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New York City(Who needs a hero?)

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Atrophy on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:03 am

Sasha lightly brushed back his hair and smirked as she looked him up and down with marked curiosity. So this is what you look like? You know you're quite handsome for a pervert. . .

She giggled childishly and the sound reverberated and bounced around the dream-space.

After an awkward silence Sasha's expression suddenly became tense and full of concern. The dream-child looked Sol deeply in the eyes with a maturity and seriousness that no real child of 12 could ever possess. There was another girl fighting with you, where is she now, Sol?


In the real world Sol, Vincent, and Chris were being jostled by the force of the heavy ammunition that bombarded the psychic barrier mercilessly. To the military's sever displeasure As much as the bubble was thrown off course, the barrier wasn't even weakened in the slightest by the explosions. Most of the munitions just rained right back onto the soldiers in the surrounding area, causing significant casualties in both military and civilian alike.
Last edited by Atrophy on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:20 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kronos on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:33 am

[OOC: Owen works for the PCA, he's just another Captain in their military forces]

Owen, thinking that his troops would probably have been effected by the Psion, yelled over his Com, "TAKE THE PARIAHS ALIVE IF YOU CAN, AND KEEP YOUR GUARD. The Marines by now wouldn't have a chance to capture the Pariahs that had taken flight, but Owen didn't know that. They fired a few more shots at the escaping Pariahs, and then just gave up. "Shit, Hostiles have gotten away" Radioed the Sergeant to Owen.

He took a Cigar from Shaw and lit it off the guide flame from the flamethrower a passing Solider was carrying. "Just take her to the transport." Owen shouted to the pair of Soldiers carrying Melissa. He turned back to face Shaw, and taking a puff from his Cigar, he said in a rather cheery tone of voice, "We're gonna cart her off to the Saudi Arabi complex" referring to captured Pariah. "So, how's life treating you these days?" He asked jovially, blowing a ring of smoke into the air.
Last edited by Kronos on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sol on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:35 am

(this is Sol mind)

Sol pulled back,and the beautiful large breasted, fat bottamed naked women scattered, as Sol sat on the ive silken bed. "Yea I know I am pretty handsome, that Atrophy chick would not stop checking me out...though I do no think I am her type..." He said more him self. His fear and shock of Sasha quickly fading. He knew she did not belong here.

"Female....MELISSA!" he hissed. "She saved us!" He said suddenly remembering what was going on. "That sexy thing!"

An image of what Sol wanted to do to her appeared on the bed. It was less then tasteful.

"Those army guys shot at her, Then i woke up here< is she in trouble?!" He said lurching forward towards Sasha.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Atrophy on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:36 am

She smiled coquettishly at the sexual scene laid bare before her eyes. Sasha had peeked in on too many a sexual fantasy in her time to blush at such a thing. When Sol lunged for her she let him grab her so she could feel the contact of a man once again.

If being tranquilized, loaded into a chopper and taken to a military facility where she will probably be tested on, tortured, possibly raped and/or killed, is your idea of trouble then I'd say she's in in a world of trouble as we speak. . . This is your body, though, what do you want me to do with it?
She raised an eyebrow and stared at him intently. Well?
(Sasha could think of a few things that she wanted to do to his body, but now was not the time.)
Last edited by Atrophy on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:47 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blazingstar on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:42 am

(Within Chris' unconcscious mind)

Weeks passed inside the psyche of Chris, although in reality, it was only minutes. This short time had given Chris time to reflect, and Meat to understand the bond. The two had come to a conclusion at another meeting other than the one in the white room, both of them could have control of the deep well of power that lay beneath Chris. In exchange for trusting and not hating Meat, the more violent twin would be prove he was worthy of that trust. That is not to say that they didn't have any flaring ups, they did, and Meat likely would fight Chris to get out. However, this compromise meant millions to the pair; finally, they had reached a tiny step towards balance in 6 years.

