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The Organization

New York


a part of The Organization, by MaliceInWonderland.


MaliceInWonderland holds sovereignty over New York, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,597 readers have been here.


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New York



New York is a part of The Organization.

1 Places in New York:

20 Characters Here

Samuel Lark [245] Ever had hot Chicago pizza on the Eiffel Tower? Didn't think so.
Dorian Marco [182] "I'll hunt down every last one of them...I swear."
Baylee Holmes [145] Don't even try cus ill be your worst nightmare
Katey Arnold [134] " don't worry about me"
Malice St. James [110] "These images...what are they?"
Skyler Lucian Vicero [95] Brother you angered your prince...
Svetlana "Lana" Azarov [88] "I try to be nothing short of perfect. Key word, 'try'."
Miko Mac an Fhleisteir [68] "Get yer creeper paws off'a me."
Paxton Grey [63] The in-between, the Grey
Isaac Dunwich [49] "poof, I'm gone."

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Dorian sat silently at a table outside a small cafe. Coffee and pastries smells swimming in the air. People chatting going about their day. Dorian watched steathliy as a van pulled up across the street. It parked on the side of a seemingly empty UPS store, with it's back toward the alley and it's front toward the street. Two men filed out, both having a key and a wing emblem on their jumpsuit's breast pocket. Right on time Dorain thought as he stood, dropped a tip for the waitress and causally walked across the street. The two men walked behind the van and opened it's back doors. Dorian cracked a smirk, Easy pickings He thought and slide behind the doors. As soon as he made it to the doors, without warning, he kicked the door hard, smashing one of the men. The other man gasped in recognition. "You." He said with wide eyes and reached for his radio. "My reputation presedes me." Dorian flicked his wrist and the radio crackled and popped. It was fried. The man then reached for his weapon. Dorian was taken aback. It was an actually gun, with bullets not tranquilizer needles. He arched an eyebrow, It might as well say From Mom and Dad, with Love . They probably updated his wanted status from Wanted Alive to from Dead or Alive especially after the stunt he pulled in the New York Facility. Dorian clenched his fist and with great force he shot out a bolt of lightning from his hands and at the man. The man shook violently then dropped to the ground dead. Dorian then turned to the van. He looked inside as saw boxes instead of a person like he had many other times before. He sent a bolt of lightning at the boxes and set them ablaze. He didn't care what was inside so long as it screwed up thier plans. If it set them back a day, so be it. He wanted to be a nuisance until he built his army then he'd be a real threat. He walked away, with the van in flames behind him.


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Paxton was walking out of his MMA class, sweating and shirtless. His toned chest glimmered in the evening light, sweaty and oddly attractive. His sword was strapped to his back, his gun hidden on a strap above his shoe. Pax had been taking this class for about a year, and was already a black belt in several areas of the Mixed Martial Arts. He could go pro, if he wanted to, but he really didn't want to kill someone because of screws in their legs or a metal ring. He sighed, walking up to the spot where he crossed the street to the apartment his parents paid for. He lived away from his family because his sister had a steel pole surrounding her spine to keep it straight. Melia had severe scoliosis, and it was let her die, or move Pax into his own place. He didn't mind, of course, because he loved his little sister more than he loved his own life. As he got to his house, he saw a black van with an odd logo on it, and two goonies were blocking his door.

"Hey," He yelled. "Hey, what the hell do you want!?" He was sweaty and grumpy and wanted to shower, but couldn't get into his building.

"Paxton Grey?" the bigger of the two asked, his voice low and intimidating.

"What's it to ya?" Pax asked, pulling his sword and anticipating an attack.

Before he had time to react, the man puled a tazer and Pax went down. He was thrown haphazardly into the back of the van, which took off with a screech.


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Character Portrait: Katey Arnold
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Katey sat on the bed and frowned when her father left for the night.she was completely miserable,Katey was miserable from being teased by her peers.She quickly went into the shower,to wash her troubles away and go into deep thought,as always."I should have just killed them." she though.Kate frowned again " but then I would stand out" she said out loud. There was a knock on the door so Katey hurried and put on a tank top and a pair of black shorts.There was another knock as she reached the living room."Calm down I'm coming.Damn!" she shouted .once she reached the door and opened it she looked at the man in the jumpsuit before her.

