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On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

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On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:49 pm

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On This Damaged Earth

"Fourteen days or so... The sun has finally cleared up! Brighter days ahead indeed! Quite literally.

A soft utter was made, outmatched by the bellowing winds that spun nearby, the buffeting currents overlapped by a very dim sunlight. It couldn't have discharged, as the sun itself was visible still, yet its warmth didn't reach the Earth. Rather, what was left of the Earth. The woman stretched upwards, craning arms and neck to ensure they were still there-- just God knew what was left, maybe she'd lost a limb or two.

It was a fortnight since the great flash of light, and Annie was now sitting atop a plushy leather seat. The powerbike was perfect for traversing the ruinous land and its rocky outcrops. After flicking some switches, the engine began to hum and she was off once more. "Well, the energy receptors are still working." Instantly, her visage turned into one of seriousness. Not that she was stoic, but focus was required to power the vehicle.

Some two miles into the dirt road -now paved in grass-, she realized that her actual location was unknown. Almost every place had a few fallen buildings and houses, and the majority which still stood was corroded extremely, definitely not reliable to be in. "Trees cannot grow yet, but I can't subsist on grass forever... Sure wish I hadn't eaten my books, either. Man, my stomach hurts!"

"You'll be hurting more than that when I'm done with you."

Annie's concentration broke to look right, there was a tall, bearded man sitting on another powerbike, just beside herself. My head hurts too... Aww. Never mind that, I need to get this guy off me. Her thoughts speculated on how to proceed - ever since the flash, more and more sole criminals and gangs had risen.

"So mate, y'got any food?"


"Youse a girl?! This'll be cake!"

With a sharp turn, the bike was crashed into Annie's own, driving her into a wall and knocking her off. In a swift movement, the tactical knife was withdrawn, as was a rusty machete on the bandit's part. "Leave now and I won't down you. I'm a military woman."

"A soldier ain'tcha? I was one too... This war changes everything! Ain't no soldiers now. Give me all y'got!"

The weapon was switched in her hand, placed in the right in an ice pick position, she crouched in anticipation. Around here were many dilapidated buildings and that sole grassy road in the middle. Their odds were about even, at least until the actual fighting began...

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aiyah Uvaiiran on Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:19 am

Each step provoked a groan and a moan, and all of my muscles burned
and ached in protest. Yeah I hated what I was doing a couple weeks
ago, but at least I didn't hurt so bad.... Nah... Maybe I did. At
least now I was free, free to think, free to do as I willed, and free
to refuse. I could make this work. I was Ace Matheson. I was
invincible.... Or at least, I must be, considering I survived that
awful flash of light. Bloody thing gave me headaches for days......
I shifted my makeshift bow and quiver to a more comfortable position
on my back and slogged on. I didn't know where I was, I didn't know
why I'd be there in the first place, and I was utterly confused. Maybe
I was east? West? Who knows. I figured I'd just keep walking untill I
had a better idea--when in doubt, keep moving. I doubted I'd be able
to go on like this for much longer, I needed food.
As I walked, I came across a woman and a rather mischievous looking
man about ready to start duking it out. The girl was holding a knife,
so I figured it wasn't just a friend to friend argument. There was no
way she could win... No, maybe there was. Brute force doesn't always
mean victory. I came closer, and from their conversation, decided he
was a bandit of some sort. I didn't have patience for bandits...
"Hey! Cool it, turbo! I don't think she wants anything to do with you,
so I suggest you back off. I'll ask nicely. Once. And I dare you to
push your luck further." I took my bow from across my shoulders, but
didn't yet make a move for an arrow.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby silverclawedmouse on Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:33 am

Nykori braced her feet on the board beneath her, ribbed for grip, and turned in a slow arc towards the right. She was going slower than usual, keeping an eye out for bandits and the like. It was her first time going out in the day since the flash, and she was nervous without the protective cover of dark. But getting fresh meat was important (as all she had happened to find had spoiled) and she braved the sun to check the snares she had set the night before. She had never set a snare before, but had practiced using her survival books.

She was hopeful, but wouldn’t bet her board on catching anything. Even if her snares were successful, it was likely a wild or feral animal had gotten to it first.
She slowed her board further, coming to a stop where the first trap should be. It was empty, like she had expected. She made sure it was still set, and then continued on to the next three. They were all empty, though one looked like it had been disturbed – as if something had gotten caught but escaped. She brightened as she turned towards home.

