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Even Gods Bleed

EGB-Magic Guide

a part of “Even Gods Bleed”, a fictional universe by Crooked Thoughts.

In Cam Lire hope is whispered in children ears to aid sleep. The reign of the God King is spreading like disease. And though it need curing rebellion is but a dream. However some would see it reality. But is this really a plague or blessing?

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[OOC] EGB-Magic Guide

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:38 pm


In Cam Lire, hope is something whispered in the ears of children to aid in sleep. The reign of the God King is spreading like a disease. And though it needs curing, rebellion is but a sweet dream. However, there are those who would see it reality. But, is this really a plague or a blessing in disguise?

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Guide to Mages

This thread is for the RP, Even Gods Bleed. The purpose of this thread is to understand the class that uses magic, which is mage. Below, I will explain the different specializations and how they work. If you have any questions or notice any errors, PM me. There are links below to help navigate to the other pages of the RP as well as a contents listing. And if you are not part of this RP and would like to be, either PM me or use the below links to go to the RP and join. However this final rule goes for everyone: DO NOT POST HERE!
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Magic Guide

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:32 pm

Magic is a natural phenomenon like air pressure, gravity, inertia, or anything else. Some people are born with the ability to interact, control, and shape it. Those who can do so at expert levels are called Mages. Mages are capable of manipulating the basic elements, such as conjuring gouts of flame and small localized ice and electrical storms. There are also spells that allow for the temporary reanimation of corpses and the draining of an opponent's life-force.

These are typically spells devoted to manipulating energy, converting one substance to another, or calling on the services of other creatures. For wizards, these spells are generally committed to memory after a session of meditation upon a spellbook containing the details of the incantation. Once prepared, the spell is cast using specific words and/or gestures, and sometimes a specific material component.

There are two main types of magic:

    Natural: Which comes from the world and universe around the caster.
    Divine: Which is inspired from above or below: the realms of gods and demons.
Wizards and bards learn to cast arcane spells, which are typically flashy and powerful, but often require complex movements and gestures known as somatic components, which are impeded by wearing bulky armor. Clerics, druids, rangers and holy warriors cast divine spells, which draw their power from a deity, or simply the caster's inner faith. While the casting of these spells is not impeded by heavy armor, it may require the caster to wear a holy symbol as a focus.


Learning new spells can be acquired a numerous amount of ways. Most common way is by attending academies. Academies are like schools for mages. There you not only learn how to bend it to your will, but you also learn about it: how it works, where it comes from; you learn about its very essence. To say the least, you learn anything and everything about magic and spell casting.

But, Academies can only hold so much knowledge and often only teach basics. To learn more advanced techniques, one must learn from a mage who specializes in specific art and take up apprenticeship. This is by far the best way to learn next to learning from a spell book.

All mages keep books detailing their knowledge of spells and things they have learned -- These are called Grimoires. There are also Ancient Tomes, which are books of spells and other useful knowledge. But, most of them have been lost over time. The last and only other way, is through trial and error. Which of course is highly unrecommended.


Magic, is the difference between a slave and a master, a foot soldier and a king. However, even though the history of the magic is well known, mages and their patrons invariably come to the same self-serving conclusion: It won't happen to them.

Magic corrupts the soul, if the humblest person became a practitioner of spell casting, by the time that practitioner reached the higher levels, all traces of their humble roots would be lost. Magic breeds pride and arrogance. Magic corrupts the body; it ages the caster before his/her time and hastens that the world inflicts on things fair and beautiful. It is an Addiction. When one feels the power of magic coursing through one's body as it's being cast, resisting the urge to cast it again is difficult.

The effects usually start happening after the first spell is cast. There are many things that can happen to the user in their long life of spell casting, here are some of things, listed from: minor, moderate, to high. These effects are not unavoidable, as some have the ability to tame this horse, but for those who may be losing the fight, this is their fate. One may not succumb to all these effects, whether they have control or not, but they still might be claimed by a few of these.

Minor Effects

  • The character will become noticeably more distrustful of strangers, often ascribing the worst possible motives to their words and deeds.

  • Whenever possible, the character will wear robes inscribed with magical symbols, and their fashion tastes may become noticeable gaudy.

  • The character becomes highly superstitious. They are terrified of performing an action that is proscribed by their own culture's customs. They may come up with a list of five or so appropriate superstitions, such as:

    • Never speak for a full minute after hearing a dog or wolf's howl.

    • Never touch a black cat or let it cross your path

    • Never accept a spell from a stranger without knowing his name.

    • Always pay in silver and gold, never in copper.

    • Never eat food that has been cooked in a metal pot on the last day of the week.

  • The character's body is warm to the touch, and maintaining intimate contact with them for more than a moment is difficult.

