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Vast Requiem [IC Open]

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Vast Requiem [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:12 am

[This is a brief introduction followed by a series of IC/NPC starters for most of the Factions/possible starting points in the RP. Please see OOC/Sign up thread to see full information and to join (you can post a short blurb here too if you wish). Sign up/ooc: vast-requiem-t15693.html]

Plot thus far (to make it easier for late joiners):
Moonglade: The Syio Faction is heading out from moonglade in the morning, half its members are going with Kil, what seems an unreasonably large number for its usual method. Having just dealt with an attack of Ilongas and Grim, the group is perhaps less prepared and happy than it should be. Fymat, Era and Senrei along with a couple of other kids have gone out to scout the West, chancing upon Ainga-Ji'am, the Kalukai clans leader. Their meeting results in the group traveling to Vast on Kalukai horses, too afraid of a double-cross on Ainga's part to head back to camp directly.

Vast: Morin's Inn is filled with activity, the S'mai first received a message that the Syio will be arriving, then had to help deal with Hurne's illness. He is sending another S'mai -Xy, of whom he is quite fond, out of the city on an errand that Adia Rose wishes undertaken. Dyhalto, a one-winged Lor, has sought and found the male Ruen bard that could help him on his quest for 'Yanir'. And after a scuffle in the city, Acilia meets Ayun as the healer is on her way to the palace. In the meantime, Xy's rest is disturbed by the young thief, Tel.


- The continent of Juhal is at war, its united peoples gainst the One Thousand Year Ruler, the tyrant I'Sidus Manaedi XXIII. The rise of a group of youths calling themselvs the Syio Faction in year 950 of the Manaedi Wars turned the tide of battle. In the 999th year of the Wars, the Manaedi Empire is besieged within its last stronghold, the capital city Vast.

The armies are camped a day's walk away from Vast, having suffered many defeats in battle with Vast's elite army. The Syio Faction has already come to the city gates and the leader has a contact within. Their first priority is to get inside the gates, and their final objective is the assassination of Manaedi XXIII. For this purpose, they will reside within enemy lines for a year. -

Morin leaned on his broom, his not so modest weight making the wooden handle creak in ominous warning. He wiped back a few tendrils of brown hair from his sweat-beaded brow and scowled at the bustling street around him. His violet gaze fell upon the shape of Tel, the young thief having found some shade for his afternoon nap under the vines growing in front of the pub. Morin shook his head, youths these days just didn't know about troubled times anymore. He gave the dusty ground a couple of half-hearted sweeps, shifting the dirt from one side of the porch to the other.

Suddenly the vines around young Tel slithered up like live snakes, their branching and curling tails streaming into the pub through the open arched entryway. Morin yelped a quick curse as one vine dislodged him from the ground and a bunch more carried him on waves of green into the dim interior of the taproom.

The room was empty, its usual customers preferring a darker time to make good on promises told to the tankards lining one wall. The vines had already covered the back wall, smothering the embers of the fireplace. Morin groaned as the leaves formed writing. It was an effective way of communication, he knew, by the gods he knew, he was S'mai after all, but the mess after...

After a while the vines slithered away and Tel turned in his sleep, mumbling something about a pork pie. Morin managed to shudder at the thought of a pig pie, but he was shivering at the content of the message. He rubbed his stubble-lined chin thoughtfully, things were going to get busy, and with the two customers he had upstairs he wasn't sure how to receive his ... friends. Ah well, one thing at a time. He stared at the upturned tables and wildly strewn chairs. First, the second clean up of the day. He sighed.

[Moonglade, a day's march south west of Vast]
Meros, or General Naiji as he is better known, is having trouble. Trouble seemed everywhere these days, not that he was particularly old, but he thought he could remember the day when the army didn't rely on a handful of children to fight its wars. Still, he had to admit it, these children were doing a lot better than his army... his great great great great great great grandfather's army, he corrected himself. "I think."

"Did you say something Sir?"
Meros stared down at the eager young man beaming up at him, somehow managing to fit a smile, a nervous twitch, concern and awe into one all too thin face. Did I look like that when I was his age? Meros wondered, then he grinned. The man was probably no more than a year or two his junior and already he was thinking with his 'elder' brain. Ah how a title can change a man.

He laid a hand on the soldier's leather-clad arm and shook his head, his armor glinting silver and emerald in the leaf-filtered sunlight of the glade. "No, it was nothing. You'd best check up on the kid... The Syio Faction. They should be ready to move out, if they leave people behind it won't be easy getting them into the city again."

He watched the man rush off into the bushes and smirked to himself. "Who am I kidding, that bastard Kil probably heard me talking before I even said the words out loud." He said, not quite under his breath.


Bubbles rose. The Syio Faction sat by the small but rather deep cave filled with water, eyes glued to the dark waters that rippled and slurped now and then as silver bubbles rose to the surface. One of them had a stuffed animal of some kind sitting across her knees. It could only be said to be an animal because it had a head, four legs, and a tail, but she seemed to treasure it. After a few minutes, a raven began to caw.