Meat, still within his darker half of Chris mind, brooded as to what his life has amounted to. ::What is one's use if all they do is slaughter? Perhaps the force within me.....sorry, us, could be used to better purpose. Protection versus destruction. I shall have to think about this.::

Chris had embraced the strength within him, the ability to contact Meat meaning the world to the smaller boy. Within his humane half of his brain, he brooded. ...If I am to use this power I possess for anything, first I must master it, which I can't do. I don't even know how to awaken it! Meat's is triggered through his rage and that is the only way his is unleashed. But, his personality is one to give that opportunity most often. Me, I am more scared...perhaps fright would be the factor. The mental figure stood from his throne of rock, walking to the door behind him. Behind the crystal door, stood a being, or rather, the shadow of one. The form was the shape of Chris, if leaner and more muscled and sinewy. His head was rounded, as if covered by something. Spikes protruded from the knees upward and the elbows heading up to the shoulder. Claws protruded from the hands.

Chris knew that this form, was him when using the power he had been cursed with. Meat had the same image in his chambers, only the crystal was bloodstone and the form was the giant collosus of bone. If the being behind the crystal was released, Chris would know all there was to know. His had a lock on the outside, fitted to Chris' palm. Meat had no lock, his emotions fueling to unlock the beast inside his room. The new and improved sixteen year old slowly extended his now sweaty palm, the hand gradually approaching the lock. Finally, his hand fit into the indentation, and the shadowy figure stepped forward. It walked into Chris, its powers melding into Chris like a fushion.

The boy experienced no mental pain. His mind felt as if it was encased in a shell, but he didn't feel caged like he did when Meat took over....he felt almost normal. Except that he did not see the world; no, he saw a bird's eye view of himself. His vantage point zoomed in, not stopping at his face, which was a sillhouete, but creaping in even closer. The image eventually became his brain, then his medula, then a region of that most humans didn't possess, then a single cell inside that region. Finally, the camera-like view focused on a single strand of DNA, one amongst the thousands in humans. Instinctively , Chris knew that this was the power under his control, the other strand belonging to his new found brother, Meat. The DNA was the same at first glance but splintered. Suddenly, Chris understood about his power.. it may not be as strong, but it was certainly more controllable. He began probing the cellular instructions, familiarizing himself with the basics. Just like reading a computer manual.

In the world of the living, Chris stirred. As he probed the DNA within his cellular structure, his outer form changed. No skin split, no muscles spasmed, he just...changed. First, his muscles elongated and buffed up slightly, his overall form now about 5'10", weighing a meager 140. His fingers became longer and more dextruous. His eyes, normally half one color and half the other, suddenly became the same human shade for once in his life. The optic nerve began sending messages twice as fast, the image suddenly much clearer. His eardrum and cochlea became hyper sensitive, able to hear almost any sound. The lnk between his brain and his entire body strengthened, sending messages twice as fast. Finally, a bone armor appeared around the body, seeming to slowly thicken to 3 inches. Claws appeared on his hands, and his feet developing an insane traction to them while becoming similiar to a bone boot, housing the human foot. Rather than being bone, he wore an armor of bone, adhering to his shape with thicker pads on the joints. Spikes pointing up appeared on his knees and elbows, facing upwards. Finally, a roundbone covering appeared over his head, a single slit fo the eyes.

But it was still Chris' body beneath the armor, and more importantly, Chris was in control here. His eyes snapped open, a sense of calm over the individual.
Image Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?!
It's over NINE THOUSAAAAANNNNDDDDD!!!111oneone1eleven!
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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sol on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:47 am

Sol deep brown eyes locked on to Sasha's and a tender expression was conveyed to her. For all of his flaws Sol was a good person, and had no about doing the right thing. "Just get us someplace safe." He said in a soft sounding voice. He eased his grip not realizing Sasha held ultimate power here. "My body is pretty torn up...that monster..." He said noticing that his pain was gone.

He appreciated that fact, and Sasha would know it. Sasha would know most of his deepest darkest thoughts at this point. "I am probably going to need medicle attention." He said in a non chalant tone. "Can you out where they are taking her?" He said letting go of the small girl.

It was at this point some of the weirder dreams Sol had had in his live came creeping into play. A squirrel and a weird sausage with stick figure limbs, weilding an axe were having a conversation heir respective home lives about ten feet away from them.

