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The Heritage of Cy'Rell

Cy'Rell - Political - (1285 P.C)

a part of “The Heritage of Cy'Rell”, a fictional universe by CausaMortis.

[Looking For Players] A persistent fantasy world(with map) which is under constant threat by dark murderous creatures attacking the borders. Cy'Rell counts a great range of races and hosts several RP's playing at once.

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “The Heritage of Cy'Rell”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

Cy'Rell - Political - (1285 P.C)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CausaMortis on Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:14 am

Characters have to be members of the senate.
Characters can be of any race, but keep the lore in mind.
Characters are not allowed to have a magical persuasion talent.

Assassination attempts are part of the game, just don’t get caught doing them or be the victim of one; lobbying, bribes and blackmail are also common influences. All of these are against the law, so if you are caught: Straight to jail, you don’t pass start, you don’t receive 20k.

Senate Council meets once a (story) week. So prepare for your meeting till then.
GM's will govern the time transgression and play the NPC’s where needed.

The Story
You all are members of the Senate in Omperus, there to represent your organization, company, union, city or province. The goal is to gain whatever you desire to gain in the world of politics. This can be influence, power, magic, money, ideals and/or dreams.

Main issues
  • Tension has increased in the Senate ever since the amount of Twilight breed bashing into Nippolian walls has increased almost tenfold. The province is holding strongly, but they’ll need more supplies and soldiers over time. As such one of the topics will be recruitement. (Normally every Cy’Rell citizen sends their 3rd daughter/son to be trained at the border.)
  • There is also the ever going discussion on the mining rights over the mountains in the south west of Cy’Rell. The mountains are currently split between Tulban and Hellenia, but some of Hellenian mines have drilled their way across the border. The groups in conflict are The Stone Society of Tulban and The Hellenian Miners Group, both desire their case to be favored. Each group only has one representative in the Senate however, as such they’ll have to garner favor among other Senate members.
  • Silver prices have increased due to a possible cartel that is buying up all Seelenfrei silver. It is effecting silver trade all across Cy’Rell. The Seelenfrei themselves have no interest in the matter, they have been selling their silver work for the same price for centuries and do not care what happens to it after the original sale. Silver sellers and silver workers who are reliant on the export of Seelenfrei silver however are affected, they have send in a representative to the senate to garner support and an inquiry into the matter. The cartel also has representatives in the senate.
  • The damage done 40 years ago to the Lithenan side of Hellenia due what now has been named the ‘quest crisis’ (great amount of extra taxes had been claimed, regularly by force, to finance the quest campaigns of the king) has left many farmers short of hands and too poor for proper tools so they can keep up with their competition. The Lithenan king has asked for support through subsidies to level the playing field. (This is a Senate matter because government favoritism to own import and export would bring conflict in Cy’Rell. There are no border taxes or subsidies taken or given without the consent of the Senate.)
  • The Red Mage Guilds’ representative came to express their problem of declining amount of talented mages. Their guilds’ size and wealth of magic has almost lost half of its stature in the last few centuries. They come to ask the Senate if they can get financial aid to organize a Cy’Rell broad talent hunt. To find for hidden potential and great skill among those who can’t come to the universities in Omperus.
  • Lastly, a minor movement among the Senate have been led by the senator Quintus Kalogiani who aims reinstate discriminatory laws against Delorian and Godians. Considering them lesser humans and Twilight conspirators. Proclaiming they’d destroy the land from within and would join hands with the Twilight breed the very second they push past the Nippolian force.
  • Both the Delorian and the Godians only have a single representative among the Senate but they do have garnished quite some support against Quintus. Yet the constantly increasing threat of Twilight breed at the borders have scared many common man into believing in Quintus’ words.

Political Climate per Province.

