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The Path Well-Worn

The Path Well-Worn


An Epic Fantasy tale has begun, the path is as yet blurry and unseen,but in-time it shall become well known to you. A companion amongst your grand adventures,a friend for those with soles far worn.

3,117 readers have visited The Path Well-Worn since duramon created it.

glmstr are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


I reserve the right to at any time,give you the boot from the Role-play if you cause OOC issues and/or nit-pick. RP's are serious yes,but they exist to be enjoyed!.
(Small side-note,it maybe awhile before I or Glmstr accept your character at times,not because they aren't good but because the point in the story requires to have less then a certain number of characters.)

The General Idea of this RP

Hello to all readers!, Duramon here bringing you an epic-scale adventure of the generic fantasy kind!

I'm offering an RP with the kind of thing you'd expect from a Fantasy story but with my own twists,turns and plot-line. For lovers of all fantasy genres, of character advancement and adventures of the epic kind. You can expect Bandit Attacks, Dragons, Dungeons and all the fantastical stuff that we love about the Fantasy Genre placed in large and far-reaching plot-lines and adventures. Of course a big focus is character advancement, so side-plots, romances and character building are encouraged at all opportunities.

I expect atleast two paragraphs per post!,Pay attention to the general post size at the time and work from there,pay special attention to me and glmstr as we'll most likely be the ones shoving towards larger or smaller posts.

A "Unique" Mechanic

Equipment Advancement:

I figured,If I'm going for the Epic Genre with a Generic Flavour (Thats right,Flavour) I decided to implement some kind of trading/economy system found in most RPG's. In all basicness, Whenever the group of adventurers fight a foe the loot would then be decided by those who slew the fiend using some common sense and balancing. (One does not simply find Excalibur on a bandit..) Equipment, Items, Armaments and such could then be purchased as per usual in a Fantasy Game, all items are of course purchased at towns and such, it's up to you to use common sense and to pay fairly for items,if you want to double check something shoot me or someone else a PM to get a second opinion, otherwise as an Active RPer in this myself I'll be double-checking to make sure people aren't taking advantage. Of course scavenging is an obvious loot out come in most cases.

Remember to be creative with loot, Don't find "Scale mail and a sailors old ring" on a sea serpent, Skin the great beast to layer your current armour, create a shield, a new grip for your weapon!, Perhaps even use the giant poisoned tip of it's tail as a Great-sword! Allow the mage to spend time transferring the magic contained within its scales into your skin or weapon even! Use your imagination. I am prepared to GM this as effectively as possible,which of course includes going through dozens of PM's if required if you have any questions.

Crafting is allowed and encouraged if you have a logical way of doing so, or if you have the resources for what you intend. In this case Mages are if they have the aptitude for it, gifted with the ability to not just "Disenchant and Enchant" Items, but to infuse the soul, the mana of creatures into other members,themselves and gear. Of course this doesn't come without cost, it will require great reserves of mana dependent on the creature and of course there are side-effects. One cannot gain fire-absorbing scale skin and not be seen as a freak of nature by the populace. Not all Heroes are loved and you'll find most NPC's and townsfolk will by common sense, recoil at the sight of a group of scaley and minotaur horned beings with wings. Who by bodily design obviously were once "normal".

The Beginning of our tale

Now,to begin with, the character's shall be weak, A large part of this is character development after all. However, the starting plot would in all basicness the group or pair doing seemingly simple errands for a Mage in the original town, Each errand is of course, well paying for a small town and ridiculously more complex then is explained. "Help me find a rare herb in the woods and I'll pay you 30 copper" for example. Well, it turns out the Herb is protected by an ancient Treant and one or two dryads who you accidentally awaken from a thousand year slumber (Who knew huh?). As the player's become better and more experienced the mission's intensify and of course, it is up to the players to do other things with their characters as well. The RP is NOT just mission,mission,mission. Remember characters are mortal,they need down-time and conversations are generally a good idea,rather then just trying to go through the entire RP by doing nothing but fighting and talking during errands and the plot. The plot WILL advance beyond doing just this,This is the start of molding characters into true adventurers, at this point they're just slightly above average citizens with unique skills and/or adventurous spirits!

Of course the plot would advance from here until it grows into a full-blown epic. With the world in danger from various sources, towns requiring heroes and corrupt kings in the making, the story is there to be grown and The GM's (glmstr and I,duramon) have many fun twists, turns, and plotlines that will keep you interested and immersed in advancing your character!

Races and Such

All Races are welcome,whether they be old classics or of your own design. As long as they aren't over-powered or godly in design and can be seen as *average*. Characters can have nearly any profession/ex-profession that will help them along the way as long as,again they do not begin as a master or expert of said trade. I expect most of the starting characters (Say the first three) to be relatively young perhaps 26 at most, of course you characters joining later on can be stronger then just average and older as the challenges will be greater and require more experience,Just check the activity and have a look at how you should scale your character. I expect most if not all characters to start off with being relatively good in alignment (For the sake of ADVENTURE!), Later this may change of course.

