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When dreams become reality

When dreams become reality


when one girl holds the unbelievable power to create a reality that exists only in her dreams, what might unravel is untold.

1,820 readers have visited When dreams become reality since FairestInVerona created it.


Your dreams are never far away

In a town where southern accents and perfect people are prevalent, everything seems normal. Even if the location doesn't exist on the map. A young girl suffers a great tragedy. It was the talk of the town for years. Eight year-old Vivaline loses her mother, the child's imagination died with her.. But the woman had a secret. Sarafine was the keeper of dreams. All her abilities came from a locket that was given to her on her fifteenth birthday. It was a great responsibility that came with it's disadvantages. You couldn't tell anyone. With the locket, her mother left specific instructions to her father to wait until her fifteenth birthday. She meets a heroic boy and journeys with him as the locket releases it's magic, making her believe that dreams are the gateway to happiness once more.

As a child, all I knew was happiness. My imagination ran wild and magic ran through my blood. My dreams took me to a far away place. A place where anything could happen as you will it. I had many adventures and friends. All of which were left behind as my mother passed away. I gave up with the child's play and became a lonely girl. I was practically forced to keep on living like the rest of the bland people in this isolated town. That is until my fifteenth birthday. Everything changed..Things happened that I'd not forget.

When her dreams overthrow her reality, will she be able to put things back in their place?
Or will she even want to?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Vince Kingston
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I remember waking up on a soft green patch of grass, and not quite understanding for a moment where I was, but after thinking and letting my mind clear up, I knew. I was in the dream realm., which I had decided to call Fantasia. That's what all the creatures and people here know it as. I sat up, waiting for my bubbly heroic version of the boy that I can not say a word to, due to my shyness. I yawned softly, standing now as I heard his laughter in the distance. A smile grew upon my lips as I looked across the magnificent mountain peeks. This place had no end.

I looked down at myself, my locket glowing like it always had when I was in Fantasia. I smiled as the white and black dress that portrayed me as the princess of fantasia appeared. I felt the feather light crown appear on my head, my black curls fluttering in the gentle breeze. The birds and butterflies surrounded me, singing a sweet tune.

My laughter rang out melodically.

This was my place.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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#, as written by S1mon

Fantasia was beautiful. The landscape was beautiful. The animals were beautiful, and the people were beautiful. Well not all, as all fairytales have to have a bad guy and they sure had some in Fantasia that he was more than happy to deal with. Vince the Victor. Quite a name if he might say himself and being prized by the Dreamer, the Princess of Fantasia, he was well respected. It was certainly not a good idea to get into her bad books where she had complete control of it as the Dreamer as always had for centuries. Vince heard stories about the Dreamers of the past, but his princess would always be close to his heart. Anything she wanted, he would perform without question, and from what the stories say, Vince would always say that the Dreamer now had to be the prettiest of them all. No doubt in his mind whatsoever.

His first memory he could remember was when he was wandering in the woods and then was under attack and discovered how quick he could move away from hits which thrilled him completely. Vince was praised as a result and thanks, but his clothes looked ever so odd to everyone else so he adopted clothes similar to those in the forest and raided some bad guys he had heard about to get in possession of some weapons. All was good, and that's when the Princess drew near. There was always some sort of sign when the Dreamer entered her world, and once that sign had revealed itself, Vince would literally drop what he was doing and go straight her and having the ability to fly helped a great deal.

Immediately recieving the signal, he jumped off a tree backwards before flying out with his arms behind his head and leaning his head against his hands as if he was laying down on a hammock. Flying definitely got the adrenaline up. To feel all the air round about you, and it sure was a honor, at least that's what the other creatures and people say, to be close to the Dreamer, never mind have physical contact so he had made quite a lot of close friends through that, as well as some that were envious since Vince had it all. He had the looks. He had the style. He had the heroics. He had bravery. He could fly. All girls looked up at him, and of course, he had the Dreamers' eyes too and no one could question the Dreamer, so no one would question him, though they do regardless ironically before Vince makes them regret it.

