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Under Love's Heavy Burden- Remake

Small Town, USA


a part of Under Love's Heavy Burden- Remake, by Violet0403.


Violet0403 holds sovereignty over Small Town, USA, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Small Town, USA is a part of Under Love's Heavy Burden- Remake.

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Damien Crawford [35] "Every man has a wild beast within him."
Kelina Whitford [35] "Sometimes people just struggle to navigate the world ahead"
Blair Fray [27] Finished

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Character Portrait: Alexander Clements
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Alex liked to party, there was no two ways about it. Granted the town's fair wasn't exactly the biggest party, but the after party wasn't so bad. Especially since by that time all of the families and adults and everyone has left and it was essentially just the group of teens, a field, a bonfire, liquor, and music. Even if you didn't like to party, this was the once a year kick-off to the summer that everyone from about 15 - 20-something went to. A lot, especially the younger ones, didn't drink and a few of the older ones would bring a few joints but the field was so big that no one really cared. It was like an unwritten rule, everyone shuts up about what they see and no one cares what anyone else does or doesn't do with their life.

Alex got ready for the night by taking a quick shower and tossing on a pair of dark jeans, a red hoodie. On his way out the door he grabbed a six-pack of beer, his keys, and his favourite black leather jacket just in case. Most of the teenagers didn't show up to the fair until the later end of it anyway, so he would probably be rolling in at about the same time as the rest of them. If he was being honest, the actual fair wasn't too bad, they had cotton candy and popcorn and crappy games and a couple of kiddy rides that if you had a few drinks before and went on with enough friends could actually be kind of fun.

Once there he took a seat with his usual group of friends on a picnic table near the food section and waited for the fair to come to a close. Slowly but surely, the families and then adults had begun to disperse and head home and the fair volunteers followed suit. Not much long after, the fire was started just in time for the sun to set. He cracked open a beer and took a seat just in time to watch one of his friends stand up on the table top and make a slurred celebratory speech to kick off the party which closed with a beer can being tossed into the flames and being dragged off the table top


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements
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#, as written by HarleyQ

Damien was always hyped for the "after party" of the town's summer fair. He knew there would be drugs and alcohol, and his buddies always brought more than enough for everyone and their mothers. Everyone in town knew that he and the group of people he associated with were troublemakers, drug addicts, alcoholics, whatever. He did what he could to keep the serious stuff on the down low, as he wasn't about to go to jail for the stuff; he wasn't stupid. He knew how to not get caught, and so did most of his buddies, though there was the occasional one or two that slipped up and wound up in the slammer. Tonight was an exception for the rules, however. Usually. Generally at the after-fair party, the teens of the town did what they wanted and nobody would dare to bat an eye. There were exceptions sometimes, due to some kids risking their lives because they either don't know their limits or try to show off for their friends or girls or boys.

Damien showered thoroughly and checked his left arm, trying to make sure that none of his injection sites were noticeable. He nodded in affirmation to himself that they weren't, and he got himself dressed. He grabbed his favourite pair of worn out jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black plaid flannel. He rolled the sleeves up just past his elbows and left the flannel unbuttoned, showing the white shirt beneath it. Damien knew the party wouldn't start until after the fair had ended, so he didn't bother to worry about the time, not that it mattered whether he showed up early, late, or on time. He grabbed a half-drunken beer from the fridge and downed the rest of it and tossed the can near the recycle bin before he headed out. He grabbed his house key and his black "Rolling Stoned" hoodie and headed out the door before realizing that he'd completely forgotten to put shoes on. He quickly threw on a pair of socks and his worn down high top Chucks and left for the party.

When he arrived, thankfully most, if not all, of the older people and the fair volunteers had dispersed, except for the few younger volunteers who just shed their "uniforms" and joined in on the fun. The sun was getting ready to set and paint the sky with brilliant colours and the bonfire was being lit. He noticed a kid standing up on a table, saying something or other about whatever before he threw his beer can into the fire and was dragged messily from the table top. Damien shook his head and laughed slightly at how sloppy most of the kids in this town were. He noticed that near the kid that had been making a fool of himself on the table was Alex Clements. Everyone knew the kid; his daddy was rich, and he was spoiled rotten. The kid had a pretty bad reputation, yet for some reason, girls just continued to line up at his feet. Not that Damien was entirely shocked, as a lot of girls did the same to him. He figured it was probably the whole "I can change him" thing that all of these girls seemed to love fantasizing about in their free time.

