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Varin (IC)

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Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:50 pm

In this land of magic, their has always been strife between Demons and Vampires. One always trying to be better then the other. The Angels always stayed in Heaven, watching their fights only interfering when they dragged the humans of this realm into it. One day the vampire lord of old was tired of the Angels interference, so he decided to kill the five most respected and known Angels of this Realm. Picking them off one by one each in a gruesome, underhanded way they soon all fell by his blade. The Angels where greatly affected by this tragedy many sadden many enraged, in this state of temporary weakness the Vampire lord of old sent his armies out to conquer the realm. Sadly he succeeded, it's been three hundred years since then, a new Vampire rules, his goal similar to the one of old but unlike the ruler of old his goal is larger. He seeks to rule Heaven, Hell and even the other realm. Also unlike his ancestor he knows the power he can attain from the five Angels. In ancient text of lore it is said that a certain few of Angels are reincarnated as Gods most cherished creatures, Humans. Knowing this he is determined to find the reincarnated five in the other realm. But the Angels, Demons and even a few of his own are determined to keep them away from him and to get these reincarnated Angels help to end his rule.

Seting of the Varin Realm: Kinda put in the past but with a twist like Final Fantasy like thet had Airships and guns

Setining the Oluin Realm: It is the modern world of 2008 this is weher the Reincarnated angels are to begin with.

Little on how Vampires work in this RP:
1, Holy water can hurt them
2, They can come out in sunlight they just don't like it too well but it is tolerable
3, They just don't like garlic, it's not deadly
4, Silver bullet rule applies with them not wood stake
5, They do need blood but they can take blood capsules or just vials of it to refrain from having to bite someone.
6, They can have wings, but it's not a mandatory thing their bat like (They can be hidden like pulled back in to their body when they want them hid)
7, They can have unnatural hair coolers (like purple, blue, green, ect.) they also can have unnatural eye color (Like red, purple, pink ect.)
8, It takes at least a day for their injuries to heal (unless their like the ones that almost dragged their guts out then it will take a little longer)
9, They can be on holy ground it just extremely weakens them.

Little on how Angels work in this RP:
1, They don't always have to be nice and kide they can be a bit of a bad ass (excuse my language that was the best word I could think of for it)
2, They get weaker on the night of a new moon
3, They have wings but they can pull them back inside their body’s to hide them
4, It takes at least a day for their injuries to heal (unless they use healing magic)(unless their like the ones that almost dragged their guts out then it will take a little longer)
5, They can have unnatural hair coolers (like purple, blue, green, ect.) they also can have unnatural eye color (Like red, purple, pink ect.)

Little on how Demons work in this RP:
1, Holy water can hurt them
2, They don't have to be working for Satin
3, they can have wings but their not mandatory their Dragon like (They can be hidden like pulled back in to their body when they want them hid)
4,They can't use light magic
5, They don't have to be Bad a**'s
6, They can be on holy ground it just extremely weakens them.
7, It takes at least a day for their injuries to heal (unless their like the ones that almost dragged their guts out then it will take a little longer)
8, They can have unnatural hair coolers (like purple, blue, green, ect.) they also can have unnatural eye color (Like red, purple, pink ect.)

1 No cyber:
2 Please put M if their is going to be violence above PG 13 or over 6 cuss words in post
3 No flameing take it to flame war
4 You can cuss but don't use more then 6 cuss words in a post
5 No one liners
6 Please capitalize when you are suppose to (Just a pet peiv of mine I'm not to strict on this one)
7 You follow my rules or you’re out.

Reincarnated Angels:

Acepted Profiles:
Username: Twilight01
Name: Amanda
Angel Name: Danielle
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Angel wings: Her wings are a really light blue color and they can grow into her back, it doesn't hurt, and when she isn't in public, see grows them out and stretches them. They are leathery, but soft and smooth
Angel of: Ice
Weapon they will learn to use: She already knows how to use most weapons
Bio: Revealed in Story
Personality: Revealed in Story

Username: IceFoxJess
Name: Jessica Riller
Nickname: Jess
Angel Name: Bell Niven
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Angel wings: whitish blue feathers, big enough to wrap around herself and another person and they are shaped like ones of a hawk.
Angel of: Water
Weapon they will learn to use: Twin Daggers. She only knows how to hold them.
Bio: Jessica comes from a pretty well off family, her birth mom died when she was 5 in a car reek she didn't get a new mom till she was 13 when her dad got remarried; she has a twin brother named Danny.
Personality: Usually pretty nice with the occasional sarcastic/ mean comment. She doesn’t usually get mad easily but when she douse it's not a good thing, she is also a bit of a tomboy.
Extra: She loves to play the Ocarina, likes to sing a little and is pretty good at first aid

