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Winter's Bounty


a part of “Winter's Bounty”, a fictional universe by The Adversary.

There are treasures in the world, some grander than gold and silver. To seek these prizes is to invite grave peril upon yourself. If only pirates weren't accustomed to such stakes as it were...

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Adversary on Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:46 am


Second Kingdom of United Ports | Portland | Middle Gliesa
Capital: Orkley, Voit
History: Portland, as the name suggests, consists of all lands historically belonging to Portish cultures, consisting of the kingdoms Voit, Havvos, Were and Folden. Each region is a semiautonomous member-state, all four comprising an elective monarchal system that has only existed for a short century-and-a-half. After witnessing the fate of a great empire first hand, the Kingdom issued a decree that the Ports shall never conquer a foreign culture, thus staving off what they believe to be self-destructive colonialism. In the face of their more imperialistic neighbors, the Ports have decided on what they believe to be a more stable and lucrative course of action. Rather than oppressing other peoples, they ingratiate themselves, thereby securing exclusive trade rights which are defended with lethal force. The unification also saw greater powers and privileges being handed over to the Commerce Guilds. The formation of a large merchant marine fleet was also decreed, in tandem with the expansion of Portland's Royal Armada to defend the nation's interest at large. Bolstered by both wealth and necessity, the Royal Armada has quickly become one of the world's foremost maritime forces. The ongoing expansion of Portish interests into coastal waters and oceanic trade has resulted in the near extinction of Gliesan piracy at the hands of Portland's naval forces and merchant marines. Of further note is the Alga Vitter, an independent extension of both the Guilds and the Armada. A large organization specifically engineered for trade with distant lands. With their economy constantly swelling in the wake of many a successful venture, the Portish crown has understandably become a heavily traded coin.

The Ports are most easily characterized by their stubbornness, vibrant military culture, and their tendency to defy the expectations of their more traditional neighbors. Particularly in any instance involving the Kingdom of Tarn. A shrewd and discerning people, interested in results first and frivolity second. Their drive and innate desire to always push the envelope has allowed them to catapult into a spot in the limelight.

St. Daré's Empire – Aron
Capital: Jubo
History: St. Daré's Empire, known internally as Aron for the area it encompasses, is the largest and second oldest of the modern Gliesan powers. Hailing from the westernmost region of Gliesa, the Empire began as Bastil, one of five kingdoms inhabiting Aron. For centuries the various powers competed with one another, as the descendants of the last king of a unified Aron vied for supremacy. The wars that plagued their nations cost thousands of lives, but it was never enough. The turning point was a visitation. According to official recounts, on the eve before a three-way battle was to be waged, General Favros Daré was struck down by a brilliant congeries of light. It emanated music; tones so beautiful that it sent all within his camp to their knees. They listened, filled with the heavenly sounds, until they came to a realization. It was speaking to them. Showing them things.. a message gleaned from the gods. Armed with this knowledge, Daré led his army to victory. Empowered by this miracle, he preached the message to all who would hear, converting not only his own people, but those of other kingdoms to his cause. So potent was his charisma that the king of Bastil feared he would lose his domain. He ordered that Daré be brought before him to be judged, but when the general-turned-prophet entered the palace the king was sundered by what transpired. Witnesses claim that Daré's eyes burned like divine coals, and every word resonated throughout the palace with the force of rumbling thunder. The king was said to have wept, and cast his crown onto the floor in disgust. He proclaimed himself unworthy, and abdicated his throne in favor of Daré. The former general, now king, converted every Aronian nation until all thrones were made one under his name. He organized a faithful clergy, not only to record his prophecy, but also to see his will made manifest across Aron. Upon his death – or as the Empire contends, his ascension – the throne was utterly abolished by his decree, replaced with a congregation of elders that have reigned ever since. Aron would later expand, conquering a handful of island nations and several former Baijarn territories.

In the modern day, they stand among the most powerful states on the planet. Their wealth, size and strength form a cornerstone of international affairs. A single mandate from the clergy can instill peace, or leave hundreds of thousands in peril. Their tendency to refer to outsiders as “heathens” has become iconic of them in its own right, and foreigners have come to adopt the term as an insult traded in jest. Recent decades have seen the rise of a cultural rejuvenation in Aron. For centuries artistic freedom and expression has been effectively stunted, a trend which suddenly changed thanks to the efforts of a few brave artists and writers. Following on their coattails, many others have joined the cause, igniting a revival and reevaluation of both the traditional and contemporary across the Empire.

