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Veritas Isle

Papoa Lake


a part of Veritas Isle, by Fauna.

A large lake located outside of town where there is enough land for farming and raising livestock. Only accessible by bridge from the main city.

Fauna holds sovereignty over Papoa Lake, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

29,274 readers have been here.


Papoa lake is a very large, serene lake on one of the small islands near the main city of Veritas island. It is surrounded by land that has been used for farming and livestock for many years and has rich soil and lush greenery. The river itself contains a plethora of fish and is a popular fishing spot among the inhabitants of the main city. One side of the lake offers a beach that it open during the summers to tourists and locals, though the other is made up of privately owned farms and fields.

Ofelia, the dragon trainer, operates her dragon ranch here.
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Papoa Lake

A large lake located outside of town where there is enough land for farming and raising livestock. Only accessible by bridge from the main city.


Papoa Lake is a part of Veritas Isle.

8 Places in Papoa Lake:

26 Characters Here

Rowan Todd [1,145] So much to do...Not enough hours...
Lorelei Keavaris [967] I have no time to play, I must study!
Adrian Elliot [922] I'm just curious.
Dolnith Keavaris [881] Lorelei! My sweet Lorelei!
Micah Weiss [837] Artist? I guess so.
Atlas Hensley [498] What'll it be for you today?
Elwin Keavaris [447] Oh darling, those silks are just marvelous!
Blair Ackerly [429] Violent crimes Detective for the VCPD
Daryl & Genevieve Jasville [298] You are my whole world and more.
Ollie Jacobs [294] I'm one hell of a butler.

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Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blair rested his chip on top of her head and put his hands around hers. "You're welcome. I figured it would be nice to have it for when you're ready to send a letter." He said softly and then wrapped his arms around her waist, careful not to hurt her healing stab wound. Dawn came back in and started barking at him and Blair sighed and scooted away from Ivie before standing up and letting Dawn outside. "We'll be right back." He said then stepped outside and closed the door behind him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Ivie smiled, "Gentle giant." She whispered right before Dawn started to bark at them. She was so cute and she watched as they left. She laid down and looked up at the paper before crawling and putting it on the table. Then she thought about Forrest and got up and placed it on the cabinet before grabbing a throw pillow on the couch and laying down. She looked at her hand over her and thought about Blair's wrapped around hers. His was so big compared to hers and she couldn't help but smile.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blair walked back in a few minutes later to see Ivie laying on he couch just laying there smiling at nothing. He smiled and walked up, kneeling in front of the couch and looked at her. "What are you smiling about?" He asked, gently brushing the hair out of her face and cupping her cheek gently. "It better not be the donuts. If you have an affair with my favorite food I will die."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Ivie looked at him and laughed softly, "Damn you caught me. I just couldn't help it. They way they just melt in my mouth. How can I not have an affair with them, Blair?" She said before blushing a bit. "I was just thinking of how your hand is so much bigger than mine and how I love it. You beat donuts by a hand." She joked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blair couldnt help but laugh. "Only by a hand? YOu must really love those donuts, cuz i'm not exactly tiny. So for me to beat the donuts by JUST my hand. Jeez. My heart. Why do you do this to me? Huh? Why? So cruel Ivie, you're the worst." He said and pretended to pout. He shook his head and leaned in and kissed her. He pulled back a little and smiled softly. "Ive gotta get going. Early morning tomorrow." He said and frowned a little then leaned away and called Dawn over. "Come on dawn, say goodbye." Dawn barked and came running, putting her paws up on the couch and licking at Ivie.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Ivie pouted right back at him, "They melt in my mouth, Blair. Can you melt... nevermind." She said and blushed. He kissed her and she kissed him back softly. "So many people to save and so little time." She said softly and looked in time to face Dawn and have her kiss her face. She laughed and rolled out of reach but Dawn hopped on the couch and kissed attacked her. Ivie held her up. "You going to make me make you stay, little girl. We both know your daddy is scared of the dark and needs you to protect him from the big bad monster." She smiled and hand Dawn back to him. "You be safe out there, okay?" She said softly. Standing on the couch and pulled him down gently and kissed him softly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ackerly Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blair raised an eyebrow at her when she almost asked if he could melt in her mouth. "Oh yes, so so afraid of the dark. Cant sleep alone, save me please dawn. The monsters will get me." He said dramatically. Dawn tilted her head in confusion. He held dawn in his arms and kissed Ivie back. "Be safe? Oh no. I'm going to go find all kinds of trouble." He said and grinned at her before walking to the door. "Have a good night, love. " He said before walking out and closing the door behind him, and walking back to his apartment in the city.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Rowan was on his way to visit the babies in the morning when he realized Ofelia hadnt hung around in a good while. So he swung by her place and drug her out of her nest of blankets and made her go get ready to visit Roshia and the babies. He knew she was just going to get more and more depressed the more she felt the baby move sine Nasir couldnt be there to share in everything with her. And she had been hiding away in her house while Lorelei was away as an excuse. SOmething about bed rest so nothing could go wrong while she was away. "You're really going to make me leave my house?" Ofelia said with a groan. "Uhm, yeah you look like you haven seen sunlight in days. You're going to end up almost as pale as me. " He said as he pretty much pushed her out the front door. They walked up and knocked before walking in. "Morning Dear, I brought you the elusive ting pregnant elf." He said and kissed Roshia's forehead when he found her. Rowan had really been trying with Roshia lately. He really didnt want to lose her. Ofelia walked in and mumbled about being drug out of bed. "Morning Roshia. Hi babies." She said softly. She was actually started looking pregnant, and her tank top showed off her little bump perfectly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Lorelei and Dol had just left from cuddling the babies when Rowan and Ofelia came. Lorelei had told her what went down at the campus and had to stop Roshia from asking Rowan to keep the babies while she went kill a girl. It was nice to see Dol and was glad she was doing okay, but Lorelei worried her. She wouldn't stop holding the babies.