"Katey Arnold,I'm so glad I found you!"
Katey gave a nervouse laugh"What do you mean do I know you?" she backed up a bit
The man grabbed her and put her arms behind her back twisted."No but We know you."

Katey thrashed trying to turn around.She was just about free from his grip until she felt a sharp pain in her neck.She dropped to the floor,not being able to speak or move,and was carried into a van.Before the man shut the door she felt another sharp pain in her neck and was out cold.


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Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes
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Baylee was walking down the street, wearing ripped shorts and a plaid shirt that was way to big for her, thats when she saw one of the vans that said "The Organization" "ah ye whackers!" she screams. She then starts running as the van speeds up to follow her. This seems to happen at least once a day now since the break out of the place. She then stopped and turned around and whispered out loud "lets see what yoos whackers fears be". She focused on the driver getting inside his head "ye fraid of spiders...this is gonna be fun" she said outloud then started making the fear real for him. To this guy, he started seeing spiders jumping around the van, Baylee wanted it to be worse, she made it so the spiders were in the vehicle. She saw the van smash swerve and smash into a building. She grinned the started walking again, she turned a street and as she did she saw another one of the vans but it was up in flames, seeing a boy around her age walking away. She ran after him "hey you" she called after him, catching up to him she looked to him "did you just do that to that van?" she asked curiously


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Dorian looked at the girl, she was different. "Did you just do that to the van..."
"Yes," Dorian said, walking away from the crime scene.
He saw another Organization van blow passed but this one was black unlike the other one. That was a containment van. "Well, Damn, They are busy today." He said and turned toward the direction of the van. "If you're coming then let's go." He said not sure what she could do but he heard her screaming about the Organization. Only certain people hated them. Thinking quickly He knew he couldn't chance it down and he knew they probably couldn't have built another facility in New York. Not for what they were using it for. He had to intercept it. Finding an empty alley was easy. It was New York. He found a fire escape and climbed it with expert speeds. His electrokensis made him faster then most.
He was on the top of the building and looked for the proper way to intercept without any civilians. He saw a tunnel and decided that that would a perfect place...if he timed it right.

The van approached the tunnel, thankfully it was empty save for Dorian hiding in the corner. Once the van was completely inside, Dorian stepped out of the shadows. Hearing the crackle of electric and the static smell permeating the air. Dorian held up his hands. Hundereds of bolts of lightning came crashing down, forcing the van to a swerving stop, Two large men came out, One with a tazer in hand. Dorian shook his head. "Oh, this should be fun." He said and they charged him. Dorian kicked one hard in the chest, his leg popping with electricity. The kick killed the man instantly. The man with the tazer pulled the trigger. The needles hurt but jolts of electricity didn't "You're new, aren't you." Dorian said and sent voltage back to the man. "I'm Dorian, Nice to meet you." He said and the man lay still, he wasn't dead. Dorian wanted to sent a message. "Tell my folks I said, Hello." He said and walked to the van. He ripped the doors open and the saw a boy in the back not a year old then he was. "Wakey wakey" He said and shocked the boy. Dorian couldn't help but wonder if the boy would recognize him from the facility. After all, he was the one that opened the doors.


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Pax jumped at the guy shaking him, pinning him to the wall of the tunnel with his sword and digging it into his chest a little, just enough to hurt but not enough to make him bleed. "Who are you?" He asked, staring into the other boys eyes. He wasn't scared, but confused. The tazer had left two small holes in chest, which was still bare. He felt slightly homosexual holding him to the wall, but that only made him push the sword harder. "Wait, don't answer who you are, because frankly I don't give a damn. Who are they? That's the real question," He asked, eyes no more than angry slits.


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Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Alex Cinder
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#, as written by H.Dot.S
Alex was just walking to the local Coffee Shop when he saw two peculiar things happen. The first was a boy with black and red hair take out two guys and light a van on fire. The second was a van crashing into his apartment building.

"Whats going on today?" Alex asked himself as he walked towards the Black and red haired kid.