Username: Angleaya Z.
Name: Mynica Barton
Angel Name: Anabella
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Angel wings: like the ones in the picture
Angel of: Wind
Weapon they will learn to use: Rifle
Bio: Mynica doesn't remember anything about when she was in heaven but she's always felt that she was different than the other humans. Her parents died when she was 10 and she now lives with her uncle.
Extra: This is her baby bat eared fox that she loves to death. His name is Moshi

Username: ReiRyuusei
Name: Daniel Fray
Angel Name: Damien Fryer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Angel wings: Phoenix. A collection of red, orange and yellow which can shine gold in some sunlight. Let out in a burst of angry and passionate flames.
Angel of: Fire
Weapon they will learn to use: Katana (Samurai sword) (Already known) Currently learning twin hand guns for longer distances. Obviously he knows Fire magic (duh) or at least slightly
Bio: Daniel is the fun loving, flirty kind of party animal guy who everyone loves and who receives his love in return. He is bisexual and generally flirts with anyone unless they are much older (in which case he’s just a charmer to them) or he really bares something against them. He is naturally lazy and very spontaneous and acts mostly on impulse and his ‘moody artistic’ vibe. He loves to draw and paint and would do anything for the ones he cares about. Despite his flirty ways, Daniel is very open and honest and sticks to someone like glue once he realizes he’s likes them more then just a crush.
Personality: Flirty, stubborn, lazy, loves to laugh, funny, fun loving, adventurous, quite weird to most ‘normal people’ (whom he considers weird for being so darn normal), charming, gentlemanly, devoted, strong.
Extra: His favourite colour is pink (second is orange) and he puts his hair up in thousands of tiny bunches held up by eleastic bands during his moody artist days. Generally it's either left alone (when he's feeling super lazy) or done up in intricate spikes that look completely natural thanks to his sister's hair dryer and top notch expensive hair wax.

Username: Akieko94
Name: Charliegh Mcgraw
Angel Name: Cassie
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Angel wings: White with a little bit oa green tinge and gold
Angel of: Earth
Weapon they will learn to use: Staff and pistols (all ready known)
Bio: Charliegh is quiet yet honest and not afraid to speak her mind. She would much rather be in the back ground but some how can't find away to stay back there. She is one of those people who would rather stay at home then go to parties and get drunk. Boys see her as pretty, but she doesn't pay much attention to them. She wishes to become an Author even a singer, since many have said that she can sing rather well.
Personality:Kind, Shy, Gentle, has a bit of a short fuse, loves to laugh and be funny. She is rather generous and devoted and can be a bit of a flirt without knowing it.


Username: ~Pictures of Lies~
Name: Zayna Faunette
Age: Unknown, looks 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Her eyes are very much greener and she usually wears a blue veil. (I'm usually not one for pictures but I really liked this one... ^^;;)
Wings: Stoney grey at their base, her wings are those much like that of early birds: part reptilian, part feathered. At the base, they are sinue and muscle, covered in a thick, leather-like skin. As they progress to the tips--her wingspan is much larger than her body--they are covered in small, colorful feathers. Being large, they are powerful and she does a lot of flying, moreso, she thinks, than many other demons. She can hide them when needed, turning herself at least mostly human, but she doesn't like to.
Weapon: Though trained in hand-to-hand combat and swordplay, Zayna's weapon of choice is her series of serrated knives that she straps to certain easily accessed parts of her body. She's sadistic enough that she enjoys being up close and personal when killing. These knives are lined with silver which she views as a double whammy.
Bio: She doesn't remember her past much. She remembers that, at a certain time, she started training. She doesn't know of any family but she doesn't know if she lacks it, either. At one point, in her youth, she fell in love with a human. That was long ago. Long story short, he was in love with her until he found she was not human. Since then, her heart hardened and she has put all of her effort into her orders. A few years ago, she came upon a small, abandoned baby hawk. As a show of sympathy she was then trying to prove she had, she nursed the poor thing back to health. As a result, the hawk showed it's true nature. He was one tied to spirits, not just a normal animal. It's like being a reincarnant in a creature's body. They protect one another and she only trusts him, who's named himself--jokingly, to be sure--Roc.
Personality: As a killer and as a demon, she is cold towards others. She has a major sadism problem, but she doesn't kill because she needs/wants to. She doesn't do it out of boredom. Whatever she does, she does because she feels it's right. Though her morals waver and her sense of right and wrong are a tad warped, she still goes into things with full confidence and never allows herself regrets. She's prideful and doesn't like to ask for help and aside from Roc, most won't even attempt to offer it.
Extra: Roc is very much a part of her life and they often "communicate" so he is in a lot of the roleplay. They are usually never far apart.