She smiled at Rowan and poked his side before dropping to her knees and rubbing Ofelia's belly. "Hello baby!" She said and Bo hugged that she was giving someone else attention. "Oh go to your dad." She said and went back to rubbing. "How are you, Ofelia? I haven't seen you in ages and by god you are white. Maybe you should stay with me... what have you been doing for almost two weeks?" She asked.

She glanced at Rowan who was playing with Bo and Arrow huffed that he was giving her more attention.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Rowan picked Bo up and put her next to Arrow after Arrow huffed and him and tickled both of then with his finger. "Good morning girls." He said as he played with them some more.

Ofelia smiled a little when Roshia said hello to the baby and then shrugged a little bit. "I'm alright. Ive been...Sleeping mostly. Pretty much just a cycle of sleeping, eating, and drinking that awful tea." She said then looked oer at the babies a little and pulled Roshia out of the room. "How are you two?" She asked softly and motioned at Rowan who was telling the twins some kind of adventure story he read once.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia frowned a bit before being dragged out of the room on her knees. She stood up and dusted her knees off before looking back to Rowan and smiled. "We are good, I think I like the dad version of the old Rowan. Though you missed it the other night. He went to give me a kiss and Bo about flipped. Bo hates me, Ofelia." She sighed, "But me and Rowan are good. I miss him when he is gone and so do the girls... but this is for the best. But I am seriously concerned about you. You have been away for a while. Bel says you barely speak to anyone. I know you are sad that Nas is out there and he is missing this... but he would want you to at least enjoy it for the both of y'all." She said softly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia was happy that they were doing better. Rowan seemed to be a lot better, even if they werent completely back together. "I'm Fine Ros, I do wish he was here but, ive been alone through this before, I'll be fine doing it a second time. Ive just been really tired...Oh, So what happened with Adrian? Lor just kinda up and left the other day Rowan said it was something with Adrian. Are they okay?" She asked, mostly to change the subject.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia sighed, "Well you aren't going to get the choice to go through this alone. For one Nas wouldn't want you to. If he knew you were shutting yourself in the house he would be so sad. So guess who is my new roommate?" She smiled big big then lost it. "Adrian was stabbed by some old man who lost to him in that test thing they did. Adrian got the job the old man wanted, he didn't even want the job. Anyway, he is alright. Lor went over there and spent a few days there with him." Roshia tugged at her shirt and looked at Ofelia. "She is sick again which scares me because it could always get worse and it has. On top of that something went down while she was there. Some bitch poked holes in Adrian's roommate's condoms and her and Adrian used one of them. She took some pill and it forces you to have a period. Dol, our cousin who is closed to her and is here, said that it killed her. Even though she didn't conceived the possibility that it could happen is killing her. This morning she wouldn't stop holding the girls. Dol says she is working hard on a cure but she needs rest to get better. And all I want to do it go to this camp and hurt the girl. Lor does not look well... and I mean from a mental stand point." Roshia looked at her. "If Dol wasn't there she would have shut herself off from the world. Like someone I know... so guess who is going to be a Dol? ME. I will move me and the girls into your house. Don't think I won't." She said.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia listened to what Roshia was saying, she was surprised that someone would stab a kid over something like a job that she didnt want, and then she got pretty sad about Lorelei's problem. "What kind of horrible person does that to someone? 'i'm mad at you so I hope you end up with a lifelong commitment because im a salty bitch' what the fuck is that. I should send a dragon after this girl." She said and then sighed. "I didnt shut myself in, I was just resting. And Bel doesnt know what he's talking about. I didnt talk to anyone cuz i couldnt be bothered to wear clothing in my own home so I just didnt talk to the boys since i dont need them seeing me in my underwear anymore than they already have, thank you very much." She said and crossed her arms.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia glared down at her. "I was carrying two active PA-TOTS." She said the last part loud enough for Bo to hear. Bo huffed. "I swear she is going to be the worst when she gets to a teen. I would love to see her feed off of her father's tit!" She said annoyed. "Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, almost two weeks of you not leaving the house is concerning. I get rest and I freaking get depression. Don't just sweep that under the rug as it being just tired. It is a bunch of bull and I refuse to let you sit there in the damn corner and say you are alone in this when you aren't. I will freaking give you Rowan if you want. But don't say you are alone in this when you have people who actually want to be there. It is a slap in all of our faces." She said before going back into the baby's room and stopping mid stop to the scene. "What the hell are you doing with my babies?" She said as she watched one hang off of his hair and the other one look like they were melting out of his arms.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia sighed and went to sit on the couch. SHe didnt think Roshia could possibly understand the kind of alone she was talking about. She had Rowan her entire pregnancy. He might have been overbearing, but at least he was there.

