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Xmen: Rise of the Shadows

Xavier's School for Gifted Young People


a part of Xmen: Rise of the Shadows, by Dak'nahlan J'novi.


Dak'nahlan J'novi holds sovereignty over Xavier's School for Gifted Young People, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,606 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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Xavier's School for Gifted Young People is a part of Xmen: Rise of the Shadows.

12 Characters Here

Flicker [112] Son of Blink and takes after his mother.
Rebecca Pryde [104] "At least you people have parents. I never knew mine"
Rachelle Noir [95] "Breathe. Let go. Float away slowly~."
Dragoon [86] "Mutation is not kind."
Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. [79] Elaine is careful and kind. She loves electricity and music. "I talk to machines and dance to hip hop music."
Neema Okonkwo [78] "Never stop looking for the silver lining"
Cyrus [74] The Engineer
Job Volkov [61] "I-I had a nightmare again."
Katalin Volkov [54] "My only goal is to protect Job and keep him safe from the horrors that lie beyond these walls."

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8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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Elaine sighed contently after emptying the bottle and she immediately started opening the bag of chips after repeating softly "Thank you." She blinked and slowly her eyes revealed to her that Neema wasn't quite pleased at her replica. She tilted her head and her soar voice spoke to Neema; "Hey..." her brown eyes projecting empathy and she intended on giving her a warm smile. Her appearance a little distant after the turmoil.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Neema blinked and turned to Elaine and pretended to assume she was thanking her. "What...oh, you're welcome. Don't mention it." Time for a subject change.

"So what happened with you out there?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Elaine kept eating the chips dizzily on the bed. Her gaze blunt in front of her. Her mind trailing back to the mysterious scaly boy with wings. But things were calm and somehow under control.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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"...Right. How many of you are here? You're the first mutants in...well you're just the first I've encountered really."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Elaine muttered "Ermn-" and lazily swallowed "I came here looking for any clues from my long lost parents...and I stumbled upon a bunch of mutants," she gave Neema a wry smile. Her eyes barely open. "I'm sorry, I get a little tired after I...sense all other-" Elaine waved her left hand lazily about still with a chip between her thumb and finger. She frowned and looked as if bearing a headache "I sense people's conditions...I think. I haven't met many other mutants either. Your name was Neema?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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"Still is Neema." She said with a shrug. She gave Elaine a lopsided smile. "It has to be. It's the only thing I can still keep from...those days." She pursed her lips as she looked around the bunker more and drummed her fingers on the bed. She gave a short laugh. "Sorry. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to randomly agsnt."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Cyrus was very disappointed with the living arrangements, frankly he'd prefer to be back in his one bedroom apartment infested with rats and roaches. He'd at least had a living room and a kitchen he could use to spread his technical junk from wall to wall. Cyrus was just about to open his mouth to say something to James when his mad friend slipped again murmuring No over and over. "Hey, buddy, eas-AAGH!"

James' kick came from out of nowhere, knocking Cyrus into the doorway. Cyrus lost his balance and tumbled into the bunk room. He just barely missed smashing his head against one of the bunk posts. "Madman! I'll forgive you just that once but next time you send me flying like that again-...." Cyrus glared knives at his hysterical friend then carefully stood up baring the palms of his hands. "Madman, calm down. You're safe here there are no cuffs or chains. No uniforms or guns. You are safe. There are no humans here to give you false promises or hate. We will not stab you in the back because we are brethren here. We are brothers and sisters. The malformed the unique, the mad and the crippled. The powerful, they mystical, the intelligent. We are one here."

"Look." Cyrus pointed at Flicker, down the hall. "Look at that man there. Look into his eyes. That man won't hurt you. There is kindness there. Look into my eyes and you'll see the same. Look into the girls' eyes as well, and the boys. We're all just like you, running to the ends of the earth to find a home. To find safety and community. We're going to build something great here. It may just be a bunker now but we're going to make this home together. Whatever it takes."

Cyrus smiled down at James, kindly. He didn't see a mad man there, he saw a dirt poor mutant with no where to go. Something he remembered seeing every day back home.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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#, as written by claw
For the most part, the reptilian mutant had kept himself to himself, keeping to the back of the group and not mentioning a single word, not that he couldn't but rather out of a mixture of indifference, suspicion and confusion- mostly as to why nobody was freaking out about his abnormal appearance. Eventually he shook his head and muttered to himself. "Keista", referring to the whole situation in general.