Character Creation

Now by this point I assume you're all sick of my rabbiting on, and so I shall keep this last stepping stone short.
What I expect from the average character is this.

Equipment (To be updated along the adventure):
Family/Relationships (For plot):
Description (Not just a picture here please,Describe them aswell):

It may seem like a lot but tis truly not considering a main focus of this is character development and advancement.
For those looking for a larger,more complex and in-depth character skeleton. Look in the OOC Topic The Path Well-Worn and I can gift you with a brilliant one made by my friend Earthwanderer08.

Toggle Rules

Rule 1: No overpowered characters or power-gaming! It ruins the fun!
Rule 2: No Meta-gaming, This is using knowledge your character wouldn't know as if they did,or finding some weak way to make them know.
Rule 3: Don't be a stick in the mud!, If you help make an event or plot-line don't try and force it your way,heck it's my RP and I won't be doing that.


Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in


Willowspeak by duramon

A tower of ice and rock that seems to pierce the sky itself,harsh blizzards and flesh tearing creatures are common place here.


Theransted by duramon

A large and enchanting world,Filled with Cursed Forests, Deep Dungeons and vast cities.

Willowspeak Village

Willowspeak Village by duramon

A small village nestled at the base of the southern mountains. Old wooden buildings,frosty peaks and vast farms are the norm here.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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#, as written by duramon
A strange wind blew through the quiet mountain town, many ignored it but others whispered in corners about the change of times, the end of the age and the ushering in of the new one. The mountain town was busy around this time of the year,farmers spending hard hours in the field and tavern-keeps having to brew enough ale to fill up a town full of thirsty customers. The old wooden buildings that lined the cobble-stone streets were a testament to the age of the village, the various signs depicting what each shop was were freshly re-painted for the new season and the smell of hay roofs and fading wax-candles were wafting through the morning air. Thoroark would notice all of these minute details as the Gargantuan man thumped towards Aisha's place,waving good morning to the various townsfolk, occasionally stopping to help lift a heavy stack of hay onto a cart or to fix the odd broken tool with spare parts he had learnt to carry on his person. Eventually arriving late at the spell-smiths place,happy that she widened the entrance and raised the door and ceiling so that he no longer had to stoop like a hunch-back to get into the place.

The giant lightly placed an old purple ring onto the counter,the light from various floating candles shining off of the odd-coloured circle of metal as a grin spread it's way across his face,he folded one of his arms across his chest and knocked lightly on the roof of the two-story building with the others knuckles,hoping to startle Aisha awake before crossing his hands across his torso.
"Wakey-wakey, I expected eggs and Bacey." He teased in a loud voice,chuckling to himself before continuing "I brought you a little something, I know it isn't your birthday but a certain somebody told me about a ring 'sitting at the front of a cave'....of course nobody mentioned that the cave was guarded by two juvenile trolls and that it would take me a day of crawling around a dark-hole to find the thing,but hey,I'm just that swell of a guy." He teased again,now leaning against the wall with his pouch of coins clinking in his pocket as they hit his monstrous sword. He awaited the inevitable noises of Aisha groaning and crawling out of bed with a smirk.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
"Wakey wakey" Aisha could recognize that voice anywhere. She pulled herself out of bed, and quickly got dressed, before coming down the stairs to see what Ark was going on about. The purple ring caught her eye quickly, and her face brightened slightly.
"Let me see that..." She snatched the ring from the table, and examined it closely. She snapped her fingers, conjuring a small flame in her hands to supply more light. She traced her fingers over what felt like a small engraving, and looked up to Ark, pointing to the weathered engraving on the ring.
"This engraving is important to what in the hell this ring is or does. On the other hand, it's quite pretty. Thank you" She smiled at him, before sitting at her desk and producing a magnifying glass, to further examine the ring.
"I have some small errands for you. There's a tome about these rings that I need, and the Jeweler currently has it. Could you convince him to let me borrow it? It looks like any other magic book, but it has a picture of a ring on the front."

"Second," She added, "I'm planning on making some fire-resistant gloves to help with forging. I'm going to need some leather, the tougher the better, and some Hydra skin. This errand isn't as urgent, it just means you won't get burnt as much when around hot metal."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

"The leather trader on main street just got a new shipment the other day! He should have some good leather." The voice came from the window, and Allan's face popped into view. He had surprisingly soft features for a boy, nevermind a nineteen year old blacksmith. As always, he was grinning like a fool and covered in soot, but that was a good sign. It meant that there wasn't a farmer or a merchant chasing him for stealing some bread or something. He pushed the window open without asking if he could come in, and sat on the window sill. "Ed sent that order in a week ago! Why are you jus-" He blinked when he saw Ark and grinned even wider. It was a wonder his jaw didn't fall off or something. "Welcome home Ark! Did you find the ring? I didn't tell her you were going to find it, but why would you go after it? It's a silly little thing to do for the likes o-" He cut himself off again, looking at Aisha and cleared his throat. Just because he spoke his mind didn't mean he was an idiot.

