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The Wolf Pack - Exodus

The Wolf Pack - Exodus


In Centuries of mankind's war machine, the augmented and abused creatures called Wolves. Escape is the only option for a small group of these enhance living weapons. Can they find peace for themselves, or will war forever engulf their hearts and minds?

2,428 readers have visited The Wolf Pack - Exodus since Xersist created it.



We see the world,100 years later. A world in which the arms race was the only thing that mattered. Finding the fastest way to kill your fellow man slowly started to get more sophisticated, a mere gun was only enough. Bio-Weapons. A war in which the fabric of their very DNA was the tool. The Cogs and gears that now made up who we are could be turned to bullets and shields. With Cloning, Splicing and Further enhancements in modern medicine, mankind now had a power that seemed almost unreal. Though the decline would come at hand. Man-kinds bodies, (in later generations) could not take the alterations its past users could manage before, as well as fears of mental and physical breakdown in later years. They had to find new sources of destruction. So it came to be that the Wolves, man oldest friend, would now be used as their playthings.
Other species were tried and tested, but the result of the average North American Grey Wolf proved just what the organizations of this new world were looking for. Used as slaves, the wolves fought man's wars. Brush Conflicts and Proxy Wars erupted. The backs of the Dogs would feel their masters cruel whips. Fighting in the global arena that was Earth.

Times are changing, a cold and bitter peace has come across the nations, however the wolves are still imprisoned. Rebellion is the only option...

Now, in an open hostile land in the northwest mountains, the Wolves have escaped their captors. However, escaping was the easy part. Now freedom is the name of the game and everyone is playing for keeps. Will the wolves unite to face this daunting and well equipped foe, or will they slip back into the shackles they fought so long to break.

The Wolves, a lost and abused group of Hybrids, now head out to the open forest of the Tibberon Mountains. Freed, but not safe, the Wolves must journey to find stability. However, they are not to be mistaken for simple mortals, for within their bodies lie destructive and unique abilities, forced into their DNA. Woven into the fabric of flesh, tissue, and organs, by their dark and sinister oppressors, only known as the Gambit Project. Still hunted by the Gambit, the Wolves now hide, blended into the human network. However, Gambit will not rest until they find their former test subjects. Days and months of research will not be left to its own devices. It must be controlled, seized, and organized in Gambit's own vision.

Today, one of the Wolves, Blade, a hardened rebel, with his brother, Dagger, or as he choices to call himself, "Scout," head down the peaks running from the source of their pain and suffering. With anger and fury in Blade's eyes he wishes to take revenge on those who augmented his form and mind, to be used as a weapon. Blade seeks Gambit's destruction, no matter what end it might create.

-This is basic synopsis and character set up for The Pack.

The idea is simple the hybrid race of Wolves, now hides and fights for its life against a government backed, private military organization called Gambit. The project they were working on deals with DNA splicing and augmentation, turning these Wolves into tools of war. Each one with a unique prototype ability that has untested limits. The Wolves have now broken free from their cells, and now hide in a place called the Tibberon Mountains, a place still highly dangerous with Gambit soldiers, weapons and test subjects of different breeds. The Wolves, (Your Characters,) must find a way to defeat the Gambit, hide, or submit to their will. The openness is left to you. I will not force the story for your character to act anyway. Other than to affect his/her survival, the choices are yours.

Sheet Set up

Name: (A First name is all you need. It can be very simple, no need to make it long. Your just a wolf hiding in human skin)
Age Group: (Your birthrate is somewhat unknown so give a rough estimate to your age.)
Wolf Form Coloration (Two colors is best, Back and underbelly, but you can explain in greater detail, or insert a picture.)
Human Form Skin Tone/Racial Description
Human Form Clothing and Dress (What is this persons normal clothing and hair style? Picture can be provided)
Personality (Give only five words to describe how this person acts normally.)
Weaponry and Gear (If any)
Power- (Give one Power, can not be all being, indestructible, or uber-accessible, Example, All forms of Energy)
Power Weakness (What limits, holds or lessens this power.)
Small Back story or Goal (What was your character, or what does he/she want out of this life? need only be 4-6 sentences long)

Copy and Paste

Age Group:
Wolf Form Coloration
Human Form Skin Tone/Racial Description
Human Form Clothing and Dress
Weaponry and Gear
Power Weakness
Small Back story or Goal (What was your character, or what does he/she want out of this life? need only be 4-6 sentences long)