Damien walked off to find his own friends, glancing at the kids around him, occasionally uttering a small chuckle at how ridiculous some of them were making themselves look. When he finally caught up with his friends, they'd already rolled enough joints to go around the entire fair. They lit the first few and began smoking and passing them around the group. Damien watched as the ends glowed that fuzzy orange hue in the twilight, and he looked around at the people that were mingling around. There were a few faces that Damien hadn't seen before, or if he had, he just didn't remember. There were the usual faces too, and Damien appreciated the fact that there were so many girls there. He wondered to himself if he'd get one to come home with him after the party began to die off.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements
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The fair was underway and knowing that the party peak hour was a few moments away, she got ready. She was asked to volunteer but the offer were received too early in the morning for her liking where she could only grumble as response. Of course the guilt didn’t take long to sweep in for refusing to work but it would only get worse if she didn’t make an appearance at all where her friends were probably waiting right now for her.

Kelina put on her black skinny jeans with matching combat boots and a grey t-shirt with a beige colored leather jacket on top and flicked out her hair, checking herself briefly in the mirror as she added some make-up and perfume. “Okay,” she whispered to herself. She grabbed her keys and beanie and set out to mingle with her peers.

Upon arrival, she smiled, eyeing everybody locked in their own activity or engaging conversation already. Her friends caught sight of her and called her over causing her to brighten right up as she approached. “Near prince charming. Why am I not surprised? You know you can just go talk to him. He’s only human and has a name. Pretty sure it’s Alex,” she teased her friends.
Some giggled but others corrected her about someone named Damien. It quickly turned into a debate about who were more enticing between Alex and Damien and some third wheel name she didn’t catch. She risked a glance to where her friends were pointing, carrying on about the tall, dark mysterious one by the group passing joints and she smiled and shrugged looking back to the girls before she could be caught looking. “He’s okay,” she replied modestly and left them to mingle with others quickly. She were so not going to participate in that under developed conversation with them about who were more crush worthy.

Kelina were sure realistically, she'd never tangle with Damien anyway. As handsome and as much of challenge as he may be from a distance away...A bottle were offered in front of her face, distracting her from her thoughts, which she were partly thankful for. “Thanks.”. It were full and looked untouched but Kelina passed it off to an early drunk, galloping up to her whom she stepped aside for at the same time.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements
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The fair was officially underway and now people were looking at them and even a few were laughing at the idiot screaming on their table. Alex reached up and placed a hand on his leg to help him down off the table on onto the wooden bench seat of the table. He laughed, vaguely participating in the conversation as a few of his friends waved and winked to the girls at the next table over. The conversation quickly turned to a conversation about which of the girls at the next table was the hottest. After a few minutes of watching and the conversation around him and a bit of egging on (and some practical begging) from his friends he sighed and pushed himself off the bench.

"Hey, Kel. " He called jogging a bit to catch up with the brunette. " What the name of your friend? The blonde one. Not the one I slept with, the other one." He said nodding his head in the general direction of her table of friends. "And before you say it, its not for me, its for a friend. Swear to God." He said holding his hands up defensively. He knew he had a reputation, and it never really bothered humbug he knew Kelina didn't actually approve of it, not in the slightest. And it wasn't like it was a lie, it actually was for a friend. He knew how awkward it could be trying to chat someone up and flirt when you couldn't remember their name and offended them right off the drop. So, being the great friend he was - and he was so going to be owed big for this one- he was sucking it up and asking Kelina for her friend's name to help the poor guy out.

"And I know you're gonna tell me her name because you love me, but walk with me for a bit and at least make it look like I really had to beg so he'll feel more indebted to me later on about it." He said giving her a grin and tossing out his now empty can of beer and intercepting another from a passing stranger and offering it to Kelina with a tilt of the can before cracking it open.
"I'll owe you one." He offered at the last second figuring it couldn't hurt. "Whatever you want,one favor, no questions asked."

He inhaled the familiar smell of a lit joint a few feet away and sighed. He looked over to see Damien and his usual crew. "You're probably gonna hit me for this but just the one, promise." He said handing her the beer and taking a few steps closer to the crowd of smoking guys.
"Hey, can I borrow one of those for a second? Steal quick drag?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements
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#, as written by HarleyQ

Damien was enjoying the party, watching everyone start to get a little stupid and rowdy. He, himself, had unfortunately built up somewhat of a tolerance to marijuana and wasn't feeling much of anything. At this point, he just liked the taste of the smoke on his tongue more than anything; it was kind of a sour taste that he couldn't quite put his finger on why he liked it. His friends had gone through some of the joints already and were lighting new ones as soon as the first ones died.

"Hey, can I borrow one of those for a second? Steal a quick drag?" Damien recognized the voice and looked up to see Alex. He shook his head and laughed, offering up the joint in his hand; he didn't mind the kid per say, but it wasn't usual for them to interact. When he looked back up at him, he noticed the girl with him. She was pretty; she had long hair and dressed kind of grungy but in a preppy sort of way. "Hey there. You want a hit as well?" he asked, plucking another joint from his friend's hand, which was met with a "Hey!" that Damien ignored. He stood up and grabbed her hand, placing the joint between her thumb and index finger. "Don't be shy," he said, a smirk forming on his lips, the one that girls just couldn't resist.

