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Angelin Miritin

I will fight for my kingdom

0 · 220 views · located in Atura

a character in “The World of Atura and The Tournament of Fate”, as played by ā˜†*:.ļ½”Differenceļ½”.:*ā˜†


Name: Angelin Miritin
Age: 21
Kingdom: Kingdom of Tavaro
Gender: Female
Essence: Intelligence
* Telekinetics, can move objects with her thoughts, she tried it once when she was younger and it almost cost her her life
*Telepathy, can communicate with other through minds, she doesnt always use it, thinks its a hassle.
* Strategic, She is very strategic when it comes to different things, she plans ahead so there wont be any surprises.
* she is very good with small swords and bow and arrow
*Wise, She's wise in her choices and thinks before she makes them.
* she is good at fighting without a weapon, she knows how to kick down a person twice her size
Ability Name:
Description: she ha long brown hair that she usually keeps up in a ponytail or in a braid, she has bright blue eyes that she is very proud of since she's the only one in her family that has them. shes about 5"5 and weights about 106 lbs. she has light brown skin colour after years of being outdoors. She mostly wears black clothes thats close to her body so that she doesn't have to trip on them.(refer to picture from more :P)
Personality: She's a happy but serious person, she loves running around and playing with her younger brothers. She's very intelligent and loves to compete. she loves swimming and being in the water.
*dagger she has fastened around her thigh,
*another dagger she has fastened in her belt,this is the weapon the most commonly uses, she got it from her father after she showed skills in fighting with daggers. its small with swirls covering the handle, its the most precious object she owns
*bow and arrow,
*a sharp hairpin.
Angelin grew up in one of the major cities of Tavaro with her parents and three younger siblings, two brothers and one sister that she cares deeply for. When her parents found out she was different from the other children they immedietly went to the local doctor in the area and asked what was wrong, since they were both young at the time and both were the youngest in their families they were worried something was seriously wrong. when they got the answer that she had the essence of intelligence they celebrated and spoiled her but that quickly stopped as her younger twin brothers were born. since the family wasn't very rich or literate Angelin had to find other ways to develop her knowledge of things. When she became 16 she was accepted into the royal court, working in the royal library and soon advanced to become one of the kings strategics.

So begins...

Angelin Miritin's Story


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Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin
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Angelin walked down the busy roads, looking at all the frightened faces mixed in the crowd, people were packing everything they owned and were slowly escaping the city, she understood them, if she hadn't been chosen for this mission she would have done the same, flee the major cities and going into hiding to try and save herself, but she couldn't. She had been chosen to fight of this man and try to save their world or die trying.

She sighed, walking slowly to take everything in, going over useful things in her head while watching children playing around their worried parents, everyone looked like they hadn't slept for days and who could blame them? not even Angelin had been able to sleep much, only brief moments before her nightmares kicked in and she woke up again. she takes a hold on the handle of the dagger she has in her belt, security flooding her and she keep walking down the busy road listening to people shouting out names or prices for their last groceries in their stands.