Before he had the chance to reach him, the boy climbed a fire escape, then jumped in front of the tunnel, blocking a van. All of a sudden, electricity came flying out of his hands, straight at the van.

"What the hell is going on today?" Alex asked himself again, becoming increasingly curious. He then saw the boy kick on man, and then get tazered.

*That was short lived* Alex thought, thinking the boy was going to go down, but clearly mistaken when the boy sent electricity back to the man, knocking him down. Then another kid, this one with a sword, pinned the black-and-red haired kid to the wall.

"Not to intrude or anything, but what the hell is going on?" Alex said, cautiously walking up to the two men, readying his mind in case he had to defend himself.


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Dorian just frowned. "We're on the same side, Dumbass." He said, feeling the pinch of the sword. " They are the Organization, I just saved your ass if you haven't noticed." He said gesturing to the carnage he left in his wake. "And I'm the one that helped you escape in the first place." He said and huffed. "Forget it." He said and pushed the sword from his chest, causing a cut across his chest. He was use to cuts, it's needles that both him. "So long, good luck explaining this to the authorities." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets. He turned to see another boy looking at him So much for discretion... He thought. "The Organization happened. If you want more information. Meet me here. But for now, make yourself scarce, They'll be coming soon." Dorian reached in his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper with an address scrawled on it. He had expected only one maybe two captives today, he'd only heard feeds on transport. " Bring, Samurai boy along and her with you." He said and started walking away.
(The address will be in the'places' section on the main rp page. )


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Paxton Grey Character Portrait: Alex Cinder
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Baylee saw the guy run off, she shook her head and followed him, she saw another one of those vans "not agains" she watched the guy as he seemed to make lightning come down on the van seeing it stop, her mouth dropped then watched as the guy took out the two large men, killing one of them. She went over and saw him open the back doors to a passed out boy she went over but suddenly the boy was up and had a sword piercing the other boy "hey now ye two no need of that, he just saved ye life ye bloke" She was going to step in when another boy came over and Baylee huffed and looked to him "Seems these people in these vans have been trying to kidnap us, I just took one down just down the road" she then looked to the guy she was following in the first place "oh my the one that opened all the doors in the place were they locked me ups."


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Dorian froze when the girl said she'd recognized him. "Yea...that was me." He said, remembering that day. It would haunt him for as long as he lives. He turned to the group. "7 o'clock." He told them and sped off.


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Character Portrait: Eckhart Ritter
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#, as written by Keita
Eckhart traversed the complicated alleyways of the city. Getting by wasn't ever easy considering he was a thief and a crook. Eckhart sighed as he turned, getting ready to leave and go into the streets. Just as Eckhart went to step into the light, someone behind him shouted, "Hey, you there!" Confused Eckhart turned around to face the three men that stood about 10 meters away from him. They bore the same key and wing emblem as did the people that locked him up. Eckhart's jaw dropped, and he immediately clenched his fists, "You!" He shouted at them. They drew their weapons, two tasers and a handgun. The two men shot their tasers and the needles dug into his chest shocking him with insane amounts of electricity. Eckhart let out a scream as he swung his arm and the nearby darkness moved over and cut the wire that led from the tasers to the needles. "Now die you beasts!" Eckhart shouted as he swung his arm towards them and three lance-like darkness flew towards the three men. He hit the ones with the tasers in the chest, killing them instantly, while the guy with the gun rolled and dodged it. The Organization member squeezed the trigger of the gun and a round went off and hit Eckhart in the knee. He fell to the ground screaming in pain. Eckhart wasn't able to control his powers when in excruciating pain. The member grabbed Eckhart and dragged him farther into the alleyway and towards an Organization van. The man at the driver's seat looked back at the other member dragging Eckhart. "Where are the other two?" The driver asked. "This bastard killed them!" The other member said dragging Eckhart into the back of the van.


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Paxton looked at the blood on his sword, a satisfied smile on his face. "So...who the fuck was that?" He looked at the girl. "Excuse my french, miss." He wasn't much for not cussing, but he hated cussing in front of girls.

