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The Other Side: Dreamwielders

The Other Side: Dreamwielders


Select humans can cross over to the other side, The dream world. Not understanding the society and it's needs the humans have incited rebellion against the ruling court of immortals. What side are you on? (Accepting)

1,929 readers have visited The Other Side: Dreamwielders since Alexander_Right created it.


It’s 2011 and everything seemed normal in the institute of dream therapy. Eight students had agreed to be involved in a sleep study as to the cause of nightmares and insomnia. The group was hooked up to the latest in dream therapy machines, the machines were supposed to limit the connection of the brain that caused nightmares, making it easier to fall asleep. The study went just fine and the students no longer had issues with sleep disorders.

One year later something strange started happening to the students. Their dreams started taking shape into a place that should not exist. The creatures on the other side started calling these intruders the dreamweilders. The society on the other side is strange and alien, ruled over by Asura De’Winters and her court. The humans were fascinated by this strange society that revolved around maintaining the dream world, but soon they found it to be cold and calculating.

Their distress deepened when they discovered that the inhabitants drank a tea, the leaves came from a large tree in the center court of the palace. Asura had commanded an elite group of her court to go and once a month gather a human child. The child was then taken into the underground roots of the tree and left for the tree to digest and swallow up the essence. The strange contrast of society startled the humans, they were incapable of understanding the other side’s ability to sacrifice one for the wellbeing of the many. The humans have been working to overthrow the queen and bring a more civilized form of government to this strange world.

What side are you on?


Characters needed
(Dream world)

High counselor/ advisor to Asura: Taken

Divian : Asura’s lover (Royal family) Available

Brayden: Akirasa’s love interest ( younger brother to Divian) Available

Akirasa: Female, Royal court (High counsel) Available

Semil: Male Royal court (High counsel) Available

Male Royal court: Available

Female royal court: Available

Human sympathizer: Taken


(Human World)

The humans that can cross over (One must be a sympathizer of the other world)

Male human: Taken

Male human: Taken

Male human:

Male human:

Female human: Taken (Sympathizer)

Female human:

Female human:

Female human:

Everyone must post this character sheet in the character application. If going for a previously named character, you can personalize in all fields except those already stated.

Mandatory Picture:
Age (If Human):
Relation (Human world/Other side):
Political view: Court or rebellion
Title: Court, Commoner, Human, or High counsel
Ability (Only 1 main ability, one small secondary (Humans gain ability when they are on the other side)


The Castle
The castle is home to Asura and her court, the large tree lies deep in a labyrinth to protect it from those that would destroy it. Only Asura and her court know the way to get through the maze. Anyone else that enters is killed by the vines and roots surrounding the stone walls.

The World
The world is surrounded by the beach, water as far as the eye can see, it is filled with monstrous creatures.

Toggle Rules


Please do as follows so your posts are not ignored.
 At least two paragraphs a post, that means 8 sentences minimum.
 When it comes to Adult content, aka sex, please post in the appropriate place for that. I will make a forum room just for that.
 No godmoding, or powerplaying
 Post at least every other day, if you are going on vacation or will be unable to post, please say so in the ooc.
 Make sure you post in the proper places, there will be a forum for the human world and the other side. You can not be in both places at once so please do not post in both.
 Do not try to make like 4 characters and then not be able to handle them. Balance my good friends, balance…
 Do not kill other characters without permission.
 Have fun, and play nice.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Asura sat on her throne staring off at the outer reaches of the dream world. It looked so calm from this spot. She knew that it was not so... There were intruders that were threatening her way of life, trying to tare down everything that she had built. Those monsters....Those stupid humans... A servant approached her with tea and she flipped the tray out of his hand, she jumped to her feet, screaming at the defenseless person that was just trying to serve her.
"Get out! Unless you have an Idea of what to do with those MEDDLING humans, stay OUT!"
She collapsed back down into her chair, her face buried in her hands. What was she going to do.
"Where is my adviser! I want her in front of me within the next few seconds, or so help me it will be all your heads!"
Her hand tapped the large armrest of the throne as she waited.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Sanestra was in her quarters when a servant came scurrying to fetch her. Her door was wide open, exposing a beautiful room, with a simple but elegant bed and different items of furniture around it. She was currently sat at her dresser, brushing the blonde hair that never truly needed to be brushed. But she liked to sit like this. It gave her the perfect reflection of the door, when she sat looking into the mirror. It was amazing how people forgot that you could look through one so. Of course, Sanestra could see more in a mirror than just a reflection, when she looked closely enough.
She let the servant stand there, wondering what to do. She couldn't knock, for the door was already open, but she couldn't enter without being told so. It was a dilemma that the servant was trying to work through, making Sanestra smile.
"Yes, Boyelti," she said gently. She knew everyone. No name was secret to her, no person. It was scary at time.
"The Lady would wish your presence," said the servant, curtseying quickly. "She wishes you to come to her at once."
Of course she does, thought Sanestra, laying down the brush and fixing her head piece, before rising.
She swept to the place where her Mistress would be, upon her throne.
"Lady Sanestra, High Court Advisor," said a man as the doors were opened to bring her in her lady's sight.
"Leave us," she said softly to those around. "Remain by the door, should we need you."
She proceeded toward her Ladyship, her steps neither slow nor a rush, but a good pace, carrying her along the room toward Asura.
It was always the same, even before the invaders. Asura was powerful, no one would doubt it, but she needed Sanestra.
She genuflected slightly in respect before her lady.
"You sent for me, My Lady."


