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Veritas Isle

Keavaris Village


a part of Veritas Isle, by Fauna.

Keavaris Village is made up of one family and is mostly farm land

Sambea holds sovereignty over Keavaris Village, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Keavaris Village is made up of one single family. It is also private property and no one else lives on it.


Filarion Keavaris

Penelo Keavaris

Nasir Keavaris

Ameria Keavaris

Haera Keavaris

Elwin Keavaris

Roshia Keavaris

Beluar Keavaris

Lorelei Keavaris

Agis Keavaris


Image -Farmland
Image -Livestock
Image -Home (the dot next to them are the workshops)

In the center for front are the parents house with three youngest ones. From right to left the house belong to: Nasir, Ameria, Haera, Elwin, and Roshia. The village provides fresh milk, eggs, meats, wood and metal work, herbal medicines and teas, and clothing.
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Keavaris Village

Keavaris Village is made up of one family and is mostly farm land


Keavaris Village is a part of Papoa Lake.

7 Characters Here

Tilly Elson [230]
Fabian Keavaris [191] I am FAB!
Penelo Keavaris [142] A mother's job is never done!
Agis Keavaris [45] Do I have to?
Filarion Keavaris [41] Family is what strives me to go on.
Asham Garr [30] It is my duty to protect her.
Ameria Keavaris [25] I can feel the trees, I can hear the wind, and you...I can do both.(DEAD)

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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia giggled at Roshia and then stood up. "Oh. Well, I work with the dragons Daryl. You know. On the other side of the lake. That one scary girl with the dragons? Thats me i'm afraid. Got them trained to do my bidding. All one hundred and sixty three of them." She said as she stretched. Hoping that he would catch on to what she meant about things being dangerous. "I'll go...For now...But I'm coming back, of course. You still havent seen my tattoo." She said with a wink and then stood on her tippy toes to kiss Roshia's cheek. "You two behave." She said before grabbing her stuff and walking out.

Blair followed Ivie into the living room and watched at Dawn sat, at the mere mention of the word. "Well she's easily trained at least. And maybe Ive turned your little plan around, I get to see more of you if you come to see her." He said as he sat next to Ivie. "I dont mind the toys, looks like Forrest had a lot of fun....You okay? Minus the stab wound, I'm well aware that those suck." He said shaking his head at the thought.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs Character Portrait: Forrest
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas laughed at Forrest. "Well its safe to say he's over tonights events. The stuffed animals make everything better." He said with a relieved sigh. He shook his head and walked over to Elwin. "Sorry I couldnt show you what my hands can do." He whispered before licking the tip of Elwins ear and laughing evilly then walking away. "Thats what you get for staring at my butt all day!" He said as he went and hid behing Ollie in the kitchen. "Shhh....Dont let him get me Ollie..." He said quietly.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs Character Portrait: Forrest
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin dropped to the ground and rolled to Forrest. "You father is so evil, Forrest. He takes away all my toys." He said pouting. Forrest turned around and shoved as many stuffed animals on Elwin's face. He sighed and laid to take his prize. Ollie in the kitchen smirked evilly before turning around. "For the small fee of a butt tap." She whispered.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs Character Portrait: Forrest
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas blinked at Ollie and backed away before covering his butt and running away, slipping on his sock again and sliding down the hallway and smacking into a door with a loud thud. "I'm okay..." He called out and then just laid on the cold hard wood floor for a minute before crawling back into the living room. "Elllwiiinnnn...Doors are hard...why didnt you warn me babe?" He asked as he looked for Elwin in the pile of stuffed animals. "Ollie tried to get a but tap as a fee for hiding me in the kitchen...She's just as bad as you are...."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Ivie smiled, "Well maybe I was using the dog as an excuse to see more of you... how about that, Mr. Blair?" She said pointing a finger at him a smiling. "And yeah... it hurts... but Forrest is safe and I can't ask for more. Plus I have you here." She looked back down at Dawn and petted her before she ran off to play with one of Forrest's toys. She giggled before looking at him, "So you have been stabbed too, hm? You have any narly scars?" She asked smiling.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blair watched Dawn run off with one of Forrests toys and then looked back down at Ivie. "Oho, well wouldnt you like to know. I'll have you know therye all conveniently hidden under my shirt where you'll never see them. Muahahaha." He said crossing his arms and closing his eyes and then peeking down at her with one eye and letting a smile slip a little. "Why did you seem so excited about scars huh?" He asked and poked her cheeks. "You a weirdo like that? I mean, its fine it you are. Totally fine, I dont mind" He teased.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Roshia poked Ofelia's side and smiled watching her leave before she looked at Daryl, "What did you do to get her to threaten you?" She asked.