"So, are we going, or not?" He asked them. "Cuz I don't trust him..."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Paxton Grey Character Portrait: Alex Cinder
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Baylee looked at the boy with the sword "dont worry mate I have a mouth myself...Im Baylee but most just call me Bay or Bay-Bay" she shifted her feet and remember the night she was taken to the Organization "well that boy...I dont know his name but he pretty much saved my life and a lot of others. The Organization kidnapped me and alot of others and locked up us cus we are what ye would say is special but one night I heard a noise and looked out the door window of the room I was locked into, that boy was there fighting the blokes that locked me up and he got the doors open, we were set free, we got out right as the building went up in flames" Baylee watched there expressions and shrugged "I say we go, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him"


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Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov
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#, as written by A u t o
Svetlana walked with her head down, hands gripping at the edge of her skirt. She wore an oversized grey sweatshirt, the long sleeves covering up the burns along her arms that she'd developed the previous day after a run-in with some Organization members. A poofy, layered black-and-white skirt fell just above her knees. Holding half of her bangs back was a black headband with a violet flower on it, matching violet flats on her feet. She looked tired and worn out, dark circles contrasting on her naturally pale skin.
Lana stopped at a street corner, sighing. She could hardly believe that her life had changed so quickly. She went from the pampered little girl bound by rules, to someone who was tired, hungry and horribly, utterly alone. Raising her head a bit, she spotted a small shop that was still open. As far as she could tell, it was a bakery. Straightening her outfit a bit, she walked in and went up to the counter.
"What can I get for you?" Lana glanced at the person at the counter briefly before looking at the menu written on a large chalkboard. "Umm..." She bit her lip, digging into the front pocket of her sweater. She pulled out only about four dollars. Buying anything here would use up most of her money, and, at this realization, her face fell a bit. "N-Nevermind." "You sure?" The woman behind the counter looked tired as well, ready to close shop. "Yeah, I'll just, um..." Lana paused. "Get something at home."
Once she made it back outside, Lana let out a sigh. She would just have to wait until the morning. She'd made a habit of picking up dropped change from the street and park, not having it in her to attempt pickpocketing. If she could find a few more dollars tonight or tomorrow, she'd feel comfortable buying something from the bakery or elsewhere. Her hunger wasn't too unbearable since she'd had something a few hours earlier, but it was still... unpleasant.
With a yawn, she plopped herself down on the curb not too far from the bakery. She'd just rest her legs for a little while and then find somewhere to sleep.


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"Yeah he let me out too, but I still don't trust him. He's electric, I'm metal, we don't mix," I looked over at the girl. "Bay, huh? Nice name. I'm Pax." He held out his hand.


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Baylee shook Pax's hand "nice to meet ye Pax and thanks" she pondered "Oh nice a metal ability...I can make peoples fears become true and place them into nightmares on them" she smirked then thought for a minute "well you might not trust him but I really think we should meet him there, I know I am going you can come or not, I just think it will be the best for us"


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Character Portrait: Anippe Stone Character Portrait: Eckhart Ritter
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Anippe sat in her cell, singing the song her brother used to sing to her when she was little. "Oh where oh where as my little dog gone, oh where can she be. With her tail cut short and her ears cut long, oh where oh where can she be." she sang softly, smiling at the fact that her tail was not short at all and her ears were actually not that long either. There was a pounding on her cell door, "Hey dog, guess what day it is today." the men said, laughing on the other side, "no." she replied faintly as they busted into the room. Both men grabbed her by her arms and proceeded to drag her from the cell, "Time to take those pesky powers from you and put 'em to use. " One of them said smugly. "NO! Don't touch me!" she screamed, she went down the hallway kicking and screaming until she forced herself to up, trying to bring the two men with her as she got almost a couple inches off the ground. "HEY! what do ya think your doing, put us down." She gasped, her eyes squeezed shut as she fought against their weight. One of them let go, "Yes!" she thought to herself as she went furiously to work at prying the other man fingers of her wrist. "Try all you want, i'm not letting go until you get what you deserve." Anippe panicked, she began flying through the building as much as she could and throwing him into walls as she did. He reached up and pressed something in his ear, Anippe stopped and leaned over biting his hand hard until he finally let go. "We have another runaway repeat, ANOTHER RUNWAY" the man screamed into his ear piece as Anippe shot though the halls, finally being free of all the extra weight. She dodged in between guards, "I won't get out this way..." she thought, mentally yelling a her self as she had another close call. "Time to be dramatic!" she said, spotting to closest window and busting though. The flying glass cut her as she shot through the air, "Well, just more to add to the rest." she thought to herself, taking a second to look over her body that was littered every every type of bandage their was.

