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A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Fri May 23, 2008 7:26 am

Kagemaru thought a moment. But he often thought to much about things and got in a state of him not making up his mind. Gritting his teeth, he lowered the gun to his side. "What can we do. She has been brought back from death and has no idea whats happening. These people are trying to get her to her old self again. What happens if we take her? We will have people on our tail 24/7. We wont be able to stay in one place for more than a day. I cant be bothered with the hassle of it"

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Fri May 23, 2008 9:04 am

Dahla just listened to them outside as before she looked back around her empty room. She knew something was off about this place.

"Misters...Help me...please?" She said again but slightly louder. It seemed her vocal cords were working perfectly fine but when she tried to walk towards the door, she just fell into the floor. She just sniffled some as she looked down at the ground.

She couldn't place it simply because her memory was gone, but there was something that she knew and that someone wanted. That was the feeling she couldn't place correctly.
Life never plays fair. It always dangles what we want in front of us and when we pounce, it pulls it away.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Fri May 23, 2008 6:51 pm

Jack relaxed as the gun was lowered. But he couldn't just let the nurse go, "Uh... If I let her go, the alarm's gonna get raised..." with that, he simply struck her in the back of the head to knock her out, "She'll be out for a while but she'll be ok." he said then cautiously approach his belongings, a mere wallet as well as Deka, his hand computer.

He really hoped Kagemaru wouldn't shoot, despite it being the ample opportunity to do so. But, so far, Jack was showing absalutely no aggression, or at least he was trying not to, "How about... I take the girl... you chase us for a while then say we got away?" he said in a low voice so only Kagemaru, "At least then they wouldn't be after you. I'm used to be chased, so I'll be ok."

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Sat May 24, 2008 7:03 am

"it's not that simple...." Kagemaru said. "Ive took bullets for people...Ive killed for people. I even lost my hand saving the president of the USA from a bomb attempt". AS he said this he raised his left hand, and his sleeve fell down showing the hand made of metal and fake skin and wires attached to his arm. Operatable by his brain.

"But this is weirder and more dangerous than any of the others. I would be lying to say i wasnt the tiniest bit scared.....Being a body gaurd to a brought-back-to-life zombie thing? Its to strange...But this pays so much and i need the money...I can't risk it..Sorry....But if you want to help the most we can do is stay here and watch over her....Make sure she is treated well"

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Sat May 24, 2008 2:24 pm

Jack couldn't believe what he was hearing. He'd broken into places and stolen before, be he'd never downright killed anyone, or let anyone be hurt like this, "You're joking, right? They're TORTURING the girl. I can't believe money has become more important than human life."

Jack was annoyed, now. He wasn't to be killed, it seemed, but there was no way he was gonna let these people don that to the girl anymore, "Sorry, but I'm taking the girl... shoot me if you want... but just remember whose blood will be on YOUR hands when I die or if the girl happens to die." with this, Jack fearlessly approached the door. This bodyguard had a heart, Jack could see that, so there was a chance he'd get away, albeit a slim one.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Tue May 27, 2008 5:22 pm

(OCC: Sorry about my absence...I haven't been in the mood to roleplay lately... The pressure of trying to find a job is getting to me a little.

Plus, I've been recovering from a second degree burn from the sun -.-)

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Wed May 28, 2008 9:54 am

Duina blinked some but sighed as she noticed that her words didn't seem to reach them. But she could easily hear them. Zombie? What that really what she was? She looked at herself before closing her eyes. She didn't know what she was doing here, but there was something she still didn't like about it.

Duina opened her eyes before trying to move her legs again before falling onto the floor of the room. Wincing she looked at her knee. Blood? She blinked before looking around.

"I want to leave please!" She yelled a little more as she tried to stand up again but that again seemed to fail her. Why were those two just argueing. She wanted out of this place and she wanted out now.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Fri May 30, 2008 8:14 am

Kagemaru put his gun back in his jacket "Fine. But seeing as im her bodygaurd ill have to come to". Giving the intruder a wink he quickly opened the door to Dahlas room and looked at her "Can you walk? We need you to come with us."

