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Brian Parker, Son of Peter Parker and current host of the Carnage Symbiote

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a character in “United We Stand, Assembled We Fight”, originally authored by MaxStokes, as played by RolePlayGateway



ImageName: Brian Benjamin Parker

Alias: Carnage

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6’ 2”

Current Location:
Oscorp Facility near Rochester NY

Occupation: NA

Orientation: Heterosexual

Voice: Young adult, slight symbiotic multi-tone

Abilities and Skills

Symbiotic Bond - Brian possesses various superhuman attributes as a result of bonding with the Carnage symbiote. Most of his powers are similar to those possessed by Spider-Man and Venom. For example he can see out of every bit of his symbiote.

Superhuman Strength:
Brian is superhumanly strong. He has demonstrated to being stronger than Spider-Man and Venom combined and can lift about 60 tons.

Superhuman Speed:
Brian can run and move at speeds superior to those of any normal human being. Top quadruped sprint at roughly 55 mph.

Superhuman Stamina:
Brian’s musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his bloodstream begins to impair him.

Superhuman Agility:
Brian's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Brian's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete. .01 sec reaction time.

Superhuman Durability:
The tissue the symbiote is composed of renders Brian's body much harder and more resistant to physical injury than the body of an ordinary human. Brian can withstand high caliber bullets, great impact forces, powerful energy blasts, and falls from great heights without sustaining physical injury.

Regenerative Healing Factor:
Despite this, however, it is possible to injure him. Brian is able to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than an ordinary human. It isn't known, however, if he can fully regenerate severed limbs or missing internal organs. Brian is also immune to the effects of all Earthly diseases and infections as long as he remains bonded with the symbiote.

Wall Crawling:
Much like Spider-Man, Brian has the ability to cling to virtually any surface. He can rapidly crawl, walk, or run across even slickened surfaces.

Webbing: Brian can project a powerful, organic web-like substance similar to the webbing Spider-Man has. He typically uses this webbing to swing from building to building or as a means of immobilizing someone. The webbing is exceptionally strong,

Constituent Matter Generation:
Brian can generate tentacle-like appendages from various parts of his body, which he often uses either in combat situations or to restrain someone.

Constituent-Matter Manipulation:
Brian can morph sections of his body, such as his hands or feet, into bladed weaponry such as spikes, blades, or axes. Brian can also detach these bladed weaponry if he chooses to. For example, he often forms spikes that he expels from his body. The weaponry, however, disintegrates after being separated from his body after a period of about 30 seconds.


Side Effects and Weaknesses: The Carnage symbiote, like all others of its kind, is extremely vulnerable to heat and sonic based attacks. They can cause the symbiote physical pain and discomfort, where as "more powerful" attacks might be completely ineffective. Also, specific to Brian, he is unable to yet control his physical appearance and remains in “Carnage” form at all times.



Personality and Background

Personality: Young and not immune to the cockiness of his age. Beyond all he wants to be a great super hero like his father was. He is quite a bit full hearty, sure that his powers and unnatural skills will be enough for anything he might ever face as a hero. But having never seen actual combat, that is unlikely.

Having been cooped up in an Oscorp research facility for the past seven years and having little human contact beyond his foster father Harry Osborn, he is unsurprisingly a little socially awkward. Though in the “excited to meet anyone” way instead of the “shy” way. Having been under the personal tutelage of a top intellectual for the past six or so years hasn’t hurt his book smarts either. Though not nearly as much of it stuck as it should have.

Lastly, due to his bond to the Carnage symbiote, which spent most of it’s time with an insane serial killer, he can become hyper-aggressive. A sort of blood lust, he lets out more of an animalistic side in which he lashes out at anything that appears to threaten him. This tends to happen most often during his training sessions, which are designed to mimic combat.

History/Background: Thirteen years before the Reaper invasion of earth Peter Parker and his bride MJ Parker had a son. After countless sleepless nights were spent worrying about what side effects his mutation might have on their offspring, Parker finally threw caution to the wind and took the plunge. Despite the nightmares of six armed infants. However, everything did not go better than expected.

During the pregnancy, everything seemed fine, and everything with the two soon to be parents was right as rain. Apart from the mocking publicity Spider Man got from buying pickles and marshmallow peanut butter. A few months before the Then, shortly after their son was born the doctor brought Peter some very bad news. The infant seemed to suffer from an extremely rare deformity in his left arm and leg. They would have to be amputated.

