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Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

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Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LuckyNumber24 on Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:36 pm

There once, was a Nightmare, that wanted to become more...
It fed off of other Nightmares and Dreams,
Stealing their magic, and becoming bigger and bigger,
Until one day,
It became a City,
Where the Moon is always out,
Day or Night,
And the Monsters live and roam,
Where your worst Nightmares,
And your sweetest Dreams,
Live together under one Moon.
Welcome to Lunar City, Where anything can happen...

In Lunar City, every creature you could possibly think of lives here.
Vampires, Witches, Fairies, Demons, Angels, and Mermaids lead normal lives.
They go to school, work, and fall in love just like you or me.
The only difference is that they're not human...
Some info about Lunar City
In the City, we have quite a unique sky. During the day, the sky is a light blue color and the sun shines brightly, but you can still clearly see the moon.
At night the moon is accomponied by millions of stars, one for each person dreaming, and when the stars fall, that means the person has woken up.
No matter how bright the stars are, however, the moon glows brighter at night than the sun during the day.

Now let's get to the actual city. The city is divided into two districts, North Lunar and South Lunar.

North Lunar
North Lunar is typically where Dreams live. Dreams are angels, fairies, and other creatures associated with goodness by the human mind.Not all of the residence here are nice or good by any means.
The buidings here are usually white or brightly colored. The main theme in North Lunar is Ancient Greek, because much of the architecture is modeled after that time period.
Flowers are always in bloom in North Lunar since they are tended to by sprites and faries. The Dreams gain all their power from the Lunar Heart, an item held in City Hall. Their power comes from the right side of the Heart, where the hopes in human's hearts are held.

South Lunar
South Lunar is typically where Nightmares live. Nightmares are witches, werewolves, and other creatures associated with evil by the human mind. Not all of the residence here are evil or mean by any means.
The buildings tend to be black or dark colors. There are many Victorian style houses in South Lunar. About one third of South Lunar is Black Wood Forest, a forest where the worst Nightmares lurk. Creatures that cannot even be described. Werewolves often go there for pack meetings and hunts. Most of the trees in South Lunar are dead and charred. The Nightmares gain their power and magic from the left side of the Lunar Heart, the side that holds the fear in humans hearts.

In the center of the two districts are three major locations. City Hall, where six representantives from North and South Lunar, discuss and debate the current issues of the city as a whole. The Sleeper's Oasis, where the Dreams and Nightmares can gather to watch, and even affect dreams of sleeping humans. The Oasis actually reflects the moon flawlessly at night, and the whole city was built around it. And the newest addition is Stellar High, a highschool where both Nightmares and Dreams teenagers attend.

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ohhhhhallibaba on Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:26 pm

Name: Harken
Age: ?
Sex: M

Fair skin
Large carnivores

Harken has no idea what he is. His mother was an angel and his father a vampire. They were both disowned by their races for "treason" and tossed outside the city limits. Harken has lived on the streets of both North and South Lunar, able to come and go as he pleases. He has the sking of a vampire and the framework of an angel. Harken can be kind and calm, traits he inherited from his mother, but at the same time he can be cruel and calculating, a personality he obtained from his father. Harken constantly struggles with an identity crisis. "Am I an angel or a vampire?" "Am I a 'dream' or a 'nightmare'?" "Do I feed off of fear or peace?"

((I wasn't sure if you would accept a hybrid or not. If not I don't mind tweaking it a bit. I may also be interested in playing one of the 6 representatives??))

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LuckyNumber24 on Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:00 pm

( Yes I would accept you, but this is the IC thread. Here's the OOC: lunar-city-the-real-life-monsters-ooc-sign-t54630.html )

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LuckyNumber24 on Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:48 pm

The sun rose over Lunar City, accompanied by the cresent moon at it's left.
Birds began to chirp and caw as colonies of bat's returned to their caves to sleep.

Lykos slowly stirred in his bed, feeling the black haired girl resting her head on his bare chest.
Medusa lifted her head and looked at him. "Mmmm...Morning." She said, and threw the covers off herself, revealing the short light green night gown she was wearing.
As she hopped out of bed she looked Lykos up and down, since he was only wearing a black pair of boxers.
"I'll make breakfast.' She said with a smile.