"Well, he's dead."
"You're always saying stuff like that, but he never is. And anyway, I think this was the only fair way to find out who's going to Vast."
"It would have been if someone didn't throw the coin into the pond."
"Kil didn't have to go after it."
"I think that was our last coin."

Silence occupied them again, with the occasional disconcerting slurp from the watery cave. After a while more, the girl with the stuffed animal began to wail.

[Imperial Palace of Vast]
Queen Elia stared blankly out the window, her red eyes reflected the scene outside, tall towers and spires rose up to a distastefully blue sky, their walkways teeming with workmen and the occasional archer, while the residents of Vast busied themselves with ordinary affairs.

She was noble-born and of course, used to the boredom of court. Though the Manaedi court encouraged feminine participation, she was aware enough of her lack of political power as the new Queen to not meddle in current affairs. Elia twirled a lock of golden hair around her slender fingers, her gaze fixed on a square vine-choked courtyard in the lower city, the low houses huddled around the complex dwarfed by the sheer volume of vine versus roof. Even from this height, the pub looked large and altogether hidden under dense foliage.

The Queen turned away, Morin Tusuoi was S'mai, that was reason enough for having such camouflage around his pub, but the Queen couldn't help but feel the sprawling grounds in the Lower District was hiding something. She put it down to her Lor blood, and the distinct tendency towards paranoia that comes with it. She allowed herself a little smile. It is that very same paranoia that had saved her family from rebel purges.

Her crimson gaze drifted across the vast chamber, coming to rest on a painting resting against the mirror-paneled back wall. Its colors were faded, the paint cracking off in flakes like old skin. The scene was of her ancestors, sitting in the classic stiff-backed pose demanded of all those that dared want a family portrait with 'class'. Their feathered wings were folded neatly, each colored with light or natural shades. They looked arrogant and on top of their world.

And they were, for a time. She chuckled to herself again and rose to dress for her husband's evening appearance.
Last edited by Skaerin on Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Degen on Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:32 pm

[Moonglade, with the Syio Faction]

"Hush now Era." Senrei crooned to the howling girl. "Crying won't help any."
"Kil will be fine, I'm sure he's found an air-pocket or something..."

He patted Era on the shoulder and gave her, what he thought to be, a confident smile. It was clear that he was attempting to be reassuring to the girl, but the look of concern on his face betrayed the doubt he had of his own words.

Senrei stared hard and deep into the pool, trying to will Kilian back to the surface.
"c'mon Kil...."
Firewalk with me~
Hail me, for I am the deus ex machina, the dream come true~
I am the input, the output, the mainframe. The thing that you are longing for~
I am you filter. I am your signal bouncing back~
I will be your worst addiction~
Although we are nothing, we merge into one~

== Angeldusted, Dead-dreamer ==

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:47 pm


"If you say so, Sensen." Era managed through loud sobs. After what seemed like an impossibly long interval, the sniffling Era finally stopped shaking with the effort of suppressed tears, her emerald gaze lifted as the bubbling water became a fountain. The group watched, mesmerized as the water rose higher and higher...

Suddenly it fell, in great raining sheets, drenching anyone sitting too close to the cave.

Members of the Faction scattered as peals of crisp laughter rang out in the glade. A haughty if somewhat scruffy looking youth leaped from the dark opening, flashing a wolverine grin as he landed on all fours in the damp undergrowth. His dark eyes did a quick scan of his bedraggled comrades till they found Senrei.

"Senrei!" Kil's grin broadened as he held up one hand. A silver coin flashed in the hazy sunlight, its faces worn beyond recognition. Kil's skin was showing some blue hue and his teeth were chattering, tendrils of wet black hair tamed by water sat limp against his cheeks. "I found it!"

With that grand announcement made, Kil began reaching for the great sword he'd left leaning against a tree nearby, giving his Faction a reassuring smile here and there.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:07 am

Acalia Armine, Moonglade

It rained water from the pool onto some members of the faction, and the sound of it pouring onto the earth, nourishing it, was soothing to Acalia Armine. She got more than a few funny looks for sitting in it without flinching as it soaked her, her attention never straying from her sharpening stone as it grated across one of her blades, making it shine. Acalia even ignored the wailing girl. She preferred to be near the water. Despite her Manae blood, she had an overwhelming fondness for water.

Acalia watched with disinterest as Kilian smiled reassuringly to his faction. She was sharpening her blades and spared little attention for the tactics used to keep people happy. She didn't require happiness. She only required food and mission objectives. There wasn't much else necessary to living as a faction member. She thought that the others were too needy. They were trying to make a decision about who was going to Vast, but she didn't really care. She would get her turn - she always did.