She soon reaches the docks and she breathes in the sea air, the salt in the wind making her head spin less and her hands stop shaking, she kills time by counting ships and people to take away the bad nagging feeling in her stomach. she starts pacing towards the ship she reckon is the one they will be using, stopping when she sees she's not the only one there, a man wearing a large hooded cloak is standing infront of her and she recognize him from the stories, he must be Galen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin
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The killer of men made his way through the crowded streets of Posilida. The busy port market was a swarming mass of people which was no surprise. Even in these dark days people scurried about like vermin over a market square yet this day was starkly different. The vendors did not shout out there wares with pride nor did the potential buyers look through the goods with joyous anticipation of the buy. The air was solemn, like all were in an attendance of a procession of the dead. Perhaps the procession was in honor of Arden and his soon to be comrades off to fight the Dragonspawn and save the world. An ill omen. As far as Arden was concerned he and his comrades were the only chance this world had. Arden knew what he was capable of and was chosen for a reason. From what he had learned the other five were equally as talented. The assassin was not in his comfort zone in terms of the manner in which his skills were being put to the test but it mattered not. His true power was not in his connection to the essence of fire nor his skill with a blade or bow but in the unknown. Fighting Arden was always a mystery. To fight a knight you can fairly easily guess at what they were going to do. Draw their sword and come charging in all glory and honor bound. Fight an archer and you would be safe in assuming that they would keep their distance and rain arrows on you. Fighting Arden terrified his adversaries because you did not know what he was going to do. though the assassin did not prefer to engage in a head on fight to the death you were as likely to be burned to ash as finding a blade in your gut and that was only when you knew he was there which was rare. He preferred to quite kills when his target never even knew of his presence. Arden put his brooding aside as he made his way through the crowd to the docks. Almost reflexively he kept to the shadows the surrounding buildings provided. He reached the moorings to find two people apparently waiting or searching for their vessel. Arden recognized them immediately. Before coming he had taken the time to investigate each champion and learn what he could about them. Another habit picked up from his profession. Arden was not a fan of surprises and always researched his marks before hunting them down. Though he was not being paid to kill these champions he still saw the importance of knowing who he was dealing with before he met them. From the appearance of the young woman he could only assume it was Angelin Miritin. Hailing from Tavaro Andelin was said to be a capable archer as well as skilled to some degree with a dagger yet her true talent was her mind. Beyond just merely being highly intelligent Andelin was said to be able to peer into your mind and lay your thoughts before her like she was unraveling some great scroll. Beyond that she reportedly could move objects with but a thought. Arden was interested in seeing just to what degree she could accomplish this. Beside her stood the infamous and enigmatic knight of Rumed. Galen from what Arden could learn had been living as little more than a hermit for the past 10 years seeking the solace of the wilderness. Only now with the request of his king had this old world knight stepped once again into the light to draw his blade for his king and country. Time would tell if this old man was worth drawing out of retirement. Arden made his way up to the pair, again out of reflex coming up from behind them. He could have reached out and touched the womans hair before they even knew he was there. He opted to merely speak up instead.

"Sir Knight... Ms. Miritin. It appears we are a few cards short of a full deck."

The setting changes from Posilida, Rumed to Atura


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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Under the shadow of Arden's hood his eyebrow arched at the arrival of the Captain of the Eversun. Elena's approach and consequent introduction was casual enough. No flair, no flash just calmness like still water on a lake. Arden read the girl like a book and knew not to underestimate the pretty young woman for in his experience it was the quiet ones that held the poisoned dagger. Azyra on the other hand literally came crashing into the group, bowling Angelin over yet promptly helping her to her feet while falling over herself with apologies mixed with introductions. Arden hoped she was better navigating a ship than she was than she was at navigating a busy market street. From what he had learned of the eccentric captain he knew for a fact she was an excellent navigator as well as a deadly combatant. She wouldn't have been selected for this group if she wasn't. To say she was fast would have been an understatement to say the least. Arden had read a few reports of her exploits and was curious to see the limits of her speed when put to the test when on this island they all would surely be. Arden crossed his arms over his chest as his eyes flicked from one of his new companions to another. The Rumedian Knight, The Pirate- Champion, The genius of Tavaro, The enchanting young noble of Saverilla, and them Arden himself. Five out of six, they were still one short.

"Your speed is why you're hear, don't apologize Captain."

Arden said giving her a firm nod before taking a step away from the group to look upon her vessel. The infamous vessel of the equally infamous pirate who had been marauding across the Almekian coast for the past ten years and had been such a thorn in their side that the entire Almekian navy had been ordered to bring her in with no success. The ability to evade pursuers was a talent Arden respected and he was certainly impressed by her reputation and by the look of the Eversun Arden wagered the vessel had a large part to play in her success. A marvel of nautical design it was well built without being flashy or overly developed. A classic appearance and construction giving the entire vessel a solid, well rounded mix of power and speed.

"A fine ship..."

Arden said more to himself than anyone else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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From the east a ship docked as bright-eyed young man stepped down the plank with a curteous smile. His golden armor shone brilliantly in the radiant sunlight, as if he were a beacon of light himself.

"Well time to see what fate has in store for me." As Cedric spoke to himself and walked down the cobblestone streets.

Once again all Cedric saw was poverty, much like in Eragothra, homeless folk rumage about in the alleways and in common houses, all with the same look of sorrow that is accoustemed to those who are poor. Yet, the sorrow could be felt of everyone, rich or poor, as the Dragonspawn threatens all. Cedric remembers the Pavaren countryside during the invasion ten years ago. Homes were burned to cinders and entire fields ruined from fire and earthly scarring. Then he remembers his fellow soldiers as many were either killed or badly injured, even maimed. Cedric shutters at the very thought of war, he never wished to fight, but he did not because of the whims of a King, but because he didn't wish to see anymore suffering from his people. Which is another reason he volunteered to enter the Tournament, not because he wishes to fight, but because he wishes to see an end of the reign of terror perpretrated by the Dragonspawn.

