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The X-Men: After M-Day

The X-Men: After M-Day


The super hero civil war ended only a few months ago, the mutant population is still close to extinction after the events of M-day. The mutants of the world have fled to Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, you are one such Mutant.

6,958 readers have visited The X-Men: After M-Day since c.allen2.11 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The super hero civil war ended only a few months ago, the mutant population is still close to extinction after the events of M-day. It is a dire time for mutants everywhere. With their numbers so low, all the surviving mutants from around the globe have been invited to Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters, for both their own protection and the protection of their race. You are one such young mutant, fearing for your own safety back home you have been welcomed into the Xavier institute with open arms, class’s are still in session and the teachers are doing everything in their power to create some semblance of normality for these children. But shadows of the greater conflicts still loom over the mansion, a new addictive substance called MGT (Mutant growth hormone) is being smuggled into the school, this can a make mutants powers increase dramatically yet cause serious health problems to even the most hardy individual. The Purifiers holy war never seems to cease as they set up protest camps outside the gates and stir mischief within. More forebodingly the X-men’s decision to remain neutral during the superhero civil war has alienated them from the rest of the superhero community, and wolverines work with the now in hiding New Avengers has created tension between the mutant community and Tony Starks Avengers.

The following are NPC’s that will be mentioned in my posts but not enough to warrant character sheets of their own.
Nathan Rider: Nathan is a new student to the X-academy who has the rather unique ability to teleport non-living objects. Something he uses to his advantage when smuggling in MGT to sell to other students. He keeps his activities secret as not to alert the New X-men, currently trying to stop the flow of narcotics within the institute.

Henry Fellows: Henry is the leader of a new politically active purifier sect. He currently leads a large group of purifiers in protesting outside the gates of the Xavier institute, calling on the sentinels to murder every child inside. But their activities have become more than simply provocative, Henry is known for privately in sighting violence, encouraging thugs to break in and cause havoc. Although this is rarely a big problem for the X-men, some of these break ins are becoming more and more...complex, worrying the X-men that the Purifiers maybe planning to resume their militant campaign.

Sophie Meadows: Sophie is a lawyer, and Tony Starks official ambassador to the X-men. Although officially she is The Avengers voice to the X-men, she has been amongst the mutants so long now many have begun to question where her loyalties truly lie.

The X-mansion
The Danger Room
The Cafeteria
The Lounge

Hey guys, I wanted to create an original X-men themed roleplay because there do not seem to be many of them around, and I do believe it is a fantastic setting for some good old fashioned teen roleplay. Of course to participate in this you will need a basic knowledge of the marvel universe’s characters and stories, but obviously I don’t expect you to know every character and their dogs origin story.

I have set this story quite a while back just after the crossover event “Civil War.” I did this because I thought this was quite an interesting time for the X-men, they were yet to move out to Utopia but at the same time were still in the thick of a myriad of problems. I think this time period would be interesting for a roleplay, as the shock of M-day was still very present in the mutant community.

I’ve added some fictional problems for the X-men as well, this was purely to increase Roleplay possibilities and to make sure we tread softly around cannon events. Obviously this is not cannon and I am not too worried about any ramifications the story may cause to the cannon arcs, but hey let’s not kill Cyclops just yet. Just consider this a story arc that never happened and that all the characters somehow forgot about it by the time the next catastrophe hit.

Our story will start at a start of term assembly, addressed by Emma Frost herself. By this time your character will have already moved into his/her room and have been shown around but has not really met anyone yet. After the assembly the roleplay will move into the lounge where the lecturers will want to mingle with the students whilst they formally meet each other properly for the first time.

I have a few rules considering playable characters:
1.Mutant powers shouldn’t be epic. I don’t mind having powerful mutants or dangerous mutants, but as soon as your character can start facing down the Hulk on his own, he may be a bit overpowered.
2.Let’s be creative and original with these mutant powers, like I said I don’t mind powerful mutants as long as their powers are something new and interesting.
3.Obviously I have implied heavily that we are creating new mutants for the Xavier’s institute here, but that’s not to say cannon characters are not up for grabs. The roster for the New X-men can be Roleplayed, as they are the right age for interaction, but to do this you will need a good knowledge of that characters history and will have to fill out a character sheet all the same. You will also have to PM me a writing sample, a cannon character is a big responsibility seeing as you are playing an already established character. Saying this I can already sense a million people applying to be X-23, which is fine but as an extra challenge, if you are selected to be X-23 you HAVE to romance someone. That will be a challenge with her personality.
4.Let’s have no characters (except X-23) with connections to weapon X, or have a similar healing factor to Wolverine and the rest of the X family. I know they are cool, and their characters are cool and their powers are cool gets kind of boring after a while.
5.Pictures can be anything you want, Anime, real, cartoon, comic! As long as its relevant I don’t really care, not much of a picture snob.

And finally the moment we’ve all be waiting for. The Character Skelly.

Age: ((16-21))
Mutant powers:
Extra abilities/hobbies: ((martial arts, covert training...painting, that type of thing))
Appearance: (( Add a picture if you want but at least a couple of lines of description.))
Weakness: ((A fear, a problem or even a counter to their actual powers))
Personnel History:
Side Story: ((This can be a little something to run alongside the main stories, even if you are a cannon character feel free to add in a little something))

Toggle Rules

General Rules

•Let’s keep the romances to PG-13

•I’m not going to set a word limit or a strict post limit but writers block never lasts past the first three sentences, I believe in you!

•This will be pretty casual but let’s say at least one post every couple of days. If you are involved in a story involving another character don’t leave them waiting, that can be frustrating.

•Please, O please, O PLEASE tag your characters. It just bugs me.

•Like I said, not going to set a formal word limit but let’s get some good long posts, more detailed the better! There is such thing as to short a post, but never to long!

•Playing cannon characters Surge, Elixer, Armor, Pixie, Hellion, X-23, Rockslide, Mercury and Dust can be done in this roleplay, look above for character rules.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters by RolePlayGateway

A large Mansion with state of the art security and systems.

The Lounge

The Lounge by RolePlayGateway

A large room fitted with vending machines, a TV, seats, a small kitchen and an assortment of books. It's a large room, capable of hosting the entire student body, as long as the seats are removed and you're okay with a slight squeeze.

The Cafeteria

The Cafeteria by RolePlayGateway

The Cafeteria is another large room, which primary focus is feeding the numerous students. It is worked by catering staff and is very large.

The Dorms

The Dorms by RolePlayGateway

A large section of the mansion, housing a large majority of the student body.