State of Gipriot
Capital: Usabis
History: Gipriot is utterly unique among the Gliesans. The closest model to their own might be the Ports, or the Hezzeram by a stretch, yet even they only come so far before falling off. Gipriot is not a kingdom, lacking any ruling line of any sort. Compounding on this, they also have no nobility or landed gentry of any form. The State of Gipriot is the only republic on the entire continent, which has set them at extreme odds with nearly all of their peers. This unusual system is derived from the early days of the nation's existence. Initially a small kingdom, the throne was violently removed in a coup by the lords who managed his territory. Rather than place another on such a dais, they elected to share power, convening at an annual summit and sharing the weight of the country. This system would only persist for a short while before their own subjects decided they had had enough. History repeated itself, and the ruling class was overthrown once again. This early model of Gipriotian society was fairly egalitarian, prior to the attainment of large sums of wealth and the emergence of separate classes. The government is capped by a Supreme Diet, which oversees the establishment of laws and other general necessary functions required for a nation to operate in any capacity. Regional governments derive all their power from the decree of the Diet, operating within the established limits. While the official stance is that the military exists solely to defend the nation, the military's great size might belie another purpose. Or at the very least indicate concern regarding their neighbors.

Gipriot's status as a republic has placed it firmly at odds with the monarchies that surround it. Not entirely of their own choice, mind you. Daré and the Tarn view their politics as an inherent threat to the integrity of their power, fearful their own people might attempt and emulate the Gipriotian model. Their best efforts aside, Gipriot has managed to thrive in northern Gliesa's imperial age, even establishing colonies overseas. They have also attained a reputation for being mostly amiable, which has earned them the trust of several Valiesan powers. Most notably Batheon's friendship.

Kingdom of Tarn
Capital: Gram
History: The Tarns are an intriguing situation. While one of the major Gliesan powers, and an empire in its own right, they are something of a joke to their neighbors. Their goals are far-reaching and lofty, yet rarely are they obtained. A century ago they set their sights on devouring Valiesa beginning with Idara, and the debacle that ensued left an entire generation shamefaced. However, let's focus on other matters for now. The Tarns are the most heavily Baijarn-influenced Gliesan nation. When the Archontia first invaded northern Gliesa, the Tarns – who inhabit the land to the east of the Ports, east still of Gipriot – were not so lucky to be indirectly defended. As such, they endured foreign rule for even longer than the western cultures. Thus, it is often jokingly pondered how a people who take so much after one of the greatest conquerors in history could be such poor empire builders. The Tarns are ruled over by a single branching dynasty divided between multiple great Houses. These Houses govern the various regions of the nation – referred to as Palatinates – which includes overseas colonies. Everything is hereditary, from politics to the military, which often tends to result in mismanagement as people inherit positions rather than earn them. The official decree is that the Houses rule by divine mandate. Following the coattails of this statement, others ponder still that whichever gods blessed these houses must be miraculously incompetent, or a trickster deity.

Empire of Dravid
Capital: Moglin
History: Dravid stands as the eldest of the modern Gliesan nations, having attained its current, stable state before Baijat was yet a century dead. Although, that's not to suggest it has been the same size for all these years. Initially a small consortium of city-states, Dravid entered an expansion cycle nearly two hundred years before the first major wars for Aron were to be ignited. It grew rapidly over a span of three decades before ceasing, only to initiate another growth spurt seventy years later, attaining its largest size on mainland Gliesa roughly four hundred years ago. A series of wars with their Gipriotian and Portish neighbors whittled away at their borders, losing them several tracts of land here and there. These losses would be effectively be recouped in later years through colonialism. Dravidian colonies were among the first to encroach on Valiesan soil, inhabiting nearby islands where fortifications and ports were soon constructed. Following Tarn's disastrous war for Idara, Dravid has been forced into fierce competition with the Ports for trade dominance in the north, a battle they are steadily losing.