He really wasn't a bad guy and loved to have a bit of fun now and then while things weren't serious, and with the Dreamers' visit, he could now spend quality time with her which was always a treat. Such a time getting closer and closer, as he spotted her and begun spinning around in the air and laughing at himself which no doubt she too could hear. Straightening his descent, he noticed how she was looking towards the beautiful mountains while wearing her stunning beautiful dress. There was only one thing to do in such a situation, as he swung down, flying towards her back as she looked to the mountains and wrapped his arms around her, before floating into the sky.

Even though he was holding her in such a way and such an embrace, she was free to turn around if she preferred so they could face each other, or ride on his back. Whatever she wished to do, Vince would make it happen. Out of all the lives of those in Fantasia, hers were the most important and would sacrifice himself to save her. It was no understatement. Besides, she could easily dream of him again and he'd be back since they shared that sort of bond, as she was her first. Whatever made her comfortable, he would go out of his way to make the provisions and she could be rest assured, that he would not drop her.

Like riding on an animal, you held on anywhere that made you safe, and since he had none of that stuffy clothing he first remembered appearing him, he was easy to hold onto. For the Princess, she could choose where to hold him, but anyone else, he'd be more strict with and carry them. Afterall, she was his world and meant the world. If she wished for a diamond ring, he'd go to the mines and dig himself, no matter how long it took. "It sure is nice to see you again Princess", he commented, speaking softly, "I have dearly missed you. Not that I haven't been busy with having those armed skeletons from Skeleton Island come and play. You know, you can see right through them, literally!", laughing at the end, before stopping his ascent and simply hovered in the air.

"I must say, you look beautiful as ever today", he added with a smile, "I saw you looking at the mountains today. I can take you there if you like, or to the waterfalls, or any where else you fancy or need to go, or did you just come to see lil ol' me", adding a wink at the end. Sure he could be cocky and boisterous, but inside, he had such a big heart, and a big fighting heart at that, as well as a cunning mind. How many times his charms had helped him out to weaken the defences of one of his foes. Afterall, surely they expect him to fight, not say how nice they look, before losing their weapon and becoming defenceless. Sure was funny.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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She had been watching him from the ground until he decided to sweep her off her feet. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as She looked over her shoulder at him. She readjusted herself so he was carrying her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled softly.As he spoke, her eyes focused on his. She had been seeing him for a year now."it's even more pleasant to see you dear." she murmured gently. He had listed places for them to go, but nowhere compared to her hero. She felt the desire to kiss him. Vince could hear her thoughts as she willed it. She blushed wildly and turned to face the passing ground in embarrassment.

She didn't know what to do with her emotions. Vivaline turned back to face him. "Do you realize how fond of you I am Vince?" she asked softly, brushing at some of his hair that lay behind his ear. "I might even say I.." she broke off as they took a quick turn. She blushed. "I think you.." she admitted, her blue eyes sparkled as the words found their way past her lips.

It was now that she leaned in and pressed her lips to his ever-so-softly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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#, as written by S1mon

People called her the Dreamer, due to the fact that she was responsible for all life in Fantasia. To those who knew her, to those who got close to her like Vince had, she was the Dreamed. Vivaline was the epitome of beauty, with her beautiful blue eyes, her soft rounded face and her beautiful dark black hair that flowed behind her in the wind. Right now, she looked stunning with her white and black dress she worn which complimented her beauty straightaway. Not to mention the crown that sat upon her head which sure made her cute, even more when her cheeks blossomed red, which he cheekily debated to himself whether he should peck a kiss to see if her soft creamy skin would return to it's usual beauty or blossom even more. He decided against in the end.

She may be a great many things, and to those in Fantasia, she was seen as a Princess. To Vince, she must be an angel, to of been responsible for all this beauty in the world and the fact she was flying right now. All she needed was some beautiful wings upon her back and a radiant light to descend from her. Maybe if he flew higher up, such a light could be emitted from her, but was it truly needed, when here she was with him, with his arms round her waist and her arms round his neck as her beautiful eyes looked into his. They were truly beautiful. They say that the eyes are the window of your soul, so if her eyes were truly beautiful as he saw them to be, then she truly had a beautiful soul also. He could not deny that with how kind she was, and gentle.

