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A Song of Ice and Fire

ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

a part of “A Song of Ice and Fire”, a fictional universe by Jacopo.

[ALWAYS ACCEPTING] In a medieval world of adventure and treachery, your loyalty is to your House...and no one else. In a game to win the Iron Throne, to what measures will the families of the Seven Kingdoms stoop? (Based off the series)

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “A Song of Ice and Fire”.
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[OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jacopo on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:00 pm

This is the thread where you'll put up your character's relationships with other characters...this will probably be edited a lot throughout the RP, but it's a nice reference point. If you have a character theme song, put that put as well!

Lionel Damian


House Damian:

Henry Damian
Platonic: I hate him. I don't know why we're related, and I want as little to do with him as possible.
Thoughts: He isn't a father. I don't know what he is, but father doesn't describe it. Tyrant, maybe? Mad king? Too far, seeing as he's having some success running the country, but whatever. He can't force me to do what he wants forever. One of these days he might just wake up with a knife in his head.

Morgana Damian
Platonic: I suppose for the sake of a good reputation I should pretend I care about her.
Thoughts: She's almost as annoying as Father. I don't know why she even bothers to speak to me; it's obvious she likes Raban and Adelaide better. Sometimes I wonder if she's actually my mother at all...but I wish she'd just let me alone. I wish both of them would just leave me alone.

Adelaide Damian
Platonic: I would save her from a burning building. But only if the fire were very small and if I were in a good mood.
Thoughts: She's slightly less stupid than the rest of them. She actually has a pretty good head on her shoulders- pity she's a girl, or I could just let her run the country in my stead. She has useful qualities that I might be able to take advantage of, although I should probably marry her off before she becomes too much of a threat. But I probably wouldn't do that. She's someone I can talk to. I like having her around. Even if only a little. I need to keep an eye on her and Kervall Winsler. This could turn out to be advantageous.

Raban Damian
Platonic: I'd leave him in the burning building.
Thoughts: He's as annoying as fuck. I didn't ask for a little brother, so why do I have to be bothered with him? And either way, it's obvious he likes Adelaide more. I mean, alright, he was cute as a kid, but he'd just start crying whenever I walked into the room. And then Adelaide would come in, and he'd shut up. It's like he's another version of Mother or something....why do people love Adelaide better anyways? Whatever, kid, you hate me, I can hate you too. He's useful now, though, since I've swung him to my side.

House Greyhardt:

Isabel Greyhardt
Platonic: I really couldn't care less whether she lives or dies.
Romantic: Um, no thank you.
Thoughts: Is she beautiful? Yes. Does that mean I'm interested? Hell no. She's always smiling...why is she always smiling? I don't understand her. I can't find anything in common with her. I really don't want to marry her...maybe if she just stays quiet and stays in a corner, I won't mind too much.

Leliana Greyhardt
Romantic: It blows my mind to say this, but I think want to marry her.
Thoughts: The lewd jokes are a little over the top, but at least she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind. I appreciate it when she does; she's brilliant, although I can't fathom the meaning some of the things she says- not to say that I'm not willing to learn. She's good-looking too, although not in a traditional sense. She's the first person who's actually seen me for who I am, not who I ought to be or who she thinks I am. Even knowing what kind of person I am, she doesn't seem to mind. She seems to desire freedom just as much as I do; even talking to her is like an escape from court life. Too bad this can't last.

LeoXLeli Song:

Richard Greyhardt
Platonic: I hate that guy.
Thoughts: Something tells me that he opposes my marriage to his sister. Well, I oppose it too, but things might be different for the other sister...he's a decent person, from an objective view, although the fact that he thinks he can defeat me in a melee is a bit ridiculous.

Birgitte Greyhardt
Platonic: None so far.
Thoughts: None so far.

Nathaniel Greyhardt
Platonic: Father's told me over and over again that I need to stay on good terms with him. I suppose I will.
Thoughts: He's a competent man, to be sure, but a bit humorless in my opinion. His support is something that I'll need; Winterfell and Pike are extremely strategic military holdings.

House Winsler:

Lord Winsler
Platonic: I'd kill him if nobody was looking.
Thoughts: The old man makes me want to laugh. He's such a delusional idiot, I'm surprised one of his sons hasn't tried to off him already.

Kervall Winsler
Platonic: Irritating just because of his existence.
Thoughts: He's got his eye on my sister, doesn't he? That's interesting...I wouldn't mind marrying Adelaide off to a Winsler, maybe that'll put a stop to their bloody complaining. Although if it comes to it, that relationship is something I'll exploit...perhaps taking Adelaide hostage wouldn't be a bad idea...