Once her blades were sharpened, she put them away, strapping them to her body as usual. Then she went about the menial task of wrapping her hands and wrists with medicinal tape. It would be useful if she had to fight anytime soon, and she was not one to be unprepared.

Things were slow now, but it wouldn't be long before things started to happen. She'd be ready when they did.

Adia Rose, Vast, Aristocratic Sector

"This tea is fabulous," Adia Rose said with a genuine smile to the waitress. The waitress returned the smile graciously, obviously unused to such kindness. a Tiemor in the Aristocratic Sector of Vast obviously didn't belong and was likely just a poor girl living in a less fortunate area hoping to make a living. Adia made a mental note to tip her generously.

"You were saying, Miss Rose?" Gene Gray wasn't known for his patience, and it was showing.

As much as this irritated Adia, her smile was flawless. "I do apologize, Mr. Gray. We absolutely can continue now that I have my tea." She sipped at it slowly, making him wait just a little longer. "You've expressed concerns about a certain Morin Tusuoi. He owns the Common's Pub, correct?"

Gene creased his brow in frustration. "Concerns would be one way of putting it, Miss Rose. Could we possibly get to the point of this meeting? I am a very busy man."

Adia crossed her legs, letting her perfectly defined calf hang directly in his view. Being just like any other man, his gaze faltered towards that exposure of skin. Her smile turned just a hint feral. "Why of course. I wouldn't dream of keeping you waiting any longer." She pushed her hair back and leaned forward a little, and his gaze followed, though his eyes didn't quite make it to her face.

"Go ahead, then," he muttered almost absent-mindedly.

"Why, I've done a good amount of research on Mr. Tusuoi, and thus far, he's checked out, Mr. Gray."

"Not possible," he mumbled, still not quite managing to raise his eyes to her face. She pressed her arms in closer to her chest, drawing even more attention to her cleavage.

"I have him under a very careful watch, Mr. Gray. You don't need to worry about it." She laughed lightly, her very voice much like a song, and Gene nodded dumbly. "Very well, should we adjourn?"

"Uh, yes. Please keep me informed on this matter." He shook his head, as if coming out of a trance.

"Absolutely." She waited for him to leave, sipping her tea. Once he was gone, she pulled a considerable amount of money out of her handbag and tossed it on the table. She made sure to smile at the waitress before she left.

It was time to pay an old friend a little visit.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:21 am

[Vast, Morin's Pub]

Xy moved slowly through the cobblestone streets of Vast, the capital of Juhal. Not that this was running through her mind now. Although life in Vast had captivated the S'mai female at first, it quickly lost its charm to the longing of the forest. Still, she had to be ere if she had any hope of getting any information on the Syio Faction, and that was the most important thing to her at the moment... and it had been the reason why she came to this godawful city in the first place.

Of course, moving through the streets entailed looking up at people and saying an 'excuse me' and 'thank you' to get them to move to avoid bumping into them, because most of the time she wasn't noticed because of the height issue. And getting groceries? Even worse. Sometimes the vendors who didn't know her too well would mistake her for a child and ask the stupidest most degrading questions, after which she would have to remind them that she could prove her age. And then she'd have to dig up the stupid ID card...

In short, today was no better than any other day in the city of Vast.

Xy sighed and moved towards her favorite place here: Morin's. It was just about the only sanctuary she could find in this hellhole; Morin was S'mai too, he understood. He never questioned if she was old enough to drink. Was she? She didn't know or care, but Morin still let her buy a mug whenever she came.

Outside of the pub, Xy caught sight of Tel, the little thief rolling around in the shade, asleep. The woman stifled her laughter only because he was asleep-- otherwise, she would've rolled onto the floor. Something about 'pork pies'... well, now, that was disgusting... but still, it crreated such a hilarious picture of the thief who was supposed to be stealthy and graceful. Yeah, no.

Xy moved into the pub and froze inside a doorway. The place was a mess, tables overturned and chairs strewn across the room.. not to mention little piles of leaves everywhere. She was the only one here, as she usually was, seeing as mainly she needed alcohol before midday came along... but even she could see that this place wasn't accepting any customers until it got cleaned up.

"Geez, Morin, what happened in here? You let an angry bull loose or something? Ech. Here, I'll get that..." Xy helped Morin with a table he was having trouble with, flipping it over and shoving it in its designated area. She was a regular enough customer that she knew the layout of the pub area by heart. Well, with Xy's high temper and low tolerance, it would be hard not to get a little... stressed. Alcohol, however, helped relieve that stress.
.;A picture's worth a thousand words;.
.;But when those words are worthless;.
.;So is the picture;.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:20 am

The sun filtered down on what seemed like a peaceful scene of children and youths at play, her warm rays piercing the emerald foliage in dancing flares of color, making motes of willow fluff sparkle like stars. Less than two hundred paces away lay the camp of the United Army, its sprawling expanse marring the landscape like a dark sore. The smell of army cooking wafted on the air, tainting the metallic chill of Kil's 'rain'.