  • Tulban
    ImageTulbanian politics is ruled by a strong elite who are devided in clans. A clan exists out of several noble houses and each clan has a Clanlord. Clanlords are appointed by votes of the houses in the clan, but general tradition is to vote on those closest in line to the Khan and/or strongest in political influence(due power/money/force/family members).
    ImageNext to the clans there is the High Council, every noble house is allowed to attend this council high placed noble houses are obligated to attend. The High Council is lead by a Warlord, who is in charge of the joined military of all these noblemen; the Warlord is elected by vote through the High Council, general tradition counts here as well, normally one of the lords of the mightiest/ancient five houses is elected.
    ImageIncidentally each of the five houses belongs to a different clan, which often allows quick shifts in the balance of influence by each party. Currently the Khac’Dish house rules, with Jadi Khac’Dish as Warlord. She has been known for eliminating competing houses with great slyness. (openly assassination is forbidden, but if there are no witnesses and your competition somehow got his throat cut or gets ambushed by bandits... it would earn you praise for handling it well.)
    ImageThe Warlord exists as a balancing force to that of the Kahn, who possesses his own army with the equal size of that of the joined houses. Both Kahn and Warlord rule in unity and often are known to make the decisions together, but tradition does require the Warlord to show humility to the Kahn and his oldest son.
  • Hellenia
    ImageThe province is a Kingdom ruled by two kings; King Perimus from Lithena governs the southwest of Hellenia, King Derran from Deria governs the northeast of Hellenia. Both have their own counselors, advisors and noble court. Yet the Hellenian military is joined under one general who advises both Kings, who together make the final decisions on military missions. Consensus is a must or no military efforts will be made. King Perimus is a very paranoid man, in the past his favorite daughter had been poisoned with a gift, while Perimus in his naive youth had been poisoned by words of a corrupted advisor. Both were causes for the ‘quest crisis’ which had famished the country of men and grain. Ever since Perimus would take extreme measures to ensure the safety of his children and the loyalty of his subjects. Making him a difficult man to work with.
    ImageKing Derran on the other hand is a very kind man, favorable in his gestures and loved by his people. A king who has supported Perimus through his hardships and seems to have become the only man the paranoid King trusts.
    ` ImageNoble houses in Hellenia often specialize in large vineyards or other profitable agriculture. Lithena however owns a great deal of merchant nobles who married or bought their way into noble houses. They thrive on the trade made over sea with Omperus, Deria and the many other polis on the coasts of the Centru Sea. As well as the Lithena’s monopoly on transporting by the river Lith, which runs all the way to the Malanian Ocean where trade can be opened with the mines on the mountains in the west, Tulban’s river cities and finally the Malania Isles.
    ImageGenerally nobles only use political favor for expanding, since they are always in search for more vertileland; the Lithena traders however would look for any kind of deal which would make them rich beyond imagination.
  • Grauenland
    ImageGrauenland outside of the Seelenfrei reich consist out of feudal states which all live under the divinity of Faith Holder Sarren, who rules the Seelenfrei Reich from inside of Reichstadt(the hidden city in the woods.) Generally the feudal lords have little knowledge of Faith Holder Sarren’s location, but they do have a priest reminding them constantly of what the Faith expects from them. Feudal lords closer to the border of Hellenia have been known to ignore these preachings when it would favor them in a deal or so. Any who broke the Cy’Rell peace, there were a few lords who had tried thinking they’d could win some extra land, however would find himself quickly punished by “God’s wrath”. In some cases this had been plagues purging the feudal lords home, in others the families were found drained of blood.
    ImageEither way, lords in Grauenland knew which rules they could cross and which they could not. As long they would, they could enjoy the luxury of their trade in Seelenfrei silver and horses. both much desired across Cy’Rell.
  • Nippolia
    ImageA country very unlike others. There are no real noblemen in Nippolia, for there is no royal blood or king to succeed. A country very focussed talents and admiration one earned among your fellow men. The hierarchy is especially strong, promotions are dealt out based on achievements and every Daimyo ruled his fortress according the laws the Nippolian Warlord handed out. Currently Warlord Shikiru has held his position for several decades. Voted as most efficient and strategic grand among the Daimyo he’d been reinstated twenty-three times already.
    Every city not connected to a fortress is ruled by a governmental administration which reports to the Daimyo closest to the city.
    ImageTrade and production are all streamlined for efficiency and many production facilities are part of a Daimyo’s influence. All trade earnings are reported and can be used by the Warlord to be spend for any extra necessary resources in their war effort against the Twilight breed.
    ImageDaimyo’s don’t desire for luxury or wealth, they are all soldiers of origin. Each of them has been on the frontline, each of them knows the costs. As such the only political desires Daimyo’s have is increasing their war effort. More soldiers, more weapons, more victories; all for the silent prayer that the war might finally end some day.
  • Malania Isles
    ImageMalanians are greedy and ruthless in their politics. Murder is as common to their politics as breathing is to you. They strongly believe any bad luck or illness upon you is something you deserved according their gods. Even if that bad luck includes them cutting the throats of your family in exchange for some extra political footing.
    ImageThey also excel trading, especially by sea. They are also the only remaining authority who trade in slaves. Even though sales are still good, Malanians find the trade embargo against slave trade ridiculous and will consistently find ways to get the topic discussed in the Senate. Hoping for any chance on getting their foothold on slave trade on the mainland.
Imehal: Pest.
me: :3 Me? I am innocence incarnate. v_v
Imehal: Oh yeah.
Imehal: Lemme just prop that halo on your horns for you.

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Re: Cy'Rell - Political - (1285 P.C)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CausaMortis on Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:41 pm

I am looking for at least 4 extra players before I take of with this.

Tip jar: the author of this post has received 0.00 INK in return for their work.

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