Jamie Winsler
Platonic: This guy needs to die as soon as possible.
Thoughts: Jamie Winsler is the scum of the earth. He's an overconfident, idiotic hothead who fashions himself the "Dragon" as if he's really that powerful. I can't wait to knock him into the ground. Maybe I'll "accidentally" take his head off. He seems awfully smug about something as of late...I really need to watch my back.

Teralo Winsler
Platonic: Annoying as fuck.
Thoughts: He's even more pathetic than his twin is. No strength, no stamina, no muscles, probably can't even lift a sword for all I know...


Dante Nevarra
Platonic: This guy annoys me.
Thoughts: He claims he's a bodyguard for all three of us, but I know better. Mother hired him to protect Adelaide and Raban from me. Granted, it's fun pretending like I'm going to kill them, but her worries are truly misplaced...if I wanted to kill those two, I'd get someone else to do it for me.Still, it's not like he'd be much good in stopping me. From what it seems, all he's good at is whoring around.

Nasrin Cavendish
Platonic: I hate her.
Thoughts: I've never met such a useless lady-in-waiting. Mother fainted, and she just stood there like some lackwit, flirting with the bodyguard. She thinks she's so clever and scornful, but it's really just too pathetic.

Nuala Hawkseye
Platonic: Neutral, really.
Thoughts: That wildling woman creeps me out. Let's hope she's at least decent in a fight.
Last edited by Jacopo on Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derek Smith on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:53 pm

Jamie Winsler

Jamie's Theme song- Papa Roach: I devise my own demise

Lord Winsler
Platonic: He is my Lord Father and that is all the relationship I care to claim from him.
Thoughts: There was a time when you commanded my respect and obedience Father but that time has passed us by in the winds of this war. I am sorry for doing what had to be done but I will not let you destroy House Winsler in open warfare.
Kervall Winsler
Platonic: You where my Brother once, we laughed together,we learned together, you were always there for me and Teralo. But you are now my enemy.
Thoughts: Why did you so meekly agree, you betrayed us for some Damian whore. You are dead to me Brother, if you value your life never show your face again.

Teralo Winsler
Platonic: We entered this world together and as such our bond is undeniable, but sometimes I do wonder. A smarter person you'll never find even if you lived to be 1000 years though.
Thoughts: Teralo is no warrior and his spirit is wanting sometimes. His intelligence is astounding though, never have I met it's equal and I've been to Oldtown. This however only makes me question his true loyalties, for he desires nothing but peace it seems. Am I the only one who remembers why our mother is longer with us. His loyal companion, a girl called Emaya, is proof positive that not all his Winsler backbone is soft though. It is a well known tale and I won't go into it here.


King Damian
Platonic: I will one day plunge my blade through his heart and laugh in his face for what his House has done to mine.
Thoughts: I know it was his hand that sent the assassin after both my mother and Teralo. And for the death of my mother he'll pay with the worst death imaginable, I'll make him scream for mercy before it's over. His House I will raze to the ground so that even it's very memory is erased from this land. When I am old the name Damian will be lost even to the gods themselves.

Prince Lionel Damian
Platonic: The Prince will die for profaning my mother's memory
Thoughts: Lionel, we will meet again one day. Armed with real swords and you will die the death of the beast you are. I will make you scream for the mercy I will deny you. I will break you physically,mentally, and spiritually before I grant you the slowest death imaginable. Your own father will die a quicker death then you.

Queen Damian
Platonic: She is a Damian whore, enough said.
Romantic: I'd sooner bed a real whore, at least I would be getting my money's worth.
Thoughts: I rejoice in her death, she played part and parcel with the plans that led to my mother's death. It is only fitting she died at the sword. I only regret it was not my blade.

Raban Damian
Platonic: Damian he may be but he is still a child...He is still a Damian though.
Thoughts: I can't look past his Damian blood, but I know this I will soil my honor when I have to kill him.

Adelaide Damian
Platonic: You had best stay far away bitch.
Romantic: She is a Damian, and thus a whore. At least she looks better then her mother.
Thoughts: You are the reason my brother fell, you just couldn't keep your legs closed could you? I will run my blade through your black and rotten heart for your crimes if I ever see you again.

Nuala Hawkseye
Platonic: I do not know if she is aware of my feelings for her or if she feels the same but I feel them nonetheless.
Romantic: Her savage grace still entrances me despite it all. I can no more ignore it then the tides do the moon.
Thoughts: She knows of honor and justice. I wish I could claim the same, do I even know of the virtues she embodies.