Her thoughts drifted as the wind ruffled her hair, to the events over the last two weeks. She had woken up in the middle of the night, confused and disoriented over what had woken her. She went to her window, wondering if it had been a cat fight when a bright, searing light flashed across the sky and then everything turned black. She had woken up later to find no one. Not even bodies. Her building was in shambles and when she ventured outside it looked as if a tornado had ripped through the city. The first day she stayed inside her apartment – as unsafe as it was – and simply read and ate. A few days later, realizing that it was not simply a bad dream she ventured out to try and find supplies. She hit several of the super markets that night and filled her back as much as she and her board could carry. Her last stop was her old work, a pet shop. She didn’t know how she was going to care for all the animals that were still alive, but she was going to try.

Turns out she didn’t have to. When she entered the pet shop, all the shelves had been shoved to the side with the animal cages stacked against them. A fire had been set in the middle of the floor, contained by stones. Carcasses that barely resembled the former animals littered the linoleum. A man stood when she entered, a baseball bat in one hand, a dead, half eaten rabbit in the other. He looked her over slowly.

“Your hover-board work? What do you want for it?” his eyes stayed glued to it and he smiled. His hair looked like it hadn’t been washed since the flash, but it was combed and tied back. He wore dirty jeans and an unzipped leather jacket over a red shirt.

Nykori shook her head, backing away through the door. “Nothing. Can’t sell it.”

He moved towards her and she squeaked, holding it close. He grinned again, a slow grin, and held out the rabbit. “Hungry girl?”

She had spent the night with him – sharing rabbit and bird - and although he scared her he made no move to hurt her or take her things. In the morning they parted ways, never knowing the others name. The next day she had found his body outside one of the supermarkets, beaten and looted. She had closed is eyes, but nothing more.

Her mind snapped back to the present and she cursed herself for not paying attention. She stopped and swiveled around to see if anyone was following her. She was still quite a bit away from the city – apparently she hadn’t been going as straight as she thought. Voices startled her and she dropped low on the board, maneuvering towards them curiously.

A large man held a machete in one had, talking to a girl against a wall, a knife in her own hand. Nykori winced in sympathy for the girl. Likely she would be beaten, killed, and looted. If she was lucky, she wouldn't get raped. Banditry was the most common way to survive now - scavengers picking off each other. No one knew how to survive in this world except to prey on the weak or stay under the radar of those who were bigger and stronger than themselves.
Last edited by silverclawedmouse on Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby littleg on Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:21 am

Rat was crouched inside a shed, cooking a dead rat that he’d found in a snare close by in the early morning. The shed was part of a house that might have been grand in its day, but now it was nothing less then a huge pile of rubble. The shed’s roof was half collapsed and the outside was completely rusty which was probably why no one had claimed it before. But for Rat, who didn’t really take up much room, it was a good enough home as any.

As he waited for the carcass to cook, he thought about the past fortnight, and about the flash. He still didn’t understand why he’d been the sole survivor of the juvenile centre or why only half of his cell had collapsed, the side he hadn’t been on, and how lucky he’d been when he’d woken up completely unscathed and free to go. Freedom, it was such a privilege, it felt wonderful. He didn’t question why the flash had happened, sure, sometimes he’d lie awake wondering why, but it wasn’t in his nature to worry about such things and the way he saw it the world was much better now, there was no authorities, no organizations, it was every man for himself out on the streets. It was anarchy, and Rat thrived in this environment. He had good survival instincts and knew how to remain inconspicuous.

He was getting a bit lonely though. After the flash he’d searched the centre, looking for anyone, collecting anything he thought would come in handy. But it had been empty. He had left the centre and travelled as far away as he possibly could, not really knowing where, just trusting his instincts. A week later and he’d found this place, which he dubbed as his new home.
Satisfied that the carcass was cooked, he removed if from the fire and kicked some dirt over it to extinguish the flames. He didn’t want to attract any more attention then necessary.
He was so hungry. He ate immediately, burning his tongue in the progress because it was so hot. He could deal with that. A souvenir of the lovely meal.

"A soldier ain'tcha? I was one too... This war changes everything! Ain't no soldiers now. Give me all y'got!"