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Adrien was excited to go to sleep this evening. He had been plotting to meet with someone that was a sympathizer to his cause. It would be good to finally meet someone on his side. Most of the inhabitants were strict followers of Asura. It was so hard to find someone who's opinion differed. They called her a just and loving queen, one that only cares for her people. Cares for her people my ass! She was cruel, she was taking something from another world so that she could keep her own alive. Asura had an angle, he just didn't know what it was yet.

He rummaged through his papers, completing some school work before he was to go to sleep. Yale wasn't as demanding as people would think, having rich parents pretty much guaranteed you a B+ at least. And his parents donated millions to further a new wing of the school. Rich parents for the win. He quickly crawled into bed and curled up under the covers, one thing he realized about going to the other side was it was always colder there, so when he woke up in the morning he was freezing. Adrien reached over to his nightstand and popped one of the pills in his mouth. Sleep aide, it helped him stay asleep longer. Within 30min he was sound asleep and it happened. It was strange at first because it was like he was waking up in his bed, in his room. But it wasn't his room or his bed, and the place was never the same. He opened the door that normally would have lead him into the dormitory hallway, but instead it opened up to the bright and strange world of the Other side.

Everything was so colorful, the trees were so many different colors, the animals, things he could have only imagined in a dreamworld. Everything looked so peaceful and happy, all the inhabitants cheerful and busy at work with their morning routines. It reminded him of a twisted version of beauty and the beast, when Belle is walking through town and everyone was singing. Maybe that scene on an acid trip anyway, where everyone was wearing neon colors and the trees looked like lollipops.

He made his way into the woods and out to a clearing, the place he was supposed to meet anyone else that was going to help him. It was here they would meet because it was away from people, away from prying eyes. He flopped back in a patch of pink grass, looking at the planets in the sky that were impossible close. This place was beautiful, except for Asura. She had to go.


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Asura lifted her head to see her adviser enter. She gave her a half smile and motioned her close. Sanestra was her favorite, and she always treated her favorites with extra affection. Asura was still in a bad way, human sightings were going off the chart and it had gotten back to her by way of concerned citizens that they were trying to incite a rebellion. But why?
"My dear, tell me please why these humans have it in for me? I need your advice. I am caught between two choices, be reasonable and listen to what they have to say, and ordering every citizen to kill them on sight. Personally I would have it the latter, but as it seems some of the people think I should be more compassionate and hear them out. This is all about the people so if you recommend it, I will order it done."
Everyone had left the room and that was how she liked it. She enjoyed her alone time with her favorite. She grabbed the girl around the waist and pulled her into her lap. Asura leaned down resting her head in her friends lap looking up at her.
"Your the only one I trust. I am doing what is best to protect the people, to give them long happy lives, and families. To let them take pleasure in every moment. Why can the humans not see this? It is what is best for them."
She sighed and closed her eyes. She needed some contact with another person, sitting on the throne gets lonely after a while.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Sanestra gave her lady a smile as she bowed her head a little. She could see the upset tray and its contents left upon the floor. Asura had been most upset, she was sure.
She allowed herself to be handled by her lady, giving no resistance to her as she was pulled close to her. She relished in the fact that there was only a few who could be so close to Asura.
"You have always done what is for the best," soothed Sanestra, stroking Asura's hair fondly. "Your people love and adore you. They know of your constant efforts, all for them."
She let a hand gently brush Asura's cheek. Sanestra's hands were never cold, but cool and soft.
"These humans," she said, their race title said with a little inflection, as if she had said trolls or something that was unusual for her tongue to pronounce, "I have peered into the pool of revealment. Their world is so strange and violent, my lady. They cannot understand true happiness and peace, unless they are seeing sorrow and war. They do not understand us. I fear they will seek to ruin us."
Sanestra played with Asura's hair.
"Perhaps, my Queen, we should seek to educate them," she said slowly, thoughtfully. "This will not mean that they will be allowed to harm our way of life, of course, but maybe, if we bring them and show them our world...."
As Advisor, Sanestra was a good one. It was not because every item she said was right, but that she knew how to give her Queen choices that were more acceptable.
"If they should resist, I fear that firmer action would need to be taken. We cannot allow them to harm our people."
Sanestra closed her eyes for a moment.
"They have to see what you saw once, my Shining Light," she said. "They must be shown that their ignorance is not welcome here. They come to this place and wish to change it. I fear I have been.... reading."
Sometimes, but not very often, books from the human world can into the dream world. Sanestra had advised her ladyship that keeping them would be useful. She now had a small library of them. There were books written in the Dreamworld too, of course, but Sanestra was a little intrigued by the human ones.
"The humans seem to think that if it is not their way, it is wrong," she said, her brow furrowing a little. "They attack people for this reason, invading their place. They need to understand that their way is wrong. Our way, the way of your world, is right."
She looked at Asura with a gentle smile.
"What do you wish me to do, my Only Queen? Your voice is law, your will is great and your decision is final."


