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Xhiana: Impurity Of The Rose

World Information

a part of “Xhiana: Impurity Of The Rose”, a fictional universe by Zetsuna.

Eastern Fantasy RP located in the fictional world of Xhiana. The world has faced so much only to survive for a civil war. Rebels have began to rise and plot and our unlikely group of adventurers seem to be swept into the conflict.

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Xhiana: Impurity Of The Rose”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

World Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zetsuna on Sun May 18, 2014 12:05 am


General Information
First I would like to say that while reading this information, I would like you to keep in mind that some of this knowledge is “Player Knowledge” thus meaning your character will not know that or this. Do keep in mind where your character lives and how your character lives. If you're the traveling merchant, you may have many encounters and experiences with lore and whats going on but this doesn't mean you know EVERYTHING, especially when it comes to clans and ancient lore. If you're from a small village that doesn't interract a lot with the cities then you may know less of what is happening in the outside world. Etc. etc.

So the world as I said is high eastern fantasy. Technology is minimal steam age and thats only for Airships and cities. There are guns in this RP (Pistols and Rifles of classic styles) but do not think they will be op. In fact do remember it is Eastern fantasized with a little bit of a anime feel to it. Characters can react to your shots fired and you wont always hit. If you were to put an excellent Swordsman to a shot, there is a slim chance he could split the bullet in half.

On the map, do realize every Inch = 100 mi. (I'll be adding that soon to the map)

Language information -Common is what we'll call it in the world but in truth it is quite complex but mostly think as you have seen a good mixture between Traditional Chinese and Japanese. You'll come across many names that are mixed in.

About Major Cities

Yu (Imperial City) –
Yu is the imperial city that sits upon the mountains in the middle of the mainlands of Xhiana. It is well known that the Empire's castle rest's here. Currently it is lead by the very first female ruler, Empress Xhianju with a firm and dark grasp. The city is the largest city among Xhiana and with that is known to also be the trade city. Many merchants, traders, and brokers come here. Many political affairs and events are present upon this city as well. Clan's main bases that reside here are all the non-ninjutsu clans excluding the Cike and Holy Order.

Inside the city, you may notice a heavy dim increase in steam technology compared to the other areas. Like all cities it does its best to keep its traditional look. During the day it can be quite busy and loud with the steam pipes of the city going and the noise caused by its civilians it adds up but at night after the equivalent of midnight, it is different. Although you can hear the ambiance of the steam machines, rarely anyone is on the streets.

Sabaku (Desert City in the West)
Sabaku is one of the port city's that deals with imports from the northern region of Xhiana. Naturally, this city is hotter then the others but at the same time they're the ones who watch the desert region. Due to their trades and business between ports, they're close, if not true allies with Hǎi shānqū. The current mayor is Lon Haru. Technology is at the minimal. The usage of steam is minimal compared to Yu and the other nations. In truth they are the "True" Fisherman's of the land and because they do not need to use a lot, they have have invested much into their military division and craftsmanship. They in fact, have the best gunsmiths in the nations.

Píngyuán (Plains city of the South)
Although it is a major city, it has a bit of space. The city is built upon a giant hill that just ascends and with the space on the hill they're a city that focuses on farming and livestock. Their military division has the minimal assigned units but its mainly to protect the farms from the wild. Citizens here are often farmers and it should be noted that there are many festivals held in the area as well. Unfortunately in recent years the beastmen have been rising around the plains which has caused a big issue recent years. Due to a lot of outporting from this city, it has a good relationship with all the cities. It is mayored by Isshin Tao.

Mori (Eastern City Of the Woods)
Mori is a city among the foresting border. The city is built in the center of the mountain pass and on the border of the plains and forest. The city uses minimal steam for wildlife preservation, the guards are often known as "Forest Keepers" because they watch and protect the forest from the wildlife that may attack. They also look over the mountains pass to Yu. They do in fact have a good relationship with Yu for there imports and Pingyuan for their trades. In addition, with a mutual respect and understanding they are good allies with Hǎi shānqū. Interestingly this city is ran by Shino Aika, a female.

Hǎi shānqū (Mountaineous Port City Of the North)
Hǎi shānqū is built beyond the northern mountain. This city is a steam technical city as well as the grand port city of Xhiana. They actually hold a lot of power especially when it comes to foreign affairs of the world. With being a steam driven city, they actually hold the world's finest gunsmiths and not only that but are the creators of the Steam Airship which is currently in prototype and a steamboat which travels often from Hai Shanqu and Sabaku. It should be known that like many other towns there are a of a ton of merchants, especially being one of the high port cities. They're heavily aligned with Yu and some claim Hai Shanqi to be just another extention of Yu Empire although they operate under Mayor "Yánshí Aku"

About Villages/Towns

About Shrines

Although, this information could sit directly under "Shinseina", this is specifically for the public knowledge and culture.

There are six shrines among the Xhiana, every shrine is done very similar to each other excluding the Shinseita Palace. Which is located in the hill-like plains of the East. Every templed shrine is tended by Shinseita's students/Acolytes, a priestess and guards (Although none of them look dangerous and conceal their weapons also, no regular would know that). It should be known that for the clan, it is a small academy. The priestess for the most part have the last say in what happens at that shrines.

About Clans

Clans – Since the clan wars, there are only but five known (Player knowledge) and others are less significant and don't hold near as much power nor do much to want to stand out from societies.

Moshu –
Mostly a family Chi Users styles. They often govern the laws among the Chi that is allowed to be used in the world and look into the lore of Magic deeper then most. Excluding light magic for it is done slightly different. Currently the head of the clan is known as “Azuma Torik”.