The Danger Room

The Danger Room by RolePlayGateway

The danger room is the high tech training room for the X-Men and their Students. It uses hard light technology to create very realistic scenarios.

The Grounds

The Grounds by RolePlayGateway

The grounds and gardens of the mansion are a sizable portion of the Mansions overall estate.

The Assault Course

The Assault Course by RolePlayGateway

A state of the art assault course, designed for both novices and experts. Only combat teachers can authorize its use.

The Gardens

The Gardens by RolePlayGateway

The Gardens are the area just outside the mansion. It hosts a beautiful array of plant along with a patio for the students to relax on. It's known as the corny romantic spot by the children.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
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#, as written by Raidose
Wow... it's almost like our own X Men team. Awes-........ is that Antonio Banderas? Alex and the rest were gathered by the lake, all in the aid of some guy Alex met not even half an hour ago. He couldn't be sure about his own opinion on this Tommy character and his innocence, but he seemed genuine. That, and it made sense. He looked like a guy that could be guilty of just about anything. Though, narcotics kinda went against the majority of the old mob rules. Still, he was dark, charismatic, aggressive, suave, and looked like a guy with connections. A perfect fall guy.

X-23 mentioned a student who could read an objects history, but Alex didn't have much faith in that. Alex paced back and forth, thinking and slowly growing more audible as he did. Till, finally he didn't even realize he was thinking out loud, a minor mumble albeit but it wouldn't matter to those with superb hearing.

"Whoever this jerk was, he'd be use to dealing with mutants with all kinds of powers. That baggie probably never saw anything else other than the inside of Tommy's pocket, or at least that's what it'd feel like. More so if this guy was a telepath like Mrs. Frost, who could put a telepathic block on nearly anything. A person, a place, a thought, even an object like this. Those pills would be a pretty dead end, at least from a psychokenetic standpoint." He placed one hand on his chin, while the other was firmly behind his back detective style. "Smell might be an option, as not many people would think of that."

He paused for a moment, letting out an annoyed sigh. "Although.... I suppose if you live in a house with Wolverine and his infamous sense of smell long enough, you'd take precautions. No, no, no. The best way I can think of is figuring out how he runs his operation. These are pills, which means they take much more work to produce than your average trailer park meth lab. Not to mention the smell of whatever chemicals he uses would have the X Men beating down his door in record time. So that means he's likely producing this crap outside the school grounds. Which......" He posture began to perk up, feeling as though he was onto something.

"Which means that whatever he can do, it'd involve transporting items. He couldn't just be invisible, since I'm pretty sure the mansion he equipped with thermal cameras for just such a case. A jumper maybe? No, cause then how'd it get on Tommy? Jumpers are pretty noticeable. Hmmm, maybe a jumper transports the shipments in, and an invisible guy moves the product once inside? That might explain how the pills got planted. Either way.... I'm pretty sure this would take multiple mutants. The main thing to look for would be a guy with a good smuggling power, but who doesn't look suspicious. Not squeaky clean, but perfectly normal. Yep, I just narrowed it down a lot."

Alex pinched the bridge of his noise, before he turned and saw that he'd drawn some attention to himself. "I........ was thinking aloud, wasn't I?" Yeah, yeah you were. Feeling a little embarrassed with himself, he stepped back and hoped someone else would speak. Not very likely, though. "So..... uhhh.... yeah. That's just my theory..... I'll shut up now."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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"I'll find out who set me up and make em pay." David watched Tommy closely. "Don't do anything stupid Tommy, you hurt anyone without something backing up your reasoning, you're just in a deeper pile of shit. I know this might sound a little obvious Tommy, but do you have any enemies here? Anyone who doesn't like you?" He scratched his head for a minute and you could almost see a light bulb appear above his head. "Or anyone who is really close to you...someone who could predict your every move. Someone who you'd never expect, and could get close enough to plant the drugs on you without you even thinking about it.' He was now looking directly at Cat. "We should be considering every option here. All of us should be considered suspects until proven otherwise. Don't need someone slipping right under our radar, being one step ahead of us." He looked at Tommy again. 'You know, I bet it was Tracey. Lets give him a little shock therapy and see what he knows..." Ya...good idea. While we are at it, let's just kill everyone on school grounds. "That is probably the best idea that you've ever had in your life."

He heard Alex going about something. "So..... uhhh.... yeah. That's just my theory..... I'll shut up now." "Alright then. Some people we may want to question first could be that kid Tommy yelled at on the stairs...and the kid he punched. Tommy, if you bumped into anyone at the dance, now would be a good time to remember. If the staff catch you then you're probably going to be held in one of those cells, and if it does happen, we will continue our investigation. I'll go find that kid from the stairwell, if anyone want to accompany me, go ahead. Someone should find the kid from the dance that Tommy punched. Tommy I don't know what your lead is, but you go ahead and follow it."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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Tommy turned as David spoke. Warning him to make and brash decisions. He was about to agree with him when he caught his line of sight. David was asking him if he had any enemies which was probably a list as long as his arms. Then he asked if anyone close to him could be to blame. Davids gaze rested on cat. It took every ounce of restraint not to lay David out right there. Tommy crossed the distance between him and David and leveled his gaze with his, standing between him and Cat.

"You can stop right there. We're not accusing her. That's not even an option. Way I see it the only person I can trust is Kitty. The rest of you are strangers compared to her."

Tommy growled not liking for one second the idea of David accusing Cat of betraying him. It took a few tense seconds before Tommy took a step back with a sigh.

"Sorry chief... didn't mean to bite your damn head off... Listen that lead I mentioned is that guy I jawed on the dance floor. I'll start there."

Tommy took a few steps away before pausing and calling over his shoulder.

"Don't worry I won't kill him.... and thanks guys."

With that he dissapeared into the night. Now little more than a shadow Castellano raced back to the mansion looking for answers.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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#, as written by Vix
"Whatever you say, Miss Kinney." Esteban smiled softly and took a step back, clasping his hands behind his back. He let them all speak amongst one another, paying particular attention to a young man that seemed to be mumbling something to himself, working out the case on his own.

"Whoever this jerk was, he'd be use to dealing with mutants with all kinds of powers. That baggie probably never saw anything else other than the inside of Tommy's pocket, or at least that's what it'd feel like. More so if this guy was a telepath like Mrs. Frost, who could put a telepathic block on nearly anything. A person, a place, a thought, even an object like this. Those pills would be a pretty dead end, at least from a psychokenetic standpoint. Smell might be an option, as not many people would think of that. Although.... I suppose if you live in a house with Wolverine and his infamous sense of smell long enough, you'd take precautions. No, no, no. The best way I can think of is figuring out how he runs his operation. These are pills, which means they take much more work to produce than your average trailer park meth lab. Not to mention the smell of whatever chemicals he uses would have the X Men beating down his door in record time. So that means he's likely producing this crap outside the school grounds. Which......" He posture began to perk up, feeling as though he was onto something.

