mind before joining. Any content regarding any sexual themes, please be kept to a minimum, and if the scene is to be continued please respect Roleplay Gateway's wishes and continue it off site!

↣ I'm going to prefer a small group of writers as I am just returning and will probably set the cap around five more writers (with as many characters as they'd wish). I may change my mind but that is in the future. I'd like to keep it consistent and small. I expect literate and dedicated writers, around 400-500 words per post. I also want this to be very character driven !!! As you can see these characters are influenced by their classic counterparts, so they will be similar but feel free to stem off some. They should fit around the age anywhere from 16-20 depending on how long they have been at the research facility.

↣ To reserve a character please post your faceclaim, name, original mutant parent, and dialogue color. I expect WIP in by at least 48 hours, and hopefully completed characters within 4-5 days. The character sheet will be posted in the OOC and you may use your own if you wish. Take note there is no history section (yes this is intentional). To be honest, the characters were genetically modified embryos birthed by surrogate and trapped in a lab their entire life. I figured all of their histories would be pretty much self explanatory which is why I left it out. Feel free to write one though if you do please. I wanted to replace the history with the relations thread which I think is a little more essential to this roleplay.

↣ This plot will follow a group of escaped mutants as they try and find the so called "paradise" while being tracked ruthlessly by bounty hunters and possibly other mutants oOOOoo. I plan on starting right as the escape occurs. Remember they've never spent a day outside the facility so everything will be new to these characters. THEY have been able to watch TV so they should generally understand technology and the world how it is but hey - they may have never seen a Ferris wheel or driven a car!

Thank you so much! Please check the OOC board for any updates or new information regarding the Roleplay.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: evangeline marie Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis Character Portrait: beck howlett Character Portrait: Isabel Torres Character Portrait: Kasimir Ichiki Character Portrait: arthur munroe Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters Character Portrait: Spencer Malcolm
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#, as written by sappho



[ storm | #403E5C | attire ]



evangeline marie
[ rogue | #B999C1 | attire ]



beck howlett
[ wolverine | #3f3c37 | attire ]

Nineteen years. Nineteen years he had spent locked away being poked and prodded. He had spent the days aimlessly awaiting each next horror, like a sitting duck. His only moments with a free mind spent thinking of freedom, the world outside. The little TV they were allowed to watch he soaked in intensely, although he lost interest as he grew older. Some part of him when he was younger believed that they would eventually be able to leave, and so he took notes in front of the tiny monitor while reruns of Modern Family played in front of him. After all, he had to be prepared for what the world had to offer. If only he would’ve realized that the world had wanted him dead.

Family. Another word that had grown foregin to him. The nurses and his friends were the closest thing he had to a family, but it still never satisfied the ache in his heart. He would spend hours in his bed imagining what she looked like. His mother. Skin like his, dark hair, and hands that danced with electricity. The facility tried terribly hard to make the mutants feel as if they were comfortable, safe. As the aged their rooms became less of a cell and more like their own little sweet, they were allowed to roam for the most part, they had a game room, were homeschooled, but that never changed the coldness of it all. None of them believed they were safe, and they all knew how they were valued. And it wasn’t like they ever tried to leave. Some had. Those individuals were never seen again. After a while, everyone got the point and stopped trying. Most of them were teetering on the threshold of adulthood and Arthur could sense the restlessness, the longing.

So when one of them caught wind from the nurses of Order X. All of them were to be killed. None of the orderlies could even look the mutants in the face anymore. They all knew. All of them. And they were just going to let it happen. Arthur didn’t really know how it happened, but one by one they formed a pack. To escape. Passing notes, stares, anything. After all, if anything went wrong they would surely be dead. They began tracking guard duty, and Isaac’s influence had given him a good idea of how the security system functioned. And the pills. Those damned pills they were forced to take every morning, Arthur had eventually figured out they suppressed their abilities. None of them had taken them for weeks, hiding them under tongues or even as far as vomiting them back up. Their powers were the only thing they had. It was their greatest advantage. Or so he thought, until a week before their planned escape Anna, one of the nurses had approached him. Slipped him a note with shaking hands. ‘We want to help you’. Apparently some of the nurses had grown quite fond of the children and perhaps saving them from certain death would clear the heavy weights on their hearts. The entire week she had been given them instructions, helping them plan their escape route. Some had doubted their reliability but Arthur could see it in their eyes.

So when the night came, Arthur’s hands were shaking so bad he wasn’t sure if he would go through with it. He stood with his back to the door, waiting, so that when he heard the faintest clicking of the lock he almost didn’t believe it. Taking a deep breath he pushed against the door ever so slowly and it opened. He took one last look at his room, the place he had been for the past nineteen years and then walked out the door. Anna was there her face paler than moonlight. She pushed a keycard into his hands and placed a hand on his cheek. “Good luck. There are a few backpacks in the room, take them with you. One of them has a map. There is a place. Some of the nurses hear whispers from the doctors. Paradise. It’s a place, a safe place, with others like you. Find Paradise.” Her eyes traveled past his face and down the hall a slight look of panic in her eyes, “You may never forgive us for what we let them do to you and we understand. Goodbye, Arthur. I always believed in your mother. She had a good heart”. Arthur’s lips parted slightly in question, his mother? She knew his mother? Before he even had the chance to ask she pushed him slightly down the hall and mouthed the word “go” and he listened.

Arthur knew that the others were being released by the nurses at the same time as him. They had all agreed to meet in the game room to rendezvous before making their exit. Time was of the essence however, so he hurried quickly and quietly through the halls avoiding the occasional guard that meandered through the halls carelessly. When he finally made it the room was almost completely dark save for some moonlight pouring through a window. He had almost believed he was the first one in the room until he heard a quiet voice come from the corner. “Arthur?” Evangeline. She stepped out from the shadows dressed in her normal clothes, long sleeves with matching gloves. Except her hair, which normally fell in soft waves to frame her face was pulled back into a ponytail. “Are any of the others-?” “No, just me” Her voice was softer than a whisper.

