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Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

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Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby That One Guy on Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:31 pm

District Utopia, Flawess' Building

“And to conclude, I remind you that this is of course for your own good. I was created by your government to help your race, ensure that you survive, and I assure you I will do everything in my power to carry that task out. The human race will evolve and become a society without crime, sickness, and pain. This is the promise I make to you. All you need to do is let me help you and accept my guidance, and this transition will go so much easier. Thank you Metropolis, I bid you a wonderful day….oh-“ His expression became darker, “From now on the news station will be under my guidance as well, I should be over shortly to sort everything out with them.” And with a last assured smile, the sequence ended and he signaled for the camera to shut off.

“Very good sir, your charisma with the camera is uncanny! No, really, you could have fooled me.” The camera man’s unfortunate mistake caused a frightening stare from Flawless to pierce his eyes, Flawless sat behind his desk, staring the man down for a full sixty seconds, the man was sweating by the end of it. “Fooled? I can assure you sir, I meant every word of what I spoke, no lies have escaped my lips. Do I make myself clear?” He released his sky colored hold on the man by blinking slowly. He nodded nervously and was ushered out by security. Flawless swiveled in his chair to face Viola, sitting in front of him comfortably. “You have something you wish to say?” It was hardly a question, more of a command.

Viola chuckled genuinely, “You show mercy at the oddest of times, I thought you were going to kill the man. Certainly he is of no real importance anyway, just a techno-wiz my Dog sniffed out for you. There are several in this city alone.” He referred to his so far very useful tracker, a person Flawless used quite frequently. In fact, he was using him right now, bringing him a girl who could apparently control gravitation. On his roster today was to meet with both her and a boy who had no particular aversion to fire. He already successfully got him a telepath, and another girl with a voice that was to die for.

“I’ve killed half the people in the parameter we secured already, too much bloodshed and the people will become wary, an initial shock of pain, then mercy, and then pleasure draws them in. Much like a play of S and M that you humans partake in, a queer sexual act but a well developed one; that man will walk home well paid for his services. He successfully linked my transmission to every TV in Metropolis.” Flawless tilted his head to gaze out the window; his bare chest gentle heaved a sigh, his familiar green leather jacket still on. He didn’t change his clothes unless they became dirty, which was not very often. He was remarkably clean however, and didn’t even have the need to go to the bathroom thanks to his highly efficient digestive system that used every bit of food eaten. He could go about three weeks without showering in total with looking sparkling clean, but showers felt good, and he wanted one now, even though he had showered just this morning. No, more than the clean feel of a shower, he wanted his Beloved by his side already. He was a patient man, or so he like to think, but waiting for her painful. He imagined over and over again what her face would look like when she was his transmission, her happiness at knowing that someone loved her from the very beginning, would always do so. She had to hurry up and join him, which reminded him, he hadn’t told Viola about her had he?

He looked back to the Mafioso, who was patiently watching him gaze out the window, quite used to the momentary silence Flawless took up every once in a while. “There is another thing we need to discuss, apart from the million other topics we have yet to finish. You should know that I am not one of a kind; there is one other in this world soon to join us that is much like me. She is…a creation of beauty like no other.” He began, his velvet voice turning strikingly gentle, in reverence to the creature he sculpted just for himself. “She is my companion, and she resides in the space station that I came from still. Once her mind is done developing she will awaken to a recorded message I left in the screen next to her bed, she will atomize in the same place I atomized, that is why I instruct you to leave a guard there at all times.” Viola took this remarkable statement well; he nodded, as if he expected such a thing. His calm mind in all situations really was noteworthy; Flawless could see why the man was the head before him.

“She should be appearing with the week, inform your guard of this, and tell them she is to be brought to me immediately, no matter the situation at the time. Treat her with the utmost kindness.” Viola gave another nod and got up, off to handle the newspaper agency and then the news broadcasting building, both would be under Flawless’ eye now.

“I look forward to working with her then.”

“No one will work with her.” Flawless snapped alarmingly, making Viola freeze and his eyes widen. “She’s mine.” Flawless untensed, leaning back in his chair, regretting his outburst but not showing it, Viola gave a bow and backed away slowly, the tension in the room leaving with him.

Flawless blinked twice, leaning forward on his desk and sorting papers needlessly, the vastly empty penthouse seeming more oppressive than ever. He waited calmly for the ‘Dog’ to show up with his two new recruits, their files he had right in front of him. “What was Viola thinking do you suspect? He seemed to ask thin air, but really he was asking the man lounging on the lone couch around the corner that led to a make-shift living room. The very same telepath he had only recently acquired. He wanted distraction to make himself feel better, because he was now for some reason in an annoyed mood. He was restless, fiddling with things on his desk needlessly. Really he had lied to Viola; Beloved should have arrived the week prior, he was worried. The first thing he had ever worried about really, he didn’t even know he was worrying at all, the emotion troubled him.

Park, Eastern side of Metropolis

“Hm…” Caramel started walking with the mass of people down the crosswalk; he stared ahead with confidence and hands in his pocket, eyebrows furrowed. He got a couple of stares from people, but they were wistful, no one approached him of course. This was due to the way he looked, like a supermodel. He was dressed in actual clothes today, a long black coat with a pure white faux-fur hood that had its tips dyed black, black jeans and stylish knee-length combat boots that had a slight heel. His long hair was tied up in a high pony tail and crimped into gentle waves, a silver moon dangled on the end of a chain that made his earring for the day. The earring suited him well, even if it was intended originally for a woman.