  • Metal objects, cats and furs within 60 feet of the character accumulate minor static electricity charges (which will do no damage but may surprise people).

  • The character hears voices at odd times. They occasionally lead her into dangerous places of try to trick him. When given the time to analyze the situation, the character will realize the voice was an illusion. This voice is known as the Call of Magic.

  • The character's flesh is cold to the touch. Wounds and blemishes, unless immediately treated, take on a rotted, infected appearance.

  • The character's looks are badly blemished. Warts form on the character's face, while boils and abscesses appear on other parts of the character's body.

Moderate Effects

  • The character becomes notably defensive.

  • Shuns intimate contact with others, and will not willingly make physical contact with anyone in any circumstances, even to save a close friend's life or to cast a touch spell against an enemy.

  • Becomes notably suspicious of food and drink, and will not share her fare nor eat food offered by others.

  • The caster becomes unnaturally attached to creatures they summons. They will treat them like extremely pampered pets, doing anything they tell the mage to do. Their summoned creatures mean everything to them; and if it looks like they are in danger, they'll gladly risk their life to protect them, even pitting themselves against close friends. If their summoned creatures are killed, they may experience a mental breakdown.

  • The character becomes obsessed with magically created objects, viewing them as superior to objects of natural origin. Whenever feasible, the character will live in places created by magical spells and eat food created by magic. Any attempts to harm a construct or refuse a magically created gift (even if it's magically created food from someone who's likely to poison them), will be very difficult. The character takes on an artificial appearance, as if her face had been carved out of highly polished wood.

  • The character fails to heal by natural means, but must use magic to effect any healing.

  • The character's skin is always cold to the touch.

  • The character becomes obsessed with fortunes and auguries. Performing any significant act that has not first been approved with an augury is difficult, and it is very difficult to perform any action that goes against an augury.

  • Whenever feasible, the character will live in places enhanced by magical spells and eat food created by magic; they will not use a weapon unless it is enchanted. They are so enamored of enchantments that they cannot bring themselves to cast dispel magic or a counter spell, even to save thyself.

  • Weather in a 1-mile radius around the character is seldom sunny or cheerful. If there's a windstorm, it will intensify around the character's location; if there's a thunderstorm, lightning will repeatedly strike buildings or trees near the character. The character will enjoy stormy weather and become depressed when things are calm and peaceful. People who are incapable of casting (especially evocation) spells are viewed as inferior and treated derisively.

  • Whenever the character casts illusion spells, they also becomes convinced the effects are real. Reminding themselves of the magical nature of their illusions is difficult. If the character has murdered someone, they will be tormented by a "ghost companion" who appears to them (and only them), mocks them, and engages in long, philosophical conversations that encourage them to perform more violent and evil actions. If the character is in a moral crisis, the "ghost" will help them find as many rationalizations for evil behavior as possible. A concerted effort of will dismisses the ghost until the character goes to sleep. This is another form of the Call of Magic, but will take the form of the whispers if the character hasn't killed anyone.

Major Effects

  • The character will become extremely defensive, if not paranoid.

  • They will become reluctant to travel or to perform any action that might be considered dangerous.

  • They will be extremely suspicious of others, and must struggle to make any social contact with others whatsoever.

  • Works created by the caster take on sinister overtones: statues whose eyes track your movements, intelligent weapons that continuously bombard their wielders with bloody thoughts, and the like.

  • The spellcaster becomes insanely possessive over anything they creates; sharing the fruits of their labors is very difficult, and they will always begrudge any such generosity.

  • High-level wizards who reach this point of corruption often attempt to create magical vessels in which to place their souls.

  • The character's flesh becomes rotten and decaying; if they does not receive healing magic, the disfiguration becomes obvious within one day and difficult to stomach within a week.

  • Whenever they see healing magic being used on anybody, but themselves, they find it very difficult not fly into a violent rage of jealousy.

  • Overuse of magic or moments of extreme rage may cause the mage to enter a trance like state where they are completely controlled by magic and cast spells recklessly.

  • The character is completely ruled by auguries, portents and other superstitions. They will not deal with anyone unless they first consulted an augury, not even someone who was a close friend. The character will indulge in bizarre, extreme and even violent behavior if an augury tells them such behavior is required.

  • The character finds that coexisting with creatures that have free will very difficult. Whenever possible, the character will use spells to bring the people around them under their control.

  • A simple difference in opinion is likely to throw the character into a rage. If the character has a serious disagreement with someone, it is very difficult for them not to attack the subject; likewise, anyone who resists or breaks their spells will probably become the target of a vendetta.