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Daina carefully walked through town, staying in the shadows. Currently, she wasn't wearing her mask, there were no flowers on her dress, and the train was pulled up around her waist to create a short skirt. This is what she looked like during the day, she blended in, but at night when she took, as the other villagers called it "another victim", she used her mask so that no one would know who she was.

Everything was busy today, the streets were bustling with noise and energy,especially in the markets. A couple times she had to push through an extremely aggressive crowd, but still no one noticed her. She walked into the woods, acting nonchalant, as if she did that everyday. When the trees were particularly thick, Daina quickly put on her mask and unraveled the train of her dress, letting it drag in the dirt.

She picked up her pace, almost running now to where she was supposed to meet the human called, Adrien. They were going to meet in a clearing that was far, but not too far, from the town so that they wouldn't have any listeners. When she came to the clearing, she saw the human laying on the grass looking at the planets above. She stopped and watched him quietly for a moment. Waiting to see if any of his behavior was in anyway violent, and that this was a trap. He seemed to be peaceful, so she walked out of her hiding spot, holding her head high and walking confidently.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Daina asked, leaning her back up against one of the trees and crossing her arms. Adrien looked up at her, her eyes carefully watching for any facial expressions that might predict that this was indeed a trap.


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She had quite a bit of trouble concentrating this time around, but it was something that needed to be done before drifting off to sleep. Being quite new, Evania was still frightened by this magickal place... so, in order to calm herself, she had resorted to nightly meditation. Coming out of that place in her mind, she was startled by how close she now felt to the Otherworld. Evania felt more attached to the place each time she fell asleep, and was fearful of this new attachment. And so, curling up under her sheets, she succumbed to her exhaustion, painfully aware of a knot in her stomach which had somehow slipped past her deep meditation in the hurried allure of a new place...

... and stumbled into a deep green grove in which she had never been. "Wheh...?" Whenever Evania had entered this world she had made the conversion gradually, but this time it had been in no way controlled. She had... fallen. The sudden realization hit her with such force that she physically tumbled backwards. She felt like screaming, or breaking down, but just then she heard a slight rustling across the clearing. Making sure she went unnoticed, she watched carefully as a masked woman stepped out from under the trees. It was only then that she noticed the young man laying in the grass, completely oblivious to her presence.


