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Pokémon: Ties that Bind

Ties: NPC's

a part of “Pokémon: Ties that Bind”, a fictional universe by Mihael.

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Ties: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mihael on Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:36 am

NPC World! Because you know we'll have them!
Code: Select all
[justify][font=cambria][b]Name:[/b] [ Name ]
[b]Age:[/b] [ Age ]
[b]Gender:[/b] [ Gender ]
[b]Personality:[/b] [ Personality ]
[b]Information:[/b] [ Information ]
[b]Team:[/b] [ Pokemon Team ][/font][/justify]

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Re: Ties: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mihael on Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:36 am



Name: [ Drake ]

Age: [ 27 ]

Gender: [ Male ]

Personality: [ Drake is an easy-going type of guy. Despite being a Fire-Type trainer, he appears rather calm and level-headed for the most part, and can keep rather pleasant company. He's very passionate in the things he does, never really doing anything half-way or failing to keep promises. He tries his best to fulfill everything he promises to do from helping out at the Pokemon Center when they need it, to giving lesson's at the school for the students. He's also a very warmhearted kind of person, always wanting to help others and be around them. He's a people person, with enough humility to not want the spotlight always on him. He likes to give it to others when they deserve it, especially when they deserve it, and typically knows when people do. Despite his simple appearance, Drake is highly intelligent, and often employs the use of riddles at his Gym like his grandfather once did. He is also an excellent battle master, and is fairly good at coming up with strategies. Most of the time, though, he is just a simple, easy-going, care-free type of guy. Nothing really seems to get him down and he is understanding to certain things, but perhaps not all things... like people's feelings. They can pass right over him without him noticing them. ]

Information: [ Drake is currently Cinnabar's Gym Leader, and is Blaine's grandson. He is a childhood friend of Cyrilla's and her current crush, though he is completely oblivious to this fact. ]


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Last edited by Mihael on Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ties: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aethyia on Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:31 pm


Name: [ Amaryllis ]
Age: [ 22 ]
Gender: [ Female ]
Personality: [ Amaryllis, or Lily, as she prefers her friends to call her, is a bright, vibrant sort of woman, one who naturally draws the spotlight, as much for her skills as her personality and looks. She likes people a great deal, and tends to make a lot of friends everywhere she goes. She’s strong-willed, determined, and generous, traits that have made her popularity lasting and very obvious. There’s another part of her, however, that’s a bit more withdrawn and reserved, though she rarely shows that part of herself to anyone but her pokemon. ]
Information: [ Lily is Erika’s only daughter, but more than that, the pokemon champion of Kanto currently. As part of the League, she is also a celebrity, one of the most popular across regions. She only became champion about a year ago, and if asked, will attribute a great deal of her success first to her pokemon, and second to Kasimir Rheinhallt, whom she looked up to for a very long time and strove to emulate on her way to the top. ]



Name: [ Ivy ]
Age: [ 32 ]
Gender: [ Female ]
Personality: [ Ivy is both very intelligent and also rather manipulative, which is to say she was always prime material for a Team Rocket executive. Prone to a bit of a darkly-teasing demeanor and somewhat seductive mannerisms, she is certainly also a formidable opponent in a game of wits or a battle. ]
Information: [Given that the actual boss of the Rockets is unknown to anyone but the top underlings, she often assumes the role of leader, doling out orders and crafting schemes with the assistance of her fellow administrators. It is often she who decides how to keep RocketCorp and the criminal arm of Team Rocket separate in public perception, to great success. She was also one of two administrators in charge of the Network Project. ]



Name: [ Victor ]
Age: [ 33 ]
Gender: [ Male ]
Personality: [ Victor’s primary personality trait seems to be a certain kind of lazy indifference. He doesn’t seem to care much one way or another what happens to Team Rocket’s plans, but considering how quickly he got promoted to Admin., that might not be entirely true. He smokes like a chimney and seems to usually be spotted with Ivy, his partner. ]
Information: [ Victor joined Team Rocket two years ago, after stumbling upon some information related to the Network Project. Actually a technically accomplished scientist, he is the one responsible for the current iteration of the Encephalus Machine. ]


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Re: Ties: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aethyia on Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:57 pm


Age: 48
Gender: Female

Personality: Clair is well known for her harsh mannerisms, at least when it comes to pokemon battles. She has a very strict philosophy about training that abides no room for weakness or flaw, and she was very similar as a mother. This wasn’t to say she was a cruel parent, but she was far from soft and warm, and in this sense, her children have come to resemble her a great deal. Still, she loves her family and her pokemon deeply and fiercely, and this too, she has passed to them.