  • The character becomes prone toward committing violent acts in stormy weather. When they see fire, even a candle, their instinct will be to spread it around; when they get caught in a storm, they'll venture out into the middle of it. The character will view the peril of those endangered by natural forces, even if magically evoked, as part of the natural order and will not attempt to save them. If their spells cause collateral damage, they will feel no remorse and make no effort to rectify or atone for their actions.

  • The character finds distinguishing between fantasy and reality difficult, and is constantly bedeviled by visions of friends betraying them, conspiring against them, and committing other acts that are prone to provoke a violent (or evil) response.

  • The character now prefers death to life. They sleeps in coffins or surrounded by the undead. They have trouble tolerating living creatures. If they see anyone attacking an undead creature, even if that person is trying to defend them, they finds it very difficult to suppress the urge to defend the undead. The character will look sympathetically upon death cults and seek the secrets that will allow them to transform themselves into a lich.

  • Bizarre growths appear over the character's body, including eye stalks, vestigial hands growing out of the elbow and knees, mouths appearing in the center of the character's stomach, and so forth. Other people see the character as hideous and deformed, but the caster views these changes as vast improvements and is prone to get angry when "insulted".

Spell Casting

The casting of spells often requires the mage to do, say, or use something in order for the spell to work. Spells may require a verbal, somatic, or material component or a magical focus. The player may simply state what the character does, or may embellish with sound effects or gestures to enhance the theatrics of the game. Most rituals require material components, some rituals require foci and many spells and prayers benefit from magical implements.


  • Arcane Circles & Runes: Arcane magic is based upon the principle of manipulating magic directly rather than as many do through words. It’s built around the arcane circles that often look extremely complex and hard to make. People usually think arcane magic is among the hardest form due to its complex nature.

  • Incantation: Many spells require the caster to speak certain words, or in the case of a bard, create music to cast a spell. Being prevented from speaking, by such means as a gag or magical effects that remove sounds, makes it impossible for a caster to cast such a spell. A deafened caster may also fail when casting a spell, by misspeaking, which causes the spell to be expended with no effect.

  • Somatics: Many spells require the caster to make a motion to cast the spell. If the caster is unable to make the correct motion, the spell cannot be cast.

  • Materials: Casting a spell often requires that the caster sacrifice some sort of material component, which is typically has a thematic connection to the spell. Often, these components are of negligible cost (egg shells, sand, a feather, etc.), but spells which allow major bending or breaking of the laws of nature, such as spells to reanimate the dead or grant wishes, require material components costing thousands of gold pieces (precious or semiprecious gems, statuettes, etc.). Spell component pouches are presumed to have a sufficient supply of such components whenever they cast a spell. If a caster is unable to access or use the correct material component, the spell cannot be cast. Costly components are required for most rituals.

  • Focus: Foci fill a similar role to magic weapons, although some may require the user to be able to use magic while others do not. Things such as Rods, Staffs, Totems, Wands, Holy symbols, Orbs, Weapons, and even Musical Instruments cane be used as foci. Focus can be used to teach someone how to use magic, enhance, or simplify the use of magic.

  • Potions: Potions are spells in liquid form, capable of causing a variety of effects, including healing, amnesia, infatuation, transformation, invisibility, and invulnerability. Activating the magic can be as simple as drinking the contents or throwing them at the target, since potions can be used offensively as well. Potion use is often seen as cheap or generic magic, since anyone can use them and make them. Because of this, potion magic is weak and the effects have a time limit.

Magical Mastery

To distinguish a mage's power level, there exist a ranking system. However there is no test or challenge one must meet to rank up, their rank is determined by Thee Ascent. They judge based on skill level, experience, knowledge, and accomplished feats. Because of this, high ranking are often attributed age old mages. Rarely are there magi of young age, but there are a few recorded. But, at the same time, there very old mages who rank lowly.


  1. Mage: Are those with the ability to perform magic, but cannot. Yet the raw energy still courses through their veins, ready to be bent to the users will.

  2. Apprentice: You are just beginning to understand that there are greater forces at work around you. You have learned to see magic – to watch it and understand how it works – but lack the skill to interact with it and shape it to your will.

  3. Initiate: You’ve learned to interact with magic, but only in clumsy and unfocused ways. You manipulate magic through brute force of will, often creating interesting effects but lacking in finesse or precision. Any effect that works through skillful or subtle manipulation of magic is far beyond your abilities.

  4. Disciple: You can now interact with magic with natural ease, creating and controlling magic with a thought. However, you are still limited to the surface level magic and you cannot yet conceive of grand, Master-level effects.

  5. Adept: You’ve begun to plunge deeper into magic, removing barriers in your abilities and in your mind. You’re now easily capable of working your powerful magic on other people, on groups of things, or even on reality itself. There are still some limits for you – although you may have mastered many fundamentals, you still must learn the significance of those uses in the grand scheme of magic.