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Asura breathed a sigh of relief. Her adviser always had a way of making everything make sense.
"Your right, as always. We should educate them, we will bring them to the castle, give them a taste of what it is like here. Show them what a place is like without war and famine, without crime and starvation. We will make them understand. If they can not understand our way of life and be content to, in the very least, leave us be, then we will banish them from the realm."
She smiled up at her adviser, her friend.
"Will will do as you suggested."
She lifted her head off Sanestra's lap and caressed her face lovingly.
"You have been reading more? Tell me what books have arrived. I am interested to know of them, any good stories?"
She allowed the woman to stay on her lap and she wrapped her arms around her. She loved hearing her speak of her stories that she collected. Whether it be history, or philosophy, or maybe even a fairy tale. Asura secretly enjoyed human stories to, especially their love stories. Here, because they lived forever, love was one of those things that was rarely for one person alone. People here tended to love many throughout their long lives, and even at the same time. But in the human world their love stories were very different, and the love conquers all philosophy was very interesting.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Sanestra gave her a smile, her eyes closing slightly as Asura touched her face. Human's couldn't understand such contentment, such simple joy. Asura was one of them now. Perhaps these others could be the same. If not, the tree was always a final option....
"The guards brought me a fresh one only two nights gone," she said softly. "It was a strange book. Would you like me to bring it to your chambers this eve?"
Sanestra didn't like to withhold anything from her ladyship, but in her own way, she feared giving her the books. What if she wanted to return to the land of the Humans? But her lady was loyal to her people, and to Sanestra they were her people. She had made them live, when they only faded after barely hours of life. They owed everything to her. Without her, there would be no one here.
"Did you finish the previous one? That one rather pleased me, the creature that loved the human. Hard to believe something so beautiful came from the same place as that one World at War."
World at War had arrived months ago, and gave details of all the major wars in the world. Humans were certainly to be feared, but then there were their beautiful stories also. She had never read a book from this side with such imagination.
"Shall I speak with the guard and have them put out the word? Perhaps a formal invitation of some kind," she said, tilting her head to one side. "Something to entice them. I think force would be a last resort, my Dreaming Angel."


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Adrien sighed a little when the woman revealed herself. "It is very beautiful here. I don't understand how something so beautiful can hold monsters like the queen." He stood up and looked over the woman in front of him. She was lovely, but she was also a creature from the other world. Could any of them really be trusted? They all drank that crazy tea that let them live forever. To not drink it was like suicide. "I'm Adrien, nice to meet you." He held out his hand to her for a handshake, not really knowing if she even knew what that was. The people here had some strange forms of greeting people. "How did this all happen? I mean whats the story behind this place? Was it always this way?"


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Daina looked down at his hand confused. She shook her head quickly and stuck out her hand too, just as he did. Finding it to be ridiculous, she retracted her hand to her side.

"No, before 'the queen' came over from the your world, no one lived longer than a couple of hours. She, 'the queen', said that it was complete chaos, but you know, it wasn't. Sure to her it was more 'savage', but to the rest of us, it was life," Daina said this not letting her eyes get distracted from the human. Every movement he made, a shift to one foot, her eyes would follow. "Personally, I wish we could go back to the old times, they were much more simpler and plus no one had to be sacrificed". She then began to walk around him, as if she were stalking her prey.

"So what about you? What's your world like?" she asked eventually coming back in front of him again. She tilted, observing his reaction.


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" I did finish the last one. I am sad to say i never got to experience human love. It sounds fascinating, the idea of being with one person, and being so in love with them that your just consumed. I would imagine that it would compromise your judgement. Have you ever felt like that?"
Asura pet her hair a little, she enjoyed her private time with her favorite. She could tell her anything, she was like what the humans would call a 'best friend'.
"Yes, have the guards extend a message if they come across a human. Or perhaps send a member of the court for a more personal request. I fear they are trying to start a war. I am worried they want things to go back to the way they were. The creatures that were banished to the sea would return and wreak havoc on the cities, the people would die quickly before even getting a chance to live, there would be complete chaos. I won't let that happen. I could never stand by and watch that happen to our people. We will try to be nice and educate them as you say. if that doesn't work, then we take more extreme measures."
She nuzzled her face into her favorites shoulder.
"Oh and yes, you should bring the book by later. I would enjoy reading it. Maybe even our new human visitors can cross over with some books for you. They take their clothing so I don't see why they couldn't take a book."


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Sacrifice! This was new for Evania. Listening intently to this stolen conversation, she had almost forgotten asked the mysterious couple what they had meant, and had to cover her mouth to stifle the inquiry. She stood uncomfortably still for over a minute while they conversed, though she knew that they had not noticed her movements. Although she hadn't been around many solitary peoples (she spent her little social time in crowds and markets), she had realized that her quite human ability to blend in within the mundane world had been dramatized within this world... when she wanted to be looked over, no one seemed to notice her (which, along with her Hydrokenesis, could be very useful)! Seeing as she hadn't actually met or talked to anyone within her time here, she didn't know much about anything about the culture that she couldn't observe... and so the sentence "plus no one had to be sacrificed" caught her off guard. Evania suddenly realized that this realm had larger secrets than was at first expected, and that she might have to actually interact with these people today, though (if she was socially inept in her normal life) she had no idea how it would turn out.