He continued walking, passing through a park; he stopped at a bench and sat down, huffing in frustration. You see, as stylish as this man was, as amazing as his power of precognition and out of body projection was, he had absolutely no sense of direction whatsoever. He was a fool with directions, and maps only made him angry with their confusing layout, forget about knowing which way was north or south. It was partially the reason why he rarely ventured outside of his room at Yoebe’s whore-mansion. Most of the whores were quite aware of this fact too, and of course he refused any invitation to take him anywhere, and refused Jenkins’ offer to drive him, he insisted on walking. Caramel was much too proud to accept that kind of help from the assholes he worked with, not to mention he was on a mission of sorts. He was trying to find his damn way to the apartment he knew Beloved and her caretaker Darren Grey to be in. It was time he visited Darren once more, for although he kept tabs on them, it was time that he broke it to Darren that both he and Beloved were destined for violence. They had a duty to fulfill, and he would set them on as right a path as he could foresee for them. If he could only find his way to them first!

God this was embarrassing, you’d think that the many times he had traveled there ahead of time from his room would be enough for him to find his way one foot, but apparently things were harder to go about from on the ground than in the air. He didn’t even know his way back by now, he was screwed…or maybe not? He straightened; craning to neck to get a better look to his left at the corner store, coming out from it was someone he recognized quite well, even with clothes on, Officer Stevens.

Police knew their way around town right? They had too, of course they did! Caramel got up and quickened his pace, half jogging, disturbing the crows feeding on the gravel walkway as he exited the park and waved his hand. “Hey! Officer Stevens!” He caught his attention and walked up to the crosswalk, having to wait awkwardly while the light turned green so that he could come over. Once it did the walk over seemed even more awkward, Stevens was staring at him of course, damn animal. “Um…I’m lost.” He blurted once he finally got up to him, averting his gaze and flushing in embarrassment and perhaps for another reason, ‘I’m lost’ was a hell of a thing for a grown man to say, and Caramel was well aware.

“I’m trying to get the Crown apartment complex to meet a friend, but I can’t seem to find it. It’s supposed to be on…the corner of Baker and Southern? Do you think you could point me in the right direction?” He finished, more confident now and composed, completely business-like.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aftershock on Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:09 am


Crown Apartment Complex, Eastern Side of Metropolis

Darren's hands glided deftly over the sleek wood, gently strumming the taught strings of his guitar, not needing a reference to check the tuning of the guitar. It took him only a few moments, making minor adjustments that most wouldn't recognize anyway. He was pretty sure Beloved would though. She seemed very attuned to things like that, things most people probably wouldn't notice.

The sunlight wafted down, warm, but not hot. It was bright though, and most people that were sitting outside did so on chairs at tables, beneath the sun umbrellas just outside News Cafe, the restaurant next to the Crown Apartment Complex. Most of the people there were enjoying their lunch in the shade, but Darren felt like standing out in the sun, in the warmth. He had finished his sandwich and chips pretty quick, downing it with a coke. He wasn't really in the mood for a beer, and besides, he had a meeting with Caramel now. He knew that the dream last night wasn't just a normal dream, that it really was a message from Caramel. He was worried that it had something to do with the TV announcement by 'Flawless'. Frankly, it didn't sit well with Darren, and he was hoping Caramel would have some answers. The whole 'totalitarianism utopia' thing had been tried before, by a couple different dictators. Never worked out too well. Darren decided to sit outside, so Caramel could find him easily, without getting lost in the apartment complex. Knowing Caramel, he'd probably get lost enough just on his way over here.

A slight breeze picked up, bringing with it the smells of hot, fresh food, mixed in with the usual scents of the city; cars and smoke and lots of people, all out and about with their own agendas for the day. There wasn't much traffic, but there was still that constant city ambience. It was like the beat of your heart, constant, rhythmic, always there even when you don't notice it. But as Darren leant back against the side of the restaurant, strumming the strings of his guitar, it felt like the city ambience dropped back a bit. Beloved sat on the floor right in front of him, staring up at the guitar and the sounds it made. It was moments like these she looked a bit like the kid she acted like. She loved new sounds, appreciated the world around her in a way few people did. That was special. That was something Darren would see grow. It wasn't only her watching him though. The nearby conversation died down, one by one, as they started listening to the melody strumming off of the acoustic guitar. Then Darren started singing. The words died on each set of lips then, as they listened to his voice, wistful, almost mournful, singing his own rendition of "What it's Like", by Everlast.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lifecharacter on Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:21 pm

District Utopia, Flawess' Building

ImageHaving sprawled his body across the entirety of what was really a comfortable couch, Alex had heard the entirety of the conversation with Viola and the broadcast prior to that. When the question was asked and floated over to his ears, he reluctantly sat up and placed his feet on the floor. He called out to the one around the corner. "I suspect many things about Viola." He searched the surrounding area for the shoes he had taken off and found them somewhat hidden under the couch. "Which topic would you like to know about?" He slipped on his dress shoes, something he was recommended to wear to this little meeting, and stood. As he spoke he rounded the corner and turned to face Flawless, now fingering through papers that had no real interest to Alex at this time. "There's his wife and kids. Has he brought them up to you yet? They're quite cute and they've got daddy wrapped around each one of their fingers." He crossed the penthouse, something that was depressingly empty besides a few scarce pieces of furniture and the desk Flawless now sat at. "There's that hint of annoyance with you hiding in the back of his mind. There's the jealousy, there's the curiosity, and then there's you."