It was quite strange, having a chunk of your life missing since his last memory was wandering in the woods, not knowing where he came from. It is said that the past is what makes you what you are today. Well, he has the stunning princess to thank for that, and as for the future, who knows what it may hold, as long as she kept dreaming and as long as she was happy, then that was what was mattered, before seeing nearly her whole face blossum red. He could probably find out if he opened his mind to her thoughts, but he did not as he felt it rude, so he did not know whether it was something going off inside his head, or something in hers.

"Do you realize how fond of you I am Vince?", she asked ever so sweetly, as her bright face looked back up to him. They had been together for a year now, and boy were the adventures wild and exciting. The dreams thought they could control the dreamer but of course they were wrong. Since the first time she had met, she had grown so much, as did he. However, he wholeheartfully noticed how she had changed, not only in her looks but her confidence and right now, he felt the heat of her cheeks had travelled along her arms and now heated up his entire body. Least they were in the air for the air to cool him down as it usually did. As far as her question was concerned, he knew that she liked him since they got on so well, with their relationship being envied by some. Afterall, to hang around a beautiful girl, was, well, a dream, ironically enough. Inside he felt like making a jokey comment for her to join the club with how many eyes were on him, but he felt it was not right to do such.

At first, he saw the relationship as like master to servant, but that had changed. For both of them he reckoned, with how tense the situation was. "I might even say I..", she went on to say before Vince swung around, to see if all this was real, and then she blushed, "I think you..". It was real alright. It was also sincere and heartful, as her eyes just sparkled, blinding his own. Since meeting her and saving her, he had pledged to be there for her and do all that she asked. She could of quite simply asked him to kiss her and he would. Heck he would of kissed a baboon's bum if that was what she wished, but no, she had fallen in love.

Vince had to admit to himself also, that he found her to be the most beautiful girl in the world. Their relationship grown day by day that they met and stayed together. He'd even admitted his love for her to the mermaids when they tried to seduce him and take him below but he wasn't quite sure, but he was sure now, as he lips drew nearer to his own. This was the moment he had been waiting for, as he moved his right hand from his waist and gently stroked her cheek, before he too leaned in, his lips pouted, until the distance between them was no more, as the lips were now locked against each other as he kissed her back with passion.

"I....I think you do", he said with a smile after pulling back only a little in response to her last words, being hesitant at first. First kiss. It sure was sweet and was enough to make a guy fall backwards and feel like he's dreaming. Maybe it was time to descend. Maybe the flower field was a nice place to go. Yeah. "And I believe...that I do too", and for a unique moment in his life so far, he was actually lost for words, being too lost in her eyes, as the hand that had rested on her cheek stroked her again, before pulling his hand away to put back around her wait, unless she wished for the hand to stay with her and grab it back. It was her choice.

"You truly are something, you know that. For once, my lips have been sealed", he remarked with a smirk. With his usual charms, even the successful ones, he manages to keep his mind straight and know exactly for what to say. Now, it seemed he was paralysed, or frozen. Not that it was a bad thing, as he felt ever so much warmth inside. As far as expressing things goes, he took the cocky yet positive approach but when it came to love, that was a whole new thing that he couldn't describe. He loved the time they spent together, dreaming of her every night to see she was okay and waiting with anticipation for her next visit so he would not feel so empty which right now he did not. All of which he wished to convey but was harder than he thought. Maybe it would be easier for her to see herself as he closed his eyes and smiled, allowing her to see inside what he wished to express but couldn't.