Understanding the Wolf Race, or Lycans
-They are not Werewolves. However the Term Lycan is the best fit to call them.
-They are not Full Humans
-They change freely to suit their needs
-It is either full wolf or full human form (For now)
-They were once Wolves but through augmentation they now have a human appearance as well as a wolf one\
-The Change is not long or very painful however as a Wolf gets older it gets harder and harder
-Their power is based within themselves, however can extend through objects in which they have usual contact with. (As for now they can not be given or absorbed by anyone else.)
-Every Power has a limit as well as a down turn

Toggle Rules


+ Please post atleast once every to everyother day.
+ Must be at-least a good Paragraph long. No fewer than 5 sentences.
+Correct Grammer (Does not need to be perfect, but no text talk)
+Keep an Open Mind
+Romance is encouraged, however keep PG-13 in IC (Warning, don't be all lovey dovey in a battle.)
- Do not say rude things on the OOC
-No Godmodding (Power-play will only be used when Rper has been gone for over a Week, only done by me, to help move the story on, sorry if your gone or sick)
- Do not ignore another persons post, if it is directed at your ,or your character.
-No Mary Sues, or Gray Drews

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 16 authors


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Snow watched as the Gambit soldiers decended on the tree line she could not hear the others of her kind which made her wonder where they were. She did not want them caught or killed but she had her objective first then if she was not too injured she may help them escape. As a prolonged fight with gambit was not one they or she could win. Her quarry was watching the soldiers with a smile on his face but he did not look concerned with the soldiers, it looked as if he was waiting for the coming fight. He was looking around scanning the surrounding area searching for the other wolves but every time his red eyes passed over her direction snow felt anger and fear in equal proportions. She thought several times he had spotted her but how could that be she had cooled her body by forming a thin layer of ice on her skin and had kept low in the cover of trees. His red eyes chilled her more then the layer of ice but she would not shirk her duty, i will avenge you crystal i swore it the day i lost you the day i failed you and i shall not now snow thought.


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Yora wanted to howl out as the healing began. It was strange to feel her skin and tissue regrowing and connecting, making her leg whole once again. As soon as it was finished, Yora withdrew from Scout, her tongue lapping over her new fur that had grown out of her skin. She now had a black ring around her hind ankle where the healing took place. It was strange to see a different fur color.

Yora growled slightly at the two as they began talking. She didn't like being with strangers especially since she didn't even know much about herself. Could she trust them? It seemed her answer was given when the male with the sword put his trust in her. She stared at him with green orbs and gave a small nod before turning around and shifting the dirt to make a path underground. She did this until she hit rock which she moved to make a small cave opening on a cliff.


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#, as written by Xersist
Blade looked at the light with a surprise and small bit of happiness. As the opening came through hole, he by passed Yora and Scout. He had failed to realize that it was a cliff side on the other end. The Lycan slipped and started to fall forward. He dropped several feet slamming on the ground.

Blade had landed in the worst spot possible. The Wolf had fallen into the Quarry in which the squad was now searching around trying to find the killer who had taken out two of their men. Rocks crumbled with Blade as he fell to the hard rock ground. Dirt and thick cloud of dust surrounded him, though still creating a great commotion

The Grunt's turned to the sound of rocks falling. The majority of the squad stopped in their hunt. Turning to the dust cloud that dissipated and slightly covered the quarry.
"Fuck!" A loud shout came from the cloud. Slowly razing from the dirt. A taller figure stood, pulling his sword upon his shoulder.

"Who's there!" A man ordered near by raising his rifle aiming in." Put your hands up or I will shoot!" The dust faded away and Blade stood looking at the man. His glare fixated on barrel of the gun that was pointed at him.
"Look buddy, you better put that pee-shooter down before I have to put it down for you." He moaned cracking his neck, feeling really soar after falling 20 feet or so to hard rock. "Cause I'm not in the mood."
"What did you say!"
Blade quickly ran up and kneed him in the neck, slamming him to the ground. A quick fist slamming against his face-guard breaking. While knocking the man out.
Three other soldiers rushed in coming from behind. "Shoot the fucker dead!" Blade turned his head as they opened fire. His skin reacting and turning to solid steel before the rounds could pierce his body. Blade turned growling.
"You assholes are pissing me off!" Blade pulled for his sword, pulling the katana out of its scabbard, leaping into the fray of gun fire.

Scout watched below and moaned, slapping his forehead. "Jesus Blade..." He sighed and watched. "Well" He turned to Yora. "I'm gonna have to help him out before he kill's himself. Will you be alright, I hope you healed alright." He waited to confirm her health before having to save his ass of a brother.

The other Grunts started to rush over to the sound of gun fire away from the treeline.