As his footsteps glided across the empty floor, the occasional thud of the hard sole breaking the fluidity of it all, he felt a bit annoyed that he had been called here just to listen to such a broadcast. Hoping there would be something more for him to do here, not one to waste such precious time as that needed to cross the city, he looked towards the man behind a large, professional looking desk. Alex entered the ramparts of his mind, seeking whatever seemed like an interesting topic at the time. This was something incredibly easy for him to do, for no amount of physical perfection could keep out such a thief. Flawless just had a few more locks to pick before the grand treasure could be displayed for his eyes to see. This came to an early end when he stumbled upon a rather troubling piece of information. Such tardiness was not acceptable when Alex had such a person he could be better spending his time with. Oh, but what a clever little liar we have here, going so far as to completely waste human resources to protect something unlikely to come. He could feel the worry, a little stream flowing inside such a torrent of confidence.

He had eventually reached his destination and was now looking down at the one who had recently acquired his unique services. He leaned forward, increasing the angle between their eyes and used his right palm to steady himself against the wooden structure he had no taste for. "You know, even with all your perfection, and well... flawlessness your mind is still open to me. I have paid you a great respect by not peering into it, but when an obvious lie presents itself and when such subtle hints are right before my eyes, the temptation can just be too great." He returned the hand to the pocket of his pin striped pants, something he still felt annoyed with, and took a few steps back. He wasn't sure what the response to his prodding question would be, but he could most likely survive it.

"She seems to be running a little late don't you think?"
Last edited by Lifecharacter on Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:29 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sarcasm on Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:24 pm


District Utopia, Outside of Flawless's building

"Right this way ma'am." The voice of the man who brought her to the Utopian district caused Nebula to jump up in surprise, having been dwelling far too long in her thoughts and forgetting the main purpose of why she was here. For a Utopia. For this man they called "Flawless". The name itself seemed cocky somehow but he would have to be if he was planning to make his dream turn into a set in stone reality. "Yes,I'm coming." She murmured to the man in the suit, one who did not give his name to her which she was fine with. As they walked into the building, she took notice of several odd and rather...creepy people about. Everything seemed in order though, and the building looked spotless to her. The elevator ride was probably the most excruciating part of the whole affair. The man had rarely said much to her the entire car ride, and now he was simply standing by her side while David Bowie played in the background.

Of course the man had quite a bit to say when she first met him outside after a photo-shoot, including her having to walk with him to the nearest electronic store just so she could watch Flawless's broadcast. When Flawless was speaking, her heart fluttered. Not because he was attractive, but because of the sound of his voice. So direct and full of authority and power, so much like her Father's. As the elevator let out a quick "Ding!" and the door opened, Nebula couldn't help but think of the many reasons she was here. She someone to lead her. She was no good simply living life as she was now, pretending to be a male during modeling jobs. The bottom line, she wanted more satisfaction from her life, a better place to live and simply be. Not to mention, she was lonely.

While pondering all of this, she stepped out of the elevator along with the man who now lead her into an office, a highly organized office where the man from the T.V sat comfortably in a chair. Another man was in the room as well, and Nebula's eye couldn't help but widen in surprise.

"I've brought her to you sir, the other should be coming in as well." With that the man gave a small nod towards Flawless before quickly closing the door and exiting the room, leaving Nebula with the two men in the room. Nebula felt quite happy that she had taken dance lessons when she was younger, because there was no better time then now for her to have perfect posture, especially in front of the man in front of her. She hesitantly brushed her fingers along the hem of her dress, relieved somehwhat that she had decided not to wear her usual flashy attire today and settled on a calmer colored outfit

"Well, I suppose I should formally introduce myself first then. I'm ..." . She hesitantly paused and then decided she might as well just say all her names. Wouldn't matter much if she was going to be working with him anyways. "I'm known around the normal bunch as Calista Reding. The not so normal know me as Nebula." Without saying anything else she merely turned towards Alexander and smiled as she spoke mentally towards him "Nice to see you again to Mr.Riedel"Turning back to Flawless, Nebula would allow a tiny smile to spread across her face, a careful smile.

"I hear you have a proposition for me?"

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:41 am


South Side Slums -- Third Avenue and Baker Street Apartment Complex -- Number 221B

Tiffany-blue eyes stared unblinkingly at the television screen in the ramshackle apartment building, watching the man with the sky-irises describe his vision of a batter world. Deep-rooted cynicism scoffed quietly and turned away from the concluding remarks with a sharp shake of tousled blue-black hair. A translucent fingertip ran the length of a precisely-sharpened kitchen knife, removing the flecks of aromatic cilantro from the blade. A slight intake of air marked the err in its path; a thin line of blood welled to crimson life on the surface of her skin. September watched this with a detached sort of expression, features frozen in place as if carved in porcelain. A drop fell, splashing onto the formica countertop, until that moment spotlessly clean, and this broke the stillness.