I wonder, how many losses were made on Rumed's part? How many people died for their country? For their families and friends? Cedric thought to himself, as he felt great remorse for the people of Rumed.

He Knows he shouldn't feel too sorry for Rumed, after all, they do cause a lot of wars. Yet, people are still people, even if they are under the Affliction of War. Oh how he detests that certain affliction, he knows he shouldn't hate, being another affliction, but war was never his favorite subject. Cedric has already seen enough of what war can do, heh, what a sorry excuse for a knight or would-be knight, that doesn't even like battle. Cedric continued to walk the crowded streets as he makes it to the other sidem where the other champions are supposedly gathered. Immediately he spotted them out of the crowd.

Heh, what a motley-looking crew, Cedric laughed to himself. Well, I guess with me in there we'll looking even more strange.

Cedric replaced his frown back with his warm smile as he walks up to the group.

"Why greetings fair people." "My name is Cedric of Gilfried, or at least that is what people call me." He spoke as his golden armor continues to shine like the Sun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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Out of nowhere, something heavy collided with Elena. The young woman barely had time to register what had happened before her back slammed against the wooden dock, the air rushing from her lungs with a sudden whoosh. Blinking in utter surprise, she looked up, faced with the tanned face of another young woman who looked equally as shocked as she did. A crop of brown hair framed her features, but most defining were her ocean blue eyes. Undoubtedly from the suddenness of her arrival and her inability to halt this was Azyra the Essence of Speed. Before her journey had begun she had taken it upon herself to learn about those she would be travelling with in the near future. A vague explanation of their appearance and their abilities was outlined in her mind, though she would leave it down to time to tell her the rest. Thankfully Elena had not acted upon her first instinct and snatched the dagger from her boot, for that sort of introduction may have not have been favored among her new companions. Automatically, she locked onto the woman's aura, a bright pink that surrounded her. Embarrassment. A smile tugged at Elena's lips as she accepted the offered hand and pulled herself upwards.

However, the contact left her reeling. A sliver of thoughts rushed into Elena's head, most of it babble, but she pulled her hand away almost instantly. A wince left her as she turned her head away, chewing her bottom lip rather hard and pretending to brush the dirt from her dress. It was hard enough knowing what everyone was feeling without sensing the reasons behind it. It always felt like she was invading their privacy. Which of course she was. Azyra's thoughts were not like any others she had encountered before. Speed even existed there and her thoughts were much faster than average. Shadow snorted, pushing his nose against the middle of her back, eyeing the strangers with distaste. It was enough comfort for her to look up, a faint ghost of a smile on her face. Before she could even open her mouth however, the other woman began to babble her apologies and introductions and finally when she composed herself, who she was and why she was there. Allowing her to finish, Elena arched an eyebrow questioningly.

"Thank you for the compliment Captain," Elena bowed her head as a sign of respect, before meeting the woman in the eye. "And there is no need to be embarrassed. It takes a lot more to offend me." Casting a glance over the magnificent ship, she frowned slightly as the assassin Arden wandered off to take a look. Never before had she traveled in such manner. Horseback was her preferred method of transport and it was her hope that there would be space for Shadow in the cargo hold. If not, then she would bestow him upon someone who would take care of him, though she had hoped it would not come to that. The horse had been a present from the King himself. Shadow had been his own horse, traveled across seas and vast lands before he'd been injured. Elena had prevented the stable Master from putting an end to his life and taken it upon herself to nurse him back to health. In return, the King had given Shadow to her. It would break her heart to part with him now.