"Which means that whatever he can do, it'd involve transporting items. He couldn't just be invisible, since I'm pretty sure the mansion he equipped with thermal cameras for just such a case. A jumper maybe? No, cause then how'd it get on Tommy? Jumpers are pretty noticeable. Hmmm, maybe a jumper transports the shipments in, and an invisible guy moves the product once inside? That might explain how the pills got planted. Either way.... I'm pretty sure this would take multiple mutants. The main thing to look for would be a guy with a good smuggling power, but who doesn't look suspicious. Not squeaky clean, but perfectly normal. Yep, I just narrowed it down a lot."

Alex pinched the bridge of his noise, before he turned and saw that he'd drawn some attention to himself. "I........ was thinking aloud, wasn't I?" Yeah, yeah you were. Feeling a little embarrassed with himself, he stepped back and hoped someone else would speak. Not very likely, though. "So..... uhhh.... yeah. That's just my theory..... I'll shut up now."

Esteban said nothing; He merely smiled to himself as he took a few steps back into the shadows. It seemed that the others found themselves...preoccupied at the comment of one Mister David Stillman.

"Or anyone who is really close to you...someone who could predict your every move. Someone who you'd never expect, and could get close enough to plant the drugs on you without you even thinking about it.' He was now looking directly at Cat. "We should be considering every option here. All of us should be considered suspects until proven otherwise. Don't need someone slipping right under our radar, being one step ahead of us."

Tommy spoke in Cat's defense before anyone else, but Cataleia had already hitched up the left side of her dress to reveal an assortment of rainbow colored kunai; One of which she drew so fast and put the blade at David's throat that you might not have seen it if you weren't paying attention. "If you ever accuse me of some bullshit like that again - It'll be the last thing you ever do." Her soft blue glow had become red now. It normally didn't take much for Cat to get worked up in the blink of an eye like that - One of the surefire ways to do that would to accuse her of betrayal. When Tommy had decided to leave and find the guy from the dance floor, she debated following after him – He could handle himself, but he still shouldn’t go alone. She sighed and took a stand next to Laura, sheathing her blade. “Welp. Laura – I’ll go find the Clairsentient. No offense, but you scare people.” She filched the baggie from the woman and moved past the others, stopping to glance at her father who only offered a cryptic smile. “You know something, don’t you?” She glared at the man.

“I always know something, don’t I?”

“Spill it.”

“Not my place.”


“I have faith in you all.” With that, the man kissed his daughter’s brow before making his way into the bushes that seemed to part as he moved towards them. Cataleia shook her head and looked back at Laura and the others. “Soo…Not sure what you guys plan to do…Like follow me…or do your own little thing. But I’m sure you’ll need a light.” She held up her right hand that was empty, four fingers raised. Small balls of white light appeared at each tip and she blew on them gently. The orbs of light light floated over to each person and brightened above their heads, moving each time they did. “So – That’ll last about an hour.” With a nod, she began her trek up to the mansion, taking a deep breath. This was all bullshit.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
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The shadow moved through the halls of the mansion, unseen and unnoticed by the few who wandered the halls at this late hour. To the onlooker it was little more than a momentary trick of the light in the peripherals of your vision. The truth behind the entity in the darkness was much more than a simple optical mistake caused by poor sleep habits and inept hallway lighting. No this shadow was on a mission, this darkness had set fourth with murderous intent. It reached it's target quickly, spilling in through the seam of the door to the office of the Headmaster. Within the utter darkness of the room the shadow took proper form as a young man, well dressed with sharp attractive features and keen eyes stepping out of the swirling cloud of nothingness. Tommy made his way around Scott Summers desk quickly, crouching to get his eyes on his quarry. The safe beneath Cyclops' desk was in reach now. He only needed to reach out and take what was his. His hand was coated in black essence as his arm extended, ready to phase through the door of the safe and collect his prize.

"Lookin for these bub?"

The voice in the darkness sent a jolt through Tommy's heart, freezing his blood as he jumped back in surprise. The figure stepped forward into the moonlight spilling in the room from the large window behind Tommy. In Logan's hands were the two Colt 1911 hand guns that were confiscated from Tommy the day he arrived at the mansion. Pure terror gripped tight as Tommy's mind raced with what Wolverines purpose for being here could be. If Logan had got it in his mind to deal with Tommy himself Castellano feared this fight would be over quickly, ending with Tommy lying in a pool of his own blood with the mystery of his framing never being solved. He would die a drug pusher who got caught, nothing more. Tommy put his hands up as a sign of peace, not wanting to fight his friend and mentor.

"Logan... You gotta believe me. Those weren't my drugs. Somebody's settin me up."

"Relax kid, I know."

Tommy stared at him dumbfounded.

"You do?"

Logan grunted and shook his head.

"'Course runt. I can always smell it on ya if yer lyin. You ain't."

Tommy sighed in releif and ran his hand through his hair.

"Funny, Laura said somethin similar."

Logan paused to let loose a light chuckle before continuing.

"Smart kid."

"Logan you gotta help me. We gotta find out whose settin me up as the pusher."

"I am helpin you."

He said as he set the dual pistols on the desk and slid them to Tommy.

"What is this?"

Tommy asked in confusion.

"Help... Ain't a whole helluva lot I can do fer ya now kid. Not after yer little stunt back on the dance floor. Smackin around X-Men is a good way to get put on the naughty list, case ya haven't heard. You wanna clear yer name? Then clear it."

Tommy sighed knowing Logan was right. His actions painted him incredibly guilty, the only way to help himself would be to prove his innocence. Find the one responsible and deal with them. Tommy reached down and grabbed the guns off the desk. The dual, fully customized Colt 1911's with engraving done by his uncle Mario. SIC VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM It was a phrase in Latin that Tommy's dad like to quote. It meant if you want peace, prepare for war. He had it engraved on Tommy's guns as a gift for his birthday. Funny how true the words rang now. Tommy grabbed the extra clips and pocketed them before putting the guns behind his back, feeding them through his belt to secure them.

"Thanks Logan."

He said giving him a firm and respectful nod before heading for the door. Just before He vanished into the hall Wolverine spoke one final time, delivering a warning to the young heir of the Castellano Family.

"And kid... make sure when ya find em you keep em breathin. Gonna be hard to prove yer innocence when everybody who knows the truth is dead."