That sounded interesting. Rat crept out of his shed, squinting from the daylight. Behind his shed and behind the half remaining fence a woman and a man had weapons drawn. His eyes strayed to their bikes. To have a bike would be nice. He wanted one. Perhaps they would kill each other and he could take the pickings?
His eyes scanned the environment and he noticed a woman standing there, watching. This was quite a gathering of people; he hadn’t seen anyone for three days. The woman didn’t look like she was with either the woman or the man, merely a bystander who happened to be passing by. Not a threat.
It was a foolish and reckless idea but he was going to do it anyway. Rat gauged that once the two started fighting, they’d forget about their bikes, at least until he roared off riding one of them. He began to creep towards the man and the woman slowly…
Maybe it's not my weekend
but it's gonna be my year
And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere
And this is my reaction
to everything I fear
'Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:05 am


The hilt of the machete took her by surprise, her arm only swerving the hit away from her solar plexus. Struck in the gut (or rather, her lack of), Annie dropped purposefully to the ground, plopping butt first, then threatened to kick the man in the shin when he jumped back, the crook bumping into a young adult. "An ambush! Ain't gonna be no damn ambushing me!" This was said as the man was kicked down, posing little resistance what with a bow and all. When he was on the ground, Annie found herself too late to save him from having his head cut off, flying vehemently after a quick slash.

With the man's back exposed, she viewed it as an opportunity. Gotcha! I'll just leave you to nap here for a bit. Lunging from that position, the woman fired a punch to the man's lower back, with him falling to the ground, clutching the vertebra in pain. In a piston-like motion, he was kicked in the head, it rolling sideways and his eyes closing in response.

"That wasn't much of a military..." After a wry smile, the woman looked to the side, the actual corpse being of an innocent, one that had likely gone out of his way to help judging from his position. "Good God..." It wasn't like her to speak like that, but the flash had cut her tongue it'd seem. Passing a hand across his dismembered face, she rose from a crouch to her feet, in time to see an even younger fellow walking surreptitiously towards her.

"I-I've no intentions of fighting. Please, tell me what you're doing here." The question was dumb, but reinforced by the tactical knife being placed in its sheath, a clang resonating within the empty buildings as it touched the tip. What a dumb question. It's not like I couldn't fight him, anyway. Mmm... I can't live like this. It'd be best to be friendly.

"I'm Annie, Annie Starstruck. I'm sad we're to meet under these circumstances, but may I have your name?" From that point, her eyes were fixed on the direction he'd come from, a shed visible in the distance. After turning, the peripheral vision caught a glimpse of another entity, her eyes squinting to see closer. It seemed to be another woman. She raised an arm and motioned it back to see if she'd come close, then raised the other to show the lack of a weapon. At least on hands.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby silverclawedmouse on Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:45 am

Nykori watched the fight and surrounding area cautiously. Her eyes met a young, scruffy looking male, not even an adult yet. Her lips pursed when she saw a male slink towards the bikes. She wouldn’t say anything. He had obviously seen her and hadn’t raised any alarm. Likely he was a straggler like herself, just hoping to get a bike while the two fighters killed each other. If they both died, Nykori would be taking a bike herself. Her board was just as fast as and more agile than a bike, but the board was tiring to ride for an entire day and a bike could carry more. Plus, if she got jumped she could give up the bike and they would likely be too distracted to notice her slip away.

These plans vanished as soon as the bandit’s eyes closed and she heard the woman speak, her voice not shaking as Nykori would have thought it would. “I-I’ve no intentions of fighting. Please, tell me what you’re doing here. I’m Annie, Annie Starstruck. I’m sad to meet under these circumstances, but may I have your name?”

Nykori felt a knot of tension form when she realized that the woman saw her. The woman beckoned her over and she considered her choices. She seemed friendly enough, but she had taken down the bandit with little trouble. Nykori edged her board closer cautiously, ready to turn tail and flee at the first sign of trouble. She stopped ten or so feet from the woman, crouched low over her board. “Are we going to make small talk while we seize each other up and wonder how quickly we can snap each others necks?”

A breeze blew by the gently, ruffling their hair and creating ripples in the grass. She swayed with her board, in harmony with it. “I don’t have food – just some personals and books. And my board will do you little good with your bike… so I suggest you go for each other first.” She gaze darted between them and she attempted a smile. It was a sad attempt at a joke, and she knew it, but it also served the purpose of letting them know she was useless and had nothing of worth on her. That was a lie, of course, but they didn’t need to know that.

Her mouth watered as the smell of cooked meat reached her and she turned her face into the breeze, “Smells like someone is having a bar-b-q though. God, that smells good.”

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby littleg on Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:03 am

ooc// sorry it took a while to reply. Been busy with everything else going on, you know how it is :)

Rat slowed down as the woman, who he nicknamed military-woman after catching fragments of their conversation, and man (machete man) started fighting. It was a bit too dangerous to approach any further; he’d stay his safe distance and watch what happened. He blinked twice when machete man killed the other young man, but nothing else. Maybe he would’ve reacted more strongly to something as violent as that two weeks ago, but he’d seen enough dead bodies over the past two weeks to not be affected by it any more. He was surprised when military-woman killed machete man, without using her weapon at all. She was military though, a fact that made him wrinkle his nose in distrust. Military, police, politicians religious leaders…. They were all in the same boat. He reckoned he could take her on with a knife though.