Suddenly the lights above them turned on flooding the room with bright fluorescent light which instantly turned a deep red, painting the room and hallways in an eerie light. “Arthur-” He held out his hand stopping her mid-sentence as he held a finger over his lips. It was then he heard footsteps, loud, and getting closer. It was then Arthur realized this person was running. He quickly stepped in front of Evangeline holding his hands out protectively, the faintest of blue electricity dancing across his fingertips. Preparing for an armed guard Arthur almost fried Beck when he dashed into the game room his shirt covered in blood, claws already flexed from his knuckles. “Woah, Jesus Sparky it’s me - wait, where the fuck is everyone else?” “Keep your voice down!” Arthur whispered harshly lowering his hands and taking a step towards the young man. “Doesn’t matter, they already know what’s going on. I got suspicious when Mary never opened my door. The bitch probably told because when it finally did open it was a damn SWAT team. Not to worry though managed to uh” he looked down as his hands “claw my way through”. “Damnit” Arthur muttered sticking his head out of the door looking down the hallways. Oddly empty. “Alright, let’s go we’re wasting time” Beck muttered placing a hand on the doorframe. “No, we can’t just leave everyone else here” Evageline said finally speaking up. “Well clocks ticking princess, and before you know it this whole place is going to be flooded with guards. I’d rather make it out of here alive, and who’s to say they aren’t already dead?” Beck practically snarled in her direction. “No, Evagenline’s right we wait” Arthur said giving the Wolverine a stern look who rolled his eyes in response. “Fine, we will be sitting ducks” He huffed propping himself up against a table. Arthur stared intently at the door, his tapping his pointer finger and thumb together anxiously. “Come on, come on” He muttered under his breath.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: evangeline marie Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis Character Portrait: beck howlett Character Portrait: Isabel Torres Character Portrait: Kasimir Ichiki Character Portrait: arthur munroe Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters Character Portrait: Spencer Malcolm
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#, as written by Sepokku
Life on the inside wasn't terrible, at least that's what the triplets told each other. It was a quiet structured life, being lab rats, but it was the only life they had known. Television made the outside world seem so... wrong, like some sort of twisted caricature of society where everything is neatly summed up in little half-hour segments. The crappy karate flicks that Kasimir was always putting seemed more realistic somehow, despite the fact they featured convoluted plots and ham-fisted acting.

Perhaps it was due to this dour disposition, but when word started to spread about Order X, the triplets were far from surprised; after all, the same thing happens to all lab rats when they've outlived their usefulness. Like the rest of the mutants, the sisters began prepping for escape almost immediately, however, unlike the rest of the mutants, the triplets almost immediately began using their powers on the orderlies. It was subtle at first, just reading their surface thoughts, but by the night of the escape, Sophia had completely mapped the facility.

Katelyn, the guards are almost to your room. They'll be at the intersection soon.
As the guards rounded the corner, they would have sworn that a mutant stood in front of them, but after unloading their guns into the target they came to the grim realization that they had fired on another squad. "Fuck's sake. The mutants are active. We're going to need back-up." The squealing of metal interrupted the guard's thoughts and he looked up just in time to see a diamond Katelyn tear her door off its hinges.

"Nasty business that. Back-ups probably not coming, right sister?" Gabriela put a hand on the guard, "What the fuck?! When did you get here?" With a coy smile she reminded the guard, "You let me out five minutes ago then escorted me here. Remember? Now sleep." The guard's body went limp as his brain shut off, falling into a slump on the ground. The two sisters stepped over the guard's bodies, striding with purpose to meet up with Sophia and the others.

Kasimir's door finally opened, a kindly nurse looked into the room while throwing nervous glances over her shoulder. With a smile Kaz jumped up and ran to her, "Thank you so much, I will never forget your kindness." He gave her a deep bow before sprinting down the hall, red armor flashing into existence as he ran. After a minute or so of running, Sophia came into view, diamond skin glinting in the red lighting. She was calmly making her way to the game room, seemingly without a care in the world. "You know it's creepy as Hell when you're like that." "Hush up, we're almost to the game room."

Kasimir frowned and grabbed Sophia's shoulder, "Wait, where are your sisters?" As if on cue, a diamond Katelyn rounded a corner, followed immediately by Gabriela, who was still in her base form. "Anxious doesn't suit you Kaz. I can still hear most of us, so the escape hasn't claimed too many."

The four of them stood outside the game room for a moment, while Gabriela telepathically warned the three already inside, Beck, Arthur, Eva... I have Kasimir and my sisters, we're coming in.


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Spencer Malcolm
Phoenix | Outfit : herex|xhex: #297d8c

The sound of encroching footsteps echoed down the hallways of the facility. Which, wasn't entirely out of the norm considering what this place was, but the thunderous, purposeful steps were not. Unlike ththe orderly, soft foosteps of the staff and nurses and occasional louder foosteps of the scientists coming to check up on their cherished experiments. Which was simply sedating them and then dragging them out of their room until they had enough. No, these footseps were all too organized and in sync with one another, all too purposeful and entrancing if one focused on them for too long. Some banter could be heard echoing down the hallway as a large group of swat members readied themselves, "So...What exactly do we know of this one?" one of the men asked. The one to his right gave a shrug, "Other than that our primary objective is set to kill? We don't care." he rattled off.