  6. Master: Very few limits remain for you. You can change the very essence of the things with your magic, achieving effects which are even considered impossible to Mages. With a little preparation, you can do almost anything you can conceive of within your mind. There are still greater levels to strive for, Arch Mage powers you can’t even dream of, but you are still a force to be reckoned with.

  7. Oracle: This is as powerful a mage can be without ascending. But, because of the price one must pay they choose to stay at their current level. This is the only rank one can choose to have. One may even say only two ranks exist, the ascendant and the not.

  8. Ascendant: There comes a point when a Oracle may leave their old preconceptions about magic behind. They transcend through a second awakening, becoming an ascendant and melding with magic itself. The step from Oracle to Ascendant is exceedingly painful, as the mage must discard almost everything they have ever believed in, had faith in, or hoped for. Most Oracles will never reach this level, since they are too bound to their old prejudices or content to play with their new powers without having to pay the price of true understanding. They transcend use of foci and other methods, realizing their full potential over reality. While extremely powerful, they are no longer human beings and can exist outside of the time continuum. With this great power, however, comes additional responsibilities of the same magnitude.

    It is often said that in some mages, those who have ascended are recognized as once-Gods or Awakened Beings that remember what it was like to hold the power of the Arch Mages. The madness of power will drive them over an edge, and wrought with hubris, they will self destruct as the mage has not yet achieved the blending magic, and went through their second awakening to become among the Arch Magi.

    Ascendant cannot explain their understanding to lesser beings. It is simply beyond the potential grasp of a mere human mages mind. If effect, at the level of an Ascendant, the mage has become a god of sorts; or is beginning to awaken into one perhaps to take their place among the Celestine. At this point, most mages will not consider to grasp for more… yet some do…

  9. Arch Mage: Little is know about a mage so powerful. If they’re around, they’re not talking… Arch Mages do not interfere in the lives of those lower. There are speculations on why these powerful beings do not assist with the war, or alter the course of humanity. The Arch Mages have realized that the war is a trivial little affair, as entertainment and training for the lesser mages which they need to test themselves. Many ascendant have become so alien that they simply isn't interested in helping the lesser magi.

    Some say Arch Mages have become so powerful and alien that they no longer can work in static reality anymore. If an Arch Mage would appear in the world, just his perceptions would be so different that he may be destroyed or removed by paradox. Perhaps they can manifest in the world, but not with their full powers. They must manifest in a lesser form.

    Others believe that the Arch Mages are fighting in the war, its just that they fight above the heads of everybody. Their magic is so powerful and subtle, that nobody below their level can even perceive it. They have their own greater foes, equal to their own in the Technocracy… And lastly, the Arch Mages know that if they interfere, they would do even more harm. They must remain inactive to protect reality.

  10. Celstine: Simply put, they are gods.
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Magic Guide

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:51 pm

One of the four types of mages. Wizard's cast magic with the help of a spell book and by reciting incantations inside. They use this as a focus to increase power or decrease preparation time. However, for some this is a necessity instead of a option. It is quite hard to commit incantations to memory, especially the more powerful ones, since they are longer. This task becomes even harder when in the midst of battles. So it is often seen as a sign of weakness to be carrying a spell book.


Wizards cast their spells by using their acquired magical knowledg. In particular, they learn most new spells by seeking out magical writings and copying them into their spellbooks -- A method that allows them to master any number of permissible spells once they find them, assembling a broad and versatile arsenal of power. Many wizards see themselves not only as spell casters but as philosophers, inventors, and scientists, studying a system of natural laws that are for the most part unknown and undiscovered.

Wizards need to rest prior to spell casting. This may be in the form of sleep or meditation. A wizard who refuses to sleep and then goes on a spell casting binge might grow weary - possibly delusional - and may experience many negative health effects.

A weakness of wizards is that they cannot cast an arcane spell that they have not prepared. To minimize this, wizards often develop their problem-solving ability to anticipate which spells may be most useful. One such skill is Quick Casting.

    Quick Cast/Spell Delay: Wizards need to concentrate in order to cast a spell, so this often means preparing a spell ahead of time. So the spell is read, spoken, or memorized up until the trigger. This means the wizard needs only to perform the trigger element of the spell when the need arises to cast it. Wizard can do this with multiple spells, though there are temporal limits for every wizard. And having too many stored is a constant strain on the brain.

So when the need calls for a spell to be cast, wizards will allow their thoughts to retreat back into their consciousness in order to obtain the certain spell. Often it appears that wizards are in trances while they are casting. While there is some credence to that, they are not so much entranced that they cannot recognize the immediate perils surrounding them.