Username;; St.Jimmy
Name;; Jack Ropers
Age;; Appears to be around 16, maybe 17.
Race;; Demon.
Gender;; Male.
Wings;; Jack has ragged black wings which have an impressive span. He can pull them in tightly, in between his shoulder blades.
Weapon;; Jack has a hand gun which he uses on occasion, but his biggest weapon in his magic. Although he can use power such as telekinesis, his biggest strength lies in his illusion. He can spin an illusion out of almost anything, and can even shift his shape into something else.
Personality And Bio;; Jack is usually calm and collected. He has a sardonic amusement towards everything that is happening, and usually takes his time to think things over without making rash decisions. He has a cold arrogance about him, but in some ways this serves to make him mysterious and attractive. He has been fighting or preparing to fight for his whole life and enjoys the thrill of battle. His purpose is solely for war and he is glad of this, deriving entertainment from the suffering or humiliation and defeat of others. However, there is also a side to his personality that is rarely seen - something kinder and warmer.
Extra;; Jack's main weakness is a tendancy to "play with his food"; rather than kill someone straight away, if they interest him he will want to talk to them because he loves anything challenging, be it an actual fight or a verbal battle.
Appearance;; Apart from what can be seen on the picture: Jack has many scars and cuts. The bandage in the picture is on his arm, and he also has a bandage round the palm and two of the fingers on his left hand.


Username: Proclaimer
Name: Ignacio Cole
Age: 90+
Gender: Male
Wings: No.
Weapon: Ignacio is simply a user of both fire and ice magic which he is very much skilled in both. When it comes to weapons he is very famed for thinking outside-the-box, such as a long whip crafted from fire or a sword or several pointed daggers from ice. Practically he uses what he already knows and likes to make things interesting over using normal iron.
Bio: Ignacio stood against the "Vampire Lord" after being a highly devoted General of his army. Time passed and he was forced--or to face death--to slaughter hundreds of humans. Going against it he fled from the King's Keep to go on his own and aid the forces against the Lord.
Personality: To Be Revealed.

Username: Negawolf83
Name: Zachary (Zach)
Age: 183, appears to be 19-20
Gender: Male
Wings: Not exactly bat-like but similar; Pitch Black in color (Impossible to see against the night sky or dark background)
Reason for turning against the vampire lord: Put his sister to death for wishing to be with a human.
Weapon: Twin Ninjato (Small Katanas) and a Handgun (Silver Rounds and Hollow Rounds filled with Holy Water, uses a special glove to load them)
Bio: Revealed later

Username:Yuu Kage
Name: Chris Drago
Age: 237
Gender: Male
Wings: Large black, feathered wings (i.e. Sephiroth)
Reason for turning against the vampire lord: Vampire lord attempted to assassinate him. Chris wants revenge (I'll reveal more in the story)
Weapon: Dragon Slayer ( and Dark magic
Bio: Revealed in story
Personality: Passionate, Careful, Observant, and not one to speak quickly.


Username: valin
Name: Drake
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Angel rank: Lowest Rank?
Appearance: Drake stands at 5 foot 9 inches. His short silver hair falls down and hides his silver eyes. A large bright white robe hangs onto his body, the sleeves passing his wrists and the bottom barely touching the ground. A hood is found on the back of the hood.
Wings: Long white feathery wings. One bag is hung from his shoulder.
Did they know one of the four if so who?: Nope.
Weapon: A giant shuriken is hooked onto his back. A fold able staff lies in his bag. A scimitar also lies sheathed on his robe's belt.
Bio: Drake was born an Angel, both parents also being Angel. His family has remained pure blooded Angel. Drake's family was a high class but he hated the life and has ran away. He dropped his last name and has remained away from his old family.
Personality: Drake cares for most races but hates to be an Angel. He'll rather make a friend than an enemy, whether it be a Demon or Human. But Drake is known to be quiet.

Vampier Generals:(They are all going to be kill off so their is no chance of hooking up with them.)