Snapping her attention back to the situation at hand, Elena nodded her head to Galen of Rumed's introduction. There was something reserved about his aura and it had taken much for him to speak up at that moment. Her eyes fell upon Arden again. He also seemed somewhat reserved in comparison to the two woman who stood upon the docks. Time would tell if they would all work together.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Her voice was soft, barely audible as she looked around at each and every one of them. "I look forwards to fighting alongside you-" Her words caught in her throat as another voice resounded. Another introduction. Turning, she caught sight of one clad in golden armor. Cedric certainly presented himself spectacularly and his aura glowed a healthy orange, which showed confidence. But she would reserve her judgement on the Essence of Strength for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Fraisier Artemis Florentine Hughes Character Portrait: Azyra Moore
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Strolling down the street was a horse-drawn carriage, the carriage itself was blue and white signiying the colors of the House of Hughes. The carriage unfortunately has been stuck in a sort of traffic as the driver carefully manuverers amongst the scurring crowds of people. Fraisier looked onwards from the shade of the inside carriage as he looks as the shining sun.

"A most brilliant day your lordship." Spoke Fraisier's escort Maurice.

"Please don't call me in such high regards, I'm no lord." Fraisier mumbled.

"Ah but as always your so modest, an odd characteristic for someone like you." Maurcie responded then he saw the sad face of Fraisier sort of look down in shame. "Oh, I'm so sorry...I must have spoke out of terms...I did not mean to disgrace you your lordship." Maurice spoke flusteredly.

"It is quite alright, you have done no such thing." Fraisier said reassuringly.

Fraisier has been stuck in the traffic of the city for quite awhile, he arrived early yesterday and was staying at the Governor's Mansion, not far off from Posilidia as an esteemed guest. News travels quickly amongst those in High Society, if they wish to hear about such rumors. The talk of the town however, is all about the champions arriving to face the Dragonspawn and save the world at least that is their hope. Fraisier however does not share in the hope, he has seen many spirits of the dead, and they whisper the horrible things the Dragonspawn is capable of. Now the Dead certainly are not the most cheery of sorts, but there solem words of caution makes Fraisier uneasy and even fearful as he doubts that anyone can stop the Dragonspawn.

"My Lord it seems we are about to meet your fellow champions!" Maurice said as he looks down the street.

The other six are a few more blocks down, but many people are moving out of the way making the procession move faster.

"Yes, I suppose we are...", Fraisier saids apprehensively, he was never good about meeting new people, he was far to nervous.

As the Carriage makes its stop next to the other six Maurice steps out on the opposite side of the Carriage and makes his way around. He then opens the left door that Fraisier has been sitting against. As Maurice opens the door, Fraisier steps out timidly but gracefully as his long strawberry-blonde hair stands out in stark contrast to his pale skin and blue clothing. He makes contact with the ground with his leather boots as the gold lining around the flaps sparkle in the sun, then it is covered by his long blue cape, along with the rest of his body. Fraisier looks at the others with the his gloomy, dark blue eyes.

What an assortment. Fraisier thought to himself as he saw the other champions.

Maurice took a bow before Fraisier and then he pivoted and took another bow before the other champions. "Well my lord, I guess this is where we part ways." "I have only been ordered by the Queen to escort you to Posilidia, I must humbly regret that I could not make the rest of the journey with you."

"It is quite alright Maurice, I wish for you and your family only the very best." Fraisier said caringly as Maurice makes a final bow and leaves with the carriage.

Fraisier then turns and looks at the others. Nervousness took its full-swing at Fraisier's spirit as he looks at the others and feels intimidated by the others. From what he was told of them, each of them had abilities, greater than any human beings. He wonders if there like him, and they could see the spirits of the dead, or at least do things that are unusual. He truly hoped that for the one thing that separated Fraisier from the rest of society was his unique abilities. He never shared with anyone not even his own family about his power of the Essence of Spirit, the only person who knows would be Queen Miranda, one of the few people he trusts. How he missed his life back in Perialis, sure to many it may have been lonesome, but at least Fraisier was content. Now thrust upon this grand voyage with six strangers, Fraisier was definitely thrown out of his comfort zone. Fraisier not wanting to give a bad first impression, gave a bow while never making eye contact with any of the others, he had difficulty looking people in the eye. He means no disrespect whatsoever, but looking at others people's eyes tell him the story of their souls, he finds it overwhelming and afterwards he always feels so ashamed about not giving people the proper respect. Again he feels ashamed as he slowly rises keeping his head down only slightly gazing at their bodies before looking away or down again.