Damien was usually pretty convincing, that much he knew. He'd convinced people to do a lot of things, so what made this girl any different from the rest of them? It was hard to deny him, nearly impossible even, because he knew how to push people but not hard enough to push them over the edge. Just hard enough to get them to jump. He didn't expect anything more or less from this girl; she looked pretty average from what he could see on the outside.


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Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Blair was somehow upset that her life turned out that way. She thought by now she would be running her winery that was in Italy that the family was rich about... but no... she was as broke as anything. And the worst part of life was when you ended up becoming obsessedwith the rich life.

Not that she would marry someone for money. Or have sex with them for money. Or would she? She was staying in this oddly small town and nothing like New York or Italy and they were having a fair and she decided to get changed and go. She changed into her dress > (right image) and then she looked in the mirror.

She looked good and her shoes were good. SHe loved life. She just hated the part about not having any money really to go to a bar like in high school. She went into town where the fair was being held and sat down somewhere not ready to socialize yet.

"Good Luck Blair."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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She went to greet Alex back but of course he had the one simple objective on his mind causing her to roll her eyes. He were at least quick to cut to the chase about it. She took a look at her friends, furrowing her brows to decide which seven…maybe nine… he had already conquered in bed and whom was this one he hadn’t slept with yet that was apparently reserved for his friend. She went to answer but Alex was drifting off consumed in the scent of joints. She swung her hand into his arm gently as a light scolding as she held his beer.
Kelina waved her hand in the air to rid the smoke from invading her own senses and hung back, arms crossed over her chest. Alex never cared of what she thought of him, and in exchange she didn’t care what he thought of her, but she was particularly disapproving of this stunt and his sudden desire for a joint.

She shook her head gently with a polite smile as a joint was offered to her for hovering just outside the circle. “Oh. No, thank you, I don’t smoke.” But Damien had seemed assured in getting his way as the joint was replaced between her thumb and index finger. Kelina glanced to him to meet that smirk then shot Alex a look that didn’t communicate friendliness but wasn’t an entire glare either, even though it wasn’t really his fault anyway.

She was sure she looked the perfect part for the lack of self-control and drug clique. Or the “party’s too hard” look with a beer in one hand and marijuana in the other. She held the joint awkwardly and returned her gaze to Damien, biting her lip through a grin. “I really don’t. Sorry.” She passed it back to Damien looking for an escape, feeling bad for rejecting a weirdly polite offer, even when it went against her own morals. Going with the flow could have opened a whole new world of intriguing mingling too and she had declined, ruined the flow and felt awkward and guilty for it.

Thankfully, as she scanned the crowds again she saw a girl alone and reserved. One whom she hadn’t got to know before but looked interesting enough. That was her escape. “Alex…” she prompted gently. She watched him carefully, assuring he only inhaled that ‘harmless little bit’, he had asked for. But then again, she felt she couldn't rely on him to leave in a timely fashion. “The blonde is Jessica and I’m going to mingle more,” she informed him quickly. With a wave and smile walking backward from the group that loved their highs, she dismissed herself, turning on her heel and paced off to the new brunette in a dress that she quite liked.

“Hey.” She brushed back her hair recovering from the stiff situation she had recently escaped realizing this were no better. She chewed on her lip nervously, not having anything prepared. “Um…I brought a beer for you.” Kelina found her tan arm extending to offer the drink to her. “And I can see that you’re selectively alone and I’m intruding,” she observed with a nod. My god, what is with me tonight!? “I’m sorry. I just...panicked.”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Blair looked at the girl that walked up to her. Blair smiled at the girl patting the empty spot on the bench beside her and moved over a bit. "Hey don't worry about it. And thank you." She took the beer from the girl and smiled.

"Thanks for coming to talk to me. I guess i am more shy then I thought. My name is Blair Fray whats yours?" She said thinking about it.

She looked at the girl and smiled. "You have a really pretty smile."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Alex let out a contented sigh when he felt the joint between his fingers. He brought it to his lips and took the one drag he'd promised he would, albeit one very long drag. He had no intention of getting high, but a little bit never hurt anyone. It had been a solid few months since he'd smoked at all and fuck it, it was a party. On the exhale, the smoke puffed out from his lips and nostrils as he choked backed laughed. There was something intrinsically hilarious in the sight of Kelina being handed a joint like nothing, especially when she already had a beer in her hand. If she hadn't passed it back so quickly he probably would've pulled out his phone and snapped a picture in a heart beat. "Kelina is far too much of a good-girl." He teased nudging her slightly as he passed the joint back. "Though if anyone could need a hit it's you." He watched as she glanced around nervously, obviously looking for an escape route.