Tommy nodded before taking the final step to the door and vanishing from sight, becoming one with the darkness once again.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman
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X Laura Kinney X

“Fine” She said to the group as Tommy vanished into the darkness. She looked across at Alex “If they have put some kind of block on this student Clairsentience, then we’re in trouble. But it’s the only lead we’ve got so I’m utilizing it. And let’s not to kill each other” She said staring directly at Cataleia “That would most counterproductive.”

She took a step forward carefully observing the grounds. There were a few people poking around but nothing that couldn’t be easily avoided. “Whoever wants to come with me you’re welcome. Just don’t do anything stupid.” With that Laura took off at a brisk pace.

The grounds were easily navigated without running into trouble and once inside the other students barely took notice of the group. All was going smoothly until they reached the entrance to the dorms. Hellion and Rockslide were stood there, they must have been posted in order to stop anyone leaving or entering. They eyed the large group with suspicion as they approached and Laura quickly stood forward to assume her role of talking.

“Laura, hey...” Santo scratched his head “Who the hell are all these guys?”

“They’re acquaintances of our little friend back there. They’ve been questioned...they’ve been most helpful...I’m to escort them back to their dorms.” Laura looked back at them as if requesting some confirmation.

“They’ve been most helpful?” Julian asked with growing suspicion. Praise was not something Laura gave out, and Julian knew it.

“Yes they have.” Laura said more sternly this time “Now can I get on with it or you going to cause a fuss?”

Julian immediately backed off, throwing his hands in the air. “Alright Laura, it’s all good. Go on in. Just keep things quiet.”

“Obviously” Laura said coolly as she entered the dorms. And just like that it had happened again, she had lied to her friends, just like she had predicted.

It didn’t take long from there to reach the students room. Laura knocked quietly but continually until he reached the door. Luke answered still without his top, his eyes bloodshot and voice hoarse.

“H-Hello? What the hells going on now?”

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario
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#, as written by Raidose
Alex watched the blade being held at David's throat, slowly placing his hands up in protest. "Whoa wait a second here....." Thankfully, Cataleia's intentions were more of a not-so-subtle warning, rather than actual hostile intent. "Uhhh.... look, I don't want to end up on the business end of those little knife things personally, but David does have a point. It could be any of his, and yes, that includes a dweeb like me." Tommy took off in a bolt of shadow, and it'd seemed that Laura and Cat were each heading the same direction. Alex decided to tag along, following the chick with knives and a short fuse and the Wolverine clone. This.... may have been a bad move.

Laura, Cat, and David were a good bit ahead of Alex, despite his efforts to keep up, before they were finally stopped by two other X Men. Alex didn't have a lot of info on the New X Men, but knew enough about there reported abilities. Unfortunately, he couldn't usually place their names with their faces, so he could only recognize the one called Rock Slide. Either way, Alex knew enough to let Laura do the talking. When the one he remembered being with Surge started to question Laura's story, Alex got a little uneasy. Though, through a tone of voice that seemed to say "question me and die", Laura was able to get the group by the "intrepid" guards.

With a short, unseen sprint, they found the desired dorm room of the supposed clairsentient. When a topless guy answered, eyes red from likely just being woke up by the rappings against his door, Alex's faith in the plan sank just that much more. Hope I'm wrong and this isn't a complete waste of time. Then again, still worth a shot, I guess. It took Alex a second to realize that this guy was "Captain America" from the hallway, as he answered with a exhausted voice. “H-Hello? What the hells going on now?” The opportunity was just too good for Alex to pass up. "Publishers Clearing House." After some brief laughter, Alex looks to Laura and her disapproving scowl. His head lowers, adjusting his hat as he quietly mutters "Sorry, had to."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

With a deep sigh, Danni hopped out of her bed, kicking the clothing that were still lying on the floor. She couldn't keep her eyes closed, again. Too many thoughts racing through her mind of today, or maybe it was yesterday, the girl hadn't kept track of the time. For all she knew midnight had already passed.

Whatever the case, she wasn't tired, and with nothing sensible to do in her room, all that was left was to sneak outside. Everyone should be asleep by now, right? With another deep sigh, Danni stood up and stumbled through her door, not bothering for a change of clothes. Besides, she just got comfortable in her pyjamas.

Her steps were slow, and with no set destination, Danni wandered through the second floor and somehow ended up in the room where the party had taken place. The door was still open, though everything was still the same, just a bit darker was all. The table, the crack in the floor, and many other inanimate objects were still scattered around the room, as wrecked as ever from that sudden fight.

“Try and remember that part of the night...not the end...”

Luke's words rang through Danni's head, forming a wide smile on the gal's face. “I did have fun, didn't I?” she really did enjoy Luke's company, maybe because he was the first to ever talk to her. Well, the first student, anyway. “Maybe we should do it again some time, but with a different ending. Heehee~” Danni grinned, stepping towards the middle of the room and closing her eyes for a minute.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Castellano moved through the halls of the school like a spectre looking for vengeance. Pure darkness intent on seeking justice. His essence filled the halls as he moved along the length of the school. Stopping finally at the place where it all began. Where this crazy night went from heaven to hell. The shadow filled into the dance hall through the open door coming to a stop near the hole created by Rockslide who'd intended to turn Tommy into little more than a smear on the dance floor. Tommy crouched, his fingers brushing the damaged wood as his mind raced back to that moment. The chaos of it, the fear, the pure instinct. So focused was he that he barely noticed the presence of the young girl standing a few feet away in her pajamas. Barely, but he did notice her. Tommy rose his eyes locking onto her, the apprehension and fear on her face was evident. He raised his hands slowly, trying to show he wasn't a threat.

"Please... don't run..."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

It was him, the guy who had taken out an entire group of X-men with just a single flash of his powers. How long had he been here, did he know Danni would be here? Had he already arrived before she did? The gal stood there, as motionless as a stone statue, her eyes filled with the same fear that had overwhelmed her at the party.

Danni wanted to move, but none of her limbs responded, she couldn't even let out a measly scream. How did nobody capture this guy, or even see him? Her eyelids closed as fast as they could, her mind wishing the frightening image from existence. Please leave. L-leave...! Move legs, move! With stumbling and shaking Danni's legs began to step backwards, there was no stopping, she had to get away before something bad would happen.


Oh no, dead end, a closed door. “Please... don't run...” Danni didn't believe him, and shook her head in denial. “G-get a-away from m-me!” The girl whispered, closing her eyes once more as her body slowly turned a transparent green and was swallowed by the door that had blocked her. Was she safe now?