After the birth of their son, MJ wanted to move out NYC to a environment that would be easier for the young Brian. However, Peter wanted to stay and kept saying stuff like “The City Needs Me!”. In reality he blamed himself for his son’s deformity. Eventually, Mary Jane took the infant Brian and left Peter. Who stayed in New York City.

Brian turned out to be a pretty good kid. MJ had learned from the many mistakes of her own parents. Despite his handy-cap and being bound to a wheelchair, his mother’s “hard ass yet loving” nature insured he was a determined and moral individual. The family of two were occasionally visited by his father, but the instances were always awkward. MJ tried to keep them isolated from his father’s world of superheroes, but like a great many of the male youth at that time he came to idolize them. Despite his mother’s constant criticisms of them.

Eventually, around his Twelfth birthday, Brian learned who his father really was. There were just too many questions left un-answered for MJ to dodge any longer. So she called Peter and demand he come to help her explain. After everything was out, Peter expected his son to hate him. Yet, the silence following the long explanation was met with the cheering of his son and the excited exclamation “NO WAY! MY DAD IS SPIDERMAN?!”. Brian didn’t once utter any for of forgiveness. Why should he? After all, wasn’t it his father’s duty to keep the city safe? Brian knew he couldn’t selfishly abandon his duty. MJ was slightly angry that Parker had gotten of scott free, but was happy that he could finally bond with his father. Even Peter seemed to loose some of the guilt he felt when he saw his son’s missing leg and arm. Following that, for a time all was right with the Parker family. Sadly, things were not meant to last.

A few months after the family tell-all Peter had decided, much to Brian’s protest, that he needed to spend some more time with his son. He decided to move to the rural town, though Brian made him promise that it was only temporary. MJ was still reluctant to trust Peter after what had happened following their son’s birth, but she couldn’t deny the way they both seemed to glow when they were together. She still didn’t let him stay in the same house though. He had to bunk in a hotel down the street.

One day Peter started to get the strange feeling that someone was watching him as he walked down the street from the hotel to his wife and son’s suburban home. Though after pulling a bait and switch in an alley one night then finding no one, he dismissed it as heroing withdrawals. Though in reality, he had just missed Cletus Kasady known as Carnage.

The mass murdering ex-prisoner psychopath turned alien symbiote supervillian, but still psychotic mass murderer, had recently revived the carnage symbiote within his body and was now going to make Spider Man pay for always ruining his fun. This time however, he wasn’t going to rush in blindly he had a plan. He was going to catch Peter off his guard, make Spider Man rush in blindly and make mistakes.

A few days later, Brian returned home from high school. Though he thought something was strange as he called out to his mom that he had aced the day’s physics test and didn’t receive an answer. His mom always beat him home, and she hadn’t called to say she was going to be out. He wheeled himself into the kitchen expecting a note on counter. However what he found was his mother’s mutilated corpse, or the scattered remains of her mutilated corpse, flung about the kitchen.

Later Peter received a phone call from his son. He was finishing up at his day job, which he had taken to keep up appearances in town, when he answered. On the other line was his son’s voice. Erratic and sniffling, unable to be understood beyond begging him to come. Then he heard something that made his heart skip a beat. “Come on spidey
” was heard just before the line clicked off. Peter dropped the phone and sprinted from the building.

Minutes later, he bust through the front door and a battle of epic proportions ensued. After nearly an hour and the complete wrecking of the house, Peter managed to kill Cletus. But he did not have the sonic weaponry to deal with the symbiote, who sought shelter in the body of his unconscious son. Peter didn’t even have time to morn his wife as he threw Brian in the back of a car and sped down the road. The only luck seeming to go his way was that Peter knew an old family friend Harry Osborn was working at an Oscorp research facility in nearby Rochester.

With the help of Harry, Peter was able to put his now symbiote infused son in a secure cell. As he feared the Carnage, which had been connected to Cletus for so long, might cause Brian to loose control. Which is indeed what happened.

Over the next few days, the new Carnage lashed out like a vicious animal, trying to escape it’s cell. Though Harry and Peter were able to keep it at bay, while trying to separate it from Brian. However, the symbiote seemed to have evolved when it had bonded with Brian due to the influences of his fathers genes. The techniques that had worked before were ineffective. Then something miraculous happened, Brian wrested control his body from the alien symbiote. He was extremely confused and disoriented, but when his father explained what happened, he broke into depression over the death of his mother. Though he only once blamed his father.