He turned to face Aisha before she caught what he was going to say. "Anyway, I'm here on business. Ed's been experimenting with tempering processes. Thinks he can make a blade harder but still flexible if he cools it more rapidly. So he sent me to see if you have something that makes water colder than ice, or something along those lines." He tilted his head a little and frowned, unable to really grasp the concept. "You have anything like that?"

The setting changes from Willowspeak Village to Theransted


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr

The setting changes from Theransted to Willowspeak Village

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
"As a matter of fact, I do have something for that." Aisha walked over to a large cabinet full of jars, each one holding different substances. She looked around a little more, and found a jar of reddish liquid, and handed it to Allan.
"It's frost troll blood. Tastes awful, makes you sick in large doses, but it's always really cold. Just mix it with your cold water, and make sure to stir the water constantly, or the water will start freezing." The boy nodded and left, and Aisha glanced back to Ark.

"Shouldn't he know about using troll's blood to freeze things? It's a perfect material for it." She asked him quizzically, before walking over to a large bucket of wax, and snapping her fingers to make another small flame in her hand, to melt the wax.
"I guess it's time to make another batch of candles." She carried the melted wax to a worktable, where she stirred in different ingredients to the wax, and poured the mixture into a tray of small molds. She placed a wick in each mold, and then set the tray aside to let them harden.

"Are there any jobs we could do? We're a tad short on cash." Aisha gestured to a silk bag at her desk, which was only holding a few coins.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
He grinned and patted Aisha lightly on the head, the bandages around his fore-arms rustling slightly as they loosened around his abnormally large arms, beneath both could be seen slight glimpses of blood-red and white, however he re-adjusted them quickly and turned to greet Allan,ruffling the apprentice smith's hair with a good natured smile as he left before turning back to Aisha.

"It's good to be back,I'll get ya the hydra skin and leather as well as the book. The ol' Jeweler owes me a favour or two so it should be no trouble. As for the hydra skin I think I still have a few hides left from last time,I'll swing by and check shall I?, As for jobs,don't worry about it." He said with another kind smile,tearing the pouch of coins from his belt and chucking the heavy purse onto the counter "I figured you'd be selling less candles what with the lack of long winter nights,So I sold a few of those Juvenile Minotaur Horn's and a plank or two of that Treant's Ironbark" He said, turning slowly and opening the door to the sunny outsides, stepping through and waving to Aisha over his shoulder as he headed for the trader before she could comment or scold him. He had left his sword behind in the Spell-smiths, it bore the strong scent of troll blood and yet amongst the specks of odd orange blood there were globs of red.

The man would return much later carrying a heavy load of Hydra Pelt,Leather and a Book bearing a ring on the cover. "Luckily for us,the trader was happy to give me the leather in exchange for my cowl and a pint of ale from the tavern. I swear were skating along on favours." He commented,placing it all down on the ground,the bandages almost falling off of his fore-arms before he re-adjusted them again. For yet another moment the glimpse of torn flesh and bare-bone could be seen.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
"Why thank you for g-" Aisha started to say when she noticed his arms, and bolted from her chair to look at it.
"What is this?!" She looked up at him, before removing the soggy bandages on his arms and throwing them away. She scurried over to her cabinet again, and grabbed a pale green salve, some fresh bandages, and some hard liquor.

"Drink this. It'll numb the pain a bit, as this salve is going to hurt A LOT." She handed him the bottle, and he compliantly chugged it and put the empty bottle on a table. She applied some salve to her fingers, and quickly ran them across his wounds, getting a small but even coating of it over the torn flesh. Finally, she snapped her fingers for some fire, and ran a flaming finger across the salve, about an inch from actually touching it. The salve quickly became more rubbery, and changed color to a dark indigo. Finally, she wrapped the fresh bandages over the top, and tied it.
"The salve, once exposed to fire and blood, becomes dark blue, and it gets a consistency similar to skin. When your wounds are fully healed, the placeholder skin will fall off by itself, and will be much lighter in color when it does so."

She hurriedly moved the supplies he brought to a side table, and pulled up two chairs for them to sit in.

"Before I ask anything, how in the HELL did you get that?!" She gestured to his arms, still somewhat frantic from the shock of seeing him like that.

The setting changes from Willowspeak Village to Theransted


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon

The setting changes from Theransted to Willowspeak Village

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
Thoroark grimaced as she shouted in worry,awkwardly scratching at his bandaged arms before turning around and occupying himself with cleaning the blade he left leaning against the wall, feeling her worried yet soul-piercing gaze burrowing through the back of his head. He eventually finished cleaning the blood off of the giant weapon and sighed nervously to face her. Even the giant it seemed feared the wrath of Aisha, after-all the woman controlled fire.