Dravid is a culturally vibrant land, owed largely to its early prosperity. Opulence permitted artistic expression and experimentation to flourish in a time when the other Gliesan cultures were still picking themselves up off the ground. In tandem with art came scientific and arcane research, exploring the facets of the natural and mystical world. As such, the Dravidians are often pictured as being the great intellectuals of Gliesa's north. A position currently being challenged by Daré's own renaissance. The cities are draped in color and proudly exhibit the works of their most legendary minds. This affinity for the 'softer' pursuits has resulted in the more brusque and militaristic Ports viewing them as mercurial and distrait, while the Tarns deride the ruling line for permitting too many liberties to their subjects. It was once the case that Daré rebuked the Dravidians for their supposed embracing of the suggestive and improper. Though in many ways that still stands, it is largely a belief held by the clergy alone these days.

Kalephos Zamirate | Lesser Baijat
Capital: Kalephos
History: Baijat's history is ancient, and more storied than there are tomes in the greatest Gliesan libraries. The land itself comprises a vast stretch of mountains at the north-to-east, choking forests in the northwest, and dry plains gently giving way to golden deserts all across the southern territories. It has seen the rule of foreign kings and emperors for thousands of years, watched mighty nations swell, shrink, and dissipate. After nearly four millennia of subjugation and internal turmoil, the Archon Isacol cemented the sovereignty of Baijat in a bloody war against a flagging empire. Within four years, much of that nation had been swallowed by the Archontia, and served as the foundation for a great state of their own. Archon Isacol the Redoubtable became the first in a long line of leaders, each of whom worked in their own times to grow and secure the strength, boundary, and wealth of Baijat. After swallowing Gliesa whole, their sights were set on distant shores across the vast oceans that served as the edges of their domain. Expeditions were sent out, discovering Valiesa, and far to the west the mysterious Golden Lands. Unfortunately for the Baijarn, their time would come to an end much too early. Just as they were reaching out their hands to seize the world, their Gliesan holdings began to quake with restlessness. Sentiments of nationalism and desires to do away with the interloper lords brought about a swift demise to the once far-reaching superpower. As if in a final act of defiance, the Archontia refused to die in its entirety. When the traditional capital of Mojab lost its sway, the city of Kalephos stubbornly held on, and the other provinces of the Baijarn homeland eventually gravitated to it – those who did not soon followed, regardless of choice. Rebranding itself as the Zamirate – a state under the Zamir, an ancient title once used by rulers in the region – it breathed the last dregs of Baijat's life into a new regime. Even crippled, and a shadow of its former grandeur, the Baijarn remain. Watching as those it once commanded attempt to grasp what it had so greatly desired, and wary of their former subjects' wrath.

Hezzeram Zamirate | Eagle's Empire
Capital: Sibat Ekhar
History: Hezzeram, a land southwest of Baijat, was once the heart of an ancient kingdom that united the various cultures around it – including what would eventually become the Archontia – under a single banner. Their far-reaching affluence even affected the early cultures of the northern Gliesan tribes, but never spread beyond the shores of their home continent. Centuries later, after their empire's collapse, they witnessed the early annexations that would form the basis of a Baijarn superpower. Fearing they would meet a similar fate, Hezzeram attempted to preempt their enemies with an enormous invasion. The Archontia had not been expecting such an assault, and was sent temporarily reeling as they recalled their legions to bolster the besieged provinces. Despite their early gains and impressive headway, the Hezzeram were quickly and decisively defeated. As punishment, the Archon divided his newest estate in twain, and travel between the two was heavily regulated. By the time of their conqueror's fall, the Hezzeram had become two distinct peoples: Bokkha in the north, and Shaharim to the south. Neither nation fared particularly well the new world, falling even behind Baijat's successor. As time went on, writers and poets began to spin tales of the ancient Hezzeram and their long lost glory. These words inspired the people, and their leaders in turn. These feelings eventually evolved into a clamoring, and further still until nearly every citizen of the two states were calling for a grand reunification; a rebirth, and revitalization. Capitulating, the leaders of both countries entered into lengthy talks, the end result of which was ultimately the reformation of historical Hezzeram. Though styled as a Zamirate, the monarch is merely an elevated nobleman elected by the Conjoined Senates rather than true royalty. Still, this did not quell nationalistic fervor and renewed pride, especially once regional influence turned into annexation and vassalage. With their emblem of a golden eagle flying on a white standard ever gaining prominence, they have attained the monicker of “Eagle's Empire” to the northern Gliesans. A cognomen that is becoming increasingly worrying to Kalephos.