Over the following weeks, Peter and Harry desperately to find a way to remove the symbiote from Brian while Brian waited patiently. Though, Brian began to feel like he didn’t want the symbiote separated. He felt in control of his new body, and for the first time in his life he had the use of his left arm an leg along with all the fantastic powers of Carnage. Still, Brian kept silent, he knew how hard his father was working to turn him back to normal and didn’t want to upset him. Peter spent his every waking moment trying to develop a way to exorcise the symbiote, keeping a erratic schedule and hardly sleeping. He might have found a way to do it to, if not for the reaper invasion.

Before Peter left the underground research facility to try and help defend against the reapers, he made Harry promise that no matter what, he would save his son. Harry couldn’t refuse the request. As Peter said his goodbye to his son, Brian’s feelings finally came out. Brian begged his father to let his son come with him. He said that he was strong now, he could control the symbiote, help his father fight. Peter angrily refused his son, half concerned that the symbiote was playing tricks and half simply wanting to keep his only child safe. Peter’s angry response only served to make Brian yell back at his father, cursing him for everything he could think of. His abandonment, his mother’s death, accusing Peter of being ashamed of his disability, even saying that Peter wanted him to be unhappy and crippled. The symbiote fed Brian’s aggression causing him to say things that he had and would never mean. Peter simply stood there and took it until Brian finished, then left without saying a word.

Brian stayed angry an bitter at his father until after the end of the first war, when he heard the news of how Peter had died doing his best to try and save the entire human race. Which brought perspective back to Brain and caused him to slip into depression. Eventually, though it took the better part of a year, with the help of Harry Brian recovered the depression brought on by loosing both of his parents. Harry continued working on separating the symbiote from Brian’s body, but never claimed even a minor success.

After a time, Brian convinced Harry that he was in control of his body and asked his foster father to let him train. So that he could use his powers to help people, like his father had. Harry reluctantly allowed him to start a regular regiment, inside the facility. Brian found it a welcome reprieve to Harry’s schooling and even the internet which had started to become boring after the first year of his holding. The fighting seemed to come naturally to him and eventually the training regiment evolved into something similar to the X-men’s training room. Sometimes, Harry thought of abandoning his search for a way to return Brian to normal, but every time he saw the hyper-aggressive behavior Brian exhibited during his training, Harry struck the thought from his mind.

Now 6 years after the reaper invasion. Brian has his own personal wing in the facility, which he has free reign in. He keeps from getting bored with his training regiments and hopes for the day he will convince his step father that he is ready to leave. He has become more ancy since he turned eighteen a year ago, but knows if he does anything rash like try and break out it will hurt his chances of Harry ever believing that he can function with the symbiote that has been with him for the past seven years. Harry meanwhile has come to question weather it is the right decision to keep Brian at the facility more and more often.

Notable family members:

-Peter Parker, Father, Deceased
-Mary Jane Parker, Mother, Deceased
-Harry Osborn, Adopted Father, Alive



So begins...

Carnage's Story


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Brian fought the urge to rip his way out small coffin sized cylindrical container. It rumbled about, vibrating slightly and telling him that whatever was transporting him was still moving. A few small red tendrils extending from the top of his hand probed the inner surface of his “transportation cell”, looking for the tiniest crack or weak point. He had previously been too lazy to tell his subconscious to cut out the probing, but as one of the tendrils found a micro-crack he firmly forced his body to stop. The tendrils quickly shot back into his hand. He tried to focus back on the soldier on the other side of the faced sized window. The man had stopped staring intently at the container and was now looking too the side. At what, Brian had no idea, but without the staring he felt a little less unnerved.

Brian counted the number of pockets and pouches on the man’s body, trying to keep the boredom away, but after the seventh time it ceased to be of any use. Then the man looked back toward the holding chamber. Brian looked away, it felt really weird to be stared at so intently. He didn’t like it. He closed his eyes, trying to think of some way to pass the time. He hoped it would only be a little longer until they arrived to where they were going. He hoped that when they got there they would let him out of this container. At least, that is what the man and him had agreed upon before he had let himself be caged up like this.


