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Vampire Gang Wars

Vampire Gang Wars


Two Households both alike in dignity. Both very powerful and both very dangerous. Too bad they can't work together. (Full)

851 readers have visited Vampire Gang Wars since MotherDragons created it.


Two households. Two families. These families are more alike than they would like to admit. The most important detail that links the two families together is that they are both vampires.

The Families

The O'Connor Family

The Head of the Family: Sebastian James O'Connor played by CageValcore

The Tactician: Luna O'Connor played by MotherDragons

The muscles: Lillith Elizabeta Grim played by CageValcore

The Baby: Leon O'Connor played by MotherDragons

The McDowell Family

The Head of the Family: Adrial McDowell played by Dannyx

The Tactician: Avie McDowell played by breathebabyx

The muscles: Jensen McDowell played by Catastrophy Man

The Baby:Lily McDowell played by blue wind

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Luna sat up in the library studying her tactics for King William I. A large albino corn snakes was wrapped around her arm.
"These are useless, Petunia," she said, "I knew I should of studied Attila the huns tactics." She sighed. She was getting a bit hungry. She'd have to go see what Sebastian or Leon was up to. She was pretty sure one of them would accompany her to find a few victims. If not, she was positive Lillith would go with her.
Leon laid down on his bed. He was not asleep, but not awake either. It was that sort of in between state where you could kind of hear every, but are slightly oblivious. It was completely peaceful to be left alone with his thoughts. He half wondered what the rest of the family was up to. He just couldn't force himself to get up from the cloud like comfort of his bed. He opened his eyes and looked at his ceiling. It was painted like a cloud.


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Lily was in the alley not because she was dumb and looking to get mugged, but because she was looking for some poor human to eat, when they came up behind her.

"Okay. Whoever you big jocks are, you should leave before you get hurt." Lily said before they could lay a finger on her. She turned around right when a light breeze came and went, making her long black hair rise and fall. Her grayish blackish cat-like eyes locked on the human. There were three of them, and they were all tall and sort of fat. The one closest to her laughed and nodded toward the others. Without hesiation Lily graved her jackal knife from her black jacket's pocket and in a instance she was standing in front of the one closest to her. She held the knife against his throat smiling as her ivory fangs slid down.

Lily struck. It was only a minute or two when he stopped struggling and finally fell over, dead. She looked up at the other two. There was no sign of blood on her but she looked more lively now. She finally realized one of the humans was a red head and the other was brown headed. She stalked closer to the red head barely making a soun, right when the brown head turned to run. She picked up the red head by the throat and threw him at the brown head. Lily sighed. "You humans have lost your touch."

Lily licked her lips and walked out of the alley, toward the house. She ignored the humans that stopped to look at her even the ones that tried talking to her. She opened the door to the house when the alarm clock in her room went off. She sighed and slammed the door shut letting everyone know she was home.



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Jensen pealed his eyes away from his television set for a moment, blinking violently, before looking out the window of his room dully. 3000 channels on TV, but nothing to watch. He knew he was hungry, but he really didn't want to get up and find something, or rather, someone to eat. A large hand came up to his face and he scratched the itch that had been bothering him. 'I could always go outside and just...wander around.' He contemplated, turning his head every which way. 'Or I could see what Avie is up to.'
Deciding on the latter, Jensen pulled himself off of his king-sized bed, tripping over miscellaneous object before bounding down the hallway, into the room of the second eldest vampire in the McDowell family. Despite the fact of him living with the McDowell's for a while, he never really got to know them. Adrial was a reserved, anal freak, Avie was slightly crazy and far too mood-swingy for his taste, and Lily was just annoying.

Speak of the devil, Jensen quickly ducked around the hallway to Avie's room when he saw Lily approaching. He didn't bother knocking, he never bothered knocking, and he swung the girl's door open, grin plastered on his face. "Avie! I'm bored let's hang out!"