Batheon – the Spears
Capital: Ollysus
History: Located on Valiesa's southern territories rests Batheon, land of the Spears. Prior to colonization, the continent was inhabited solely by elves. It is believed that the ancestors of modern Valiesa have ties to ancient Baijat, who once sought to expand beyond Gliesa's bounds to other lands. Batheon's roots dwell in a modest settlement, a rather insignificant extension of the Archontia that would come to outlast its parent. When Baijat's foreign holdings dissolved, the people that would come to fashion themselves as the Spears resolved that there was no point in maintaining their ties with the dying empire, and rebranded themselves as a lone power. Decades later more settlers arrived from other countries, establishing their own homes all along Valiesa. The xenophobic elves were not happy with this predicament, and sought to eliminate these potential competitors though a fierce crusade. Their success was nearly unmitigated, until they encountered two great setbacks. First in the north, where the cold in tandem with diligent guerrilla tactics forced the elven empire to withdraw its armies. These humans were the ancestors of Idara and her sisters. The second complication arose at the original settlement, where through protracted battle the elven legions were crushed in an unlikely victory. Using this as a platform, this once little nation would lash out with an incredible will, eventually conquering the entirety of the elven empire's former domain, and half of Valiesa with it. As a result, there is but one free elven state remaining: Sédali, a client city-state of Batheon.

Batheon's title is derived from the mountain range that runs up and down the nation's spine. For this reason, citizens are often known as Spearmen and Spearwomen by outsiders. Somewhat poetically, given this apparently martial exonym, Batheon's land army is the largest and most powerful on the planet. Though its navy can not match Portland's, their fleets are nothing to be scoffed at by any degree. As a result of their age and size, the Spears have no need to expand beyond their current border. Rather, they choose exert global affluence through trade, diplomacy, and religion. On the latter's regard, Batheon is home to some of the grandest temples in all of the world. The nation's capital, Ollysus, is also renowned for its beauty. It sits upon the mouth of the river Náse, the largest of all rivers. From here, Batheon's line of empresses have ruled over the oldest and largest of the world's great current empires.

Kingdom of Idara
Capital: Léon
History: Idara and its sister states have their origins not in a planned expedition, but rather as castaways sent out from colonists bound for Valiesa. Instead of finding purchase in Valiesa's south, as was intended, they landed much farther north by means unknown to them. The place they would come to call home was not inherently suited for civilization. Loran's Step, a vast plateau stretching across a fifth of Valiesa's width dominated the south-to-southeast. Three separate mountain ranges consumed the land's western flank, and the ever present chill of Injia's kingdom loomed in the north. With the odds against them, and little chance of contacting humans or elves alike, the settlers made a home for themselves in what they named Injiseon, or Winter's Cradle. Eventually the settlers divided into clans and spread out across the Cradle. Most settled in the less rugged mountain valleys in the east, but humanity found a home all across their new domain, regardless of its kindness. Even in modern times some isolated clans and cities remain tucked away in the most unlikely of places as testament to humanity's will. The largest groups took up dwellings in the Mountain Valleys, as they were simply named, and would grow into Idara. When the elven purge eventually reached Injiseon the clans of the Cradle drove out the elven armies with a fusion of guerrilla warfare and the bitter elements they had been hardened by. Time passed, and Idara grew into the largest of the Cradle states. No small wonder, as they were always the ones who pushed the boundaries, sought new frontiers, and who braved the worst of Injia's wrath. Their fortitude gave way to fruition, and Idara alone claimed the great north, a domain so wide that its north eastern edge nearly reaches Gliesa. As one might expect, to navigate the frigid waters Idarans have developed the world's greatest icebreakers. No other nation's ships can go as deep, or as far, into the arctic circle. For this reason, Idara dominants trade in the northern passages.