Coming back out of her head, she became aware just in time to hear the masked woman ask her companion about "his world." She had had suspisions as to the young man's origins, but hadn't put it together until that moment. He was human! A sudden surge of confidence made her reveal herself... probably a foolish mistake. Seeing the startled and slightly betrayed look on the young man's face, she assumed she was in some great trouble, and dashed away before either of them had a chance to speak...


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Adrien laughed a little at the woman's confusion. "You supposed to take the other persons hand and shake it. It's a greeting in the human world. It's sometimes how we say hello." He was a little suspicious about the woman's concern for the sacrifices. "Why would you care if a human child is killed here or there? Humans seem to be nothing to your kind. Plus don't you still drink the tea? If you didn't you would be dead within hours." He noticed her circling like a vulture and he shrugged. "Will you knock it off, I am not a steak." He looked over at her, and understood how careful she must have to be, the queen would kill anyone that rebelled against her.

"I heard that rumor, that the queen was once human, but I heard she is not anymore, she is something else. Tied to the tree or something, she can change things in the world and all that jazz." He folded his arms. "The human world, well lets see. There are various countries and more then one ruler for all of them. My country has a president, he is like the ruler but he has people that have to approve his laws. Keeps him from being corrupt. It doesn't always work and he has to be removed from power sometimes. It's all very confusing. We have a lot of fighting over a lot of different things. The ruling party depending on where you live thinks a lot on the individual, we as citizens have rights. If our rights are violated we complain to our authorities, and they punish the offending person. People don't seem to have any rights here. It is very strange. I am confused why so many follow her and worship the ground she walks on. Everyone I meet is all gaga for her. Well except for you."


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#, as written by Lullyn
Sanestra turned her head a little pondering the Queen's question. Love without rationality. Yes, that was what all humans believed. Did she believe it?
"I love you, my Shining Light," she said. "Before you, the only thing in our future was death. Yes, we could be reborn, but to die again. A pain that is hard indeed. I do not know whether humans tell these tales as a way to entertain their young or to give them excuses for the things they do. To be so consumed with love, if both are truly so, how would anything be done?"
It was nice to read them. They had pretty pictures and their stories were like a dream themselves, but there was love that would last, like her love for her Queen.
"Besides," said Sanestra, "Divian would do anything you asked of him. That is true love."
She wrapped her arms around her Queen for a moment, whispering softly, "I shall see that your wishes are granted, My Queen, Asura."
It was very rare that Sanestra said Asura's name. It was only when they were only, and even then was done so with the gentlest of tones, like it were a rich and beautiful thing, too precious to be wasted.
She kissed the top of Asura's head.
"Allow my leave, so that I may speak with the court and guards. Those only that can be truly trusted, of course. Some of the Court fear the humans. I would not like then to become uneasy."
She rose slowly, allowing her Queen to take her time. She hated to be apart from her and would sometimes, if Divian was not needed for the eve, go and sit and read with her, or sing to her Queen, until she slept.
"Grethoc," she said, in a voice that carried across the room with ease, though she didn't raise her voice too much.
The doors at the end opened and a male creature walked in. He was tall and elegant, but compared to the women, he was a peasant.
"My lady, Your Highness," he said, bowing so low he should have touched the floor.
"You will call together the court and the guard. Leave those who stand on their posts, but the rest are to gather in the Hall of Shining Light."
Her Majesty's guard was the finest guard. They were not there to harm, but to protect. Since the talk of Rebellion and then the humans, Sanestra had taken to the human books to find a solution to protect her Queen and their life. The men and women she had chosen were the best. More importantly, they did not look threatening. Rules were needed to hold back chaos and you needed those who could ensure those rules were kept.
"Yes, my Lady, voice of her Majesty," said Grethoc, bowing all the way out.
Voice of her Majesty, though Sanestra with a smile. Why waste her voice on ears so undeserving?
She waited until he was gone and then looked to her.
"When is the next binding?" said Sanestra. Sacrifice sounded so human.


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Daina took a step back, trying to ease the Adrien's discomfort.

"They worship at her feet because she was the one who made it possible to live a fuller life," Daina said, "It's not that hard to believe. Think about it, a place where people don't live more than 8 to 10 hours at a time, where there was no leaders, where people were just trying to survive and maybe have a little fun before they died, then out of nowhere a person comes along with a solution that makes them live longer and have more time. It's not hard to believe that they would then worship that person," she dropped her voice to a low whisper, "Especially since near the end of 'the days of old' people were getting particularly desperate".