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Avie dipped her feet in her small bath, touching the bottom of the tub and swirling her toe around the faint patterns. She looked out her window previously to find that Lily was arriving home. She then waited to hear the slam of the door. Sighing, she had turned to the bath in her room, deciding that she could beat the annoyances that she was sure Lily would bring by taking a relaxing soak.
Good thing she didn't take her clothing off, for not even 5 minutes later, Jensen slammed her door open. She frowned. "Jensen, I'm about to take a bath."

Avie didn't particularly mind her housemates, or 'family' in public situations. But she found it quite hard to ignore them when they came into her room at whatever hours in the day and pestered her. Instead of venting her frustration, she smiled. "Why don't you go see with Adrial is up to, hm? I'm sure he'd love to hunt with you."


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Sebastian: -Sighs and stretches as he opens his coffin, Climbing out of it and walking toward the ladder-

Lillith: "Good evening Father dearest" -She says as she leans against the wardrobe door, Her arms crossed over her breast and her eyes closed. She spoke only after sensing her fathers hand touching the top peg-

Sebastian: "Greetings daughter, What brings you here?" -He says and looks at the Gothic girl-

Lillith: "The BRAT is waiting for you in the hall" -She says coldly-

Sebastian: -Sighs- "I asked you to stop calling Luna that. Im on my way"

Lillith: -Nods and Walks to Luna- "Hy Brat. Dads coming for you" -She says then walks away, Purposely making her scythe put a Harmless cut on Luna's Leg-

Sebastian: -Comes into view a few moments later- "Luna darling" -he says as he hugs Luna. He sniffs the air- "Your bleeding"


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"Thanks for talking to him, princess," Luna said with a sneer. Lillith could call her brat if she want. Luna had put up with her the whole time. A slight, barely noticeable grin lit up her eyes when she saw Sebastian. She hugged him back.
"I'm bleeding because Lillith cut me with her scythe," she said, rolling her eyes, "but anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to go get some dinner." Petunia slithered up on her shoulder. She looked up at Sebastian and then in the direction Lillith went. She attempted to slither over to him.
Leon heard Luna talking out in the hall to Sebastian. He got up slowly and stretched his back. He yawned and exited his room slowly.
"What's all this talk about dinner?" he asked, with a respectful tip of his hat to Sebastian and a smile at Luna. He smiled at Lillith before gently taking Petunia into his hand. She curled around his hand delicately. He was in a good moon.


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Lily ignored Jenson and walked into her room, slamming the door shut. As soon as she jumped onto her bed she groaned and hoped Adrial wasn't home to ask about her whereabouts for the last four days. She was worried, mostly because she was running out of lies and something was telling Adrial wouldn't accept her lie this time, nor would the others. Lily grabbed her pillow and threw it at the door. She was already getting bored, now.

Lily got an idea. The same risky, dangerous, and ridicules idea she got almost every day. Lily was climbing out her window in no time and landed softly on the ground. She walked to the front of the house, across the street, around corners, through some alleys and finally into the alley she visited so often. Lily jumped onto a green dumpster and lunged for the escape ladder attached to the bulding. She climbed up steadily and smiled when she got onto the roof of the building. Lily crossed the roof of the building quickly and looked over at the O'Connor's house.

Lily came her to watch them almost half of her time. They were intresting to watch just like her Tigers in the Zoo halfway across town. It was dangerous to be in the O'Connor's territory but Lily couldn't help it. She had a problem with breaking rules and exploring new things, it was just part of her nature. She glanced through Luna's balcony and saw the blond female vampire with their leader. Sabastian was his name Lily believed. With her keen eye sight she could see they were talking. She crouched down and watched them from her hiding spot. They never saw her or found her watching them and it was something she didn't want to happen.