Dà fǎshī (Sorceror) - Sang Oragami

Cike –
A family of the Assassins styles. They aren't too known in political power but they are known for their contracts. No one truly knows who leads them and often no one knows who is with them unless revealed during mission (When they have to) and even then, they are killed. Although some are spared yet its very likely no one would reveal the information unless they had a death wish. It is unfortunate that most kill themselves if they're capture to conceal the clan's secrecy.

Shinseina –
A family of what seem to be Priest and Monks. They are known to be the actual high light magic users of the area. All the land's temples are strictly ran by them and if one wishes to join them they are trained among the temple for many years. It is said that the light magic isn't learned until two years after joining.

Jokyōkō (High Priestess): Shizuka Naido

Heishi –
Samurai's, Soldier styles. Mercenaries for the most part, they're a guild mainly used as a militia or what you might call the trump card. This guild is primarily for those of the best. They collect one of every type they need and leave it at that and with this group, they act as the Continent's peacekeepers although they act under the Empire directly. Currently there is only six among them, depending on where you are from (And skill in lore) you may know them.

Unknown Leader

Cuòjué -
Ninja Clan of Illusion

Shiryoku -
Ninja Clan of Sight

Feruru -
Ninja Clan of Touch

Shengyin -
Ninja Clan of Sound

Senjutsu -
Ninja Clan of Old Tactics.

About Magic/Ninjutsu

Lets start off with the elements first because almost all types of magic in this world revolves around elements. As using magic isn't just a thing that happens. Usually it comes down to learning how to control your Chi and this could be used for every Magic type including Ninjutsu/Bardism in this world. Once that is learned you go to the basics. With magic, you have to chant the words of the spell and as every word is said, the glyph below the caster glows brighter and once the words are complete. The spell will be done and casted.

Magic – Magic in this universe is not to be taken lightly. All magic is known as Chi. There are many schools, derivations and styles that fall under this category. In addition, It takes time to develop and harness the talent (As well as the attribute).

Beginner – 5 months of studying/training.(Magic 10)
Weak – 1 - 2 years of training/studying (Magic 15)
Decent – 4 years Of practicing (Magic 20)
Average Mage – 8 years of practicing (Magic 25)
Wizard – 16 years of practicing (Magic 30)
Sage – 32 years of practicing (Magic 35)

This is of course merely an explanation as to how long it may take yet with a good detailed history and such. I may be convinced. Now for the different types of magic. We have our six basics

Light (Pure)– The ability to use spiritual light (Holy) magic, these are often only seen/used by Monks of temples or the major cities. Occassionally, you can run into a few people who know this art but most likely that is because it was passed down or they in some point trained at the temples. In addition, they claim this type of magic to be blessed by the diety but its unknown. The Magic College does indeed teach the basics but agreed not to teach anything further then “Weak” level. To master light, not only do you need a decent magic stat but you'll also need Spirit too.

Beginner – 5 months of studying/training.(Magic 10/15 Spirit)
Weak – 1 - 2 years of training/studying (Magic 15/20 Spriit)
Decent – 4 years Of practicing (Magic 20/25 Spirit)
Average Acolyte – 8 years of practicing (Magic 25/30 Spirit)
Priest – 16 years of practicing (Magic 30/ 35 Spirit)
Bishop – 32 years of practicing (Magic 35 / 40 Spirit)

When it comes to casting Light magic, it is done by your spirit and a known (Or unknown) deity. Some magic requires prayer as other is like natural magic and just a position and words said.

Dark (Impure) – A power that is claimed by only those with darkness. It indeed the most powerful of the six but it also is the most costly. Training can nearly kill the user itself and quickly possess them. This Chi has been banned for over fifty years. Minor cults have been seen to practice this types but are often arrested or they die out by killing themselves.

Earth, Wind, Water, Fire – straight forward that they're the mostly seen magics used in different ways.


Ninjutsu – This can only be used by those of a clan. Strictly, depending on the clan will be their type of Ninjutsu. Do NOT think of Naruto, these skills will mostly be tied down to senses and illusion.

For Ninjutsu, it all comes down handsigns and concentration of what needs to be done. In addition, tools are needed for certain things to work but this is all dependant upon the Rper. Like if a Ninja who dimmed sounds was to use a Jutsu. Instead of just using the spell, they planned it out. They were able to first string out lines among the ground and walls that weren't able to be seen. As soon as the target walked into the barrier, every step and sound that was heard stopped because the tool used was a secret string that absorbed all vibrations and sound frequencies.

Bards and Songs

Beast Mastery

There are some whom can speak beastial tongue and can communicate with the wild life. When this is selected the person should state what animal could be spoken to. Beastmastery can definitely be used with natural Animal Training. It makes things a lot easier, however some beast are just stubborn or hate humans. There are no true spells casted like Chi Wizards or Priest its a natural passive ability given in many forms.

For spell trees/types. I will say every five “Magic” gives you a slot for another spell slot.

Do keep in mind how much you have learned before creating abilities with the elements. I will be looking for balance since I'm letting you have this freedom. The format for spells/abilities is.

Code: Select all
[b]Ability Name[/b]
[b]Type:[/b]Active or Passive (No spells are passive)
[b]Spell:[/b] Yes or No (Remember Ninjutsu are spells in this world)
[b]Type:[/b] If yes, what type / sub-type (like Ninjutsu - Illusions)
Description – Be sure to be specific and know how to balance characters this is something  I will be looking over before accepting your character.


Bears, Wolves, Tigers, Deer and a few other normal wild life are in Xhiana. Those are the primary hostiles out there though.

Dragons – Only five dragon's left (Rumored)
Dragons ruled the skies in the past but after the plaguemaster appeared. An unknown disappearance came upon them, It is rumored that five dragons at different times flew across Xhiana.



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