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Synchronicity: Paradise of Lights and Shadows


a part of “Synchronicity: Paradise of Lights and Shadows”, a fictional universe by Soulies.

Join this young traveler on his treacherous journey to save his twin sister from the Dragon Keeper and dethrone the tyrant the people of Anatolí call their queen.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soulies on Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:28 am

This is where you'll post individual magic abilities,
For now I require general information, strengths, and weakness of the magic (plus which character will recieve this power)
Ill either approve or not ^^ Thank you!


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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mathew Littlepaw on Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:31 am

Phantom Sire:

Magical Strengths:
Dn'Eric's people, the Wyrn-Skinners as they are called by Southerners, carry barely any magical abilities. Dn'Eric is no acceptation to this. Magic is not something that flows through his people's blood, they are magic -sensitive- They can feel the pretense of magic, but are unable to control it in any way greater than summoning a fire to stay warm.

Magical Weaknesses:
Eric has no obvious magical weakness... but that does not mean magic does not effect him. The Phantom Cowl, the armor the Eric wears, gives him a level of magical resistance -like most animal hides do- but that level just better than the protection one would get from a thick oxe-hide.

The Phantom Cowl, being made up of almost full Wyrn-leather, does carry two magical properties, one of which is wasted because of Erics inability to cast magic. The Wyrn skin is practically fire-proof. Against the scales of the armor, fire is neutralized like the armor was made of water. Only the strongest of heats can burn through the armor. But, under the scales, the inside of the armor actually conducts fire magic. Meaning that fire used -on- it is useless, but fire casted -in- it will be amplified. Also, when in cold weather, the inside of the armor retains heat rather well, meaning Eric does not have to carry another change of clothes for cold weather.

His bow, a Wyrnn-Fire Longbow has one signature magical property. Being made of a Wyrnn-bone core wrapped with scales of the same beast, with its made of the tenons of its tail, it is -completely- fire proof. There exists no fire hot enough that can destroy the bow.

Eric possesses one "Magical" ability. The Flare-Blood Shot. But this magic does not come from him directly, it comes from the magical proprieties of his armor (his gloves in particular) the bow, and Wyrn-Blood Arrows. A Blood Arrow, once taken out of its quiver, instantly lights on fire. This fire burns so hot it can be felt all the way through the armor. Once locked to the string on the bow, it begins to burn even hotter. When fired, the arrow blazes like the inferno of the sun, lighting up a winter night sky like a forest fire. As it sticks into its target, it reaches the apex of its power. The arrow exploded, shooting the inferno of Wyrn blood in every direction, which burns hot as magma. While this attack is powerful, it carries 3 downsides... See character sheet for more information!

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MadGypsy on Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:23 pm

First thing's first. Mind magic encompasses everything from Illusion to dream and everything between. Mind magic has many forms. A simple example of this is an illusion versus a hallucination. Where an illusion would be seen by any and could be proved as being unreal, a hallucination feels real; for all intents and purposes it is real to it's target and is most commonly used on a single target basis. That is just two aspects of this kind of magic, keep in mind this kind of magic is incredibly dangerous in untrained hands. A novice could easily consume themselves in their own paradise. Another more long term side effect to this magic is shards. As time goes on a mind mage usually takes a fragment of their subconsciousness and gives it form, this process is often done without the mage even meaning to. Imagine this shard as another being living inside of your head, capable of showing up whenever it so pleases; you can hear it, see it, and if it so wishes it can attempt to take your body. Needless to say there aren't many untrained Mind Mages and those who are trained should be feared.
A Mind mage is most often seen as a master of manipulation. Imagine seeing your one true fear, barreling down the hallway at you, or chasing you at night, sewing the seeds of despair and doubt. Whatever you fear can be used against you, and when you're against a mind mage your thoughts are always against you. When it comes to a one on one fight you had best pray your will is strong. Then again, a practitioners ability is always determined by their creativity and raw talent. In addition to their capacity for misdirection a Mind Mage often develops a mental ability, such as telekinesis. Though a mind mage so often has control, they have no control over what ability develops and when it does it's often a very specific ability. For instance a mage may have developed telekinesis, but he/she can only project shields. In addition these abilities only manifest after years of training.
A primary ability all mind mages learn is how to sift through the many minds around them and search. This ability gives them accurate information considering they read the thoughts of their target. However this can only be done when the mage enters a trance like state of focus and leaves them completely vulnerable, in addition the process is known to take more time in an environment of higher population such as a city; for that reason a mind mage often uses meditation as a last resort.
And now we get to the cost of such ethereal magic. The cost to this magic, as strong as it can be is slight, but multiplies as the intensity of the spell increases. It's relatively easy to generate false copies, but to create one or two Phantasms (images capable of interacting with the world) takes a large amount of focus and energy. The way power works with a mind mage is this: For every illusion a mind mage makes they give it a part of their energy and shape it, the more complicated the shape the more energy it requires, also it's cost is determined by it's ability. A simple image without sound would take almost no energy for a trained mage, whereas a full copy capable of harming someone would take a large portion. Keep in mind the mage can always take the energy back(but never all of it), thus keeping themselves useful and ready for any situation. Pardon me for the wall of text, I can go on forever about this stuff.
This is the school of magic Asani Kosovani dedicated his life to for seven years.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nightblazer on Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:10 pm

