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Veritas Isle

Papoa Lake


a part of Veritas Isle, by Fauna.

A large lake located outside of town where there is enough land for farming and raising livestock. Only accessible by bridge from the main city.

Fauna holds sovereignty over Papoa Lake, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

29,273 readers have been here.


Papoa lake is a very large, serene lake on one of the small islands near the main city of Veritas island. It is surrounded by land that has been used for farming and livestock for many years and has rich soil and lush greenery. The river itself contains a plethora of fish and is a popular fishing spot among the inhabitants of the main city. One side of the lake offers a beach that it open during the summers to tourists and locals, though the other is made up of privately owned farms and fields.

Ofelia, the dragon trainer, operates her dragon ranch here.
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Papoa Lake

A large lake located outside of town where there is enough land for farming and raising livestock. Only accessible by bridge from the main city.


Papoa Lake is a part of Veritas Isle.

8 Places in Papoa Lake:

26 Characters Here

Rowan Todd [1,145] So much to do...Not enough hours...
Lorelei Keavaris [967] I have no time to play, I must study!
Adrian Elliot [922] I'm just curious.
Dolnith Keavaris [881] Lorelei! My sweet Lorelei!
Micah Weiss [837] Artist? I guess so.
Atlas Hensley [498] What'll it be for you today?
Elwin Keavaris [447] Oh darling, those silks are just marvelous!
Blair Ackerly [429] Violent crimes Detective for the VCPD
Daryl & Genevieve Jasville [298] You are my whole world and more.
Ollie Jacobs [294] I'm one hell of a butler.

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Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Fauna
Rowan didnt say a single word about any of it. Ofelia had a point, no one understood what she was feeling, but they were trying at least. Roshia did come off like she was making abs though, but Rowan wasnt going to argue with her about that. Its just the way Roshia was. He got up and washed the dishes and set them out to dry before walking into the bedroom and looking at the babies for a second before Helping Roshia put the clothes up. Bo looked done with everything again, but she always did. "Sometimes I wonder whats making this kid so mad at the world. Must be that my tits dont work." He said with a sigh.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia glanced at Rowan coming in but went back to work with the clothes. "Who knows... your kid." She said before making a bag for Rowan to take. "You are taking her with you. Since she rather that anyway I already have pump milk you can take with you when you go." She said and packed some diapers before looking down at the amount and stuffing a handful more in the bag just in case. She didn't need Rowan running with her in the middle of the night with her having nothing on her bottom. Arrow stared hypnotically at Rowan's hair.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Fauna
Rowan blinked and took the bag then looked at Roshia. "She loves you Ros, you're her mom. She's just a grumpy girl. She probably only likes me because she realizes I look exactly like Arrow. Just bigger. Arrow hasnt seemed to figure that out yet though" He said softly and put the bag down. "And she's OUR kid Roshia." He said and set the bag down then reached over and pulled Roshia into a hug. "Whats got you in such a foul mood all the sudden? Youve never told me to take just one of them before, whats up?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia stumbled into the hug and winched when he hugged her. "I am already tired of fighting with her every damn day. She screams when you aren't here. Putting her with Arrow only works for a while. Feeding her is a hassle. She doesn't want me to hold her. I am resenting her and she is my daughter." She said pulling away from him. "It isn't that she is grumpy... just... take her please." She said. "I will get Bel to bring the crib. And then worrying about Ofelia on top of this. If she wants to waste away in her house by herself so be it. Bo just wants you, you can have her." Roshia looked like she was going to have a breakdown. "Just take her and go, please." She whispered, sitting on the extra bed in the room.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Fauna
Rowan looked over at Roshia and knelt down in front of her. "We cant just take her away from her sister like that, its not right to separate them. You're a twin, you know how it is. I'll stay over, okay? I'll give you a rest from Bo. No good can come from breaking them up, even for a night, theyd both scream constantly....I'm sure Bo loves you Ros, Maybe she just doesnt like it when we're apart..." He said softly and then stayed quiet for a minute. "I dont know what to do for Ofelia, she's been alone for a while, maybe she's comfortable. I dont know. I have no Idea who that girl a dragged out of bed today was...You cant stress over people who dont want your help though. We tried to be there for her, thats all we can do, she'll come back when she's ready." He said and gently kissed Roshia's hand.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia shook her head, "She was like that before I moved out." She said and stood. "If you are going to stay I am going to take a nap at least. If they get hungry there is pumped milk." She said and bent down over Arrow's crib and kissed her gently while holding her hair out of the way. She looked at Bo who was staring at her. Roshia stood straight and walked out to go take a nap.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan sighed and put Arrow in Bo's crib and walked out of the room while they babbled at each other. He made it a point to straighten everything up and finish any chores Roshia had to do while she was asleep, taking care of the babies if they needed something. He made some coffee while the two slept and when they woke up again he changed them and bounced them for a while until they seemed happy to just sit and look at each other again.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
A few hours later she woke up and laid there in her bed for a while. She didn't want to get up and have to deal with Bo again. Everything would be fine if she wasn't a bitch baby. It was starting to feel like she was Ameria. Roshia stood up slowly and walked out of her room. She went into the babies room and checked on them. They seemed to be doing fine. Bo looked up at her and Roshia just left. She saw the chores had been done, "Thanks." She said before dropping on the couch. She could go back to sleep if she wanted to, but she made herself stay up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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#, as written by Fauna
Rowan had heard Roshia stir in the other room and made her hot chocolate that he brought her when she sat down on the couch. "You're welcome. I figured I'd give you a break from that too. Bo still cried a lot, I'll take her to Lorelei's tomorrow to see if theres something that might cause her to cry more, like colic or something. Arrow hardly put up a fuss at all. She still only wants to grab my hair though." He said and looked towards the babies room.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Dolnith Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Roshia held onto the cup and slowly took a sip before standing up. "I will just go get her. Dol will probably want her out of the house at some point today and she has been here cuddling the babies this morning." She said before walking out. It took her no longer than five minutes to come back with Lor and Dol. Dol blinked at the man on the couch, "You married THAT? I mean him?" She asked as Lor walked into the babies' room.