As he felt her start to shift beside him and say his name he was about to give her a casual acknowledgment so she knew he heard her and was ready to leave. Before he could even manage a "yeah yeah" or something of the sort she was gone. But gone with the name of the hot friend, so he couldn't complain too much. " I love you, Kel!" He called with a wide smiled, obviously pleased to have gotten what he wanted yet again. "Don't mind her, perpetual stick up her ass. Thanks, you guys have a great night." He said to Damien with a small salute before turning on his heels and following suit after Kelina in the same direction.

On his way past the table Kelina had plopped herself down on, he rolled his eyes and gave her a small nudge on the back of her head. "Way to steal my beer, Kel." He complained, effectiveness of any real annoyance behind it destroyed by the smile on his face. He then turned his attention to the girl sitting on the bench with her. "Hi there." He said smile turning into more of a smirk. Before Kelina could be given the chance to groan at him for trying to flirt with someone she was talking to or before his friend could run across the field and punch him for not sharing his newly received and much desired information, he turned to leave. "Bye ladies. And thank you. He'll call her. I promise." He said waggling his fingers at her before heading back across the field to his table.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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#, as written by HarleyQ

“Oh. No, thank you, I don’t smoke.” She glanced around, seemingly feeling awkward. "I really don't. Sorry," she said as she gave the joint back to Damien. "Kelina is far too much of a good-girl. Though if anyone would need a hit, it's you." "Alex.... The blonde is Jessica, and I’m going to mingle more,” she said quickly before she awkwardly backed away from the group with a wave and a smile. She turned on her heel and walked off quickly towards a girl that was sitting alone on the outskirts of the party. "I love you, Kel!" Damien looked at the joint that she'd put back into his hand. Did she just....refuse me? Damien thought to himself, perplexed at the situation. He pinched at the joint in his fingers, making a weird face at it, confused a little by how that had gone.

"Don't mind her, perpetual stick up her ass. Thanks, you guys have a great night." Damien was so lost in his own confusion that he barely heard Alex. He continued to stare at the joint, pinching it some more, thinking, then the friend that he'd plucked the joint from in the first place snatched it back from him. Damien wasn't even phased by the action and just stared at his hand. What just happened? Damien thought, wondering how a girl like that could've refused a guy like him in the first place.

"Hey, guys. I'm gunna, uh, take a walk...." he said, grabbing a beer from one of the small coolers they had brought. He got up and headed off towards the other side of the fair grounds, cracking the beer as he did so but not yet taking a sip from it. He fiddled with the tab on the can as he walked, putting his free thumb into his pocket. Absentmindedly, he accidentally snapped the tab off into the can. "Shit," he said before going over to a trash bin and tossing it, frustrated with himself. "Kelina, huh?" He glanced over to where she was sitting. She was talking to a girl he'd never seen before and watched as Alex said something to them both before walking back off towards his own friends.

Damien turned away before they could notice that he'd been looking their direction because they were the only ones even in that remote area. He ran his free hand through his long, messy hair, sighing as he did so. "Well, Kelina. You have my attention. But what the hell are you planning on doing with it, if anything?" Damien wondered aloud to himself.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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She took a look at Alex as he re-joined Kelina with her new acquaintance. Blair, as she had introduced herself. Traditionally, Alex activated his flirty mode causing Kelina to narrow her eyes on him with a light scowl. Once he dismissed himself however, she picked up from where she left off in introductions with Blair. “I’m Kelina Whitford. And that was Alex Clements. He thinks he’s funny, just ask him”, she added. She thought it best to tone down her opinion of him and leave out how much of a flirt and heartbreaker he was according to most girls for the sake of the new girl and odd embedded respect for Alex. His business was after all his own as well as their impressions on each other.

“I like your dress by the way. And you know…” she decided to lend Blair some simple ropes as she was not a familiar face to the town... "if you want another drink all you have to do is flirt with any one of these guys and you’ll walk away a free woman,” Kelina laughed as she projected it as a promise. “Like….” She spotted Damien away from his group, losing her desire to make an example out of the first guy she saw. Kelina bit her lip and hesitated looking around more until something else captured her attention or she could remember where she was heading with the previous sentence.

Damien was irritatingly at the tip of her tongue. The urge to call out and wave him over, intrigued to know him more, lingered. But she’d be fine without his company. His company was one she could do without, especially with the first impression she made. It wasn't particularly graceful or 'hot' or impressive. “The guys here are really easy,” she concluded vaguely. It sounded bad on the guys half and poor Blair's, sounding as if she were assuming they all just sleep around with a snap of the fingers but she meant easy to approach, easy to lead on, and easy to talk to. Most were, anyway. Kelina didn't even bother to justify herself because the words would end up nonsense, for her mind was scrambled.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Blair was surprised that this girl was talking with her. The dress was from the days when she had money. "Thank you thats sweet of you. But i don't know if I want to get drunk really. I remember way too much of that before." She didn't like thinking of the past.