General Naiji walked into the clearing, his tarnished breastplate reflecting the bright midday sun, the glow giving his tanned face a strangely angled appearance. For a while he was silent, watching the children play, the man he had sent on with the message earlier hovered nervously near a Manae girl, obviously uncertain who was in charge of the Faction.

Meros signaled the poor soldier away and approached the Manae himself. After only the barest moment's hesitation he recalled her name. Acalia Armine, a deadly creature if his reports were anything to go by. He smoothed back his platinum colored hair and coughed politely as he came to stand beside Acalia, his war-weathered gaze a steady gray, unwavering but not arrogant.

"Acalia Armine?" He tried a smile, his rustic features cracking into lines formed by battle and worry rather than age. "I see Kil's occupied again, could I have a word with you?"

Morin's vines gave a merry shake of their leaves at Xy's approach. They recognized a friendly S'mai when they saw one. Tel's mumbling form changed little even as Xy's diminutive shadow fell across it. The pub was still dark, since Morin didn't see the need to waste good lamp oil on daylight but never seemed to have time to trim the vines shuttering the windows.

Morin straightened as he felt the burden in his hands lighten and gave a knowing smile to Xy. Wordlessly he continued cleaning for a while more, clearing the debris from the stairwell next to the kitchen entrance first. Eventually he turned and his calculating though not unkind gaze fell on Xy.

"Fine day to ye, chit of a girl," he teased fondly, but there was a nervous edge to his voice, as if he had too much on his mind and Xy's presence had him in two minds. "Ye be runnin' out on ye duties again then aye? Or 's this old S'mai more your idea of company?"

He glanced back at the dark landing above and the corridor that led off to the Inn's rooms, then he was already bustling behind the bar, drawing up a special S'mai concoction of Mushroom Wine for Xy, his face settling easily into the friendly barman's smile, expectant of an answer and some conversation.


In an alleyway not far from Morin's, the Ruen bard Hurne was having a bad day. There was a reason male Ruen did not travel far from their ancestral home to the west, a rather closely guarded secret that he'd found out too late when he broke Clan Laws to follow Ayun. He grimaced as another series of coughs brought blood to his lips mingled with a faint taste of bile. He cursed his own carelessness in forgetting Ayun's potion and staggered back onto the main road.

His movements scattered pedestrians en route Morin's pub, a turbaned man swathed in fabrics, his lean figure almost invisible under the layers. Only his striking green eyes shone out, a maddened glow escaping them as he made his way painfully back towards the inn.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:45 am

Xy helped Morin clean up the bar, resetting tables and chairs while he swept up the piles of leaves and such. It was odd... and Morin seemed awfully nervous. It made the dark chocolate-skinned woman suspicious, and more than once did her liquid amber eyes glance in Morin's direction.

"Both, I guess, eh, my friend? S'never easy in the city, moreso in these times... 'specially when you're this short," Xy complained conversationally. Most S'mai lived in the forest, but Morin, like herself, was an exception. Morin, though, had his own reasons for staying within Vast, and she had yet to figure them out, but still.

"Ah, good 'ole Mushroom Wine... gah. You're my savior, Morin. Some days I think I'm half-way dead already. I hate livin' here, but, you do what you have to, eh? Huh. Do you think the gaurds would mind if I socked a couple'a faces? I hate those vendors. 'Go back to your mum, lass, and tell her thank you for shoppin' here.' Idjits. Think they'de never seen a grown S'mai before, eh?" Xy laughed and sipped the S'mai concoction, groaning in pleasure and grinning wider. "Ah. Y'always have made the best Mushroom," she complimented, and took a long drink. One thing about the short scarlet-haired S'mai woman was that she could hold her drink. At least, for the first few mugs...

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Degen on Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:38 pm


Senrei stood stock still, now thoroughly drenched, a look of sheer mortification plastered on his dripping face. Never having been much for jokes, practical or otherwise, his eyes fixated on Kilian incredulously.

"...jeez Kil, people were getting worried, Era even started crying." Senrei pointed out as he worked up a small orb of magical fire, concentrating on it til it grew to the size of a large melon.

The heat of the orb increased as he stepped back, motioning to Kilian and the other soggy faction members to gather around. "At least get warmed up so we don't have to tend to you being sick with a cold."

Senrei's teeth chattered a little as he extended his arms toward the orb, hoping to dry off quickly.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:24 pm

As Xy settled into the drink, Morin visibly relaxed. As he picked up a random tankard to clean, he listened to Xy's banter and couldn't help but grin. "Aye girl, 'tis hard for them city folk t'get their heads round the likes of us. And especially the likes of ye, Xy-lass." His stone-gray face showed nothing more of his nervousness earlier as he chatted. "And ye be drinkin' that down fast, iffin' those Ah-ri-sto-cra-tic types come in and spot 'em drought I be fined too much gold for me worth."

