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The Organization

New York


a part of The Organization, by MaliceInWonderland.


MaliceInWonderland holds sovereignty over New York, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,596 readers have been here.


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New York



New York is a part of The Organization.

1 Places in New York:

20 Characters Here

Samuel Lark [245] Ever had hot Chicago pizza on the Eiffel Tower? Didn't think so.
Dorian Marco [182] "I'll hunt down every last one of them...I swear."
Baylee Holmes [145] Don't even try cus ill be your worst nightmare
Katey Arnold [134] " don't worry about me"
Malice St. James [110] "These images...what are they?"
Skyler Lucian Vicero [95] Brother you angered your prince...
Svetlana "Lana" Azarov [88] "I try to be nothing short of perfect. Key word, 'try'."
Miko Mac an Fhleisteir [68] "Get yer creeper paws off'a me."
Paxton Grey [63] The in-between, the Grey
Isaac Dunwich [49] "poof, I'm gone."

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Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: AJ Lark
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(sorry i havent been posting there is just too much family drama)
Katey wandered the halls of the organization knowing she wasent accualy here to help them.She kept walking until she noticed Aj knocking vioently at a door."Someones mad isin't she."katey huffed and looked around and paused"well you need help right?you got it."


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AJ turned to see Katey had now joined her. "Yeah I was suppose to get Carlee but it seems..." AJ began to say as she turned back to the door. "...that someone is too lazy to get off their fat ass!" AJ yelled towards the door. "I don't know if Ethan, the man who just showed up in a helicopter, wants you to tag along for this one. However I couldn't care less about what he wants, so you're coming with us, we could use the extra muscle" AJ said to Katey. "How are you feeling? I know they probably didn't feed you." AJ asked not out of concern for Katey, but concern as whether or not she'd be effective in the mission based on her current health.


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katey faked a smile as best as she could."No but my health is fine I Fed not too long.'she sighed.'so whats the plan.'

(sorry its short busy)


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Carlee Holmes-Rennings
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Carlee was looking through some files of Baylee...Dorian...Samuel...Katey at her desk, her feet up on her desk. Each of them had a file and she was studying it, when she heard a banging on the door and AJ yelling at her to get her ass off the door "Fuck you AJ I am not lazy..." she yelled back and dropped her feet on the ground, she put the files neatly on the desk and got up. She flung her door open "now what do you want, i heard your announcement over the know i am not going to listen to you, all you can do is I can make people do my bidding. Now if you just wanted to come annoy the shit out of me leave. I am working on somethings to take down those pesky kids" she then looked to Katey "hmm I was just reading your file...interesting....I still don't trust you. How do we know you aren't a spy?" she looked to AJ "she needs to prove herself before I trust her with anything...and that means plans and how we will be taking down dorian and his group of misfits."

Baylee drifted back to sleep and when she woke up she saw no one "dorian?" she said as she got up. She went to look for Dorian and found him with Samuel and Malice. She stood quietly behind Dorian saying nothing, she didn't feel as weak but she still had stuff going through her head.


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"Ain't nobody broken, shut up, Sam." Dorian said defensively. "I've been sitting still too long. It get a little...ansty." He said rolling his shoulders. "When was the last time you took your mediciation?" Malice asked queitly. Dorian shrugged. Malice nodded. "You're not gonna be any use to anyone if you can't think straight." She said and Dorian shrugged again. "I'll be fine." He said and noticed Baylee. "How are you feelin?" He asked her softly.

Ethan calmly picked up the intercom. "Carlee. Please come to my office." He said. His voice deeper then it already was over the intercom. There was something very wrong with how this place was ran. That Aj girl was foolish enough to disrespect his authority. She'd pay for that. He'd hope Carlee would be so foolish


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Carless Holmes-Rennings
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AJ turned back to Katey. "The plan is simple, we have to go capture Dorian and if that proves too difficult we kill him" AJ explained to Katey. "By the way wipe that smile of your face, it's not fooling anyway, especially since you a prisoner like twenty minutes ago" AJ snapped towards Katey. AJ was about to lash out on Carlee for saying that all she could do was simply fly, berating her abilities made her upset. "First of all you little stuck up bi-" AJ began to say before she was interrupted by Ethan's voice on the intercom. AJ stepped aside so Carlee could move on to the office, she smiled a bit, hoping that Ethan would punish her for her failures

"Just saying Dorian you are far from the man who i met in that new york apartment" Samuel said pacing the room. He took a seat against the wall and watched as Malice asked him about his health, he had no idea that Dorian was on medication. Then Baylee entered the room and things got awkward for him, last time she saw Malice she freaked out.