"Told her I was gong to fight for you back." He said softly.

"I am married, Daryl... I am literally in the middle of a split." She said looking at him.

"Yes, I know. And now I can show you how much I have missed you. I never stopped loving you, Roshia. For a long time I thought you were never going to take me back. If I just would have came earlier.... we wouldn't be here right now, but it is the perfect time to show you. I am not going to ignore you, Roshia. Have I ever hid how I felt from you except for when my parents died? Have I ever made you question your feelings for me? I loved Gene's mom, but I always wished she was your child. That I made love to you that night and got you pregnant. I wish those twins were mine... Rowan doesn't deserve you, but nor do I." He said standing up and holding her hands.

"P-Please... Daryl..." She started crying. He pulled her close and wiped her tears away.

"Tell me full heartedly that you can say you love Rowan one hundred percent. That somewhere deep inside you don't still love me. I saw your face that day by our tree... how you would have kissed me back if I had kissed you." She couldn't say anything, because some of what he said was right.

He gently kissed her forehead, "But I won't kiss you right now... you have fresh wounds. But I will always be ready to kiss them better." He whispered.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Ivie pouted, "I was totally going to show you mine... well... when I get one. Lor wrapped up the stitches. Plus who would want to stab someone as handsome as you?" She said and then thought about it. "Yeah nevermind... I have a few people in mind." She smiled up at him. "I know you are probably like... super sensitive about your scars... so I won't push to see them, but I just want you to know that I would like to see them one day. One day, Blair Bear... Blair the Care Bear. Aww." She laughed at her own joke before winching. "Ugh."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blair laughed a little at Ivie and pinched her cute little cheek gently. "I'm not sensitive about them at all little lady. Theyre just scars. I got them while working. Not really something to be sensitive about. You'd see them if we went swimming anyways. But only when swimming. Otherwise that would be completely inappropriate. And I'm saving myself for marriage." He said trying to pull of a serious face, and nearly succeeding at it until Dawn sneezed at him. "Oh, even the dog thinks that was a load of crap." He said patting Dawns head gently.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Ivie puffed her cheeks and gently swatted his hand away. "Who is a good girl?" She petted Dawn's head. "You are!" Dawn got excited and hopped on her before kissing her. Ivie laughed and held her to her chest. "The day you are married huh? Going to have to remember that. Only hand holding and snuggles for you from now on, Mister." She smiled.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Blair chuckled and watched ivie cuddle the dog for a moment before she spoke about only cuddles and hand holding until they were married. "That's fine with me." He said softly with a smile. He wasnt at all interested in having things move to fast. He wasnt going to be anything like how Atlas was with her. Blair was taking things seriously this time, Ivie wasnt just another casual dating experience. "I might eventually get jealous if you only ever give the dog kisses though. " He joked.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
She smiled and looked at Dawn, "Aww you hear that, Dawn? He just challenged us to make him super jealous. All the time." She said and gave her kisses. Dawn crawled on her shoulder and peeked at Blair from under Ivie's hair. "Ugh, I just might keep her. She is the daughter I never had... though... I didn't expect her to be a furbaby." She said and laughed when Dawn started to lick her ear. "No.. no no no." She said trying to get Dawn out of her hair only to get her tangled in more.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Blair laughed and helped Ivie untangled the dog from her hair and then set Dawn in between them and told her to lay down. She did and wagged her tail happily as she wiggled over to Blair and snuggled with her head on his thigh. "Sorry, But I think I've already won her over." He said triumphantly. "She is a handful, but she's so cuddly that I dont really mind it. I told her she wasnt allowed to sleep in my bed with me. Guess who sleeps in my bed?" He said looking down at Dawn who looked up at him and yawned. "Dont worry though, i'll still share her with you Ivie. She can come for sleepovers in your bed too." He said with a chuckle.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Ivie whipped her hair up, "Only her though... you can sleep in the doggy bed... that is in Forrest's room." She smiled innocently. She looked back down at Dawn. "How could you?" She whispered, "I thought we had a thing. A special thing. A think like no other. I save you... I got Mr. LoneWolf here to take you in. I feel you..." She said and huffed. "Dogs these days... can't trust'em I swear." She shook her head then slowly looked at him. "Nahh... I won't say it." She smiled.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Blair laghed. "Fine, Forrest and I will make blanket forts. No girls allowed. Cant risk getting the cooties you know. Stay out of our fort, kay?" He joked. He raised and eyebrow and leaned towards Ivie a tiny bit. "Say what? Ivie its going to kill me. I will die trying t o figure it out. Do you want that? Do you? Who will pretend to be your dad at cafes then hm?" He asked crossing his arms. "No one, thats who. The fun would be over my dear."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Ivie blinked innocently. "Hm? What? Oh I forgot." She laughed. "Silly me. Sorry, DAD." She said and got up slowly. "You want something to drink? Eat? Gotta feed my old people. Especially the good looking ones." She said before making her saw around the couch and trying not to trip on toys. "Really wish I didn't get stabbed on my cleaning days." She said. "Oh... come. Let me show you the guest bedroom." She said smiling at him.