"Uuh,thanks. I um..." He muttered the last few words, to quietly to hear,before noticing her still awaiting an answer "Okay, funny story. Turns out there were three adult trolls and a Schivia and the cave was pretty deep. I fell a little bit here and there, Got bitten by a troll....had the giant blob of black acidic ooze people for some stupid reason call a Schivia try to devour my arms...nothing happened really, I'm fine. I'm the giant of Willowspeak remember? I fight big nasty thing's all the time." He said half sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood as he took a seat on the chair across from Aisha. His crystal blue eyes looking towards Aisha as his features changed to form a kind smile. He was used to running dangerous errands, and this one had been his own personal agenda so he truly was fine. Somehow...he didn't think she thought of it the same way that he did.

"So!...any new errand's you need run, want me to get some more Ironbark since I just sold some?,I mean there are a few planks left but.." He said, cutting off mid sentence and awkwardly ruffling his own hair.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Zander Carter Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

Zander woke to the sound of young Ella screaming his name and running up the stairs. "Zander!" He rolled over and hoped out of bed. Ella ran into his room her long black hair flowing and brown eyes gleaming. She ran over to him and he picked her up. He smiled and said "What are you doing here? shouldn't you be with your mother." Ella nodded and responded "she sent me to wake you up, you are late."

Zander looked shocked and checked the window and he realized he had overslept again. He put Ella down and said "Well, i got to go." Ella smiled as Zander threw on his work clothes and struggled to put on his boots and run down the stairs. He ran past Lina who said "Don't forget to get my candles, young man." Zander chuckled and responded "I would never forget something so important." As he ran out the door he ran into John. The six foot tall farmer looked down on the boy and said "I had to take care of most of your chores, this is your job i shouldn't have to do this."Zander looked down at the ground and said "I'm sorry i will do better, sir." John smiled and ruffled the boy's hair and moved out of his way. Zander nodded to John and ran down the road heading toward the bakery.

He opened up the back door and tried to sneak in. However, Allora, the baker had seen him. She shook her head and said "you are late again!" Zander looked down at the ground and said "i'm sorry, i overslept i will get started on the bread." She smiled at him and walked away. Zander began making his bread, he was in charge of making the sweet bread. It was his specialty and people seemed to love it. When he was finished he ran over to Allora and said "I have to go get candles for Lina before i forget. I will be back." She stopped him and said "pick me up some as well" He nodded and bolted out the door, but not before picking up a few pieces of his sweet bread. He walked into Aisha's place, he saw Aisha and the giant smiled to them both and said "Aisha, I need candles."He walked over to her and the giant and handed them both a piece of sweet bread. the bread was fresh and hot the perfect way to enjoy it.

The setting changes from Willowspeak Village to Theransted


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BiaD

The setting changes from Theransted to Willowspeak Village

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BiaD
In the outskirts of Willowspeak, Lauren was thinking on what to eat. "I still have a little bit of dried deer meat, but I would like something to accompany it, hmmm perhaps some bread..." muttered the little girl as she was walking towards the town, sudenly she spotted a rabbit. "I could trade the rabbit's skin for some bread, and I can keep the meat for dinner" she thought. As silent as a night owl, she drew her bow and placed an arrow, the rabbit was still unaware of the girl's presence, his little nose was sniffing trough the grass. Lauren steadied her breath and stretched the string in her bow. Then she let go and her arrow pierced the rabbit's body in the head. She quickly got closer to it and started skinning him.

Now with a new package of meat and a small piece of fluffy leather she walked more confident in the direction of the town. It looked like a fairly common human settlement with a bunch of people walking around. She tried to sneak trough the people, an easy task due to her small stature, not that she is going to admit that. She was searching for an inn or a market, somewhere in wich she could trade her leather for a piece of bread.

But even though she can spend a week in a dense forest without getting lost, navigation in towns was far more hard for her, so she couldn't find neither a bakery, nor a market, and no signs of drunk people so she could now where an inn was. But Lauren is really stubborn so she continued walking around the town with a concentrated face, she was going to find a piece of bread for her lunch, no mater what.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Zander Carter Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
Thoroark coughed awkwardly at Zanders arrival, offering them a friendly grin and nod as he accepted the bread in time with Aisha,placing it next to him on a crate for the time being. It was rather quiet in the store considering three people were in it,atleast that was until the giant spoke,cutting off anything Aisha had been preparing to say.