Roshia blinked at Dol, "Who do you expect me to marry?" She asked.

"Someone buff and tan, no offense Rowan." Dol replied before hurrying after Lor.

Bo wiggled a lot and started crying. Lor cooed at her while she examined Bo and frowned a bit. When she went back out to talk to Rowan and Roshia she blinked at Roshia who looked like she could careless what she was going to say about Bo which threw up some alarms for her. "Ros, are you okay?" She asked.

Roshia looked up, "Yeah, why?" She asked.

"Because you don't look like your normal self. Bo has colic, there is nothing wrong with her. I suggest trying to change your diet and use a warm water bottle on her belly. It will ease her from crying so much." Lor said. "I will get her some probiotics too. I heard a bit of noise coming from her gut area. As for you, Ros, you will be on the calming tea I used to give you."

Roshia looked at her confused, "I don't need it."

Lor grabbed her hand and pulled her off to the side, "The whole time, from you getting me till now, you seemed like you don't care what happens to Bo. You don't even seemed worried about Arrow anymore either. You used to winch every time someone tried to hold her."

"Bo rather's her dad and I am tired of screaming every time I hold her. Arrow is doing fine so I don't need to worry. Thanks though." Roshia said.

"You are still drinking the tea." She said. She told them to give her a moment and she left only to return with the tea and probiotics. "Give this to her in the morning and at night. Roshia drink the tea for each major meal." With that she took Dol and left.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Dolnith Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan blinked and just shook his head. She didnt say anything he hadnt heard before. He watched Roshia carefully as she stood outside the room while Lor was looking over Bo. Roshia didnt look like she gave a single fuck about her own daughter which really pissed him off. "See? Tummy troubles. She doesnt hate you she just doesnt feel well and associated you with that feeling since you're the one who has to feed her, and her tummy hurts afterwards. She doesnt hate you. You seem like you couldnt care any less about her though. She's a baby Roshia, she doesnt know what she does has any effect on you. You need to let it go. Shes not doing anything on purpose, she doesnt have the cognitive ability to do things just to hurt you. I'm not going to pretend i didnt see you straight up ignore her earlier. You cant just pick one over the other like that, theyre both your babies."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Roshia turned to him, "You can leave now. I don't need you stay." She said and walked off to the back to find the water bottle. She knew she had one packed up somewhere it was just a matter of finding it. When she did she pulled it out of a box and blinked. It was almost bigger than Bo, even when turned sideways. She then went put water on to boil for her tea.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan sighed and followed Roshia. "You cant just brush it off like its not a thing Roshia, this is serious. I'm talking about our children here. You want me to leave when not ten minutes ago i watched you just straight up ignore one of them? Whats going on in your head? I cant leave if I have to worry about if you're going to decide to actually take care of one of them, because youve made up some kind of alternate reality where she's evil or something. She's a fucking baby Roshia. The only way she can communicate right now is to cry. She's no different than Arrow." He said, obviously pretty ticked off at this point.