Her body was shaking rapidly, her heart racing with an unnatural beat, her feet still shuffling backwards still. Another bump, this time a living blockade. “Eeeeek!” Danni sank down in a corner with her hands wrapped around her torso, what was up with this mansion? Why was someone hiding in here?! Her shriek woke the dozed off person, who in turn jumped up and made a run for the only exit in the closet. Just as disoriented as Danni was right now.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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"God dammit!"

Tommy cursed as he chased after her. He got only a few feet before the door to the closet she phased into was thrown open and teen male rushed out. Not just any teen. The swollen jaw and scraggly hair was more than enough for Tommy to recognize him. He skidded to a stop at the sight of Tommy standing but a few feet away. Pure terror gripping tight. His mouth opened in a silent gasp, his tongue frozen with fear refusing to give voice to his terror. The rage swelled in Castellano and his dark power reflected that. Off his shoulders came a billowing shadow that flowed down like a cloak of pure dark energy. Black tendrils rose up from the darkness and whipped about like the tail of a dozen hungry lions. His fists clenched tightly as his dark essence encased them in gauntlets of shadow.


Tommy growled. The teen made a break for it, sprinting away but the enraged shadow was instantly in hot pursuit.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

What Danni thought was a good hiding spot, was no longer one. The door flew open like the guy wished that it was a revolving one, but was abruptly halted by the sight of Mr. Noir. He seemed... Angered, like that time on the stairs. Once again, tendrils of shadows sprouted from the guy's body, making the same impact on Danni as she was once again stun locked in a wrapped position, her arms now crossing her legs and head resting face-down on them.

“G-get away...” The girl whispered with a frightened tone, her body still shaking rapidly from the action in front of her. And then... It went silent, the boy was gone, as were the shadows. For a moment, Danni was able to stand up and walk. Where had it gone? Was it about to capture that kid? Why did Mr. Noir seem so angry?

With baby steps, Danni walked out of the supply closet and scanned the darkened room for any sign of struggle, sound, or any kind of life, really. There it was, the girl could just spot the chase around the hall, the kid now struggling to be out of reach from the shadow tendrils.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
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Tommy's target sprinted as fast as their feet would carry them, the black mass followed as it jumped from wall to ceiling to wall giving the junkie no escape. In a last ditch effort they enabled their mutation hoping it would save them. Like some human insect they leaped and clung to the wall before attempting to scurry away. They barely made it a few steps before Tommy's shadowy presence erupted out of the wall they were on and sent them crashing into the hallway, just outside of the door to the dance hall. Tommy swooped down, his tendrils lifting his target before slamming him into the wall. Restrained by both arms and legs Tommy now took proper form again, standing before the junkie as his dark aura swirled around him. The dark tendrils holding their prey fast.

"Oh shit man oh shit oh God please don't kill me!"

He pleaded hysterically as tears welled up in his eyes. Tommy's fist clenched as a black tendril materilized from his back. It hung in the air like the tail of a scorpion, ready to strike.

"Listen good you little shit, you wanna live you're gunna talk."

"Anything man just please don't kill me!"

Tommy glared but restrained from skewering the junkie on the wall.

"I want a name."

"C-Crowley man, my name is Crowley."

The tendril shot forward and sunk into Crowleys shoulder. The shadow mass pierced flesh and muscle fiber as if it was nothing. The blood oozed from the wound as Crowley cried out in pain.

"Not your name you stupid little shit! Your boss! Who'se settin me up? Who want's me to take the fall?"

Crowley had to force himself to speak through the tears and pain but managed to mutter out a respone.

"W-What boss man? I-I'm just a s-student, I-I don't work for anyone!"

Tommy growled and reached out, grabbing his throat with his hand.

"Don't you fucking lie to me Crowley!"

Castellano warned dangerously. Crowley whimpered but shook his head in innocence.

"I s-swear man! I just h-heard you had the MGT tonight, that's all!"

Tommy's eyes squinted in suspicion as he listened. He tightened his grip just a bit before letting loose with a rough shove, leaving only his tendrils holding him fastened to the wall.

"Who told you I had the MGT tonight?..."

Crawley's eyes widened as a primal fear took him at the thought of the one who spoke to him earlier.

"I-I can't man he'll-"

Tommy caught the hesitation and cut him off as he sent a second tendril into the boy's body, this time in his thigh. Crawley howled with pure agony, blood begining to form around his teeth.

"You got any idea what I can do to you, you fucking junkie trash?! You better realize real quick who you need to be afraid of Crawley!"

Crawley whimpered as tears streamed down his face but managed a slow nod.

"H-His names Jason..."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: David Stillman
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"You can stop right there. We're not accusing her. That's not even an option. Way I see it the only person I can trust is Kitty. The rest of you are strangers compared to her." Tommy took a second to compose himself. Sorry chief... didn't mean to bite your damn head off... Listen that lead I mentioned is that guy I jawed on the dance floor. I'll start there." With that Tommy left, heading to the mansion. David looked over the lake. Alright, I'll just look through the dorms for anything suspicous and-. As he turned back to the group, a knife was held to his throat. Cat told him that if he ever accused her again, that she would end him. He had a surprised...yet annoyed face. "David...this is where you send a current through the blade and into her. Her pretty little head will pop like a zit, and the body will twitch on the floor. It'll teach her a lesson." "You know, your threats aren't helping anyone here, especially not Tommy. So why don't you calm down and think about how threatening new students is just sinking you in deeper shit." She put the blade away and headed back to the mansionwith the group. David followed so that he'd be let back into the dorms, and then slipped away from them.

He was searching through the hallways for any suspicous activity. After a little bit he spotted some guy in a long coat, looking almost overly suspicous. Alright, let's see what he's up to. The guy would periodically look back over his shoulder, to which David would duck behind cover, mainly corners. Eventually the guy did some kind of secret knock on a door, and was let in. David approached quickly, putting his ear on the door. "Great, you made it! Good thing you didn't get caught, we'd be in loads of trouble. Did you At that David opened the door, which wasn't locked. He ran through and grabbed the guy with the coat by the collar and slammed him into the wall. "Where are the drugs? Who's supply-" The guy had sunglasses and a hood overing him, and now the sunglasses fell of. This revealed the guy to be a she...and the contraband was really...well, something for her boyfriend. He put her down immediately. The guy was staring at David. "What the fuck are you doing? Get out!' "I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't mean.." And he dashed out the door. He heard a slam coming from just around the corner. Turning the corner, he saw a kid at the end of the hallway being restrained against the wall by...something. Then Tommy came into view. You're shitting me...he's going to kill that kid. David rushed forward towards them. He noticed the blood on te kid, which didn't look too pretty. "You got any idea what I can do to you, you fucking junkie trash?! You better realize real quick who you need to be afraid of Crawley!" "Tommy, what the fuck are you doing? Look at him, you're going to kill him! You need to let go of him, he's had enough and I don't think he is going anywhere."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

Tommy Castellano had murder in mind. This guy may not be the root of his problems but he was a part of it. He was the first stone that started the landslide. A final tendril formed behind Tommy and pressed against Crawley's forehead as the junkie cried in agony and terror. Just before the shadow construct peirced his skull David appeared, running down the hall.