One of the men in the front stopped, "All we know is that it's experiment Eleven. And that this one is highly dangerous and needs to be neutralized on sight." he said with a somber tone. Another member looked at him as they began checking their weasons, "Why is it called Eleven, if it's one of the earliest experiments?" the squad leader stopped and looked at the man in question as he spoke, "No one knows exactly why, but rumor goes is that it took ten previous experiments to finally get one to be as...stable as this one is. Number Eleven is still too dangerous to be kept alive, but it was their most successful attempt. Too much of a shame that it came to this. Men, set your weapons to kill and we move in." he ordered. The sounds of a dozen semi automatic rifles clicked to life as they set their weapons to kill.

The electronic door slowly opened as a keycard was swiped, a small beep echoed as the door came to life with a gentle woosh. The men slowly stepped inside the room, and what awaited them caused the squadron of men to stop. The room was a small, mostly blank and empty room. White walls, floor and ceiling coveredthe place. A small wall mounted tv was in the corner, a medium sized bed was against the wall. But the most startling, was the figure that sat silently in the center of the room, with their back against the men. They looked at each other in silence for any clue on what to do, as they weren't expecting this. Slowly they began to raise their weapons up as they took aim, the faster they got the over with, the less guilt they'd leave with. Make it a quick and as painless death they could the better.

Looking back at the hooded figure, they began to take aim. But stopped as the figure who was sitting down, legs crossed slowly removed the hood. Exposing long, platinum blonde hair, the figure slowly raised one hand, the index finger pointed upwards. "Spencer....Don't do it-Fire now!" a panicked voice called out, the bullets fired from the guns as the sound crackled to life in the small room. The men looked on in shock and horror as the bullets were simply held in suspended space. The men all took a step back, but before they could turn, the figure quickly pulled back their index finger and the bullets ricocheted and fired back at the men in mere seconds. The squadron of swat team members crumpled to the floor as blood pooled around their growing cold corpses. The figure in the middle slowly rose to their feet and swiftly walked through the fresh corps minefield, being careful not to step on them. "Checkmate." the blonde haired figure said with a coy smile, as nothing was left in the room now filled with a dozen or so bodies, as well as a freshly finished chestboard match.

Footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as Spencer made their break for it, after checking to make sure the hallways and corridors were clearing. Rounding one corner, Spencer came to a halt, as four more swat members were making their way towards her. Quickly one took aim and fired, which barely missed Spencer by a hair as they ducked back behind the wall. Spencer knew wherethey were supposed to meet up with the others and took off running in the opppsite direction. It would take longer, but she knew where to go. Where to meet up with the other few who were able to escape as well. Running down hallways and ducking over or under the stray orderly as they made their escape, the game room finally came into view. Spencer slammed against the door asthey couldn't stop themselves in time, knocking on the door as they called out to the others to let them in, making sure a few things on the inside rattled around so they knew who it was. "C'mon, guys! I see a few of the others on their way!" Spencer exclaimed. A few of the remaining mutants were on the opposite side of the hallway, making a beeline for the safe room. Swatmembers were closing in on them, and sending off a quick burst of kinetic energy helped disorient them long enough as the door finally opened and Spencer helped the others scramble inside the room, and then finally herself as the door slammed behind them. "That....Was fucking close....Everyone okay?" Spencer said between heavy and labored breaths.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: evangeline marie Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis Character Portrait: beck howlett Character Portrait: Isabel Torres Character Portrait: Kasimir Ichiki Character Portrait: arthur munroe Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters Character Portrait: Spencer Malcolm
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Isabel Torres

It was time.

Pacing back and forth in the darkest corners of her room Isabel's eyes kept wandering back to her door. Her fingers flexed, claws at the ready and ears twitched with every little sound that echoed throughout the empty hall. She knew it would eventually come down to this but actually hearing about Order X, that pissed her off the most. The scientists were bold to try it but too bad for them because Isa wasn’t planning to die here either. What’s taking so long? The eerie silence stretched on between her thoughts until anticipation was driving her up the wall, feeling more impatient than she ever has and this miserable place was the reason why. Did Marcus rat on her instead of opening her door as he promised? Her thoughts swam for a moment, feeling her face go red with the possibility of being betrayed by one of the few people she kind of trusted here.

That's when she heard it, a soft click from her door followed by a stream of moonlight slightly illuminating her room as the door was slowly pulled open. Isa stood her ground eyes fixed on the door until a head with glasses and dark brown hair popped around the corner. She recognized his scent, it was Marcus, the youngest scientist there who wasn’t as all bad as the others and it looks like he came through after all. “Isa, come on,” he whispered, gesturing for her to come out and she did, eyes quickly adjusting to her surroundings. Even though it was still fairly dark she could see perfectly. “I tried getting here faster but it would have been suspicious so you only have about five minutes to get out of here before the kill squad gets here.” Marcus swiped his keycard hastily opening the first door then turned to Isabel, shoving it into her hands. “Take this and go, I’ll try to throw them off if I can!”

Nodding she took the keycard and began to run the opposite way from the guards, her bare feet barely making a sound on the freshly waxed floors. Everything seemed to be going fine until she heard Marcus yell from way behind her then a gunshot that made her heart jump. The sound of boots was coming from behind her now and Isa gritted her teeth both annoyed and full of nerves. The doors were becoming closer in range and by the time she used the keycard on the fourth door Isa could see the blacks of their uniforms behind her.

There was a short whiz in the air, one that Isabel picked up on a little too late and before she knew it the feline was eating the ground. She felt a searing pain in her ankle and warm liquid, a bullet shot straight through but she was in survival mode. With the pain and adrenaline, she quickly pushed herself back onto her feet, let out a growl and swiped the control panel for the keycard creating deep gashes. It sputtered out sparks and slammed the doors closed before the guards made it to her or their bullets. With the wound on her ankle already healing up only leaving behind blood, Isa rose both her hands flipping the guards off throughout the long bulletproof window. “Fuck you!”