Sol looked at the pair, who paused, waved, and went back to their conversation. "Yea...don't...mind any thing you see here..." He said suddenly feeling embarrassed.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vincent Corseli on Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:30 am

Seeing Sol create a invisable force nocking down Soldiers and clearing the path of the gas that had been realeased Vincent was left in amazement, he had at first thought Sol's power was strength."What is this" He could only think to him self. Vincent was slowly recovering his lost strength from the weird event that had taken place upon him.

Witnessing Sol's new Voice vincents eyes went wide at the rather strange and athouritave tone it now had, at the moment it was not time for questions, but before he could blink, Vincent was Violently grabbed by his sleeve and lifted directly off the ground."What...else can he possibly do?" Vincent thought as he floated.

Your Destiny Will Find You..

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Cambion on Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:36 am

Shaw looked back at Owen with his light brown face. As his men laid Melissa down and a medic came over and began going to work performing battle field surgery on her tattered leg. Stopping the bleeding, sealing and disinfecting the wound thus saving her life. Her pants unfortunately had to be removed in the process but their trophy would be alive.

“Ah well…my wife wasn’t to happy when we got re-activated…but she’ll get over it, So far we have been getting the shit missions….setting up check points, they handed me that peace of crap right their.” He said pointing to the Sentry as it loomed over a group of three captured Pariah’s as they walked out of an abandoned building.

‘I hate this shit…I have mixed feelings about this Operation…but a Soldier doesn’t question why…his is but to do or die I guess..” He said Exhaling a deep plume of smoke as his men went about securing the area. “That poor girl has to go to Ellis Island before you ship her to Arabi…I’d make sure to keep a guard on her…to keep her safe from the check point doctors and police..” He said stepping forward and saying it low.

“Other then that I heard your radio transmissions, thought you could use the support…You can have the glory…Just put into good word t your superiors…maybe get our company here a good detail helping you PCA guys out.” He said as he turned and watch his troops bind and heard up the additional Pariah’s and bring them over to a Large APC used to transport prisoners.”

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kronos on Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:23 am

"At least you've got that thing, we do all this shit with just Infantry and the occasional Transport" Owen said, Looking at up the imposing Mech that Shaw was pointing too,"And you don't put your life on the line as much, think of that as more pay for less effort," He added, making a holier-then-thou look at Shaw, who held true to the old saying that military life was 'long stretches of boredom in camp, interspersed with moments of sheer terror experienced in the field.'

"Look at the city, Shaw, they are rebelling, we would have done this it was the Workers or Militants or Anyone else doing this... Not everything the PCA does is evil." He said, putting his hand Shaw's shoulder and pointing to the Pariahs being herded into the APC with his left arm. "And I'll make sure if do anything to this batch... They can kiss their jobs goodbye... Having access to surveillance networks is a real help sometimes." He added, taking his hand off Shaw's shoulder and taking another puff from his Cigar.

"Can do... I could get your Company a spot on Hawaii. The last one there was wiped off the map during that Tidal Wave... Or helping us.... It's up to you." He watched along with Shaw as the APC move slowly off into the distance, in the direction of a docke transport destined for the Ellis Island Processing Facility.

And making one last minute revelation, he yelled over his Com, "ALL TROOPS REGROUP AT THE LANDING ZONE, SQUAD 4 PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR THE APC!"
Last edited by Kronos on Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Cambion on Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:49 am

Shaw laughed as Owen made his arguments. He was right. The army got all of the fancy toys to play with, while the PCA marines had to do the same jobs using next to spit wads. "I think I am good on Hawaii" He said As he turned and saw Owen deliver his commands. "I am army, I work for a living, plus the Plague isnt our only Problem, word is that the Pentagon is in an up roar about this whole Pariah deal." Shaw Said as his troops began securing the area and constructing road blocks.

"Between me and you..." Shaw said moving in close so no body could hear what he was about to say. "Some Pariah has apprantly taken control of the the Kremlin ins Moscow...they areb eing pretty tight lipped, but this Fear of the Pariahs has to do with Yuri...and his threats to Invade the free world..."