Well, I'm probably talking out of turn since my character isn't accepted, but I suppose I'll try elaborating more on my magic. Just because I should probably do it on this thread rather than the main OOC.

First of all, I'll spoil what I have planned: My character is named Durbe, and if the GM thinks I'm up to it, he will be the Prince of Occidens. Like I've stated before, he has tattoos which grant him special abilities. The tattoos can be etched on anyone possessing magic abilities, and allows them to use that magic in different ways based on the shapes drawn by those tattoos. It's basically like automatically gaining the ability to use a skill that you would normally have to learn much later in your training...though you do still need to practice extensively with the abilities you've been given.

The tattoos Durbe has give him two abilities: one creates wings on his back, which he can use to fly around. Because these wings are hard light constructs, if they are damaged, Durbe will lose some of his magic energy, and the wing will have to regenerate, but he won't feel pain. I'd talk about his maximum speed, but I haven't figured that out yet.

However, the wings can only be maintained for a limited amount of time--2 minutes in Durbe's case, after which they simply will disappear, regardless of how inconvenient it might be at that time. And because normal humans don't have muscles or nerves for wings, it's rather difficult to master.

The other ability allows Durbe to fire bursts of rainbow-colored light from his right palm. He can fire 3 per second, but only 15 in succession--after that, he has to "cool off" for a few seconds. The shots can home in on whatever he focuses on with his eyes. They move a little slower than arrows, and they have enough force to pierce through nonmetal armor. However, they can only strike anything within 5 meters of Durbe, so this ability is quite worthless against ranged fighters.

Yeah, this is basically the same information as before, except somewhat better. You guys are probably tired of my shit already.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby claw on Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:35 pm

Item of of magic: The Black Gauntlet.

This magical piece of armour, though gifted through dark and mysterious circumstances, grants the wearer huge strength and the use of magical red lightning across its iron form, this can can be turned on or off at will.

Localised super-strength; Parts of the body covered by the Gauntlet have the ability to wield super human strength and endurance, however this does not extend to any other parts of the body at any given time.
Red lightning; The Gauntlet can be covered in red electricity, which is both very hot as well as electrical, whilst not harming the wearer it does have a distance limit of only being able to harm at contact, though the heat can carry onto other objects, so as to light wood or to cook the electricity cannot pass onto anything other than a single object, I.E. A single person or a single bar of iron whilst being electrified themselves will not pass on the currant.
Unnatural construction; Though The Gauntlet may seem and feel like metal it is in fact constructed of a much stronger and unknown material, as such it is near impossible to break and can survive almost any damage unmarked.

Bound: The Black Gauntlet is bound to a single wearer, it cannot be removed by will or force, should it be removed from the wearers body via amputation it will dissipate into mist and the wearer will die.
Creeping curse: Use of the Black Gauntlet causes it to grow, this cannot be halted in any way, further more continuous or prolonged use will speed up the rate that The Gauntlet will grow over the wearers body.
Dark fate: The wearer of The Gauntlet faces a mysterious fate, known to them alone. All that is known to others about this is that The Gauntlet strips them of all semblance of life and curses them to eternity.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TRUE-ASSASSIN on Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:14 pm

You know what I would find realistic? Mages vs Mages! Since I suppose all mages are badass tools of mass destruction, the best way should be fight fire by fire (or water?)! How should a Mage vs Mage duel look like? Like, staring at one's innerself or an exchange of godly blows?
And, on a side-note, how should the commonfolk see magic? As a saviour, or as a to-purge stuff? What about the different courts! And how should the elites that are not trained in magic counter? Why am I making so many questions!?
At any rate...since I am evil, I feel like questioning the previous posts as well....