Much earlier, Brian had been in the middle of a training session. Though, he was treating it a little less seriously than he normally did. He suddenly stopped, standing up from his four legged crouched position as he landed on the metal floor. He pulled his left shoulder back, dodging the laser painter that was aimed at him and signified a hit if it managed to tag him. Then he sung his right arm up, releasing three red spikes as he swiped through the air. He was tired of dodging. The spikes impaled the metal pillar, disabling the rotating mechanical eye that housed the laser painter.

“Mission failed.” An electronic voice sounded over the speaker in the corner of the large room. “Unable to restart, equipment damaged.” It continued as Brian left the room. It had been quite a while since he had damaged the training equipment on purpose, but he had been on edge since the anniversary of his mother’s death a few days ago. It had simply all come to a head a few moments ago when he had been in the middle of an dogging exercise and it had become too easy. A few thoughts ran through his head on how he could be out there, helping people and being a hero like his dad. Then he had simply not wanted to finish the last four minutes of the ten minute exercise.

A few moments later, he was in his room laying down. Like many days he was stuck in his usual rut of wanting desperately to get out of the facility he called home, but this time he couldn’t seem to find anything to get his mind off of it. Usually training helped a lot, but today it and everything else only made it worse.

“Omni.” He said out loud, addressing the voice activated software of his room. “Call Uncle Harry.” He commanded, as the speaker phone built into the room dialed his adopted father’s number. He listened to the line ring, expecting Harry to pick up. It was around noon and though Brian knew his benefactor would be down in a few hours to check on him, Brian wanted to talk now. However, he got voice mail.

“You have reached Har-”

“Omni. Hang up and dial again.” He commanded before the voice-mail could finish. He listened to the eight rings, once more going to voice mail. He repeated the call a few more times before giving up. Though he thought it was strange that Harry wasn’t answering. Usually the business man researcher always kept his phone on him, especially during the day. Brian closed his eyes, deciding to sleep until Harry came down. At least that way he wouldn’t have to “wait” as long. Soon, he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


.” The voice was muggy and distorted. “Come on
.” Who was it? Brian wondered, the voice sounded familiar.

“BRIAN! GET UP! WE HAVE TO GO!” Brian jolted up as he heard Harry yelling for him.

“What the hell is your problem Harry?” Brian said, getting out of bed and cracking his neck.

“Brian! Hurry we have to-” Harry was cut off as the door to the room bust open and armed soldiers filled into it. All with their guns aimed at either Brain and or his caretaker.


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Perhaps it was due to having guns pointing at his face in the grogginess of just waking up, perhaps his symbiote was reacting to the hostility, or perhaps he was just scared of losing the last family he had in the world. Honestly, as the adrenaline pumped, Brian didn’t really thing about the reason behind what he was doing. He just focused on lashing out at the eight armed men who had burst into his room. Lucky for the men, during the years of training Brian had put himself through he had worked on scaling his strength. So he held back the force of his attacks so that he wouldn’t obliterate their internal organs or shatter their bones.

He shot out a burst of red webbing from his hands at the two men who were on the edges of the semicircular group. As the two flew backwards and were slammed against the wall, pinned by the red sticky substance, he dashed forward at the other four. Keeping his arms out to the side, he close lined the two in the middle before they could react to their comrades being pinned to the wall. Though he held the force of the blow so that it wasn’t enough to kill, the two men did end up back flipping into a face plant on the ground. The two remaining men quickly snapped to aiming at him and peppered each side of him with a few bursts from their rifles.

Unlucky for the men however, the had come severely under equipped. The bullets from their rifles merely impacted less than an inch in his red symbiotic skin. No match for his alien durability. As the two reeled back from the realization that their attacks had no effect, Brian reached for the one on his left. Long red tentacles extended from his arms, grabbing the man around the torso. Brian, having gained a hold on the man, swung him around and threw him at the last aggressor in the room. The two men impacted each other, and were knocked to the ground.

After the men had been incapacitated, Brian quickly flicked his head to the right and left. Scanning for more hostiles.

“Brian!” Harry called out. Just now getting over the shock of the quick engagement Brian and the soldiers. “Brian we have to go before more come! They are after you!”

“Why are they after-?” Brian started to ask, but was cut off as Harry grabbed his arm and ran towards the door.

“I’ll explain later.” He said he led Brian out into the hall. “Right now we-” Harry stopped mid sentence as the two made it out into the hallway, and saw that they were surrounded on either side by many men. Brian tensed, tiny squirming tendrils erupting from random spots on his torso and arms. His symbiote itched for battle.