She looked at him. She smiled and waved her hand slightly and smiled to the girl beside her. "Its nice to meet you Kelina." She was quite already excited to be here but she didn't know what to think.

She didn't feel like drinking to much but maybe some dancing later. "Is there a few I should stay away from for you?" She said with a wink of her eye.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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#, as written by HarleyQ

Damien continued walking around the fair grounds, trying to decide what to do. He passed a group of younger teens and one of them handed him a beer, to which he winked and pointed at them in appreciation. He walked past one of the fair rides, which was non-operational now that the fair had closed for the night, and he decided to sit in one of the little buggies. There, he was away from everything and everyone and hopefully wouldn't be noticed or approached. He snapped open the beer can, breaking the tab off completely and throwing it off to the side. He held the beer in his hand, swirling it around a bit, just staring at it trying to think.

After being there for a few minutes, a tipsy girl came over to him, practically falling down as she stumbled her way towards the buggy. "Hey, there. You wanna have a good time?" she asked, giggling like a hyena and putting her hand on his shoulder. "Piss off, sweetheart," he said harshly, pouring a tiny bit of beer near her feet so that she squealed but none actually got on her. "Asshole!!" she yelled, storming off. Damien didn't even bother looking her way, but he waved her off nonetheless. For whatever reason, he wasn't in the mood to be bothered by random girls, or guys for that matter; he just didn't want to be disturbed.

He took a big swig from the beer and half-choked on it. This shit literally tastes like piss, he thought to himself as he poured the beer onto the ground beside him, watching it splash slightly onto the side of the buggy. He put his elbow on the front of the buggy, leaning his face into his hand. When the can was empty, he crushed it against the side of the buggy and tossed it off to the side. He looked around the fair behind him and noticed that he could still see Kelina sitting with that girl. He turned back, hoping to not have brought unwanted attention to himself.

Usually Damien didn't mind the attention he got from people, especially willing girls, but tonight was weird and just felt different to him. Shit. The hell is wrong with me? he asked himself, turning to glance towards Kelina again. God dammit. He couldn't put his finger on why, but that girl had grabbed his attention. Probably because she had flat out refused him, which hadn't happened since Damien was in Junior High School. His left arm began to itch with anticipation, right in the crook of his elbow, where all of his injections were done. Shit. I'm getting antsy.

Against his better judgement, Damien got up, rolled his sleeves down over his arms to cover his left one mostly, and headed off toward his group of friends again. When he got to them, he grabbed one of the few beers that was left and made his way toward Kelina and the girl she was sitting with. "You look like you could use a drink, sweetheart," he said to the girl, ignoring Kelina as he did so. "What's your name?" he asked her, actually curious but mostly trying to gage the situation with Kelina. He opened the beer and handed it to the girl, smiling as he did so. He wanted to see Kelina's reaction, if she even had one, but nonetheless, he wanted to get something out of her. "You know, you can't really have a lot of fun here if you just sit by yourself," he said, his charming smirk making its way across his face. He was purposefully ignoring Kelina, hoping for something. "Why don't you mingle a little? There are plenty of groups of people here; I'm sure you'll find one you fit into. It's like being a puzzle piece, trying to find exactly where you fit." That didn't sound ridiculous at all, Damien.

Hex Code: #2C5970


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Alexander made his way back to his table of expectant friends. He climbed up so he was sitting on the top of the table with his feet on the bench. It only took about 6 seconds after the name left his mouth before a pair of his friends were off and making themselves comfortable leaning against the table of girls. He was more then used to girls fawning over him and his friends but it still plays amused him to watch it happen. The way that even the smartest or prettiest girls could start blushing and giggling messes just by one guy talking to them.

Quickly, he grew bored of watching them and moved on to watching other groups of people. He kept in the back of his mind a mental list of the girls he saw that peaked his interest. There were always safe bets, girls who were near sure fire to go home with him without much real effort on his part. But he'd be lying if he said they weren't safe bets because he'd already proved them to be. And there wasn't much fun with that.

He made note of a few girls who were beyond drunk already and screaming through the field and immediately added to his 'no' list. He then added a few to his 'maybe' list. That was really as far as he got before he was shoved off the table. He stumbled towards the ground, catching himself on the seat of the bench as someone behind him placed a full sized 750mL bottle of Vodka on the table and screamed "Shots!" while tearing open a plastic baggie of plastic shot glasses.