@Matthew Littlepaw;
Hey, I love that arrow of yours! Sounds like a very...anti-personnel tool.
First of all, how many can you carry? And, how does the quiver look like! Badass arrows need badass quivers!
And, how many can you fire minute? That arrow reminds me of something...but! I am going too astray.

First of all, welcome to the Community known as RolePlayGateWay!
My question to you is....Range: how far can Phantasms and copies get from the caster? And, is illusion and hallucination projection affected by range?

I think wings should be used for dashes! Like, ultra-fast dodges since, as you said, humans don't have a real connection with wings.
Then, about the bolts...should you engage a 1v1 against a knight, you're likely to win: they are pratically undodgeable and since it requires a peak-human agility to cut down an arrow with a sword (thing that I suppose we knights don't have...yet) and yours are slightly slower but stronger...oh, and they home! And let's not mention that you're a living machinegun. The advantage you have against melee few-against-yourself is...enormous. Although, you did mention that archers are problematic for you! If I were Durbe, I'd easily use wings to relocate and blast them. Fine, that's more an opinion than a question...and, did I mention I favor characters overpowering others?

Lovely! A kind of scepter for those who can't do magic! I think that The Black Gauntlet should respect physic. This means that, lightning should be able to pass through, steel and bronze.
What about max "charges"? How many times can it be used a day?

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nightblazer on Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:42 pm

I suppose that would be a more practical usage for the wings--it's impossible for Durbe to fly very far using them anyway. It'd still be much easier than flying, hah. Of course, while I said that Durbe can only have them out for 2 minutes at max, I just realized I could exploit that by having him repeatedly activate and deactivate the wings...I need to balance this more.

As for how effective the bolts would be on a knight, that does depend on the durability of the knight's armor--I did say that the bolts can pierce NONmetal armor, but it doesn't seem unlikely that knights would have full metal armor. Also, remember the "cooldown" time I mentioned...if Durbe ends up unable to use his wings, he's basically a sitting duck at that point. I think I might take out the homing ability, though.
Also, even though I don't know if people would do this, if someone takes after Star Wars and starts whacking away the bolts with a sword, that'd be pretty funny.

You did mention that you like characters being stronger than others, yes, but I don't want to simply give myself an "I win" button which I can push constantly. It'd just make this RP unbearable for everyone in a few posts.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TRUE-ASSASSIN on Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:51 pm

Well, if you don't take away the homing, you have a "I win" button :/.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nightblazer on Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:13 pm

Hence why I took it away :\

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mathew Littlepaw on Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:06 pm

Thanks! C: I cant wait to see more about your character!
For a quiver system, I was thinking something like this.

The quiver that holds the arrows is a cylinder made of the same dragon scales, that has a cap ontop of it like a thurmas. The cylinder is filled completely with Wyrn blood, expensive and -highly- explosive. The arrows soak up the wyrns blood into their shafts so they are always ready to fire. Once the lid is opened, Eric has to act quick to shut it again so the whole thing doesn't go boom. It is small, and only holds 2-3 arrows and 3-5 cups of Wyrns blood. As soon as the arrows are in the open air, they light themselves... a particularly dangerous effect of Wyrn blood. Once in the bow, the arrows can stay lit for about 10 seconds while Eric lines up a shot. Holding them any longer runs the risk of them exploding while he fires them. But as soon as they come into contact with an object, or person, they explode.

Technicly speaking, I guess he -could- fire 2 at once, but that would be SUPER inaccurate, as well as deadly for himself and his target. Otherwise, he has to take time to

Drop his bow
Pull out the quiver
Take an arrow
Close lid
Put arrow in bow
Pull shit

So, its highly unlikly for him to use more than one arrow in any given fight... spesificly because he has never needed to. When ever Eric uses the arrow, 1 of 2 things happen. The target destroyed, or what ever building was in his way is no longer there.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MadGypsy on Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:23 am

Thanks for the welcome. No worries about a mage being a one man army(at least my mage), especially with mind-magic being more single target focused, keep in mind it's as much about staying hidden and changing the scenery as it is messing with someone's perception or creating copies-whether tangible or not. So not the typical "Shooty/Zappy/Blasty" magic. I know it could get out of hand, but I intend on playing within my limits.