Isabel kept on running for what seemed forever but in reality, it’s only been five minutes before she opened one of the heavy doors with the keycard and noticed a group of guards down the hall. They were facing her left, guns trained on something or someone, most likely other mutants. They were oblivious to her at the moment, too caught up exchanging pleasantries with whoever was around the other side of the bend. The red lights bathed the hallways in a sinister red and Isabel knew she had to make a decision. Eyes pinned and focused she took a deep breath and launched herself into a sprint. “Grahhh!” When she got close enough Isa jumped into a flying kick and took down the three guards that were closest. “Go, Go!” She urged the other mutants, making a break for the gaming room that was finally in sight.

The SWAT guards were just a few feet behind her and she felt it which sent a small panic through her system. Before it fully took over she heard them grunt and glanced over her shoulder watching them sail backward and crash onto the floor. Isabel grinned momentarily, nodding towards Spencer as she slipped past them and into the room. “ Too close,” she growled under her breath, not fatigued in the slightest yet. Beginning to pace again Isabel’s ears twitched with each sound that came from out in the halls. “ They won't be down for long, what's the next move?”


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: evangeline marie Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis Character Portrait: beck howlett Character Portrait: Isabel Torres Character Portrait: Kasimir Ichiki Character Portrait: arthur munroe Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters Character Portrait: Spencer Malcolm
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#, as written by CutUp
ImageXXX Image

Finally, today was the day that Jean's been waiting for all his life. The day that he would finally be free from this prison. Though he'd be lying if he said he was at all confident in the plan. Placing their lives in the hands of those who allowed them to be poked and prodded, and torn apart and put back together again didn't seem like the best idea to him. Granted his idea of blowing up the place probably wasn't any better, but it would have been a lot more fun at least.

Jean sat on his bed, and idly tossed a ball made of rubber bands against the door to his room as he continued to wait to be released. After what felt like an eternity the sounds of footsteps could finally be heard coming from the hallway. ”Finally!” He muttered to himself as he stood up from his bed, and walked over to the window on his door.

But instead of a nurse or an orderly what came was a squad of heavily armed guards. While Jean should be worried about them being betrayed, and possibly killed, but he couldn’t help but have a smile across his face at the thought of giving Arthur a big fat ‘I told you so’. Now he just has to make sure not to get gunned down before he could get that chance. He looked around his room to see what he could use to get out of this mess.

”Make this quick, this one's tricky.” The leader of the squad said as his men lined up outside of Jean’s room. As they got into position there was a wet squish from one of the guards stepping in a puddle of water coming from underneath Jean’s door. The clear liquid suddenly began to turn into a glowing violet color. ”Move!” The squad leader shouted as the rest of the group scrambled to get away. The water exploded, sending the guards scrambling to each end of the hallway, as well as blowing the door off.

”You boys thirsty?” Jean quipped as he walked over his fallen door, tossing and catching an empty water bottle in the air. His ‘clever’ one liner was drowned out by the howls of pain from one of the guards caught in the explosion, clenching the bloody stomp that was once his leg. Before the guards could regain their senses Jean charged the water bottle, and tossed it to the guards on one side of the hallway.

The couple of guards tried in vain to get away but they were blown away by the explosive bottle. Turning his attention to the remaining guards Jean delivered a swift kick to the guard on the ground still wailing about his missing leg, knocking him out. ”Not to tell you guys how to be villians or anything, but next time might I suggest you build your cells with like nerve gas vents, or acid-spraying sprinklers or something? It probably wouldn’t have helped you much, but at least it would have been more clever than just shooting us.” Jean smirked as the remaining two guards got up. ”Alright fellas, at least make this ass whoopin’ interesting.”

The guards raised their assault rifles towards him as Jean threw two charged playing cards that he kept up his sleeve. The cards embedded themselves into the rifles, and in haste the guards threw the rifles at Jean. He combat-rolled underneath them, and tucked out of his roll to punch the closest guard right in the family jewels, causing him to double over in pain as the guns exploded behind Jean.

The other guard quickly pulled his sidearm, and took aim at Jean. Jean grabbed the other guard by the collar, and used him as a human shield, catching the bullets in his kevlar vest. Jean tossed the guard into the other one. As the guard pushed the other out of the way Jean jumped off the wall, and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. Before he could get back up Jean stomped on the hand with the gun, causing him to let out a loud scream of pain, and releasing his grip on the gun.

Jean kicked his pistol down the hallway and punched the guard in his face. Jean turned his attention towards the other guard, who was still reeling from the back-to-back testicle shot, and bullets to the vest. Jean began to nonchalantly whistle as he pulled the guards sidearm out of his holster. ”Damn dude, you still conscious? You have just been a trooper today.” Jean said right before he pistol-whipped him as hard as he could, knocking the guard unconscious.

As the other guard began to get up Jean looked between him and the pistol in his hand, with a large grin forming on his face as an idea popped into his head. ”Bet this’d be cool.” Jean charged up the gun, and fired three shots into the guards back. The bullets glowed with unstable energy, and all exploded, sending the guard flying down the hallway. ”Fuck I’m awesome!”

”Isaac it’s time to go.” A Nurse Campbell said as she opened the door to Isaac’s room. She was a kind woman who mostly took care of Isaac. She would often bring him various scraps of tech that he uses for his inventions. Isaac was nervous, sweat dripping down his brow, and nervously shaking as he clenched the messenger bag slung over his shoulder that held a few of his inventions. Campbell gave him a gentle smile, and placed her hand on his cheek. ”I know you’re scared. It’s gonna be ok. Just stick with the others, and everything will be fine.”

Alarms sounded, and gunshots and explosions echoed through the halls. ”Come, you need to hur-” Before she could finish her sentence a squad of guards came marching down the hallway. They put the nurse in their sights and fired. In a split second decision the nurse pushed Isaac back into his room. Isaac fell to the ground, and could only watch in horror as she was riddled with bullets.