Suddenly a loud, embarrassingly high-pitched scream sounded just out the door, making the S'mai bartender drop the tankard he was cleaning. "Zuli's breath!" he swore, tore off the apron that he had put on for the day's cleaning work and marched out of the pub grabbing a rather stout stick from behind the door on his way out.

A few minutes later he was helping a bundle of cloth into the pub, a stunned looking Tel trailing behind. The young thief looked flushed and rather embarrassed. Morin laid the well-wrapped figure to a table and turned to Tel. "Go upstairs lad and grab the bard's magic juice."

Even as Tel rushed for the stairs, the figure began to wail, even though the sound was muffled by cloth it still carried an eerie quality that made insects scuttle out of crevices and break for open. The vines that covered the pub shook, their leaves rustling loudly like so many spirit drums beating out a warning rhythm. The wail grew louder.

Kil straightened, his great sword strapped securely about him once more. He gave Meros and Acalia a cursory glance before returning his attention to Senrei. Era had worked her way across the clearing and now stood next to Kil, who absentmindedly smoothed down her damp yellow hair. "Aw lighten up Sensen."

He walked over to the ball of flame as it grew, Era tailing him like a disgruntled and over protective kitten. He lifted one slender arm, palm out to the flame. For a moment the flame's orange was reflected bright in his eyes, making them glow yellow gold like those of a wolf. The firelight danced across his youthful features, chasing away beads of moisture from his black leather armor, the skin-tight pieces designed for utility rather than comfort and warmth.

He watched silently as some of the Faction gathered around Senrei's flame, warming themselves happily in its light. A light breeze rustled the leaves overhead, the whispering trees passing the message of fire amongst themselves. Kil shook out his black hair and slipped the coin into a pouch at his waist before turning to give some instructions to Era. The little girl ran off to carry out Kil's orders, and the Faction leader turned back to Senrei.

"I just told Era to grab some twigs," he grinned again, dark eyes twinkling with good humor, his following statement would have made many people believe he thought of everything as a joke. "Since the coin thing failed, I thought we might try drawing sticks, if you get a short stick you go. if you get a long stick you stay."

He watched Senrei for a reaction, but after only a second added, "Oh, but you don't have a choice." His grin broadened again. "You're coming either way."

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Degen on Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:48 pm


Senrei thoughtful gaze lingered on Kilian for a moment, before returning to the flaming orb.
"I had thought I would be Kil. Don't see you staying out of trouble without me."
He murmured quietly.

Since joining the Syio faction, Senrei had felt a certain kinship with Kilian, that even he could not explain. He only knew that he should remain nearby at least, which inevitably lead to him having to watch over Kilian. The young man got into a lot more trouble than he should.

"What do you suppose Meros wants now? Last minute mission changes?" Senrei spoke softly, nodding toward Meros and Acalia.

Steam rose from his cloak, causing his left side to appear to be smoking, from a tempered fire contained within.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:09 pm

"Oh, ha-ha Morin. Stupid aristocrats and their fat rich arses. Huh? What the-" But by the time Xy could finish the second word, Morin was gone. He entered back a few seconds later with the writhing, screaming bundle and a certain thief.

"Zuli's breath is right! What in the name of Fercles is that, Morin...?!" Xy asked incredulously, examining the firmly-wrapped bundle. She let one of the insects that escaped through a crack crawl onto her hand, unafraid because S'mai were in tune with nature and therefore no animal could greatly alarm them, and examined it. A large black seven-legged beetle, common within most trees... But the bug wasn't what alarmed her. It was the writhing object inside the sack that was catching her interest. Xy looked wistfully at the Mushroom Wine she had been so looking forward to enjoying in peace and quiet, with Morin to talk to.... eh. Well, this was more exciting.

"What in the name of Fercles' pelvis would that be, Morin?" Xy asked again, more calm now, with conviction. But she didn't get an answer out of the portly S'mai barkeep before Tel returned with the bard's magic juice, or whatever it was. What was JUICE supposed to do for this thing?

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Underworlder666 on Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:34 pm


It wasn’t long until all the commotion had caught a certain little thieves ear. In a heartbeat Fymat was behind Senrei and Kil, trying to look over their shoulders. Curse his shortness, in times when he didn’t need it the most.

He danced around the two and stood on a near-by rock. “Eh? What’s going on here? No one told me about this.” He exclaimed loudly, like always, trying to get attention. “This a meeting about Vast or something? How come I’m always the last to know?”

Though he might have been older than most of the kids within the faction he never acted like it. Patrolling around, shouting and screaming, acting like he was the youngest. Though he didn’t care, he’s always done things his way regardless what others say.

He turned his head before they could answer him and saw Meros talking to the young girl. It peaked his interest for a moment but he didn't say anything. Odd.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:21 pm

Acalia Armine, Moonglade

"Acalia Armine?" The older man said, and she spared a bit of her attention for him, but only after she was sure that her wrap was tight enough. "I see Kil's occupied again, could I have a word with you?"