Opening his eyes once more, he then spoke softly again, "You truly are my world. Let me take you somewhere. Anywhere. You name it and I will go", which would then ease him from holding them both up. Not that it was tiring him out as he had so much energy and could stay up there all day if he wished, but it was hard for either of them to move around while in the air. "though I have one selfish request...", he remarked as he turned his head slightly to attempt to hide a blush appearing, "...if we can do that again". Leaving his head purposely turned slightly for her to turn back. They say that there is one girl for every guy out there, and that everything will seem right. Well it did, and it sure felt good.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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She closed her eyes, kissing him was beautiful. She let her eyes flutter open as they pulled away. She blushed wildly and pulled herself slightly closer to him. She was in love, surely and definately. She felt it with all her heart. "You're so lovely. I can't bare when were apart." she murmured, brushing his jaw.

She smiled brightly. "I'll go anywhere with you." she promised him.She felt his thoughts shimmer through her mind, his precious memories and how beautiful he thought they were. She got red again and turned to him. "You liked that?" she whispered with a soft happy giggle

"I'd kiss you anytime." she admitted, gently moving his face to face her. She opened her mind to him and closed her eyes and knitted her eyebrows together. She showed him his past and how she felt about him. She knew he yearned to know, so she created his past. He was raised by angels who tended to his every need. He was exposed to the skills he has now and was taught his kindness and the land. He was born of the sun and the sea gave him the gift of his beautiful eyes.

She opened her eyes into his and leaned in, kissing him with passion and deepness. It was not shy like the first one, but more knowing and confident.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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#, as written by S1mon

How was a guy to react when a girl fell in love with him? He wished he knew what to do, how to act and everything. It wasn't like their relationship was the only relationship throughout Fantasia. From what he understood about love, it was something that was special and that the guy in such a relationship was to lead such a relationship. He wished he knew what. Their relationship had only gone a huge step further is all. They still had that bond, that sense of adventure, that thrill, that had been with both of them ever since they could meet. However, this was no ordinary girl like other guys had, but a really special girl, a prized gem and she had chosen him over all others. It sure made him smile.

It was not only the relationship that he thought about, but the kiss itself. His first kiss. He guessed that he could only improve and go with the flow, just like when he's faced with obstacles in his way on his travels. He sure loved travelling, loved the adventure, the action and having no doubts when he dives into danger, but diving into relationships was something different. "You're so lovely. I can't bare when were apart", he heard her say as he felt her warm hand brushing against his jaw which he tilted to. It felt so nice to be around her and felt the same way. Sure there was danger, excitement and adventure when he recklessly moved here and there and getting out of scrapes, but never really had anyone to care for him, no one to hold him when he is down, nevermind giving him comfort with a kiss as she had. "I'll go anywhere with you", she said with such a sweet smile. No command, making it his own decision. Flower field it was then, as he turned his slow descent towards the flower field.

She seemed amused after hearing his request as he heard her giggle, "You liked that?". He loved to see her smile, even more so to laugh. Was it right though? Afterall, he had been told about the world he lived in and how this world was sustained by the Dreamer and now here he was in the arms of the Dreamer and even so far as to of fallen in love with her. Then again, no one said there was nothing wrong to be close to her, seeing as others knew how he and her travelled together. It sure was nice to have someone care for him for a change, even if it had frozen his usual cocky ways, leaving him bedazzled and drawn to her.

"I'd kiss you anytime", she responded, causing the redness of his skin to re-appear and show themselves. Vince the Victor might be able to defeat ogres and the like, but defeated in her hands, he mused as she turned his head as he once again looked into her eyes and seeing her beautiful face being she closed her eyes. He closed them too, before getting all warm and bubbly inside as she was right against him with their faces right up close to each other as their eyebrows touched. As they did so, he closed his own eyes as her thoughts came into his as she told him of his past that he had always been wondering about, about how he was raised by angels and taught all that he knew and how he was born of the sun and the sea gifted him with his eyes. If he was from this world, then she had to be out of this world. "Thank you", he responded with a smile, "Your....amazing".