“Please stand down, Mr. Parker.” A soldier in black said from up the barrel of a gun. Brian dropped his guard a bit, surprised at his last name being mentioned- When did it get so windy in here?


Brian was suddenly thrust from thinking about how he had gotten into the situation of being stuck inside a holding capsule, because he was no longer in the capsule. Now he was falling through the air.

If he had been paying attention to what was going on, he might have been able react fast enough to grab back onto the helicopter, or at least use some red webbing to hang onto it. Instead he had been going over earlier events in his mind, so he didn’t realize what was going on until it was too late. He tried to turn himself over to look toward the ground, but only succeeded in sending himself into an uncontrolled tumble. He barely got a glimpse of the metal roof before his body smashed through it.

He felt the impacts of a few metal support beams, before finally hitting the concrete floor of the warehouse. He groaned a little as he lay on the broken floor, is pride hurt much more than his body. As he pushed himself up, some debris that had landed on him fell to the side. Standing, he rotated his right arm. Which had taken the majority of the force form the impact. Why the hell would they just drop me out of the sky?” Brian asked himself as he looked toward the hole in the roof. Then, as he looked down, he finally noticed the other figures who were standing near him. Most of them seemed as confused as him, and many were in a defensive stance. The closest one to him being a large man in a black and white mask and was carrying an absurd number of firearms.

” Was all Brian could manage. His jagged maw hanging open in confusion.


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Character Portrait: Carnage Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Before Wolverine could say anything a helicopter soared overhead and dropped something right through the roof.

"The hell was that?..."

Logan muttered aloud. He slowly got out of cover and took a few steps toward the building before pausing top turn to Wraith.

"I'll make an entrance here. You go around to the other side and we'll catch em in the crossfire. Try not to get killed girly."

Wolverine said roughly before taking off toward the warehouse. He snuck in through a broken window and crept his way through the dank, musty darkness on his to the main room. His plan was that hopefully Wraith and him could take out a few of these goons before they even knew they were here but things rarely went as planned. Logan took a few quick sniffs as he got closer and picked up a familiar scent.


Logan muttered to himself with a low growl as he moved through the shadows. As he reached the entrance to the central chamber his eyes verified what his nose already knew. There were five well known villians standing in the center of the room. The insane symbiotic known as Carnage stood in the center of the room inside of a crater. It looked as if he was the thing dropped from the helicopter. The purpose of the air drop was still unclear but what did seem obvious was that the other four didn't seem to know why he was here nor did they seem willing to find out. Standing around him all ready to tear him to pieces stood Crossbones, Lady Deathstrike, Bullseye, and Whiplash. A savage grin etched its way onto Wolverines face as he steeled himself for the fight ahead.


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Character Portrait: Carnage Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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There was a blip on her short ranged scanner, causing her to look up as a thing dropped down from the heli.

"I'll make an entrance here. You go around to the other side and we'll catch em in the crossfire. Try not to get killed girly."

Wraith nodded and ran towards the other side. She's got a this feeling that she wasn't fighting normal people waving guns they barely understand how to use, so she holstered her MP7s and powered up her gauntlet. Hmm, it has been some time since she had used the default repulsor rays. The repulsor ray was the only thing she eft untouched on the Ironman armor though. Quite a lot of it was modified, tweaked and even changed completely to suit her style. Stark designed the armor to fight crime. She designed it to kill.

She smiled when the dual adamantium blades ejected from the gauntlets, shining wickedly in the light. Retracting them, Wraith decided to move into the warehouse, aware she had given enough time for Wolverine to make his move.

The sight was not entirely unexpected. The 'thing' turned out to be Carnage, not one she would like to meet in a dark alley. Finally recognizing Crossbones, she also realized that the other 'villains', as the News always said, would also be troublesome. Particularly Whiplash. She had a disagreement with him over the Ironman tech once.... Something over a grudge on the deceased Ironman.

Oh and since they are all standing together, she might as well give them a surprise.

"Surprise..." She murmured as she chucked a grenade towards the group, the grenade rolling to a stop in the midst of them.


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Brian looked around at the three menacing looking people that had circled him. His symbiote, sensing the hostility was starting to form tendrils across his body. As they got closer, he thought he recognized one of them, by his outfit. That looks like that one Supervillain


“Hey, aren’t you-” Brian was cut off as he heard something land at his feet. Without looking down, his symbiote told him it was a small round object. For some reason his body wanted to move away quickly. He suppressed the urge, not believing that it could be that dangerous. He wasn’t used to being in a combat zone and didn’t recognize the object to be a grenade. Only when the four surrounding him dove away did he recognize the danger.

