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Witches Brew

Witches Brew


A sprinkle of three sneaky, little witches, a pinch of three clueless jocks, and a breath of sly idea all brews a whole lot of trouble! When three witches decide to bet who can make a human male fall for them first without using magic, you can imagine..

2,003 readers have visited Witches Brew since Just Sayin' created it.


Co-GM:: AugustaBlaze ☜ Respect it!! =P

Witches Brew
"Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble."

This is not your average witchy tale. These witches are not ugly, most witches are not, however. Myths portray them as old, green skinned ladies with large warts on their noses. That is a bit insulting to them, you know. Actually, most witches are humble beings. The ones who deal with white magic that is. Luckily, the three main witches in this particularly story deal with just that: White magic, only. There are tell tale signs in spotting a witch that deals with white magic, and one who deals with black magic. If a witch studies the art of using white magic to heal, and so on, their aura is very "clean." Most mortals are extremely drawn to them. Unlike one who deals with black magic, their aura being cloudy, humans shying away from them; almost like a vampires aura. Anyway! Onto our story..
The three witches mentioned come from a well-known line of white magic users. The Harlan Witches(they are also, long with white magic users, elemental witches). Their ancestors are known in the supernatural community as great healers, using herbs and such. If it tells you much, their great, great, great grandmothers are still alive. Shows you have powerful their magic is. Two of the witches are sisters(different fathers who skipped out on their mother). Two years ago their mom was "killed in a car accident" on the way home from having dinner with friends. Well, that is what the sisters were told. The real way their mother died was never told. Due to that turn of events the two sisters were sent to live with their Aunt Margret who is fifty-four, however, she has a daughter around their age. In came the third witch. Their cousin.
Having lived in the same town for twenty years and not aging physically(because of a certain elixir), Aunt Margret decided it was time to move. So, they did.. To the small, cozy town known as Ashwick(made up, don't complain!=P). Ashwick is set back in a woodsy area, the type of place where most of the people are rather friendly.. And everyone knows everyone. When a outlandish woman and three odd, teenage girls move into town, you can imagine the uproar and gossip (imagine if they found out what they were). Ashwick is home to the Ashwick Panthers. They excel in sports, especially football, and their rival is the next town over, the Blackwood Bears.
Upon arriving it was two days before school started back, the beginning of October. Even though Margret was a considerably fun woman who loved goofing off, and making random potions, she was surprisingly strict when it came to school. The girls had to go when it started. But of course, being the sly girls they are, they came up with a devious idea to keep the school year interesting. Besides messing with the humans, and came up with a silly, little bet. The first one to make a human male fall in love with them first, without using magic, wins. Wins what? Why a smooth-covered, new spell book, of course! Each girl has it in their mind that this is going to be a piece of cake. Mortals are already drawn to them! The first day of school it was set that they would pick out their victi- human boy. After that, they must do everything to get noticed by them. They must talk to them, flirt, find a way to spend time with them even after school, befriend them, anything. Before the Halloween Masquerade on the thirty-first, however, they must have been kissed/kissed the mortal boy. If not, they're out of the bet. By the end of the year the boy has to say "I love you." And this all has to be done without magic.

It might not seem hard to you, mortal, but here's the catch. Witches use magic for everything, even love. Most witches who get married have a spell over their husband, literally. So, to do this easy little "task" is quite challenging for them. How will they ever survive this torture? Yes, torture. That's all love is.. Disaster just a' brewin'!

The Basic Plot

Hopefully the little "story" above explained the story pretty clear, but if not this will(I'm hoping). So, basically, three witches, all related, move into a small town called Ashwick. They cause a bit of an uproar because they move into a large, "creepy looking" house at the top of a hill that's been abandoned for years. (Many parents have told their kids the place is haunted to keep them away from it) Along with that, their aunt(and mother) Margret is a crazy character. She wears old looking clothes, her hair slung in a bun, and she's a bit of a kook. But that's besides the point. The three young witches are always looking for new things to do and get into, so they come up with an idea to challenge themselves. They decide to make a bet on who can make a human boy fall in love with them first without using their magic to do so. So, when they go to school the first day(which is at the beginning of the role play), they pick out the human boy they want to make fall in love with them.. And the game begins. They must try getting close to the guy any way they can, even if it's secretly. First befriend them, etc, etc. Part of the bet is they have to have kissed the boy at least once before the end of the Halloween Masquerade ball at the end of the month.
Conveniently enough, the three boys they pick are three good friends. They all play on the school's football team: Quarterback, Line backer, and the Wide receiver. They also are, three of the most popular boys in school. Jocks, naturally. This will make the bet even harder.