"Hey Zander, candles are being made as we speak, Ran out a little bit ago but they'll be ready in about an hour I reckon. I've been hanging around this place long enough to know that at the least mate,thanks for the bread. If you head on back to the Bakery I'll bring the candles with me when I come to regail you with my latest grand adventure into some deep dank hole in the side of a mountain, Allora'll need you today. Harvest's coming in and a lot of hungry farmer's including your old man'll be lining up to buy their own hard-work back from the Bakery." Thoroark said in a kind tone of voice,offering a small smile and waving his hands to shoo the teen along. Despite his long times away on errands and adventures he knew everyone in the small village well, having grown up here and gained quite a reputation since he showed up that day twenty one years ago lugging the massive piece of metal that now lay behind him,freshly cleaned and shining in the candle-light. He'd grown fond of the weapon, but unlike most warriors he didn't obsess over it nor did he see himself as near permanently attached to the thing. The giant awaited the sound of Zander scampering off as he turned back to Aisha with a small smile.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
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0.00 INK

He grinned as he walked down the street, a bag of bread under his arm and his lunch in the other, a fresh cooked chicken leg. Ed had smacked himself in the head when he'd come back with the troll's blood. It was the perfect ingredient for keeping water icy cold without letting it freeze. He'd given him a little money for lunch and bread, and told him he had the day off. He hadn't had a day off in over a year so he had absolutely no idea what to go and do! Maybe he'd go see what Ark was doing today, likely running errands for the candle hag.

He tossed the bone into a nearby wastebin and bumped into a tiny little girl wandering in the middle of the road. "Sorry there miss, didn't see you there!" He grinned and tilted his head. He'd never seen this person around town before, and that meant alot. He'd met pretty much every person in town and was a good friend with most. "Say, you're not from around here are you? You look lost. Are you lost? You're lost." He nodded decidedly and smiled down at her. "That decides it! We're friends now!" He grabbed her hand and shook it, grinning like a kid with a bag of sweets. "My names Allan!"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Zander Carter Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
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Zander made his way out of Aisha's place. He knew how to take a hint, the boy made his way through town. He had some time on his hands while he waited for the candles to be ready. He stopped by the market for a short while and browsed at some of the good people where selling. Nothing really stood out to him, so he left and was about to head to the bakery. That was when he saw her, a young girl, wandering around. He could tell she was lost by the look on her face and the way she tried to navigate herself. It was a little amusing to him, he finally decided to stop staring at her and wanted to make himself known

He walked over toward her and that was when he saw Allan walk into her. He stood slightly back and watched Allan introduce himself. Zander played around with his rings for a second for some reason he was slightly nervous.He debated with himself and wondered if it was a good idea to approach the girl. He had watched this short girl from afar and she had caught his eye in a way that made him feel a slight attraction to her. It wasn't love or even liking her, Zander just felt this girl had qualities that interested him. However, he wasn't going to tell her that. He wanted to know this stranger it was something about her that just made him want to talk with her.

he mustered up the courage and opened his mouth, he addressed Allan first "Hey Allan its good to see you."He then turned to the girl as if he didn't see her and played it casually "Oh, i'm sorry How rude of me. My name is Zander" he then stretched out his hand to shake her's.

The setting changes from Willowspeak Village to Theransted


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Zander Carter Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BiaD

The setting changes from Theransted to Willowspeak Village

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Zander Carter Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BiaD
Lauren was (still) trying to find somewhere to get bread when someone bumped into her. "Stupididiotwhobumpedintome..." but her thoughts were interrupted by the guy's apology "Sorry there miss, didn't see you there!", she raised her head and found out the guy looked about her age, he then tilted his head "Say, you're not from around here are you? You look lost. Are you lost? You're lost.". She lifted an eyebrow and looked at the guy with a confused look, "That decides it! We're friends now!" he anounced with a smile, then grabbed her hand and shook it "My names Allan!", he introduced himself.

Well, Lauren was not really used to interact with other people except when buying or selling stuff so she was still looking at Allan with a confused look when another guy popped up. "Hey Allan its good to see you." he then looked at her "Oh, i'm sorry How rude of me. My name is Zander", and stretched his hand so that she could shake it. Lauren also stared at him for a few seconds before letting go of Allan's hand in order to shook Zander's. "Hello to both of you" she said withdrawing her hand and looking at both boys "My name is Lauren, no, I'm not from around here and I'm not lost" she looked at Allan during the final part "I'm just looking for a place that sells bread.". She looked at both of them again expecting an answer and hoping they bought that and didn't realize she was indeed kind of lost. She chose to ignore the fact that Allan wanted to be friends with her, that was the first time someone asked her that and she was still thinking on what to answer.

The setting changes from Willowspeak Village to Theransted


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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#, as written by glmstr
[It's so hard to remember this xD]

The setting changes from Theransted to Willowspeak Village

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allan La'car Character Portrait: Zander Carter Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
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He looked up when he heard Zander speak and waved. He was a swell guy, when he woke up at a decent hour in the morning, which was rarely. When he heard she was looking for bread he dug a fresh loaf out of his bag and put it in her hands. "There ya go. New friends get free bread!" He pulled out another loaf and started took a bite out of it himself. "Shee? Shood fread." He swallowed and grinned, giving Zander a bit to healthy of a pat on the back, nearly knocking the poor guy over. "Zander here makes the best bread in town, don't you Zander? No need to answer, since everyone already knows it's true. Well, except maybe Lauren here, but she's about to find out." The sheer volume of air need to fuel his conversation was astounding.