Name: Nimun Olen
Code name: Blizzerd
Age: 210
Look age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
Town under his control: Kil the town in the north part of snow countrey
Weapon: Image
Fighting style: Swordsmenship and Ice magic
Magic type: Ice

Name: Milik Nilt
Code name: Inferno
Age: 311
Look age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
Town under his control: Opel the town in the east desert
Weapon: Image
Fighting style: Staff and Fire magic
Magic type: Fire

Name:Linter Yulik
Code name: Nightmare
Age: 401
Look age: 18
Appearance: Image
Town under his control: Lit town in the Dark forest
Weapon: Image
Fighting style: Fencing and Dark magic
Magic type:Dark

Name: Kinttra Fnnet
Code name: Twister
Age: 120
Look age: 20
Gender: Female
Town under her control: Milp town in the Trel mountins
Weapon: Twin daggers
Fighting style: Daggers and Wind magic
Magic type: Wind

Name: Blarl Gillt
Code name: Hurricane
Age: 333
look age: 19
Gender: Male
Town under his controle: Ull town by the south shore
Weapon: Pistol and Water magic
Magic type: Water

Name: Ville Nikku
Code name: Bolt
Look Age:19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
Town under his controle: Mikk town in the Weastern planes
Weapon: Claws and lightning magic
Magic type: Lightning

Name:Finn Juin
Code Name: Shadow
Age: 430
Look age: 21
Gender: Male
Town under his controle: Brrta town in the southern woods
Weapon: Kattana and Dark magic
Magic type:Dark

Name: Luke Kitter
Code Name: Quake
Age: 501
Look age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance Image
Town under his controle: Tyh town in the Biou mountins
Weapon: Pistol and earth magic
Magic type: Earth

Vampier lord

Name:Nikelie Hiut
Age: 119
Look age: 17
Gender: Male
Last edited by IceFoxJess on Sun Oct 12, 2008 2:08 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Schools back in, so I'm gonna take a bit longer then usual, sorry.
I'm sorry to everyone I've faild so far...Life is hetic lately...I'm so tierd anymore. Please don't be mad at me I'm sure I'll fix everything soon. If you want to yell at me feel free.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:04 pm

Little angel little angel where are ye
Little angels little angels I'll find ye
Run run with the demons run
I'll find ye
Run run with the traitors of my blood
I'll finde ye
Hide with Gods Angels hide
I'll finde ye
Your powers will be mine
My little angels

Jessica woke up with a start "What..what was that?" She mubeled to herself siting up. she looked to her right to see her clock said it was 7:25 "Oh crap!! I have only 30 hour to get ready and to get to school!" She practaly scremed jumping out of bed running to her bathroom

Danny looked up at the cealing of the kitchen witch was drelectly under Jessicas room "Well looks like Jess is up." He said takeing a drink of ornge juice their step mom had an evile little smile on her face "You turnd her alarm off didn't you dear" said Danny and Jessicas dad "Yes I did." "Why?" Danny asked decideing to be a good brother and grab his sissters backpack for her "Oh you'll see"

it was 15 minutes later that Jess ran out of her room in a white dress a cross and a bow ted around her slihghtly damp hair (Like in above pic) She ran down stairs "Danny we only have like 15 minutes to get to class!" She yelld running by him grabing her backpack fom him. "Is my daghter acalley wearing a dress?" her father asked as his wife had a conteped smile

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Angleaya Z. on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:21 pm

Mynica woke up to her alarm at around 6. She calmly turned it off and looked at Moshi. "Good morning little one." She said happily. She quickly got ready for school, throwing on a pair of blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. She walked down the hallway, Moshi at her feet and knocked on her uncles door, "I'm about to make breakfast. I suggest you hurry." After more of her usual morning she arrived at school. She didn't really mind school but she hated having to leave Moshi all alone. She hurried to her first class. Trig. She sat in the corner, not really knowing anyone else.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:23 pm

He was neatly dressed as he layed on his bed with a sigh, rubbing his eyes and thinking about the Vampire Lords before he stood up and looked out the window. As of late a few Generals were seen in front of his house, only because he was one of them in his past life they seemed to either want him back or have him dead. Whichever were both possible choices and he didn't look forward to any of them. Grinning as he closed the curtains, despising the sun even though he could take it to an extent.