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Snow heard the Gunfire and so did the the gambit grunts who all rushed off towards the fight including the two that were with her quarry now was her time. snow started to prowl forward flexing her muscles ready for the fight to come. She wouldn't underestimate him she watched her footing keeping it as quiet as possible and never taking her eyes off her prey. Snow krept into the small clearing and was about to pounce when he said "aren't you going to say hello snow"

Shit she thought she new pouncing now would be a bad idea he knew she was there and she hadn't made a noise she would kill him but no harm to start off being nice so she pulled her back into her human form standing up and clothed herself in ice one to cover herself and two to give herself a little protection when the fight started "I would say hello if i knew your name not that it matters as i'm going to kill you soon" she said to the agent who had turned to face her with a big smile on his face "So you think but you will not i feel that you will never see your sister again"
What this news froze Snow in place "but she was dead i saw she was covered in ice no your lying you killed her YOU MURDERER!" she screamed lashing out with an ice clawed hand the Agent jumped backwards dodging the strike with ease "I thought i had too but your ice that covered her was so imbued with your energy that it seemed to heal her if only a little. Gambit got her back and managed to treat the rest of her injuries but she somehow escaped much later. None the less we have found her again we know where she has been hiding we will get her again now snow would you be a good little dog and come home"

Snow felt her anger building inside she was so stupid why did she leave her sister she should of took her body with her made sure she was dead anything was better then leaving her to Gambit but at least Crystal was free but for how long she needed to survive to get Crystal safe Gambit knew her location Snow had to survive to keep her sister safe. Then she heard the Agents request Snow smiled at him and said "I'm NO DOG" she through all her power into her fist creating a sword and thrust it at the Agent....


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Crystal jumped as she heard the thud, then froze. She closed her eyes, listening, and sighed quietly to herself with relief; something had distracted them from their little group. But what if it was one of the wolves that had distracted them? She poked her head out carefully to see. She caught the sscent, barely, of another wolf, as she saw the soldiers headed away, most likely towards the sounds. She bit her lip, then shook her head, glancing back at Shush and Viktor. "There's another wolf...we need to help..." She said, quietly. Perhaps staying in a city like that was a bad idea; she was unused to all of this running around, hiding and sneaking and hoping Gambit wouldn't find them. She had all but forgotten about Gambit in the city. "You two coming?" she asked.

She shook her head, making her way over towards where the soldiers had gone to as quietly, and as quickly, as possible. She didn't want to attract attention, after all; not when there might be something she could do to help. She could only hope she could get close enough to do anything to help. She carefully removed one of her gloves, making sure not to accidentally touch her own arm as she did. That would be a disaster, she knew, and it certainly wouldn't help the other wolf who, whether on accident or on purpose, had helped them out. She would have to sneak behind them, though, to manage anything and, even then, how could she manage to really help if she could only temporarily hamper one of them...but even that was only if she could manage to find a bit of bare skin to touch and freeze.


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"Meh, might as well." He shrugged after whispering his response. He didn't care what he did nowadays, as long as he got what he needed by the end of the day: this sugar water the humans make, some food and a place to stakeout. He didn't want to help out all of these people, cause sooner or later they would be overwhelmed, either by the number of wolven they were taking in or by the number of Gambit attacking them. But his opinion was not needed at this time, and he jumped down out of the tree, landing with a crunch in the snow. He noticed that Crystal had just taken off her gloves, and he cocked his head.

"Why are you being so careful while taking off a pair of gloves? It's not like your hands can bite you."

While he said that he put his iron claws back onto his human hands. He always loved having a pair of claws on both sets of skin, made him feel like a wolven all the time.


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Crystal glanced back at him, then shook her head. "Because I have no control over my power," she whispered back, "and while they can't bite me, they can and will give myself a case of frostbite." She kept the gloves in one hand; she couldn't lose them, not when she'd need to put them back on later, after they had finished dealing with Gambit. She paused as she saw the Gambit soldiers, and shut herself up, glancing back at Shush. "Silenced?" she asked, mouthing the word rather than whispering it. She couldn't afford to give herself away. Before she might have been able to say she was just camper, but she was probably too deep in Gambit territory for that to work anymore. She stopped to look over the soldiers, hoping to find a place where she might actually be able to use her powers.


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Shush looked to Crystal as she instructed her to climb the tree but immediately shook her head. "No, Freckles can't climb a tree and I don't want to leave him down here on his own." She hugged the dog's head to her and looked to her caretaker pleadingly, wanting her to come up with an idea that didn't leave Freckles in the open while they hid. A sharp gunshot in the distance seemed to give Shush just that as the soldiers hurried away but Crystal stated they needed to follow in order to help another wolf. Shush was always ready to help someone else but being just a child, following the armed soldiers caused her gut to twist in fear. Giving Freckles a quick hug, she told him to stay before following after Crystal and Viktor. The other man, Callum, and her dog would be just fine if they stayed in the bushes hidden.