Things had calmed down as she gently soared though what she learned to be New York City. She looked around in awe, she saw two, maybe three Organisation vans that had been wrecked and put though hell by the looks of it. "I wonder what happ..." another van came flying by, cutting her off as it did. "There taking more people to the hell whole." she said, anger in her voice as she speed after it. She finally reached the back and swung the doors open while it was still driving. She looked at the boy sitting in the back, form what she could see he had been tazed and shot in the knee. Anippe looked at him and reached out her hand, "grab it if you can!" she yelled over the loud wind whipping around her.


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Character Portrait: Samuel Lark
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On top of a rooftop Samuel had watched everything from a distance, from a guy torching a van, to the girl taking down a group of the corporation henchman single handedly, and the boy who had popped out of the van ready to kill. Samuel however was not concerned at all with those people, his single focus was taking down The Organization. He had been waiting for a moment like this. He knew the corporation would come by to check on the wreckage and since there were two vans in the area, they were bound to come. Samuel placed a hat on his head and covered his face with a scarf while wearing a black trench coat. He had seen to many movies and figured this would be the least obvious disguise. He casually walked outside the building as he saw two men get out of car who were dressed up in a way that screamed corporation. They walked over to the first van and reported what they saw, speaking through the phone. They then walked over to the other van and he heard them say "he's not here" They were obviously referring two the boy who had escaped.

Samuel had seen enough, he casually took off the clothing to reveal the black suit he'd been wearing under it. The suit was custom made to endure high levels of heat without catching fire. It was rough, scale-like, and sleek, but Samuel thought it made him look like an idiot. Samuel did not have the luxury of having his other clothes because they'd been taken along with everything else when The Organization captured him. He was too afraid of how prepared The Organization might be if he ever returned to his mansion in Colorado.

Samuel dashed towards the men in no time at all, almost looking like he had teleported. He then seemingly in one motion, took the cell phone, grabbed both men's head and spun them so fast that their spines unscrewed from their bodies with the heads still attached. He then ran twenty blocks away from the area and all this was done in about half of a second. Samuel now had a link to the corporation. Phone numbers, names, and previous text messages could now all be accessed by him. He looked at the phone's screen and the was quickly disappointed when he realized that the phone had one of those annoying touch screen locking functions. Samuel was not tech savy at all, so it seemed like he was going to need help after all.


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Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Skyler escaped out of the building as it came down upon itself, who ever freed him he knew he owed a debt to. After he dealt with brother dearest first, allowing his thoughts to flow away Skyler took off down the street carelessly hoping onto a power line charging up some elcetrical energy as he propelled himself across town upon them. Jumping down as he received a large enough charge built up telling people who gathered around him to relax and it was just some shots for a upcoming movie, making his way towards a bakery. The sound of screeching tires put Skylers hairs on edge, turning to see five vans speeding towards him each sliding to a stop fifteenth feet away from him. Sighing and gazing to the men with a smile as they pourded out of the vans, at least 35 stood weapons ready and pointed at him, But among these faces one familiar face stood out. "Brother..." Skyler muttered his voice trailing off as he was filled with anger, Wolfe spoke softly "Now now brother just come quietly I don't want this to get messy."

Closing his fists in anger, eyes lighting up with the fury building up inside of him "YOU TRAITOR" Skyler yelled, "Deal with my brother... Don't fail now." Wolfe said turning his back a bolt of lightning striking him from the sky, and within a instant he was gone. Charging forward Skyler yelled "Wrath of the Lightning God", his body activated the white lightning breaking ability as soon as the command was given. Bolts of white lightning struck his body fully charging him and dawning him, with the armor of the lightning god, his wings sprouted and his face was covered in the anger that his brother provoked. Jumping above the men throwing six explosive lightning spears into the vans they stood next to making them explode, as Skyler dropped down to the ground finishing off the few that remained with simple lightning bolts. The anger and hate faded as soon as he killed the last man, shaking his head thinking to himself stop running from me brother... looking down the street watching as more vans made there way to his location Skyler charged up two more lightning spears launching them down the street before taking off down the nearest alleyway.

