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The Change

Missing out on Post.

a part of “The Change”, a fictional universe by xCrossX21.

What happens when you're "chosen" to attend Blanditia Fanum, a school filled with vampires?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “The Change”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

[OOC] Missing out on Post.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xCrossX21 on Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:20 pm


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Member for 14 years
Promethean Author Inspiration Conversationalist Novelist Lifegiver

Re: [OOC] Missing out on Post.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xCrossX21 on Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:29 pm

written by CortezHorse
Ava had made her way to her new room first thing, she wanted first choice of bed after all. Well, more like Eddie wanted first choice, he liked being by the window where the sunlight would hit him. Such a picky little thing he was, she thought as she looked over to the seven foot boa laying on her bed. "Well, your tank is now beside the window so you should be happy." She walked over and scratched the snakes head, looking around the new room. A new year, a new room and a new roomate, everything had changed once again. Ava knew she could get along with pretty much anyone but of course there were people who would test her nerve, hopefully this girl wasn't one of them. With a sigh she turned back to the bed, "Well Eddie, are you ready to meet our new roomate?" However, the snake was no longer there and she furrowed her brow, looking about the room. "Eddie?" Her eyes stopped at the door seeing it cracked open and someone peeking in. "Hello? Oh, hey! Are you um, Felicity? I'm Ava."

written by cheater0611
Xander saw the Boy from earlier. "Looks like he found his way to the dorms. Well doesn't help that he's confused." Xander muttered. He was leaning agaisnt the wall next to the door that opens into the dorm area. Ezio was cleaning his paws next to him. Xander read the boys mind while keeping his mind almost completely blank. The only thing that slipped was Jeez he's even more confused than i was when I started. Maybe it was because I mainly wandered around for about half an hour and wasn't weirded out by vampires.

written by Emily3456
Rose walked down the hallway looking at the paper a lady had given her...why did this stuff have to be so confusing? she sighed has her bangs fell into her face making her push them away. She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck where the weird tatto had showen up. Rose sighed as the toughs of everyone around her crowed her mind giving her a headahce. Rose shock her head " dose anyone not think? " she mumbled under her breath almost laughing at how dumb that sounded Rose was having a hard time control that power..she really hoped she could be able the find a way to block everyone out sooner or later... before she could blink two cats jumped on to her shoulder making her gasp and fall back. " Bloody hell! " she said blinking and looking at the cats. Rose shook her head at the two of them thinking about what the paper had said. she sighed and petted both of the cats " so out of everyone you picked me?? " she said smiling. Rose listened to there minds trying to find there names if they had any..she nodded..the Black cats name was Shadow and the wight cats name was Dusk. Rose smiled..those were nice names..the cats jumped up and sat on her shoulders, the wight one on her left and the black one on her right.sighing Rose stood up and brushed herself off looking for her dorm still.

written by xCrossX21
Christian looked over as a girl walked over to him. "Huh? Oh.. sorry I'm new too.." he said. At least he wasnt the only lost one here. "My name's Christian." he said as the girl introduced herself as Jae Hwa. Just then a boy walked over as well. Another newcomer. "I'm Christian, new here too. I guess.. we're all lost here." he said with nervous chuckle. "I think the dorms are... this way." he added pointing north. "At least that's what the paper says..."
He looked at the map of the school, turning the paper around to see which was the right way or not. It.. wasnt as easy as he thought. "Well, we wont get anywhere if we just stand around..." he muttered, before starting to walk. He found a large wooden door, and stared. With a small sigh he opened it, and peeked in. There was a large tv in the room, with a few couches. On each side of the room were two stairs.
"Uh.. I'm guessing these are the dorms...?" he said looking at a few vampires who were sitting around. They nodded, "Boys to the left and girls to the right." one answered. Christian gave a small nod before heading upstairs. Finally... the search for the dorms were over.