Deciding he would take a look around this underground bunker he headed swiftly out of the door, too swiftly in fact as his tail swung around behind him and struck against the door frame with a smack, other than wincing slightly he ignored it as he stalked off. He did not go far down the tunnel passageway when he took a long, deep breath in and stopped dead in his tracks. The air in here was cold, very very cold, though for a mammal it may seem just a bit chilly for him it had a massive reaction. Falling to one knee he clutched at his heart as the piecing cold slowed his heart, the world began to swirl around him and colours melded around him, he slumped up against the wall for support but found his legs were already crumpled out from underneath him. He shakily tried to fold his wings around him protectively, raising his hands to his mouth in a cup, trying in vain to light a spark inside himself, to save him from the deadly chill in the air around him.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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Listening intently, crouching on the ground like a frog, James gave a constant reply to each word. "No no no no no no no no no." He held his head in his hands, scratching violently at his face as he did so. "Pain. Hunger. Pain pain pain. Mother. Mother. Hurts. No. I-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I don't. No. Solder. Kill. Eat. Hungry Hungry." He continued his muttering, blood slowly seeped from his face into his hands as he continued scratching. He seemed to regret lashing out at his friend, but quickly raised his bloody face looking towards the group.

"Hungry." The single word caused him to jump into action, running on all fours across the corridor and towards the girls. He sat there again, like a frog, muttering some more words as he looked over them. "Eenie meenie miney YOU" He jumped up towards one of the girls [First one to post next will be who he attacks], spinning at great speeds in the air as he swung a kick.
If he were to hit, he would quickly fall to the ground to his hands in order to push himself to do a flip onto his feet.
If he were to miss, he would simply spin into a wall only to quickly turn and attempt to tackle his target down, biting down on whatever first part of flesh he could get in the attempt to bite a chunk of flesh off.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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Elaine straightened up her back still sitting on the bed and dropped the potato chip as her body had entirely different focus. She placed her hands to the sides to keep balance and her eyes went blank. Like a blind bat she sensed the air and muttered "He's cold," before she quickly faced the leaping man. She lifted the potato chip bag between her and the attacker. She could feel his speed and power, so she let the man grab the bag and let herself fall to the side.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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James fell to the ground, confused with what he was holding, some random bag... "Hungry~" He muttered through gritted teeth, smiling a little as his blood dripped down his scratched face. His prey was right there, falling to the side in the attempt to dodge. But this time would fail. "FOOD!" James shouted as he pounced yet again, his mouth wide open as he attempted to jump on top of the woman in order to bite a chunk out of her body.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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"Not food!" Elaine shouted as she could all too well feel the man's hunger and desperation, but didn't want to get eaten. Her body had limited energy to move and hoped someone would remove this baboon from her and give him that darned meat he sought so badly. She couldn't see him and she was too exhausted to fight this immense power charging at her.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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0.00 INK

Knowing this situation was getting drastic, Flicker came running from the hallway to get to the two that we fighting. He didn't think that this... madman would lash out to eat one of them. That would just be insane. Well, insane enough. To make up for the time he missed trying to save Elaine, he tossed a portal next to them real quick that dissipated the other one at the beginning of the hall. He shoved Elaine through the portal beside them that sent her to the hallway, farther away from harm that she could ever be in. Flicker took a step back and pulled out a new set of portals, these sparking white instead of orange. He then took back the portals that led to the hall and replace the entrance with a portal that led to a one that he made outside before hand. He nodded his and furrowed his brow, standing up against this problem.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

"Madman!" Cyrus dove towards the two, wrapping his arms around James' chest and neck to try and yank him off. He struggled awkwardly for a moment. "James! Calm down, now!"

At once Cyrus released a burst of electrical energy with about the power of a police grade tazer. There was an audible crackle and even Elaine may have gotten some of the shock but the effect would have likely stunned James for a few seconds during which Cyrus wouldn't let go of him. "Surely one of you lot have some meat on you, it's what he needs. Proper meat will calm him down. He's hungry."

Cyrus released a gentle but steady pulse of gentle electricity to stimulate James' nerves, being a man of vibrations he hoped the sensation would calm him.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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James was suddenly grabbed, causing his stress and anxiety levels to skyrocket. His whole body had begun vibrating along with the bunker, if he had a view on who was grabbing him, he would easily break them down into a pile of molecular dust. But suddenly, a surge of electricity flowed through his body, the vibrations fluctuated and became disturbed until completely disappearing, along with James' consciousness. The shock of the electrical impulses had completely knocked him out, causing his whole body to fall limp, with his stomach still rumbling and his face nearly completely covered in his own blood. There was even signs of him drinking his own blood as it fell over his mouth.

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The events had occurred far too quickly for Neema to act on anything. In a matter if seconds Elaine had been attacked by a reptilian mutant and saved from it in a heartbeat . She made a quick note to herself to keep her distance from this one. She made her way to Elaine's side. "Are you okay?"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Hearing the words that Cyrus was giving to him, Morgan knew that he had to do something about that eating problem that the Madman had. To only ravage for meat, terrified him white and he soon got an idea. He jumped through the portal that led outside and sprinted along, the fog beginning to clear away as he saw a sheep farm in the distance. He aimed very carefully and shot a portal that showed a deep yellow on the side of a silo. He nailed it and then placed a familiar looking portal beside him, nodding through and looking over at one of the men that were working at the time. Flicker signed, "Could I buy one of your sheep? The old man squinted his eyes and asked with his deep Irish accent, "What's with the Hippy-Dippy hand movements? If I were you, I'd think I was crazy." Morgan shook his head and quickly swiped one of the prepped sheep hanging from the side of the barn, airing out to dry with salt. The man shouted, "Hey! That's my sheep you have there!"