Rowan looked up and more or less shrugged. "If I knew, I would tell you. But I have no idea whats going on. Why is Bo trying to melt? I might need help, Arrow wont let go of my hair. I swear im just going to cut the ponytail off so she cant get me and be done with it. And Bo refuses to stop melting." He said with a sigh and stuck his tongue out at Arrow who was huffing at him. "She hates me, im pretty sure she hates me Ros. She's always scowling at me. At least Bo loves me"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia laughed and grabbed Bo who looked shocked to be touched by her. "Welcome to my world. Bo hates me just as much as Arrow seems like she hates you. She is just trying to figure out why you look like a bigger Bo with fabulous hair. THIS one just straight up hates me. You can take her with you when you leave. She will see who is the one who feeds her." She said and placed Bo in her crib. "Hope your tits work, Rowan." She smiled and walked out before sitting down by Ofelia. "Look, if you want to go back home then go. Sit in your house all alone. I decided not to stop you. We can't replace Nas, Ofelia... nor do we want to." She patted her knee. "I have to get this.." She pointed to the pile of baby clothes that seem to tower over them. "washing. If Rowan tries to stop you from going home tell him I said you could." She sad and stuffed the babies' clothes in the bag before leaving.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia watched Roshia leave and then stared at Rowan with his daughter for a minute before deciding it was too hard to watch and got up to leave but Rowan blocked the door. "Roshia said I could go home..." Ofelia said, staring up at her.

"Oh she did, did she now? I didnt though. Sit your tiny little butt back on that couch and hold a baby." He said and stared back down at her. "Move Ro-"Ofelia was interupted by Rowan. "Dont sass me, go sit down." He said and motioned towards the couch.

"Jeez...Who are you my dad?..." Ofelia grumbled and sat down and Rowan handed her Arrow who locked onto Ofelia's hair immediately. "If you want to act like a child and hide from your problems, then yeah, I might as well act like your dad." Rowan said before he went to the other room and grabbed Bo before coming back out and peeking at Ofelia who was smiling down at Arrow. He smiled softly and went with Bo into the kitchen to grab his book and sat at the table with her, reading out loud with her looking completely entranced in the story.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Two hours later Roshia came back with clean clothes and looking like she was in a fight. Her knuckles were busted up and she had a butterfly stitch on her eyebrow. "Well Garnet is pregnant and I need to start making lunch." She said after throwing the bag of clean clothes on the chair and walking into the kitchen where she started grabbing things to make lunch.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan blinked at Roshia and got up to put Bo down in her crib since she was asleep. He came back out an looked over Roshia. "Uhm...You okay? Did you get in a fight with someone?" He asked and held one of her hands gently. "Jeez Ros, what did you do, your hands are all kinds of busted up." He said with a little sigh.