Isaac freezed on the spot, and was unable to look away from her corpse. The guards walked to Isaac’s room, and aimed their guns at him. ”Sorry kid, no exceptions.” Isaac wanted to try to fight, or run, or something but he just couldn’t will his body to move. He was like a deer caught in headlights.

But before the guards could fire a glowing rubber band ball rolled on the ground, and stopped next to the guard’s. Realizing what that was Isaac finally managed to move, and ducked underneath his bed. Isaac closed his eyes and covered his ears, though that did little to drown out the sound of the explosion. What followed was a series of gunshots, and more explosions.

After a few minutes had passed and everything went quiet. Isaac hesitantly peeked his head out from underneath his bed. What awaited him was Jean leaning against the door frame. ”Well, well, well, pretty sure you owe me a life debt now Gadget Boy.” Jean smirked as he tossed his now empty pistol to the ground. ”J-Jean? T-thank you.” Isaac said as he crawled out from under the bed.

”Alright, let’s hurry up and blow this popsicle stand.” Jean said as he began to lead the way. ”R-right….l-et’s…..go…” Isaac struggled to move his legs, the smell of blood, and death was pungent in the air. He wasn’t like the others, fighting wasn’t his forte. Jean looked back, and saw Isaac shaking like a leaf, and moving at a snail’s pace. He let out a loud sigh, wondering why it had to be him to find Isaac.

”Just...close your eyes, and keep moving forward.” Jean said as he turned around, and grabbed Isaac by his wrist. Isaac just merely nodded, and closed his eyes as Jean led him past the carnage. Once the aftermath of the battle was out of sight Jean quickly released him. ”T-thanks….again Jean…..for everything.”

”Yeah, yeah, yeah don’t mention it. Seriously don’t mention it, I got a reputation to uphold.” A slight smile crept from the corner of Isaac’s mouth. ”We better hurry up. Without me the others wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. I am the glue holds us all together.”

They quickly ran to the game room, but before they could reach it they were met with another group of guards with guns trained on them, causing them to stop in their tracks. ”Hey……..Nameless Guard number 37, how are you doing today? This is a little awkward, me and Gadget Boy here were just out for a midnight jog. You know, can’t skip leg day.” Jean said with the biggest, most charming smile he could muster. ”You just don’t know when to shut up do you LeBeau?”

”What can I say? It’s part of my charm.” Jean smirked. He could see over their shoulders Isabel was quickly approaching, making his smile even bigger. ”I’m gonna enjoy this.” The guard replied as he readied to fire. ”Not as much as me asshole.” Jean said before Isabel leaped into action.

”My hero.” Jean and Isaac quickly followed behind Isabel, and made it inside the game room after Spencer tossed some guards with telekinesis. ”Always knew you cared about me Birdy.” Jean said as he patted Spencer on the back. ”Nice moves out there Kitten.” Jean said as he blew a kiss towards Isabel. ”Now everybody can wipe away those tears, I know you were so worried that wouldn’t make it. I know you’d all just fall apart without me. Isn’t that right Angel.” Jean smirked as he winked at Eva.

Isaac meanwhile was doubled over, and trying to catch his breath. ”Well if we’re looking for suggestions on what to do next, how about Weather Boy goes out, and swing his dick around, and call down a tornado or something. I’m sure that’d make a hole big enough for us to escape from.” Jean chimed in as he propped himself up against a wall.

”That’d….p-probably kill us….if it could even make a dent.” Isaac said as he finally regained his breath. Isaac pressed a button on what appeared to be a wristband on his left wrist and projected a holographic map of the facility. ”And give me….one more…..second….and…” Isaac brought up another holographic interface before him that looked like a keyboard, and several dozen lines of code. ”Now I have control of the security cameras.” Small windows, and arrows appeared on the map, highlighting where the cameras were, and what was currently on them.

”That should help…..right?”


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: evangeline marie Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis Character Portrait: beck howlett Character Portrait: Isabel Torres Character Portrait: Kasimir Ichiki Character Portrait: arthur munroe Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters Character Portrait: Spencer Malcolm
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#, as written by sappho



[ storm | #403E5C | attire ]



evangeline marie
[ rogue | #B999C1 | attire ]



beck howlett
[ wolverine | #9E9E9E | attire ]

Arthur tried to keep his composure as he was riddled with nervous energy. One second felt like a minute, a minute an hour. So when he felt the tickle inside his mind, something that always happened before one of the sisters spoke telepathically to him he leaped from his position gesturing to Beck. “Open it!” The young man raised an eyebrow hesitating for a second but quickly opened it nearly being knocked back as a barrage of their friends burst into the room. Arthur felt his shoulders relax only slightly, he noticed some of them were still missing. Evangeline took a step forward from behind the others, her eyes softening slightly as she saw the sisters, Spencer, and especially Kas. Still, she found her eyes searching for the door, worry still twisting in her stomach. Beck was instead focused on the obvious spattering of blood on some of Spencer’s clothes. “Jesus Grey, what’d you do blink?” He was well aware of their extensive set of powers. Some were frightened of them. Beck oddly admired them for it.

Suddenly bursts of gunfire and screams of men came from outside the hall, and it seemed as if everyone held a collective breath looking to the open doorway. Thankfully instead of guards, Isabel, Jean, and Isaac burst into the room shutting the door behind them. Arthur opened his mouth, to say - he wasn’t exactly sure. So as much as Jean annoyed the living hell out of him he appreciated the sudden interjection in the silence. ”Now everybody can wipe away those tears, I know you were so worried that they wouldn't make it. I know you’d all just fall apart without me. Isn’t that right Angel.” His statement earned eye rolls from both Beck and Arthur, and a tiny blush from Evangeline who avoided eye contact.