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Blair sighed. "I'm not that old. Im only like four years older than you. You're just so adorably tiny people think you're a kid" He said then stuck his tongue out after standing up and following Ivie around to the guest bedroom. Dawn came around too, picking up toys along the way and then dropping them for another one. Blair shook his head at her. "Oh hey, you wanna see a trick?" Blair asked Ivie. Dawn froze in place and then sat down and wiggled excitedly. "Dawn, put the toys away." Blair said softly, pointing to a toy box. Dawn yipped and went about grabbing the toys and carrying them off and into the toy box one by one. "Apparently, she likes to clean. She did that at the office today with my bosses four year olds stuff. Getting her to stop so she could play was a nightmare" he said with a chuckle.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Ivie raised an eye brow. "Guess who isn't getting their dog back?" She asked before opening up the guest bedroom. It was neat as neat could be, far from what was outside of the room. "This was Ollie's room. She was... a butler of sorts. It is complicated." She laughed nervously. "i hope you like pigs in a blanket, because that is what I had planned for tonight. I would feel bad for Forrest but knowing Atlas and Ollie, something better will replace my meal." She sighed. "That kid.." She smiled.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Blair raised an eyebrow. "You had a butler?...Is she related to Atlas? They look ridiculously similar." He asked just before Dawn came barreling past and ran into Blair's feet. He bent down and picked her up. "Who's a good puppy? You are? What? Who said that? Ivie did?" He said as he tried to keep Dawn form licking him to death. "Pigs in a blanket sounds good. I havent had those in a lonng time." He said with a smile.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Ivie stopped walking and looked up at him, "She wasn't ACTUALLY a butler or maid of any sort. She just like to dress up like one and clean... and cook." Ivie looked passed Blair. "She cooked the whole time she was here... I was a fool to let her go." Ivie turned around and headed to the kitchen. "If she wasn't pregnant for Elwin's baby I would have kept her." She sighed and began to make the food. "Funny thing about having kids, Blair... you get an excuse to eat like one." Ivie smiled.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan ended up taking off work early. He was stressed enough with everything going on with Roshia and he didnt think he could deal with work properly if he couldnt think straight about it. So he went home to an empty house, which felt completely foreign to him now. He walked into the kids room and saw that he had forgotten to send the breast pump with the rest of the stuff and thought it would probably be good if Roshia had it when she needed it. He picked it up and walked out of the house with it and over to where Roshia was staying. He found little reason to knock again, he was just gonna drop it off, say hi to the kids and go since Roshia couldnt stand to even look at him. He opened the door to find Roshia in Daryl holding hands and standing very close to each other. Rowan didnt want to know what they were doing moments before he walked in. He knew better than to think Roshia didnt still love Daryl. He didnt think Daryl was shameless enough to swoop in so quick. Rowan got a pain in his chest that made him wince a little, but he ignored it. "Oh...Sorry for interrupting..whatever this is...I thought you might want your pump." He said and walked to the kids room with it. "Come have a chat with me, please. We have things to discuss apparently." He said to Roshia, his voice was cold, though not completely monotone yet.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Roshia was seconds away from moving away from Daryl when Rowan walked in. She mentally screamed as she moved away from Daryl. When he told her they had to have a chat she glared at Daryl. "You just probably made shit worse." She hissed at him. "Hey... I did nothing wrong. Maybe he could learn a thing or two from me." He whispered back to her. Roshia followed Rowan into the baby's room. Arrow cooed and Bo smiled and wiggled. She really didn't want to talk to him in front of the babies, but what could she do. "Before you even start, nothing is going on with Daryl. He thinks he has a shot now that you are... I guess semi out the picture. If I wanted Daryl I would have had him by now.." She said dryly and sat on the guest bed that was still in there. Daryl smirked and sat down at the table.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan played with Bo while Roshia talked. "Nothing happened, this time Roshia. I'm not completely stupid you know, even I see the way you look at him when you think i'm not paying attention. I'm not blind...You say that if you wanted him you would have had him by now. But you do want him. Do you think that I dont know that if he kissed you, that you would kiss him back? What ever was happening when I walked in might have been completely innocent on your side, but not on his." Rowan sighed. "Do you even want us to work..Really Roshia, do I even have a chance at making you happy? I want to make you happy, I want to be that picture perfect family that we talked about when you were pregnant. I know I fucked up and I made you feel ignored. You dont think it kills me to know that I made you that unhappy? I want to fix things, I want that more than anything...I'm trying to give you some space here, despite the fact that our house feels completely alien to me if you arent there. Nothing feels right when I dont have you...." He said softly, watching Bo curl her tiny hand around his finger.

