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Even Gods Bleed


a part of “Even Gods Bleed”, a fictional universe by Crooked Thoughts.

In Cam Lire hope is whispered in children ears to aid sleep. The reign of the God King is spreading like disease. And though it need curing rebellion is but a dream. However some would see it reality. But is this really a plague or blessing?

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[OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:27 pm


In Cam Lire, hope is something whispered in the ears of children to aid in sleep. The reign of the God King is spreading like a disease. And though it needs curing, rebellion is but a sweet dream. However, there are those who would see it reality. But, is this really a plague or a blessing in disguise?

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  1. Human - A1
  2. Wood Elf - A2
  3. Shield Dwarf - A3
  4. Helborne - A4
  5. Orc - A5
  6. War-Forged - A6
  7. The Eldritch - A7
  8. Other - A8
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Races of Cam Lire

This thread is for the RP, Even Gods Bleed. The purpose of this thread is to describe the major races of Cam Lire. If you have any questions or notice any errors, PM me. There are links below to help navigate to the other pages of the RP as well as a contents listing. And if you are not part of this RP and would like to be, either PM me or use the below links to go to the RP and join. However this final rule goes for everyone: DO NOT POST HERE!
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:35 pm

Humans are the most numerous, yet also the most contentious of all the intelligent races. Humans are widespread, can be found in most regions and, in general, are fierce and disagreeable, which can sometimes lead certain other races to view them with contempt. They are renowned for their diversity and ambition, and although they lack specialization, they can excel in many areas.

While hardly the only dominant race, humans are one of them. In spite of this strength, or perhaps because of it, humanity is an eternally fractured and divided race, broken up into over a dozen ethnic offshoots. It is believed that this is in part because humanity, unlike most other races, did not emerge as a whole but rather in several places at once, thereby resulting in its diversity.

In Cam Lire, Humans have the most power and all fall under the reign of one King.

-Racial Traits & Preferences-

Skin Color: Pale - Dark Brown
Hair Color: Red, Blond, Brown, Black; usually turning gray or white with age
Eye Color: Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Hazel
Height: 5'6" - 6'2"
Build: Diverse

Specializations: All
Class: Warrior, Rogue, Priest, Mage
Mounts: War Horses, Griffin

Home Country: Ethona
Major Dwelling: Illumine
Ruler: God King Azrael

Racial Distinctions: Adaptable and ambitious, among the most numerous and widespread of
Life Expectancy: 80 years; ages up to 1,200 have been reached by magically gifted individuals
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:38 pm


As a people, wood elves are largely seen as a calm and steady-headed people. Arousing strong emotions in wood elves is not something that is easily done. Their villages are united under a gerontocratic hierarchy composed of village councils composed of the most distinguished families' eldest members. Despite their feelings on making an impact on their surroundings, the race has no particular aversion to meat-eating and are passionate hunters. When wood elves are not hunting they are enjoying themselves at ease within the highest branches of their forest homes.
They dress in simple clothes, of earth tones that blend into their natural surroundings. Wood elves love to wear leather armor, even when they are not under immediate threat. This helps deal with the harsh, naturalistic lifestyle they are accustomed to. Wood elves are roughly identical to other elves in height and build, with males larger than females. Often they are stronger than other elves, but are frequently less cerebral, meaning they don't put a great value on education. Because of this they are mistaken for savages or tribalistic, but they just prefer the simple life of living amongst nature. But, they even attribute the same ethics in combat.

To a wood elf, the wizard's spells are little different from the mason's castle wall - a means of controlling the natural world, which is contrary to the common ethic of living in harmony with nature rather than trying to dominate it. As such, wood elven adventurers are more likely to become rogues or priests. In keeping with their naturalistic inclination, wood elves are among some of the world's finest carpenters and stoneworkers, masters in the crafting of bows and arrows as well as in leather tanning. Wood elves have even developed any number of specialized arrows, including those that fly further than usual. So carefully guarded are wood elven crafting secrets that even other races have difficulty emulating wood elven designs.

When it comes to other races, they are quite peaceful, only attacking when attacked; except for humans. Since the God King has been pushing their land back further and further, they aren't on the best terms with humans and often treat them with hostility. They have been known to sabotage human work sites and raid their camps, all in order to stop them from destroying their land.