“"I-I've no intentions of fighting. Please, tell me what you're doing here."

It was with a start that Rat realised military-woman had seen him, and it took him a few seconds to register what she’d said. He forgot about his initial plans almost immediately. His mind was like that; it wandered a lot, from one thing to the next. He had been caught up in his thoughts, going through knife techniques in his head; it was his proudest skill after all.

"I'm Annie, Annie Starstruck. I'm sad we're to meet under these circumstances, but may I have your name?"

Rat cleared his throat, a task that was necessary after not speaking much for three days, when he noticed military woman-Annie- look towards his shed. I’ll have to move tonight, he thought.
“I’m-” Rat began, but was cut off as the woman who he’d labeled bystander hovered over on her board. He wasn’t annoyed and they both didn’t notice so he stayed silent.

“I don’t have food – just some personals and books. And my board will do you little good with your bike… so I suggest you go for each other first.”

There was a bit of an awkward pause after this. Rat half-smiled and nodded at the woman. She seemed harmless and friendly enough, and while he held reservations for the Annie military-woman, there wasn’t any harm in being nice. He didn’t know anyone after all.

“Smells like someone is having a bar-b-q though. God, that smells good.”

“Er yeah… That was me, I found a dead rat in this trap close by…” He trailed off, scratching his head as he paused, “all eaten though. Um. I’m Rat.”
He offered both women a nervous smile. What a great first impression... He wasn’t very good with meeting new people. The cool feeling of his sheathed knife tucked under his shirt comforted him slightly.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Adrian Shadoan on Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:25 pm

The day of the flash seemed like a bad memory a taste in your mouth that no thirst could take away. The time of day was not noted it was just another busy day at work fixing tech, the future or the now of the world it all seemed like it happened so fast. As soon as he saw the flash his body began to vibrate so fast that he dropped through the floor a two story drop to hard concrete that turned into rubble under his quick feet. Was this it the real end of the world all humans changed all animals changed it felt more like a new beginning. Even though his speed was unmatched it was true that a fall like that should have killed him instead. Like a car stuck on the emergency break he shot off peeling his shoes clean of his feet as he ran vibrating through the wall. No matter how far he ran or how fast no matter what he couldn't stop he had now been running for days desperatley it seemed he would run himself to death. Especially when he hit the Atlantic and ran right over its rough waves it took two days to cross the Ocean constant running he never felt the need to stop the run was natural it was all he knew. The flash changed everything life as he knew it. His name was Vega Hawke as a young man he grew up in a starving world, lost of its art and of its culture everyone was the same it was always the same. Graduated from Tech school top of his class, could take apart a laser apparatus and put it back together in five minutes fast, faster then even his teacher could they called him a Speed Demon in High school there he was a baseball player on his way to Major League status until an injury took away the use of his left arm. After the Flash though ability to use that arm came right back. It had been a week when he stopped running in the same place he started his work place with a tired walk he stepped outside the office building making it down the ghost town streets. A few steps left him breathless and tiredly he collapsed on the ground.
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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:42 pm

Thin streaks of dim orange could be seen through the massive ejecta of dust that had been wound up after the flash. It was dying down now, but its peak point had been reached that very day, meaning they'd be in for permanent afternoons for the next few weeks or so. As one caught Annie in the eyes, she squinted, stepping back and looking at the two warily. There was nothing to fear per say, but she didn't want to go out on another person.

Seize each other up... I don't recognize either from an infantry squad, so I'd assume they're intel if they're working with the army. Nonsense, he's too young and she looks nothing like a soldier.

The smile on Nykori's face comforted her, the tactical knife on the right hip's sheath ignored in that time. It was a mentally strong woman, this girl, at least she seemed that way if making awkward jokes was possible for her in this situation.

"Oh, you're right. I've been eating grass these past few days, golly that does smell nice." A nod came with the reply, as a subtle grimace painted her visage, a reminder of the fact she'd literally eaten the history books she had. Assuming the two knew what grass was, she set to go on. "I'm sure we-- oh, sorry." Well mannered even in the tightest of situations, she hushed as Rat finished his introduction.

"Well, I'd rather know whom I'm to survive with, but if you'd so choose to, I suppose we could come up with a pen name for you eventually." Peering the woman, then the two, she continued. "I think we should travel together for the time being, I know of a village not too far from here; you two could stay there while I rally more survivors." There it was again. That unwavering sense of duty to protect - it had already gotten her into three quarrels with Vatican spies and it just might get here into another if one of them came from Europe.