Morgan quickly jumped back through the deep yellow portal and the meat in his hands and closed both yellow portals before the man could get through. He sprinted quickly from then on jumping through the orange portal now and landing inside the bunker, handing the meat to Cyrus, seeing that the Madman was unconscious.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Seeing that everyone was quite occupied, it seemed like the perfect time to investigate. She removed her glasses and giggled slightly before scanning the space around her. "Stoney stoney walls." She said while her galaxy eyes began to move with her. She needed to be careful before they begin to expand. Quite a awful thing to see happen. She began to walk deeper into the bunker and explore what would be her new home.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

Rebecca saw she wasn't all that pleased, and shapeshifted back to her own self. Then she walked into her room, saw her mum's old X-men uniform, and put it on. It fit perfectly. Then she looked at the signs. One said Danger Room, one said Training, and the other said Cerebro.

"Cerebro, huh?" Rebecca said walking down the hallway leading to Cerebro, and walked inside. She saw a piece of headgear, telepaths probably used, and sat down in the chair. She slowly put on the headgear, and turned Cerebro on. Then her eyes widened.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Seeing the surrounding lights flicker, Morgan knew exactly what was going on. Somebody was using technology that only he knew of in this bunker. It was the Cerebro and somebody was using it. Noticing that Dragoon and Rachelle went missing, he sprinted off into the halls, knowing that if any of them were to use that, it would be trouble. Morgan quickly slid into the room and shut the machine off, signing very angrily, "What are you doing?! You shouldn't be using this! Are you okay?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Rebecca shivered. "I-I'm okay. I-I just wanted to know what it was. I saw everything. I saw my parents....I saw the X-men, Morgan" Rebecca stammered, not telling him what else she had seen. She looked away, she wasn't about to tell him that, seeing how mad he already was.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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She began to make her way through a walk way until reaching a dead end. She placed her glasses back on and sighed while leaning against the rock. "Darn...." She then paused while lightly touching the rock. It seemed to have... Moved a bit? She slowly began to push the rock until it fell over and gasped loudly. "NO WAY!" She said before continuing deeper into the bunker.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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He sighed and then gently took the helmet off of her, placing it at the hook that was supposed to hold it above the control panel. "No, no its fine." He signed more calmly, "I'm just glad that you didn't overload yourself. People have lost their minds on that thing." Morgan headed over to the door of the room and signed real quickly and sloppily, accidentally stubbing my toe against the door frame. "I'm gonna get everyone and take a tour of the place... you guys are getting to, no, too curious." Flicker signed before heading back down the halls to see that there was an crevasse in the wall. He peered down the opening as it lead deeper into the bunker. Steadily, there was a small alarm, more like an advisory warning rather than an intruder and small yellow lights, blinked along the walls. Morgan swerve around the halls and to the desk where he had all the papers and such as a holographic screen shifted up from the table and he stared at it, seeing that there was distress call coming from Great Britain. Morgan flicked his head up and signed to the people who had gotten there, "Anyone up for a mission?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Cyrus' attention was taken just then at the sudden pull of energy. There was technology down there technology that did not belong in the old bunker. Cyrus' eyes narrowed but his present priority was James, and getting him to a comfortable place. With much effort and difficulty he dragged James into one of the bunk rooms, he left the door open so that when James woke up he didn't feel completely trapped in there, he also laid the lamb on the desk so that James could eat it when he awoke. Cyrus then sat down on the bed opposite James and pulled from his heavy coat pocket a spider bot much larger then the last he planted in the electrical panels. It's body more accurately resembled a tarantula's anatomy with chrome body plates and bright blue markings that glowed and winked out like a heart beat. He pressed his finger to the blue circle on it's abdomen and it came to life, its legs unfolding and twitching causing its joints to click and whir. The spider looked up at Cyrus expectantly with four glowing blue eyes. "Find whatever it is and scan it. I want to know what Morgan is hiding in here....This is a refuge....we have a right to know."

He set the spider down and immediately it scuttled along the floor, then the wall in order to slip in through an damaged air vent and disappear from sight. From there it followed the sounds of movement, speech, and the trace energy left from the moment Cerebro turned on. Cyrus leaned back in the bunk and closed his eyes, watching through his spider's neon blue vision.

It didn't take long before it found where Cerebro was hidden. It stopped, lurking in a vent just over where Rebecca and Morgan conversed.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Rebecca sighed and stood up from the chair, the things she had seen, they were horrible. She heard a small creaking she looked up at the air vent, and saw nothing. She looked away.