“You say utopia like human beings can attain such a thing,” she said aloud, though the image had already faded and nobody was around to hear. “Like we don’t corrupt and stain everything we touch.” She moved a few slightly-fumbling steps to the side in her cramped kitchen, running the faucet with icy water and holding the injured digit beneath it. The red was carried away by the water, infinitesimal color lost to the steady stream of hueless lamentation. It was a trivial pain, as nothing for her at least, so accustomed to greater agonies. Certainly, that corruption was in her just as much as anyone else, she made no mistake about that, held no illusions to the contrary.

She’d only ever met a few people she thought might deserve a world like that, and a man so arrogant as to call himself Flawless was not among them. But it was not for her to say, perhaps. She was nothing more than a river-stone, resistant to all but the strongest current, but not so placed as to alter the flow of anything. She flickered on few radars, her name was not whispered into the night next to the who’s-who of the empowered, she did not make headlines or broadcasts or gossip columns. She mingled with neither high society nor the truly wretched, for she was quite wretched enough on her own, and had no desire to be looked down upon more than was strictly necessary.

The cilantro, she scooped easily into the skillet along with the vegetables and homemade sauce, the smell of fresh things and spice filling her tiny apartment to the brim. She’d watched someone on a cooking channel make this, and thus the knowledge of how to replicate that act was now entirely hers, to do with as she wished. For this, she would endure even the pain of standing for an extended period of time. The water on the stovetop was coming to a boil, and she smoothly immersed the noodles within it, working with both hands at once to keep things stirring as they must. Multitasking was not difficult when one could focus on several things at once anyway, and so it was that she caught the play of a smile across his face.

He leaned against the counter, entirely unhelpful as always, and she didn’t even spare the energy to scowl at him. It was only natural that he should be there; she hadn’t slept for more than a full day and a half now. She refused generally to remedy her problems with narcotics, as they did things to her mind that she did not like, amplified only for her capacities, and she would rather have faulty faculties that were her own than sleep regularly.

She paused for a moment, realizing that she’d unconsciously cooked enough for an extra person. September ate as much as two or three people, but this was a bit much even for her. Was she expecting company? It would perhaps not have been unreasonable to do so, seeing as these days she had it with quite a bit of frequency. She played her recent conversations with the company in question over in her head, fact-perfectly, but there was nothing in them about whether she was expecting him today or not. Well, perhaps it didn’t matter. Such things were unpredictable by nature, and though logistics made the chances good, there were always extenuating circumstances, and without knowledge of these, she may as well not guess at all.

Simultaneously, she further considered this ‘Flawless’ person. Truly, who would think to call themselves that? Nobody was an embodied entity without some form of flaw, but even more than that, who would wish to be? Flaws differentiated minds; they yielded idiosyncrasies and quirks even beside the evil that came of them. To be without them… would be to be without that extraordinary capacity to overcome and master them that she had observed in some people, and it was this singular trait that she admired most. There was nothing accomplished without struggle, and to lack understanding of that simplest of facts was to lack… humanity. Hmm… Now there was a consideration. She was aware that her own attitudes towards the phenomena were mixed, perhaps even to the point of contradiction. Then again, so were human beings themselves, so in a sense it logically followed.

Running a hand through her short-cropped tresses, September fingered the ends delicately and sighed slightly, serving herself enough to eat well and leaving the rest. Just in case.
Last edited by Kurokiku on Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Solo Wing Pixy on Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:15 pm

East Side - Corner of Kovacs and 51st, Room 02

Joshua was in his basement preparing for an outing this evening when the broadcast came on. His television was tuned to a music channel when the blue eyed man's visage took over the screen. The sudden lack of rhythm prompted Joshua to look up, and before the man on the screen could start speaking, Joshua scoffed and returned to his work. He knew the man—Flawless—as some sort of mob boss with a charming personality and powers that engulfed most of the other supers in town. When Joshua had moved back into the city, the crime problem was one of the reasons he took up his current hobby. Flawless was their leader, and he was so bold. Why wouldn't he be? He's got nothing to fear from the law forces in the city, most of whom work for him or ignore him; nothing to fear from the government, too busy with foreign affairs and too scared to harm innocents. This city was practically the man's nation, and everyone in it was both a sword and a shield.

It wasn't surprising that the government was unwilling to step in. They used Joshua in the war, and through that he saw what his superiors chose to ignore. Over there, the children were used as bombs. Here, it was the city itself. It sickened Joshua.

"You think you're idealizing mankind with this move? Wrong. You're mutilating it. No, you've already done that. Now you're burning the wounds closed." Joshua looked up to the television as the man disappeared and his music returned. More human than human, more sicker than sick. How fitting.

Joshua clicked the power off on the television, and the room fell into silence. Above, he could hear the sounds of the city like normal. They were a mask, just like everything else. So many were corrupt, was it worth saving any? Would it not be better to euthanize the entire city? A few innocent deaths to punish the greater evil? No. No matter what greater good is done, it's all for nothing when the innocent have to pay the price. Flawless broke the rule. With noble intentions, he was led astray and what happened earlier today was a perfect example. Joshua lifted his rifle.