When they find the spell they want, wizards will then complete the trigger sequence. This is the common view of a wizard casting:

  1. Voicing several strange words.
  2. Utilizing some magical component, like tossing pixie dust.
  3. Then, perhaps making some sort of quirky hand movement.
In actuality every part of the sequence must be exact or else the wizard may miscast, misfire, cast an entirely different spell, or cast nothing at all. Less powerful spells can be used without preparation. Such as opening locks, specialized healing, or transportation.


Spell belongs to one of eight groups, called 'schools'. Technically, divine spells belong to schools as well, but the distinction is, for the most part, irrelevant. A few spells are "universal", meaning that they belong to no particular school of magic. Wizards usually only specialize in one school, two at the max. Most typically only pick one since each field takes a lot of time and practice to understand let alone to master.


  1. Transmutation: These are spells that deal with manipulating the composition of objects and the environment around them. In transmutation, the person generally needs to have an understanding of what things are composed of, In order to actually be able to use it, since they generally can’t make one element into another, except those who have truly mastered it. Then they can transmute one element into another, but are of course under strict prohibition of miss using it. Those who practice this are referred to as Transmuter.

  2. Abjuration: Spells that deal with protecting or neutralizing magic. Wizards who practice this, typically have a large knowledge base about other kinds of magic and potions even though they don’t practice it themselves, other than protecting against it. Those who practice Abjuration are called Abjurer.

  3. Conjuration: This school is focused on instantaneous transportation, conjuring manifestations of creatures, energy or objects and object creation. Conjuration is divided into five subschools:
    • Calling: Spells which physically transports extraplanar creatures to the caster, as well as granting them the ability to return to where they were called from.
    • Creation
    • Healing
    • Summoning: Teleporting objects to the caster's location and/or causing creatures to physically manifest at the caster's location.
    • Teleportation: Instantly transporting creatures and/or objects
    Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Conjurer.

  4. Evocation: Spells that deal with manipulating magic and the energies of the nature. Basically manipulating the raw elements, they cannot create physical objects but can deal with fireballs, lightning etc. Evocation wizards are referred to as a Evoker.

  5. Necromancy: Like the name is known for, these are spells that deal in death and life itself. Manipulating the both in order for an attempt to control it, bringing things more or less back to life or take life from things and use the life energy to bring other things to life. A necromancy magician is a Necromancer.

  6. Illusion: Illusion is divided into five subschools:
    • Figment: Creates artificial sensations with no physical substance.
    • Glamer: Alter the target's sensory properties, and can cause invisibility.
    • Pattern: Creates insubstantial images which affect the minds of the viewers; can inflict harm.
    • Phantasm: Creates hallucinations which can be harmful.
    • Shadow: Uses magical shadows to create things with physical substance.

    Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Illusionist.

  7. Divination: Is focused on acquiring information. Divination is divided into two sub-schools: Lesser Divination and Greater Divination, and one subschool: Scrying. Spells within the scrying create invisible magical sensors which provide the caster with information, these sensors can be detected and dispelled. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Diviner.

  8. Enchantment: All Enchantment spells are mind-affecting. Enchantment is divided into two subschools: Compulsion and Charm. Charm spells, affect the targets' attitudes, usually making them act more favorably toward the caster. Compulsion spells can force the targets' to act in a certain way or avoid certain actions, affect the targets' emotions or affect the targets' minds in other ways. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Enchanter.
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Magic Guide

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:59 pm

There are those who seek to master the art of magic, and there are those who seek to master the art of combat. Arcane Warriors seek to master both, with awe-inspiring results. With weapon in hand and magic at his command, foes cower and flee from arcane warriors. They use sustained spells which enhance physical abilities, like speed or strength. While other mages cannot cast spells with swords or weapons in hand, arcane warriors are adept at this. Their weapons sometime even double as their focus.

Arcane Magic

The secret behind the power of a arcane warrior, lies in the name. Arcane. They are able to cast magic and wield weapons because they are trained in the use of arcane arts. On their very bodies, weapons, and armor, arcane warrior draw and embed arcane circles and runes. This allows them to channel their arcane energies into devastating attacks, many of which can destroy legions of enemies. Some Battle-Mages are even powerful enough and use their spells to the extent, that they can single-handedly lay siege to a city. However, arcane warrior's spell repertoire is much more limited than other spell casters, but includes a wider variety of damage dealing spells.

Arcane Spell Casting

Arcane magic is based upon the principle of manipulating mana directly rather than with words. It’s built around the arcane circles that often look extremely complex and hard to make. People usually think arcane magic is among the hardest form due to its complex nature.

    The Circle:
    The arcane circle is the fundament of this sort of magic, without it arcane warriors cannot perform the spell. It is both the strength and the weakness of arcane magic. The circle is often composed of geometrical symbols, triangles, squares, hexagons, n-gons and what not. But the one that is always used for certain is a circle.
    Inside the arcane circle is the ancient arcane rune’s which the actual source of the power is.