Grinning he picked up the glass of blood on the table and drank him, licking his lips as he walked outside out the front door into the sun, wincing but smiling as he started walking. He was looking for something, or someone. A girl at this point, an Angel. He heard of things and now he had to investigate. He had been going to the school for some time now, as young as he looked he liked to enroll and see what the youth was doing in these days. Sometimes, there was more to the eye.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:32 pm

Jessica ran in to school with her brother not to far behind her "J..Jess slow down what’s the big deal if you’re late?" Jessica continued to run "If I'm late aging I'll have after school and I am not going to be stuck in their with that perv of a teacher Mr. Juli" she said as she made a quick right stopping at her classroom door "Thank God" Jess sighed as she opened the door.
Last edited by IceFoxJess on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yuu Kage on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:33 pm

Chris woke up a few hours to early. He looked at his clock and it read 4:23 AM. He went ahead and got ready for school, thinking about all the things that had been happening... He meditated a bit on his surroundings, a small apartment. He lived alone and with smart investments wasn't hurting much for anything. He finished his daily ritual and sat down to see if he could get some more sleep. He did. 4:57 AM......5:23 AM....7:10 AM....8:35 AM. He awoke with a start and gazed upon the clock for about five seconds in disbelief.

"Ah hell!" he exclaimed as he dashed out the door to catch his first class of the day. Trigonometry.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:34 pm

Morning light filtered into the room. Jack was sitting by the window, watching the Sun rise against the backdrop of houses and high-rise apartment blocks. Pink tendrils of light stretched across the chalky blue sky as the Sun extended its grasp on the world, closing it all in a fist made of light.

Jack was already dressed. He had been awake for an hour, sitting in the small room he called his own. Now that the day had started, he stood up and stretched. As he did so, a spasm of pain spread through the cut on his arm, hidden beneath a bandage. He winced, and then ignored it. He could cope.

Leaving the house, he headed for the school. He had been going for a while now, keeping an eye on people in case any of them turned out to be what he was looking for.

Jack took his seat in the classroom and began inspecting his bandage out of boredom, lightly running his fingers along it.
my girlies;;
laurenn ;; larii ;; laurie ;; charlie ;; becky ;; beth ;; illy ;; sessi ;; rachael ;; kiers

Image Image Image
may i waste your time too?

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:35 pm

Amanda walked the short-cut to school and hummed a soft tune. Her hands grazed over the glistening leaves and the rough, but comforting, wood. She concealed her wings, seeing as she was about to go out in public. Amanda sighed as she continued walking to school, still humming softly.
Kill Them With Kindness :D

I got the great news... I'm having a little GIRL!

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:41 pm

Jessica was siting in class the word from her dreame never leaving her minde

Little angel little angel where are ye
Little angels little angels I'll find ye
Run run with the demons run
I'll find ye
Run run with the traitors of my blood
I'll finde ye
Hide with Gods Angels hide
I'll finde ye
Your powers will be mine
My little angels

the voice seemed to repet in her head over and over

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Negawolf83 on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:42 pm

Zach was sitting in a chair on his balcony, overlooking mostly forest and in the distance, the outskirts of a city. A city in which it was said Angels lived, or that was the legend. It was more of a rumor around the area Zach lived in, just words of those stupid enough to talk about them in the open. The Vampire Lord had since banned any unauthorized talk of them, for he wanted their power and any not under his control or reporting to him, were just in his way. Zach despised the current lord and all he stood for, and he had recently become interested in these Angels. He wanted to search them out, to see if they were real and to use their power to bring the Vampire Lord down. He looked out over the forest and decided he would travel to the town today, to start his search. He put his book down and stood up. His wings suddenly appeared and he took off towards the town, flying in between the trees.
I believe that the future is what we make it, that it's not written in stone. But my dreams tell me otherwise, and show me what is to come.

Things change, people change, time changes everything, and no one stays the same.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valin on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:43 pm

Drake appeared in the blink of an eye on the school's roof. He peered around as a precaution, making sure no one saw. After making sure, he gripped the handle on a door and opened it, heading down the steps. Once he reached another door and opened it slowly. No one was in the halls and he quickly slipped out before someone else showed up. He stepped down the halls, reading a piece of paper and looking up at the numbers near the doors. A few people sent some weird stares towards him for his clothes, but he paid no attention. Finally Drake reached the first room on the paper. He entered and grabbed a seat in the back. Trigonometry.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:46 pm

Walking to school, heading up the steps until he was inside. "Glorious." He mused as he started walking down the hall, heading to his class before he slipped in the door and sat in the back of the classroom so he could get a good view of everyone.