Daina started to walk around the clearing, looking at the planets above. She crossed her arm and closed her eyes, bathing in memories of the past. At the thought of the old times, and her little brother, Daina shook her head sadly bringing back to the earth. "I miss those days," she whispered to herself.

Her brother, Druden, was a high spirited child that, like any other, lived every moment as if it were his last. He was a genius, especially for his age, and he and Daina were the best of friends. They would always run out into the forests and play, climb trees, swing from branches, and swim up and down the rivers. There was no one that Daina loved more. Then one night, the guards came and took Druden. He was to be the next sacrifice. Daina broken hearted for days, and refused the next cup of tea, knowing exactly whose essence was in those leaves. She refused so vehemently, that she threw the cup at the guard that had taken her brother. She had been locked up for that for days and had almost died. After that she knew that she had to stay alive, so that she could stand up for everyone who had ever lost a loved one, though she always drank the tea with disgust, almost throwing up every time.

At the thought of Druden, Daina's eyes began to moisten with tears, but she quickly blinked them away and turned back to Adrien.

"So you wanted to talk to me for another reason than to just confirm your suspicions on 'the queen' I suppose," she said her voice confident, though there was an undertone of the pain of loss.


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Thomas leaned over and kissed Ling goodnight. She smiled at him warily, he knew that she was worried about him every time he fell asleep, but sometimes he wished that she wouldn't worry as much as she did, of course then he might not have fell in love with her big heart.

"Don't worry, they're only dreams," he said to her, she nodded before her face got distorted and ran to the bathroom, "You shouldn't be going to work if you're sick. Why don't you stay home tomorrow?" He called. She came back covered in sweat, after puking.

"I'm fine, it's just...a small stomach bug," Ling said. She went back into the bathroom.

"Yeah one that you've had for the last three weeks," Tom whispered to himself. He rolled over and pulled the blankets to his chin. He was fascinate, and a little worried, about this new world that he had discovered in his dreams. He wasn't excited to be leaving his wife in this world, but was interested in finding out more about this world and maybe helping the people recover from this tyrant, Asura. He closed his eyes slowly falling into the other world.

When he opened them again, he found that he was lying by tree, his head covered with a yellow fern. He sat up rubbing his eyes, un-blurring them. He then looked around, and saw a small clearing. He saw two figures in the clearing, a women in green and a mask, and the other a man in human clothing. He sat up on his feet quietly walking over, gripping his AK-47 tightly and watching the native women intently to see if she was about to do anything dangerous.

As he neared, he barely noticed a young girl, about 16 or 17, hiding in some bushed. He crawled over to her, quickly putting his hand over her mouth so she wouldn't scream and alert the two talking in the clearing. When the girl looked back her eyes wide and scared looking, Tom just raised his finger to his lips alerting her to be quiet, he then pointed to the two talking in the clearing, telling her to listen in. He then sat down next to the girl and they watched as the conversation in the clearing continued, without them being noticed.


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Asura smiled and reluctantly let go of her lady. She was so good at her job, and if anything happened to her, Sanestra would carry on the tradition and rule in her place.
"You are very good at what you do my love. There may come a day when you sit here instead of me, and I will be ok with that because you always take such good care of the realm."
She stepped down from her throne and looked outside the window. The celestial moon of remoth was almost full.
"Two days. We should gather the child soon."
She very much did not enjoy the fact that they took a human child, but that is how this whole thing worked. Take a dreamer and then the dreams shall live. From what she remembered of the human world, she was doing the child a favor. Vile, cruel place, filled with hate and war. Why should any child suffer growing up in such a place, with parents that were going to condemn them to die in the woods. She was thinking about her own parents of coarse, those terrible people that left her to die of starvation. Humans were evil. But these people, in this place were kind and loving, she took care of them and they took care of her. It was a beautiful relationship. And it wasn't even like the child would die, they would be reborn in the human world after the tree binded with them. She also didn't see the issue of them complaining so much about it. They took the most potent dreamers. The human world had labeled them 'retarded' They were often discarded by their own people. Asura brought them to a place where they were revered and loved. Appreciated for the useful part they played in their society. Damn those humans and their meddling nature.
"Do we have any other matters of business to attend to?"