He tried to get away, jumping to the side, but the grenade exploded milliseconds after he left the ground. The blast flung him forward and he felt shrapnel impact his back. Though the shrapnel did no serious damage, the metal support beam his head slammed against jarred him for a moment. Finally, after landing on the ground, he felt like he had just fallen through the roof again.

A second later, he slowly got to his feet. As he did he noticed that one of the people who had surrounded him before, a woman was fighting someone new. Hold on a second is that? Wolverine? He recognized the superhero from his costume. He had spent much of his youth idolizing the heroes, so it was easy for him to identify the iconic look of the famous mutant. However, before he could relish seeing wolverine in person, he felt an impact in his chest.

Looking down, he noticed a large knife sticking imbedded in his chest. It did little damage and was already starting to be pulled out by tiny tendrils, but he looked up to see Bullseye crouched on in the rafters and holding another knife while looking down at him.

“Hey! Cut that-” Brian started, but stopped as Bullseye pointed down to something beside him. Suddenly he felt a the pang of danger coming from his right. However instead of dodging, he instead looked in the direction that he was sensing danger. As he turned was able to get a glimpse of Crossbones’ mask behind a long barrel. Then he took a shotgun blast to the face, then another, and two to the chest.

Brian staggered backwards, tiny led balls falling out of his red symbiotic skin and falling to the floor. Spitting some of out of his mouth, he looked up to see crossbones toss the shotgun to the side. Then the large masked man slung the giant sniper rifle from his back into his hands.

“Not this time!” Brian shouted, then slung his right arm forward. A long red tentacle erupted from his hand and shot over into the barrel of Crossbones’ rifle. When the tip reached center of the weapon, it expanded, shooting out red biomass. The gun bulged in the center and was disabled. “Ha! Shoot me n-” Brian was cut off by a strong feeling that his right arm should not be where it was currently.

Reacting in the correct way this time, Brian quickly pulled his arm backwards. As he did, a small part of the now retracting tentacle was sliced off by a spinning knife. Though loosing that small tentacle section was better than the entire forearm he might have lost had he not pulled his arm back. Without missing a beat, he swung his left arm upwards, releasing a few globs of red webbing in the direction the knife had come from. When he looked up, he saw that Bullseye trying to pull his leg free from the webbing that now trapped left foot against the metal rafter he was standing on.

“Hell yeah!” Brian exclaimed in acknowledgment of his success. Then he felt danger from in front of him again, but distracted by his recent success of pinning Bullseye’s foot, he looked instead of dodging. Turning his head down to look in Crossbones’ direction, he saw the head of an RPG being fired toward him. “Crap.”


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Character Portrait: Carnage Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Deathstrike surged for him, slashing wildly at his chest wildly with a scream in her throat. Wolverine sidestepped the mad swing and dove his claws into her rips. She coughed out in pain as blood shot form her mouth. Before he could attempt to take and other breath he took off her arm at the elbow with one swing of his claws before kicking her away and letting her bleed out on the ground. With Deathstrike dealt with he turned to see Carnage squaring off with Bullseye and Crossbones. Bullseye was suck to a metal beam, thick red webbing holding him in place while Crossbones was unloading on the symbiote with an rpg.

"If I'm lucky the freaks will kill each other."

Logan grunted to himself not really liking the idea of fighting Carnage again. He'd done so once or twice in the past along side Spiderman and it never goes too well. Wolverine did a quick visual scan for Wraith. He didn't see her but he could hear her battle with Whiplash raging on outside. He rushed out the hole the two had made in the wall to see those infamous shooting straight for her. Wolverine roared and rushed at Whiplash, ready to sheer that armor right off of him. Whiplash had little time to correct his swing and was therefore forced to roll out of the way or be hacked in two as Logan swung. Whiplash came up in a crouch now standing between Wraith and Wolverine. He looked between the two and the worry in his face would have been obvious if it wasn't for the mask. Logan lowered into a ready stance with his claws up menacingly.

"Ya ain't fighting the Avengers anymore bub. We ain't gunna strip ya of yer toys and haul ya off to lock up. We're just gunna gut ya and leave ya bleedin..."

Wolveirne said darkly.