As far as projections of any kind go, they are completely fine within eyesight or immediate range, also realize that with a bit of focus and a bit more energy Koso can simply project the image of the clone in a single target's head, using their own senses to trick them. In such a case range really isn't the issue. However when Koso is forming a "Phantom" (an image capable of interacting with the world) it does take a substantial amount of energy, with this shape and energy the "Phantom" is capable of operating on it's own so long as it is not cut off from it's energy source, at which point it would shatter or dissipate depending on it's design. In addition if a weaker/incomplete "Phantom" were too far away it may begin to unravel and dissipate.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby claw on Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:25 pm

I am aware of the physics of electricity thank you very much. However I am also aware of how this is both a powerful and critical part of my character and by putting too many abilities without any restrictions would feel like I was making it OP, it should be noted that my definition of the magical electricity is that it can electrify one other object, say a iron gate, should another person touch that gate themselves they will be electrified, however if someone touched a bar to the metal of the gate the metal bar would be safe to touch, as the the electricity does not pass on twice, if that makes sense.

It also does not have a charge limit, it is limited however by three factors, only my own character is able to make use of The Gauntlet, its powers are only able to be felt on contact- thus making it near useless at range, and the amount of usage brings forwards the Dark Fate quicker, something anyone would want to avoid (once this is revealed you shall see why.)

I hope that answers your questions.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TRUE-ASSASSIN on Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:34 am

ASSASSIN approves :P

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Syao4500 on Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:36 pm

Alright, lets start off with the basics.... My character is old as balls, the setting is around the year 500? Well he's been around for around 900 years. He's immortal thanks to the parasite worms in his body; in return for a host, they repair his body, keeping it under constant maintenance, and in the same condition as they entered the body, so he hasn't changed his appearance for a long time. You can chop his arms off, and reattach them, you can even attach someone else's arm, as long as its fresh and made of biological material. His immortality can even be transferred, through a process, but chances are, the worms will reject the new host and kill the subject. Nginnam was very lucky to be accepted as a host.

Is his immortal body invincible? No, just really hard to kill, considering no one really knows how to kill him, a arrow through the brain won't kill him, that's for sure. There is a way, but NO ONE but Nginnam knows about it, there is a certain concoction, that when he is exposed to it, the worms will basically start weakening and begin dying off, it won't eradicated all the worms in his body, but it'll kill a lot of them. When this happens, the most recent wounds will reappear; so if he gets his throat slashed, it'll appear again. Considering, no one knows of this existence of this immortal being, the concoction shouldn't even exist. Since the worms rely on the host for food, you could try starving him to death, but good luck with that.

In addition to having a body, that's nearly impossible to kill, his armor is virtually indestructible, having been around for 900 years, he has picked up a lot of experience and knowledge. Although the worms ate up all his affinity for magic(ie Mana) he discovered that you do not need an internal source of magic to cast, meaning you can use items that can store magical energy to cast. His armor serves as protection against the strongest of physical attacks(can withstand a direct hit from a ballista bolt to the breastplate, but not twice in the same spot), it also has runes engraved, made to sap magical energy. Magical Based attacks are ineffective against him, since the magical energy will only be absorbed, but the physical aspect of the magic will still affect him(especially electricity, the reason why will be revealed further into the story) Ice and fire will not affect him though, his equipment was made to withstand the extremes of those elements.

To finish off the equipment part, I'll explain his dark green cloak. It's a magical item that allows him to store who knows what inside it, you'll just have to find out later in the rp.

As for the magical ability, He is a master in rune circle magic, mainly defensive, passive(Like imbuing equipment with the fire element), and familiar summoning. He can draw some offensive runs, but it takes time to draw complicated rune circles(complicated in being, a rain of fire to suppress a small riot, it'd take around 5 minutes to finish drawing) so it'd be disadvantageous in battle. There is a way to instant draw runes, but the technique takes too much magical energy to use. As for summoning familiars, the closer the user is to the familiar, the less energy and difficulty to draw the summoning rune circle. Blood rune circles are more efficient and effective than any other type, since it offers a blood sacrifice in addition to the magical energy.

Might sound OP, but he's the only person that's willing to stand by the side of the Queen, and may as well be the one who helped build the kingdom.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nightblazer on Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:03 pm

Well, I'm surprised (and glad) to see you've come back! Now, I don't know why I'm critiquing your character, considering how insecure I am about my own, but anyway.