"But hey, PCA is the first in first out, We will hold this position...You and your boys can go ahead, If you need a detail and Army back up mention my name!" He said holding his fist out for Owen to tap it.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kronos on Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:54 pm

Owen watched the troops set the road blocks, listening to Shaw talk about the situation with the higher ups. He turned back to face Shaw, and said "The PCA has got a grip on things, just you wait." He blew another plume of smoke from his Cigar, and said in a matter-of-a-fact voice, "Plus the Army has been a big help, I saw a Sentry frag a Pariah once on the job, wow. What's the caliber on those things?"

Owen hushed his voice and replied, "CIA reports that the Red Army Psi-Corps are having a field day there, No more Commies to worry about for a while, eh?" Owen was laughing a little at his own joke, and until the situation in Russia improved, he would be right.

"I'm sure we'll see sometime soon, and keep up the overkill." Owen tapped Shaw's fist with his own, and radioed over his Com on the, "Delta-3 Osprey, pick up requested, no Pariahs for pickup." The Osprey transport would be about five minutes, but the landing site was about 50 meters to the North, so Owen had to get going. He waved at Shaw he set off in a run toward the LZ, and radioed over his Com, "All Marines, proceed to the landing zone, Squad four, keep your current course, we'll pick you up at Ellis."

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rauko Moricorm on Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:08 pm

Leo couldn't help feeling something wrong had happened up there he could no longer sense Melissa... "God no!" He knew he'd have to go up there and find her. So he ascended quickly up from the sewers into the air within seconds he was ontop of a building overlooking the opperation. He could see a girl in captivity unconcious he couldn't make out details too many bodies walking around but he prayed it wasn't Melissa he could make out details but it could have been someone else completely. He had to know. Some how he had to know. Leo lay hidden in the shadows silently but his monthly day of thirst was comign upon him... and he couldn't keep ignoring it. "Damn... all of these thickneck bastards look good for picking..." He realized that was the vampire genes injected into him doing the talking starting to take over the urges.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Atrophy on Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:49 pm

Sasha seemed nervous beyond all reason. She paced back and forth, too worried to even notice the odd imagery of Sol's subconscious. It seems what we need to do is to get to Callie, rally up our forces, and try to bust Melissa out of where ever they've taken her. There's no way your body would hold out through another fight. It wouldn't have lasted as long without my help, but that's beside the point. Our main problem right now is how to get back to Callie without drawing the military's attention. I tried putting up a psychic barrier, and so far it's protected us well enough, but they have some kind of armor to prevent me from. . . deleting their memory. From getting inside them at all. I'm at a loss for what to do. I mean we could leave but they would follow us back to the warehouse. Any bright ideas?

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sol on Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:07 am

Sol looked at her, he was still on the bed, but moved himself so that his feet touched the ground. "Is their a way you can hide in a building."

"The Soldiers are trying to find needles in a hay stack...hide us long enough to meet up with Callie?" He said as a possible suggestion. Sol's body was in tatters. He would live, but he was a wreck and with the pain in his system he would be useless. He knew their options were limited.

"If you can supress my pain...we can save Melissa!" He said leeping up as he debated on weather or not to leave her behind. Thought to do it was in his mind for a moment. 'No...we have to help her...she did not leave us when she could have...I have to do something!" He said feeling like this whole thing was his fault.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vincent Corseli on Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:21 am

As Vincent was still air born with Sol? Memory's started to flood into his head, Voices, Images of his painful past. Something he would soon rather forget.

He is a beast! How can i call son when hes just like can i even love such a creature, you are no son of mine!

Years of testing, years of pain and torture, his mother and father performing surgery after surgery, trying to find what gave the "Pariah" Their talents. He also thought about...his little sister, what he had saved her from, but also what he had cursed her with, he knew sooner or later she would be found, discovered by the government or a crazy scientist like her father...he could only Imagen what she must be or did go through."12 years..." Vincent said under his breath with a saddened tone, something some people might think impossible for a person of Vincents type.

