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"I was the best there was at what I did... problem was, the best wasn't enough bub."

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a character in “United We Stand, Assembled We Fight”, as played by Bromander Shepard



Name: Logan/James Howlett
Alias: Wolverine
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Current Location: Alberta Canada
Occupation: none
Abilities and Skills: SNIKT


Personality: C'mon bub


History/Background: Wolverine was hand picked by Captain America for the suicide mission at the end of the first war. Steve Roger's sacrifice hit Logan hard and while he was proud of his actions he was furious he didn't see what he was doing and stopped him. If Logan could have gone back he would never have gotten on the shuttle. It is a decision that still haunts him. The war had taken many friends and long time allies from Wolverine including his friend Scott Summers as well as countless other X-men as well as students. The Xavier institute crumbled in the first war and was never rebuilt. Some sought Logan out in the hopes that he would get the school and the X-Men back together. Logan however had something else in mind. Despondent from the loss of so many friends, Logan gave up his life of fighting for others and secluded himself in the mountains of Alberta, Canada. The only times he leaves his mountain home is to visit the graves of fallen friends. There have been some who've made the trek into the mountains in the hopes to bring Wolverine back into the world but they always leave disappointed. Logan is intent on ignoring and being ignored by the rest of the world.
Notable family members: (again if applicable. This will mostly be used by offspring of canon heroes. Feel free to skip this if your not someones kid)
Other Information:


So begins...

Wolverine's Story


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Fury chuckled and pulled his hands out from his pockets and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You want to know what I want from you?... I want you to help us save the world."

Logan pushed himself up from the side of the van he'd been leaning on. Now he wasn interesetd.

"Last time the Reapers hit Earth we barely survived and it was only thanks to the Avengers and Captain America that we did. We're hoping that this time we fair a little better and with your help, we might just be able to pull it off."

Fury paused and let his words sink in before he continued speaking.

"You've been selling yourself out as some gun for hire Ms. Faefield but I think you can be so much more. Give us the opportunity to prove it to you and in the process you just might get to help save a lot of lives."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Save the world....Huh...Kinda like Black said..

After a few moments of silence, she sighed and powered down her weapons completely.

"Fine... Now can we have all those guns put away?"

Francesca lifted her visor, revealing her face once again. She shot a glance at Wolverine who seemed to be bored with everything by now. Well, seems he's with Nick and the armed guys. And you just don't refuse when people are pointing guns at you, especially when they got a rabid mutant on their side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Logan watched as the two talked. End result being that Wraith agreed to work with S.H.I.E.L.D in this new team they're putting together in order to stop the Reapers. Logan just eyed the girl from his position off to the side. She knew what she was doing in a fight but his experience with mercenaries wasn't the best and he'd have a hard time trusting her. Her loyalty didn't seem to bother Fury in the least as he ordered his men to lower their weapons and he casually put his hand on her shoulder.

"You made the right decision Francesca. Now, I have a little job I think you and your new friend here would be perfect for."

He said as he led her over to Logan. Wolverine just stared daggers at him never moving from his spot.

"Last time the Reapers were here we had problem with people going crazy and trying to help them. Reed Richards believes that these things can exhibit some form of mind control. We haven't been able to verify that yet but we might have a shot now. There's a facility on staten island that was once a meat packing facility and is now being used by a group of Reaper sympathizers."

"Sympathizers? Ya mean zombies. I seen em do their thing last time round Fury. Puttin people up on spikes. Turnin em into mindless grey husks."

Wolverine growled. Fury nodded before Black Widow walked over and handed Nick an unmarked case. Her eyes caught Logans and the two gave each other a respectful nod. Last time he'd fought beside Widow was with Captain America leading them. The memory was painful, for both of them. Natasha walked away as Fury continued.

"Reed thinks this is something different. Not as drastic as impaling someone and mutating them like before. This time it's more subtle. You might not be even able to tell someones being controlled until it's too late. Well most people might not be able to tell."

"Hells that supposed to mean Fury?"

Logan growled.

"Means you should be able to sniff them out Rover and Wraith should pick up some kind of readings with her tech. That's why I'm sending you two."