How can I criticize this without blatantly shouting "EVERYTHING ABOUT DIS GAI IZ OP PLZ NERF"? Hmmm...well, to start off, do the parasites have any other effects on the Protector (we seem to be lacking a name here)? Like, do they cause him pain by crawling around in his body, Fate/Zero style? Because regeneration and potential limb-gaining seem like too much of a return for just housing them.

The durability of this armor gets me very worried...please tell me it isn't a unique substance. If its durability can be attributed to magic, though, I suppose it can be handwaved, since he would have had 900 years to place enchantments like that on it. Now, I wonder how my light-based magic will work on that armor...probably not at all, hah.

So that cloak is essentially a bag of don't know how I feel about this one. Just don't get too outrageous with what's in it. Like having pet cerberuses (and I don't know what the plural form of "cerberus" is). Or literally having an out to every possible situation he could ever encounter.

I have nothing to say about the runes; they're basically standard fare to what I know about. Guess he'd be excellent for fortifying strongholds. The familiars, you mean as in emotionally close? Also, once again, don't go too overboard by summoning a gigantic dragon from a distant galaxy.

...yeah I am a terrible critic <XD Anyway, if we want to defeat you, we'd probably all have to team up...and get real creative. This ought to be interesting.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soulies on Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:06 pm

- Alright im going to allow this OPness since he is the only one for the queen, and he is officially one of the "boss battles". The "monster" that the rebellion, king, kingdoms, princes, and especially the group of travelers will have to overcome as a group. Of course as the story line goes on, his weakness will be revealed! Power in numbers people! This is all part of the plot.

Also again I want to thank True Assassin~ I think he is officially the magic researcher here XD

Edit: didnt see nightblazers post, but I shall read!

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Syao4500 on Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:16 pm

I was gonna post this meme... but ah well

Well, to address things directly; the parasites don't really have a downside other than eating up his capacity for magic, not negating the pain inflicted by wounds. Not all parasites have to harm the user, these guys are picky with their hosts, so they don't want to lose the one they have right now.

The armor is supposed to be OP, its meant to hide the protector's Immortality really. No one can know(till the very end).
And lightning is effective against it too.

And nah, no giant three headed dogs in there, would kill the point of summoning familiars. Just think of it as your average RPG character's dimension defying storage bag with no weight or slot limit.

Just imagine the familiars as characters in erogames or something, you build up a relationship with a character and they like you more, and affinity kind of thing. And dont worry about him summoning a demon of sorts... itll be more like, creatures of the planet and golems of the like.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby claw on Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:46 am

Lightning is effective against it you say? Well good thing we have a character who can wield lightning then. But on a side note, just to clarify this Protector is supposed to be the secondary bad-guy here (well, where the Queen is concerned at least) and he doesn't seem that OP to me, regeneration, super tough armor and a magic bag of muggubins as well as the power to cast down runes. If you ask me thats pretty standard boss fight, hell there are Legend of Zelda bosses that are more over-powered than that. I think I got it all wrapped up in a nutshell there.

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Syao4500 on Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:44 am

Peeeerfect :)
-sits in corner and watches power rangers-

Physically restraining him may or may not work, if they're magically based.

Just throwing that out there....

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Re: Magic

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZenMon on Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:08 am


Heliomancy is, at it's most simple, light magic. Like other magics, there are limits and restrictions to its use. One major example of the limitations of Heliomancy is the quality of light available. During the day, Heliomancer's have an unlimited access to their medium. Their powers wane at night, depending on the quality of the light sources around them. Heliomancers can and have used their power during the night, but their powers grow and diminish depending on the phases of the moon and the amount of light it reflects. For example, at a full moon, they have access to their powers that is near to full daylight but are essentially helpless when there is a new moon.

When Heliomancers are required to go indoors where they loose access to the sun, they can draw power from existing light sources, albeit to a diminished, if constant, effect. The quality of the light source determines the power the Heliomancer can draw from it. Varithos has commissioned both Alchemists and other Mages to create special crystals that shine brighter than any torch and can be used as a light source for him to draw from in order to use his magic. These crystals, ranging from the size of a golf ball to a softball, emit this higher quality light source for anywhere from two hours to eight hours, depending on the size of the crystal. They are durable, but not indestructible and can be destroyed. It is for this reason that Varithos carries several of these crystals when out on the front lines, as backups if one or more of the crystals are destroyed.

Specific Abilties
Will be added when I return home from class, this campus wifi is terrible.
Last edited by ZenMon on Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:29 am, edited 3 times in total.

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