"You'll get a bike and you'll both get a home, or at least somewhere to stay until we can find a way to fix all this..." Though I fear it may be too late for that.

A bleak stare at the horizon on the powerbikes' side reminded her of everything. She'd yet to see any of the guys, nor had she had a nice read in the past week and a half. Is that...? Could it have been? The familiar sight was lying on the ground just within eyesight, and though she couldn't make out the body, his build appeared to be like most soldiers'.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby silverclawedmouse on Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:22 am

“Er yeah… That was me. I found a dead rat in this trap close by…all eaten though.” Nykori stared at Rat. Though she heard what Annie said, it was distant background noise she was saving to filter through later. The mention of a village though brought her attention back to Annie. When the woman paused, staring into the distance, Nykori allowed herself to giggle, “Rat ate my rat.”

She drew her attention back to them, straightening herself. “My name is Nykori, and it is a pleasure to meet someone – two someones – who doesn’t try to kill me upon sight. I have a place I’ve been staying at here... but I don’t think it will last too much longer. If you’ll come with me, I can get my stuff, maybe find you something to eat, and then I’ll go with you.”

Nykori didn’t trust either of them, but if she was honest with herself she wanted to. Showing them her place wouldn’t hurt much – all they could do was kick her out and take her food. She was confident she could outrun them. And if Annie’s words held weight, Nykori could get out of this town with someone to protect her, and maybe someone to distract anything that attacked them while Nykori ran away.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby littleg on Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:07 am

"Well, I'd rather know whom I'm to survive with, but if you'd so choose to, I suppose we could come up with a pen name for you eventually."
Rat was a bit taken aback. No one had ever questioned his name, it wasn't important where he had come from. It was a weird feeling but he felt kind of special.
"Youse can call me Jackson if you like," He replied warily. Jackson sounded foreign to him, but after all it was his 'real' name.

“Rat ate my rat.”
Rat grinned at this and couldn't help letting out a low chuckle. Did he feel guilty about stealing her rat? No, not really- he found it first. But he still felt slightly indebted to her. It had been a nice meal, definitely better then grass. He grimaced at the thought.

He considered Annie's offer silently to himself. On one hand, she was military and he had a natural distrust for the military. They were the ones that had locked him and his friends up before the flash, to 'clear the streets'. There had been rumors in the cells. They were going to do some science experiments on them, apparently. It made sense. Violate the lower class of society, the ones who, not so much the ones no one cared about, but the ones who no one knew about. But whether or not this would've happened Rat would never know because the flash happened first.
Would there be more military at this village? Why was she helping them? He wasn't used to this kind of generosity.
A strong wind suddenly blew through the 'street' and his shed collapsed, blowing up a cloud of dust and emanating a loud, cracking bang through the air.
He jumped with surprise stared at it for a few seconds in disbelief. Imagine if i'd been in there... He laughed out loud, trust his luck. He seemed to be a wreckage of falling buildings wherever he went.
Rat figured it must be the fates telling him to go with Annie. Plus he would get a bike (to share, but still!).
"Yeah okay. I'll come with you." The thought of being polite flitted through his mind (that was a first). "Thanks," he added quickly at the end.

He was looking away from the dismal sight of his shed when he saw the body of a man collapsed on the ground. Had he been there before? Surely not, Rat would've noticed for sure.
"What's that?" He asked, pointing towards the body.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:55 pm

"That sounds very nice of you, Nykori--" Annie looked at the body lying prone on the ground some fifteen meters away, gesturing with the index finger for her to wait a moment. Having rushed to it, she knelt beside it and wrapped her hand around the right wrist. "A pulse." She smiled, reminiscing successful operations in the midst of war, then bringing herself back. Dragging a rock, it was placed near the man's feet, propping them above it so the blood flow would increase towards his head.

"Can't move him around in these conditions... He's alive though, just..." Was that snoring? A low sound could be heard-- perhaps he was merely sleeping, as far-fetched as that sounded. The woman closed in on him, putting her ear close to the person's face. "Damn odd way to sleep if you ask me." The body was pulled up, then hoisted with ease over her shoulders. If anybody would have had the audacity to perform the military's final exam, they'd have found this was the easiest part.

Her gait obviously slowed, Annie grunted a bit after a few steps, realizing not eating well the past few weeks was taking its toll on her body. "So heavy... Where did you get your food, anyway?" What a person was doing sleeping like that on the ground was beyond her. He was placed on the copilot seat, a small, rounded cabin that latched onto the vehicle itself. Taking a seat, she rode until reaching them once more.