Information: A formidable battler, Clair is considered perhaps one of the best trainers in Johto, and now works as the second member of the Elite Four, having left the Gym duties in Blackthorn to her daughter.

Relationship to Whom: Mother to Kasimir and Crystal | Wife of Rigby

Pokemon Team:



Age: 19
Gender: Female

Personality: Crystal is every bit as hardheaded as her mother, with a fair dose of spunk and petulance thrown in for good measure. Good at heart, she can nevertheless sometimes be difficult to get along with, given her strong personality and tendency to butt heads with people. A sharp contrast to her brother’s cool temper, Crystal is a hothead through and through, but it’s backed by serious hard work and a determined streak a mile wide. Impetuous, impulsive, and impish, she can either be a very lively good time or an absolute terror depending on her mood.

Information: The current Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, Crystal has only held the position for a year, but has thus far been doing quite well, under the watchful eyes of her many relatives. She adores her older brother, while at the same time considering him her rival. She’s the only person alive who can get away with calling him “Kassi.”

Relationship to Whom: Clair and Rigby’s daughter | Kasimir’s sister

Pokemon Team:



Age: 50
Gender: Male

Personality: Kasimir’s father is exactly the kind of person you would have to be to marry someone like Clair and have a successful partnership. He’s calm, he’s warm, and he can tolerate a lot of vivacious or out-there personalities and antics without a problem. A longtime student of Bruno’s, Rigby trains himself and his pokemon both very rigorously, and has taught his son and daughter to do the same. He’s quite easy to get along with, and smarter than his few words suggest.

Information: Rigby, though not currently a member of any pokemon league, at times fills in for his former master Bruno by acting as a member of the Elite Four, and is certified to run either a Gym or a Dojo. He once ran the Dojo in Fuchsia, actually, but retired from teaching to focus more on his family and his personal training.

Relationship to Whom: Husband to Clair Rheinallt | Father to Kasimir and Crystal Rheinallt

Pokemon Team:


Last edited by Aethyia on Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ties: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mihael on Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:47 pm



Name: [ Aerica Kurokawa ]

Age: [ 42 ]

Gender: [ Female ]

Personality: [ Aerica is where Eryk received most of his pleasant traits. She is as stubborn as he is, refusing to back down from a challenge or admit when she's wrong. Granted, she is a rather strong opponent in battle, her strategics outside of Pokemon are not that... well she has a bit of a problem sometimes. She is a devoted woman, especially when it comes to her family. Nothing means more to her than they do, though she and Eryk don't always get a long. She has a headstrong personality and can often times come across as a tomboy. Not that she cares, she is content on being who she is. She doesn't try to hide it beneath cool exteriors. She's as explosive as her bombs, and doesn't really care about protecting people's feelings unless they are her husband's. She's extremely sensitive to him... ]

Information: [ Aerica is currently the Gym Leader of Fuschia City, having taken over her Aunt Janine's role. ]

Relationship to Whom: [ Mother of Eryk and Cyrilla | Wife of Lyall Kurokawa ]


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Name: [ Lyall Kurokawa ]

Age: [ 44 ]

Gender: [ Male ]

Personality: [ Cyrilla did not only inherit her looks from her father, but his personality as well. He is a relatively easy-going man, who likes to do things at his own leisurely pace. He is quite perceptive and observant, able to realize more about a person than they, themselves, can. He likes to enjoy things to the fullest, and will often make a fool of himself in the process if it manages to make at least one person smile. He cares very little to what people think of him (seeing as he can read their minds, so he always knows), and doesn't seem to mind his wife's violent nature. He actually prods at her to see how far he can push her before she explodes. He is a rather friendly man and, like his daughter, can make friends with just about anyone... and he often makes the oddest of friends. ]

Information: [ Lyall is a rather powerful Psychic, however; he tends to not let it show much. He was born in Saffron City to psychic parents as well, who both died before Lyall was fifteen years old. ]

Relationship to Whom: [ Father of Eryk and Cyrilla | Husband of Aerica Kurokawa ]


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