Isabel seemed to ignore Jean’s comment and asked the question everyone was thinking. Before Arthur could even answer Jean opened his mouth yet again with surprisingly, another dumbass comment. Beck snorted loudly, as Artie glared daggers at Jean, the electricity seemed to crackle in the room. Regaining his composure quickly, Arthur walked over to Isaac glancing at the screens before him. “That’s perfect Ike” He spoke offering his friend an encouraging glance. “Okay” Arthur glanced at the others one last time before looking back at the cameras. “This place is pouring with guards, but if we just look -” He lightly tapped on one of the minimized camera screens in front of him, “here. See! Ana was right. The maintenance tunnels are empty. If we just take one of these it should lead us to the nurse’s entrance in the back. Ana gave me a key to the door. If we get there Isaac should be able to hotwire one of the cars and… and” suddenly one of the other screens caught his attention and a look of panic passed over his face. “Shit, I didn’t think -” “The Reavers” Evangeline spoke from behind him her eyes glued to the screen.

The Reavers were human. Almost. They were brought in to scare the kids as children, keep them in line. Along with experimenting on the kids Transgien had also been working on humans as well. From Arthur’s perspective they were bionic war machines, mutant killers. They may be able to take on one of them by themselves but, all four that was certain death.

“We need to leave now, the entrance to the maintenance tunnel is just around the corner down the hall” He glanced back at the screens “It’s clear outside, but most likely not for long. Come on” He wasted no time, and no further explanation, he couldn’t afford to. Peering into the hallway he quietly jogged to the end, glancing around the corner his eyes finding the non-descript door grabbing the key card from his pocket. Arthur ran to the door and swiped the card pushing on the door but it didn’t budge. “This doesn’t make sense” He swiped it again to no avail. “They must’ve deactivated the cards” “Well I’m sure Isaac could-” Before Arthur could finish his sentence Beck’s claws sliced the door handle in half and kicked it open. “Problem solved”. “Nice going, now it’s blatantly obvious what door we went through!” Arthur hissed under his breath. “Hey” Evangeline said, her eyes focused on the end of the hallway. “Listen, I just did you a favor. A thank you would be appreciated!” “Boys!” Evangeline snapped and all eyes turned to her then down the hallway where the lights of guns were reflected on to the wall. A guard had just rounded the corner when he froze in his tracks before quickly calling over his shoulder. “I found them! They’re getting in the maintenance tunnels!” “Go, go, run the tunnel will take us straight there” Arthur spoke, ushering everyone into the dimly lit tunnel, closing the door - best he could - behind them. He held up the back as everyone sprinted through the cramped and dark tunnel, occasionally looking over his shoulder in the dark.

Evangeline was surprisingly in the front of everyone, as she ran, feeling her heartbeat practically in her throat. She made the mistake of looking behind her to make sure everyone was there behind her so when she turned around she had no time to stop as she barreled into an unsuspecting guard that had found himself in the tunnel. The two went sprawling to the ground, the guard’s gun knocked out of his hand a few feet away. Evangeline’s head was spinning from the contact as she gently lifted herself with her hands from the ground, a stream of blood running from her temple from where she had fallen. Unfortunately, Eva wasn’t even focused on the man but her glove that had been ripped from the seam exposing the bare skin of her hand. “No, no, no” She muttered trying to pinch it back together, which only ripped it even more, the white fabric falling to the ground in front of her. As panic overtook her, the guard was able to regain his composure first moving towards Evangeline, and blindly plunge the knife into her thigh. She screamed in pain and instinctively grabbed his wrist when he pulled the knife out, realizing instantly what she had done. Evangeline hadn’t come into contact with someone’s skin in eleven years. It was oddly warm to the touch and she locked eyes with the man as she felt a warm flush of energy flood into her body. She watched as he tried to squirm out of her grip dropping the knife, but it was like iron. Eva looked on horrified as the veins in his face protruded and his eyes promptly rolled back into his head. Every part of her screamed to let go but she couldn’t. She only released his wrist when the memories started. A flash of a woman's smile, a baby’s cry, then the click of a gun, and -. Evangeline quickly released his wrist not even realizing the man had started to convulse, yet the second she pulled away from him he went still. Cold. Evangeline faintly heard Beck’s voice behind her but it wasn’t until he moved closer that she snapped out of it. “Don’t touch me!” She shrieked her hands visibly shaking. “Eva, we need to go. You have to move.” “But- But I-” It was like she was in a daze. “Yes, Evangeline, you killed a man. We all have at this point. But they’re going to fucking kill us if you don’t get up and move Beck snapped at her. She flinched at the harshness of his words but regardless it seemed to help as she scrambled to her feet, biting the inside of her cheek harshly as she remembered that she had been stabbed in the leg. With her bare hand she grabbed on of the pipes along the wall to steady herself and began to limp forward there was no way she could run. “Let me-” “No. Go.” Beck stared at her for one moment before he gave up and sprinted on ahead towards the door that had just become visible at the end of the tunnel.


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Spencer Malcolm
Phoenix | Outfit : herex|xhex: #297d8c
The door slammed behind them as Spencer helped the remaining few into the gameroom. Giving Jean a small scoff and roll of their eyes at his comment about caring about him, and a small nod to Isabel as the two made contact as they ran past them. Once inside, Spencer looked around the room as they placed their hand on their knees as they continued to catch their breath. Normally, Spencer would have been fine, but the not only sudden but overexertive event that had happened in the span of a few minutes, they were left breathless. Hearing the others confirm they were not only fine, but already ready to move on to their next steps, they gave a small smile. Spencer knew the others well, even with their short interactions. They were left with some of the best, and Spencer was releaved to see they were mostly fine. Just about as fine as they would be in such a situation as this. Spencer looked to Isabel when she asked what's next, it was a valid question. Sure, getting out was a key play, but how was the first question. Turning their head to the side they gave Beck a small smirk at his question of how they were covered in a surprisingly large amount of blood, enough to noticed without much searching. "It was somethin' sorta like that." Spencer said with a small wink and smile. But their attention was quickly taken back to the others when they began trying to come up with plans. A small exasperated chuckle and sigh escaped their lips at Jean's comment, of course he would suggest something like that. Spencer quickly looked at Isaac as he pressed a button on his wristband and a holographic map popped up.