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#, as written by Dannyx
Adrial let out a long sigh when he felt Lily's presence return to their home for only a few moments, before it disappeared again. Shaking his head, he set his quill down. He rose quickly, buttoning his previously unbuttoned shirt, and flattening his dark black hair with his hand.
He might as well go see what the others were up to. As the head of the McDowell house, he really should have been more concerned with Lily, but if she died, it would only benefit them. She was, after all, a nusance to the family. Out all night and day, never helping the others with important issues.
However, deep down he knew that the family would not function properly without Lily. She was the crazy one that livened things up when they became dull.
He quickly climbed the stairs to the second floor. Seeing Avie's bedroom already cracked open, Adrial poked his head inside, and wasn't all too shocked to see Jensen. Avie looked annoyed, a rather uncharacteristic thing. Avie usually kept her emotions in check.
"Ah. Jensen, Avie. I was wondering what you two were up to? It's about time for hunting, as soon as the sun goes down."


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Lily brushed her hair out of her face, noticing it was getting darker. Almost time for hunting. She thought silently and sighed. There was nothing going on here, and she could probably go hunting with the others. If they let her. Lily stood up stiffly and walked briskly back to the ladder, climbing back down. She didn't bother to make sure no one was following her. She thinks they didn't see her, so she kept on walking away, quickly.

About sometime later, Lily hauled herself through her bedroom window. She was going in headfirst, when her coat got caught onto something. She groaned and tugged her coat free, but wasn't quick enough to catch herself. She fell with a loud thump. "Just great." She moaned out as she got back onto her feet and walked into the hallway. "-about time for hunting, as soon as the sun goes down."

Lily smiled weakly to herself as she heard those last word. She didn't know what they were talking about before, but she didn't care. "Did someone say hunting?" Lily asked as she walked into Avie's room.


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Sebastian: "I would be happy to Hunt with you daring. I need to stretch my old bones, Get my fangs wet" -He says with a chuckle and leans down letting the snake climb up his arm- "Hello again old friend" -He says to the beautiful serpent. He keeps smiling as Leon takes her from him. And he tips his head in a slight nod of respect as Leon tips his hat- "Yes Leon. Luna and I are going for Dinner. feel free to join us lad"

Lillith: -As Leon had smiles at her she nodded a greeting and playfully smacked him on the ass, Winking at him and says- "Hey sexy" -then she goes to her own room-


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Jensen groaned, and pointed his finger at Lily accusingly. "Does this one have to go with us? She's not here half the time anyways, and this is a family thing!" He looked to Avie for support. "Right, Avie?" Knowing Adrial's usual answer, Jensen pouted and sat down on Avie's bed. "If we go hunting I better get to pick which part of town we go in. You know one side doesn't taste like the other."
It wasn't like Jensen was particularly picky with his food. He just didn't like bitter blood, and the town was full of it. He looked out Avie's large window, and upon seeing the sun was completely gone, stood up.
"Alrighty, let's get a move on!"


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"Then let's go," Luna said, taking Petunia from Leon, "I'll go change and put Petunia in her cage. I'll be downstairs in like five minutes." She turned and headed to her room, which was the attic. She climbed up the spiral staircase and unlocked the door to her room. She set Petunia in her cage, lovingly stroking her head. She then turned to her closet. She pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt. She pulled on a pair of combat boot and a leather motorcycle jacket. She combed her hair and examined herself in the mirror. Satisfied with her reflection, she headed down stairs.
Leon smiled when Sebastian invited him along. He would've blushed had he still been human, when Lillith smacked his ass. He smirked slightly. When Luna mentioned she was going to change and put Petunia away. The snake had a huge cage that took up the entire left wall. Half of it was forest and the other half was a river. It was kept at a constant eighty degrees. Luna was extremely particular about her.
"Sounds good. I'm going to change as well. Thanks for inviting me along, Seb," he said, using the friendly nickname Luna called Sebastian as well. He smiled up at him.