    The best way to understand how arcane magic with the circles is to imagine the circle as a circuit. The lines are the current, in this case pure magic. The magic will move through the lines in specific patterns that the person controls with their mind. Since it takes a lot of concentration, it’s often hard to get hang on how to accomplish this at first.
    As the magic gets close to a rune it will suppress or enhance different kinds of magic and once the ratio and amount of magic have reached the desired levels to do the spell in question the spell will be accomplished.

    The runes are what actually enhance or suppress the certain magic types in the movement as mentioned before. There exist about 30 of those and each one will suppress and enhance at least one kind of magic. This doesn’t always follow common logic and they can do this to up to 3 different kinds of magic in either category. The placement of the runes on the circle and the kind is very important to what the circle can perform for kind of magic. Random choice won’t do any good.

    Other than through magical means there is one way to stop arcane users from using their magic and its to ruin the circle. Typically by cutting through it or getting rid if it entirely. Some arcane uses if one cut through them but leave the body part on is capable to quickly compensate it though so its not a perfect method of preventing them to use their magic.
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Magic Guide

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:07 pm

Warlocks are beings who have been given supernatural powers by making a deal with a supernatural being. Some warlocks are even born with these powers and can invoke powerful magic just with an effort of will. This is the result of an ancestors dealings a long time ago. Either way, warlocks gain their powers through a blood pact ritual performed with beings known as Eldritch.


A warlock does not prepare or cast spells as other wielders of magic do. Instead, they possess a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities known as invocations that require them to focus the wild energy that suffuses their soul. A warlock can use any invocation they knows at will. Invocations come in four power levels: Least, Lesser, Greater, and Grand. There are three categories of invocations as well:

  • Blast Shape Invocations: Which modify the range and area of effect of the Eldritch Blast.
  • Essence Invocations: Which grant effects or modify the damage type of the Eldritch Blast.
  • General Invocations: Which provide utility abilities such as Flight and Invisibility.

One innate magical ability all warlocks have, is called: Eldritch Blast- A damaging ray-like ability. The damage for this attack, increases as the warlock grows. Though limited, a warlock still has a variety of abilities. A warlock's powers are developed from the being they make the pact with. So whether they are good or evil, controlled fire or ice; it is all taken into consideration. Warlocks also have other minor, non-invocation abilities as they progress in level: energy resistance, inhumanly tough skin, and unnaturally fast healing.

The Eldritch

Simply put, The Eldritch are an otherworldly being that are able to enter our world via a contract with a mage. Only a bond with a mage can give them physicality there. They originally hail from many other realms; some of them have command of spheres all their own. They also come in many flavors which reflect the sheer variation in worlds.

The connection with a mage is fruitful to both parties. The Eldritch can feed off its partner to bolster its own abilities. The ultimate boost is to gain dominion over a soul. Mages seldom understand the weight of their own souls, and even those that do may be tempted by all The Eldritch can offer them. Not all The Eldritch choose this route, but many aren't unafraid to bargain for one. Still, prices vary. Some ask to feed off their beneficiary’s life force, energy, magic, emotions, et cetera. Others are more creative with their terms. Occasionally, if a Warlock is very lucky, the price is almost negligible. There are a handful of The Eldritch who are merely bored or unhappy with their otherworldly lives. A few are even driven from their homes by banishment or fear, necessitating a quick connection at any cost.

Most mages don’t know that The Eldritch exist. In fact, the God King saw that all knowledge of them be destroyed or kept in his library. The Eldritch initially communicated the secrets of summoning to a small portion of mages via dreams, and some continue to contact mages this way. Other mages have had the knowledge of how to summon passed onto them by others. In any case, its practice is highly secretive. The Eldritch themselves do not wish to be discovered; mages are a dangerous combination of curious and exploitative, so they tend to feel it’s in their best interests to go unnoticed. Thus, The Eldritch who come to Earth should have an ability that lets them go among others unnoticed. Whether it’s a human form, a glamour that causes them to appear human, invisibility, or something else depends on the The Eldritch.


There are two parts to summoning The Eldritch: the ritual and the blood pact. Both vary depending on The Eldritch and what the mage can offer. This type of summoning is different from the type wizards perform. Wizards summon creatures of limited intelligence and usually for brief periods of time. Warlocks summon beings of great intellect and skill, and the being stays until their objectives are meant, no matter how long it may take. You could say it is the difference of servant and soldier.

The Ritual

There is no set ritual to summon The Eldritch. Every ritual ritual varies, some might require certain materials, a sacrifice, specific incantation; it all depends on The Eldritch. To even gain knowledge of the ritual, requires a meeting with The Eldritch themselves. But, there is no building to go to, no form to fill out. The Eldritch chose who they want to receive the knowledge of their ritual, it is then up to the mage what to do with the knowledge.