Dante Nevarra
Platonic: He is a Dornishman, other then that he is a stranger to me
Thoughts: If that bloody sun crazed idiot thinks a couple of throwing knives are going to take me down the fool has another thing coming.

Necessary Deaths

Nathanial Greyhardt
Platonic: The man is an old wolf, and has some sense of honor. A Winsler never forgets though.
Thoughts: I'll grant him the quick death a beast deserves. But a Shepard feels no empathy towards the wolf that killed his sheep.

Leliana Greyhardt
Platonic: She is a caged wolf, and it is apparent the iron born blood of the Greyhardts runs strong and free in her veins. Still she is a wolf and I am the Shepard.
Romantic: I'll admit she is also beautiful and bold, a good combination in a woman. But I can't see past the Greyhardt name.
Thoughts: So you've thrown in your lot with Lionel, you know how that will end. That man will never sit the Iron throne. He is a beast and nothing more. If you stand beside him you will suffer the same fate.

Birgitte Greyhardt
Platonic: She seems like a fuss pot to me but otherwise I really don't have an opinion beyond her Greyhardt name.
Romantic: The woman is old enough to be my grandmother with a stretch of the imagination.
Thoughts: I'll make sure she and her husband enter hell together.

Isabel Greyhardt
Platonic: I kind of feel sorry for you wench, abandon the day before your wedding. Still your a Greyhardt.
Romantic: I was under the impression Isabel was suppose to be beautiful. She is ill built for childbirth, skinny as a beggar, and looks uglier then her sister.
Thoughts: I think it would be a blessing if I killed her, but she is still a woman....Damn my sense of honor.

Richard Greyhardt
Platonic: The man is suppose to be a fine swordsman, which helps with having to kill him.
Thoughts I hope he is good with a blade, He'll need it when I come to Winterfell to fulfill the first part of my oath.
Last edited by Derek Smith on Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:45 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nanase on Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:48 pm

Teralo Winsler

Teralo's Theme Song - A Day to Remember: Have Faith in Me

Lord Winsler
Platonic: *sigh* He is my father and I must respect him for at least that much. Still, he is a crack-brained old fool who will wind up dead with a knife in him one day. He does not respect me at all.
Thoughts: I hate him, sometimes I have even thought of doing the deed of killing him myself. I never will but he is already half insane and one day I fear he will simply lose it. Worse yet I fear for Emaya. He is always muttering about her and how improper it is, while he has never openly threatened her, he has come close to it a few times and I know he has thought it. I will not let him harm her and if he tries I will kill him.

Kervall Winsler
Platonic: There is not a better brother asked for. He respects me for who I am and at least tries to understand me.
Thoughts: He is a good person, a good night and an excellent politician. He will make a great leader one day and a very good Lord. I further respect him for not trying to start a war with house Damain. He may not like them but he works in the interests of our family and the land. A great man.

Jamie Winsler
Platonic: He is my twin, though we are nothing alike I can not help but feel a connection to him, even if at times he can be...head strong to say the least.
Thoughts: I fear there is hardly a scholastic bone in his body. Jamie was born to be a soldier and that is exactly what he has come. Even more then that he is an excellent leader and though he is too stubborn and quick for his own good, I believe he does want to do what is best in his heart. I do wish he would stop badgering me about my studies though. The one thing I can not forgive him for though is his incessant need to destroy House Domain. I know what they have done to use but it is not in our best interests to start a war. We must open dialogue, not draw weapons.
Last edited by Nanase on Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby aesir on Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:54 am

Kervall Winsler

Lord Benjamin Winsler
Platonic: Poor father. I spent a great deal of my life trying to understand him, and due to that, I still care for him, regardless of his sanity.
Thoughts: I cannot help but feel bad for the man. He took Mother's death to heart and it ruined him. Under that madness, however, is still a competent ruler. When the advisers and I can coax him into spending his energies on more constructive uses, he reminds me of the truly great Lord of our House. He taught me everything he knew about leadership, and I hold him as the example to surpass when it is my turn. I strive to make him proud.

Jamie Winsler
Platonic: I do not think he knows, but I am very glad he is my brother, and my ally.
Thoughts: While it is true that he usually thinks with his sword, sometimes that is exactly what you need. I count myself lucky that he is a Winsler - I would hate to face him on the battlefield. I know what he enjoys, and when I am Lord, I will put him to good use and try to keep him happy. Truth be told I hold a small amount of jealousy for him, the way he can fight without guilt or worry. But instead of focusing on that, I will employ him to be my right arm - where I am weak, he is strong, and I have every intention of letting him take our family as high as it can go.