"And did you think that maybe if you'd stop favoring Arrow so much maybe Bo would like you a little more? If one of them cries, you run straight to Arrow, whether she's crying or not, you always pick her up first, and you hold her the longest. You dont really interact with Bo unless she needs something. Its no wonder she's not used to you. You cant ignore her like this, its cruel. So she doesnt like you, you still have to be her mother. She still needs you. You cant just think about yourself here. I know you care about them Ros, so start acting like it." He said a certain stern tone to his voice.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Dolnith Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Roshia went to walk to the door when she saw Lorelei standing there. Dol was behind her glaring at Rowan. "Roshia, I need you to into the babies' room and gently press on Bo's stomach. I want you to feel what I was feeling. I had forgot to tell you that. Once you start to change your diet and the medicine starts to kick in you will feel them slowly fade each day or so." She said. Roshia nodded and walked away into the babies' room.

Lorelei looked over at Rowan, "I can beat the shit out of him now?" Asked Dol.

Lorelei turned to her, "No..." Then she turned back to Rowan. "Funny how I am starting to see a cycle with you Rowan. You focus on the babies and ignore your wife. Do you even have the slightest idea why Roshia is acting this way? Or is it that maybe you just don't give a flying fuck?" Dols eyes got wide and stared at Lorelei. She never heard her so pissed off before. "I thought maybe Ofelia could help, but sadly I was wrong. Ofelia is having a hard time adjusting to Nas not being here and I will get to her tomorrow, but right now I need you to leave. You are making her postpartum depression worse and if she goes any further on this track I am scared I lose my sister because you are too stupid to see what the hell is going on. Yes it is sad she is ignoring one for the other, but you have to realize she is blaming her damn self for what happened to Arrow. Instead of being a fucking asshole like you were for the whole pregnancy you might want to help instead of pushing her more in a pit. Now I am telling you NOW to leave or I will go get Garnet's escort and have you escorted off the property." She said. Dol was still in shock at how pissed Lor was and wondered if what happened on the campus was causing her to be so straight forward and angry.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Dolnith Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan sighed and shook his head. "I'll leave. She doesnt let me help her. You can coddle her all you want. Nothing will change if she doesnt realize what she's doing. You wanting me to ignore the fact that she stopped giving a shit about our child, because of a medical fluke that she had no control over, is bullshit. You cant get mad at me for being the only person who's not coddling her. She's a parent, and when you're a parent the kids come first." He said then stepped out of the house and walked off.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Dolnith Keavaris Character Portrait: Garnet Daveiga Character Portrait: Asham Garr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Once Rowan was gone Lorelei told Dol to go get Garnet and her bodyguard. She nodded and went get them while Lorelei and Roshia talked. When they came back Lorelei handed Asham a letter and asked him if he could bring it to Rowan's house before giving him the directions to his house. He agreed and she told him what was going on before he left.

Asham got to his house and knocked on his door when he answered he handed him the letter, "Here is the list of days and schedule times you can visit your children. You will not be allowed on the property before or after those times unless it is an emergency. During those times Roshia will not be in the house, but I will be. You will have an hour and a half each visit." He said.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Asham Garr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan opened the door to basically another Nasir and just stood there after he handed him the papers and explained when he was and wasnt allowed to see his children. Rowan decided not to fight it and just nodded and walked back in the house. There wasnt really any way he could fight it anyways, theyd just limit his hours even more and it would be a mess. He walked into his office and put the paper up on a tack board, and for the first time actually looked at the divorce papers sitting in the desk drawer, wondering if they should sign them and be done with it all already. He was already losing all hope that he and Roshia were going to work out, they were acting like they were divorced already, especially now with the limited visitation. Rowan wondered if it would be easier just to get it over with or if it was actually still worth the effort.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville Character Portrait: Asham Garr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Daryl was outside when he saw the massive man at Rowan's house. He waited till the man walked away to follow him. "Hey is Roshia okay?" He asked worried. The massive man turned around and looked at him. "Yeah, she just has postpartum depression and there was a big mess that happened and now he is limited to seeing his own kids. How does Roshia know you?" He asked.

Daryl looked back at the house and then the man. "We are childhood friends. How do you know Roshia? Never knew that girl needed a body guard. SHE is a body guard." He laughed.

Asham nodded, "Oh yeah, got to see her after math. She scares me more than my old boss." He laughed. "I have to take Garnet in the city tomorrow during one of is hours and I need someone who can hold their own. You think you can?" He asked.