He groaned but took one when it was offered and downed it. After the third one he pulled himself from the mob around the table of people watching and taking shots. On his way out of the crowd, as people squished in to fill in his spot he noticed Kelina still at the table with the strange girl, except this time Damien was leaning on the table with a beer. He ran his tongue across his lips as he broke into a smile. He had seen that move before. Hell, he had done that move before. Pretty girls didn't like to be ignored, a sure fire way to get one hooked on you was to do exactly that and ignore her. Better yet, you ignore her in favor of another girl. For some reason it made them want your attention. However, in terms of Kel, he wasn't so sure it work but he was more than happy to watch it go down.

He grabbed what was left of his six pack and carried it over to the bonfire, using the absence of people to take a seat in someone's abandoned lawn chair, putting his feet up on a stray log in front of the fire and watching it burn.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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“No,I don’t…” Kelina was about to reply to Blair's suggestive wink before Damien came over. Initially she grinned, happy to see him close again but the moment more moves were on the new girl, it slowly faded and Blair didn’t have to bat an eye. That was fortunate for Blair. Unfortunate for herself. Through Damien ignoring her and taking a shot at his smooth talk with Blair, Kelina risked a glance to her giving a quick evaluation. Well…she was pretty and had a generally pleasant personality so far. Kelina averted her gaze uncomfortably to the ground, trying to contain the unexplained tinge of jealousy particularly as he revealed his special little trademark smirk again. Damien made it clear Kelina was getting thrown to the background and had no place in the new conversation if he had even seen her. It caused her jaw to twist gently, though she didn’t know why she was getting mad about it. Which almost made her even madder, shooting a glare at Damien beneath her eyelashes.

She could have any guy she wanted and there was a fine pick at the fair. She remained silent so Blair could respond as she saw fit, but corrected her posture to be more assertive and confident in herself. She straightened up in her seat and looked pass Damien, as if he weren’t there either or an inconvenience at most, giving him a dose of his own medicine, scanning the crowds. “It's like being a puzzle piece, trying to find exactly where you fit." She laughed once, detached from humor. “Smooth,” she muttered under her breath.

Kelina rose to get her own drink from an unattended pack, spotted a fair distance away probably belonging to someone in the group dancing a little further along. Feeling the need again to escape Damien and drink in hopes to let loose a little. What was that guy’s problem?....Okay it may be mine…No! The general publics. If he came back in sight or near Kelina she'd give him a piece of her mind. Whatever there was between them would be confronted and sorted, one way or another.

Kelina moved to a lone Alex, and tugged on his hair as greeting. Now Alex she knew how to handle and tolerate even through their differences. He made sense to her.“So who are we picking to conquer tonight? Your new girl is getting hit on again already so she’s probably out of the equation. Hopefully she’s smart though and can see right through his dark charms that are only after one thing. Dark charms, dark intentions. She’ll come right over here, we’ll drink, we’ll dance. It will be a good night.” She was guilty of rambling and being less than elegant but that wasn’t the booze. Though Kelina was known to be light weight half a can wouldn’t get anyone drunk or buzzed. Emotions, however, she didn’t know quite how to deal with, were a different story.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Blair looked at the girl and smiled. Blair looked at the other guy. She had noticed him come earlier to say something to Kelina. She decided to introduce herself later on. As he was fairly attractive.

Blair didn't know if she was meant to follow Kelina or something but she decided she would go for it. She walked over and smiled. "I don't know now if i am intruding. Hello I am Blair." She had actually finished her beer. Which tasted her good as she was a bit hot.

Maybe it was the enormous fact that she was no longer the rich girl in school anymore. She was as broke as a fiddler. Which was not her cup of happy for her. She would rather be knowing she could go home drunk and wake up with a hangover that she could fix with shopping with friends or something like that.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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The three shots taken in quick precession were starting to catch up with him and Alex was starting to feel his head get fuzzy around the edges as he watched the fire burn. When he heard footsteps approaching behind him he turned his head and gave Kelina a wide, sloppy grin. "Hey" He greeted. He actually liked Kelina, not in an I want to sleep with her type way but in an actual she's a great person and I like being around her type way. She was very different from his usual group of friends and that was a breath of fresh air some times and she was probably the only girl he knew that he could just hang out with without having to be on the entire time.

"So who are we picking to conquer tonight? Your new girl is getting hit on again already so she’s probably out of the equation. Hopefully she’s smart though and can see right through his dark charms that are only after one thing. Dark charms, dark intentions. She’ll come right over here, we’ll drink, we’ll dance. It will be a good night.” Alex laughed at that. "I do not do that!" He lied.

"What new girl? Oh." He said glancing back to the table with a shrug. "Except he's not actually hitting on her. Though its obviously very effective ten points for him, I didn't think it would work." He hummed before continuing on like nothing as the other girl approached. "You need to stop saying dark charms. " He told Kelina with roll of his eyes. "You're starting to sound like one of those old movies where they blame everything on witchcraft and evil spirits. Lighten up."