"By the way Zander, I've got the day off. What d'you wanna do? Fish? Cards? Steal wax from the Candle Hag?" The last time they tried that, she'd beaten him silly with a broom, and while he'd had bruises for days, he still found the whole thing quite funny. "Or do you have to work today?" He frowned as he said it, because he knew he probably did.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
Aisha scooped up the leather and Hydra skin, and a small craftsman's knife (picture an X-acto knife), and approached Ark, asking him gently,
"Could I see your hands for this?" She smiled at him when he did, and started wrapping the leather around different parts of his hand and wrist, cutting off the excess to make a glove shape. She repeated the process for his other hand, before taking both of them off and reaching for a spool of ironbark thread and a needle.

"The leather is just a base for the hydra skin, as it's much more comfortable to wear, and it gives a little bit extra physical protection for your hands. Either way, I don't recommend taking this out to combat, as they still don't protect as much as actual gauntlets." She explained while she sewed the gloves shut, and then put them on his hands when she was done. To check the fit, she slipped a soft finger into the wrist area of the glove and checked the inside, making sure they don't fall off easily, but aren't uncomfortably tight.
"Seems like it fits well." She smiled at him, before grabbing the hydra skin, and doing a similar process to the leather, but measuring and sewing it directly to the glove. The stretchy hide was much easier to work with than leather, even though being several times tougher.

She grabbed a piece of the sweet bread, and tore off a bite, before putting one of the finished gloves on, and putting the gloved hand into a burning kiln.

She seemed oblivious for about ten seconds, before pulling her hand out and letting a little yelp
"Ack! They aren't immune to fire, but they still are extremely good protection against it, noting how hot the kiln was."
"Here's a present for your hard work!" She laughed and handed him the finished pair of gloves.

The setting changes from Willowspeak Village to Theransted


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from Theransted to Willowspeak Village

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
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0.00 INK

Today was the arrival of Tenen in the Willowspeak village. He arrived much earlier than what the job have been saying; it said that there has a delay of a week, but he arrived in under 5 days. Although, it isn’t because he knows some secrets about the known land, but more because he passed nights without sleeping. During his travelling, he had the unfortunate moments that he couldn’t find any inns awhen the night fell, and so he had made some overnights. The tiredness was slightly marked in his eyes, but how fluid his body movement was indicate that he didn’t mind the lack of sleep. He made a small grin as he arrived in the streets, marking his victory.

Tenen had first to do some minor deliveries; letters from all kind of people made for the inhabitants of the village was packed in his snatchel, but there was a more major package he had to deliver, which not only required his services, but he had backbag just because it took too much space in the snatchel. He kindly refused the hospitatlity of some of the citizens, saying that he had other people to see before stopping to rest. Some were more persistent, since Tenen had few bandages, but he only said that he already treated them. He always kept a smile towards the strangers; making sure that they were well-served, even if some were more rude than the others. After the minor jobs, he took a moment to enjoy the village itself. Like many other places, he didn’t know if he is going to be able to see it again. His occupation obligate him to travel a lot, meaning he doesn’t really have a permanent house. While he is still welcome in the house of his parents in his hometown, he doesn’t come there often. Either way, after stretching a bit, he set his way to his last delivery.

Tenen made his way to Aisha’s door, knocking on it, and waited patiently.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
Thoroark accepted the gloves with a large smile,putting them over his hand's and flexing his fingers to test them out. The leather well-molded to the slabs of meat he called hands thanks to Aisha. The giant heard the knocking and sighed heavily.

"Thank's for the gloves!,Considering you used my hands to meld them in shape. I'm pretty sure they're only suited for my arms, or as a weird new fashion for leather-wearing teenage girls. You know the ones I'm talking about!" He joked,chuckling lightly as he stood to get the door,lightly pushing the chair away from himself with his legs and clapping his hands together a few times to cool down the gloves a little. "Couldn't get ten minutes alone with Aisha could I?, I swear I'm too popular sometimes." He muttered to himself, only half-joking as he wrapped his hand around the door-knob and pulled the door wide open. Taking a step out so that his Gargantuan form filled the door-frame and blocked all else from view. He was quite an imposing and scary man to meet for the first time, especially when his soul-piercing eyes locked themselves onto the courier.

The giant leant down slightly to be as close to level with them as he could be without being spine-bendingly uncomfortable,a broad grin crossing his features. "So,what'd you want hm? Delivery for Aisha or her errand boy?"He asked the courier,a piece of Zander's sweet bread in his hand that he now bit a chunk out of, fighting trolls and crawling through caves was hungry work,especially when you had all...this,to keep energized.