"Tommy, what the fuck are you doing? Look at him, you're going to kill him! You need to let go of him, he's had enough and I don't think he is going anywhere."

Tommy's gaze flicked to him for a moment but quickly turning back. Castellano's entire being screamed at him to kill this prick. Anywhere else he would have been in a oil barrel getting filled in with cement or knifed in an old wareshouse by some of Tommy's men. Tommy's sighed and his dark aura retreated, relasing Crawley and letting him drop to the floor.

"Look's like it's your lucky day Crawley... Might wanna thank David for this."

Crawley looked up with a weak, pained expression but muttered out a weary thanky you to David for his intervention. Soon as he was done Tommy rolled him on to his back by casually shoving him with his foot. Tommy loomed over him with a restrained yet still dangerous expression.

"Whose this Jason guy? He the dealer?"

Crawley shook his head weakly.

"N-no... I-I mean I d-don't think so. I t-think he works for him."

"Works for who?"

Crawley head lulled as the blood loss and pain was making it difficult for him to remain concious.

"I don't know man... I've never met him. I usually just buy off Jason or whoever he tells me is selling."

"Like me?"

Tommy growled standing over him.

The setting changes from Marvel Universe 616 to The Dorms


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
So they were following after her? Laura had began to walk ahead of Cat as they headed up the trail and she extinguished the lights. Why have them when she herself was set aglow? Her glow died down when Santo began to interrogate Laura about what she was doing with the small group. She listened around to make sure Tommy was alright as they walked through the mansion, slowly treading up the staircase. Once they had reached the door of the clairsentient, Cat moved to the front of the group. She couldn’t help but give a light giggle at Alex’s ‘Publishers Clearing House’ comment – It was pretty funny and she was glad that he was able to be chill enough to joke given the situation. Smiling softly, Cat gave a wave and removed the Zorro-like mask from her face. “Hi, I’m Professor Rosario and this is Professor Kinney and...A friend" She didn't know Alex's name, though she planned on getting to know it later. She did notice that David was gone, but she didn't care - His accusations earlier had irked her. "We’re Combat Instructors here, it’s very nice to meet you. You aren’t in any trouble, but a friend of ours is and we need your help.” Laura gave a snort at the ‘ours’ part.

“You mean your boyfriend.”

“Shut up, Laura.” Cat rolled her eyes but took a step towards the sleepy boy at the door and showed him the baggie of pills. “Can you tell us where this came from?” She was using a kind and soothing tone, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder, her eyes almost pleading. The boy gave a light groan and nodded. “Yeah…I can.” The boy took a breath and grasped the baggie of pills. As his powers ‘activated’, his eyes turned stark white and gave a weird glow. He was mumbling under his breath before thrusting the pills back into Cat’s hands. Laura stepped forward with a stern look on her face. “Can you identify the person that put the pills in that bag and into the pockets of Mister Castellano.” The boy was almost breathless as he nodded. “Yeah…”

The setting changes from The Dorms to Marvel Universe 616

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

Danni watched with fright, as the boy was caught by the shadows and pinned against a nearby wall, which wasn't too far from where she was actually. The gal couldn't quite follow what this was all about, only that Mr. Noir had a fixed hatred for this... Crowley? Crawley? Something about setting him up for illegal activities.

A yell snapped Danni out of her train of thoughts. W-what? Had something happened? Seemed like the jock, who she remembered was one of the people she saw by the stairs last night, prevented this 'Tommy' person from drilling through someone's head. He had let go of the broken sod, who dropped on the floor like a lifeless ragdoll. He wasn't dead, was he?

“Whose this Jason guy? He the dealer?”

D-dealer? Had she stumbled onto some scam for drugs? Danni approached the situation but still kept her silence, waiting for this interrogation to blow over...

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
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0.00 INK

Luke scratched the back of his head.

“Can you tell us where this came from?” asked the attractive girl with the hispanic accent.

“Yeah...but I’m not sure I should. Your Tommy threatened to cave in my head earlier, why on earth would I consider helping him?”

Luke sighed and put his hands on his forehead. Laura stepped forward and looked at him harshly.

“Mr Shields we are trying to prove a man innocent of a crime he did not commit. Whatever happened between you two, you cannot wish an innocent be blamed for something he didn’t do.”

Luke looked up to the ceiling and stretched.

“He won’t will he, I mean you got telepaths. And the whole business at the dance was his bloody doing. Reap what you sow, I’m not risking my neck for some for some violent mobster with anger management problems. Especially when he likes to direct that anger at me and my friend. Give me one reason why I should help and I’ll help, because I am yet to think of a compelling reason why. I have no interested in keeping Mr Noir out of trouble. So shoot, why else would I help?”

Laura looked at Cat and Alex a bit worriedly, it was clear Luke was not happy with Tommy and was quite stubborn about helping him.

Luke sat down at his desk and looked at the group.

“So?” Luke motioned for a reason.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

Tommy reached down and grabbed two handfulls of Crowley's shirt collar before hefting him off the ground and holding him a hairs breath from his face.

"Where can I find him?"

Tommy asked with a growl.

"I-I'm not sure where his room is man, I s-swear! B-But I can usually find him hanging around the auditorium. That's where he likes to hang out and m-make meetings with b-buyers."

Tommy glared into his eyes, looking for any hint of a lie. Not seeing anything he let him go, allowing him to drop to the ground with a groan of pain.

"I don't wanna see you again Crowley, you hear me? Make like a ghost or I'll turn you into one."

Crowley nodded obediently before Tommy turned to David.

"I'm headed to the auditorium man. Gunna get to the top of this thing. If Jason ain't the guy then he'll know who is. You're welcome to come along, if not I understand. I don't want any of you getting blood on their hands for me."