Their eyes widened a little as they weren't entirely familiar with such upgraded technology. A grin formed on their face when Isaas declared he had control of the cameras, giving his hair a small ruffle as Spencer spoke, "Good job, GearHead!" a small chuckle escaped their lips. Quickly looking over the screens that laid before them, they all tried figuring out a path. Arthur spoke up almost immediately which quickly garnered Spencer's attention. Giving him a nod, "That's perfect actually. Bit of a tight space but, we can make it through there." Nix said with a small nod in agreeance to Arthur. But immediately after a small pit formed their stomach, Spencer hadn't thought about the Reavers. It had been such a long time since they last had to even think about them. They would pose more of a threat than anything that this damn lab contained. Well, one of their greatest threats.

Spencer quickly got to their feet and out of the room, making sure the hallway was clear for the others. Staying towards the back until they arrived at the door for the tunnels, if anyone came up behind them, they would have recieved an immediate blast of telekentic energy. Which, if anyone guessed didn't exactly feel so good, especially at such close proximity. As they made their way to the door, Arthur tried the keycard, which to no avail. Spencer's eyebrow quirked for a moment before reality hit them as Eva confirmed it. They deactivated the keycards, the bastards. But before they could have any imput, Beck immediately clawed his way through. Giving a small sigh as the others argued over it now being obvious where they went, "Does it matter? Let's just g-" but before they could finish their sentence, a small group of guards rounded the corner and quickly began to give chace. The others rushed into the tunnels, and quickly giving off a small burst of kinetic energy towards the guards, the door was closed behind them. It would at least give them more time than they would have had otherwise.

Once inside the tunnels, which weren't as cramped but just as dark as anyone would have imagined, Spencer wormed their way up to be closer to the front. Just in case. Their mind was racing with what seemed like a million thoughts. But everything came crashing down when Spencer noticed what happened up ahead, stopping the others as the guard fell to the ground. "God dammit.." they muttered under their breath as Beck pushed past them as he assessed Eva and what had happened. It was only when Spencer saw the wound in Eva's leg that they understood. Looking on as Beck and the others began to make their way towards the end of the tunnel, light being clearly seen from the other end.

Spencer looked down at Eva as she feebly hobbled along, clutching one of the pipes along the wall as she tried to make her way to the end. Gently placing a hand on Eva's shoulder, Spencer her a small smile, "You need to take a few deep breaths, alright? You're no good to the rest of us if you can't walk. Now-" Spencer began as they knelt down, and wrapped a torn piece of their jacket around Eva's thigh. It would do better for now until they could think of something better. Looking back up at Eva as they spoke, giving her an understanding yet sorrowful look, "It's not your fault for what happened, okay? It was an accident. But you can't let that stop you from pushing forwards. So, c'mon and let's get going." Spencer said as they gently helped Eva to her feet properly after giving her a moment to familiarize herself with the new found pressure to her leg via the makeshift wrapping. "If you think you can't continue walking, just let me know...I can carry you if you want. Jackets come in handy for more than just on the fly bandages." Nix said with an awkward smile and chuckle, before turning their head back down the tunnel and began to walk next to Eva to make sure she was okay as they progressed through the dark tunnel.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: evangeline marie Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis Character Portrait: beck howlett Character Portrait: Isabel Torres Character Portrait: arthur munroe Character Portrait: Francis Darkhölme Character Portrait: Spencer Malcolm Character Portrait: Lenna Moonstar
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#, as written by mombie
- m o r p h o -

mystique | #5c7790 | outfit

- m i r a g e -

danny moonstar | #76624e | outfit

Imagine this: isolating people, giving them comfort, a feeling of security, a sense of family even if they were not blood. Now, imagine that they begin to note betrayal in these same people - the ones that were supposed to take care of them. The nurses, in particular. Imagine if these so-called caretakers would stand idly by as young adults were ordered to death for nothing. Both Francis and Lenna were bitter about the whole thing; but Lenna was more so than Morpho. You see, Francis took like in stride. He had believed, a long time ago, that this was it for him. Not Lenna, though. She wanted more. She believed that there was something out there for them.

Lenna had built great friendships with her peers, but she grew livid beyond rationality. Her relationships, even among the nurses, were beginning to suffer. She screamed at them, kicked, bit - did whatever it is that she wanted to do just to spite them. They didn't blame her. They weren't even angry with her. Something in her gut settled in her gut, a heavy stone, and it became a restlessness that morphed into uncontrolled bitterness. Slowly but surely, even her closest friend began to back off. She dreamed of killing the nurses.

Francis was a little more rational, and that was for the best. No one needed two angry young adults in the cells next to each other. He tried his best to calm Lenna down, but she was a beast. Moreso than Isabel, her once best pal. All Lenna needed was to sprout some claws and grow some canines and she'd rival Sabretooth. Francis preferred to take things easy in this life; hang out in the cells, sweet-talk the beautiful ladies and annoy the men. He was as charming as ever, even behind bars and between thick walls. If was raised in this place, and even though he began to wonder about what happened outside of all of this - if there was outside of all of this - he was in for the ride, playing the game, enjoying the ladies and taking what he can get out of this life. It was never hard for him.