Curses Fraisier! Why must I be so afriad, so uncordial! Its disgraceful! Fraisier says mentally attacking himself. He truly hopes they are not offened anyone, otherwise how will they be able to work together to defeat The Dragonspawn?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Fraisier Artemis Florentine Hughes Character Portrait: Azyra Moore
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With the introduction of Cedric hailing from Pavaren and the awkward arrival of the noble from Perialis the group was finally all assembled. Cedric was a large man, with laugh lines etched onto his face and a bright keen eyes. A nice fellow from what Arden could tell, kind and warm. From Arden's experience the real work was never done by the kind but by the hard. Those willing to make the hard choices and get their hands dirty. Arden did not doubt the man's strength which was well documented only his resolve. As for this lord Fraisier Artemis Florentine Hughes Arden curious to see him in action. A lean, unassuming man who by the look of him looked more at home in a library or a ballroom then a battlefield. Arden knew well the skill of this man with a rapier however. He'd seen him duel a noble in the streets of Perialis a year ago. Watching from the shadows of a rooftop Arden had marveled at the expert form and pin point precision he displayed with his weapon of choice. Two strong additions to the team and now they were ready to disembark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Fraisier Artemis Florentine Hughes Character Portrait: Azyra Moore
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Galen nodded as Cedric approached, his armor dazzling in the sun. Galen knew his type, he had met hundreds of men just like him. In love with the dream of knights saving maidens and proving their prowess with blunted weapons. Galen had learned the hard truth: knights were instruments of war, and nothing else. And when the battle joined the shinny knights were the first to charge and the first to be cut down. He couldn't fault Cedric's ideals, but he brought to mind every young knight of Rumed that Galen had been unable to protect. Still if the rumors were true Cedric might have the strength to see his ideals through to the end. Galen hoped so, and would support this man every step of the way.

Suddenly a carriage pulled up and out stepped the last person Galen ever expected to see. This man who was introduced as Fraisier looked completely out of place. He was pail and extremely nervous, indeed everything about him screamed green to Galen. He shrugged inwardly, it wasn't his place to judge. There had to be a good reason that this man was the campion of all Perialis. Besides Galen could sympathize with being nervous.

Now they were seven, the only thing left was to move forward. Galen reached back and plucked his helm off his sword. In one fluid motion he pulled back his hood and jammed on his great-helm. He was immediately flooded with relief as he was reconnected with his comfort object. Adrenaline began to flow in Galen's veins as his battle-lust began to rise. His voiced boomed out with more confidence, and a slight echo from the helm. "What we now assemble let no one tear asunder, and may our enemies tremble in fear."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Fraisier Artemis Florentine Hughes Character Portrait: Azyra Moore
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"If I'm not mistaken we are all in attendance?" Cedric turned his attention to The Eversun, the ship that the Almekian Champion offered to ferry the other champions to Ulmath. "A fine vessel, fine one indeed!" Cedric said approvingly as he looked over the ship, it's magnificent visage made other ships pale in comparison.

As Cedric observed he notice the one named Arden inspecting the vessel as well, in fact quite a bit of on-lookers marveled at the Almekian design of it's ships as the cannons stood out daringly, making others worried yet entranced, as the cannons shone like his armor in the sun's light. He then turned his attention to the timid noble, Cedric, honestly can't quite make out what Fraisier is like. He could tell he was dreadfully nervous, so much so he is even shaking. Cedric couldn't quite understand qhy Fraisier is trying desperately not to make eye contact as Fraisier quickly looks away from Cedric's eyes. Cedric then turned his attention to Galen who spoke, "What we now assemble let no one tear asunder, and may our enemies tremble in fear."

Cedric in return gave a resounding, "Hear, Hear!" in confirmation of his rallying words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Fraisier Artemis Florentine Hughes Character Portrait: Azyra Moore
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Arden arched his eyebrow but said not a word to the oath spoken by the Rumedian knight nor to the cheer of agreement from the one from Pavaren. Arden was never really fond of the company of knights. He only really had two problems in all honesty and they were both of the smallest import. One was the way knights couldn't do anything without first making a hundred oaths to the cause. Second was their ignorantly stubborn way they viewed anything that did not fit perfectly into their perfect honor codes and laws. If you were not like them you were beneath them. Someone like Arden would be seen as one of the lowest things a man could be. Arden boxed his personal feelings towards the knights away like with casual indifference as he did with most other useless emotions and aimed his razor sharp mind on the task at hand. At the moment that task was boarding the ship and getting their mission underway.

"If we're done with the introductions I suggest we leave. The Dragonspawn will not wait."