Not one to waste time, she tied her hair back tightly as she answered. "Kilian is often busy with one antic or another. If you think I can be of service to you, I'm willing to lend an ear."

Even as she said this, she was securing her pack and going through the contents. She's have to stock up on a few things soon.

Adia Rose, Vast, Common's Pub

She watched as the man moved uncomfortably down the road. There wasn't much of him she could see, but Adia knew her kind when she saw it. Male Ruens were extremely rare, and they had a certain scent about them. Adia called the wind closer to her to be sure. If faintly lingered around her, along with the scent of injury.

Interestingly enough, their destinations were the same.

She waited outside of the pub for a few minutes, leaning innocuously against the wall. Most people dismissed her immediately in her pink fluffy dress and her long blonde and gray hair. She didn't look like she belonged, but she looked extremely harmless. She pulled out an ocarina from a fold in her dress and began to play a sweet melody.

Once the male Ruen was taken care of, she was sure Morin would hear it and invite her in.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:11 am

"It's about this deployment to Vast," Meros began, his rough voice added several years to his true age, and with the war-weathered tan he could have been anywhere from twenty five to forty. His gauntlet creaked with metallic whine as he brought it to his lips and cleared his throat again. "I was hoping to speak to Kil, mainly about his readiness for the operation."

Here he paused, gray eyes seeking anywhere but the girl in front of him and her green gaze, seeing her occupied with packing, he continued in a more steady tone. "I was also hoping someone in the Faction would deliver a message... A personal message that is, to someone in the palace."

Meros glanced at Kil. "Yes... I think it would be best if Kil was not involved. The lady you're looking for is a Healer for the Imperial family." Here he took out a sealed envelope and held it out to Acalia. "This is the letter, deliver it without fail to Ayun Yilie, she is Einil. You might see her when you get to Morin's, but she prefers to stay close to her patients."


Kil strolled away from the flame as Era returned with her collection of twigs, not one the same size, he paid no heed to Fymat for the moment. The Faction leader's hair swayed in the breeze, already completely dry even though some of the other children were obviously still damp. He turned to look back at the small thief hopping on the rocks as he took the sticks from Era, breaking some absentmindedly till about half of them were much shorter than the rest.

"Fymat," he grinned, ambling over to the little S'mai, his grin as vicious as a tiger, he held out the sticks, their ends hidden in his palm. "We're going on a little excursion to Vast. Pull one out Fy, let us see if we can put your energy to better use."

Kil winked at Era, who strode over to Senrei and solemnly grasped a corner of his half-skirt. "That's right Era, you keep a hold on Sen for me so he doesn't run away before the mission."

Morin hastily removed the stopper from the vial Tel brought him and pressed the bottle to Hurne's lips. The eerie quality of Hurne's cries were lessened by a strange melody coming from the door, the Ruen bard's breathing began to ease as whatever the vial contained brought him some relief. Morin dabbed some sweat away from his brow and made a face at Xy. "A tenant of me dwelling here, lass. Poor fool's gone and broke some Tribal Taboo, now he suffers for it daily. His strange juice is his only relief."

The S'mai carefully unwrapped the cloth binding Hurne's face, revealing youthful and elegant features marred by signs of torment. A thin streak of blood was congealing on the bard's chin, his ash-blond hair was lank with sweat and dangled past heavily lidded eyes. Though his breathing was not labored it came in uneven gasps.

"Get those cloths off him girl, he should 'ave a decent 'nuff robe under it." Morin said to Xy, his gruff voice again filled with tension. He stood back carefully and looked to the door. "Help her, Tel. And if he speaks, nay ye listen to what he says. 'tis a sick man's game."

With that, he quickly strolled to the entrance where the music played. His face did not so much blanch as jump off its bones when he saw Adia. "Ay, what honor draws you t'day m'lady? 'tis never good news you bring ol' Morin." He cast nervous glances behind her to the streets beyond as he spoke, his lines spoken without much conviction as if he would much prefer they were inside quickly. "C'mon inside ye ladyship, this ol' S'mai can treat ye to a drink or two still."

Inside the Inn, Tel hovered uselessly behind Xy as Hurne's eyes slowly opened, focusing with some effort on his surroundings. "Who are you?" He croaked, not traditionally a question you expect from the half-dead, but he was like that. Even in his current state, Hurne's voice could have caused fits of swooning.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Underworlder666 on Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:04 am


Fymat could have slapped himself if he weren't in the presence of his faction. Forgetting the whole reason why he's here to begin with.

Watching Kilian wander off without even paying him any mind he could feel that once again Kil was up to no good. As usual, that cunning and devious grin never settled well on him at all. With a deep sigh he cocked his head to the side, staring at the sticks in his hand.