He said it quickly. No doubt the doctors would let it happen. Security would be here any minute. He would have to say the intruder escaped with her and he would go and rescue her or something.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Fri May 30, 2008 8:39 am

Dalha blinked some as she looked up at him before shaking her head. "No..not yet...." She looked down before looking back up at him. "Can I go now?"

Indeed, however, the security was on it's way. Distant footsteps could be heard running towards them. What ever they were going to do, they would have to do it fast. ETA for security was about 10 mins.
Last edited by Janice Aizawa on Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Fri May 30, 2008 11:34 pm

10 mintues would have been all the time in the world for Jack, "Can't walk, huh? Ok, hang on tight." With that, he went to pick her up in his arms. Jack wasn't used to this sort of thing, but he would adapt quickly enough.

If the girl was safely in his arms, he'd then go to carry her out of the room, "Which way?" he asked Kagemaru.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:34 am

"Dont ask me...I need to stay here and lead them in the wrong way." Kagemaru said. Then scrunching his face a bit, he took his gun out and shot himself in the leg. After letting out a short cry of pain he lay back against the wall "You shot me and escaped...Now go"

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:05 am

Dahla blinked some as she was picked up but she made sure that she held on tight before looking at Kagemaru.

"Thank you..." She smiled softly before looking at Jake and just held onto him a little tighter. She didn't know the way around here so her telling him where to go might seem like a pretty stupid idea.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:21 am

Jack blinked when Kagemaru shot himself but then began to run, "If security wasn't coming before, they are now." he said out loud as he rounded a corner.

The first thing Jack needed to find was an elavator. He found a service elavator and decided to use the doctor's ID he had to take it down to ground level. Once down there he couldn't risk going any of the main entrances. That's when he saw the emergancy exit.

Security is already alarmed of a break in, Jack considered, so what the hell? He kicked open the door and fled into the night.

He decided to take her to where he lived, but it was not a normal address. No, where he lived was in an abandoned warehouse that he had some basic furniture placed at a corner. There was a bed, couch, table and refrigerator, not much else. He layed the girl on the bed, "Here, you can rest there until you're able to walk. I'm Jack, by the way, Jack Rider." then he went to the fridge, "Hungry? I think I can scrape you up a sandwich if you want. Sorry I don't have much, I need to restock my food supply." he said getting various sandwich ingredients out of the fridge and throwing them onto the table.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:26 pm

Kagemaru stood up after Jack ran. Seemingly not bothered about the wound. The security got there shortly after and he explained "I got shot and he escaped with her..." And then leaned back against the wall while the security kept asking him questions.

"Some bodyguard you are! What the hell were you doing?" The chief of security asked and the others laughed, but then stopped realising the more serious element of the situation

"Where did he take her...Wich way did they go"

"That way" Kagemaru said pointing down a random corridoor.

"We got no security footage in that direction...Are you lying or are you just dizzy?" The chief asked again.

"No, they went that way." He explained again

"Your lying! Your supposed to be her bodyguard! You need to say"

Kagemaru thought a moment then said "True...I was supposed to stop her from being harmed...But watching her get tortured by my contracters wasnt in my description" He said and then span, aiming a hard kick at the chiefs stoumach. Wich was succesfull as he fell back out cold. He then rolled behind a door as the security members aimed guns at him. He couldn't kill anyone...He would have to be carefull.

Shooting the hinges of the door he grabbed the handle and walked backwards with it. Using it as a sheild against the bullets being fired towards him. Wasn't he lucky that the place had bullet proof doors and glass? Yes he was.

As he leaned it against the door and shot a few Pinning shots at them to pin them down, he pressed the emergancy open button on the eleveator he found. But there was no steel box there so he jumped towards the large rope. Grabbing it with his metal hand he slid down it with his pistol out in his right hand.