written by cheater0611
"Yeah at least we have that." Xander muttered as she ran away. He picked up Ezio and wandered towards his dorm. It felt nice having a dorm all to himself. As he walked towards his dorm he started reading the minds of Former 1 students while keeping his mind blank. The most thought he got out the newbies was I thought Vampires didn't exist. He closed off his mind and thought to himself. News flash They do exist you just didn't want to believe it until now. Though he couldn't savor the fact that the 'freshman' was afriad and lost. The nightmare he had last day was nerve racking. If he could have one wish. It would be to remove that one power. He hated nightmares.

written by Alecstasy
Josephina walked down the hallway trying to find her Italian class. She held the paper close to her face trying to make out the numbers, but couldn’t quite figure them out.
'This is what I get for breaking my glasses...' She thought hopelessly.
She looked ahead, but all she could see were moving blurs. She could tell they were people or something...
A small black kitten jumped onto her shoulder. She turned her head to look at it and could tell that it was Alesana.
"Bonjour." She said happily to the kitten.
Alesana mewed pawing at Josephina's face.
Josephina cringed and gently picked the kitten up and sat her on the floor. "Bad kitty." She whispered.
She looked at her paper again and could make out two of the numbers. She stuffed the paper in her pocket and decided to get over her shyness and ask someone for help.
There were two people talking ahead of her. She decided they would be the best to ask.
"E-excuse me..." She stuttered quietly.
No response.
She moved closer thinking she was to far away but ended up bumping into them.
"Oh non!" She gasped. "I-I'm sorry! I wanted to ask for help..." She blushed, embarrassed hoping they would understand her terrible English skills.

written by LunaTwilight
“Really? That’s great!” Smiling, Felicity was excited the first day was starting off well. She was actually going to know someone in class for once. “And yeah, I haven’t met her yet. All I know is we’re both Former 4 students, and somehow I missed meeting her before. Hopefully we’ll get along. I guess we’re just the lucky ones with the animals then. At least these two have character.” Glancing at her watch, Felicity’s eyes widened. “I’ve gotta get a move on! I was wanting to meet my roommate and get the room settled before class. I’m glad I ran into you….even if it was literally. Guess I’ll see you in Art at least then!” Waving a goodbye, Felicity started running towards the dorms with Mitsuki on her shoulder. When she reached a wall with an entrance further down, she held Mitsuki close and looked around. “No sense in running the whole was is there.” Crouching down, she leapt into the air, easily jumping over the wall; then a few more obstacles. “Being a vampire can have its perks at times.” Finally reaching the dorms, and then finding her own dorm room; Felicity reached for the door knob feeling anxious. “Well Mitsuki, she’s either in there or she’s not. I just hope we won’t be at each other’s throats.” Opening the door, she peeked inside the room.

written by cheater0611
"Looks like you and me both have art and lunch together." Xander said. He was kinda excited, finally he had someone to talk to in his class. Even though he liked being a loner. It felt kinda nice to have someone to talk to. "You have a roommate? Well thats makes one of us. None of my friends last year had animal problems. I think its just us." Xander shrugged. He rubbed his leg and found blood.

written by LunaTwilight
Felicity looked up at Xander's question, "I have it 4th period before lunch. I'm just hoping I don't spend most of my time drawing food in that class. I would sneak in a snack inbetween if Mitsuki doesnt' eat it...or if my roommate doesn't; I haven't met them yet to know." Smiling at Xander's cat, she shook her head. "Looks liike I'm not the only one with cat problems. Wonder if all of them are like this or if we just got the lucky ones."

written by cheater0611
"What period do you have art?" Xander asked. He pulled out his schedule for formalitys. He already memorized it. Important stuff Xander could memorize, but trivial stuff that didn't matter he forgot in a heart beat. He saw that he had Art right before lunch. As much as he loved painting pictures of The tower. Having it before lunch was a drag. The simple fact that he had lunch 5 period kinda sucks. After he pulled his schedule out Ezio came up behind him and used his leg as a scratching post. "Ow" Xander exlaimed.

written by LunaTwilight
Felicity laughed at the statement. “That would probably be a safe conclusion to come to. I understand the feeling with the cats. Mitsuki is always causing me to get into situations then just sits back and watches. I swear that cat smirks sometimes. Regardless of what we had last year, I hope we have classes together this year. It’d be nice to know someone for once.” Glancing at her schedule, she just shook her head. “If I show up to the right class that is. The only one I can remember safely is Art.” As she was talking, Mitsuki walked over and bit Felicity’s ankle. “Mitsuki! I meant bite me next time to warn me! Not every time you want attention!” Sighing, she picked up the mischievous kitten and scratched its head. “Runt. There is definitely something weird with the animals here.”