"Eala... Fine." He murmured something else beneath his breath as he reached out and pulled on one of the sticks, stopping and looking at Kil. As he took it he looked at it and shook his head. A long one.

“What’s this mean then?” He sat back on the rock.

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diary-chan on Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:20 am


More alarmed and curious than suspicious now that Morin had explained what-- err, who-- the bundle was. The bartender opened up the top of the sack, and Xy was surprised to see such a beautiful, not HANDSOME, man. He must be a Ruen-- but the city talks, and Xy had always heard that the male Ruens were extinct. Well, here was living proof-- she could see his wings behind his head, and his beauty was not that of a S'mai or a Manae. As she ripped apart the sack even more, Tel cowering behind the spunky S'mai girl, she could get a better glimpse of his wngs which were folded awkwardly against his back. No doubt about it, unless Lor and Phrys (which she had only heard of, not seen; she had seen female Ruen wandering the streets sometimes) had wings.

Fully unwrapped now, the male Ruen spoke, asking who they were. Well, Morin had said not to pay attention if he spoke... but what about a question? A question couldn't hurt. Even in the gorgeous voice.
"Call me Xy. And you? I ain't never seen you before... Morin hasn't told me 'bout any residents he's had here... Aw, boy, someone's got some 'splainin' to do."

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:18 pm

[I'm not going to post much OOC in the IC thread, just going to point out Ruen are not the winged race, Lor are, I know it's unexpectedly confusing since the Ruen have Air affinity, sorry. ^^; I'll continue on from Xy's post and gloss over the winged bit in your post kittycat.]

Kil watched as Fy drew the long straw, he gave a dissatisfied click of his tongue then turned to the clearing in general to make his announcement. "All right, Syio Faction get yourselves over here! I want everyone to grab a twig from our friend Fymat, those who draw a long stick will go stand with Senrei, those that draw a short stick will stay here with Meros' army."

He turned, and with mocking slowness, gave Fymat a wink. He then held out the entire bundle of sticks to the S'mai. "Guess I lied earlier," he said quietly as the rest of the Faction began to crowd around them, his expression had changed somewhat from his more jovial set into a rather serious look. His dark eyes studied Fymat, its gaze broached no argument. "Either way, some of you are coming with me whether you want to or not. We are going to infiltrate Vast and put an end to this stupid war."

Despite its shady warren of vines, the dim interior of the pub was slowly heating up in the baking post-midday sun, most of the warmth would escape with the evening breeze and by night the inn would be heated with the press of bodies all too eager for more warming alcohol. For now, its silent rooms echoed with the ocarina's song and the voices of those in the taproom.

Hurne stared blearily around the room till his eyes came back into focus on the small S'mai woman who called herself Xy. He gave a wan smile to her and a painfully executed wink to the small thief standing behind her. Tel bolted.

"Ah, the charm of the Ruen fails me at this critical juncture," he drolled, as he recovered so did his voice, it was low, smooth, and soft, with a slight lilting accent that only made it sound more enticing to the ear. He turned calm eyes to Xy's, looking at her in silence for a tad longer than was necessary before speaking again. "I have a hired room upstairs."

He sat up, wincing only a little as he did so, his head turned slightly to the door when music finally reached his ears. He listened for only a brief second before nodding to himself in satisfaction, as if he had just answered some internal question. The Ruen bard turned once more to Xy, his features ever more beautiful as the signs of illness fell away. "I must apologize for my lack of manners, lady of trees."

"My name is Hurne," he said as he tried to stand, leaning heavily against the table he was placed upon. He grunted, giving up the struggle for independence for now as his legs gave way. He sat back onto the wooden surface and gave Xy a little shrug. "Seems I still need to regain some strength before I can find my feet. I daresay we shall have company ere long, perhaps some conversation would do us both good, my recovery and your nerves."

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hostilecrayon on Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:36 pm

Acalia Armine, Moonglade

"It's about this deployment to Vast," He started, and she didn't slow in her checking through her things. She was perfectly capable of multi-tasking. "I was hoping to speak to Kil, mainly about his readiness for the operation."

"Good luck getting him to stay in one spot for more than a minute or two." It wasn't that she disliked him, exactly; he just wasn't quite responsible. He was nothing like you'd imagine the leader of the Syio Faction to be like.

"I was also hoping someone in the Faction would deliver a message... A personal message that is, to someone in the palace." She looked up at this, her eyes narrowing. A mission? If she was heading to the city, she'd be able to restock.

Meros glanced at Kil. "Yes... I think it would be best if Kil was not involved. The lady you're looking for is a Healer for the Imperial family." Here he took out a sealed envelope and held it out to Acalia. "This is the letter, deliver it without fail to Ayun Yilie, she is Einil. You might see her when you get to Morin's, but she prefers to stay close to her patients."

At that, she strapped up her pack, put the envelope in a sealed container, and nodded. "Ayun Yilie. Understood. Please inform Kilian of my excursion."

And just like that, she was gone.