In the days of old, before the God King, there were other ways to summon The Eldritch. Some families had their own personal guardians, and passed the ritual down through the family. Even some villages and towns were known to have Eldritch protectors, so chosen villagers were told of how to summon them. Other than having the knowledge passed down, there are two other ways:

    The Calling: Using the skills of Diviners, some wizards are able to make contact with The Eldritch. It is then up to The Eldritch to answer the call or not. The method is usually quite successful as you can keep trying, eventually you will get an answer. However finding a diviner with enough skill is the hard part -- The better the diviner, the greater the call.

    The Whispering: The most ancient of ways is known as The Whispering. The Eldritch can contact mages through their dreams, telling them how to summon them and what they can give them. The Eldritch chose the mage based on their skills and magical mastery, or even their personality and desires. Mages have no control over this, they must simply wait. Many spend years waiting to be contacted, and never do. Obsessing over dreams, even paying other mages to tell them of their dreams. As of late, those receiving The Whisper have been highs and lows. With Abaddon being free, a lot of Eldritch fear him or don't want to fall under his rule. Though there are those who seek to destroy him.

The Blood Pact

The seal to the ritual is known as the blood pact. It is a list of rules, orders, commands, that each party must follow. It is basically the terms upon which the deal was struck. Some are very simple. "You lend me your power and I give you my soul." Other are more unique, "Help me regain my wife's love, in return you are free to roam the world until my soul expires." Like the ritual, the blood pact depends on what the pairing desires; it is a negotiation that seals the bond between them. The most common deal is The Eldritch service for the mages soul.

    Souls: Are a highly concentrated form of magical energy, but they cannot be tapped into. Because they are imprinted with the essence of the body they have remained in. At death, the bodies essence would fade and the soul’s energy would naturally dissipate. However, if The Eldritch has contracted a soul, they can consume the soul. Thus strengthening their own power. Additionally, they can convert the soul into a spiritual being, using the body as a sort of familiar.

Below is a blood pact form that all Eldritch use and mages sign. Through the ages, it has been simplified to fill-in-the-blanks. There are other forms, but they are worded in complicated ways, used to trick mages into giving more than they think. Any respectable mage will have the knowledge to request the standard blood pact. For it to officially be complete both parties must sign in their name in blood, thus forming an unbreakable magical seal.

(The Eldrich's Name) Blood Pact Contract

The Eldritch's full name and proper title, henceforth referred to as The Eldritch's Name or Nickname, and The Mage's Full Name, of the country Mage's Home Country of Earth, henceforth referred to as Mage's Name or Nickname, set forth their contract as follows:

The Service:

The Eldritch's Name or Nickname shall lend the full force of the powers of his person to the objectives defined and stated by Mage's Name or Nickname and detailed in this Contract, as follows:

    Imprimis, Objective 1 - What the Mage Wants The Eldritch To Do

    Secundus, Objective 2 - What the Mage Wants The Eldritch To Do

    Tertius, Objective 3 - What the Mage Wants The Eldritch To Do

    Quartus, Objective 4 - What the Mage Wants The Eldritch To Do

    Quintus, Objective 5 - What the Mage Wants The Eldritch To Do

The Reward:

In return, Mage's Name or Nickname shall What The Edlritch Gets In Return


  • Condition 1

  • Condition 2

  • Condition 3
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Magic Guide

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:13 pm

An Alchemist is one of the many remarkable individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than mages, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy. So not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.


Alchemy is the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy. This act is known as Transmutation and its sequence is usually described as:

  1. Comprehension: Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within.

  2. Deconstruction: Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form.

  3. Reconstruction: Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape.

The proper application of this craft requires not only a full understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical theory, but also a sort of natural talent towards recognizing and manipulating the physical objects with energy, which require uncommon levels of intelligence and aptitude. Those remarkable individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy are known as "Alchemists".

There are many paths by which alchemists can transmute the various substances of the world, with some alchemists being said to transmute by way of the Four Classical Elements (Water, Earth, Fire and Air) and some by way of the Three Essential Principles (Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury), but the basic tenet at the very foundation of all alchemy is that of Equivalent Exchange.

Equivalent Exchange

The mystical practice of alchemy to create objects out of raw matter or turn one object into another is widely believed to be capable of anything - indeed alchemy is often viewed as magical or miraculous by those unfamiliar with the craft - but it is a science and as such is subject to certain laws and limitations, all of which fall under the concept of Equivalent Exchange. In order to obtain or create something, something of equal value must be lost or destroyed.