written by cheater0611
"Yeah i can't remember what i ate for breakfast last night. Names Xander Coltman. Well if you can't remember what my name is and i can't remember what i had for breakfast. I have come to the very sad conclusion that neither one of us will remember what class we had together." Xander said. He glanced at the pair and just sighed. "Sometimes i think my cat is out to get me, or at the very least put me in very awkward situations." He wanted to read Ezio's mind and find out why he didn't warn him about Felicity, though then he would seem distant and distracted. Not a very good second first impression.

written by LunaTwilight
Felicity blushed at her clumsiness and gratefully took the guy's hand as he helped her up. "Yeah, I'm okay. Mitsuki just likes messing with me sometimes." Brushing off some dirt, she took a good look at the guy in front of her. "I think I've seen you before, didn't we have class together last year?" Cocking her head to the side, she tried to recall his name...and failed. "I'm sorry; I'm terrible at remembering names apparently. Mine's Felicity Marillier." With a smile, she looked over at her cat and sighed at the two felines. "Is it just me or do those two look like quiet the smug little pair." Shaking her head, she let out a small laugh. "I'd take a caniving cat over a snake any day though."

written by jjia101
Akana sat down on a bench examining the microscopic cells on the ground while, Dazs wrapped around her neck staring at the ground. She quitted this microscopic search finding nothing but regular cells. Her eye sight was back to normal everything looked blurry even though her vision was 20/20. Dazs hissed and she smiled and stood up as Dazs stuck out his tongue. Walking up she saw some former 1’s her legs made a sign to not approach them, and she did what her leg’s told. Akana made a choice to go back to the bench as her legs said, and sat down resting in a free posture and yawned.

Dazs slid off of Akana’s neck and was on her lap hissing some kind of noise. Akana stared at him then shut her eyes she was tired already and class started at eight, which added more confusion. Dazs quitted on hissing and Akana took a short little rest with her eyes shut.

written by cheater0611
Xander got startled by the girls future. She was walking and the girl tripped and fell and a figure caught her. He couldn't see the figure but all he could make out was the hair style. It was short and it covered their eyes. It was weird. He just shook his head and looked just then he knew where he had seen her before they were a class together last year. "You all right?" Xander said. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ezio sit next to the other cat. Smug cat. You knew this would happen huh? Xander thought while he was reading Ezio's mind. Ezio just sorta didn't think for once. All he got was Man my head itches. Then Ezio started scratching his head.

written by shikakid55
Staring at the building before him, Lucian frowned a bit. What a shame. It doesn't seem like theres anywhere to cause a good old explosion. He had just recently started the "change" as his family referred to it. He looked at his schedule and then the school map and finally deceided on one thing.
"I'm lost." he mumbled. He walked around hoping to find a couple of other former 1's. He bumped into a tree and cused under his breath.
"Why did it have to be me who got lost on his first day?" he said falling into the ground, covering his eyes. He didn't know how long he layed there. maybe five or ten minutes? he wondered to himself. He almost deceided to just give up when he heard a something meow. He looked up to see a black cat sitting infront of him. The cat let out a small "Meow."
"Um, hi?" The cat's reply yet again was,"Meow." Confused Lucian looked around to see that cats and snakes were wandering around the campus. Every few minutes one of the wandering animals stopped infront of another student. Wait, the brouche said something about the cats and snakes here. He grabbed the sheet of paper out from his bag and quickly found the part where it talked about the animals.
"Cats and snakes will be wandering around on the first day of school looking for a student that they think are good enough for them." he said under his breathe. "Oh i guess your mine then." he said. The cat let out a satisfied purr and rubbed up against him. "Hmm I guess I'll name your Rawr then." he said with a mocking laugh. Then he heard the cat let out another satisfied purr. "Oh I guess you like that name. So do you know where to find someone who could help me with this?" he asked Rawr. The cat let out a meow and started to walk away. "I guess you do." Lucian said. He followed Rawr for a couple of minutes until he stopped next to two other students. One boy and one girl and by the confused look on their faces it was their first day too. "Um hi I'm Lucian Klaw. It's my first day." he shyly said.