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Carlee heard the announcement and looked to AJ "why didnt you tell me he was back" she then quickly walked away without waiting for a response and made it to the office where Ethan was. She considered Ethan like a father figure and looked up to him in many ways. "Hello Sir when did you get in? I didn't know you where here or I would of came down a lot sooner."

Baylee looked to Dorian trying to hide her emotions from them showing in her eyes "im fine" though that was a lie. Something inside her felt different, like something new was going on inside her...she remembered now she had this feeling once when she was younger...when she first started getting her ability.


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Ethan looked up and gave Carlee a quick smile. "I just arrived." He said looking over report papers. "Please, Take a seat." He said gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. "I'll be leaving to the UK branch sooner then I expected. Things are not going the way they were suppose to there and they need my assistance. So I'd like for you to head up the New York Branch." He said and looked her in the eyes. "Only after you kill AJ Lark."

Dorian nodded. She was about as full of crap as he was. "Alright. Look, Unless you all can get me some Redalyn. I suggest we focus on more pressing matters." He said frustrated. Malice held up her hands. "Fine, But you're useless like this..." She said, remembering how she would use his state of mind to her advantage.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Carless Holmes-Rennings
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AJ rolled her eyes at Carlee. "A kiss ass as usual" she thought to herself. She'd gotten herself in enough hot water with The Organization. She was biting the bullet for now until she could find a way to kill off Ethan. Since Carlee wasn't on board for her new regime she knew she'd have to shun her out of the place. She was hoping that Carlee would agree because she was a powerful asset already as much as AJ hated to admit it. She stood by Katey waiting patiently for Carlee to return.

"Dorian you do realize the fastest man on the planet is sitting right here. If whatever you need is on Earth I can get it in a few seconds" Samuel said remembering a bit of the time he spent robbing banks. "But if you want to move on the way you are so be it" Samuel said awaiting Dorian to ask him to fetch what he needed. It was a bit sad seeing Dorian like this.


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Carlee took a seat and looked up to him "Well here it hasn't been so good as you can see, Wolfe has gone awol and Malice...well shes not here either. I would love to take over...and I gladly will kill AJ...she is no use to the organization. She calls me lazy when she is doing shit and just flying around. Well the little bitch will finally be my play toy after so long" she smiled to him "can I go get my little play toy now?" she acted like it was no big deal, she was willing to kill anyone just to rise to the top. She leaned back in the seat "oh and what about the Katey girl.....I don't trust her...she worked with Dorian and all of a sudden she is here and wanting to help the organization. I say she needs to prove herself that she is loyal to the organization."

Baylee looked to Dorian "The organization has been quiet since I came back here....they must be planning something and we must be ready for all shit to go down." she then looked to Malice "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I want to trust you but it will take time and I hope you can understand that. Now can you tell us anything about Carlee? Any weaknesses or anything? Since you where around her I am hoping you know somethings abouts her."


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Ethan nodded. Katey. He looked over a few papers and nodded. The Vampire. "Kill them both then." He said simply. "Alright, Go play but be warned. Her ablilites will be returning soon. In about 30 minutes or so. That is all the help I can give you. Onxe that window of opportunity closes you'll be on you're own" He said dismissing her with a wave and went back to reading over his papers.

"Well then, by all means. Have at it." Dorian said and clutching his head. His head began to pound viciously and his vision blurred but he could handle it.
Malice smiled at Baylee quickly. She thought back. "She's not a very strong hand to hand combat fighter. She was more a psychological fighter. She can distract you and win that way. So long as you stay focus and ignore her taunts you'll have the upperhand." Malice said and something else struck her. "Oh, She also has a really close relationship to Mr. Marco." Dorian whipped his head in her direction. "She'd been basically raised there. By him" Malice continued. Dorian frowned and remember a little girl always around when he was younger but she wasn't much of a talker. He'd tried to befriend her but his mother kept him away. It made sense. Carlee was an SP and -at the time- They didn't know Dorian was. "That little girl...That's your sister?" Dorian asked Baylee but it was more of a question to himself. He could hardly see the resemblance but then again. He'd just recently met Baylee and hadn't seen Carlee in years.


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"Got any idea where I should go to get the stuff? Perhaps a preferred location" Samuel asked as he chipped some paint off the walls where he sat.