"I guess that bike's yours, Rat." She motioned back, pointing at the powerbike resting on the ground beside the two bodies. "Looks like there's more of us." A smile painted her visage, showing a bright set of teeth, if only tinted a very faint green. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to move the bike. Maybe I could grab the other one, it looks like a fueled model... Nonsense, he may not even be able to power it.

"By all means, lead the way."

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Adrian Shadoan on Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:01 pm

Vega could feel himself being dragged it cause him to stir a little he even felt his fingers move a when he was sat in a sit. But he didn't have the energy to move he didn't have an energy at all he was hungry thirsty and in need of a good rest. The jogging of the vehicle moving made his eyes peel open he pushed himself up groaning in pain as he realized he was no longer on the ground and that he was with someone. He looked to the side and all around him trying to get his bearings his shoes were burnt to his feet and his clothes were very ragged. With a shock of realization he starting speaking gibberish in the grand confusion of still just trying to figure out just what was going on his hand came to his head as he shook it. He blinked trying to figure out what was going on and then he looked at the women that had picked him up and spoke, "Where am I whats going on", he questioned feeling the wind in his hair. When the vehicle stopped he also noticed a few other people all just as dirty with a nod he realized all these people where effected by the flash too.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby silverclawedmouse on Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:25 pm

Nykori waited until Annie lifted the sleeping man into the side car of her bike. She disapproved – if someone was stupid enough to sleep out in the open he would put the rest of them in danger too. Still, her fear of confrontation made her keep her mouth shut. Instead she swiveled her board slowly. Annie looked like she was on her last leg and Nykori didn’t want to be leading her through the cities streets at over a hundred an hour in case the woman lost control. That was part of the joys of a board she mused to herself, absently reaching down to stroke the side of her vehicle. It could be controlled mentally, but it was just as easy to make it move with your body. In the old days, before the flash, when she would get tired enough she would let her body do the work of flying while her mind partly shut down. Sometimes she didn’t even remember the traveling, only the leaving and returning.

The woman shook herself out of her revere and looked over her shoulder to see if Annie and Rat were still following before she turned again to look ahead of herself. She kept herself a steady three feet off the ground – one of the more stable positions for the board. It took only half an hour – although they had no clock to go by – before they reached the inner parts of the city. Nykori kept an eye out for bandits, although three mobile people would be an unlikely target. She slowed to a stop in front of a building that was falling apart and half crushed under another building. It was one of the more intact around, but looked like it should have fallen down completely days ago. She paused outside on what once had been sidewalk and her board lowered so she could step off easily. A finger down a grove on the underside of the board caused it to fold into something the size of a text book, which she promptly tucked into her arms.

“The bikes won’t fit in the hallway, but you can probably find some rubble to conceal them, at least for a bit.” She said as she turned to Annie and Rat again. She leaned against a wall, waiting for them. Though she tried to appear calm, her nervousness was obvious through her twitching, shifting, and glancing around.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby littleg on Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:07 am

Rat shrugged in reply to Annie's question about food. "This and that. I'm good at finding things. Sometimes people help me, like Nykori, by putting traps out and leaving them in the open," He smiled.
He didn't know what to think of the man. If it were him on his own he probably would have first searched him for any valuables (because someone else would've done it if he didn't anyway) then leave him be. But whatever, Annie was the one bringing them to this village place she could be in charge.
He felt like jumping with delight with the thought that the bike was his. He tried not to show it though, containing his excitement with a half smile. He'd ridden one of these bikes once before, though the model had been much older and hadn't been able to go very fast. He thought he remembered the basics. Rat walked back towards the bikes, taking care to avoid looking at the dismembered bodies. He hopped onto the bike confidently. It was all about concentration wasn't it? He suddenly shot forward with a burst of speed, stop stop stop stop STOP! the bike came to an abrupt halt next to Annie and his arms strained to hold him on the bike as the bottom half of his body was half-lifted in the air from the forward momentum.
His face burned with annoyance and embarrassment. He wanted to prove he was good. Before Annie could comment on his driving skills or even suggest that he not drive he set off after Nykori, this time at a more controllable pace. The wind on his face felt good and he felt happier. After a while he even let himself grin with content, until the vehicle made a slight swerve motion and he had to remember to concentrate. Finally arriving at their destination, the bike went silent as Rat hopped off it. That had been fun.
Rat looked around the new surroundings dubiously. Perhaps it was Nykori's nervousness rubbing off on him, but he was starting to feel a bit edgy.
"I can wait out here and look after them if you want," He offered. "And look after him." He pointed to the sleeping/half awake man. Obviously he wasn't in any condition to get up and walk.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:54 pm

"Delirium?" She wondered aloud, looking intently at the passenger of her bike when he attempted speech. The symptoms were of a very chronic fatigue, it wouldn't be all too weird if he experienced hallucinations from lack of rest and proper oxygenation. Her talking went unheard as the wind picked up near them. Annie took a gander at their surroundings along the rubbish path: broken crates and empty shells comprised the majority of the smaller garbage loitering.