written by LunaTwilight
Felicity walked as she was trying to memorize her new schedule. “What in the world possessed me to take Horse Riding Lessons…” Shaking her head, she looked down at the kitten following her. “What do you think Mitsuki? How many times am I going to be kissing the dirt in that class?” As she walked, she closed her eyes and tried mumbling the schedule to herself trying to get it right; the only class she safely remembered the time for was art. Obviously not paying attention, Mitsuki started meowing right on her heels. “Shush, I’m trying to get this righ…AH!” Bumping into something, Felicity caught her balance before landing on the ground and her eyes flew open. Only to see she had run into a guy leaning against the wall with a cat rubbing against his leg. “I am so sorry! I didn’t see you…well, I didn’t see anything…. Once again, sorry!” Looking down at her cat, who was currently sitting smugly to the side, she glared at the kitten. “Next time, bite me to get my attention instead of whining.”


written by cheater0611
Xander was leaning back watching the waves of Former 1 walking in the building. He was smiking about the fact that he has the last book in The dark tower series. He was wondering for weeks if Roland made it to the top of the tower and found what he was looking for. He felt something rub up agaisnt his leg. "Ezio? Can't you see i'm pretending to be a bad ass here?" He sighed. Xander saw the Asian kid run into that weirded out kid. He just shook his head, he didn't need to read their minds to see that they were lost and confused.


written by lil kawaii
Jae Hwa stared down at the paper then looked down both halls "if I go that way then... no wait that way, wait that way?" she looked down both halls "I'm so lost, why does it have to be this big?" she sighed then walked down the first hall to find a dead end. She walked down another hall a door that lead to the stairs, she didn't need the stairs all she needed was the exit. Running back down the middle hall she found the exit and ran out the door. Jae Hwa looked around holding her paper tightly "which way?" she sighed then turned to look at the dorm and scratched her head "Were do I go?" she noticed a boy (Christian), Jae Hwa picked up her bag and ran to him "Can you help me?" she asked then smiled and turned to face him all the way "I am new." she said then held her hand out "My name is Jae Hwa Sun, Sun is my family name... I do not speak English well." she said slowly.

written by xCrossX21
Christian stepped into the school and looked from left to right. He jumped when someone called his name. "Christian right? Here's your schedule. Feel free to take a look around the school. Any questions, see me. Oh and this paper has everything you need to know, starting with your dorm room." a woman said with a smile. She walked away, leaving him with a bunch of papers. The boy blinked a few times, before shaking his head. She sure seemed to be in a hurry. Wait how did she know he was even here? She appeared out of nowhere... oh right he was in a school with vampires now. Not much of a surprise.
Christian jumped once more as two cats ran past him. "Cats?" he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck. He sighed silently, and started to head down the long hallways. Normally in a highschool, the halls would be full of people. Well it was only 6:00... on the schedule, class started at... eight. Not a surprise either. He looked around, and found himself staring at a snake. "What... the.... hell...." he said while backing away. At least it didnt try attacking him. Vampires were so weird... wait he was basically a vampire too... so that made... him weird too? Christian shook his head, maybe heading to his dorm would be better...

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Member for 14 years
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Re: [OOC] Missing out on Post.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xCrossX21 on Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:32 pm

By the way. If you get too lazy to read all this.. (yes i know it's a lot.. i get lazy too -.-)
There's nothing to worry about. Nothing major had happened. The new students are getting lost, while the others are just bumping into each other, having small conversations and trying to remember their new schedules. If you're late into posting then just have your character in their dorms, or wandering around until class starts. Any questions feel free to ask me ^^

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Member for 14 years
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Re: [OOC] Missing out on Post.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby lil kawaii on Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:17 pm

...I dont know whats going on! my post got buried and I dont know what period it is either

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lil kawaii
Member for 14 years
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