Arden said flatly addressing the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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She looks over the others as they slowly start to board the large vessel, taking a deep breathe she follows the others onto to the large ship, turning around once to look at the town that reminded her so much of home, not that the places was similar in anyway, they just had the same air around them, telling people a story about how it came into the world, how it was first a small village to evolve to become a small town, to a town and soon to a large mayor city and she loved it. This might be the last time I ever see this city anymore, hell it might even be the last sort of civilisation I'll come by. Oh god it might be the last time I stand, looking over a buzzling town like this. Oh... I must stop thinking about this, I can't start crying infront of these people. She turns around walking the last part of the gangplank onto the busy ship. The rocking of the boat making her have to take a firm grip on the railing until she can stand on her own legs. Pheeew.. that was close, Don't want to be the only one falling over just because I have no sealegs yet. She smiles to herself, walking to the center of the ship looking over how the busy people are preparing the departure. She sees a young boy coming towards her with a big grin plastered on his face.

"Well hello there young lad, you here for me?" She laughs feeling happy to see another person smiling towards her.

"Ɲup! I'm Samuel, I'm supposed to show you your room, unfortunately I've forgotten which one was yours.."

"Well, then we just have to find it don't we? won't be too hard, just finding a room were my stuff is!"

"That's true! I was the one who put your things there so I think I'll be able to figure it out when I see it!"

"Show the way then little man!"

They starts walking, past the busy men loading cargo onto the large ship, Meat, bread, water, wine, fruit and vegetables, rice and potatoes. They duck under a tall man carrying a large box somewhere and races down the stairs to the courters where the search for the right room begins. After a few room the boy laughs and points to a small wooden door.

"We found it! I knew I'd recognise it when I saw it"

"Well you should be proud! not many people would have remembered it so fast!"

They enter the room and she sees her stuff on the small bed, a small window is letting in some of the afternoon sun into the room, giving it an orangey colour. The boy says goodbye and she sits down on the bed, pulling out the letter her teacher told her not to open until she was alone on the ship. She reads the familiar hand writing and smiles over the content, only one sentence is written Good luck, you'll return soon. I free my hair from the knot and let it fall over my shoulders while i shake it to it's natural state.Well then... time to go up and socialise. She walks to the deck and sees a few of her comrades, shyly she walks up to Azyra and Elena.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Galen Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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Cedric left his cabin as he felt it was time to explore the ship, after all he may as well be comfortable for the long trip ahead of them. As he moved above deck the ship was abuzz with activity as the crew of The Eversun prepared to set sail. He saw the infamous Captain Azyra Moore speaking with the other ladies that consist of our seven champions. Cedric always to try and set a good impression and came up to the ladies.

"Good day Captain." Cedric gave a bow to Azyra.

"And to you." Cedric gave another elegant bow to Elena.

"And to you." Giving one final bow to Angelin.

"Its nice to see you fine ladies trying to get along with each other." "So I decided since were getting to know each other I may as well present myself, I am Cedric of Gilfried, Knight and Champion to the cause of Pavaren." Cedric said giving another bow.

Cedric truly hoped he gave an good impression, after all sine there going to be working together might as well establish connections other wise they may not gain a victory over the Dragonspawn. Thinking about connections he turned his attention to Galen and Arden who are up on deck but have secured themselves to different sides of the ship. Unlike the ladies the other men of this team don't seem to be iterested in trying to get to know one another. Cedric supposes he understands, who has time to make friends if your all going to be walking towards imminent doom. Yet, Cedric didn't wish to think that gloomy, if it is true and their day are numbered might as well make the best of it while you can and establish friendships that could very well transcend death, if he was lucky that is. Cedric then turned hsi attention to the ladies.

"Oh I do apologize if I interrupted either of you." Cedric said trying to establish a good impression. "I only wanted to do was say hello and introduce myself it only seemed like the best thing to do, besides I hope we can all be good friends." Cedric said trying to garner some favor, just some confirmation that he wasn't alone in this. If Cedric was going to be in a fight then it would be best if he had brothers or in this cases Sisters-In-Arms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Angelin iritin Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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Elena studied Azyra for a moment. No-one could lie to her. In fact, she caught the glimmer of greeny yellow in the Captain's aura that told her she wasn't being completely honest. Nodding once, seemingly satisfied with the answer she had been given, even if it had been subconsciously supplied. Content to stare out at the glimmering sea for a moment longer, she took a deep breath of sea air. Now that she was accustomed to the rocking, it did not seem all that bad. The water lapped hungrily at the boat, only to roll off the lacquered wood again. Foam bubbled on the tips of waves, emitting a bubbling sound that Elena couldn't help but smile at gently. Staring at the golden topped waves further out, she brushed strands of hair from her face. Someone stood behind them, but she did not announce the presence rather waiting for them to introduce themselves.