Tommy gave David a quick nod before beginning his walk to the auditorium.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Raidose
"So shoot, why else would I help?" Alex felt he had to chime in. "Because.... what if it were you instead?" Having gained a bit of the spot light, Alex explained his case. "You were at the dance, too. What if it were you instead of Tommy? What if, while you were dancing with that girl, you got approached by that drug addict? What if you were the one accused of being a dealer? Well, the X Men would have approached you just the same, and of course ask you to turn out your pockets. Now you'd be completely assured of your own innocence so you'd comply, but hey, lo and behold, you got some narcotics on you. You'd look pretty damn guilty, right?"

Alex took a moment, building up the nerve to get to the point. "And freaking out like Tommy did, though this may just be my perspective, may not be reasonable, but it would be understandable. Especially if your use to normal life, where there are no telepaths that can say 'hey, he's telling the truth'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but unless your a moron you'd want someone to help clear your name, too. Well, that's where Tommy is, and you could be a defining factor. You have the information that could help him, but are you really going to let him take the fall just cause you don't like him? What does that say about you?" Alex knew he was getting dangerously close to a boundary, but he wanted to make his point clear. He knew the next words he'd say would most likely result in receiving a fist to his face. Talking alone was enough for Alex to become a target in his old life, but mutant or not, this was asking for it.

"A-and you know what?" Alex continued, losing a bit of his courage and taking a step back. "I'd haphazard a guess that if that girl you were with was here right now, had all the facts that you were just given, and knew you could help but wouldn't cause some stupid argument in the hallway......" Don't say it..... Just don't. Your going to get punched. Despite his mental warning to himself, Alex continued. "Well, I think she'd be lookin' at you a whole lot differently than she was at the dance....."

Smooth, bone-head.......

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
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"Well, I think she'd be lookin' at you a whole lot differently than she was at the dance....."

Luke sat there and listened to Alex’s outburst, Laura even gave way to let him take the floor. When the last sentence was thrown his way Luke chuckled lightly under his breath, he stood up from his chair and approached Alex, who seemed a little concerned about being punched.

“You...” Luke said as he approached Alex.

Laura stood close by in case of violence. Luke stopped mere inches from Alex.

“I like you.” Luke said, his face breaking into a grin. "Alex right? You should do the talking more. Fine I’ll help you.”

Luke turned back towards his desk and picked up the flasks that had previously contained MGT.

“But I can’t give you an exact room number or anything, my power doesn’t work like that. But I can give you something better.” Luke walked to his wardrobe before putting a long sleeve black shirt on. “The guy that did this had some kind of teleporting power, would explain Mr Noirs sudden framing, but I guess one of you guys have already figured that out. But...argh its hard to describe...” Luke made a pained expression as he held the object in his hands. “He gets his stuff by teleporting it in...they drop it at certain of those times is tonight. But this guy is careful, with the dorms on lockdown he wouldn’t dare attempt the pickup. This could be a chance to meet the suppliers, a bigger prize than a simple dealer wouldn’t you say? Could get Mr Noir of the hook if he hands them over the supplier wrapped up in red ribbon.”

Luke said with a devilish smile. Laura nodded carefully.

“A fine plan, rip out this weed from the root” She commented “But we must be careful, whoever is dealing is he is an unknown and most definitely not a simple student. Now Luke, lock your door.”

“Wha-right now? We’re still inside my room.”

We’re taking the window.”

Luke sighed and grabbed an extra jumper

“I’m going to regret this.”

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: David Stillman
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"I'm headed to the auditorium man. Gunna get to the top of this thing. If Jason ain't the guy then he'll know who is. You're welcome to come along, if not I understand. I don't want any of you getting blood on their hands for me." "Aw what the hell, someone has to keep you from killing the guy." He started to follow Tommy. "You know, this might be a little more interesting if you let him do his job without being a nosey bitch. That, or you could let me help him, we'll all get answers a lot faster and it'll be like putting trash in an incinerator." No, it isn't our job to kill people. We are here to clear his name, and that's it. After this I'm going to learn how to shut you up for good. With that, David continued following Tommy.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

Danni just stood there for what felt like an eternity, even though the two blokes had left the halls to continue their... Whatever it was. The gal just wanted a minute to asses the whole event that had unfolded before her. Well... Asses, it was more akin to forming her own opinion on what she knew. Danni still didn't feel comfortable if Mr. Noir was around, though. The power he possessed, it was just... Unnerving.

But that wasn't what she was deciding on. Not directly, anyway. Why was that guy violently interrogated? There was something about a framing, and dealing. Danni did recall the formally-dressed guy asking about who framed him. Had he been accused for something that he didn't do?The girl grew more curious, but wasn't exactly fond of chasing a guy she one: Didn't even like in the first place, and two: Was deathly afraid of.

“Ooooh..... Dammit.” With her mind made up, Danni ran after the two people she thought never to approach in any way other than running passed. “H-hey, wait up!” It was a stupid, stupid idea in her mind, but if there's anything Danni hates it is wrongly accusing someone. Hating him or no, best to help a fellow mutant out of a sticky situation...

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
“Well, shit! Hold on!” Cat muttered, holding up a hand. She started down the hall, pausing to glance back at Alex. “Nice job there.” She flashed a smile before disappearing down the hall. She went to her room on the other side of the house, moving as quickly as possible in total silence, slipping behind her door. She didn’t have enough time to change, so she’d have to do this in her heels and dress – Great. Way to ruin a good outfit. She grumbled to herself as she grabbed her katanas from their perch on her bed post, strapping them to her back. Sitting on her dresser was a belt with pouches attached holding a number of small, sharp, throwing weapons. These people they were about to go against…She didn’t know what they had and she didn’t like going into a blind fight unarmed. She slipped back into the shadows, locking her door behind her as she headed back to Luke’s room, meeting Laura’s rolling eyes. “What?” Shrugging, she closed Luke’s door and locked it behind her before heading towards the window. “You – Kid – Person. I don’t know your name. I’m leaving these shoes in your room. I’ll be back for them later so don’t sell them or anything.” She gave a light nod before pushing the window open, taking a look down. “Jeez. I’m going first because I’m wearing a dress. Laura – You go last and keep an eye out, yeah?” The woman gave a nod, grumbling internally about the young woman’s antics as Cat moved over the window sill and began her quick descent to the grass below.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: David Stillman
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0.00 INK

Tommy reached the auditorium with David in tow. Castellano unsure of how he actually felt having Stillman at his back. He'd already proven unwilling to allow Tommy to end someones life and the heir to the Castellano Crime family that he may become a liability if their quarry left them no choice. If this dealer forced their hand would David be able to go to that place, or would he hesitate? They would soon find out as Tommy pressed against the door allowing the pair to enter the darkness of the auditorium. The room was coated in darkness, all but a single beam of light shined out onto the stage. Their stood a scrawny almost gnarled young man with pale skin and long oil like greasy black hair. The teen had raggedy old clothes that seemed to hang off his skeletal frame as if in tatters. He stood in stark contrast to Tommy who was taller, well muscled with well groomed hair and features and expensive fashionable apparel. Slight smirk etched it's way onto the raggedy teens face as he stood there in the light of the stage light.