The East side wasn't subject to 'utopia' just yet, but the West was. Joshua didn't know how much of a resistance the people on the West planned to put up, but from what he heard on the police scanners, he assumed it wouldn't be much. He couldn't blame them. They weren't super strong or fast, or invisible. Even in numbers they were at a disadvantage. None of that mattered. Flawless's dogs were just street rats. Compared to Joshua, they were just target practice. He figured he wouldn't even need to be invisible. Still, it made for good fun.
We drink to him as comrade must
But it's still the same old story
A coward goes from dust to dust
A hero from dust to glory.

Modesty wrote:Where originality comes in is finding new ways to explore the things that already exist to us. Suddenly red becomes crimson, ruby, scarlet, cherry, carnelian, vermilion, cardinal, sienna, maroon, sorrel, rojo, sanguine. Suddenly red can become a metaphor, a picture, a symbol.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rispetto on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:14 pm


District Utopia, Flawless' Building Lobby

Pyralis stood silently in the lobby of Flawless's Building, leaning against a column, and somewhat pleased by the fact that none of the workers there really payed any mind to his costume. He figured if they were working for the man he had saw on the television, then they had probably been used to seeing stranger things in the very lobby he stood in. His original intent of standing there was to wait for the suited man to pick up Nebula, but the pair had walked past him without even batting their eyes. Perhaps it was because neither had seen him costumed, or they were simply in too big of a hurry to cast a second glance. Really, the only thing that gave away that it was him under that mask was the single amber eyes that peered out from the right side of the mask, the other eye hidden behind the red goggle of the mask.

The very same eye followed Nebula and the formal man as they approached the elevator, got on it, and the metal doors slid closed. "Well, fuck." He said, pushing himself off of the column and slowly walking to the elevator, hands casually placed in his pockets. He looked at the floor indicator and sighed as the floor numbers lit up slowly, finally coming to a stop and signifying were Nebula and the man had been getting off. He raised a finger to the call elevator button and paused, shrugging before bursting into flame. A few moments later, another plume of fire erupted in the elevator as the doors were closing and Pyralis shoved an arm out to stop it. "Missed em' again." He muttered as he stepped out of the elevator and silently walked behind the two, whom still seemed to pay no noticed.

As they stepped into the room, he silently observed the introductions and shook his head as Nebula gave her name. Stupid girl. He thought, recalling telling her once before that using your actual name was a bad idea. Though, he supposed Flawless was powerful enough to get it nonetheless. When the proposition was mentioned, he lifted an arm and gave a small nod before dropping it back to his side. "The name's Pyralis." He said, moving his hands to rest in his pockets once more. "And I heard the same."


South Side Slums Power Grid

One came to know many things whilst adventuring throughout an entire city's power grid. Some things unwanted, some things necessary. But one particular thing one could learn is the general location of a person. Perhaps one caught of glimpse of someone they knew whilst passing through the circuits of their television. Or maybe they heard them whilst passing through their radio. Or their cell phone, or computer, and so on. This is exactly how Conduit had nailed down the specific location of September. Or at least, he had thought he had seen her when passing through this area a couple times before. He could always be mistaken, of course. And as he emerged from the grid via an outside outlet of an apartment building, Conduit reminiscently recalled the first and last time he had interacted with September had been on the third Tuesday of the month. Maybe it was not something any normal person would remember, but he remembered it nonetheless.

When he turned to observe the apartment complex he had emerged from, he took note of the large 'B' on it's side and figured it would be a good enough place of any to start. He began at the first floor, getting no answers except for a door at the end of the hall, who's resident sadly informed Conduit that he was on the wrong floor and directed him up the stairs. He hadn't been given a specific room number, so he began the process of knocking on each door again, getting no answers once more. By the time he had reached the final door of this particular hall, #221B, he was about to give up. "This had better be it, or so help me..." He began to say, trailing off and knocking on the door with three resounding knocks. He could smell a particularly enticing scent as he shifted and began to wait, giving the resident about a minute to answer, if of course, the resident was even home.


Park, Eastern side of Metropolis

"I'm lost." Reegan could hardly believe it at first, both that it was the love of his life that stood before him and that he was lost. He smirked and let out a chuckle before letting the smirk falter and putting on a mock face of disbelief. "Oh, you were serious. How... cute." He said, lightly punching Caramel in the arm as he passed him to get on the driver's side of his squad car. Opening the driver door, he paused and looked at Caramel.

"Crown apartment complex, huh? That's a good thirty blocks from here, how in the hell did you get yourself so lost this far away?" He told him, very well knowing that the complex was only about three blocks to the east. "Good thing your looks make up for your lack of brain, love. Get in, I'll take you there." Reegan said, before giving another chuckle and nodding towards the passenger side before clambering into his seat as well.

"Hurry up, cutie. I'm technically not even allowed to do this, and I'm still on my shift. I don't have time to waste."

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby That One Guy on Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:54 pm


Beloved, a woman so named but unsure of what it meant sat on a patch of grass, staring up at Darren Grey’s guitar with adoring eyes. She watched in attentiveness at the small little tweaks he made on the tune, her hearing picking up each subtle change easily, she already knew what these changes meant, and could tell that a good song was about to be sung. Her legs, which she had learned to keep together when wearing a dress, sprawled out in front of her in a whimsical manner. She had not been around the TV when Flawless’ broadcast came on, and towards the end of it she had been outside, like most of the people around her. The café was like a small patch of closed off paradise in the big city, one of the few places with grass and an open space for people to have a picnic, and right next to there home. It was absolute perfection to be in the sun, listening to her favorite sound she had ever found so far, the glare of light haloing Darren Grey’s head as she glanced up at his face until he began to sing. There it was, her favorite sound.