After they had eaten, cleaned up, and got dressed, the couple left the house.
Medusa was wearing a light green blouse and jeans, while Lykos was clad in black jeans and a black jacket.
Medusa clinged to his arm and they walked down the street.

"So, we have to pick up some potion ingredients for my Aunt. Then we have to get groceries for the house, and Then-" she stood up on her toes and kissed his cheek. "We have the rest of the day to do whater you want." she whispered in his ear.

He quite liked that. Lykos smirked. "Then we better get through that other crap fast." he replied.
They walked into Le Fay's Magic Store to get the potions.
Medusa pulled out a list and began to collect the ingredients. "Ok. A little Unicorn blood. Half a pint. An ounce of grinded fairy bones. Some vampire venom." as Medusa countinued checking things off her list, Lykos walked to the cashier, an attractive vampire girl, and smiled. "A weird place to work, huh?" She blushed and nodded her head. "Yeah. You should see some of the people who come in here sometimes."
"Hmmm...Maybe you could tell me about some of them over dinner tomorrow. What do you say?" She looked confused.

"Aren't you with her?" she asked. Lykos smiled. "We're just good friends."
Medusa overheard him and clenched her fists. She swore her heart shattered alittle more each day she was with Lykos.
But she would stand by him. No matter what...
Because she was in love with him and she has been since the day they met all thoughs years ago.

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ohhhhhallibaba on Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:06 pm

A dog barks. The trash collectors toss empty bins to the sidewalk. People blow their horns at each other for either going to quickly or not going quick enough. A "man" yells out the window at a group of juveniles for making so much ruckus at such an early hour and lets them know they need to be in the nearest educational facility instead of making hard-working people like himself wake up earlier than 3pm. This is the scene that Harken awoke to as he rolled over on his bedroll and stood to his feet.

The small one room apartment was all Harken needed. Standing at the center of the room he could cook dinner, sit at the table to eat dinner, then do the dishes, all with minimal movement. As he walked, and that term is used loosely seeing as it took about two steps, across to the toilet, he stubbed his toe on a table leg and let some profanities slip past his lips while doing the "one-legged jig."

Washing his hands Harken turned to the refrigerator ready for breakfast. An omlet would do nicely, and would consist of three eggs, two slices of provolone cheese, some pepperoni, and a handfull of diced green peppers. The only problem with Harken's, "Breakfast o' Champs," was that he had none of those ingredients. The only things in Harken's fridge was a gallon of milk, spoiled of course, some left over take-out, moldy as always, and a rat that had somehow made it's way into a dish of what once was cherry pie. Lifting the furry critter by its tail, Harken enjoyed the crunch of its bones and juice of its blood.

"A bit tough, but it'll have to do until I make my way to the store," he thought to himself as he swallowed the vermin. Harken made his way to the closet and prepared for the day. He dressed quite nicely for a creature as he was. He donned a pair of dark-wash jeans, a gray, long-sleeved shirt, a black blazer, and a pair of black Converse All Stars that appeared to be brand new. Looking in the mirror he paused, fixed his air, and began the day with the sentence that had plauged him for as long as he could remember.

"Could today be the day I find out who, or what, I am?"

The door clicked shut has Harken made his way down the stairs and out the front door, ready to seize the day and try to end it with has little trouble as possible.
Last edited by ohhhhhallibaba on Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jajganker on Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:53 pm

It was early morning, and Brennan was already throwing a fit. He was angry because everything was absolutely not as it should be, and he deserved better than that. It was simply unacceptable. He screamed, ranted, raved, and threw things at walls and any unfortunate soul that walked into his line of sight. Bren screamed curses at somebody who dared to throw a vase back and hit his arm.

The problem? His breakfast wasn't ready, and it hadn't been made perfectly. He wanted everything perfect, in order, and it better be how he wanted it. This was not any of those things to Brennan. Thus, he was throwing a fit while somebody went to fix it. He'd probably be angry and on edge for the rest of the day, which wasn't a good predicament. Nobody who had to spend any time around him would enjoy that. However, there was no getting around it.