Ignacio smiled as he looked around at everyone with a grin, looking and piercing into people's eyes. Some of them just stared down as he smiled and looked up to the board, "Where art though Angel?" He said to himself with a bit of a smile. Finally settling on a girl who was talking to herself. "Bingo..." He grinned.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yuu Kage on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:46 pm

Chris walked into class nice and late. He got the almost expected stares as he walked in, plomped down into his seat and put his head down on the desk preparing for his Trig nap.
It wasn't so much that he was late that he was observed as such though. He dressed oddly in dark leathers and had an almost inhuman air about him. Seeing as he was in fact, not human this was altogether expected, as was the teachers response. Feigned ignorance.
The teacher pretended of course not to see him as he did this almost every day. He never really payed attention as some 230 odd years had given him a sufficient enough prowess in the subject to pass the class without even doing the homework.
He looked around the class. His vision was not well and would give any day now.So he spent much of his time simply viewing the world. Several attractive females did not go unnoticed. One more reason to kill the Vampire Lord quickly...

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Angleaya Z. on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:48 pm

Mynica started writing her notes as the teacher went along. She yawned and looked up when a boy walked in late. She stared at him for a moment before returning to her notes. She didn't really like this class and ended up doodling on the edge of her paper. She smiled as she continued to draw Moshi, he was just so cute. All of a sudden her cell phone vibrated in her pocket, making her smile disappear. It was her uncle saying he'd be late again and she'd have to walk home from work. She sighed remembering how long the walk was from the coffee shop.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ~Pictures of Lies~ on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:49 pm

(Sorry I'm late, y'all!)

Zayna walked down the street with an almost chilling ease, layered Indian silk skirts whispering against each other. She hadn't the foggiest idea of where she was going, but her feet were leading her. Roc was high above, alternately flying and resting. He didn't like the city, she felt his unease. On her hands were black silk gloves, mostly for decoration, and she twitched her hands, wringing them. She was nearing a school, she saw. But why? She was in the belief that her feet took her places for reasons. That was an interesting thought: going back to school. Smirking, she walked with a tad more conviction. It might just turn out to be a good day.

real, real bright.

Love me 'til

the morning

Find out later
it was lies.

Then you find
the camera


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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:52 pm

Daniel was bored. He stared out at the rest of the world through his college class window, wishing he was elsewhere entirely. His Arcitecture discussion was not going as interesting as he hoped. Usually he loved Arcitecture, finding out how buildings stayed up and how some were made as beautifully as they were while others came out so ugly.

But today, Daniel would have liked nothing more then to have stayed at home and painted. Just painted. Anything really. Maybe asked a girl to be a model and scored a hot date at the same time. Or painting anything really. Or sketching. He just wanted to be DOING something today, not sitting there hearing Mr. Walsh drowning on and on in his boring supply teacher voice. Mrs White, his real Arcitecture professor, would have made the discussion far more interesting, he was sure of that.
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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valin on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:52 pm

Drake boredly sat in the class shooting glares at those that looked at him. He had no idea what the teacher was talking, nor did he care. He was waiting for something, anything, to happen that would lead him towards his goal. Stopping the war. He yawned.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:55 pm

Jessica was still mubling to her self a littl sudenly the teacher MRS, Dolen slamed a hand on her deask "Jessica have you heerd a word I've said?" she asked ovesly anoyed 'Um um...No Mam... she said looking up at her "Is their a reson why?" She asked "Nothing I wish to tell you." Jessica said get a bit anoyed herself wanting to returen to her thoghts.
Last edited by IceFoxJess on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Akieko94 on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:55 pm

Charliegh moaned wiping sleep from her eyes as she started towards the school. Glorius. She was going to be late. "Dumb car..."She cursed at herself as she continued to walk up the street. Her mind drifted elsewhere. The dream she had before she woke up still echoed in her head. The worlds that sent chills down her spine. She shook her head and then fized her hat that was placed on her head. She knew that this was going to be a long day. With another moan she turned the corner. "Why do I even bother going?" she asked herself. She crossed her arms across her chest before she looked down at her feet thinking about nothing particular listening to her footsteps as they echoed off the pavement. "High School was much easier than this..."
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Re: Varin (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:56 pm

Surveying the behaivour of his "classmates", Jack was able to amuse himself fairly easily. There was nothing he enjoyed more than studying the actions of others and scorning them in his own head, and the classroom was the perfect place to do that. A girl near him sighed at a text message she had just received and he watched the worry on her face almost contemptuously.

Glancing down at the paper in front of him, Jack realized it was trigonometry. He barely knew what the title meant, never mind how to do the work. It had never seemed to come up in any of his life situations.

Instead, he continued watching the actions of his classmates.

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