Besides that, I'm leaving the plot pretty open. Open to new suggestions and ideas!! I would love if you shared some either through OOC or PM. Events that could happen, etc. Anything to make this role play last. It's pretty character based, so do not be afraid to add things. I will be adding another Forum in the OOC tab. There I will list events that are going to happen, in order.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS please ask me or AugustaBlaze either through OOC or preferably PM

Things You Need To Know

✩ The Harlan witches are great at healing, especially using potions dealing with herbs. They are also great elemental witches. However, each witch in the Harlan line has one element they're best at.
✩ Witches usually have a familiar that is practically always around the witch. It is an animal and that can talk to the witch telepathically, only to them. Unlike most myths, a witches' familiar is not only a cat, owl, or toad. It can be any animal that picks them first.
✩ Witches do not melt when water touches their skin. =P If it did how would they take baths?!
✩ Most witches are one with nature and love animals, definitely those who work with white magic.
✩ A witch uses magic, spells and potions for pretty much everything. They could not live without it, literally.
✩ Witches can shape shift into one chosen animal, strange as it may seem.
✩ A tell tale sign that someone is a witch is weird eye coloring. Many witches have outrageous looking eyes. Silver, gold, black in color.. Perhaps brighter than the average human. It just depends.
✩ Witches DO ride on brooms! They can place a spell on one to make it levitate and fly. They find it rather enjoyable, a past time. However, most rarely get to go flying.
✩ Many love Halloween because they can dress in "traditional attire," and get away with it.
✩ There is a council called The High Council. It is made up of four witches, and three warlocks(the male version of a witch). They are extremely old due to a heavy "non-aging" spell, and have order over all witches/warlocks.
✩ The Council strictly forbids any witch/warlock to expose their abilities, what they are, to any mortal. There are severe punishments for both the witch/warlock and human.
✩ The ultimate punishment the Council can do is stripping a witch/warlock of their magic. It practically kills them, and if the witch/warlock is very old, and was using an aging spell.. They're dead.
✩ There are other supernatural beings in this role play. Vampires, Werewolves, etc. But will not be mentioned until later when we decide bring in new characters. (If this role play lasts that long.. Which it will!! =P)
✩ NPCs are welcomed!! Especially by those who portray a human male. Portray family, friends, ex-girlfriends, etc. Please? =3
✩ Will Add More Soon! Check back!!

Character Roles::

Gender | Age | Main Element(if witch) | Familiar(if witch) | Animal they can Shift into(if witch) | Football Position(if boy) | Extra Something(if boy) | Open/Reserved/Taken | Face Claim
The Witches

Older Sister; Witch One
Female | Eighteen | Wind | Surprisingly, a small Raccoon | A Raven | TAKEN by Meesha | Phoebe Tonkin

Younger Sister; Witch Two
Female | Seventeen | Fire | Ironically, a Cat | A Mountain Lion | TAKEN by Me ;] | Lyndsy Fonseca

The Cousin; Witch Three
Female | Seventeen | Water | A white German Shepherd/Wolf mix | A Wolf | TAKEN by AugustaBlaze | Ashley Benson

The Jocks(Human Boys)

Jock/Boy One; Witch One's Pick
Male | Eighteen(birthday soon) | Wide receiver | Is, secretly, in the Drama Club, needs more people in the club | TAKEN by shmband | Zac Efron

Jock/Boy Two; Witch Two's Pick
Male | Eighteen(almost nineteen) | Quarterback | Is failing Calculus, needs tutoring | TAKEN by reveries | Channing Tatum

Jock/Boy Three; Witch Three's Pick
Male | Seventeen | Line backer | Helping decorate for Masquerade Halloween Dance, needs help | TAKEN by Stilts | Liam Hemsworth

Character Sheet(s)

Please follow the character sheets! For image, use the person set as the face claim! It does not have to be the same picture as above, but the same person! Make the character sheet pretty, it will help me accept your character faster. ;D Also, erase everything in ( ) <-- brackets. Thanks =)

Witches CS
Code: Select all
[center][img](image here)[/img][/center]
[b]Full Name::[/b] (Their last name is Harlan)
[b]Nickname::[/b] (If they have one)
[b]Age::[/b] (In Character Role)
[b]Familiar::[/b] (Mentioned in character role, you can add a link to a picture of it)
[b]Animal they Shift into::[/b] (In Character Role)
[b]Element Best At::[/b] (Mentioned in CR)
[b]Grade They're In::[/b]
[b]Personality::[/b] (At least five sentences)
[b]Appearance in Description::[/b] (At least five sentences!)
[b]History::[/b] (Optional!!)
[b]Other::[/b] (Anything I missed or you want to add?)