In standard practice, Equivalent Exchange is separated into two parts:

    The Law of Conservation of Mass: States that energy and matter can neither be created from nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental nonexistence. In other words, to create an object weighing one kilogram, at least one kilogram of material is necessary and destroying an object weighing one kilogram would reduce it to a set of parts, the sum of which would weigh one kilogram.

    The Law of Natural Providence States that an object or material made of a particular substance or element can only be transmuted into another object with the same basic makeup and properties of that initial material. In other words, an object or material made mostly of water can only be transmuted into another object with the attributes of water.

Since the alchemical forces being manipulated are not human in origin, but of the world as a whole, the consequences for attempting to bypass the Law of Equivalent Exchange in transmutation are not merely failure and cessation. When too much is attempted out of too little, what occurs is called a Rebound, in which the alchemical forces that are thrown out of balance on either side of the equation fluctuate wildly of their own accord in order to stabilize themselves - taking or giving more than was intended in often unpredictable and catastrophic ways such as accidental mutation, serious injury or death.

Transmutation Circle

In order to begin an alchemical transmutation, a symbol called a Transmutation Circle is necessary. A Transmutation Circle can either be drawn on the spot when a transmutation is necessary (in chalk, pencil, ink, paint, blood or even traced in dirt) or permanently etched or inscribed beforehand, but without it, transmutation is generally impossible. All Transmutation Circles are made up of two parts:

    The Outside: The circle itself is a conduit which focuses and dictates the flow of power, tapping into the energies that already exist within the earth and matter. It represents the cyclical flow of the world's energies and phenomena and turns that power to manipulable ends.

    The Inside: In the circle are specific alchemical runes. These runes vary widely based on ancient alchemical studies, texts and experimentation, but correspond to a different form of energy, allowing the energy that is focused within the circle to be released in the way most conducive to the alchemist's desired effect. In basic alchemy, these runes will often take the form of triangles (which, when positioned differently, can represent the elements of either water, earth, fire or air), but will often be composed of varying polygons built from different triangles. For example: the hexagram is a commonly used base rune in Transmutation Circles because it creates eight multi-directional triangles when inscribed and can therefore represent all four classical elements at once. Other, more esoteric runes (including astrological symbols, symbolic images and varying lines of text) are prevalent and represent a multitude of other, specific functions for the alchemical energy that is released.

Transmutation Array
A Transmutation Array is similar to a transmutation circle in that it is used to circulate the energy used in a transmutation. However, unlike a transmutation circle, the runes are not confined to the circumference of the circle and may use the circle only as a small aspect of their function. In some instances, a transmutation array may not even be a circle at all using different concepts to bring about the circulation or release of the energies involved. Transmutation arrays are often found as full body tattoos on alchemists due to the shape of the body. It is also possible that the non-cyclical nature of transmutation arrays amplifies the 'destruction' stage of alchemy. These are often utilized in Combat Alchemy.

Humanoid Transmutation

Unfortunately, these experiments have given birth to a dark and sinister side of alchemy. Whether out of despair, malice, or inquisitive hubris, several alchemists have been known to attempt the application of transmutation to bodies and souls, in essence, playing god with lives. But, just as the Law of Equivalent Exchange applies to the transmutation of non-living matter, devastating rebounds can occur in Humanoid Transmutation because lives and souls are priceless according to the flow of the world.

Attempts to bring deceased beings back to life are the most common practice to be called Humanoid Transmutation. Using various experimental theories and methods, many alchemists have endeavored to resurrect dead loved ones, but such pursuits are always failures, forbidden by the flow of the universe and alchemy itself.

It has been determined that resurrective Humanoid Transmutation is impossible because a soul that has left the mortal coil has passed on into the afterlife and can never be called back. The attempt will cause a rebound due to both the inherent lack of any particular substance able to match a soul in value and the fact that the initiated transmutation is reaching for an unattainable goal. Of the known attempted Humanoid Transmutations, the rebound has been the "taking" of parts of the initiator's body.

Soul Binding
Another terrible form of Humanoid Transmutation is the manipulation of souls. Though appearing on no official records, there have been experiments involving the extraction of souls from bodies and the alchemical binding of said souls to inanimate objects usually by way of a rune drawn in blood on the object itself. The most common object has been metal armor, it is said that the iron in the blood bonds alchemically with the iron in the object and the blood itself remains bound to the soul of the person from which it was taken.

The Blood Runes themselves differ based on the theories and style of whatever alchemist performed the binding. However they all depict a spark or flame (presumably signifying a soul) hemmed in by other symbols in a blood-drawn Transmutation Circle that suggests a soul trapped within a container. In essence, these souls exist in the mortal plane without their bodies, are able to manipulate the objects to which they are bound and communicate verbally with beings around them but, of course, there are caveats. These souls cannot feel pain or die by conventional means since the "bodies" they now inhabit are not mortal

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