Adia Rose, Vast, Common's Pub

"Ay, what honor draws you t'day m'lady? 'tis never good news you bring ol' Morin." He was jumpy as always, urging with every movement for them to go inside. "C'mon inside ye ladyship, this ol' S'mai can treat ye to a drink or two still."

Finishing on a slightly melancholy note, she tucked the ocarina away again. "Why thank you kindly, dear Morin." She bowed slightly, not in a mocking way, but with real respect. Then she followed him inside.

"Nothing fancy, dear. I think a nice malt will do." As the door closed on the world outside, her demeanor changed. She sat up on the bar stool like she belonged there, and leaned on the counter, motioning Morin closer.

"Gray is asking questions again." She paused to sip at the drink that appeared before her. "No need to worry though, I have it under control. That, however, is not my only reason for being here today."

She crossed her legs in a very unlady-like manner. "But first, I must say I'm a little curious as to your tenant. It's not often one finds a male Ruen around. Being one of my own, I can't help but inquire. Perhaps I could lend a hand?"

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:11 pm

Meros merely nodded in assent to Acalia's comment on Kil's lack of... he sought for the right words. Control? Maturity? He shook his head to clear the cobwebs of thought as the girl took his letter, accepting the mission with impressive efficiency. The United General watched as Acalia disappeared into the trees, his memories walking him along the paths she might take, the same trails the army, his army had used in their failed attempts on Vast.

He turned back to watch Kil doing what appeared to be some form of childish gambling. Meros shook his head, he didn't understand the Faction, they were all too young and most of them were untrained, just talented children picked up and 'tested' by the mysterious Kilian. He had opposed Kilian's plans in Vast, and though there were personal issues involved, mostly he had wanted to avoid bloodshed amongst the Faction.

Get there safe, Acalia. He thought darkly, his brow furrowed as a freak wind whistled through the glade, carrying with it the scent of roasted meat. For some reason, it turned his stomach.

The city walls of Vast stretched to meet the nameless mountains that protected the city, gray and white speckled stones that made up the low but stout wall glittering in the bright sun. The forests near the Moonglade sprawled lazily across the Eastern landscape, its emerald foliage veiling the trade routes that led to Vast. Once well used by wagons and travelers on foot alike, the trails have fallen into disrepair in the years of warfare. Paving stones that once lined the better traveled roads have cracked and some large blocks of stone were strewn to either side of the path, the undergrowth reclaiming any crack and fissure.

The city itself was on high alert, though its denizens felt little of the increasing pressure of war. Only one gate to the city still remained open and its access was limited to refugees, soldiers, the odd sanctioned healer or tradesman, and the dead. The gate itself was not impressive, being one of the smaller of the seven entrances that were used during peace time. Its construction however was intended for security rather than aesthetics and its ammunition pitted metal walls were made of Einil steel.

Morin's pub was located not far from the gate, and he had many times lamented the use of such expensive metal for its construction. Right now however, he was holed up inside with his visitor, his continence visibly more relaxed in the shaded interior of his pub. He drew up a malt for the diplomat, an easy grin falling into place on his gray features as he glanced over at Xy and Hurne. Tel was sitting behind him on a small stool, having been grabbed by the collar as he tried to run from the pub.

"Right yer ladyship," the S'mai barman began as he slid Adia's drink to her across the countertop. "That bard's been taken ill 'ere for a while, had an Einil with him, daresay he was caught out without his juice."

He lowered his voice, but continued chatting as he took up a pen, his hand furiously wrote on a small pad on the counter. "This malt is one of me best, took ol' Morin a good hard gold piece to get it into the city." I trust your judgment my girl, but be careful how you deal with the Palace, spies come in all shades.

"I wouldn't want yer ladyship to get ye hands dirty now," Morin began, the pad disappearing behind the counter. Morin's expression softened and he indicated Hurne with a nod of his head, glass beads jingling loudly in the stifling gloom. "But I ain't a harsh man and I see the boy 'as suffered. There's me good friend Xy over next to yon bard, iffin' ye can provide the help, drinks are on him. His name's Hurne."

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Re: Vast Requium [IC Open]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Degen on Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:25 pm

Senrei stared down at Era clutching his leg covering, then up at the rest of the faction, who were now gathering around Fymat to get their stick.

After what Kilian had said, it had become rather obvious that the sticks were just for show, a facade of chance that he had set up to make everyone feel like they were being considered.

Senrei knew all to well that Kilian had already chosen those he was going to take with him into Vast, and he wasn't about to let chance get in the way of his plans. Senrei of course, would say nothing of this to the others.

Sighing lightly, he gave a small gesture to the firey orb, causing it to shrink and dissipate rapidly into the cool air, until it winked out of existence with a small flash.

"Where'd Acalia go, Kil?" He called out, suddenly noticing her absence.
He was sure that Kilian would be wanting her with him in Vast, being the skilled spy that she was.

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