Teralo Winsler
Platonic: Ah, Teralo. He is a kind soul and a kindred spirit in many ways. I may have to place a great deal of trust in him very soon, and I hope he is ready for it.
Thoughts: Where Jamie's path in life is clear, Teralo's is in question. Of course he will be a sage and scholar for our House, as I wouldn't dare squander the mind the gods gave him, but part of me worries that he will become hermetical and weak. If I can, I would endeavour to funnel his studies into something useful for House Winsler. That being said, however, I would be more content if he were a hermit and happy, than working tirelessly for me and unhappy. That girl he drags around with her... She is sweet, but I am unsure if I approve of their relationship, as it is one of those things which could be easily exploited as weakness. For now, we will see. I have set aside a modest monetary stipend for Teralo's personal guards to ensure they protect her life as well as they protect his.

House Damian
King Henry Damian
Platonic: I am unsure of his true intentions, and therefore I am wary of our tentative, if civil communication. He is a Damian, and the man who killed my Mother, but I will try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Gods, I will try.
Thoughts: So far, our communication has served to benefit us both, regardless of what the remainder of what my House thinks. I am quite aware that he has no reason to trust me, and I him, however if I can glean any amount of information or assistance that will make House Winsler stronger, I will wrest it from the mouth of a dragon itself.

Queen Morgana Damian
Platonic: I have scarcely met the woman, and we have not truly spoken to each other, though I fear she hates me for finding her daughter most bewitching.
Thoughts: She is a cunning queen, from everything I have learned of her. I am thankful, however, for the hospitality she has extended to us, regardless of our name.

Lionel Damian
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: Stubborn, brazen, rash, violent. Thank the Seven that Teralo is Jamie's twin and not this one. While I am sometimes successful in calming Jamie from anger, I do not own Lionel's trust and probably never will. I fear the only way to neutralize this threat is to let him and Jamie cancel each other out, so to speak. I truly wish it will not come to bloodshed, but I doubt this will be so.

Adelaide Damian
Platonic: I found it near impossible tear my gaze from her the first time I laid it upon her. We have shared precious little time together, but that evening I already covet dearly.
Romantic: There is, perhaps, a spark between us, I daresay. The attention we showed each other that night made it clear to both of us, I think. It may not exactly be a good idea, but...
Thoughts: I have heard she can be quite clever, but due to her gender and her birthright, she will probably be married off to some vapid lordling on behalf of some minor political agenda. Just the thought of that makes me angry. To waste her gifts would be an absolute travesty. Er, I'm talking about her mind, of course. I have heard she has tried to become active in court, but to no avail.

Raban Damian
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: He seems a genial young man, and from what I have heard has much ambition and potential. He is truly one whose future is open to possibilities. And he is not quite as hard-headed as Lionel. Perhaps I can get on his good side. I think we have a bit in common.

House Greyhardt
Isabel Greyhardt
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: The girl seems content to play her role as the noble lady. I have no idea what her real intentions or thoughts may be, but I have bigger problems to worry about, currently.

Leliana Greyhardt
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: Bat-shit crazy. This is not, necessarily, a bad thing, however. And now, she seems to have the attention of the Crown Prince? How intriguing.

Richard Greyhardt
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: I know very little about him. He seems to own no sense of humour whatsoever, but has proved himself quite the capable warrior.

Birgitte Greyhardt
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: Not the sharp icicle of a matron as is the Queen, though she still seems to command the respect and attention of her family. I respect her, for that.

Nathaniel Greyhardt
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: None so far.

Dante Nevarra
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: Rumour is he has been hired to protect Adelaide and Raban from the rages of Lionel. What Adelaide herself has told me might confirm this suspicion. As for the man himself, I know nothing other than he seemed very keen on flirting with one of the ladies-in-waiting instead of watching over his charges. Especially since I was able to steal one of them away for a while without his apparent knowledge.

Nasrin Cavendish
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: None so far.

Nuala Hawkseye
Platonic: No relationship yet.
Thoughts: None so far.
Last edited by aesir on Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KrazyTigger on Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:41 am

Adelaide Damian

Henry Damian
Platonic: I neither hate nor love my father, but I do crave his attention.
Thoughts: Our father has never been...well a father to us. The most important thing to him is the crown and keeping a firm hold onto it. I only wish that he would listen to be instead of Lionel, or indeed listen to me at all. But he would never take advice from a woman. It will be his downfall.