It was obvious a skirmish had been freed out nearby, but likely moved elsewhere as no corpses lay on the ground. The place was examined thoroughly - the gaunt entrance seemed proper only for subhuman living conditions. She shuddered to think another human being had to live like this. "I'll take you up on your offer, Rat-- it'll give off the suspicion that there's more of us if we're seen. Rarely can a gang afford a scout."

"Actually... I'll stay to guard too, this place is rather interesting. Just get your things, please, we'll keep an eye out for raiders." A fistful of dirt was taken, it was a mixed plethora of concrete dust, neon chippings and actual dirt. The hovercraft's tunnels had collapsed as well and had rendered patches of the ground dangerous due to the toxic matter composing the lights. In just a fortnight, the entire Earth had turned into a ravaged wasteland.

The colorful rubbish oozed out the space between her fingers, cascading back into a small pile. Then, she took heed of a particular bulge in the ground. Crouching down, a hand felt up the surface, the slants in a wooden box surfacing. "No doubt there was a gunfight here. Maybe even some dogs... If there were choppers here, no doubt we can spruce a village up again." She blew out the dust on the lid and took it off, there was a handgun in decent conditions in there, as well as a small tube with various buttons, which she deduced was a tazer. Never seen one of these before and I'm in the business... Just where do you go around getting one of these?

"Hey Nykori! I think we scored ourselves a weapon or two!" The shout exerted from some ten meters away as she examined the 'patient' in her powerbike, having walked off after finding the box. Assuming Rat had heard her as well, they'd have to distribute it evenly somehow, but first, find ammunition for the pistol and the way the other... Thing, worked.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TemplarWarden on Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:15 am

John watched the horizon as what could be seen of the sun dipped further down the sky. He rubbed a small graze on his arm, wincing as his fingers rubbed the sore flesh.
"Don't you bloody well get infected" He murmured to himself with a European tinted accent. It wasn't a recent thing since he emerged from the tunnel. He hadn't seen anyone after the flash, he didn't even know where he was. He had settled with somewhere in someplace.
He had spent 3 years in some claustrophobic research facility, he had just woken up there one morning and was instructed to do whatever the computer monitor told him what to do. Someone out there had taken an interest in his interest and wanted it for themselves.

John sighed to himself and gave up thinking. He pushed his long hair out of his, in a way, slightly handsome face and looked around at the pig grey and pig ugly buildings stretching up over his head before returning his attention back to Earth. He readjusted his rifle on its frayed strap on his shoulders. It wasn't like it would be much use, at least he knew how to use it, and someone with a big gun is less likely to be assaulted. If there was anyone left to attack him.

John stepped over to his bike, it was sitting, slightly lopsided, on the ground. The body wasn't rusting, but the metal and paintwork was chipped and the solar panels on the top looked in rather poor condition. John switched the on switch and the hover bike rose, with a slight electric hum' to sit a step above the rough surface of the tarmac. John mounted it, glancing at his grazed elbow. 'Not so fast down alleyways' he thought to himself as he set off. After about half and hour John thought he heard something other then the quiet drone of his bike. He lowered power until he could turn off the repulsor field. He listened for a bit. There! Echoes. Echoes of voices! He started the bike off and headed in the general direction of where the voices seemed to be originating from. He swung around the corner, and spotted movement on the far side of the street. He hadn't been seen yet.

Heart pounding at the thought of meeting another human again he stopped and turned off the bike. Removing the keys for the first time since he got it. He began to walk towards the movement. He paused, took a breath and started walking again, slowly this time. He swung the rifle off his back and braced the bulky thing against his arm pointing down. Better to be safe.
The Spice Melange occurs on only one planet in the entire universe.
The Planet Arrakis, also known as Dune.
He who controls Arrakis, controls the Spice. He who controls the Spice, controls the universe.