The setting changes from Willowspeak Village to Theransted


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from Theransted to Willowspeak Village

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin Character Portrait: Aisha Incendium Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
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0.00 INK

As the door opened before him, a giant mass got out of it. He was surprised first, thinking that he knocked at the wrong door, since Aisha sounded more like a girl’s name. He looked up at the stranger whom no name was given to Tenen so far, and it was rather imposing. On the outside, he seemed confident, grinning as well to the goliath, but on the inside, he felt his heart thumping. He learned during his life to hide some of his emotions, because it affected the others as well. If you show to bandits that you fear, you most like to be robbed in the next minute. However, if you show them that you don’t mind to defend by yourself, even if they are far superior in numbers, you have a chance to get away. With a body like the one that stood in front of him, it was rather clear that most bandits won’t even dare to approach the being itself. Either way, he listened to what the being said, reassured that he was, in fact, that the good place.

Tenen nodded softly. β€œYes, she placed an order a week ago… well; a few days would be more appropriate, and it arrived earlier than said…” The man delicately placed the backpack on the ground, taking out a key to open it, revealing another box inside. Although, the box that was inside seems to be even more secure, having an odd lock on it, and the material that it was constructed with seems to be made so no one who dares to force it open succeeded. β€œI’ve been told that Miss Aisha had the item to open it, so I don’t really need further care. If you could please take it to her,” He said. While he remained polite, he doesn’t seem to have the wanting to invade into their lives, even if it his last delivery of the day. Tenen just thought that he would go search for an inn, perhaps take a room and take a nap, and look if his guild was hopefully in this village as well. The trinity courier guild was well recognized for its premier across the known land, even though there is known of some problems during the past, but it remained very low. He wondered if it was obvious that he is a tad tired, but he knew that his wounds were seeable due to his bandages.

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Willowspeak by duramon

A tower of ice and rock that seems to pierce the sky itself,harsh blizzards and flesh tearing creatures are common place here.


Theransted by duramon

A large and enchanting world,Filled with Cursed Forests, Deep Dungeons and vast cities.

Willowspeak Village

Willowspeak Village by duramon

A small village nestled at the base of the southern mountains. Old wooden buildings,frosty peaks and vast farms are the norm here.

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Character Portrait: Lauren Shrike
72 sightings Lauren Shrike played by BiaD
The bad tempered little bird
Character Portrait: Kairon Drest
10 sightings Kairon Drest played by Odinson
"Came up with that on your own did you?"

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
Character Portrait: Zander Carter
Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin
Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Character Portrait: Yumistra Elderstros
Character Portrait: Michael Williams
Character Portrait: Navillia Archmere
Character Portrait: Tikitil Schritta
Character Portrait: Tion Wolfclaw


Character Portrait: Tion Wolfclaw
Tion Wolfclaw

A normal person looking for adventures and want's to help the world as much as he can.

Character Portrait: Tikitil Schritta
Tikitil Schritta

"I'm a trainee healer! I fix people who have injuries, not give them to them!"

Character Portrait: Navillia Archmere
Navillia Archmere

Navillia is a quiet, resourceful young woman who currently resides in a forest close to Willowspeak Village.

Character Portrait: Michael Williams
Michael Williams

Blue Moon Caravan, Aquisitions

Character Portrait: Yumistra Elderstros
Yumistra Elderstros

~Forgive me, I only follow orders

Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Jericho Aspenth

~If you knew what I'd been through You'd be in a foul mood too

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin
Thoroark Kelhdrin

A Herculean Man who runs errands and odd jobs for the townsfolk, Aisha especially.

Character Portrait: Zander Carter
Zander Carter

The young farmhand

Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
Tenen Koeran

He appears to be a normal courier like the others, but something is off with this one.


Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Jericho Aspenth

~If you knew what I'd been through You'd be in a foul mood too

Character Portrait: Tikitil Schritta
Tikitil Schritta

"I'm a trainee healer! I fix people who have injuries, not give them to them!"

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin
Thoroark Kelhdrin

A Herculean Man who runs errands and odd jobs for the townsfolk, Aisha especially.

Character Portrait: Zander Carter
Zander Carter

The young farmhand

Character Portrait: Navillia Archmere
Navillia Archmere

Navillia is a quiet, resourceful young woman who currently resides in a forest close to Willowspeak Village.

Character Portrait: Tion Wolfclaw
Tion Wolfclaw

A normal person looking for adventures and want's to help the world as much as he can.

Character Portrait: Yumistra Elderstros
Yumistra Elderstros

~Forgive me, I only follow orders

Character Portrait: Michael Williams
Michael Williams

Blue Moon Caravan, Aquisitions

Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
Tenen Koeran

He appears to be a normal courier like the others, but something is off with this one.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Yumistra Elderstros
Yumistra Elderstros

~Forgive me, I only follow orders

Character Portrait: Tikitil Schritta
Tikitil Schritta

"I'm a trainee healer! I fix people who have injuries, not give them to them!"

Character Portrait: Zander Carter
Zander Carter

The young farmhand

Character Portrait: Michael Williams
Michael Williams

Blue Moon Caravan, Aquisitions

Character Portrait: Tion Wolfclaw
Tion Wolfclaw

A normal person looking for adventures and want's to help the world as much as he can.