They came within eyesight of the soldiers and Shush wrung her hands together nervously as they crept closer. She wanted desperately to grab onto Crystal but knew that if something were to happen it might impede the woman in reacting quickly. Her wide eyes darted up to Crystal as she mouthed the world silence and Shush nodded quickly. Their approach hadn't been heard and without the extra two members they had left behind it was much easier than before. She hung back while Crystal and Viktor waited for an opportunity to attack. At times like this she wished for a more offensive power.


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As Snow thrust her ice sword at the agent he dodged smoothly too the right as if he could see it coming Snow followed with a slash right towards the Agents new position using the momentum to turn and face the agent but the agent jumped back just to the edge of the clearing. "My my aren't we a little feisty dog" the Agent said smiling "you haven't even asked my name or even ascertained how i can so easily avoid your attacks or sense when your even close. Now the first is just rude and the second is just stupidity."

"Why do i care for a dead mans name?" Snow growled at the Agent
"Well my name is Reaper and i am no man"
"WHAT WHY WHY!? why are you helping gambit? they enslave us use us as tools and kill us when they have no need of us."
"why i hold allegiance to no one i only seek to make myself stronger. You see every one of us i kill i take their talent that is my talent and who has the location of our kind and the means to locate them Gambit so why not work for them."
"But they will kill you when you become too much of a problem or too dangerous." Snow hoped to plead this fellow wolf to stand down he must have enough power to kill her she did not want to do it but she may have to run if she could. Who knows what powers he had but he could sense her and he could predict her movements he'd been toying with her and it made her think what does he want with me?
"Gambit cannot do it easily and they like my ability to silence problems when they arise and what do i want with you thats simple i like your power but also i like you i would see you by my side or dead."

This froze and sickened Snow he liked her she would not work against her kind against her sister she would prefer death. Snow came to a quick realisation he could read her mind but as long as she went with instinct hopefully she could land an attack perhaps enough to kill him or at least a chance for her to flee. "Too bad i prefer sane people" Snow spat out at Reaper.
"Thats too bad and i know what your thinking and i wouldn't if i were you"
With that he dissapeared and Snow was left wondering where he had gone when in a split second Snow was sent sprawling with a kick to the back. She fell to the ground and rolled into a crouch facing her attacker it was Reaper. Great she thought he can teleport what else could he do his name was ominous she had to do something and fast so she tapped into her power and built up the energy for a counter attack hopefully it would land. Reaper dissapeared from sight again snow stretch her senses to the very edge waiting to hear anything and this time Reaper came from above and in this split second Snow unleashed her power to encase Reaper in ice flowing her power in one big heave she quickly rolled out of the way sprawled out as the ice boulder that encased Reaper slammed into the Ground where she was crouched making a big thundering sound to rival even the gunshots in the distance Snow was suprised the ice boulder did not shatter. Snow tried to Stand up but she was too weak she had pushed herself too far and darkness claimed her her last thoughts were of her sister "Crystal be safe" Snow sighed

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Character Portrait: Vanille
0 sightings Vanille played by Forensic_Anthro
"Touch me and you won't have a hand for much longer."

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Blade Ironside
Character Portrait: Yora
Character Portrait: Scout Ironside
Character Portrait: Bluet
Character Portrait: Shiki
Character Portrait: Crystal
Character Portrait: Shush
Character Portrait: Viktor
Character Portrait: Kyra
Character Portrait: Flare
Character Portrait: Charm
Character Portrait: Snow


Character Portrait: Charm

What is it like to be...?

Character Portrait: Kyra

"Just call me Ky."

Character Portrait: Viktor

Getting into your skin is easy. Getting out isn't as fun.

Character Portrait: Crystal

Freedom would be only I could enjoy it...

Character Portrait: Bluet

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Character Portrait: Scout Ironside
Scout Ironside

Caring, Healer Lycan


Character Portrait: Viktor

Getting into your skin is easy. Getting out isn't as fun.

Character Portrait: Crystal

Freedom would be only I could enjoy it...

Character Portrait: Kyra

"Just call me Ky."

Character Portrait: Scout Ironside
Scout Ironside

Caring, Healer Lycan

Character Portrait: Bluet

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Character Portrait: Charm

What is it like to be...?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Scout Ironside
Scout Ironside

Caring, Healer Lycan

Character Portrait: Bluet

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Character Portrait: Viktor

Getting into your skin is easy. Getting out isn't as fun.

Character Portrait: Blade Ironside
Blade Ironside

Lone Lycan-Warrior

Character Portrait: Charm

What is it like to be...?

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