They were so close to one another, and now she was granting his request as their lips locked together and once again he kissed her, only this time with more passion than before, tilting his head when needed. He used his right arm to hold the back of her head and to hold her close as they landed in the middle of the flower field. It was one of those moments that you wished would last forever, and now that they were on the ground, they didn't have to worry about falling, but instead be mesmerised with each other. "I love you Vivaline. I wish this would last forever. I wish we could be together, always. Do you really have to go? Can't you stay?", he asked.

The setting changes from Fantasia to Willcaster Falls

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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She didn't know what would happen when she created him. She supposed she just wanted someone she could confide in and tell her deepest secrets to. She wanted someone to care for her. He was just that, her protector, and now her lover. She wanted for him to be with her forever. She just didnt know how to make it that way if he was in fantasia and she was in willcaster..

Her eyes teared up as his words drifted through her mind. He loved her and she loved him, immensely so. So much, it hurt her to be apart from him. "I love you too Vince." she admitted softly. Her tears slipped out as she hugged him tightly. "I wish I knew how to stay here. Or bring you with me.." she murmured into his ear and let his sweet scent fill her nose. She thought for a moment.

Then it hit her,
Maybe she could..

She wished for it to happen. She whispered this wish into her locket. He would come with her into the real world. At least until winter break was over. She lay her head on his chest and let the breeze make her hair dance in the wind. She hoped this would work

She then sighed and looked up at him. "I love it when you smile, I can't stay upset when you cheer me up ever so well." she said and pressed her forehead to his gently. She stared deeply into his eyes, a small smile appeared on her lips. She gently pressed her lips to his again.

The setting changes from Willcaster Falls to Fantasia


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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#, as written by S1mon

Vince sure had a way with words. One moment he was full of energy, cocky yet charming and could really show off, then the next he was lost for words and defeated, and now after his defeat, his thoughts were said outloud rather than within for how he felt. Afterall, wouldn't it be nice if the Princess of Fantasia, his Princess (still felt a bit funny thinking of it like that but it was, making him all warm inside), would be able to stay in Fantasia, for them to be together and remain together. Afterall, when he couldn't be with her, he'd purposely get himself in all sorts of trouble, yet despite his risk-taking, he comes out alright. However, how long could this whole routine last.

However, thinking of himself to make him feel better by keeping her near, water had gathered in her beautiful eyes. Oh he didn't want her to cry, as it would only set him off. "I love you too Vince", as she then wrapped herself around him and hugged, or rather held, onto him. Still, he had no objections to that as he too wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. As he did so, her sweet fragence danced upon his nose, and so did her hair. Everything about her was sweet and beautiful and soft, and yet at the same time, he felt the tears that fell from her eyes, across her face, which then dripped onto his skin. Wearing what he had on, he could feel anything, which is why he was always a welcome sight to others since his appearance not only shown how strong he was, but also how daring, how brave, how open and how caring he could be. Keeping himself open to others. There was no need to wrap himself up except at night, unless he was flying and spinning as that usually warmed him up.

Fantasia was his perfect environment to do the things he loved, but they'd always be that barrier between Fantasia and the Princess. "I wish I knew how to stay here. Or bring you with me..", she remarked, consoling in him. Even before today, she had come and told him of her problems of where she came from, told her how she felt, to make her happy when she felt sad, while at the same time be her sword and shield if any threat tried to have their way with her. Afterall, the Princess had powers to change the world, and who wouldn't want to take her away for their own and bend their will into her. However, while he was there, he would not let anyone harm the Princess, and now with them even closer, he wouldn't let anyone lay a finger, for their destinies, their futures, however they would plan out, were now intertwined together. Come what may.


He didn't know how she could stay here, or why she could not stay here. All he did know was to cherish the moments they did have before returning to the depths of Fantasia and fighting hordes just to keep himself entertained and keep them from harming the innocents. He couldn't help but smile as she moved her head to lean on his chest. As for what she said about bringing him to her world, he didn't even know if that was possible after having been restricted by the barrier for a year now. Then again, the Dreamer was said to be in possession of a great power, and the power of love was like getting a new powerful set of batteries to set greater things in motion and much more rapidly, which made him think if it was possible afterall.