Turning, she offered a smile to Angelin as Azyra spoke to her. Elena saw no reason to become involved in the conversation, preferring to observe and listen. A lot could be learnt about someone if only you took time to stop and take notice. As the Captain instructed their follow companion on how to adjust to the rocking boat, her eyes wandered slowly around the rest of the deck. Their other teammates did not seem at all interested in becoming involved with them. It caused a frown to shadow her face, before it disappeared. Of course they may be intimidated by each other. The thought caused a smile to tug her lips upwards. A team with abilities beyond measure who were frightened of one another. However, she could sense no feelings that suggested that. Just preference to remove alone. Well, a fine team they would make. Contrary to her first belief, Cedric walked over their small gathering.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Cedric," Elena's eerie voice sounded first as she looked up at him. "I am Elena of Saverilla blessed with the Essence of Perception and you're not interrupting. We have to learn to work alongside one another after all ." Leaning against the railing of the boat and facing the rest of the deck. Her brilliant blue eyes never left Cedric's face as she awaited his response. Confidence simply poured of him, but there was a definitely underlying feeling of kindness. Just from his aura Elena liked him, but she would have to pretend she was normal for a short amount of time and that she didn't judge people through subconscious. However, sometimes her mouth didn't link to her brain.

"Once again, you're so different...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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Arden turned his head to watch the going on on the deck. He turned and sat on the edge of the boat, the assassins back to the vast ocean. He leaned forward and watched in silence as the others spoke. Six of the seven now stood on the deck casually speaking with one another. Except the assassin that is who was silently observing the group as he stared at them all from beneath his hood. Angelin Miritin was the first who drew the assassins gaze. His eyes studied her carefully. Proud and calm with a sharp mind and an intuition beyond reproach. Her skill as a telepath was well documented which gave Arden pause. He did not much care for the idea of the woman being able to poke around his mind but there was little he could do about it. Her past as of being raised in a royal court was something else that concerned the man. She was no warrior. Not in the way the others were. Each had been tested in the fires of combat yet she had her metal forged in a library. Arden feared for her chances in the days to come.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arden Lenox Character Portrait: Angelin Miritin Character Portrait: Cedric of Gilfried Character Portrait: Azyra Moore Character Portrait: Elena Dā€™Arville
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"Why it is my absolute pleasure to meet your acquaintance Elena of Saverilla!" Cedric said with a smile. "I'm glad I am not interrupting that wouldn't be very good on my behalf to be intrusive, its just un-kinghtley." Cedric said giving a friendly laugh.

He noticed the supposed assassin from Luthor. This man definitely is mysterious and dangerous from what everybody told him, of course Cedric really didn't care who he is or what he has done, he is here and willing to save the world, what more could you ask of one man? He wasn't sure, Cedric can't exactly read his feelings underneath that hood but Cedric decided to make a friendly approach as he waved his large hand towards Arden and signaling him to join the rest of the group with his hand in beckoning motion, for if he so wishes to mingle that is. Then Cedric turned his attention towards the rest of the group waiting for their responses if they so wish to acknowledge Cedric that is. Then he began to worry that Cedric was possibly being to friendly, being to protrusive. He didn't mean to be intimidating he just enjoyed others company and enjoys being social in general. Often Cedric would talk to random strangers out in the streets, despite whether they acknowledged him or not. If they didn't he would bid them ado but if they did then he would give great conversations, its just how Cedric is and always has been. Perhaps he should take things slower after all he has been criticized for taking things a bit too fast before. Yet, Elena didn't seem to mind, she seemed friendly enough. They other two women seemed kind as well, sure Azyra was a pirate but that doesn't necessarily means she is a terrible person and as for Angelin she seemed kind and considerate from what Cedric could tell. Of course these are all just assumptions and he could be mistaken with all of them, but that is a risk Cedric is willing to take to establish relationships and cross boundaries to make richer lives. With that Cedric continued to give smile to show he means no ill-will and to hopefully make the others more comfortable around him.