Morgana Damian
Platonic: I care for her, but I also want to rebel against her as well.
Thoughts: She cares too much for etiquette and not enough about who we are. She would rather see us presented well, even if we do not want to be there. I care for her, as she is kinder towards Raban and I than father is most of the time. But she too is wrapped up in the duty of being Queen.

Lionel Damian
Platonic: Spoilt, childish, immature brat. But somehow, I still love him, even only a little.
Thoughts: Lionel is a reflection of our father, even if he doesn't like to admit it and rebels so hard against it. He has a temper much like father and they even look similar. When we were little, he terrorised us somewaht awfully, but he is clever and I hope that he will change things - with my help of course. Although I would gladly like to hit him sometimes, I would rather see him King than father, rather than myself.

Raban Damian
Platonic: I love Raban with all of my heart and would do anything to protect him, even if that meant standing up to Lionel in one of his stresses.
Thoughts: Raban is such a gentle, sweet boy. Ever since he was born, I have loved him and will continue to do so without question. I do all I can to protect him from Lionel and I must admit, he does like me a lot more, but then who doesn't? It's Lionel's temper is his downfall. Though I do wish Raban would stand up for himself a little more when it comes to Lionel, after all, I am a woman of the court and it is not often Lionel listens to me.

Lord Winsler
Platonic: He frightens me somewhat...
Romanic What a horrifying thought...
Thoughts: I can see why my father fears this man. He is fairly frightening-looking at least. I, myself, would not like to be on his wrong side...Oh wait, I already am.

Kervall Winsler
Platonic: On appearances, Kervall seems nice and a true gentleman. But time will tell if he truly is like the rest of his family.
Romantic My heart skips a beat just thinking of him. I think that is enough said...
Thoughts: He listened. He listened and helped. I could not have asked for more from him. In my eyes, he has proved himself beyond any other Winsler that I have met. Those eyes hold so much that I long for, so much that I can only, for the moment, wish for.

Jamie Winsler
Platonic: Foolish, childish, brat-like...Much like Lionel then.
Romantic A horrible thought if you ask me...
Thoughts: So much like Lionel it is unbelievable. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were separated at birth. He is also wrapped up in revenge and fighting and things of the sort. They are both fools.

I will add more and edit later, but I had to rush off!
Last edited by KrazyTigger on Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Amaranta on Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:46 pm

Updating this! Will be filled out very soon! Don't worry.

Leliana Greyhardt

Theme Song - "The Patterns of Amber" by Heather Alexander


Isabel Greyhardt
Platonic: Isabel's my little sister - I believe we are quite close, yes. We are rather good friends and able to make jests at one another. She matters a lot to me and I would do anything to help her if she ever needed aid.
Thoughts: I am an idiot, I'll admit to that, but I cannot help but feel jealous of her. For once I think I actually found someone who does not mind my bouts of craziness, and he's due to be marrying my sister. But I'll admit that I would make a terrible Queen anyways, I know I would.

Richard Greyhardt
Platonic: Baby brother! Well, alright, he's not a baby, but he's still a year younger. I like our good-natured archery competitions, sometimes I win and sometimes he does. Truly, I adore all my siblings and I wouldnā€™t hesitate to jump to Richardā€™s defense if anything happened.
Thoughts: I will be cheering him on in the tourney in the loudest and most obnoxious manner possible. It makes me proud to be his older sister when I see him fighting. At times I wish I could fight with a sword too, but I could never get the hang of it.

Birgitte Greyhardt
Platonic: I love my mother and I am glad that she is always there and willing to listen. I know that I can go to her with any of my troubles.
Thoughts: I think I hate her right now. How could she do something like this to me? I...I would rather die. I know I overstepped the boundary and I do not regret what I did, but forbidding me from hunting and sailing...threatening to confine me to Winterfell once we returned and have a guard follow me about, it's too much. I will go mad. I will go raving mad.

Nathanial Greyhardt
Platonic: My father and I have a good relationship, though I am not sure how long his patience with my gallivanting will last. He is the man who taught me how to sail and hunt.
Thoughts: He supports mother's idea, I know he does. I don't think I can handle this.

Quincel Greyhardt
Platonic: My uncle is a quiet man and a wonderful sailor - I learned a lot from him about sailing and I am always glad for his company.
Thoughts: I have no idea if I will see him again, what with all that Lionel and I had gotten ourselves into.


King Henry Damian
Platonic: He's the King. Can't say much here.
Thoughts: I am wearing my polite clothing and doing my best to not walk like a man. That should be enough for any King to be content, right? I wonder what sort of father-in-law he'd make for Isabel...