Ofelia got up and put Arrow down too after managing to pry the sleeping babies hand from her hair, which took a lot more effort than she thought it would. She put her down in her crib and walked back out. "Garnets pregnant huh? We might as well invite her over here during the day too, she's going to need women to talk to." She said and shook her head at the thought of her being pregnant so young. She knew how hard it was, she was barely sixteen when she had her first baby, and the dad was a douchewad too. "Can I send dragons after the dad?" She asked, sounding pretty serious about it.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia looked over at him like it was nothing, "Yeah I did... two men came to Lor's while I was over there asking about if Garnet was pregnant. Lor doesn't give that out to anyone unless the client wants them to. So she declined and they were going to get rough with her. So I stepped in and told them to leave. They thought just because I was some girl they could push me over to get the information they wanted. They put up a good little fight, but now I know I could beat two people the same height as Nasir if I wanted to." She laughed proudly. "Garnet's bodyguard came in time to see me wrestling with one of the guys and helped. Later told us that the two guys worked for his old boss and they probably already knew she was pregnant. She had been puking her hearts out the day before the visit and they already knew. So the guy who knocked her up will know. I mean she has that hunk of a bodyguard who is the younger version of Nas, but like... I mean I can help. I don't mind a little wrestling. I took on two Nasirs. I am proud right now. These wounds will heal. Lor said I was okay, but my ribs were bruised. I have been through worse though. And I would love to see this guy suffer. Garnet is a sweet girl, a bit weird with the dolls, but a sweetie." She said before going back to making lunch. "You didn't let her leave..." She said after a second.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Rowan shook his head. "Jeesus...Ro...What are you...Some sort of super being?" He said and shook his head again. Rowan turned and glanced at Roshia. "Nope, I told her to sit her little butt down on the couch and hold a baby for a minute. She tried to fight me on it but I won." He said and crossed his arms. Ofelia groaned. "You tried to father me Rowan. Why are you such a dad? When did this happen?" She said. "I literally have two children Ofelia. I AM a dad. Andyou were acting like a baby so...I decided to father you a little. Worked didnt it?" Rowas said softy. Ofelia rolled her eyes. "Only because i was shocked that you could be stern..." She mumbled.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia looked over her shoulder, "He can be stern?" She asked and blinked confused before smiling. Her hands were sore but worked all the same. Her ribs hurt a bit too, but pain made you tougher. She walked around the two and grabbed plates before putting food in them and shoved it into their hands. "Go and eat." She said before making herself some food and sitting. "Garnet can come over whenever she wants to, but Ofelia will be too busy sleeping her pregnancy away." She said before taking a bite of her food. "Oh and she goes to Elwin's for a sewing session every other day. So she has Ollie." Roshia pointed out. "Rowan you should have let her go home. She is tired. Look at her." She said and shook her head.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan blinked and looked over at Ofelia. "She's only tired because she's been over sleeping, which is worse than not sleeping enough. She'll live. It wont kill her to interact with people for a little while." He said and nibbled at his food. Ofelia just ate quietly on the other side of the table, irritated that Rowan was right for once. She hadnt meant to stay in bed so much, but she couldnt motivate herself to do anything else, she only managed to eat because she knew she had to for the baby. Roshia's little jabs werent helping either. She stood up and walked to the door. "You dont get to make jabs at me about how i cope with my husband being away while i'm knocked up and terrified that he wont ever come back...Your husband was with you every step of the way, you have no idea how i feel. Mine could die never knowing he's going to be a father, but thats fine right? Because you guys know? No reason to be upset about it, is there?" She said softly and walked out the door, heading back towards the ranch.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Roshia watched her get up and walk to the door. She listened and let her leave then went back to eating her lunch. It was quiet and she knew Rowan would open his mouth about it so she got up and dropped her dishes into the sink before going grab the bag of clothes and going to the babies' room. She started to hand and fold everything. Roshia didn't mean to come off as harsh, but she was someone who didn't beat around the bush. She was going to let Ofelia be and do what she had to do. The babies had been awake but looking around. Bo was making her face again and Roshia ignored her. She was fine so she didn't need to mess with her. She walked across the room to put up things. Arrow watched intently.