Fury replied unfazed before handing Logan the case.

"What's this?"

Logan asked as he inspecting the case and looked for the clasps to pop it open.

"Two things. A TACCOM so you have a direct link to me and Reed Richards and a little welcome back gift."


Logan asked as he found the clasps and pushed the release.

"He's gunna be telling you more about the Reaper's mind control and its effects during the mission as well as lend a hand if you run into anything strange. As of right now he's our foremost authority on the Reapers."

Logan opened the case to see a familiar yellow and black costume. He looked up with an arched eyebrow and a wide grin, flashing his sharp canines.

"Aww shucks Fury, you really know how to make a girl blush."

Nick just chuckled and gave him a nod.

"You're out of retirement now Wolverine, figured it was about time you looked the part."

Logan shook Fury's hand before Nick turned to walk off towards one of the vans pausing only once to call over his shoulder to Faefield.

"Oh and Wraith, I'd like the Catalyst sent to the Baxter building ASAP. We're going to need it if we're going to win this war".

With that Fury got in his van and his people moved out in seconds leaving Wraith and Wolverine alone in the alley once again. Logan turned to her with an arched eyebrow half expecting her to attack him again now that Fury was gone. He half wanted to do the same.

"Be back..."

Logan said before walking off. He was back within a few minutes looking and feeling a bit more like his old self.

"Before we do this you wanna grab some gear or you good to go as is?"

Wolverine asked with a grunt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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She watched Nick return to the mutant, talking about some Reaper sympathizers on some sort of meat packing facility on an obscure island somewhere. That was new. People supporting the actions of the Reapers? Must be some crazed doped up people looking too deep into their cocaine induced hallucinations or something.

"Oh and Wraith, I'd like the Catalyst sent to the Baxter building ASAP. We're going to need it if we're going to win this war".

"Do what he says... We need the Crucible project finished if my plans are to come to fruition."
Her radio went out, as Black whispered his order.

She sighed. What sort of mess did she get herself in to? Did Black anticipate this? As Nick left with his posse of gunmen, Francesca eye'd the mutant, half expecting him to attack.

After some time of waiting for him to change, he returned, wearing his old costume.

"Before we do this you wanna grab some gear or you good to go as is?"

She smiled, "If you don't mind, I'm going to get my other gears. Fighting in a this outfit " she gave a sort of a twirl, emphasizing the short skirt of the uniform "isn't very comfortable if you know what I mean."

She strode off, leaving Wolverine behind. "I'll meet you there in one hour."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolveirne watched her walk out of the alley still unsure of what to make of her. Once she was gone he tunred and headed to his mototrcycle that was parked down the street. Logan got on his bike and turned the key in the ignition, enjoying the roar of the engine as it turned over and sparked to life. Once the bike was rumbling and warm Logan started his journey through New York city to Staten Island.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine
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Before Logan stowed away on the ferry to Staten Island he'd stashed his bike knowing it wouldn't be practical to try ad bring it along. Now he was moving silently up to the warehouse that Fury had singled out as the nest for the Reaper sympathizers. Logan got into cover and pulled out the small earpiece Fury had given him. He stuck it into his ear and tapped it once, switching it on.

"This is Wolverine. I'm on sight and got eyes on the warehouse."

After a few seconds Reed's voice poured into his ears.

"Wonderful news Logan. Once your inside please keep me up to date of everything that you see that stands out to you."

"...Shit I thought this was Fury's channel."

Logan grumbled. There was an awkward silence before Reed continued.

"Yes umm... he's on the second programmed channel Logan.... Has Ms. Faefield arrived yet?"

Wolverine was in cover behind a few metal barrels and had been looking over them to get a look at the warehouse and possibly any of it's occupants while Reed had been speaking. He dropped back down into cover to respond as he put his finger to the comm to speak.

"Naaah, no sign of her yet. She's got five minutes and I'm goin in."

Logan said before getting too his feet and quickly making his way across the exterior to get into cover behind a large stack of wooden pallets. Wolverine continued to survey the surroundings to see what he and Wraith would be up against once in side.