Queen Morgana Damian
Platonic: I have a feeling that she does not like me much at all, and I am under-exaggerating when I say this.
Thoughts: I am wearing my polite clothing and doing my best to not walk like a man. That should be enough for any Queen to be content, right? Why does she always look like there is something particularly smelly under her nose? I should ask someone about that... I hope she poisons me before my mother gets her wish of caging me.

Lionel Damian
Romantic: By the Drowned God, I think I really like him. He kissed me...and I kissed back. I am an idiot, because this would never work out.
Thoughts: Well, for once he's very handsome, but that's not the first thing I usually pay attention to. He's very good company as well and knows how to take a joke well. I'm not entirely surprised that he is unstable in anger. With all the pressure the Crown must put atop his shoulders, it makes a lot of sense to me. I wish I could take him out sailing and show him what it feels like not to have a care in the world, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Adelaide Damian
Platonic: I am more or less neutral towards her at this point. Can't really say much else.
Thoughts: None so far.

Raban Damian
Platonic: I am more or less neutral towards him at this point. Can't really say much else.
Thoughts: None so far.


Jamie Winsler
Platonic: I am more or less neutral towards him at this point. Can't really say much else.
Thoughts: Where did he get enough gold to be able to present such fine gifts to House Damian? Gods, that bow! Jamie Winsler certainly has good taste in weaponry, I'll give him that much.

Kervall Winsler
Platonic: I am more or less neutral towards him at this point. Can't really say much else.
Thoughts: None so far.

Teralo Winsler
Platonic: I am more or less neutral towards him at this point. Can't really say much else.
Thoughts: None so far.

Lord Winsler
Platonic: I am more or less neutral towards him at this point. Can't really say much else.
Thoughts: That whole thing between the Damians and the Winslers coupled with the fact that one of his sons just gave a fortune's worth in gifts must be rubbing Lord Winsler in the wrong way. Awkward.


Dante Nevarra
Platonic: I don't know him well enough to have an opinion.
Thoughts: None so far.

Nuala Hawkseye
Platonic: I don't know her well enough to have an opinion.
Thoughts: None so far.

Morgana Damian - STATUS: DECEASED
Last edited by Amaranta on Sun May 01, 2011 12:25 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Erev Lace on Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:18 am

Henry Damian

Morgana Damian
Thoughts: "No woman could compare to Morrie. She was as sharp as she was beautiful; a finely crafted blade."

Lionel Damian
Thoughts: "He is my son and I cannot hate him, were I to even want such."

Adelaide Damian
Thoughts: "She is her mother's daughter. Now that Morgana has gone, I find it harder to refuse her wishes."

Raban Damian
Thoughts: "He will be a fine man and, dare I say it, better suited to the crown than Lionel. There is a pureness about him, something clean and wholesome, that I cannot place."

Nathaniel Greyhardt
Thoughts: "A man who wishes to avoid conflict is a ready friend. I trust Lord Greyhardt as far as I can offer that security."

Birgitte Greyhardt
Thoughts: "A woman of good heart and sound mind."

Leliana Greyhardt
Thoughts: "May the whore burn. Morgana's death stemmed from her seduction of Lionel."

Isabel Greyhardt
Thoughts: "She has all the appearance of a lovely, empty-headed noblewoman."

Richard Greyhardt
Thoughts: "I expect Greyhardt to become even less of a threat with his accession."

Benjamin Winsler
Thoughts: "An idiot. It's hard to believe I once thought the man a threat."

Kervall Winsler
Thoughts: Perhaps he is the key to bringing the House of Winsler closer to us? Or perhaps he is, like a snake, wishing to draw close to bite."

Jamie Winsler
Thoughts: "What would I compare him to? A little thunder cloud which makes much wind, but cannot rain ... yet is still capable of a lightning strike were you not careful."

Teralo Winsler
Thoughts: "A womanish, fragile creature. Feh!"

Jane Strake
Thoughts: "A tall, plain wallflower with a herd of sisters. I'd thought of marrying one of them to Raban."

Nasrin Cavendish
Thoughts: "Who? Oh, yes, the heir to Cavendish. I do not pay the court ladies much attention ... though I suppose I should this one, since she will lead her father's house."

Dante Nevarra
Thoughts: "I'll have him killed in the future. Perhaps I'll send him against Lionel."

Nuala Hawkseye
Thoughts: "A strange, feral looking woman from the far north ... I like to think of her as an exotic little decoration."

Jane Strake

Morgana Damian
Thoughts: "She was a fierce, lovely creature."