After his food was made and eaten, he left. Bren was going to start a fight to let off steam and to enjoy the pain of it. Not only that, but he couldn't stay around the place while he was so angry. He didn't like a single that was going on.


Grian had started walking during the night. He was still going, and he probably wouldn't stop. His red eyes glittered, and he looked around. He was still in South Lunar, so everything was alright. He didn't mind in the slightest. His dog, Kian, strode by his side. He was thinking about many things, trying to figure out the answers to questions.

Not a single answer had come to mind to that point. He had no idea what to do with his life. The Incubus had tried his hand at potion making, but it had been quick to misfire and blow up in his face. Literally. He was good with animals, but he had no idea where he could possibly go to have a job concerning them. Well, he knew where he could go, just not where he wanted to go. He ran a hand through his brown hair, and thought harder about exactly what role he wanted.

Things had gotten complicated for Grian since he'd left the orphanage, and they had yet to get better. However, he had hope, even if it was all he had. Something was much better than nothing. He frowned and shook his head. He just didn't know.
"Meet me once again down off Lake Michigan where we can feel the storm blowing down with the wind. And don't apologize for all the tears you've cried. You've been way too strong now for all your life."-Closer to Love by Mat Kearney

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby muhaku2 on Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:00 pm

Ellyllon breathed in the first comforting rays of sunlight, her green form of foliage giving her a powerful urge to rise towards it. "Oh, this is how to wake!" she thought to herself, contented and refreshed. For a fey such as her, there was no easier way to get your day's worth of food when the budget was tight...

Suddenly, a sharp pain coursed through one of her thin vines as some man trod over her. "Hey!" She cried out, the vines slowly wrapping around each other until a rough semblance of her body was formed, "Watch where you are going, buddy!"

There, the pliable greenery started to fade and what was left was a thin, tanned woman with bright green hair clinging to her face. On her right shoulder, a small bruise was forming on her mostly exposed skin. The bright purple tainted her body and ran all the way down past the dip in her dark cotton dress. "I do not remember putting my foot on YOUR chest!"

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ohhhhhallibaba on Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:48 pm

Harken jumped at the movement. He didn't jump so much because it was unusual, bizzare, or amazing but because he hadn't expected it. He had told himself numerous times he needed to start being more careful but, then again, feys shouldn't stretch themselves out across sidewalks and such. Harken watched as she transformed into quite an attractive woman. He jumped again at the voice.

"Hey! Watch where you are going, buddy! I do not remember putting my foot on YOUR chest!"

Harken gave a slight bow, mostly with his head, "I'm sorry ma'am," He was genuine in his statement, as an angel should be, but he was also harsh in the situation so responded as a vampire would, "but perhaps, for future refrence, you should consider expanding your roots where people don't walk or atleast not get mad when you do stretch across a sidewalk and get stepped on. For heaven's sake! That's like someone making a kitchen and getting upset when people cook!" He was genuinely sorry, truly, but she did not seem to put much thought into where she would expand.

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IIIdEmpire on Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:38 am

Orbs, void of all life and emotion, blinked open in an instant as if their bearer hadn't slept a wink, didn't experience the drowsiness associated with the mind's resurfacing from REM sleep. And, in fact, this mind hadn't ever experienced such things. What use did a demon have for such a waste of time as sleep? But Sunan had plenty of time to waste; so long as he fulfilled his basic necessities, he would live for another seven hundred or so years.

This, however, was a rather daunting reminder.

Isn't nearly 800 enough? A soft sigh passed the oracle's tattooed lips. He turned his head, bright white irises, stark against the inky blackness of his pupils and sclera, settled on the gentle movement of the black-out curtain shrouding his bedroom window, behind it, a light breeze through the open window teasing the fabric. Fair locks, the colour of purest moonlight, splayed in striking contrast against the deep sapphire sheen of his silk pillowcase. Those ominous eyes shifted, finding the blaring, angry red glow of the bedside alarm clock, which told him that it was well into the morning hours. It didn't seem to bother him, much like anything else in the Oracle's life. It took him another forty-five minutes to pull himself from the warm, much more pleasant atmosphere of his bedroom. But only wariness of the promise of another superbly boring day slowed him down, not the often assumed exhaustion. No, it had been, well, never since Sunan had felt the gentle tug of the Sandman at the corner of his consciousness.