As the new girl approached he turned his head again. "Nope, communal fire, help yourself. Besides she called it that you'd come over here. " He said waving a hand as if to display the fire. "From what I heard someone over here even brought a bunch of stuff for s'mores." He gave the dark haired girl a smile, as charming as he could manage in his current state. "I'm Alex." He said reaching across his body with his right hand and holding the hand out to her.

He placed behind her to Damien, and grinned at the guy. If he was smart, and Alex was willing to bet that he was, he'd be over here too in a few minutes. At least from his perspective it was kind of amusing. If he was a good friend he would have let Kelina in on the game, but that seemed far too unfair and though 'bro-code' was sort of ridiculous and entirely laughable the main principle still applied. Plus he found it kind of amusing watching Kelina get flustered like that and what business of his was it whether or not the guy actually succeeded, he had no intention of sleeping with her and she was more than capable of taking care of herself.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

"Smooth," Kelina said under her breath. Damien glanced at her with a slight smirk before turning back to the new girl. Kelina got up to leave and wandered towards Alex, and New Girl did the same, without even so much as word to him. "Are you kidding me?" he said out loud to himself. She was out of earshot, so he didn't worry about what he said. He scoffed a bit. "Slightly rude, New Girl. Not even an acknowledgment to anything I said?" He shook his head, looking towards where they had gone, where Alex had been sitting. Alex grinned at him, and Damien took that as his chance to walk over to them.

"What're you smiling at, pretty boy?" Damien joked, clapping him in the shoulder as he walked past him, taking a seat on the ground beside him. "Hello again, New Girl. Kelina." He put more emphasis into acknowledging the new girl than he did with Kelina, still trying to gage her. She seemed like she had gotten a bit jealous over things before. He noticed how she had fixed her posture to seem taller and more confident, and the muttered "smooth" was a dead giveaway. "This place seems a little more....dead than usual. Is it just me?" His arm was beginning to itch again, and he did everything he could to avoid scratching the crook of his elbow. However, he knew there had to be a slightly uncomfortable look on his face, as there always was when this happened.

Damien needed something to do with his hands; they were becoming idle and it was becoming difficult to deal with. He grabbed a long stick of wood from the fire, the end still burning a little, the rest of the stick untouched. He turned it in between his fingers, watching the fire twirl around the end of it. "Look alive, people. We're at a party. Woohoo," Damien said half-heartedly. He had to admit, this "party" was getting pretty dead at this point. Maybe it really was just him. He put his elbow on his knee and leaned his face into his hand, his facial expression bored beyond all belief. He felt like he could just fall asleep at this rate; there was nothing interesting happening now.

Hex Code: #2C5970


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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“Besides she called it that you'd come over here." Kelina smiled to the new girl and nodded in a mock smug way, confirming it had been predicted by herself.

“Hi again Damien,” she replied with a stiff smile as he re-approached. “It’s nice to be seen by you.” Kelina really needed to tone down the sarcasm and snark, it was so unlike her.

“This place seems a little more....dead than usual. Is it just me?" It was clear Damien wasn’t having the time of his life he visualised. Rather than presuming he meant his choice of company was boring, Kelina responded instead after a moment with:“And what do you suppose would amp this party up? Everyone getting drunk and high or have some unknown drug in their system?” She asked though her tone were slightly accusing. After a brief glance around the unlikely group she shuffled closer to Damien but not to invade that personal space bubble. “Did you know you can have fun without some extraneous substance in your system? Like hold a tame conversation, dance sober, flirt sober, participate in sports” she listed trying to relate to a guy’s definition of fun. Her eyes fell on the twig he was fiddling with and looked far more preoccupied in, tempted to grab it off him.

Kelina blew out her lips, scratching the back of her head to distract herself from the temptation. Though she made it very clear she was particularly talking to Damien, it was a wonder if he acknowledged her actual words. This guy were sinking under her skin too much.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Blair looked at the guy that introduced himself. He was very charming and sexy. Something she maybe needed to see. She watched as Kelina began a conversation with the other guy.

She smiled at Alex and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Alex. I am Blair. It seem like those two are hitting it off." She really liked the guy just by looking at him.

She glanced around them and she still missed home really. "So do you go to these things a lot?" She really didn't know that many people and this was making her more nervous but at least she knew Kelina a bit and this Alex fellow.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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"What're you smiling at, pretty boy?" Alex laughed and tilted his head back to look at Damien. "You. Obviously, Gorgeous." He answered with another grin.

Not long after sitting down and joining them, Damien spoke again. "This place seems a little more....dead than usual. Is it just me?" Alex shook his head at Damien's question. "Not just you." He replied. "But more and more people are quote 'growing up' and even more are getting the hell out of here first chance they get. Not that you can really blame 'em." He finished, making air quotes with his fingers around the phrase growing up. Not that anything he said could really lighten the mood with Kelina going straight for the jugular a foot to his left.