"I love it when you smile, I can't stay upset when you cheer me up ever so well", she commented as his smile widened. With her face in full view, he brought his tender hands to her soft cheeks to wipe them away, even when he had little room to rup as she pressed her forehead against his. "It makes me ever so happy when your happy", he told her, seeing her smile before her smile then begun to disappear and her lips prepared to lunge at him again as they drew nearer, causing him to chuckle, "Now your spoiling me..", before his cockiness was sealed as they kissed once again. If there was anyone that could stop his little antics, it was Vivaline, as he closed his eyes and gently leaned back with his hands back around her waist, before his feet were no longer on the floor and now in mid-air, moving closer into the flower field, before lowering them into the flower field in which they landed, so once Vince could speak, he then said openly, "and now I am surrounded by flowers", reaching out for one with his right hand, "with you being the prettiest of them all", giving her a warm smile, before placing a flower into her hair with his hand. Beautiful!

The setting changes from Fantasia to Willcaster Falls

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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She deepens the kiss just slightly, not pushing it too fast. "Or I'm just being selfish." she retorted to the bit about spoiling. She blushed softly as she lay in the flowers. "And now I am surrounded by flowers, with you being the prettiest of all." the pink color grew darker as he said these words, placing a flower in her hair. "But if I am the prettiest, You must be most rare. For You are quite the sight also." she murmured softly, brushing his cheek with her hand. She gave a gentle smile. Vivaline belonged with this Vince, she could feel it. But was it right to create someone and keep them so selfishly? Vivaline brushed that thought away.

Vince knew about his likeness to the boy, and how Vivaline never had the courage to tell him. He'd comforted her many times when she became low about it. "I want you to be with me always." she admitted softly. "I don't care what it takes." she promised, but Vivaline didn't know of the dangers. If she wished so selfishly so that he may stay with her in the real world, there could be consequences regarding her rightful place as a regular citizen.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
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#, as written by S1mon

Many in Fantasia idolised the Princess. Afterall, without her, none of them could exist, and nor could those created by her predecessors. When they first met, he was merely just her shield when she entered as he fought against those who wished to have her all by themselves. It was something Vince would not allow and he was successful thus far. He still couldn't believe that a year had gone by so quickly, how much they did together, how much they had grown. It had all started with him being there to fight for her, but then they began talking and after coming to the understanding of Fantasia and the link to the Dreamer, he also came into the knowledge that he was created.

What did enter his mind however countless times, was that the only memory he remembered was a year ago, as if appearing out of nowhere without actually growing up. Since entering the world however, he learnt much and got taught much, and from what Vivaline had told him, he had been raised by angels. Well, that would explain how he could fly for sure, though didn't angels have wings? Even if he didn't look like an angel or reflect like an angel, he certainly had a brightness about him, as well as his loving and caring angel. All he was missing now was his sharp halo to sling about, but no, he was fine with his sword and dagger and his power to fly in the wind and let the wind guide his movements.

For how great the Dreamer was said to be, he definitely didn't expect such a wielder to be as young and beautiful as Vivaline was, but it sure was upsetting when she came in the early days and sobbed as she told him about her problems and how sad she felt while he comforted her. Vince was more the fighter personally, but when it came to the Dreamer getting upset, it was bad news, since no-one wanted her to get too upset and then cast a blind eye to those who lived in Fantasia. The Vince from her world that she spoke out, seemed to be quite a blind guy to not be able to see her beauty, for she was clearly full of it, and was an exceptional kisser. Boy, he could hold her in his arms all day if he could.

Vince couldn't help but smile as he saw her blush, and then blush even more after telling her how beautiful she was, which she was. Nothing but the truth. "But if I am the prettiest, You must be most rare. For You are quite the sight also", she stated as her warm hand touched his cheek and gently stroked it and smiled. She had such a beautiful smile. As for her telling him what a sight she was, well she had to be pleased with her creation afterall. However, he certainly took her words to heart and smiled back, "Of course I am sweet cheeks", giving her a wink in response.