"Tommy Castellano... I heard you've been busy. I wondered when you would find me."

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Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters by RolePlayGateway

A large Mansion with state of the art security and systems.

The Lounge

The Lounge by RolePlayGateway

A large room fitted with vending machines, a TV, seats, a small kitchen and an assortment of books. It's a large room, capable of hosting the entire student body, as long as the seats are removed and you're okay with a slight squeeze.

The Cafeteria

The Cafeteria by RolePlayGateway

The Cafeteria is another large room, which primary focus is feeding the numerous students. It is worked by catering staff and is very large.

The Dorms

The Dorms by RolePlayGateway

A large section of the mansion, housing a large majority of the student body.

The Danger Room

The Danger Room by RolePlayGateway

The danger room is the high tech training room for the X-Men and their Students. It uses hard light technology to create very realistic scenarios.

The Grounds

The Grounds by RolePlayGateway

The grounds and gardens of the mansion are a sizable portion of the Mansions overall estate.

The Assault Course

The Assault Course by RolePlayGateway

A state of the art assault course, designed for both novices and experts. Only combat teachers can authorize its use.

The Gardens

The Gardens by RolePlayGateway

The Gardens are the area just outside the mansion. It hosts a beautiful array of plant along with a patio for the students to relax on. It's known as the corny romantic spot by the children.

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Character Portrait: Cheyenne  Timber
3 sightings Cheyenne Timber played by LoonyLunaLoo
" odd that that's a crayon color 'timber wolf' and I'm a wolf with the last name Timber!"

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Character Portrait: Luke Shields
Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía
Character Portrait: Bruce Romeo Margrave
Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
Character Portrait: David Stillman
Character Portrait: Estéban del Rosario


Character Portrait: David Stillman
David Stillman

"I didn't ask for this..."

Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
Alex "Splat" Sterner

"You ever gone through the air intake system of an 18-wheeler? Well, I have! It's not fun! Not even a little!"

Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
Tracey Nagamura

"One kill."

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
Tommy Castellano

"Yeah, yeah I know. Say hello to your mother for me, alright?"

Character Portrait: Bruce Romeo Margrave
Bruce Romeo Margrave

"What? You got a problem with my middle name? My mother happened to enjoy Shakespeare..."

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía

"It's cute that you think you'll actually beat me."

Character Portrait: Luke Shields
Luke Shields

"I don't care what anyone says, Mrs Frost scares the crap out of me!"


Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
Alex "Splat" Sterner

"You ever gone through the air intake system of an 18-wheeler? Well, I have! It's not fun! Not even a little!"

Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
Tracey Nagamura

"One kill."

Character Portrait: David Stillman
David Stillman

"I didn't ask for this..."

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía

"It's cute that you think you'll actually beat me."

Character Portrait: Luke Shields
Luke Shields

"I don't care what anyone says, Mrs Frost scares the crap out of me!"

Character Portrait: Bruce Romeo Margrave
Bruce Romeo Margrave

"What? You got a problem with my middle name? My mother happened to enjoy Shakespeare..."

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
Tommy Castellano

"Yeah, yeah I know. Say hello to your mother for me, alright?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner
Alex "Splat" Sterner

"You ever gone through the air intake system of an 18-wheeler? Well, I have! It's not fun! Not even a little!"

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
Tommy Castellano

"Yeah, yeah I know. Say hello to your mother for me, alright?"

Character Portrait: Luke Shields
Luke Shields

"I don't care what anyone says, Mrs Frost scares the crap out of me!"

Character Portrait: Bruce Romeo Margrave
Bruce Romeo Margrave

"What? You got a problem with my middle name? My mother happened to enjoy Shakespeare..."

Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura
Tracey Nagamura

"One kill."

Character Portrait: David Stillman
David Stillman

"I didn't ask for this..."

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía

"It's cute that you think you'll actually beat me."

View All » Places

Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters by RolePlayGateway

A large Mansion with state of the art security and systems.

The Lounge

The Lounge by RolePlayGateway

A large room fitted with vending machines, a TV, seats, a small kitchen and an assortment of books. It's a large room, capable of hosting the entire student body, as long as the seats are removed and you're okay with a slight squeeze.

The Cafeteria

The Cafeteria by RolePlayGateway

The Cafeteria is another large room, which primary focus is feeding the numerous students. It is worked by catering staff and is very large.

The Dorms

The Dorms by RolePlayGateway

A large section of the mansion, housing a large majority of the student body.

The Danger Room

The Danger Room by RolePlayGateway

The danger room is the high tech training room for the X-Men and their Students. It uses hard light technology to create very realistic scenarios.

The Grounds

The Grounds by RolePlayGateway

The grounds and gardens of the mansion are a sizable portion of the Mansions overall estate.

The Assault Course

The Assault Course by RolePlayGateway

A state of the art assault course, designed for both novices and experts. Only combat teachers can authorize its use.

The Gardens

The Gardens by RolePlayGateway

The Gardens are the area just outside the mansion. It hosts a beautiful array of plant along with a patio for the students to relax on. It's known as the corny romantic spot by the children.

The Dorms

A large section of the mansion, housing a large majority of the student body.

The Grounds

Marvel Universe 616 The Grounds Owner: RolePlayGateway

The grounds and gardens of the mansion are a sizable portion of the Mansions overall estate.

Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

A large Mansion with state of the art security and systems.

The Gardens

The Grounds The Gardens Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Gardens are the area just outside the mansion. It hosts a beautiful array of plant along with a patio for the students to relax on. It's known as the corny romantic spot by the children.

The Lounge

A large room fitted with vending machines, a TV, seats, a small kitchen and an assortment of books. It's a large room, capable of hosting the entire student body, as long as the seats are removed and you're okay with a slight squeeze.

The Assault Course

The Grounds The Assault Course Owner: RolePlayGateway

A state of the art assault course, designed for both novices and experts. Only combat teachers can authorize its use.

The Danger Room

The danger room is the high tech training room for the X-Men and their Students. It uses hard light technology to create very realistic scenarios.

The Cafeteria

The Cafeteria is another large room, which primary focus is feeding the numerous students. It is worked by catering staff and is very large.

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