"Logan, I'm certain the point of sending Francesca with you was to evaluate your ability to work as a cohesive unit."

Wolverine was carefully sniffing the air as Reed spoke, picking out five distinct and separate scents meaning there was at least five baddies in there that needed their guts spilled on the floor for them.

"Aww shucks egghead, and here I thought he was just worried bout me."

Logan replied sarcastically before once again moving positions as he continued to circle the building and scope out the place. This time he slid into cover behind a forklift before peeking out around it to look through a shattered window. Logan could make out one figure standing inside casually smoking a cigarette. His black and white mask was pushed up just enough to reveal his mouth as the big man puffed away. He was carrying enough guns to topple a third world country and was thick with muscle. Wolverine growled as he realized who he was looking at.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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She landed in a deserted place on the island, careful to check for any enemies before uncloaking. Making sure her MP7s were fully loaded, she sneaked closer to the warehouse. Where was Wolverine? Did he find some unexpected company? Damn, she hadn't even stopped to consider how she was to communicate with him without some sort of communication device. Nick gave Wolverine one, sure, but he never did mention the frequency, nor give her one.

Wraith opened her scanner, making a preliminary scans, noting some strange spikes on her readings. She was also picking up life signs, about six of them. Two of them seem to be out doors from the relatively clearer data filtering in.

She pulled the new visor over her eyes, reactivating the cloak, the scanner automatically shutting down. Now, if the scanner was right those two shoud be around this corner.... She walked straight in front of a familiar yellow and black clad person. Surprised, Wraith stopped, and looked towards the other life sign. A man smoking with his mask pulled up just enough to expose his mouth. Judging that the man is better off dead than compromising the mission, she raised her weapons, ready to riddle the man full of holes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnage Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Before Wolverine could say anything a helicopter soared overhead and dropped something right through the roof.

"The hell was that?..."

Logan muttered aloud. He slowly got out of cover and took a few steps toward the building before pausing top turn to Wraith.

"I'll make an entrance here. You go around to the other side and we'll catch em in the crossfire. Try not to get killed girly."

Wolverine said roughly before taking off toward the warehouse. He snuck in through a broken window and crept his way through the dank, musty darkness on his to the main room. His plan was that hopefully Wraith and him could take out a few of these goons before they even knew they were here but things rarely went as planned. Logan took a few quick sniffs as he got closer and picked up a familiar scent.


Logan muttered to himself with a low growl as he moved through the shadows. As he reached the entrance to the central chamber his eyes verified what his nose already knew. There were five well known villians standing in the center of the room. The insane symbiotic known as Carnage stood in the center of the room inside of a crater. It looked as if he was the thing dropped from the helicopter. The purpose of the air drop was still unclear but what did seem obvious was that the other four didn't seem to know why he was here nor did they seem willing to find out. Standing around him all ready to tear him to pieces stood Crossbones, Lady Deathstrike, Bullseye, and Whiplash. A savage grin etched its way onto Wolverines face as he steeled himself for the fight ahead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnage Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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There was a blip on her short ranged scanner, causing her to look up as a thing dropped down from the heli.

"I'll make an entrance here. You go around to the other side and we'll catch em in the crossfire. Try not to get killed girly."

Wraith nodded and ran towards the other side. She's got a this feeling that she wasn't fighting normal people waving guns they barely understand how to use, so she holstered her MP7s and powered up her gauntlet. Hmm, it has been some time since she had used the default repulsor rays. The repulsor ray was the only thing she eft untouched on the Ironman armor though. Quite a lot of it was modified, tweaked and even changed completely to suit her style. Stark designed the armor to fight crime. She designed it to kill.

She smiled when the dual adamantium blades ejected from the gauntlets, shining wickedly in the light. Retracting them, Wraith decided to move into the warehouse, aware she had given enough time for Wolverine to make his move.

The sight was not entirely unexpected. The 'thing' turned out to be Carnage, not one she would like to meet in a dark alley. Finally recognizing Crossbones, she also realized that the other 'villains', as the News always said, would also be troublesome. Particularly Whiplash. She had a disagreement with him over the Ironman tech once.... Something over a grudge on the deceased Ironman.