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Breaking cover, Evania ran through the thick forest, sure that she was being followed. In reality, she had panicked and imagined their suprise... in fact, she had been so nervous that she hadn't become noticable, and they hadn't even seen her. In truth, the young man had been responding cautiously to a brief rustling sound (which, as she would soon discover, had not been her at all). But, unaware of these facts, she continued to dash around in an obscure pattern, eventually stopping to hide behind a thick patch of strange bushes. Exhausted, she had forgotten to keep up her special defences, and when she peeked around to scope for her "pursuers," a large hand closed around her mouth. Turning around, she attemped to scream, but was silenced by a finger to the mouth and the familiority of a human face. And so, realizing that it was too late to dissapear (once he was looking at her, it was nearly impossible), she allowed him to walk her back to the grove, where she found that the woman and her human companion were still carrying on their conversation. There she sat with the first person within this world who had ever seen her, eavesdropping (which, in her mind, was quite different than observing while practically invisible) on the stranfe couple in the grove...


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Adrien sighed, how do you take down someone when the people were behind them 100%
"Yea, I want to know how to kill her, and burn the fucking tree to the ground. I don't know how to get to the damn thing, or her. She is surrounded by her loyal guards, and the tree is in the middle of this huge maze that eats you if your not welcome."
He had turned because he had heard some rustling in the bushes and what sounded like a stifled scream.
"Someone is in the bushes." He pointed out not that concerned.
"Come on out please, I am assuming you heard everything and as you can see, I'm not in any position to harm you."
He assumed it was more humans because none of the otherworlders came here, well none but this woman. And he had requested her. He tapped his foot impatiently.
"I'm waiting, you little eavesdroppers."


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Evania blamed her captor for their discovery. I mean, really, he was loud! If it hadn't been for this interruption, she would've been able to sit comfortably in plain site without them noticing! She was frightened but far from suprised when the young man called them out, and when her captor stood up to walk out she tried one last time to run for her life. But apparently he had seen that coming, because she was quickly jerked back out into the clearing. Slightly embarrassed, she jumped up, and (partially because her captor had a hard grip on her upperarm), decided to stay and confront the strangers.

"Wh..." The word cracked, and she realized how stupid this all seemed... she barely even knew where she was, let alone who these humans were or what she was supposed to do here! And with these thoughts, and unusual anger swept over her, and she yelled "Who the are you people, what do you want, and why the heck are you bruising my arm!" And with that, she collapsed on the ground, sobbing in a mixture of confusion, embarrassment, anger and relief...


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Adrien was surprised when two of them popped out and raised a brow when the girl collapsed crying.
"Hey, calm down, there is no need to get so upset. I'm Adrien and you two are obviously human like me."
He walked over to the girl and helped her to her feet.
"Chill out, no one is going to hurt you."
Holy hell this girl was an emotions wreck.
"Were you sitting there the whole time my dear? Why? You should have come out and just said hello"
He tried to calm the girl by holding his arms out in a non threatening manner.
"I'm not going to hurt you. You shouldn't be snooping around here though, if anyone else was out here you could have been hurt."


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Evania felt comforted by the young man, but she felt the need to recover her emotions before she embarrassed herself beyond repair. So, picking herself up with the help of the stranger (Adrien, apparently... nice name), and started spouting out her explanations.

"Well I went to a sleep institution and they fixed my problems and I haven't tried to kill myself since but I think they did something to my brain because one night I walked down a corridor and into field it felt so real and there were odd people and I thought that they would hurt me but for some reason they didn't notice me so apparently I can do that and Hydrokenesis or whatever it's called and I had it under control but tonight I just kinda tumbled without any warning and landed on my arm which hurt and I saw you and then that woman with the mask over there and I got worried so I made myself sorta 'invisible' like I do but not really invisible more like unnoticable and watched you and then I figured you were human so I came out and I thought you saw me and got angry but I guess not and anyways I ran for a while when this jerk grabbed me and brought me here and... oh, he has a gun!"

Realizing this she immedietly became silent and ran to Adrien, more frightened of her captor than ever. She knew that she was a wreck, and that she most likely looked like and immature idiot, but at this point she didn't care. Later would be time for conversation, but for now she just needed comfort and answers...


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"Huh... I went to a sleep insitution to."
He looked to the Rambo looking guy.
"Did you get sleep treatments to?"
Adrien looked at the girl that was apparently scared out of her mind of this place, and Rambo over there.
"If he was going to shoot you, he would have already."
He didn't know what to do with this girl, she was a hot mess. He pat her head reasurringly.
"Really, it's ok. You need to calm down a little bit."
He wrapped one arm around her remembering how scared he was when he first came to this place, and he didn't even have a guy with a gun rough-housing him in the bushes. He was tryin to understand why she was so upset. He just wasn't very good with a lot of emotions, well not the touchy feely lovie ones anyway.