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Sebastian: "Any time Leon. and hurry back, Collect Lillith on your way. we all need food, her most of all. she has been starving herself again. Her Obsession with being as close to death as possible is getting worst, She is so pail now she has no illusion of Humanity at all" -He says as he walks toward the front door after grabbing his coat and keys to his Pickup truck-


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Lily glared at Jenson, instead of sticking her tongue out at him. "Fine. I'll just go hunt by myself. Again." Lily turns around and walks stiffly to the front door and walked out. She shouldn't have come back. Usually she would ignore Jenson or the others rude commets and stay but this time, This time she won't. She walked down the street, back where she came from. The O'Connor's territory. She had never hunted in their territory, because of being caught and killed, but this didn't stop her.

Lily was deep in the O'Connor's territory now, far from her home, or what used to be her home. Angry and frustrated she locked her eyes on a couple. They were holding hands. A small brown haired girl with a black haired guy. She watched them from afar and waited.

Finally, they couple came to a stop and enter a brick house. Lily waited for a few minutes before walking up to the door and knocked on the door. She heard footsteps and then the door opened to reveal the small brown haired girl. Lily smiled, "Hi, um, can I use your phone? I sort of lost my cell phone and I'm supposed to be on a plane in ten minutes." The girl hesitated, smiled and let Lily in.

Lily looked around as she entered the house and saw the black haired guy walk in from the kitchen. She didn't care someone might see her through the window, she lunged forward graved the guy by the throat and threw him down. Then she turned, letting go of the guy she stalked over to the girl and slam against the wall. Her fangs slide down into the girl's throat. it wasn't long before she cleaned the girl dry then she turned to the confused guy. She picks him up and cleans him dry too, then she walks out of the house. She lets out a deep sigh and smiles.


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Avie sighed when Lily stormed out of her room in a huff.
"You see what you do, Jensen? You're so rude sometimes. We're a family, and when you don't Lily like such, maybe you're the one who isn't apart of the family."

With that, Avie opened her large bay window, and jumped out, landing on the ground with a light tap. She still felt Lily's presence...she hadn't gotten too far. Avie then scaled their neighbors house, and started jumping rooftop to rooftop, following Lily's scent until she reached the edge of where the McDowell territory stopped, and the O'Connor territory began. Eyes widening slightly, Avie stopped in her tracks. "Why the hell is Lily hunting over here?" She complained under her breath.

As the second eldest vampire in the McDowell house, Avie was the the second most experienced. Unfortunately, this meant she knew the punishment of hunting in another clan's territory. And the punishment would be worse, considering it was the O'Connor territory. 'I'm not really hunting. Just looking for Lily. Surely that's a valid excuse.'

Hesitantly, she tiptoed into the enemies territory and looked around. No traps or other vampires to attack...With great haste, Avie ran as fast as her tiny legs would take her, until she reached a brick house. Upon seeing Lily, she let out a sigh of relief. However, she bit her lip when she saw the blood staining Lily's fair skin.

"Lily! Are you crazy? Hunting in the O'Connor territory?" It came out as a raspy whisper, and Avie marched over to Lily. "Come on, Adrial will deal with Jensen, we just have to rid the evidence that we were hunting here, and leave before any O'Conner comes."
Avie's eyes were big and pleading, knowing that the young vampiress was stubborn. "Please?"


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Lily turned to Avie in suprise, looked around then yanked Avie into an Alley. She paced for awhile then turned on Avie. "Okay. What are you doing here? If you say you followed me, then that only proves that I shouldn't go back to that house!" Her words started out an a whisper but quickly turned into a shout. Lily didn't want to go back and she wouldn't. Unless Avie actually made her go back home, or Avie told Adrial and he came and told her to go back. Lily can't disobey Adrial.

Worried Adrial would get involved, Lily walked out of the alley before she gave Avie the chance to amswer. Lily was running, very, very fast to the O'Connor's house. She stopped a foot before the front door, turned around and looked around for Avie, making sure the older vampiress didn't follow. Lily knew Avie wouldn't come too close to the O'Connor's house. At least that's what Lily thought.