Oh and since they are all standing together, she might as well give them a surprise.

"Surprise..." She murmured as she chucked a grenade towards the group, the grenade rolling to a stop in the midst of them.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine
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The explosion turned the tense stand off into a scene of chaos in under a second.


Wolverine used that as his moment to strike and rushed in. His target was Deathsrtike and he hoped he could drop her quick. His sense were more heightened than anyone in the room and he was able to pick Deathstrike out of the smoke with ease. He snarled and leapt at her, his claws ready to perforate her torso. Just before his claws sank into flesh the assassin whipped around and threw a straight kick into Logan's throat that stopped him dead and dropped him to a knee as he struggled to breath.

"Gaijin dog! First you dishonor and disgrace my family and now you seek to offend further by robbing me of my chance to witness the grace and majesty of the Reapers?! You die tonight Logan san!"

Wolverine coughed and spit onto the floor as ease of breathing returned. He wiped his mouth with his forearm and looked up at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Grace and majesty of the Reapers?.... You were always batshit crazy babe but yer reaching Wilson levels now."

He said. Lady Deathstrike screamed and swung at him with her long, jagged claws. Her strike primed to sheer Wolverine's face off but the mutant brought up his claws in time to block the attack before surging forward and headbutting her in the mouth. She backpedaled as blood shot from her nose and mouth and Logan pressed his advantage. He swiped at her left calf, intending to take the limb but the assassin back flipped out of harms way before leaping at him and the two went tumbling to the ground. Logan managed to throw a quick elbow to her jaw before hurling him off of him and getting to his feet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnage Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Deathstrike surged for him, slashing wildly at his chest wildly with a scream in her throat. Wolverine sidestepped the mad swing and dove his claws into her rips. She coughed out in pain as blood shot form her mouth. Before he could attempt to take and other breath he took off her arm at the elbow with one swing of his claws before kicking her away and letting her bleed out on the ground. With Deathstrike dealt with he turned to see Carnage squaring off with Bullseye and Crossbones. Bullseye was suck to a metal beam, thick red webbing holding him in place while Crossbones was unloading on the symbiote with an rpg.

"If I'm lucky the freaks will kill each other."

Logan grunted to himself not really liking the idea of fighting Carnage again. He'd done so once or twice in the past along side Spiderman and it never goes too well. Wolverine did a quick visual scan for Wraith. He didn't see her but he could hear her battle with Whiplash raging on outside. He rushed out the hole the two had made in the wall to see those infamous shooting straight for her. Wolverine roared and rushed at Whiplash, ready to sheer that armor right off of him. Whiplash had little time to correct his swing and was therefore forced to roll out of the way or be hacked in two as Logan swung. Whiplash came up in a crouch now standing between Wraith and Wolverine. He looked between the two and the worry in his face would have been obvious if it wasn't for the mask. Logan lowered into a ready stance with his claws up menacingly.

"Ya ain't fighting the Avengers anymore bub. We ain't gunna strip ya of yer toys and haul ya off to lock up. We're just gunna gut ya and leave ya bleedin..."

Wolveirne said darkly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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"Ya ain't fighting the Avengers anymore bub. We ain't gunna strip ya of yer toys and haul ya off to lock up. We're just gunna gut ya and leave ya bleedin..."

I would strip him of his toys....then gut him and leave him to bleed...

Smiling a little bit, she charged Whiplash, her adamantium blades out. With a broad and powerful sweep she aimed for his legs.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Whiplash bent his knees, preparing to leap out of the way when suddenly six adamantium claws punctured his lungs, sinking right through his back.

"Goin somewhere?"

Logan asked with a wicked grin. Unable to properly draw a breath Whiplash was forced to watch in horror as Wraith raced for him, her adamantium blade singing through the air. Her blade connected, rending his leg clean off. Blood soaked the ground at Wolverine's feet before ripped his claws out of Whiplash's back. The once Ironman villain hit the ground in a heap. Logan caught eyes with Wraith and gave her a firm nod. The gruff mutant was beginning to get impressed.

"C'mon, let's get back in there."

He said before turning and heading through the hole Wraith and Whiplash had made earlier.