"I want you to be with me always...I don't care what it takes", she told him. "You can't get enough of me, can you?", he respond almost straight after in his cocky tone once again, which looking into her eyes didn't last long as he simply melted, metaphorically speaking. Afterall, the power of love did alot to people, even doing the unexpected and blinding them affected, as he was surely blinded by her, as he lay in the middle of a flower field with her by his side. Was it wrong to be in love with his creator? Was it right to leave Fantasia? However, such questions were not on his mind, as a soft smile remained on his face with his cheekbones raised upon his soft face.

He may look like a real softie and act like a softie when round her, but if he wanted to get tough, he really could. "I want to be with you too", he stated softly as he held her close into a hug as his head used her shoulder for support as he looked upto her and kissed her cheek, "I want to see your smile, those beautiful eyes. To be able to hug you, and love you.....You know before today, I've never been kissed, not once", before his cockiness returned, "unless there's some sort of ownage stamp on me somewhere that the ladies have seen that tells them all to back off", smiling at the thought, "Eitherway, I'm all yours. Always have been, and always will be", as his tender hand returned to stroke her soft and creamy cheek.

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Fantasia by RolePlayGateway

The dream realm

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Character Portrait: Katherin blake Desdemona
0 sightings Katherin blake Desdemona played by TheUnnamedOne
"I just want these things where they belong."

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Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
Character Portrait: Vince Kingston


Character Portrait: Vince Kingston
Vince Kingston

I'm one of a kind (or is he?)

Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
Vivaline Elise Fairwitt

The girl with a secret.


Character Portrait: Vince Kingston
Vince Kingston

I'm one of a kind (or is he?)

Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
Vivaline Elise Fairwitt

The girl with a secret.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Vivaline Elise Fairwitt
Vivaline Elise Fairwitt

The girl with a secret.

Character Portrait: Vince Kingston
Vince Kingston

I'm one of a kind (or is he?)

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Re: When dreams become reality

Yes to everything besides the kidnapping x3

Re: When dreams become reality

You can do it ;) *becomes a cheerleader and raises pompoms* I'm cheering for ya :D

I'm guessing that once the Vince from Fantasia comes into the real world, he'd be restricted to her place, and would need something to wear since he would surely feel the cold with everything different. A nice black top and jeans as shown in the app would be perfect :D before Viv is then faced with the real thing when she goes to school but all as if a different story.

Maybe she can kidnap him, throw him to Fantasia and swap places :D It's in the movies!! XD

Re: When dreams become reality

OMG. Time to pretend I can write a lot x3

Re: When dreams become reality

I want to be a singer :3
But you know.. I'll be a vet until then :p

Re: When dreams become reality

lol XD but totally understand, I have same trouble if writing on Kindle so keep w/ my laptop XD and I'm a Law student, so we have a tendency to rat on sometimes =]

You have anything in mind you wish to do when you grow up at all?

Re: When dreams become reality

Even your ooc posts are longer than mine :3

I try to make my posts long but I'm on an iPod so it is difficult to sit there and write it all out without taking a break.

Re: When dreams become reality

I'm in UK and really like the USA ;) Not been abroad yet so I am hoping to once college is over and once I have some money under my belt to do such XD Not sure about travelling the world, especially with the course I'm doing which will take me a few years. Studying Law XD Challenging but interesting :) and I'm glad you like my posts, always aim to please :D In my first actual roleplay, there were people that wrote a similar amount to what I do now or even longer, so it was alot but I got the hang of it. It was a different style rp than here at the Gateway where there's battles, romance and drama, and due to threat of attack, you need to build your defences up so it was a case of writing a solo post on what your character does and get awarded by what you do, and then you can be cheeky if you wanted and ask how to get the higher marks. Not to mention long essay writing and courseworks, so you can probably see why it takes me a while to reply back XD I can be fussy to make sure it sounds ok, especially choosing a Face Claim. Jeremy was perfect in this case =]

Re: When dreams become reality

Also, I've been roleplaying since I was thirteen. I live in the USA. But I really like uk :3

Re: When dreams become reality

Thank you <3
I'm in sophomore classes :3

I love reading your posts!
They're so much longer and more elegant than mine.
I'm glad we both like Jeremy too!