"I..Look, I know i'm not the person you thought you were marrying. I'm still that person, or rather, I can get back to being that person. Its not going to happen over night. I was so scared shitless all the time about being a father, that i turned into this uptight asshole that I dont even like or know anymore. I understand why you left me, I would have too. But I still want to be with you. You need to figure out who you really want though, either the Rowan I can be or Daryl. I'm done messing around. If you'd really rather be with him I need to know so I can finalize a divorce so you're free to be with him. We'll co-parent with the girls if thats the case." He said and then kissed both of the babies foreheads and stood to look at Roshia. "I'll fight my hardest to be with you, if thats what you want. But dont drag me through the mud and lead me on, if the smug bastard in the other room is who you really want. I dont expect an answer right now, get to know me first, know who I really am before you decide, okay? I'll stop by later to say goodnight to the girls if thats okay. I dont want to miss out on them because of the way things are with us. I dont want to keep fighting with you either, theres no point in it. Lets just focus on being friends and getting to know each other for now."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Blair was a little confused about how Ollie was a maid but wasnt at the same time. But he decided they could revisit that topic some other time. "She's having a baby for Elwin? Thats nice of her." He said as they walked to the kitchen and he watched her make food. Ivie very much looked like a mom when she was cooking. "If you get to eat like a kid all the time when you have one, then i'm going to have to have kids eventually. Kids have the funnest food you know." He said, sitting in a chair with dawn.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
It was Roshia's turn to listen and she let Arrow play with her hair. She seemed to be in another world with Roshia's hair around her. She thought for a moment. "You are right, I would have kissed him if he kissed me back, but I can't say I love him. He just treated me the way I thought you would when we got married. You focused on the kids and left me out." She swayed as she rocked Arrow side to side gently. She stayed silent for a bit, "All I ever wanted was you Rowan..." She whispered before handing him Arrow who looked up at her father then Bo then her father again and smiled. Like she didn't look exactly like the two. "I am going tell Daryl to go home, though he is coming back with Gene to see the babies." She ran a finger down Bo's cheek and smiled before leaving.

"You can go home and come back with Gene later." She said.

Daryl nodded, "sorry about earlier, I just hate seeing you like this. The bastard should have known what he was missing out on. I would know." He said, ruffling her hair a bit and walking out. Roshia stared at the door, both men hurt her. One dragged her and the other one shunned her. She walked back in the baby's room. "Can you... stay awhile?" She asked him.

Ivie looked at him and tried to picture what his kid would look like and how it would act, "I feel bad for the poor woman who has to have your kid." She joked and went sit down at the table while the food baked. "We are still on for the wedding tomorrow, right?" She asked him.