The Jocks/Boys
Code: Select all
[center][img](image here)[/img][/center]
[b]Full Name::[/b] (First, Middle, Last)
[b]Nickname::[/b] (If they have one)
[b]Age::[/b] (Mentioned in Character Role)
[b]Grade They're In::[/b]
[b]Football Position::[/b] (In Character Role)
[b]Personality::[/b] (At least five sentences)
[b]Appearance in Description::[/b] (At least five sentences!)
[b]History::[/b] (At least five sentences)
[b]Other::[/b] (Anything I missed or you want to add?)

THE ... RULES!! ::

1. Proper grammar and spelling..We're begging you! Sure, we understand typos, we have them all the time! But try, please. And if you actually don't know how to spell any advanced words use Google. ;)

2. Your character has been made for you..FOR YOU. Consider yourself lucky for not having to fill out some huge ass forms. And, please..don't go changing your character unless it is fine with Just Sayin' or AugustaBlaze. =P

3. Stick to the plot, please. No creating your own fantasies and throwing random drama about, pulling it from thin air. It confuses members.. Or, well, at least it confuses AugustaBlaze =P. If you want to make major drama, PM one of us first and we'll try to work it out, but don't get mad if we say no.

4. This will be a Literate role play, but not crazy literate..We're not expecting you to write a biography of the character, but for every single post we want understanding of what is going on with your character. We want to feel emotion, see through their eyes, taste whatever it may be, hear what they hear. Anything. Also, please don't have your post be nothing but summaries of other players actions with one little something from your own character at the end. People react to things, show us that. Minimum of 300 words please and there is no maximum, but really..Don't make it extremely long, we don't wanna read a book I got enough of that from school. -__- You'll just make me angry cause then I'll feel horrible for having small wimpy posts that are only 301 words long. Also, we know we say detail, but as for sex- you can make out until the clothes come off, then it's *Fades to black* or something like that. Swearing we don't mind, we use it frequently ourselves. ;) However, not in every other sentence, please.

5. You may either OOC or PM us to reserve a slot. If you'd rather just submit a character, that's fine too but you cannot submit characters for any reserved/taken slots. If you REALLY want a reserved slot, wait. Reservations last Twenty-Four hours. After that, Just Sayin' and/or I will PM you- you have 12 hours to respond. If you do, we can extend your reservation for a short while. If not, your spot will be opened. Please try to get characters in as fast as possible. We are very impatient. ;P

6. If you're not accepted, we are very sorry. We're sure you're wonderful, but just not for our plot. =) We will not accept any illiterate role players...What can we say? We don't like noobs. >-><-<

7. You have to read everything. How can you understand your role if you haven't read it? Plus AugustaBlaze and I have worked our asses and brains off on this dang role play! =O If you've read everything put 'Double, double, toil and trouble' in the 'Other' section of your Character Sheet! =D You WILL NOT be accepted without it!!!!!!! =O

8. You must be able to post a minimum of three times a week. That's pretty generous. We have many rough times posting ourselves. Also, don't get two posts in and leave. If you're taking too long in between posts, we'll PM you. If you don't speed up, we'll happily creatively kill off your character and open your slot to anyone else.

9. NO changing things that happen in the events once they're set! Feel free to add things, run it by us FIRST.

10. Obey me, Just Sayin', and my bestest pal AugustaBlaze or pay the consequences! We will banish you from our creatively created kingdom. ;D

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Soleil Clayburn
Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Character Portrait: Aunt Margret
Character Portrait: Jinx Harlan
Character Portrait: Imogen Bracknell
Character Portrait: Sabrie Cheyenne Harlan


Character Portrait: Aunt Margret
Aunt Margret

(NPC Character) =D

Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Damien O'Neil

"Needless to say, I don't understand complicated things. Simplicity is more of my style, y'know?"

Character Portrait: Soleil Clayburn
Soleil Clayburn

I know I'll bag the Homecoming Queen title again, trust me.


Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Damien O'Neil

"Needless to say, I don't understand complicated things. Simplicity is more of my style, y'know?"

Character Portrait: Soleil Clayburn
Soleil Clayburn

I know I'll bag the Homecoming Queen title again, trust me.

Character Portrait: Aunt Margret
Aunt Margret

(NPC Character) =D

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Damien O'Neil

"Needless to say, I don't understand complicated things. Simplicity is more of my style, y'know?"

Character Portrait: Aunt Margret
Aunt Margret

(NPC Character) =D

Character Portrait: Soleil Clayburn
Soleil Clayburn

I know I'll bag the Homecoming Queen title again, trust me.

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