Of note is that, while Idara possess nobility, royalty, and even dynasties, nothing is truly gained by blood. To possess power, you must reach out to take it for yourself. By one's own merits will they make gains, and by one's own actions might they lose everything. Even the rulers are chosen by a council of nobles. While strong, the monarchy is by no means absolute. Idara's capital is the city of Léon, which rests at the foot of the world's tallest mountain. A sacred place that is said to hold the palace to which Injia goes to rest, permitting the other seasons their allotted time. Even in the deep of winter, when monstrous snowstorms rage in the valley below, the goddess' palace remains calm. A beautiful, unearthly snow the only presence of her will. Understandably, the Idarans consider themselves the chosen people of Injia, and it is she whom they worship above all other gods.

Capital: Nisaach
History: Nerathon, the third largest nation on Valiesa, was once a part of Batheon, with whom it shares a border. Nearly a century-and-a-half ago, a relative of the Spears' ruling family inherited this slice of the empire in the only recorded case of gavelkind Batheon ever endured. As a result of this origin, and its proximity with the enormous nation it neighbors, it is intrinsically tied to Batheon, both culturally and politically. A relationship that sometimes results in it being nicknamed “Little Batheon”, much to the ire of its populace. However, unlike Batheon – which is always ruled by an Empress – Nerathon follows a trend of male rulers. Though not exclusively. The royal lines of both powers are closely related, beginning as siblings and growing into cousins. The occasional political hiccup has resulted in the two nations butting heads, but observers have noted that such quarrels appear more like a squabble between siblings.

Nerathon's location on Valiesa's western coast has resulted in very limited interaction with the southern powers of Gliesa. A pity, some have commented, as Nerathon is known for its exquisite wines. Often named the very best in the world. Its capital of Nisaach is seated on the ruins of the ancient elven capital, and is home to the world's tallest tower. This structure was built in commemoration of the end of the war between humans and elves.

Capital: Sédali
History: Literally meaning “the Hills” in old elvish, the natives of this minuscule nation are often referred to offhandedly as Hill Elves. Their homeland is characterized by rolling hills and moors, interspersed with occasional forests and bogs. Sédali, as it stands, is nominally a republic, though their affairs are ultimately dictated by Batheon in the end. As a client state of the aforementioned empire, Sédalian elves enjoy a form of citizenship with the Spears, which ranks them much higher than most other elves in the world, many of whom are little more than slaves. Their standing is marginally assisted by their opposition to the human purges, during the time their people held an empire of their own. For a time they had even seceded, and openly waged war with their kin in defiance. Though it is rarely openly discussed, many believe this was done largely out of a sense of self preservation. Interestingly, the native Sédalians are the minority, though not ethnically speaking. Unsurprisingly, Sédali is home to the largest concentration of intact elven architecture and artifacts on the planet, and is probably the only place where the elven language is largely spoken. Even if the tongue is now a muddle of old elvish and various human languages.

Golden Lands

Far to the west, beyond both Gliesa and Valiesa, lay the foreign and strange Golden Lands. Here stand nine great nations, kingdoms and empires, whose ruling bloodlines are so mixed and interchangeable that with but a single death an entire people might become the subjects of another. Forever they feud, both without and within, eternally at war over anything and everything. Where the nobility enjoy great luxury and bountiful comforts, while all others toil with hand and will to remain alive another day. Where vast armies are but legions of slaves kept barely loyal by the promise of sustainment, fighting wars they do not understand for reasons they care not to know. In these Lands the gods have been shunned, for great teachers have spoken that the deities are but divine tyrants whose purpose has been served. Teachers who say that now it is man's turn to rule, to become gods for all of mankind. To benefit every downtrodden man and woman that deserves riches when they have only dirt. Where five ancient bells enshrine the essences of five transcendent souls, to serve as beacons and examples by which man might seek to live in peace and harmony with himself and the world. United as one, the Golden Lands would command a power so abhorrent as to overshadow all the world with their colossal might. Yet they are so torn and bedraggled by their ceaseless bickering that an enemy they should be able to sweep aside has free rein to harry as they please. Fear the Lands, for their potential is without scope. Pity them, for they are too lost to see beyond what they desire and grasp what they possess.

Imperial Waltz made me do it.

"Okay, look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us.. for science.. you monster." ~ GLaDOS, Portal 2

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The Adversary
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