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Luna exited the house through the front door. She ran smack into the McDowell's youngest vampire. A frown came across her face.
"Don't you know that this is dangerous territory? I understand spying through the window, and yes I know, but coming right up to the front door? Are you suicidal?" Luna said, unsure what to do. She studied the young vampire. She wasn't Planning to move from the door.
Leon nodded when Sebastian told him to get Lillith on his way by. Leon changed into a pair of torn dark wash jeans and a faded Soundgarden tshirt. He slipped on his shoes and headed up to Lillith's room. He slipped inside and grabbed her round the waist.
"C'mon gorgeous, let's go make mayhem in the streets," he said with a friendly smile. He didn't like when Lillith starved herself.


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Lillith: -smirks leaning up to Lick his neck- "If you insist Lovette" -She says with a small sigh. Turning in his arms to peck his lips, then slips out of his grip and walks toward the door. When she sees the young one from the McDowell Family. She hisses evilly and her eyes glow brightly as she summons 20 large Vampire bats that fly around her hand and as they fly away she is holding her Scythe- "You Should not have come here child. You Wont Survive the trip"

Sebastian: -Clears his throat loudly- "Ladies. Last I checked Im still the Covenant Leader around here, If the little one wants to speak let her speak. but if she tries any thing, Then you may attack. we are a peaceful Covenant, you both know that" -He says before looking at the young one-


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Lily widened her eyes in suprise as she realizes she has just walked smack into them. She looked at Luna, Lillith and Sebastian curiously. She had only ever watched them from her hiding spot through their window, but when Sebastian said some things she snorted. "Hey! I didn't come here to die or anything, and just to let you know I wasn't spying... I was observing. Plus I'm not really apart of the McDowell coven.." She shrugged her shoulders uneasily. "At least until now."

Lily looked around again hoping Avie wasn't watching or around to go back and tell Adrial. She didn't want to go back to them if they kept treating her like she was a newborn. She was over three hundred years old and still treated her like a little kid. A human kid, Which is even worse.


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Sebastian: -His eyes shimmer coldly but then he smiles warmly- "I Believe you for now. Lower your Weapon Lillith"

Lillith: "But Master!" -she says looking at Sebastian. but when she saw the harsh look in his eyes, She closed her mouth and Sent her weapon away-

Sebastian: -Looks at the child- "If you are truthful in what you say. Then I propose you come with us to feed, Spend some harmless time together" -He says with a warm smile and Gentle eyes, a little too Gentle. To most it would seem friendly, But his family would Recognize this as saying. we will let her hunt with us. But every one be on guard. and kill instantly if you see another member of her family, or if she looks like she is even thinking about attacking-


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Lily glanced at Lillith then, Sebastian. Spend some harmless time together? She blinked. Lily plastered a submissive smile on her face and made a slight nodding gesture. She was great at lying and telling half-truth statements to get others to leave her alone but this was different. This was truly testing her skills and she would have to do her best. Her life seem to be depending on it. "Fine with me."


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Sebastian: -Nods and locks the door after turning on all the Security Systems including a new one he pur up days ago. then he smiles- "Lets move out" -He says as his eyes Flicker. He Takes off at his Full Vampiric speed. The Wind Rushing through his hair. but he moves at such speed its like he is standing still and the worlds moving around him. He dosent even need to hold his hat on-

Lillith: -Looks at the Child with her cold red eyes. and after Sebastian takes off she leans down to the Child and whispers- "Im Watching you brat" -Fallowed by Patting her on the Bum in attempt to make her jump and make her start running-


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Leon followed behind Lillith like a lost puppy. He didn't say anything to the enemy vampire. Luna watched them go, before turning towards the younger vampire. She looked the girl directly in the eyes, her face emotionless.
"Let me tell you something," she said, her voice deadly quiet, "if you make one move towards any one of them, you won't have to make half excuses to your family anymore. Now come on." Luna took off at half speed to give Lily a chance to catch up. She was a little bit late, but only by a few seconds. She looked up at Sebastian, studying him carefully.
"Hey boss, why did you invite her along?" Leon asked with a friendly smile.