AS he landed with a thud on the ground floor he pulled the door open using his metal hand (So many usefullnesses!). Upon that he put his pistol away and ran out of the building. When he was a safe distance away from the fascility he pulled out a few devices out of a pocket. Including a tracking radar (Earlier he put in some basic information he learned about Dahla from a doctor incase this would happen. But he had imagined it happening where he wasnt trying to help the offender).

Seeing a bleep appear on in a warehouse he immediately broke into a car he found (GTA style!) and drove towards the bleep.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:46 am

Dahla just looked around before looking at the man that helped her. She just smiled slightly. "I'm not a zombie...creature...thing...Am I?" She looked a little confused as to why the other man had stated such a horrible thing about her.

"And...who are you?" She blinked some as she just lay where she was. She didn't feel like moving after this all, plus she had no feeling in her legs at all. Perhaps it was because of the fact she had been floating in a tube for years. Almost 50, enough time for the technology to advance to the point where they could fix her. Before the tube, she had been asleep for a while.

Another reason why her legs might not have feeling, they messed up on getting the nerves and muscles right in them. But no one would know that until Dahla would try and walk and fail numerously.

"Where is the other man?" She asked again. Hoping to get some answers. She didn't feel as uneasy anymore, which was good.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:19 pm

Jack was making a couple of sandwiches but answered her questions, "No... you're just a girl to me, a pretty one, too." he said with a wink then handed her the first sandwich he made.

When she asked him who he was he shrugged, "I'm Jack Rider, the best Retriever there ever was." a boast, obviously, but not so much a stretch as there weren't many like Jack.

He took the second sandwich for himself, "The other guy... I don't know... but I hope he's ok..." Jack admitted before taking a bite of sandwich. He couldn't have known that Kagemaru was actually heading toward them as they spoke.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:12 pm

Dahla nodded some as she looked at the sandwich and what was in it. She blinked some before sitting up to her best ability and took a small bite out of it.

"Me too..." she spoked after she swallowed. She didn't want the two that seemed to help her get out to get hurt.

"Pretty?" She looked up at him and pointed to herself. "Me..pretty?" She just smiled a little. It was cute the way her eyes sparkled some when she smiled despite the fact of her strange coloured eyes. Orange. Must have happened when they reconstructed her body.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:27 pm

The body of a man wearing a baraclava and a white shirt and jeans smashed through the warehouse door (Opening it not tearing it down). The man was shortly followed by Kagemaru who shot two bullets into the mans head.

"Caught him outside....Listening through the walls using some gadget"

He grinned before lifting up the body, putting his weapon away he took the body outside and threw it aside. Then he stepped back in and closed the doors.

"I don't exactly know whats happening here so can you guys fill me in? I know nothing.. I was just ordered to kill anyone who so much as touched one of the girls hairs"

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:03 pm

Jack jumped up as something crashed through the door, "What the fuck?" he demanded of Kagemaru. No one just busted into Jack's home like that, at least not without a hell of a good reason to, "How could he have listened? Deka would have warned me of any gadgets being used... Deka?" turns out, Deka was trying to warn Jack.


Were the words flashing all over the screen, Jack just wasn't paying enough attention to Deka, "Oops... guess that's a my bad." he said then sat down, gesturing to the fridge, "Some stuff for sandwiches is in the fridge, also a couple sodas and beers, help yourself." he told Kagemaru before munching on his sandwich.

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Re: A Hidden Past in a Traped Mind

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Janice Aizawa on Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:45 am

Dahla blinked some as she continued to nibble on her sandwich. She looked over as Kagemaru came in and she smiled some. She didn't say anything at the moment before blinking at his words. Kill anyone who touched her...She looked over at Jack before shaking her head.

"No..Please don't kill him..." Her eyes watered some as she stared at Kagemaru. She didn't know what he would actually do and what he wouldn't but she wanted to make sure that no one got hurt who helped her.

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