Please father, i beg of you....Silence boy! she is just like you, maybe she will provide me with better results then you did! No...I will not...let you! Images of his Mother and Father slain body's, Images of his tiny sister sitting alone hugging their mother.....Even though he saved her, he still felt the like the monster...and he knew that soon...the things his parents did to his body, the experiments that were performed on him..he knew that his life would soon end..though he had a plan for just an occasion, something he had been studying for years.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rauko Moricorm on Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:06 am

Leo sat their waiting and watching the opperation the soldiers how they looked at this girl whose face he couldn't make out yet, he was able to over hear disturbing plans to move her but this didn't surprise him. "I've got to do something, nothing spectacular to draw their attention but enough to stall them possibly for back up which may or may not come. Where the hell is Sol, Xaphan, Vincent, and this Meat character whom I was sensinig earlier but have lost ." Leo focussed energy on the vehicles and shot clear waves of energy into the engines over loading the on board computer circuits disabling transporter vehicles as swell as helocopters, no sparks just glitches. Being careful not to tip them off that someone was causing it instead of years of use and abuse. He laughed lightly at their frustrations able to hear some of them saying"F'--- This P.o.s machine!"

Suddenly in the confusion the soldiers stopped gawking and circling around the girl whom had been captured, Leo's heart sank as he saw her face realizing at once it was her,"Melissa!" Leo inaudibly gasped, gaizing upon her, and began 0growing increasingly angry by the second. "These swine!" He roared beneath his breath. Leo had to get control of his emotions before they blow his cover and bring all these troops down on himself.

Thirsting for fresh meat or blood more and more with each passing second, Leo crawled to the other edge of the roof peering over it seeing a good lil soldier boy who'd left his unit to knock off early, "Too perfect." Looking around to make sure the coast was clear Leo rolled off the roof and descended upon the slumbering soldier and took his life drawing it out of his neck by his blood without a peep of him. When Leo finished without leaving a drop of trace, silently ascnended to his post again and began watching the soldiers again. Making sure they were not able to move Melissa by vehicle.

Leo saw that the soldiers eventually placed four armed gaurds around Melissa, with the rest of the foot soldiers being dispursed on patrols. "Shit! They'll find that soldier I drained, I need to move."Stealthfully, quickly and carefully, Leo leapt into the air and without a sound he landed diagonally across the street a top that roof. He sighed growing weary of this leaping around in the dark but knew unless he continued hiding like this, watching and waiting that he would end up as dear helpless Melissa who lay there unconcious, down in the street under armed guard.

Leo knew, whatever way this sittuation was sliced, it was bad and without help could get much worse if he slipped up."Damn I can't just keep dissabling their machines like this. Something must be done. These soldiers down here are getting frustraited not being able to move their newly acquired Pariah, our Melissa to a testing/holding location, and if I keep up doing this they'll eventually get wise to what's happening and search every bulding top to bottom inside each rat hole and tear it apart until they find something most likely me."

Everything happening, the anxiety, fear, not knowing seriously begain stressing Leo out. His stomach grumbled as the thirst kicked in once more, worse than earlier because Leo'd put off the feeding for months now, earlier had only wet his pallet so to speak. It was catching up to him. Muscles were getting more and more tense, his normal attributes and vitals were increasing in accuracy and strength, two of his four natural senses, as well as one of his unnatural ones becoming much sharper. "I'm affraid this is going to get much worse if something doesn't change in the next few minutes. I'm close to blood berserking..." Leo knew the vampire dna that had been injected into him by those scientists a year ago which enables him to fly silently, was beginning to take more hold of him having not been satisfied for such a long stent. "Jesus, we need a miracle..." Leo sighed and looked up to the sky, his eyes and mind wandering, hopelessly then looked down not truly believing in God but in this sittuation he could use his help if he did truly exist. If so Leo knew he'd better start praying...

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Atrophy on Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:50 pm

Alright . . . I'll land and give you back control, but i'll still be here if you need my help just call on me, I'll hear you. Sasha's head jerked to look at something beyond Sol's line of sight, and she smiled to herself again. We've just received extra reinforcement too. He's not much. . . but it'll help out. Hopefully I will see you soon. Be careful, Sol. . .