Oh, how he wished to experience it...

Breakfast was routine, waiting on the thirty-six foot cherry wood table in his dining room. Seating himself at the head of the table, he silently ate his assortment of fruit, chewed through a delicious scone, savoured the salty bacon and breakfast sausage. He sipped absently at his sugarless tea, entirely bland in comparison to the lavish morning meal. But that was how he liked it.

Getting dressed in his usual robes, cropped or belted in order to appear more "modern" around these young immortals, he was still in a stark contrast to most of the others that dwelt here in South Lunar. Slipping his feet into a pair of wooden sandals - much akin to the Japanese geta. His manor staff bid him good day and he stepped into the sunlight. Sunan would arrive at the City Hall within the hour, but for now, he would enjoy the leisurely stroll.
"The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire ."

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jajganker on Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:01 pm

Grian stooped to pick up a stick. Studying it for a second, he got the attention of his dog. The Italian Greyhound jumped and yipped. He wanted the stick, and he wanted to chase it. He laughed and threw it down the road, his arm causing it to land in the dirt quite a distance away. Kian ran after, barking happily.

The game continued for a bit. It was interrupted when he threw it. It sailed straight toward some hapless soul who might get hit with a stick and dog in one day. Near the same time too. A hand instantly flew to his throat, his eyes opening broadly, the pupils dilating to show more red.

All the Incubus could do was stare and stand there. He was frozen in shock and hoping that the person, whoever they were, wasn't mad at him. Grian finally found his voice and called Kian to his side. The dog came instantly.

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SadDogSmile on Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:00 am

He'd found a simple little job.

Stretch the rubber over the nozzle, fill the sac near to bursting, tie its lips shut, leash it with a shining ribbon. Make a child smile. He was selling balloons in the park, a few coins each - except sometimes a child would lose theirs to the sky, and ever forgetful of his employer's bottom line, he would replace it for free, to calm their weeping. Incapable of turning a profit, he would be fired by the end of the week. He was probably too simple to realize it, but it would cut him badly when it happened, as rent lurked around the corner and his pantry grew sparse. For the moment, however, he was pleased. It was easy and fun, and apparently free of those ethical frustrations that plagued him so; children ran laughing around him, while their parents looked on appreciatively.

Ben, in the form of a man, wheeled his cart down a new path to canvass a new section of the park - a pretty place, for South Lunar. He'd had concerns about venturing far from the North when his boss first assigned him to the park, but the bright morning sun (and the promise of a paycheck) quashed his objections, and he forgot them completely upon remembering how much he enjoyed the job. They weren't so bad, these nightmares, not all of them anyway. The children, surely, were not much different from human children, or the children of dreams - or the bright foals he distantly remembered as his own.

A strange passing figure caught his eye - a demon, probably, as pale as Ben himself and touched by a strange facial tattoo. Ben would not know it, being as politically active as a beanpole, but the stranger was none other than Sunan Nazgahr Zephim; slightly outside of Ben's target age demographic, but he had known a few eccentric adult customers to buy a balloon on their whim, and for his dress, the demon looked very eccentric. Perhaps it was worth a try. Ben opened his mouth to solicit the man, "Hello, sir-" and was promptly silenced. Something had struck him on the back of the skull - not quite hard enough to hurt, but disorienting as blows to head tend to be. Ben wheeled around to identify the stick that hit him, and shortly thereafter, the perpetrator. He saw neither antagonism nor apology on the new demon's face, only dull unreadable shock.

"What was that fer?" he asked finally, confused and irritated, but not angry quite yet.
Livvy's just a little river, out in Ballymore
And airplanes go around the world, and feet go door to door
Oscar Wild's in Père Lachaise, with kisses on his grave
And weariness is rain on stones, and tenderness is brave.

Yes, Oscar Wild's in Père Lachaise, and clouds live in the sky
And all the dogs, in the world, are saying your name with their eyes.

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jajganker on Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:14 am

"I-I'm really s-sorry. I was playing with my d-dog," he said, stumbling over the words. The shock had been jolted out of him, and now he was full of apology, running forward hastily. "I didn't hurt you, did I? I didn't mean anything by it. I should have been paying more attention to where everybody else was. I'm sorry!"