"Screw this I'm not waiting any longer for this girl. I can take these idiots down myself." AJ said as she began to walk towards the garage. "Are you coming with me or are you just going to stand there?" AJ asked Katey as she continued on.

AJ tried to fly but her abilities seemed to be absent, but Ethan said they would return, so by the time she got to the school it would be fixed hopefully. She climbed on top of a tank and looked around for soldiers. "Hey you, get your ass over here and drive thins thing. We're about to take down Dorian" AJ said as she climbed inside the tank. Out of fear the soldier climbed in after her and started the tank up. She had no idea as to why they never used these despite the fact that it was financially costly to The Organization. She awaited Katey to follow her before leaving, she knew she needed the help, but she was impatient.


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katey did as aj said and wiped her grin off."Im loyal and trustworthy.Oh and realy im not trying to fool anybody"she gave aj a smartass grin."Okay whatever im coming'"she looked behind her realquick and then followed aj


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Carlee nodded "okay Sir" she then walked out of the office and walked to where AJ and Katey used to be "hmm.." she then walked down the hall and asked a person if they have seen aj or katey. They pointed to the garage and Carlee ran to the garage seeing Katey and AJ getting in the tank. "Hold it right there AJ" she then flicked her wrist and grabbed control of AJ's body "I was given orders to kill you. This is going to be fun".

Baylee looked to Malice and took this all in but then heard Dorian " knew Carlee...well she seemed to know what she was doing. When she took control over my body I had no control I felt like a puppet. I t was awful." she put her hand to her head "Sam can you also get like tylonal or something?"


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Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Carless Holmes-Rennings
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"Of course you were" AJ said just inches away from being inside the tank. "I bet he also gave you the orders to capture Dorian as well and as reward you'd be head of this branch" Katey began to say as she stood perfectly still. "I know this because I was offered the same deal before you not too long ago. I bet that stings knowing that Ethan offered it to me before you" AJ said teasingly to Carlee, if she was about to die she wasn't going out like a wuss.

"So here are your options the way I see it. Option one, you can kill me right here and now in front of all these soldiers who'll probably think twice about following you if you kill one of your fellow teammates before their eyes. You'll also more than likely fail at bringing back Dorian because we all know you can only control one person at a time and the last time I checked there were two, not including Samuel and Malice who I'm sure are already there planning revenge. Option two, you let me go and we go take Dorian together, you get your promotion, and you can try to kill me afterwards. Option three, we march back in that office, kill that lard ass Ethan who doesn't give a rats ass about any of us here, then you take control of this entire branch, and then you can attempt to kill me. The choice is all yours, what'll it be?" AJ asked feeling quite certain that her choice would be option two, but just in case AJ glanced over at Katey in hopes that she'd like one of the options and decide to kill Carlee and take it for herself.


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Dorian nodded. "Yea, I didn't know her know her but I saw her a few times. I had to be no older then 7. My mom kept me from talking to her. My Dad always brought her around. Mom hated it. That was long before they found out about my abilities. That was an interesting day." He said abandoning the memory.

Ethan flipped a switch and the wall in front of his desk slide back and a wall of moniters revealed the goings on in the building. He listened closely to AJ and Carlee's back and forth. He'd loved Carlee like a daughter. She was smart enough to join him in the Organization where Dorian didn't. AJ, however was a different story. She'd come along because she had nothing better to do. He zoomed in on Carlee's face analyzing her expression. Don't be foolish, Carlee, She's stalling...


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Carlee looked to AJ as she talked giving her options , she just shook her head flicking her wrist to bring AJ closer to her and looked at the other girl right in the eyes "You see AJ I don't take commands from someone like you that easily...and remember I am the one that can control you. Never forget that." She then flicked her wrist and slammed AJ against the wall and stood over her "you know I never really liked you, I always thought of you to be the lazy one. You hardly helped out when we needed you. So I am going to have some fun...You really thought I would go against Ethan. You are one foolish, foolish girl" she then looked to Katey "if you know whats good for you, you will not get in the way....if you listen to me then it will show me that you are somewhat worth working with."


Baylee looked to Dorian "i still can't believe I have a twin...i wish my parents told wonder she is the way she is..." her hand went to her head and suddenly started getting memories, but not her own, she moved and leaned against the wall "Dorian...somethings happening..."


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Dorian caught a hold of Baylee. "Whoa." He said and analyzed her face. "What's happening?"