Jumping two fences, while he ran making it down and back into the open streets of New York. Skyler continued to run for a while waiting in a alley to catch his breath slapping his palms upon a power generator absorbing most of its energy to recharge himself. Skyler thought about his next move while he walked down and back onto a street ditching most of his body armor to seem normal.


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#, as written by Keita
Eckhart layed in the back of the van, in excruciating pain. This made the second time Eckhart was captured by this Organization. Eckhart screamed, mostly out of anger, but he also did it out of pain. Eckhart is not used to being tased and shot, in fact, it was a first for him. Eckhart raised up and leaned against the wall of the van 'Why... Why me? Damn it I can't give up. I need to get-' Eckhart thought until he was cut off by the back doors to the van flinging open and a rather strange looking girl yelling at him.

"grab it if you can!" She shouted holding out her hand. Eckhart crawled for the first few seconds, until the van hit a bump and he flew out of the van landing on top of the girl going over 50mph. He tumbled and rolled on the asphalt, breaking a few ribs and fracturing his right leg that has already been shot. After he halts to a stop in the middle of the road, Eckhart passes out from both the loss of blood and his internal injuries.


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Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Samuel remembered quite some time after acquiring the phone that one of the people he'd seen earlier used electricity. Maybe he could find him and get him to bypass the lock on this phone. Luckily Samuel had a bird's eye view of where they headed when the incident occurred. He quickly retraced his steps to the top of the building and remembered that the guy who used electricity sped off in a different direction separating himself from his group.

Samuel sped off in that direction and stood across the street from where this guy entered. He didn't know who he was, but Samuel was determined to get this guy to unlock the phone. He couldn't call a service for this because Samuel no longer trusted regular human beings. He looked to see if the guy might have been standing in a window, but he was nothing.


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"Shit!" she yelled as the boy collided into her and tumbled across the asphalt. She picked herself up and ran over to him, "He's unconscious i can't wait." she said, landing next to him. She lifted her hands until they were hovering over him and took a deep breath until a green aura erupted from them. The aura wrapped around him, flowing into it his body through his open wounds, healing the more life threatening damages before working it way outward to the external wounds. her hair floated around her as she took deep breaths to calm herself, using all her energy to heal the boy. She collapsed when he was fully healed, taking in heavy and labored breaths as she forced herself to stand back up. Grabbing the boy under his arms she proceeded to lift back up into the air but the boy was extremely heavy in his unconscious state. But alas she made it a few feet in the air and flew around until she found a good hiding spot. She propped him against a wall and sat next to him, trying hard to get her breathing back to normal.


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Character Portrait: Anippe Stone Character Portrait: Eckhart Ritter
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#, as written by Keita
Eckhart stayed unconscious for a few minutes after the girl healed and moved him. He started couching and hacking until he threw up the blood that went into his stomach before he was healed. It took a few seconds before his eyes were able to focus in on his surroundings and he saw a young dog hybrid girl. "You... saved me?" He said to the girl in a soft, confused tone giving a slight smile. "But.... Why?" He asked once more, confused.


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Character Portrait: Anippe Stone Character Portrait: Eckhart Ritter
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Anippe looked at him, "I couldn't just let you die when i knew i could do something about it. " she said calmly. Not only was it not in her nature but she was used to healing people she had never met. Never knew whether they were good or not, just did as she was told. She brought her knees up to her chest and started to mess with the puffy bandage on her knee. "And i guess that, well, I've never had help and my own powers don't work on me so. I guess i couldn't put someone else though that." she said, a little nervousness in her calm tone. Anippe rested her head on the top of her knees, looking back over at him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anippe Stone Character Portrait: Eckhart Ritter
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#, as written by Keita
Eckhart smiled and forced his self to get up. "Shall I know the name of my savior?" Eckhart said holding out his hand to help the girl up off the ground. She was obviously tired from healing him and Eckhart just want to do what little he can to return the favor. He, of course, is indebted to her.