-Racial Traits & Preferences-

Skin Color: Copper, Light Browns
Hair Color: Black, Blond, Brown, Copper Red
Eye Color: Green, Brown, Hazel
Height: 4ft - 5'5 ft
Build: Physically Strong, Frail

Specializations: Slayer, Druid, Ranger
Class: Warrior, Rogue, Priest
Mounts: Mountain Lions, Pumas, Leopards

Home Country: Aelden
Major Dwelling: TreeFall
Ruler: Elder Council Leader

Racial Distinctions: Intellectually and Emotionally Distant, Steady-Deaded, Naturalistic
Life Expectancy: 500 Years
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:45 pm


Strong, hardy, and dependable; whether or not the shield dwarven claims that they were carved from the world’s stone is true, they certainly share qualities considered similar to the stone they live with. The shield dwarves are on average half a foot taller than other dwarves. The females are slightly shorter and less heavy than the males. They tend to grow long light brown or red hair, growing white or gray with age. Growing thick facial hair sometimes is used to display social status among them.
Like all dwarves, they are a long-lived race, who reach physical maturity later than humans. At the age of fifty, they are considered adults, however they remain vigorous well past 150 years. Most dwarves live to see their bicentennial and a few live to be over 400. Shield dwarves are tough, for instance, their stomachs are resistant to virtually all poisons. They also have dense bodies and are difficult to push around as a result, as well as having the capacity to bear heavy loads with ease.

Unlike many dwarves who limit themselves simply to hammers or picks, shield dwarves accumulate a wide variety of weaponry. Typically they equip themselves in heavy armor fashioned from mithral. When it comes to magic, they are more open to magic, as they rely on it to a significant degree in the defense of their homelands. The same can be said for their clerics, who have even fashioned a few prayers of their own.

Their society is divided into clans built along family ties and political allegiances. These clans are usually led by hereditary rulers, often monarchs of a sort and descendants from the founder of the clan. Most dwarven clans focus on one or two kinds of crafting, such as blacksmithing, jewelry, engineering, or masonry. Shield dwarves value their traditions and look for inspiration from ancestral heroes.

Relationships with other races are basically non-existent. They are on neutral grounds with everyone, no friends nor enemies. Their only allegiance lies to the humans, or more so the God King. With his mighty army backing him, the God King has managed to force a tax on the shield dwarves for living in his mountains. As a result more than half of the minerals they recover from mining belong to him.

-Racial Traits & Preferences-

Skin Color: Pale - Lightly Tanned
Hair Color: Red, Blond, Brown, Black; usually turning gray or white with age
Eye Color: Green, Silvery Blue
Height: 4'9" - 5'3"
Build: Heavy, Bulky, Short

Specializations: Warrior, Wizard, Cleric
Class: Warrior, Rogue, Priest, Mage
Mounts: Riding Lizards, War Ponies, Hippogriffs

Home Country: Wralandir
Major Dwelling: IronGate
Ruler: Dwarf King

Racial Distinctions: Physically Durable, Gruff, Cynical, Honorable, Reserved
Life Expectancy: 300 years
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:48 pm


Known for their cunning and personal allure, which makes them excellent deceivers as well as inspiring leaders when prejudices are laid aside. Helborne are descent from fiends — demons, devils, evil deities, and others who have bred with humans. Although their evil ancestors are many generations removed, the taint lingers. Helborne are not predisposed to evil alignments and vary in alignment nearly as widely as full humans, though helborne are certainly devious.
Helborne tend to have an unsettling air about them, and most people are uncomfortable around them. Although helborne tend to have better reflexes than their human kin. But, in many other ways helborne are similar to humans physically. Helborne are, on average, just as tall as humans; weigh just a little bit heavier; skin hue can extend into reddish hues; hair can be dark blue, red, or purple. Most however, retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth.

The appearance of any one helborne often depends on the exact ancestry. Diabolic or demonic helborne might, besides the common horns and tails, possess a forked tongue, leathery or scaly skin, the smell of brimstone, or unusually warm flesh. Some accounts even hold these helborne to cast neither shadows nor reflections. Some diabolic helborne also sport goat-like legs or hooves. Some might have furred skin or feline eyes.

Few helborne are raised with the love a normal human child might expect to receive and this shapes most of the race into bitter individuals who expect eventual rejection from all whom they meet. While some might follow this path towards evil, others reject it wholeheartedly and seek to make a good impact on the world around them, sometimes becoming the most heroic characters of all.