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Lily watched the others take off. She didn't really do anything when Lillith whispered into her and patted her on the bum. Lillith was almost like Jenson, but the difference was, the other was more serious then the other. Lily took off after Luna, making sure she ran on the left side of Luna, so she stayed within sight. Lily wasn't thinking of attacking any of them but thinking of Avie and Adrial. What if Avie tells Adrial and they get angry and come after me? Lily thought to herself but quickly smashed the thought as she stopped beside Luna.


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Sebastian: -Glances at Leon with a friendly Smile- "Because im old ma'boy and I don't want all this war, And plus a Vampire of my Advanced age can tell allot about his enemy by how she hunts and moves"

Lillith: -She Snifs the air Curiously and smirks- "I smell the blood of the innocent, My Favored"

Sebastian: "Yesterday her Favored was the blood of the Corrupt" -He whispers to Leon and Laughs joyfully-

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Character Portrait: Lily McDowell
0 sightings Lily McDowell played by BlueWind_22
"Bored now..."
Character Portrait: Sebastian James O'Conner
0 sightings Sebastian James O'Conner played by CageValcore
"Honey I've been alive so Long I met Jesus and learned how to glammer other Vampires if their younger than 50 or just stupid"
Character Portrait: Lillith Elizabeta Grim {O'Connor}
0 sightings Lillith Elizabeta Grim {O'Connor} played by CageValcore
"My Last Name may be Changed to Grim, But I am a proud O'Connor"

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Character Portrait: Luna O
Character Portrait: Avie McDowell
Character Portrait: Adrial McDowell
Character Portrait: Jensen McDowell
Character Portrait: Leon O'Connor


Character Portrait: Leon O'Connor
Leon O'Connor

How can I help you?

Character Portrait: Luna O
Luna O

"I'm the cause of so many death's, I started the legend of Reaper."


Character Portrait: Leon O'Connor
Leon O'Connor

How can I help you?

Character Portrait: Luna O
Luna O

"I'm the cause of so many death's, I started the legend of Reaper."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Luna O
Luna O

"I'm the cause of so many death's, I started the legend of Reaper."

Character Portrait: Leon O'Connor
Leon O'Connor

How can I help you?

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Vampire Gang Wars: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Vampire Gang Wars

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

Okay! All of the characters are full and posting can begin. I'll start the initial post.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

if it's still available i'd like the muscles of the McDowell family c:

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

Mother Darling. let me make the Muscles of the O'Connors. i have an amazing idea for her. if its not to late

Edit: If you let me do so. i'll have her up ASAP. i have a very very good idea for her

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

I sent JustQuit a pm. They are the baby for the O'Connor family and I'm making the muscles for the O'Connor family. So if someone feels that they are okay with playing two characters, feel free to make the muscles with the McDowell family.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

So... When we start postin? X_^

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

Im in. working on my character now

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

Both tactician characters are filled. Sorry. The only open characters are the muscles for both families.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

The Tactiatin for the Mcdowle

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

The Tactiatin for the O'Connor family

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

For personal reasons, I am no longer able to participate in this RP. Therefore, I bid you all adieu.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

Can I reserve the baby of the McDowell family?

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

May I reserve the baby of the O'Connor family?

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

It's reserved. Please submit your character within three days or you'll loose the reservation.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

May I reserve the Head of the McDowell family?

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

They are reserved for three days. Please make your character sheet soon.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

Could I please reserve head of the O'Connor family? I want to do some Alucard Expy-ing.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

Could I reserve the Tactician for the McDowell family?

[OOC] Vampire Gang Wars

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Vampire Gang Wars"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.