Ethan gave a half grin."Good girl..." He said and zoomed out. He felt a little ashamed. He could not raise his own son they way he did this girl. But then again, He was much like his mother. They were both as stubborn as a mule. He could see her in him the day he was born. Which was why he wasn't a junior. He named him after his mother. Doria.
Ethan the decided he'd finish up some paper work. One of them would be dead soon. He hoped it wasn't Carlee.


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katey nodded her head she wasent scared of carlee just well aware of what she could do."Okay."she answered carlee back with a bit of a attitude,trying not to make it obviouse


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Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Carless Holmes-Rennings
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Aj stared daggers at Carlee. "Well then I guess you're going with option one because I'm not going to listen to some little welp like you. You think you're powerful cause you can take over 1 persons body. I'd like to see you take me on hand to hand you superpowered freak!" AJ yelled before spitting at Carlee. AJ was also superpowered, but she hated herself and others for having abilities, so she had no problem saying it. She was slightly delirious from the bump against the wall.

(OOC: yes you can kill AJ if you want)

Samuel had arrived back with the medication for Dorian after dashing off shortly after mentioning the drug. "Here you I interrupting something?" Samuel said as he raised an eyebrow. He could see the elated expression on Dorian's face.


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Carlee glared at AJ at what she said, she didn't have time for this bullshit "I will always be more powerful then you AJ" she then saw a broken pipe from near AJ and grinned, she moved her hands just a bit and made AJ pick up the broken pipe "I think I want to have some fun" she said as she made AJ stand up "you see I am not the one that will be killing you AJ....your going to kill yourself..." she said as she pushed AJ to push the pipe into her own stomach.


Baylee saw images of Dorian when he was younger... and also saw Carlee... but as a child "memories...not mine own" she looked to Dorian "what is happening?"


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Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Carless Holmes-Rennings
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AJ lunged towards the pipe and it impaled directly into her stomach. AJ gasped as her eyes shot open, the pain was intense. She could feel her blood seeping out of her and on the pipe, where it then began to drip on the floor. She tried to move to push herself off but Carlee still had control over her. She began to laugh silently to herself as tears fell down her eyes. She had all the speed in the world, but she felt helpless as she wasn't able to fly a single foot. The irony of her now seemingly dying fate amused her. She started to fade out as her vision got blurrier. "I'm not suppose to die like this" AJ mumbled to herself as she helplessly faded out of consciousness.


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"Jeasus"katey said quickly looking away she wasen't a fan of blood or watching people die.


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Dorian nodded thanks to Samuel but he was more concerned with Baylee. "Memories?" He asked it was more to himself then to her. He came to a strange deduction. "Baylee, I think you've aquired a new ability. Tell me what you see?" He said.


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Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Carless Holmes-Rennings Character Portrait: Ethan Marco
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As chaos breaks out in front of The Organization base an armored vehicle approaches. The guards let the reinforced steel truck inside and ride it into the garage where AJ is half dead while Carlee and Katey are just watching. Two heavily armed guards exit the truck and open the doors on the back, completely ignoring the scene to their right. Inside a massive figure stands inside, covered from head to toe in thick armor. The figure is completely motionless as it stares blankly ahead.

The two guards flip various switches and begin to release the poles that are holding the figure. The visor on the figure's helmet suddenly lights up red. The figure jumps out of the car and lands, making a loud sound as if a metal beam had been dropped. The guards quickly jump back into the truck and exit the garage, leaving the figure there as it stares straight as various charts flash on the glowing red visor on the helmet. "Zero online" The figure says in a deep pitched computerized voice. Zero shifts his head to the three and stares at them. Various information pops up about them, including their powers, weaknesses, and identities. After scanning all three people for an awkward minute it heads down the hallway.

Zero's navigational system pops up and it directs Zero straight to where Ethan was. It opens the door he notices the monitors that are showing the garage, so Ethan probably knew it was coming. Zero didn't speak because Ethan would more than likely know what its arrival meant. The only time Zero was ever sent out was once in Vancouver and another time in Brazil. Both times The Organization had found themselves out numbered and they were losing control. Zero was sent in both times to exterminate every supernatural being, not affiliated with The Organization. It succeed both times he was sent out. Stories of it seemed like legend among The Organization, but it was very real.

Zero was staring Ethan down. Zero had computed Ethan to be a threat if it were not his affiliation with The Organization. While Ethan of course could not stop bullets and bombs, he could nullify its ability to regenerate. "Ethan" Zero greets while standing solidly still.