She could feel the emotion and warning behind it, and it was almost as if she could feel it too, every time he sang she was felt like she was part of his song. That was how good at singing Darren Grey was.

Then you might know what it’s like

The song ended and it left her feelings of lamenting sadness, guilt, maybe pity. To most these feelings would be considered sad, brood-ish, but to Beloved they were good feelings, all feelings were good in her opinion, even the sad ones, otherwise she wouldn’t know what the good ones felt like. A few people tipped there glasses in Darren Grey’s direction, a few clapped (a gesture that Beloved found fascinating at first, but quickly got over. She had still yet to ask what in the world it meant.) But Beloved of course just blurted out a question, “Darren Grey, why they call that girl a sinner and a killer in the song? Who she kill?” death was something she already knew about, she came to understand that the bodies she had encountered upon her waking hour were dead people, they had died violently, but some people just looked like they were going to sleep. And that was what Darren Grey had told her, that when people died they went to sleep, and they were never going to wake up. She had a habit of asking many difficult questions such as that, but he always came up with an answer befitting an explanation to a child. Sometimes she believed him, other times she knew he was just being nice and didn’t want her to know something he thought would make her upset.

Before he could explain though she suddenly got up, more of a flicker of movement than anything to be seen by a human’s eye, she sniffed the air deeply, squinting in the distance at a cop car. A bright smile and a gasp lit her up, “It is friend Caramel! I can smell his hairspray…he used a lot, doesn’t he tell me to not use a lot when I brush his hair though?” She laughed, thinking of how funny-mad he would get when she teased him about it. Because Caramel was the sort of person who when they got mad, they were pretty funny, his expression was funny, his voice got higher, the whole deal. He wondered why she ‘poked’ at him so much, when it was his own fault for giving her such positive responses every time. “How much you bet he got lost this time?...How much do you bet he got lost this time?” She corrected her sentence, catching the words she was missing when saying it, her mind came up with the thought so quickly that words sometimes went missing when she voiced them.

"Oh, he drove a Police Officer car? Did Caramel do something bad?" She craned her neck to try and see


ImageJesusflippinchrist! He should have known he would receive this treatment from the moment he got Stevens’ attention. Stevens was the sort of guy that loved to tease and make Caramel prickle up worse than a cactus on the inside, it was never a peaceful moment with him it seemed. And cute?! Really!? Caramel took the mocking expression humbly and said nothing, he wasn’t in any position to snarl at anyone for poking fun at him when he was using them as a cab service….and a light went off in his head, a cab WHY HADN’T HE THOUGHT OF THAT FIRST!? A spur of curses ran through his head at his own stubborn downfall when he insisted to the mansion’s butler that he walked on his own, he had just began to walk and didn’t think twice about it. Honestly for someone who could control multiple astral aspirations at time, which were multiple trains of thought, he felt pretty stupid. But Stevens was right, at least his looks gave him a way to make money.

Caramel walked to the passenger’s side, in a slight huff, and got in. He hadn’t seen the inside of a car too often, but police cars sure were decked out with gear. Bright screens flashed at him of various uses, one looked like a map, a GPS, which he probably needed to get one fused to his forehead didn’t he? He crossed his arms, “Thirty blocks?....Jesus.” He murmured, believing that he had made such a mistake in judgment at the location of the place he needed to be. They started to drive and it became awkwardly silent, at least for Caramel it did, the music didn’t help. He glance over at Stevens a couple of times, actually pondering him now. He was a curious fellow, cold and warm at the same time, he really couldn’t figure him out at all. He was surprised and yet not surprised when he had acknowledged him in public, I mean the nature of their work really didn’t permit such actions. But Stevens wasn’t someone who fallowed norms from what he could tell, he had spied on him before, and he had observed the heroic feats he had gone out of his way to perform to help innocent people.

“I’m surprised you acknowledged me you know.” Caramel spoke up, “The mansion is the only place that the whores are treated well really, outside of it our customers don’t acknowledge us at all. Which makes sense, so why are you doing something that doesn’t make sense? If anyone knew your reputation could be hurt by speaking to a whore.” His flat tone was a warning, stupid to let a guy know this now, after accepting a ride from them. But it just seemed like Stevens didn’t know, Caramel thought he’d let him in on the etiquette, not taking into consideration that the man was a Police Officer and probably already knew.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:07 pm


South Side Slums-- Baker Street Apartment Complex – Apartment 221B

September, having completed the preparations, flicked the faucet with her mind, causing water to gush from the slightly musty tap and into the painstakingly-polished steel of the sink. A little soap and a few more mental commands later, the rest of the food had been stored in a large Tupperware container (apparently there was quite a bit more left over than she’d thought; perhaps Vermuse would like some?) and the dishes were washing themselves at her direction while she levitated her own plate over to the small card table in her kitchen that served as her dining room. She did not levitate herself, though, insisting on walking. She only did these other things with her powers because she had no desire to break any of her dishware should she lose control of her muscles and fall. Her own body would be given no such liberties; it did not deserve the consideration.