"It seem like those two are hitting it off." Alex gave a small nod glancing back towards the pair. "Yeah, I don't know which one of them to be more worried about. " He had a feeling Damien could hold his own both in confrontation and with women. This being said, Kelina wasn't like the girls he was used to. He was used to girls like Alex was, generally shallow, decently low self esteem or exceedingly high self esteem. Either way, those girls were easy to manipulate and sway. Kelina was not an easy person to sway. He'd tried.

"So do you go to these things a lot?" Alex shrugged at Blair's question. "Depends. Parties, yeah. This thing in the field, that's more of a once a year thing. What about you? You look like you'd frequent the parties." He said pulling another beer up from his case and handing her one as he cracked his own open.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Blair laughed when he spoke. She smiled thinking about it. "From what I know of Kelina she seems to be like she can take care of herself."

She said thinking about it all. "Thanks, as for partying I have done my fair bit. I used to live in New York. There was some serious partying that went on there."

She said thinking about Aurelia she was her best friend. Always getting wasted and high was the best for her. And she used to get like that also.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

“And what do you suppose would amp this party up? Everyone getting drunk and high or have some unknown drug in their system? Did you know you can have fun without some extraneous substance in your system? Like hold a tame conversation, dance sober, flirt sober, participate in sports.” Damien looked at her for a moment before responding. "Maybe if you grow up in a good household, with a dad that isn't drinking and 'losing himself' in a young, hot piece of ass 24/7, maybe then you can have fun like that. Because you don't just think about all of the shit that's going on that's out of your control, and you can just be free without a care in the damn world."

He stood up, throwing the stick back into the fire angrily before starting to walk away. He didn't expect anyone to follow him, especially Kelina, however she seemed like the type that would try to "help" others. "Have fun," he called back without looking, waving half-assedly in their direction. He ran his hand through his hair before scratching the crook of his elbow. It felt like his skin was burning underneath his sleeve. This is not normal.... he thought to himself before shoving his hands in his jeans pockets.

He found his way back to the buggy that he had been sitting in earlier that night and took a seat in it, leaning his head against the back of it and closing his eyes. He was officially over this "party." "Was this place ever even fun? Or was I just too high too give a shit in the past?" he thought out loud to himself. His left arm was still burning with the itching sensation, and it was really starting to get under his skin. Just like Kelina, he thought. Under my skin.

Hex Code: #2C5970


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford Character Portrait: Alexander Clements Character Portrait: Blair Fray
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Shit.Kelina was lost for words and felt terrible as his story was snapped her way. She kept her eyes on the ground as Damien left and couldn’t even look at Alex or Blair feeling so a shamed so she stayed put for a moment. She should’ve known better. Damien probably didn’t want Kelina’s company of them all but she had some serious redemption on her shoulders. With a deep breath, she prepared herself to follow him in the distance. “You two have fun,” she departed with, trying a friendly smile between Alex and Blair, though it were countered with guilt.

She followed Damien to the buggy and as she got closer her steps became more hesitant and slow particularly as he had his eyes closed. “Hey,” she croaked, clasping her hands together tightly unsure how else to approach him. “I’m really sorry about before. You just…I’m just not the best tonight. I wouldn’t know a tough living environment or upbringing right in front of my eyes, obviously.” She admitted and shrugged softly. Kelina cleared her throat then and pointed to the spot beside him. “May I?” She hoped he'd be kind enough to accept her company, though it made complete sense to deny it. If roles were reversed, she'd probably refuse.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelina Whitford Character Portrait: Damien Crawford
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#, as written by HarleyQ

“Hey. I’m really sorry about before. You just…I’m just not the best tonight. I wouldn’t know a tough living environment or upbringing right in front of my eyes, obviously.” Damien opened his eyes and turned them towards Kelina. "Obviously," he said smart-assedly. "May I?" she said, pointing to the spot next to him. He shrugged and motioned to the seat, offering it up to her. "Why not?" he said, closing his eyes again. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly through pursed lips. Eyes still closed, he spoke again: "So you really don't do anything 'fun,' do you? Not that the life I live is particularly fun. Mostly, I just like to forget where I am." Why am I saying all of this?

Damien couldn't figure out why he just felt so open around this girl. "What do you do for 'fun,' girlie?" 'Girlie?' Really, Damien? He opened his eyes again and sat up a little straighter. He turned his body a bit towards her, putting his elbow on a little ledge in the back of the buggy, and resting his head in his hand. For a moment, he almost forgot that his left elbow was itching like crazy. Kelina was a pretty girl; Damien liked that fact that she looked sort of grungy but in a very clean and meticulous way, not like most girls that dressed similarly.

Hex Code: #2C5970