Grian could tell that he was babbling a good deal. He wasn't usually the kind to make blunders such as the one he had. However, things happened, and he had to deal with them. He was just hoping that it wouldn't escalate to a fight. However, the man didn't look like the kind to fight. Maybe just a little annoyed at being hit over the head, but the Incubus had been wrong many times before. To make it worse, the man sold balloons.

Kian whined at his feet, not happy that the game had ended. Of course, the dog had no way of knowing that he'd hurt somebody. It wasn't as if the dog had the intelligence of a humanoid being. It was still a dog. Grian knelt down and picked up the small bundle, cuddling it gently against himself without really thinking about what he was doing.

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IIIdEmpire on Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:46 am

Sunan kept his leisurely pace, taking the same path he took every day. Which, apparently, was not a good idea. Apparently, from what his adviser expressed, taking the same route to "work" or home put Sunan in a great deal of danger. Rebels or unhappy citizens would have an opportunity to put plans into action, or possibly take him hostage in order to force negotiations. But Sunan would wave these warnings off - how much could his near-sighted adviser know when Sunan himself was clairvoyant? None the less, he would attempt a different path tomorrow. But there were no promises. This route had a particularly festive park that was always full of life.

Turning the corner and passing beneath the sleeping arch of moonflowers, Sunan would have felt somewhat disappointed to having passed them during the day, rather than at night, when they were in full bloom and practically glowing as brightly as the moon. But luckily for Sunan, he didn't feel much of anything.

Children scampered this way and that, squealing with delight in the sun's warm embrace. He enjoyed it here, where the two halves of this world collided. It was so full of life, lives that were so very different from each other. A small angelic boy and an imp streaked by, playing what Sunan assumed was a friendly game of "Tag", but after lifting that void gaze, he found them hurrying toward a rather unusually colourful cloud.

A few dozen yards away was a man, no fairer than himself, selling balloons to an assortment of offspring. They chirped to one another, bounding off with their new five-minute-favourite bouncing along behind them.

More children passed, and Sunan smiled at them, more out of habit than emotion, but his attention was torn away when a small girl stumbled and tripped just before him in an attempt to keep up with her giggling squadron. "There, there..." He bent to one knee, taking her elbow and helping her up. "You're alright, hm?" He forced a larger smile upon her. To an adult, it might very well appear forced, but to a child, he knew she would be assured by it. "How about a balloon?" Once he stood, ice white brows furrowed slightly.

The balloon merchant was suddenly distracted by another male with his pet. Just beyond, a discarded stick lay abandoned and forgotten. It didn't take a clairvoyant to piece things together. Without losing his grip on the young girl's tiny hand, he strode over to the pair with every intent to request one of the merchant's coveted treasures when the stammering apology of his assailant interrupted, spouting a drawn out - and in Sunan's opinion - overly compensating apology. As one of City Hall's representatives, it was his duty to ensure the safety and welfare of his people.

"Perhaps a keener eye might serve you well, my friend." The small quirk of his lips indicated no harm meant by his lackluster tone, "And a leash might be better suited for your furry friend until you reach the gated areas of the park."

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Re: Lunar City: The Real Lives of Monsters {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jajganker on Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:15 pm

He nodded amicably. It woudn't serve well to argue, and he saw no point in it. Besides, part of the strange man was joking and what was said seriously was logical. There was no point to disagreeing. He'd only look like a mindless fool. Grian petted his dog, and shifted a little, rocking back on his heels.

He didn't think he'd ever seen the person before, but he didn't mention it. There was really no point because it seemed obvious that the other person didn't know who he was. He'd just walked over with a little girl.

He knelt and smiled at her. "Hello, this is my dog. His name is Kian, and he's friendly. Do you want to pet him?" he said, noticing how she looked at the Italian Greyhound. She nodded and he held out the excited dog, who sniffed her hand and licked it a little before she pet him. She giggled a little and Grian smiled. He was glad that he'd made her happy. Peace and happiness were honestly where the thrived, and small children were so carefree.

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