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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby silverclawedmouse on Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:00 pm

Nykori nodded at Rat and Annie’s wish to stay outside and turned to slip inside the building. She would be safer in there than they would, after all. The floor of what once had been a hallway was covered under a thick layer of dust and rubble. Beams and chunks of building material made traveling normally impossible. Going through the remains of the building took a lot of squeezing and climbing – one of the reasons she had stayed there. She didn’t figure anyone else would risk trying to get in here, or even think that another human would be living in these conditions. She smiled to herself.

Her living space was cleaner than the rest of the building, the dust and smaller debris cleared away. She padded to a corner, where her supplies were kept half hidden under a chunk of concrete. She stuffed them all into a sack that zipped closed. As she stood, she distantly heard Annie shouting something about weapons. Here she paused to think. There was no reason she could come up with that would cause Annie to shout about weapons unless she and Rat were being attacked – which was not something that she was willing to walk into. Instead she strained her ears listening for anything – nothing. There was no sound of fighting, and she was positive she would have heard gunshots.

Cautiously she started to make her way out of the building, pausing every few seconds to listen. Unfortunately, her attention was more focused on the outside world then what she herself was doing. While climbing over a beam she slipped and slid down to the bottom where it leaned against another beam and heard a -crack!- The beam she had slid into started to topple, bringing parts of the upper story with it. Nykori scrambled out of the way. The beam thudded into the floor, sending vibrations through the ground. Debris fell on top of it from above, and the whole building started to groan. Nyokri stopped in a doorway to take several deep breaths and look around. She was closer to the alley in the back of the building than the front where Rat and Annie waited. Another crash resounded through the area – the building was coming down. She turned and ran towards the back of the building, going through the walls and rubble in her way.

She emerged in the alley – adrenaline pumping as she took several deep breaths, trying to still her heart. The building behind her groaned again and there was more crashing. Dust and small bits of debris were flying from the building as it collapsed in on itself. Straightening, she started to walk to the front where Annie and Rat were – and hoped they hadn’t left her.

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cypher on Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:10 pm

"Cos we come blazin' like a shootin' star, we light you up real good, yeah we come blazin' like a shootin' star, we light you up real good..." A simple acoustic guitar riff drifted along the air as the building settled to the ground. He had heard the building coming down, but buildings collapsed all the time as of late - this was just another in a long string of building collapses he'd heard when he'd been walking down the road.

But something made Fritz stop playing this time and listen carefully. He heard voices - human voices. Sane human voices. Most of the voices he'd heard had been insane ravings ("The bugs, the bugs, they're crawling in my skin!") or labored breathing as someone bled out on an overgrown sidewalk. But these voices were different - they were clear, co-ordinated, working to a purpose.

The guitarist diverted course, resuming his song as he strode down the road, and eventually came upon the little group. He slowly paced forward, still playing, but no longer singing. Instead he just kept his eyes fixed on the group. Finally, he raised his voice in greeting. "Hey there."
From the depths, I return!

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Re: On This Damaged Earth... (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby littleg on Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:27 pm

"Hey I've seen one of them things before," Rat exclaimed, looking earnestly at the taser-like weapon. A few of the prison guards had had them, but he wasn't going to tell her that. He didn't know how to use the thing, but he knew they were were pretty damn painful.
"I don't think-" He was half way through a sentence when he heard the familiar crashing sound that accompanied the collapsing of buildings, one that seemed to be a common thing nowadays. Distracted, he paused and stared curiously at the building, contemplating Nykori's safety. The series of crashes that followed after the first didn't sound encouraging.
"Nykori!" He shouted, even though it was against his instincts to shout out so loudly in an unfamiliar place.
He didn't get an answer, though there was the possibility that the noise of the crash had burst her eardrums, as his own ears were ringing slightly... He was surprised at how emotional he felt at the thought of losing a 'friend', or perhaps the better word was acquaintance, who he'd only just met. Perhaps it was the scary thought of being alone and not knowing anyone.

Rat edged closer to Annie. His eyes had caught the movement of a figure not too far off, and using his peripheral vision he could see the distinct outline of a rifle being held. Heart beginning to race in anticipation, he tried not to let it show that he had noticed the man.
"There's a man walking towards us with a gun," He murmured softly to Annie.
It was then that he noticed another man approach them, holding a... guitar? Rat didn't stop to wonder though. He quickly drew out his knife and held it defensively. The knife glowed in his hand. He didn't know why it did that.
It must be an ambush, he thought. He kicked himself mentally. They shouldn't have been speaking so openly.
"Hey there."
"You ain't gonna go ahead and ambush me with your friend, I've got knife and she's a fighter, this one. I'm warning you to stay away," He spat at the man.
His heart was pumping with adrenaline.

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