When he heard that some of the nurses would help them escape the death order, he wasn't overly surprised. People did actually care for them. He also wasn't stunned that there were those few that would just allow it to happen. They didn't deserve death. None of them had ever done anything wrong. The only real monstrosity in this place was the bullshit they put on television. Now, someone around here should die for subjecting them to that.

The day had come; the one in which they would escape. One of the nurses came to unlock his door. Francis stepped out, but he could see the look on her face when she peered at Lenna's cell door. "Don't worry, I will do it. You go now, and thank you." He tossed her that signature grin of his; it was cute and flirty, but not genuine in its friendliness. She'd offer him a bit more information, especially where to find the others that would be waiting for them. Then she left, not wanting to face the wrath of an angry woman when she was released. That would mean certain death, and Lenna often threatened to kill her on the daily. Hourly, even.

Then the security lights started to flash, and he looked behind him as he stepped toward Lenna's cell. "You're not going to bite me if I open this cell, are you?"he inquired, a raised brow and that same stupid grin. She would bite him if he gave her the opportunity to do so. He knew that for a fact.

"Let me out, and we will see," she growled viciously at him, locking eyes with Francis. He liked that about her, though - a little diabolical, angry. It's kind of hot, really.

"Lenna, Lenna. The nurses are here to help us. Remember? Don't kill them. I know that you are angry, but the guards are the ones that have the orders," he chuckled at that, unlocking the door for her. He'd need her because she was an excellent marksman, and she could help him avoid the dangerous parts of the building with her Danger Sense. Both of them had been practicing their abilities in secret, and they were decent. Enough to get through this place.

Lenna walked out slowly, reaching out toward Isabel through the telepathy they both shared, Francis and I will be on our way toward wherever you are. Don't fucking leave us here, please.

Then they began to run, and they ran like hell. Slowly, Francis' body began to shift into that very nurse that had let them go. He assumed all but her voice, of course, because there was no need for it. Lenna fell way behind him, opting to see if they can sneak their way through and avoid violence. Not that Lenna cared, she wanted it. A lot. To feel a human's breath give beneath her palms would be... elating.

Francis encountered some guards immediately, and he slowed to a rushed walk. After signaling for Lenna to stay where she was, he just held both of his hands up - still under the physical guise of the nurse. Just as the armed men were about to move on, psionic bolts in the form of arrows slaughtered all three of them. They were extremely precise, and one came after the other in quick succession. Their bodies dropped to the floor, and Francis turned around, his figure melting back into - well, himself, his eyes trained on Lenna with a 'what the fuck' expression.

"They fucking deserved it. Don't look at me like that. They would kill both of us without a fucking thought!" She yelled at him, and he put up both of his hands as she seemed to point her psionic bow and arrow pair at him. He could feel the anger rolling off of her, and he understood it. He knew that if he stood in her way, all of this rage would blind her and he'd be like the guards. He could kick ass, but he wasn't going to try and outrun anything she threw at him.

"Lenna, I'm not your enemy. Lenna, put it down," he pled with her a bit. There had to be some reason still inside of her, but he couldn't get to it. He had to before they met up with the others. The others were not like her. They were not filled with this sort of... animosity toward the world. Lenna was just... out for blood.

Lenna was breathing hard; her world painted with a deep red filter. Francis wasn't to blame for any of this. None of them were. The weapons dissipated and the standstill between them came to an end. The pair ran, avoiding certain halls with Lenna's Danger Sense and slipping past some guards with Francis' ability to shift into that nurse. They'd catch up to the others eventually, and when they did - Francis apologized for their tardiness but left out the fact that Lenna murdered three guards unnecessarily. He could hold that over her head later.

He gave little grins to the ladies in the space with him. He couldn't help himself. Even in the face of great danger, he was down to flirt. Lenna, however, just didn't speak to anyone. There was no point. She had nothing in common with these people anymore, and she felt far removed from her peers. That was the seething hatred for everything in her creating this distance in the last few weeks. No one was really enthusiastic about her zealous views on human extermination. No one.

The pair followed the rest out. Lenna spoke only once, and that is when she stepped over the body of the guard that Eva had killed. She spat on his limp body, bent down, and seized his radio, "Dead. You're all going to be d-" But before she could continue with her threatening message, Francis snatched the radio away from her, snared her wrist in his hand, and tugged her along behind the others.

Maybe they should have kept Lenna inside. Of course, none of them knew where they were going. What was out there?

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: arthur munroe
Character Portrait: evangeline marie
Character Portrait: beck howlett
Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau
Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters
Character Portrait: Kasimir Ichiki
Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis
Character Portrait: Francis Darkhölme
Character Portrait: Lenna Moonstar


Character Portrait: Lenna Moonstar
Lenna Moonstar

Danielle Moonstar

Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis
Isaac Lewis

"I make the impossible real."

Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters
The Cuckoo Sisters

The Three-in-One

Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau
Jean LeBeau

"Wanna see a card trick?"

Character Portrait: beck howlett
beck howlett



Character Portrait: beck howlett
beck howlett


Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau
Jean LeBeau

"Wanna see a card trick?"

Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis
Isaac Lewis

"I make the impossible real."

Character Portrait: Lenna Moonstar
Lenna Moonstar

Danielle Moonstar

Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters
The Cuckoo Sisters

The Three-in-One

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lenna Moonstar
Lenna Moonstar

Danielle Moonstar

Character Portrait: Isaac Lewis
Isaac Lewis

"I make the impossible real."

Character Portrait: beck howlett
beck howlett


Character Portrait: Jean LeBeau
Jean LeBeau

"Wanna see a card trick?"

Character Portrait: The Cuckoo Sisters
The Cuckoo Sisters

The Three-in-One

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