Lionel Damian
Thoughts: "Well, he's not someone I'd like to spend an evening with."

Adelaide Damian
Thoughts: "Poor thing. Of all the men she could have fallen for, why Kervall? Even if the King could accept the union, Lord Winsler and Jamie will not."

Raban Damian
Thoughts: "I have never had a conversation with the boy, but I hear of him as gentle and kind of heart. Strange to hear of a Damian spoken of as such. To be honest, I would rather him as King than any of the Winsler men ... a thought I would not speak."

Nathaniel Greyhardt
Thoughts: "I cannot loathe him as the Winslers are wont to do. There are too many things about him, in both appearance and manner, that bring my father to mind."

Birgitte Greyhardt
Thoughts: "I cannot imagine how she has handled the fortunes of her daughters."

Leliana Greyhardt
Thoughts: "Foolish, foolish woman. How could she turn her back on her family, on her sister, in such a manner?"

Isabel Greyhardt
Thoughts: "You've no bribe that would make me exchange lots with her. I suppose there is something a bit more humuliating than never being betrothed - being publicly spurned for your own sister, with the King's approval. Merciful heavens."

Richard Greyhardt
Thoughts: "Mmm? I've never met the man, but ... well, isn't he afraid of pigs? Ha! I cannot feel much mirth; look at me, unable to feel at ease around a simple horse!"

Benjamin Winsler
Thoughts: "Ah, my poor, dear Lord Winsler. 'Tis like a grandfather to me. I've known him all my life; swore fealty to him; accepted his guidance when my parents died. If only Lady Winsler had not died, he would not be the way that he is now. I look after him. More and more often, it seems his sons are too busy for the task. Or too careless. Old, stubborn and bitter ... it seems the world makes so many of us that way."

Kervall Winsler
Thoughts: "Lord Winsler refuses to believe that he's besotted with Princess Adelaide. He swings between thinking he's a hostage (correct, I believe) and thinking that he has begun an elaborate plot to spy on and endear himself to the Damians .... oh, I cannot remember the details. They're always different. I've always been fond of Kervall."

Jamie Winsler
Thoughts: "I worry about him. I've known Jamie since I was a child. As I recall, I embroidered a little coat my mother had sewn for him to wear after he was born. He's wild and passionate and reckless; the perfect sort of man to run into a battle and get himself killed."

Teralo Winsler
Thoughts: "I sympathize with Teralo ... we're made of the same stuff, he and I, in part."

Nasrin Cavendish
Thoughts: "Who? Cavendish? Aren't they sworn to Damian?"

Dante Nevarra
Thoughts: "The man who blinded the Prince. I once knew a man named Dante ... 'tis been years since I last saw him."

Nuala Hawkseye
Thoughts: "The wild woman I saw about the Queen? I wonder how different of a life she leads from mine."

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Erev Lace
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Re: [OOC] ASOIAF Character Thought Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby yuri-chan1018 on Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:29 pm

Nasrin Cavendish

Family (minor npc):

Lord Sancried Cavendish
Platonic - God, I hate his guts. I wish he were dead.
Thoughts - He took me from my mother and forced me to live at court like a little doll. I hate him for abandoning me from the beginning...I hate him for using my mother and throwing her away. I hate him for chaining me to this place. I will never forgive him.

Lady Delia Cavendish
Platonic - My step-mother that is officially my mother on documents. She despises me for being alive while all her babes died.
Thoughts - She's told me once when I was young that I look too much like my "whore mother." That I was just a bastard child--but in truth, I don't want to be the heir. Weep for your dead babes, but I am alive. Blame your husband.

Platonic - I miss her very much. I can only hope that Father sends gold to her like he promised. How is she faring...?
Thoughts - Mother, are you thinking of me? Do you still remember how we used to sing together? I miss you. I love you. I wish I could be at your side... Are you going to be okay? I am worried about you. If only I could see you.


King Henry Damian
Platonic - He's the King. A snotty, royal King who thinks he is the most powerful being on the world.
Thoughts ā€“ Apparently he wished for war. I bet he didnā€™t think his wife would be murdered by his son.

Queen Morgana Damian
Platonic - The Queen who happens to be the bitchest woman I have met in my life. Unfortunately, I'm her lady-in-waiting.
Thoughts ā€“ I think I almost admired her in her last moment. But then again, sheā€™s dead.

Prince Lionel Damian
Platonic - The worst of them all. He's a bitter and spoilt person, and grateful for nothing. But then he's royalty--no surprise there.
Thoughts ā€“ Well, heā€™s a bastard like I am. He killed Queen Morgana and ran away with that wolf-girl Leliana. Wrong sisterā€”but hell, do I care?