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Evania could tell that he was uncomfortable, as was she. She wasn't needy, just confused. Hadn't he heard her? She wasn't new to this place (in fact, she'd been here about as long as he had, she was sure), but today was... different. She had fallen into this world. Her arm was most likely injured in the fall, right before "Rambo" had grabbed it. She had learned about some supposed sacrifices which she hadn't yet known about by observing the people. She had been chased, captured and caught against her will. And on top of all of that... well, she was fighting to hold up the wall keeping those old and disturbing emotions at bay. And here he was, a man she had just met, holding her like she was a baby, or mentally ill. Well, she sure as heck wasn't. Not anymore at least, and she intended to keep it that way. She wasn't afraid of this place, in fact she loved it, although it had gotten slightly lonely with no one to talk to... but she was used to that. It was tonight's circumstances, and a temporary lapse of sanity, that had caused her to act so immaturely. Of course, he didn't know any of that. No one did, so she didn't expect him to fully understand... for now, she could deal with being "the kid." She peeled herself out of Adrien's grasp, walked slowely across the clearing, and plopped herself down. Taking a shredded piece of cloth and a few leaves for padding, she took care of her arm, layed down, and started meditating in order to gain back her sanity (it sort of hurt to sit up)...

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Character Portrait: Daina
0 sightings Daina played by Fredalice

Character Portrait: Thomas Klug
0 sightings Thomas Klug played by Fredalice
Character Portrait: Kleodora
0 sightings Kleodora played by Lux_Disraeli
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Character Portrait: Adrien Smith
Character Portrait: Sanestra
Character Portrait: Calcifer
Character Portrait: Asha "ash" Zanez


Character Portrait: Asha "ash" Zanez
Asha "ash" Zanez

" this is..weird.."

Character Portrait: Calcifer

"One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody."

Character Portrait: Sanestra

Yes, my lady....


Character Portrait: Asha "ash" Zanez
Asha "ash" Zanez

" this is..weird.."

Character Portrait: Sanestra

Yes, my lady....

Character Portrait: Calcifer

"One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sanestra

Yes, my lady....

Character Portrait: Calcifer

"One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody."

Character Portrait: Asha "ash" Zanez
Asha "ash" Zanez

" this is..weird.."

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Most recent OOC posts in The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

I like the food descriptions lol Sounds gross but sometimes that is the best food!!

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Voila, disgusting food and a twist, bum, bum, bum!! Will Kleo and Daina be able to smooth things out? Wait and see after these messages.

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Is it okay if the food they eat sounds disgusting, but you know then turns out to really delicious?

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders


Won't be able to post as much over the coming week or so, on vacation, but I'll try to keep up and post as much as possible.

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Just go to sleep in the human world and then you get to wake up on the other side! But you can only stay in the other side for about 8 hours or so. Eventually you will have to wake back up.

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

^^ hey so how can I jump into the story?

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

I think I will be sending Calcifer shortly.

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

My character is currently "stuck" in the bedroom. Someone please come visit her! :P

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Yes, see technically they probably wouldn't be real faeries, or at least traditional ones. I always liked the idea of the "Fair Folk" with their two different Court, seeile and unseelie. (which shows what a geek I am when it comes to fairies). But fae don't have commoners. But I still class them as fae, since no race was ever established. ^_^

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Simply? We'll go with... fae is a more appropiate (in my opinion) form of the word fairy.

Fairy = Faery = Fae = hope this helps (if not you could always look it up)!

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

You've been using that word a lot, "fae". What does it mean? And yes before you comment on my ignorance, I am and very blissful thank you.

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

lol yea personally I would like to see more of the fae. I'm going to make a second character I think.

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Humans..... more humans.... I really thought we'd struggle to get the baby pinching faes, not the humans -_- If you want another human, let me know and I'll make one of those, since I'm practically half the "other side" hehe

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

The roleplay is always open for more people. Human is good :) Just create a character sheet, and you can post XD

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Ha! There's been a misunderstanding...
a.) I was refering to Ghost.
b.) His "act" is in another RP, and he's up next (circus).

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Well that will have to be tomorrow because I'm headed to bed for the night, and my act? Could you elaborate on what you mean by "my act"?

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Yes, duh! Come, meet me! :P *also, your act is up, so please post soon!*

Re: [OOC] The Other Side: Dreamwielders

Still open for another human?