It might have surprised someone to know that starving as she was, she ate with precision and dignity. It was true that nobody was around, and the extensive caloric demands of her metabolism were demanding that she shovel her pasta as quickly as she was physically capable, but she had always been a firm believer that you should never behave differently on your own than with company, and she was stubborn about this. She would not indulge herself, she would not disintegrate into a helpless heap only because nobody was there to see.

She was about halfway through dinner when there was a knock at the door. How strange. Alex never knocked, and she was not expecting anyone else… her hand slowly traced its way to the gun strapped to her calf beneath the long boy’s jeans she wore, but she stopped in mid-motion, telepathically brushing the presence outside and straightening. She was not less wary for the realization that she knew the identity of the person; quite the contrary, as she had never given Conduit her address, nor intimated anything of her life at all save the name of the disease she suffered from and her own moniker.

This reduced the possibility that he was here to actually do her harm, for the logic of this would be unsound. If one did not know of her powers, one would simply assume her to be on a slow, rather lonely road to death and leave it at that. Even if someone were to know, like Vermuse and Alex and maybe even Ludis did, it was rather apparent that she was no vigilante. Even so, she remembered the broadcast from earlier and knew that for some people perhaps, those inclined to see the world in absolutes, none of this would make even the slightest difference, and such knowledge bade her to wariness.

Rising from her chair, she slid into the wheelchair that had been until that moment been sitting unused in the corner. She’d walked about quite a bit more today than she was comfortable with already. Wheeling over to the front door, she turned the knob and backed the chair up, leveraging the door more widely open and looking up at her visitor with no discernible emotion. “Conduit,” she greeted tonelessly. “Do you want something?”

He, of course, snickered behind her. He’d always found her bluntness towards others amusing. Less so when it was used on him, but she tried not to talk to him at all if she could avoid it. Still, he refused to stop plaguing her, and she accepted this as something that was unlikely to change.

She knew it would be polite to invite Conduit inside, but there was no way she was going to do that without a satisfactory response to her inquiry, if indeed there was one to be had at all.


The Upper East Side – Near Fontenelle Avenue and Fifty-Fifth – Number 13, Hedgerow Court


Alejandro Vasquez was not the kind of man who liked to be bored. Which was why, at present, he was not in a particularly good mood. His assistant had given him some bullshit excuse about needing to take the day off for personal reasons, but he’d been around the block way too many times to even think about believing that. He was by no means a dumb man, and Calista was probably off somewhere putting herself in stupid amounts of danger. With some fucker taking over the East End, pretty much anything was dangerous.

Oh well, what the hell did he care? He damn well didn’t, and if the next time he saw her was when they were contacting him as next-of-kin (they weren’t kin, but he chose to be listed as such for any of his employees who had nobody else. He justified this by saying that he wanted to know if one of the idiots died so he didn’t bother writing their next paycheck) he didn’t care about that either, except to think that she’d be damn lucky and he’d probably be pissed that she got to die first. He wouldn’t be surprised if someone did that just to spite him some day. Yeah, fuck you Mr. Vasquez, I’m gonna do the one thing that you want so bad but can’t do. Talk about flipping a guy the bird.

He really needed something to do. Well, no use sitting around waiting for shit to happen, was there? “Myles, I’m going out,” he called into the kitchen, where his manservant was busy preparing tea. He could have sworn he heard the smallest of sighs, and Alejandro grinned. It was probably almost ready too, but really the old man should expect that kind of thing by now.

“Of course, Mr. Vasquez. When shall I expect you to return?” The butler’s aged voice was tempered by an impressive patience; this man knew his employer’s secret in its entirety, something that nobody else could say with any degree of certainty. His immortality was no secret to those who knew enough to believe the possibility of it, but the story was the property of Myles alone, and for good reason.

“Don’t,” was the reply, laced with a reckless confidence that seemed to pervade everything the older (though younger in appearance) man did. It was the same answer every time. Don’t expect me back, just in case I finally find it.

“Of course not, sir,” Myles replied stoically, but Alejandro was already throwing his long duster over his shoulders, sliding his gloved hands into the sleeves, and shrugging it into place. Between that, his slightly-mussed hair, and the cigarette he was just now lighting, he made quite the image, and he was acutely aware of this. The ability to manipulate his appearance to create a certain effect was a talent he’d honed as an actor, and it only continued to prove itself useful. A pair of shades completed the ensemble, and he stepped outside, striking off down a random path until he found something suitably interesting.
Last edited by Kurokiku on Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aftershock on Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:25 pm


As the song drew to an end, the last of the chords fading to silence, Darren nodded his head to the people sitting at their tables, resting his guitar back in it's case. As usual, Beloved had sat rapt, staring up at him absorbing every last note, but the moment the song was over her usual flow of questions continued. Fortunately, Darren was spared from trying to explain teen pregnancy and abortion to Beloved, who was really was still a child, when her attention instantly swapped elsewhere. He couldn't help but grin as she laughed at the thought of Caramel's hairspray. Just like a small child, she was such a happy person, curious and delighted at everything around her. Sure, she could be a bit of a handful, but she was the kind of person that just being around them lifted your spirits.