Re: When dreams become reality

Your not a terrible writer at all! Love reading your posts and love your characters :) I started roleplaying when I was 14 and I barely wrote a parapgraph since I started on a simm rather than a actual roleplaying site, and am 19 now. Am a college student where I attend three days a week, and absolutely LOVE to roleplay. The only downfall of mine is when I get attracted to different roleplays and making sure I don't do too much XD but try to answer posts within 2 days maximum if I am occupied with college work. Live in UK and today, we FINALLY got SNOW :D Unfortunately, I was coming home from college where I take a coach and bus back home which usually takes an 1hr 20mins, which as you can guess, took even longer today :( Anyways TGIF and now the weekend :D :D

Re: When dreams become reality

I posted!
So, let's talk :3
I'm a girl, obviously.
I'm fourteen :D
But don't let that make you think I'm a terrible writer..

Re: When dreams become reality

Lovely! Now, I'll start it in about an hour or so. Will you be there? I'm getting ready for school but us freshies get laptops that we bring everywhere.

Re: When dreams become reality

Vince is all done, except trying to divide the bottom half so have a sort of bio underneath each one rather than making two apps or having them both on top of each other with essentially saying the same thing apart from what's below the piccies. Hope you like the bio nevertheless, and can't wait to start roleplaying for this :)

Re: When dreams become reality

Yes, that's fine.

The dreams appear randomly for the first few days, gradually she gains control over when they do appear. And yeah, there would be two of 'Vince' the heroic one's memories combining with real world Vince's when he returns to dream realm aka fantasia.

Re: When dreams become reality

There is a heroic boy mentioned in the introduction who she travels with and tells her (to paraphrase) that when her dreams become reality, she can experience happiness, so since there is the idea that TheUnamedOne has proposed about returning things to normal, will this previously mentioned boy also be around who was the one who suggested her dreams enter the picture inthe first place, try to prevent such. Just curious if they'd be a antagonist, unless her dreams do make the world a better place.

Another question, with your char having the locket and her dreams being reality, let's say it is Wednesday and Tuesday night she dreamed for a huge chocolate cake which was reality when she woke up Tuesday, would anything she dream of come into appearance once she dreams it, and if so, how long would it take for those from the dream world to enter reality?

Is some of the dreams maybe versions of real people? For example, there's a boy she likes in real world but too shy in asking, so she has her own version that she dreamt of?

What I mean, to rephrase with example, in the real world, Vivaline fancies Vince but she does not tell Vince of her feelings since she is shy. Therefore in her dreams, would she be able to make a Vince in the dream world that automatically falls for her? therefore preventing her worry in asking the Vince in the real world. If this is the case and have those from the dream world entering the real world, would there therefore be two of a person by any chance?

Re: When dreams become reality

Ok well after reading a little bit more I have one more question: Is it ok for my character to be one of the things coming into the real world? And she can help the girl track them down and send them back. She won't be a good or bad character, more like she just wants things back to normal and so will help the girl so it can go back to normal. I dunno if that is confusing or not....sorry XD

Re: When dreams become reality

They can only be sent back if she captures them in the locket by saying "Return to the realm by which you were created." and great idea! He could be the boy who has dreams like her, just not the magic.

Re: When dreams become reality

Ah get you :) so these creatures, good/bad/both? and anyway they can be sent back? In introduction, it states that she might not even want to send back so must be a good side. Question! Is some of the dreams maybe versions of real people? For example, there's a boy she likes in real world but too shy in asking, so she has her own version that she dreamt of?

Re: When dreams become reality

It's set in the small town in which she lives but creatures and such from her dreams begin to show up.