Because helborne are generally distrusted throughout the world due to their fiendish heritage many are distrusting and self-reliant. However, members of the other races will find that once they demonstrate friendship and trust towards a helborne they will be quickly reciprocated in full. Once that bond is forged, it is rarely broken.

Helborne are the only race that sits outside of the God King's reign. This could be because they are a minority in Cam Lire and the majority of their kind is scattered wanderers. They have only one major settling, which belongs to the royal Empress of which the God King has struck a friendship with. If anything they are the only true ally of the God King, this is probably because their fiendish nature is intune with his own.

-Racial Traits & Preferences-

Skin Color: Pale - Dark Brown, Ruddy - Brick Red
Hair Color: Red, Blond, Brown, Black, Dark Blue, Purple
Eye Color: Solid Orbs of Black, Red, White, Silver, Gold
Height: 5'6" - 6'2"
Build: Diverse

Specializations: Assassin, Paladin, Warlock
Class: Warrior, Rogue, Priest, Mage
Mounts: Drakes, Riding Spiders, War Horses

Home Country: Ashmere
Major Dwelling: Silver-Wraith
Ruler: Helborne Empress

Racial Distinctions: Horns, Prehensile Tail, Keen Mind, Alluring, Fiendish Origin
Life Expectancy: 80 Years
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:53 pm


Pest to the civilized cultures for as long as any can remember. Despite their short lived lives, they breed fast and are ill tempered. Easily offended and impatient, orcs generally prefer violent solutions and rarely consider multiple ways of approaching a problem. However, in spite of this many orcs are excellent at getting results, since they are creatures of action, not thought.
Male orcs dominate most orcish societies and females are usually, at best, prized possessions and little better than livestock at worst. Male orcs pride themselves on their number of wives and sons, as well as their scars from battle and rituals. Orcs also prize the possession of slaves, though relatively few own them.

Traditional orcish culture is extremely warlike and when not at war the race is usually planning for it. Most orcs approach life with the belief that to survive, one must subjugate potential enemies and control as much resources as possible, which puts them naturally at odds with other races as well as themselves.

Since most orcs don't build cities of their own, they instead rely on those left behind by others and improving their fortifications or operate out of small camps and dens, or in natural caves. Orcs can manage ironwork on their own, as well as stonework, though their tools are often inferior to those of more disciplined races.

Orcs are part of a confederation of tribes, loosely held together by a despotic chieftain. Bands within these alliances might wander far from their homelands, but continue to greet those orcs who belong to the same tribal network as kin. Bloodragers are champions of their tribe, who use primal strength and ferocity to overcome their enemies. Most are bodyguards or lower-ranking chiefs within the tribal structure.

In Cam Lire orcs are little more than slaves of the God King, their weak minds are easily swayed into doing his biding. Although they seem to believe they are acting on their own, and are willing allies of the God King. Still they have seen positive effects from the God King's reign.

-Racial Traits & Preferences-

Skin Color: Shades of Gray and Green
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Height: 6' - 6'5"
Build: Large, Savage

Specializations: Barbarian, Slayer, Ranger
Class: Warrior, Rogue
Mounts: Dire Wolf, Rhinoceros, Dire Bat

Home Country: Belholt
Major Dwelling: Belholt Pitts
Ruler: Orc Chieftain

Racial Distinctions: Aggressive, Physically Powerful, Dense, Short temper, Tusks, Coarse, Hairy, Low Forehead
Life Expectancy: 100 Years
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:59 pm


Warforged are a rare race of humanoid constructs, constructed through powerful rituals. Warforged average are made up of bulky, metallic or stone bodies that weigh roughly 270-300 lbs. Extremely powerful and endurable, warforged are able fighters. Unlike most constructs, warforged are fully self-aware and maintain mental faculties on par with elves, humans, or similar races.
The "skin" of a warforged is made of hardened materials such as metal or stone. Beneath this lies the skeleton, made up of similar materials, and the "musculature" of the warforged, made up of leather, wooden fibers, or any leather-like material. Throughout the warforged's body are vessels resembling the circulatory system of organic creatures, complete with a bloodlike fluid. The arms of a warforged end in hands with two fingers and a thumb while the feet of the constructs are likewise two-toed. Their faces of warforged are simple and vague in their features, with beaklike jaws, heavy brows, glowing eyes, runic markings, and little else. The most important marking for any warforged is their ghurla, a rune distinctive to each warforged which is placed upon their forehead and means "truth" in Primordial.