And I just can't wait till this sweet little girl gets a good whiff of the real world. Just wait till Beloved gets thrown head first into the deep end of the shit hole that is life. I mean, remember what happened when you lost it? Hehehehehehehe, just imagine that with BELOVED'S powers! Oh-me-oh-my that will be the day, hoo-hoo-hoo a-he a-ha a-heheheheeheeeheeeee

Oh fuck off

More and more, the little voice had started taking pot-shots at Darren, trying to provoke him. It was still very infrequent, but somehow the little ass-hole managed to catch him just as his spirits were lifting. He'd learnt to ignore it, but it still managed to put a serious damper on his mood. Beloved pointing out what Caramel had been driven past in snapped Darren's attention back to the matter at hand.

"I don't know... but the car seems to be coming to a stop. C'mon, let's go see what's going on" Darren said, as he hoisted the strap of his guitar case over his shoulder, starting to walk towards the police car, which was coming to a stop just a little past the Crown apartment complex.

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Re: Blurry Lines: Crossing Them IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby winged1107 on Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:11 am


A smirk was one of the few persistent noises in the church, that and the groaning of one Antonio Bombardier. There were few words she would ever say to a man such as himself; he was unforgiving and absolutely disgusting, he had no right to live. She knew how risky it was to still be killing under the rule of that new man . . . she was certain his name was Flawless or something rather. But, if he wanted a perfect utopia, she would help him get rid of all of the scum that had no place in such a perfect world.

She paced around the man on the floor, his hair graying and balding in some places. The systematic tapping of her heels reverberated throughout the whole church, just proving to the dying man just how alone they actually were. Antonio was a man who was used to being alone but it was usually with younger children who never survived to see the next day. Yes, men who were supposed to be working under God, passing his word out to others, were not supposed to take advantage of the trust children had in him.

"Please, spare me." Was the single plea she heard from him. Her perfectly made up eyes turned to him, the feel of her eyelashes scraping against the top of her eyes sending a pleasant chill down her spine. The pleading was her favourite part, she knew they had finally submitted to where all of their victims had been, it was like taking an eye for an eye.

"Did you spare the dozens of young children when you raped them? Did you ever once even let one of them live afterwards? No, Mr. Bombardier, you have no reason, nor right, to live. You will die like all of the other children did and I'll leave you out here to die, alone." She smiled, looking at the pathetic man. He was lying a pool of his own vomit and the tremors had stopped a while ago. She could see him curl further into a ball every few moments as stabs of abdominal pain attacked his nervous system; it would be only a few moments until his life would be taken away from him. And Candy, right now known as Nerium, would leave him here for someone to find him. She had left no fingerprints nor any DNA samples, she was safe. The only thing they would find were multiple strange claw marks with Nerium Oleander inside of them, which would also be found in his digestive tract.

Success was imminent as the man took a few last, wheezy breaths and passed away. She looked down at his body and frowned, no, she was glad she took care of another man like him. He deserved to pity, only death.

She turned her pack on him and she passed her hands through her newly dyed blonde hair, the few loose curls deflating under her hands. She took the back door from the church, leaving the dead body of the former priest lying on the ground. A smile lingered on her features as she twisted her hat in her hands. Yes, she was happy that children would be safe in this area, at least for another while. They would have nothing to fear, much like most of them had been with the disappearances of their friends. But it was a poor area and there was always going to be people who needed to die.

She sighed and looked down at her outfit, the obscenely short skirt practically showing off her underwear and the corset type top just a little too tight, and sighed. She had had a special client, a cop of some sort, who had wanted her dressed up this way. His appointment had been earlier this morning but she saw no reason to get all dressed up only to wear the clothing for a few moments. So she decided that it was cute enough to wear for the day.

She slipped the gloves back on over her hands, now that there was no poison left on her nails and pulled out a small music device, something called an ipod. She had been at a music store the other day and had found an artist in the oldies section, someone's who name was Lady Gaga. She enjoyed the woman’s music, the upbeat and strange lyrics making Candy perfectly content. The beat for most of her songs were hypnotic, she enjoyed it a lot. She had picked up a few other artists too but Lady Gaga was her favourite, it was such a shame that the girl still wasn’t alive, she would have made some more music that Candy could have listened to.

She popped both ear buds into her ear and started listening to the Alejandro song, laughing at the lyrics. With him on her mind she made her way out to his work, which wasn't too far from here. He was fun to bug, especially when he was trying to concentrate. She always seemed to amuse herself with him, he was entertaining.

She soon made it to his building and a large grin fell onto her lips when she saw him leaving the building. "Hey! Alejandro!" She called up as she rushed by his side to catch up with him, her heels making it just a bit troubling to get that far. She tore one ear bud out of her ear and smiled at him again.

"I dyed my hair blonde, like it?" She asked, before rushing onto the next subject, hoping it would irk him to have no speaking time. "And I found a song, it's by some girl named Lady Gaga and it's totally about some guy with the same name as you!" She grinned as she twirled the stick she was holding in her hands that was a part of the costume. "It's totally cool, but anyways. How has your day been, not that I really care, but still. Did anything interesting happen? I mean I just got back from killing Antonio, you know, that priest who was raping the children. He was an asshole." She frowned and looked around, knowing that no one was really listening to the rambling of a whore.

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