Character Portrait: Thoroark Kelhdrin
Thoroark Kelhdrin

A Herculean Man who runs errands and odd jobs for the townsfolk, Aisha especially.

Character Portrait: Tenen Koeran
Tenen Koeran

He appears to be a normal courier like the others, but something is off with this one.

Character Portrait: Navillia Archmere
Navillia Archmere

Navillia is a quiet, resourceful young woman who currently resides in a forest close to Willowspeak Village.

Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Jericho Aspenth

~If you knew what I'd been through You'd be in a foul mood too

View All » Places


Willowspeak by duramon

A tower of ice and rock that seems to pierce the sky itself,harsh blizzards and flesh tearing creatures are common place here.


Theransted by duramon

A large and enchanting world,Filled with Cursed Forests, Deep Dungeons and vast cities.

Willowspeak Village

Willowspeak Village by duramon

A small village nestled at the base of the southern mountains. Old wooden buildings,frosty peaks and vast farms are the norm here.


A tower of ice and rock that seems to pierce the sky itself,harsh blizzards and flesh tearing creatures are common place here.


A large and enchanting world,Filled with Cursed Forests, Deep Dungeons and vast cities.

Willowspeak Village

A small village nestled at the base of the southern mountains. Old wooden buildings,frosty peaks and vast farms are the norm here.

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Re: The Path well-worn

Sorry Guys,still here and working on this etc. Just waiting for GLM's post and trying to catch them while they're online to shoot them a reminder perhaps. They're in-charge of the monsters and baddies for this part of the adventure so just hold tight till I can grab ahold of them.

Re: The Path well-worn

Yeah. I guess we're all waiting on gml and Dura :/

Re: The Path well-worn

I guess just as it came and left and then came it left

Re: The Path well-worn

And there I am, my character being weird alone.

Re: The Path well-worn

>A surprise horde has appeared

>They use ambush

>Its supper effective

Guess ill have Silent catch up with you later, maybe have him meet up with Tion if rift is up to it

Re: The Path well-worn

glmstr wrote:YAAAAAAAAY!

I second the outburst.

Re: The Path well-worn

Alright! Im going to skip a little bit due to the massive wait for you all (Apologies) and by skip a little bit I mean not taking forever to walk up a small part of the mountain :P I am pushing right into the main plot-line and so I need ALL characters not currently on Willowspeak to either exit the village and begin travelling elsewhere (Matters not where only that they are travelling) or to arrive to aid the group within the next few posts. Once that is done I can get EVERYONE together in one place, and push into the simple beginning to our epic story!

Thanks in Advance and I look forward to seeing your posts. I apologize for the some-what low quality of my current one but I was kind of in a rush to get this RP revived!

Re: The Path well-worn

Was waiting on Odinson to rear his head again and post but he seems to have gone and died off somewhere .-., So we shall continue forth! Need to get this going again >~<, Keep having lots of interrupting and stalling nonesense. I'll try and chuck up a post today!

Re: The Path well-worn

Y'all okay? Awfully quiet and the activity tab seems to be gaining a deathly pallor.

Re: The Path well-worn

I just wanted you guys to know that I'm finally back!

Re: The Path well-worn

I want to warn everyone that I'll be leaving for vacation and I will be unable to post for the next 9 days, I'm sorry but I'm not the one who chooses the dates of my families vacations :/

Re: The Path well-worn

Heads up, I'm back and posting! Need to now this RP on up to all the exciting stuff, I apologise for all the interruptions of late. I shall be pushing towards the plot now and so prepare! x3

Re: The Path well-worn

Sorry for the holdup, I was unaware that I was the party pooper but at the moment im occupied with some birthdays and the international 3 so I might not put a post until next week, but be aware ill be working on it

Re: The Path well-worn

I don't really know. I'm waiting on glm, who is probably waiting on Romaneck for posting :/

Re: The Path well-worn

Uh... Oh. So what happens now...?

Re: The Path well-worn

Right-o,So people. I am suffering a week long ban from my computer,due to not handing in an assignment about whether or not,pathetically enough. Margarine was too processed to be eaten by ants or moss in the middle of a blistering cold winter. Point is,The experiment does not work,is easily answered and worth 0% of my grade but apparently 100% of my ability to Relax after a day of Teenage Whiney BS :3

So I'll either be unable to post,or attempting to not flunk any class with a computer while I pump out posts,and PM's left,right,and center. I apologize for this,but it's what happens when your fifteen and live with your parents.

Re: The Path well-worn

glmstr wrote:By the way guys... I am still here, just not on a computer, so I can't be reached via IM, but I will still mail and post.

Well, I hope that you can reach my message, because I really want to talk to you, since I'm getting a lil' bored.
duramon wrote:Ugh,apologies for taking so long to post. I've been sick for nearing on a week now and haven't had time to write out a decent sized post,only smaller ones for other RP's. I'll be able to post properly and more often for you guys now that I'm all drugged up. So!,Forward to adventure!

Awe~ I hope you'll get better ^~^