Warforged are completely sexless, though some adopt genders as though they weren't, and are incapable of reproduction. Each warforged is individually created through ritual, like any other construct. The warforged's artificial nature also gives the race a unique relationship to pain, which seems limited to actual injury. This allows warforged to modify themselves with some ease, giving them a varied appearance in spite of their lack of inherent biological diversity. Warforged's artificial nature also means they do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, though they can still drown or be suffocated. Likewise, warforged do not need to sleep but do nonetheless require rest in a fully-aware state for a period of at least four hours.

Warforged take their name from their original purpose, as soldiers, and many have a dutiful attitude towards life taking pleasure from fulfilling commands. Warforged as a whole have a strong work ethic and share an aversion to failure. Warforged are capable of fear, often of death or pain, as much as other races and they can come to hate the sources of these fears just as easily. Warforged are also capable of loyalty and joy, particularly in relations to friends and allies and can be driven to anger when their loves or goals are threatened. However, warforged as a whole exhibit a simple-minded and reserved approach to life with straightforward goals and reactionary passions.

Warforged serve the God King and him only, since this is why they were created. When they are not doing his biding, they are on standby, waiting to be called. They have no life outside of serving the God King.

Model Types

-Racial Traits & Preferences-

Skin Color: Metallic hues
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Glowing red (When Hostile) or blue (When Peaceful)
Height: 6' - 6'6"
Build: Depends on Model

Specializations: All
Class: All
Mounts: Construct War Horse, Construct Drakkenstead

Home Country: Ethona
Major Dwelling: The Forge
Ruler: God King's General (However their absolute ruler is God King Azrael and their creator is Abaddon.)

Racial Distinctions: Dutiful, Metallic or Stone Skin, Curious, Physically Powerful, Wooden Muscles, Ghurla Inscriptions, Living Construct
Life Expectancy: Immortal
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:06 pm


Simply put, The Eldritch are an otherworldly being that are able to enter our world via a contract with a mage. Only a bond with a mage can give them physicality there. They originally hail from many other realms; some of them have command of spheres all their own. They also come in many flavors which reflect the sheer variation in worlds.
The connection with a mage is fruitful to both parties. The Eldritch can feed off its partner to bolster its own abilities. The ultimate boost is to gain dominion over a soul. Mages seldom understand the weight of their own souls, and even those that do may be tempted by all The Eldritch can offer them. Not all The Eldritch choose this route, but many aren't unafraid to bargain for one. Still, prices vary. Some ask to feed off their beneficiary’s life force, energy, magic, emotions, et cetera. Others are more creative with their terms. Occasionally, if a Warlock is very lucky, the price is almost negligible. There are a handful of The Eldritch who are merely bored or unhappy with their otherworldly lives. A few are even driven from their homes by banishment or fear, necessitating a quick connection at any cost.

Most mages don’t know that The Eldritch exist. In fact, the God King saw that all knowledge of them be destroyed or kept in his library. The Eldritch initially communicated the secrets of summoning to a small portion of mages via dreams, and some continue to contact mages this way. Other mages have had the knowledge of how to summon passed onto them by others. In any case, its practice is highly secretive. The Eldritch themselves do not wish to be discovered; mages are a dangerous combination of curious and exploitative, so they tend to feel it’s in their best interests to go unnoticed. Thus, The Eldritch who come to Earth should have an ability that lets them go among others unnoticed. Whether it’s a human form, a glamour that causes them to appear human, invisibility, or something else depends on the The Eldritch.
Last edited by Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] EGB-Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:16 pm

There are countless other races that exist on earth besides the ones listed above. However in Cam Lire they are few and rare, but they there. This world is vast, there are many creatures and beings the inhabit it. Goblins, Trolls, Ogres, Fairies, Dragons, Minotaurs, etc. Those are just a few. So with countless other that I forgot to name, it would be wrong of me not to allow you, as roleplayers not to play other races. But, you must first check with me, and like I said other races are few in Cam Lire. So to keep this true, I must have a constant ratio of 2:1. Meaning for every two of the major races, I will allow one of the minority races. But, I will still be picky, as this is a privilege in my RP, not a right. And I will only allow those of skill and good reason to pick from other races.

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