Princess Adelaide Damian

Platonic - The Princess who is of course, a pain, for she is the princess, but she doesn't irritate me as much as Lionel. Sheā€™s actually quite alrightā€¦I suppose.
Thoughts ā€“ Sheā€™s pulling through quite well after her motherā€™s death. Sheā€™s betrothed to Kervall Winsler and is learning to fight. But I think she might break her neck before being able to fight anyone.

Prince Raban Damian
Platonic - One of the three royal brats. Not as bratty as Lionel, though.
Thoughts ā€“ Now heā€™s the heir-in-line, and only twelve at that. I think he misses his mother. I miss my mother too, princeling.


Nathanial Greyhardt
Platonic: The father that never knew about what his eldest daughter would do.
Thoughts: I donā€™t hold much sympathy for nobles, but he was manipulated.

Birgitte Greyhardt
Platonic: She seems to be a nice sort of lady, for a noble.
Thoughts: She looked like she was being torn apart when her daughter betrayed their family and her little sister.

Leliana Greyhardt
Platonic: The elder daughter that took off with royal brat number one.
Thoughts: Wonder what was in that mind of hers when she betrayed her sisterā€¦nobles.

Richard Greyhardt
Platonic: The other sibling of the two sisters of Greyhardt.
Thoughts: None so far.

Isabel Greyhardt
Platonic: The little pretty thing that got passed over for her older sister. But then, why would you ever want to marry Lionel?
Thoughts: She looked so lost when her sister ran away.


Jamie Winsler
Platonic: No present opinion.
Thoughts: None so far.

Kervall Winsler
Platonic: The dolt that fell in love with royal princess.
Thoughts: Itā€™s kind of obvious heā€™s more hostage than fiancĆ©, no?

Teralo Winsler
Platonic: No present opinion.
Thoughts: None so far.

Lord Winsler
Platonic: No present opinion.
Thoughts: None so far.


Dante Nevarra
Platonic: The womanizing guard whose head I would bash in with a pan if given a chance.
Thoughts: I hate flirts. I hate womanizers. This man is both to a horrid extent. He should be killed for the safety of women. And he can be so lewd.
ā€¦But he can be kind too.

Nuala Hawkseye
Platonic: Sheā€™sā€¦a Wildling woman.
Thoughts: I wonder where she went? I havenā€™t seen her after the day Queen Morgana was killed.

Sirena Dā€™Airelle


King Henry Damian
Platonic - Emotional but rather stupid. He loves his son, obviously.
Thoughts ā€“ Perhaps I am underestimating him, but his emotions get the better of him when it comes to his son. Didnā€™t he kill his wife?

Queen Morgana Damian
Platonic ā€“ Apparently the recently deceased queen.
Thoughts ā€“ N/A

Prince Lionel Damian
Platonic ā€“ The Bastard King. One-Eye. Handsome, but too commanding for my taste. Heā€™d be a good fuck, though.
Thoughts ā€“ I actually am enjoying my time at here right now. So what if he sent us hoping to get us killed? This place has nice weapons.

Princess Adelaide Damian

Platonic ā€“ N/A
Thoughts ā€“ N/A

Prince Raban Damian
Platonic ā€“ The princeling that One-Eye wants us to kill.
Thoughts ā€“ Heā€™s only a child, but heā€™s sharp and smart. No wonder One-Eye wants him dead.


Nathanial Greyhardt
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A

Birgitte Greyhardt
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A

Leliana Greyhardt
Platonic: The She-Wolf. One-Eyeā€™s little lover, yes?
Thoughts: Sheā€™s not too bad, in my opinion. I like a strong woman; if it was a different circumstance, we might have been friends.

Richard Greyhardt
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A

Isabel Greyhardt
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A


Jamie Winsler
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A

Kervall Winsler
Platonic: That drunk idiot Ammon had his way with. I find it hilarious, no joke.
Thoughts: Is it weird if I donā€™t mind if Ammon sleeps with someone else? I really donā€™tā€¦ Itā€™s not even like weā€™re committed to each other.

Teralo Winsler
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A

Lord Winsler
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A


Dante Nevarra
Platonic: N/A
Thoughts: N/A

Ammon Rhys
Platonic: My favorite and closest bed-mate, as well as sort of a partner-in-crime. With him, things are always exciting. Nothingā€™s ever boring.
Thoughts: Now that heā€™s gone off to have some fun, Iā€™m going to take the same advice and have some fun of my own. Oh, the things I could do!

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