Daryl nodded, "I can, what time?" He asked and Asham told him. They talked a bit more before he left and Daryl walked to Rowan's door and knocked on it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan put the papers bak in the desk and closed the drawer and went and made a cup of coffee and had just finished pouring it in the mug when someone knocked on the door. "Oh for fucks sake..." He whispered to himself then took his coffee and opened the door to see Daryl. Definitely not who he was expecting to ever show up at his door step. "Can I..Help you..? Or something..?" He asked, not really sure why Daryl would want from him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Daryl smiled, "You actually didn't slam the door on me. Progress. Okay so I was talking to that creepy man that came from your house and I thought you had like owed money or something but nah it was just your wife and the depression she has. I also know about the time you can meet them and how she won't be there. If she was like Gene's mom I can help. And yes why would I help you when I want Roshia, right? Well maybe I want you Rowan." He said seriously before cracking a smile, "No, I am just messing with you... maybe. Anyway... I just want Roshia to be happy and it seems like she is with you, when she isn't having trouble with postpartum depression. WHICH can get serious if someone doesn't help her. First off, does she seem to not want to have anything to do with the babies or baby? Is she emotional? Does she have breakdowns? Does she look pretty much dead to the world?" He asked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan just stared ahead and started closing the door when Daryl tried to joke about wanting him instead of Roshia, but he cracked it back open when he said he was kidding about it. Then resisted the urge to close it again when he said maybe. He sipped his coffee while Daryl described Roshia, and he was pretty spot on. "If you throw in mass amounts of resentment than you pretty much have my wife down pat. " He said with a sigh, wondering if Daryl had some kind of ulterior motive.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Daryl almost busted the door down when he was closing it the last time and got a bit dizzy going back and forth when he opened and closed it. "I think the resentment is herself. See the whole thing is... Roshia doesn't hate her kid or kids, Roshia is TERRIFIED. I heard the baby has colic, which if you add that on to her already feeling like crap with Arrow and the cord just... it kind of made her snap. She probably feels like if she goes anywhere near them she is just going to hurt them again and if you tack on the crazy hormones that are reeling... well you have Roshia now. Gene was a stillborn until a nurse, not the doctor, started to do some work on her and got her breathing and what not. Her mother blamed herself and she wouldn't even touch Gene. It broke my heart, Gene is my world."

Darly rubbed the back of his neck. "I worked with her for three months to get her to better. The doctors said if I hadn't worked with her or gotten her any help... she could have killed Gene, Rowan, and then herself. Doctor said it happens to untreated patients. I don't want Roshia going down this path. Now I don't know what you said to her and I am guessing they weren't nice things, but I honestly don't think you knew the she had it. I will be going over there tomorrow, so she should have some time to cool down and I am going to have to talk to her. She won't be happy, Gene's mother wasn't... but if you love Roshia like you claim you do you will come. If you are just doing it for the babies, then I advise you to just stay home. I can work with her and get her better, but knowing the history of you and her... and how she reacted... it could just make things worse. So either come for all of them or don't come at all." He said softly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan listened along to what Daryl was saying. It made sense and he wanted to help Roshia but every time he got close she'd shut him out and act like everything was perfectly fine. By now though she was just pushing him away. "I'll go with you, its not like i dont want to be there for Roshia, she doesnt let me. And if I show any concern for our children, suddenly im a bad guy and everyone acts like i dont give a shit about her. I didnt ignore the fact that she straight up just ignored one of our daughters today, and then all of this happened. I'll go though, for all of them"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Daryl smiled and patted his shoulder, "It isn't her... it is the hormones. I am pretty sure she understands your concern for the kids. And I like I said, I don't think you knew she had the depression so I can't be mad at you for whatever you said to her, hopefully it wasn't too bad. It is going to be tough, Rowan... she may say some stuff but you can't be all sensitive about it. You have to put yourself in your shoes." He said before laughing, "Ashlyn, Gene's mother, said some pretty hurtful things and if I had let it get to me she wouldn't have ever got to be close to her baby girl."

He looked over at the lake then back at him, "She ignored the one with colic I am guessing. Did you catch the moment of fear in her eyes when she looked at her? I bet you didn't because it would have broken your heart. At least mine did when I saw Ashlyn look at Gene. You will see it soon enough. You still have visiting times today? If so I can hurry up over there and start the prepping. If I don't come back to you after... she has killed me. Take Gene for me if I die." He said, laughing nervously.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Daryl & Genevieve Jasville
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan raised an eyebrow. "Well lets hope I dont get in trouble for not being all sensitive about whatever she says. I get in trouble for not caring enough too you know. Apparently." He said and sighed a little bit. "yeah, she ignored Bo, with the colic, and Bo generally favoring me, is probably whats causing a good but of the resentment thats going on. I couldnt see Roshia's face when she ignored Bo. Just watched her check on the one and then not even glance at the other and just walk out...Im pretty sure ive got one more visiting time today later towards night." He said and looked out at the lake for a second. "If you die, I promise I'll try not to lose gene this time." He said with a kind of nervous chuckle.