To Vincent and Chris it sounded as if Sol was having a one way conversation on an invisible telephone. His voice still had the blatant feminine undertones, and when Sasha's conversation with Sol ended, She turned to the two boys she was holding "I dunno if you heard that or not, but we're going back for the girl now, so get ready to fight again, or flee if you don't want to follow us."

Without another word she began to recede from Sol's mind to her previous position, letting his consciousness take control. She silently set the three of them down not far from Leo's first victim. She called out to Leo's mind to let him know where they were Don't be nervous, you're not alone now. We've got your back. We'll rescue her soon enough, Leo. . .just take a look to the right.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sol on Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:13 pm

Sol felt his feet touch down, as Sasha pulled back. But he could still feel her hiding in the back of his mind. It was odd not being alone in your own head. It felt like sharing a sleeping back with somebody. Sol had to admit he kind of enjoyed the sensation. Fortunatly he was very open and was not afraid to spout his darkest secerets or he may have some serious problems with Sasha. But her Warm personality..he found it invigorating.

Sol landed and found that his wounds had clotted and closed up some what. It was apprantly the most Sasha could do, stimulate his body's natural healing process int oover drive. She was also draining his pain which allowed Sol to operate clearly.

He still decided not to move much less he upset his wounds. He looked to Vincent. He snapped his fingers at the distracted man. 'Hey...wake up, look, thank you for saving me and all of that shit...what ever." he said turning to Chris who was zoned out in a deep sleep. "I don't really care...what I do care about is that I have a FRIEND...who definatly did just save Me and You." Sasha would feel Sol was grateful to Vincent and her, but his concearn was for Melissa who had paied for all of this.

"I don't have many friends...and she sacrificed her self for, we have to save her, and I need you...what do you say?" He said holding his arms out. 'Oh if I was acting a little funny...we have another with us.." He said pointing to his head. His voice clearly normal now.

Sol paused and would ask Sasha with much interest if she could let Leo hear him. He would say to Leo "We are going after NOW."

"Jesus chris..' he said shuddering at the thought of Meat coming back. <We have to get him up...god!> He exclaimed in his own mind. <If that monster wakes up again...I don't think I can stop it...> he said to Sasha. <But we can't leave the kid...even with that monster inside of him he doesent desearve to be alone...>
Last edited by Sol on Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kronos on Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:21 pm

The Osprey transport fell of the sky, about 2 feet above the ground to be exact, because it had already landed and was waiting for Owen and his Marines to finish loading up. "Shaw, we've got another Pariah on our hands, mass equipment failures in progress. Requesting backup!" He yelled his Com moments before it was washed over with static. He grabbed his Pistol from it's holster and retreated backwards into the Osprey, yelling to his Marines "Hold this vantage point until we get repairs done."

Just then, the on-board technician had finished unbolting a roof panel. He looked over the mess of wiring and circutry, and saw a fused mess where the main control board should be. "Fuckers got past the EMP hardening!" He yelled to Owen, who was keeping watch on the entrance of the Osprey Transport. "I'll have this up in about 10 minutes, just gotta reroute to the backup controls."

The APC had EMP and Magic Hardening that worked, thank god. But ironically, all this anti-magic/psion/EMP plating took away from the actual armor, making it less resistant to Anti-Tank weapons then most other APCs. The Gunner, spotting a thermal on the roof that was moving faster than a normal human, he engaged the variance finder, which was nifty tool that compensated for very fast creatures, and opened fire on the rooftop, hoping that this Pariah wasn't bulletproof as well.

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Re: New York City(Who needs a hero?)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Atrophy on Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:42 pm

Don't worry, he's reached a certain peace with the demon inside of him. He'll be fine for now. I think the worst thing we could do would be to wake him up. . . He'll get up on his own eventu- OH MY GOD! get out of sight, Sol NOW!.

They began to open fire upon the rooftops mid-sentence. Sasha didn't think that they had seen them yet, but it was a good idea to get out of the way of ricocheting bullets.

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